(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

Good to hear that u are coping well alone, even have time to come on net now!
I am considering gg back to my mil place every am and stay over until my husband return from his work after my confinement.. At least have mil to help take care of my bb when i get worn out.

At how many weeks old did u let ur bb drink gripe water? My gal seems to suffer from colic as well.. Sometimes just cry for no reason and my aunt wants to feed her gripe water but i tot that she's still quite young so i told my aunt not to give her. Just use ruyi oil doesnt realli seem to help lei.

My gal also have the same pbm, drink too fast and sometimes get choked.. My milk also dripping once she unlatched.. So funni huh?! When i tried expressing, i onli got a miserable amt.. Seems that when bb latch on, we will get better ss huh?!

yah lor.. i also get grouchy recently... Deprived of sleep and hubbi's attention.. Hahaha.. My hubby has been workin over the weekends from 8am till late nite, dun even have time for me and bb.. By the time he is home, i was totally worn out having to feed my gal almost every 1.5hrs interval! Dun even have energy to talk to him and he's out for work by the time i woke up this am.. Haiz..

I bathed and wash hair once on the 14th day. After that i wanted to bathe then my mum and aunties keep naggin at me, tell me nt to be stubborn..cannot bathe and wash hair, etc.. And she ordered my aunt nt to let me bathe and wash hair until my gal full month. In the meanwhile i am onli allowed to towel-wipe with white rice wine.. I almost go crazy from all their naggings and DONTs! Think i will have post-natal blues if i see and hear their naggins everydae.

My gal getting quite cranky nowadays.. Everytime she cries, we will quickly carry her cos i am afraid that she will have too much wind in her stomach.. She will stop when someone carry her.. Once we put her back to bed, she started cryin again. She will also cry after she wakes up from her feed and i must latch her on again and she will suck until she falls alseep.. This continues over the nite lei.. She seems to take my breasts as pacificer lei.. BF is def nt easy. Sometimes i feel so frustrated that she keeps crying for milk that i wanted to give her all the EBM instead of latching her on! Now i just lay on my side and feed her in the nite.. If she wants to suck, she gotto come and search for the nipples on her own.. I will just leave her to suck as long and as much as she wants lor..

My gal still suffering from jaundice too.. Nt too sure if its due to BF. I will send my gal to polyclinic to check her jaundice level tomorrow. That time she was admitted for 2 days when her level was 15.9. After the phototherapy, her level dropped to 7. But now she seems very yellow again.. Haiz.. Hopefully her liver is functionin well..

Hi mummies,
Have u all heard/read about the Glenn Doman flash cards? When do u think is the best time to start the GD flash cards huh?
Hi Shane,
Thanks. Life has been busy and tiring. I am only sleeping 4-5 hours each day. If my baby sleeps during the day, at least I still get some sleep, or else I will have to carry her. She always want me to be around or to carry her when she is awake, perhaps she hates to be alone.

How are you? I don't have time to go through the archive but read a few postings. I realise all mummies face the same thing... breastfeeding blues, worry over baby's jaundice/poo/milk intake/colic. I learn to take things easy which can be hard at times.

Re: pumping
The amount that I can pump is very erratic. I usually can pump the most in the morning if my girl sleeps through the nite. However, I was told recently that allowing the breasts to engorge for too long will reduce milk supply. But if I pump and my girl wakes up for milk, I will not have any for her...
Warming up EBM takes time and my girl is not very patient.

Re: jaundice
My girl has jaundice for a long time too, she also had a few blood tests and it was concluded to be breastmilk jaundice. She finally recovers when she is around 6 wks old. So mummies, don't worry too much, they will get well on their own if it is not due to liver problem. I have a friend whose baby only recovers at 10 wks.

Baby can only take gripe water when they are one month old.
Re : Jaundice

my bb had jaundice from the 2nd day when we left the hospital and worse after 1 week when we went back to see the PD (it was 188). my CL & I became vv discpline and sun her in the morning for about 15 mins for abt 2 weeks. There is also a chinese herb, more like dried flower sort, where we boiled in water and use it to bath her for afew days. she recover well there after. can try the "dried flower" which can be brought from the chinese medical hall.
Hi Cherry,
I tried the chinese herb. In fact, we bathe her for a few weeks but still no sign of recovery. I was worried sick because I thought jaundice should be gone by 2 weeks, never thought it can drag for so long.
The tummy massage taught by my mum is from both waist to navel. She said she did it for us when we were young. So i also try it on my girl. Sometimes it works, she poos after that.

don't pe fu me. You sure can do it also if situation occurs. For us, no one else can help take care. So die die cannot handle also must make it hehe.

actually i dont know whether i empty my breasts during pumping. Because after 5-10 mins of pumping, i'll get around 150ml - 160ml and it seems no milk jetting out (i once tried 20 mins also at the supply). So i stop. Then i carry my girl if she wants to suckle for comfort and i can see milk at her mouth. So i think breasts will receive signal when bb is latched to start producing milk.

Are u experiencing 'bigger' engorgement now that milk supply establish? I find my nursing bras a bit tight with the cups and went to buy one cup size bigger yesterday. With engorgement already quite painful, somemore with undersized bra cups. really like some bust model advertisement haha..

i feel my let-down is like a gushing sensation coming up the breast from the chest. I'll feel tingling at the nipples which i think is milk coming out.

at first my hubby say strictly no dogs in the room after bb give birth. After that, he also cant be bother because i feel sad when i hear my elder dog whining outside. My younger one sleeps outside because he'll pee at wrong places and also he belongs to my hubby who trains him to sleep outside from young. My elder one no discipline because train by me. hehe. very spoilt. nothing change much for them just that they dont get their usual walks outside daily. Small dogs are ok, they just need attention. Bigger dogs then must really let them exercise. I tried giving them kibbles during pregnancy but they rejected. Anyway steaming doesn't take too much effort. so i just continue with the daily diet.

can try giving gripe water but very little. I mix lesser than one teaspoon with water.

My CL say can give gripe water after one month. My girl also got ru yi oil on her. I realise something also. Don't put too much ru yi oil because it's quite hot on baby and that's y sometime they cry loudly. Last time i don't know i put a lot then my mum saw and told me the right way. Nowadays i rub the oil on my palm and dap lightly on her tummy. Baby sure got wind if they bottle feed, the oil cannot expel all out. When my girl doesn't poo or fart enough by late afternoon, that's it, i know she'll get cranky in the evening.

if your boy is drinking at 3-4 hour interval, then very unlikely will ask for milk within shorter intervals at evening unless he poos. Maybe he cries to indicate his tummy pain, cannot burp, wants a cuddle or just want to suckle for comfort? Initially i also keep feeding my girl whenever she cries at evening, until she puke out all and feel so uncomfortable. Nowadays i make sure her intervals is at least 2hrs if she didn't poo. Or else when she puke, the difficult one is me.

i let her drink gripe water once a day after one month. But i don't give everyday because i find this gripe water very sweet.

i start washing my hair from 3rd day. And was every alternate day. I told my hubby if he dont let me wash hair or bathe, i'll have post natal blues..hahah
don't be too discouraged by the amt pumped out. usually i get to pump about the same amount of milk as you do, to get the bottle fill up more than 50 ml is only first thing in the morning. nowadays, i only pump when bb's feeding on another breast because it keep dripping, quite sayang to waste the milk, so i usually get 1oz (30ml). like many said, machines can't replace bb suckling, sometimes i have to switch sides because bb complaining not enuff for one side.
At most, we will bottle her with EBM if exhausted both breasts, which we found out that when bb is bottle-fed, bb sleeps longer :D

wow, at least you reach 110ml for both breast, mine had not reach the 90 ml mark yet; probably because bb's still young, so no violent complains from the little one yet as we still have BM to supp her when exhausted.

you are not alone, recently, my bb also crying regardless fed, changed, burped. sometimes it is the security bb's looking for, which we eventually wrapped her up like bo-pia and sooth her with songs or place on chest for her to hear our heartbeats.

not sure about eating snowpea/califlower/cabbage that cause wind to breastfed babies. have been 'secretly' eating snowpea and vegetables recently too, cooked by mum.

sb level is consider high, but they have guidelines to compare with in respect to age (in number of days old the bb is). my bb's was 200-300+ when admitted to hospital when she was 3 days old. now because she's 2+ weeks old, padae request for further blood test to check if her liver is alright or whether if it is the food i'm taking that cause it to be so high.
In worst case scenario, i will be forced to stop bm altogether.

oh yes, i feel i might had post-natal blues due listening to the naggings (at selected occasions, usually starts at the moment i sees my mil from the peeping eye of the door), this don't do, that don't eat, then no suggestion of what can be done, what can be eaten, because of that, sometimes i only get 2 meals a day!
hello mummies,
RE: Tummy
How long does our tummy will shrink back to pre-preg shape? Any exercise recommend? I was told BF will helps to shrink.. but a week already, still the same..

RE: Burping method
Yesterday my friend told me a method to burp the BB instead of padding his back. She said hold the BB back facing you, hand hold his chin, and another hand support his back, lean forward abit, and do a slow slow clock-wise motion 5 times and then anti-clock-wise. I tried and I can heard more burps from my BB and he seems better. Anyone tried that method before, heard she said her friend learn from Singapore nurse.

RE: Plain water
I was told by Peditrician that no water should given to my BB who has slight jandice. she just ask me to keep BF and keep him from dehydrated.
Did your peditrician also said that to you?

RE: Jandice
I cut down alot on ginger and fresh papaya and sunbath my boy approx 5-10mins everyday. His jandice seems to improve, will have to wait to see the peditrician end this week to see whether its gone. Is it once jandice okay, it won't come back again?

RE: Increase of bleeding
I realise my period bleeding increase after I regular express out my milk, I need to change my pad almost every 3 hrs. Occasionally I have small clots. Is that normal for a 10th day?
plain water: my padae actually told me to make bb drink more water to flush bb's system inside and hopefully this way, the jaundice will go down. but my bb usually refuses to drink water (prefer milk instead), so, can't really tell how true is his words.

increase of bleeding: for me yes, bleeding increase after expressing milk. whenever my bleeding taper off, i will get 'flushes' the next time i check, and still do and today's 20th day. (wow, didn't realise time has passed so quickly, bb's almost full month liao)
my pd told mi..if i suspect tt my bb's jaundice is BM jaundice..then i shd stopped giving my bb BM for 2 days..n these 2 days,just pumped out the milk..

actually i oso dunno leh..sometimes,my boy can sleep for 3 to 4 hrs then wake up for milk..then other times,he will cry for milk almost every 2 hrs n if i'm breastfeeding him,he will cry for milk in less than 2 hrs..

then hor,last nite dunno wats wrong with him..usu he will sleep in the evening..but last nite,he keeps wanting pple to carry then he will fall asleep in our arms..n when we put him down,he will cry..n this goes on till abt 1 plus am..so tiring ah....

sorry hor,i forgot wats the purpose of giving gripe water..isit to expel wind??
my boy fart quite often..but i realised tt he usu oni poo once a day n usu in the early morning like 4 or 5 am..then yesterday he finally poos n alot cos he did not poo for one day liao..

i read in book tt it is better to avoid cabbage n broccoli when BF cos it may cause colic in bbs..

u are not alone..my boy oso seems to be treating mi as a pacifier..n the funni thing is tt he dun realli noes how to suck pacifier leh..

n whenever he crys vv loudly n till the point where i cant handle him,i will offer him my breasts..sighez..dunno wat can calm him if i stop BF..

any idea how to increase milk supply?i find tt my supply seems to be dropping leh....
I also tried the chinese herbs but my gal still havin jaundice. Maybe its BM jaundice.. I will bring her to polyclinic later to have her sb level check again.

BM jaundice can take very long to recover. My niece suffer from BM jaundice until she is 2 months old!

Realli envy u, can pump so much within 10-15 mins. I can onli get abt 80ml. :-(

I told my aunt nt to give my gal gripe water until she is 1 mth old.. My mil told me to give bb 1 teaspoon of gripe water directly then feed her plain water if i dun want my gal to get addicted to the sweet water. Sounds like a good idea huh?!

Wah ur bb's sb level so high arh?! My PD said that 200 is considered critical. If its realli BM jaundice, then the sb level can hit so high meh? Have u been taking lots of ginger?? Was told that consumption of ginger is the cause of BM jaundice. So got to cut down on ginger intake.

I also take 2 meals a day but in between meals i drink lots of milo, brown rice water and red date tea. If i get hungry, i will take some biscuits. You must also do likewise. Don't starve urself, k?!

I also let my gal drink lots of plain water thou she hates it.. She might be suffering from BM jaundice so must let her drink more water. Different PD give different advice, prob due to different school of thoughts. My PD also encourage drinking water after feeds but nt to supplement water with feeds.
I think BM jaundice is quite common. As long as the level is nt critical, we can still BF lah. So u supplement ur bb with FM during these 2 days.

My gal also cries for milk every 2 hrs interval. I have to keep feeding and she just doze off after 5 mins of sucking. Once i put her down she started crying for milk again. So must realli let her suckle until she is in deep sleep then i can put her down.. It's realli damn tiring! How i wish my hubby also have breast milk then he can feed instead! Hahahaha...

I am also at a lost when my gal starts crying and screaming.. Sometimes i realli feel like crying together with her! I also keep offering my breasts to her when she cry. Looks like we are in the same predicament. Hahaha..
Morning gals,
Finally my confinement is over ! Had bb's full mth celebration last nite. Food was gd and portion just rite. Very tired from the entertaining tho' Glad that it's all over. Now i look forward to enjoying my bb without the constraints of confinement. Hope things will get better.

did u try to latch bb on as often as possible ? latching on is the best way to increase suppy. together with pumping, it should be able to stimulate your breast to produce more milk.

not as noisy huh, gd. then i'll get tt if my ss establishes. i also don't know how let down feels like. I can feel tingling sensation (as described by LV) at my nips but not sure is tt let down or not.

I guess bb at their young age like to comfort suckle for security. Maybe u can try to teach him to use the pacifier ?

I'm coping. Now that confinement is over, hope things get better and i'm less depressed and grouchy

Like u said, all of us gg thru the same things, coping with BF, handling bb, sleep deprived, etc. I only managed 3-4 hrs sleep every nite. very siong. Almost want to break down liow. My bb also the same, likes to be carried and wakes up when i put her down. sigh. When my mum goes back to wk and i'm on my own, hope i can manage things fine.

agree that warming up EBM takes up time. so i try to warm up the milk slightly before her feeding time. if she doesn't wake up, then i'll just con't to keep the milk warm till she does.
ya in the beginning i also feel my dogs so poor thing, can't sleep with us in the room. We also stop them from coming into our rm. But nowadays, the rules lax abit liow, my dog come him i'll just let him walk ard, look ard and explore. After awhile i'll ask him to go out.

Your dogs v smart. cooked food of cos better. my younger dog very greedy so no prob with switching to all kinds of food. anyway it's gd to feed the homecooked food, it beats hvg kibbles. I find it hard to prepare their meals so they'll just have to make do on kibbles. But i buy them the premium brands so less preservatives and do give them homecook food once in awhile.

normal to have increase in bleeding after expressing milk or latching bb. when we bf, it actually helps our uterus to contract hence expelling all the 'remains' in it.
same......think on sat,i was asking my hubby if he can BF our boy or not..hehe...

ya lor..sometimes realli at wits end..so offer breast to him..due to this..my supply seems to be run out during the nite..cos he suck finished all the milk liao..hahaha...

congrats!!!ur confinement over liao.....
so are u taking care of ur bb alone?? my bb's 1st mth is this wk..then when my confinement lady leaves next wk,i will be alone..dunno if i can cope or not..

was telling my hubby..later i cry with bb..hehe...
i think my mil will come everyday when i'm alone with bb..hope tt she dun add to my stress..

btw,any idea when our supply will be established?

tell u something hor..whenever we offer bottle or pacifier to our boy..it seems like we are offering poison to him..he will keeps shaking his head..n make alot of noises..n crying till face red red...so funni...
i'm also using the clockwise method to burp my girl. Taught by MAH nurses.

don't worry. it's prob a phase to go through. Once my girl got cranky from 8pm to 2am. I was devastated and at one point in time i even put her on the bed and watch her crying. I think they just want attention and also wants to suckle for comfort but yet gets frustrated because got latch on properly. Nowadays babies very darlings, gets frustrated easily.

i think the gripe water is to reduce tummy pain and discomfort. My girl drinks a little. I mix with water but she'll drink only half (10-15ml).

once your ss establish, u also will get around this amount or even more.

Direct feeding of gripe water sounds good. Maybe i'll try it next time.
finally confinement over. Congrats!

when relatives or friends come to my house, my dogs will bark like crazy. Then they will be surprised to see my girl sleeping. They'd say dogs so noisy. Many people esp my mum discourage me from keeping dogs now that i've baby. Anyway, i believe that whatever u introduce the baby from young, they'll get used to it. My dogs barking somewhat has become a lullaby to her.
burping method: tried the method you described... it works! bb even smiles after burping!

my original padae encourages me on bf, so, she says if only worse case then have to stop, else keep bf. and on top of that, if i stop giving bb bm, then, my mil have her ways liao on feeding bb with fm and then i will not be able to latch on again.

but @ polyclinics, they tend to give me different padae when my original one is not around, so, that's why, have different sets of instructions.

i'm guessing is because comsumption of ginger too as they cooked like at least one piece of ginger per meal for first 2 days when i'm home (which is bb's day 2 and day 3), that's why since doc @ hosp told me about it, i stopped altogether. after which had came down quite a lot, now is like 179, but we are trying to figure what other things that cause it not to go lower than 170. Can sesame oil be another cuprit? mil have been feeding me with lotsa sesame oil & black fungas! and she's still blaming my mother for putting rock sugar into my red date tea (she believes rock sugar cause jaundice)

i will usually take biscuits/milo when i'm hungry and no one have the mood to cook, just that have to do secretly because biscuits are one of the forbidden item from mil (to her almost everything cannot eat except chicken, pork, sesame oil, eggs, black fungas & rice.) i cook pasta for myself also get 'scolded'.

;) hope you are enjoying the post confinement period. i'm looking forward to mine too soon.
ya lor..initially when he gets cranky during evening time,i realli feel like leaving him on the bed n let him cry..but at the same time afraid tt there will be wind if he crys too long..

now i noe tt he usu will get cranky during this time..hence i'm more or less prepared liao..

thanks,..i will go n get the gripe water for him to drink when he reaches one mth..

btw,how u get so much supply one??by pumping?
i agree with you, it is good to introduce baby from young on pet dogs or surrounding noises, else it will be quite a chore to always trying to sooth baby for every single sound.

nowadays, always having fireworks & hi-speed jets (NDP), my bb slept thru all of them as if nothing happens... still recalled when the helicopter flew past for the first time, bb cried and have to sooth her back to sleep.
thks ...
I'll be on my own from tomorrow. Today my mum still ard. hope i can cope :p
fast hor, ur confinement also ending soon.

it's said that our milk ss will established btn 6-8weeks.

so happy u know hee hee ... but my ss still the same ley. sigh very stressful. 1 mth liow ley.

ya when i got preggie, many pple also ask me wat i'm gg to do with my dogs. I always reply nothing. Life as per normal. Can't just give away cos got bb. so unfair to the dogs. my bb still get startled when the dogs bark. don't know y ley. i thot she should be familiar with the sound already since been hearing inside womb. hopefully in time to come she'll be santisied with the sound. now i still got to ask my dogs to quieten down whenever they bark.

definitely feel much better now that confinement is over but still struggling with my ss prob. Direct bf seems ok but when i pump, can't pump much out. sigh. so always can't catch up with bb if i want to feed EBM.

re burping method
so far understand wat anns describe but can someone explain wat clockwise and anti clockwise ? is it the pating of the back in this manner ?
clockwise and anti-clockwise is the movement of the BB's body. but must support his back and chin.
oh serrich,
re flash cards
i also did think of flashing but not now. i think too young and also very poor thing, hvn't enjoy anything must 'study' liow hee hee... maybe will start when she's abt 3mths or so.
yr confinement over liao? so fast? time flies man. congrats.

so u r on yr own for taking care of baby? last few days my bb has been waking every hourly at nite. dh n i taking turns to carry her. really shiong man.

selling my medela mini pump at $120.00. (incl storage bag n 4 bots). use only one month and still in good condition. warranty till year end.
anyone interested?
there's once i watch my girl cry on the bed and just 'ignore' her and secretly watch her. Then after one or two minutes, she fell asleep! Can u imgaine how attention seeking these babies are.

ya, my supply is through pumping. everytime if i drink soups with beans or nuts, that night will have engorgement

my friend's baby will wake up at the slightest noise. So when people visit her house, everyone must talk softly if not the baby will cry.

fast already. after one month, ss will increase very fast.

the burping for me is move the baby's head clockwise/anti-clockwise after patting her back for a while.
Congras, ur confinement finally over! I still have 2 more weeks to suffer. Worst, my mum and aunt say confinement should be 40 days so i must have confinement food and nt touch water until 40 days later.. Anyway, they are nt here to monitor me after tat so who cares.. Hahaha...

The burping method that Anns recommended is so effective? Must try it out later..

Hopefully our bb will put an end to their crankiness soon. Sometimes i also suspect that my gal keeps crying cos of the wind in her stomach so she wants someone to carry her for comfort.. How i wish i can read my gals' mind!
Nt too sure abt sesame oil and black fungus.. I just know that sesame oil is very heaty.. So far, i have never taken black fungus lei. I think 179 still ok lah.. So long as its below 200, it should be quite safe to continue BF.
Biscuits also cannot eat meh? So far, I only take Julie plain butter crackers.

I intend to start flashin cards to my gal when she is 1 mth old lei.. Actually 1 day onli need to flash 5 cards, 3x a day so not too bad lah.. When i go back to work, i doubt will have time to flash so many times liao.. So for a start, just try to catch her interest first lor.
BM jaundice really take a long time to recover. At first I thought my baby is the only one having it but now I realise a lot of babies have it. Paed told me to give baby more water too but my girl hates it. She will struggle and scream and yell in protest. There was once she even stood up.

Great that your confinement is over. It is a great feeling right? During confinement, time was so slow but now that I am taking care of my girl on my own, time passes very fast. It takes time to learn to manage on your own, don't give yourself too much pressure.

I don't warm EBM in advance because my girl doesn't have a fixed feeding schedule. If I wake her up for feeding, she will take forever to finish the milk. I rather wait for her to cry for milk although that make me rather anxious when warming up the EBM.

Re: Burping
My girl doesn't burp a lot, usually just one big burp. I will stop patting her when I hear the burp which is usually within a minute. I read that some mummies burp babies for 10 mins. Am I under-burping my baby?
hi gals...
anyone interested in bumper playmat...


the some of the design might not be avaiable...
i'm try to consolid the order... currently form a childcare centre have most of the design... i will be picking my mat on fri... need to know if anyone interest to see if we have more order can get discount...
confirm no further discount... only 10 left... if u interested do let me know coz if u r buying from them directly is 149..

but u can also get from motherwork at tanglin n greatworld at 139 but design is limited
Babies nowadays are veri clever. Know how to reject plain water at such early stage! My gal already spitting out water when we first bottlefed her when she was 4 days old!

Will let u know tomorrow!
ya lor..my confinement ending soon...n i will alone with bb too....abit scared..still dunno how to bathe him..

my ss oso still the same leh...so sian..wonder when will reach the 100ml mark..

isit?? hmm..did not realised tt..cos whenever my boy cries,he cries vv loudly like he is being frightened leh..so i'm worried tt if i leave him to cry,he will become dan xiao when grow up..

btw,how to support the back when doing the clockwise n antiwise clockwise?sorry hor,abit blur..u mean it is the bb movement?i thot is using our hands to do clockwise n anticlockwise in circular movements behind bb's back??

hehe..mi too.......so far i oso oni ate julie butter crackers n drank milo
that's probably why, usually i will try to get back to the preferred padae/doc. sigh, see how the blood test goes (required about 2 weeks to know the results).

actually same for me esp on my left side; direct feeding ok, but pumping it out is strangely miserable, i usually get to store milk pumped from right side.

the burping method sometimes works. anyway, it is good to know another way of burping.

yah loh, if i'm not wrong, black fungus might be some self-invented/derived recipe by mil herself. some visiors even my aunt bought bisuits for me when they visit, personally i feel nothing wrong eating biscuits. probably mil just forbidding for the sake of nagging, which she always does.

wow burping for 10 mins? i do not have that patience... anyway, for me, i usually burp her for less than 1 min, if no burp, i just have to put her down, which sometimes bb burped herself in the process.
my girl takes as long as 15min to burp. Yesterday i've burped her but 2 hours later she actually puke all like a merlion! I was so sad whenever i see her puked as she looks very uncomfortable.

avent manual pump:
just now i assemble the pump and try using it so as not to wake my girl up in the room with electric pump. also want to retrain myself to use it so that i can bring out the pump to use when i'm outside. Can't possibly assemble the whole ameda pump when out. I really salute those who are using it. I pump until hands so 'suan' only get 100ml and it took me 20mins somemore. but 2hrs prior to that i did pump out 160ml already. but then again, it's really TIRING with manual pump.
black fungus supposed to help in "clearing" our lochia....i ate tt quite often during the 1st 2 wks of confinement..

wow..u use manual pump oso can get so much milk..so envy....
btw,it took u how long before u can get so much milk?then will ur girl still gets hungry easily?

ask u hor..if i just fed my boy..then 1 or 2 hr later,will i still hve supply for him?
my girl very 'xiao jie' one. If i overfed her, she'll puke. So i'll just let her cry for feed. sometime can be 2 hours sometime can be 4 hours later. she takes around 80ml to 100ml. I'll pump 100ml per bottle if she can't finish, no choice i throw.

My supply establish around week 5 after delivery. i drink one cup of magnolia fresh milk daily and 1 or 2 3-in-1 milos also.

Actually my usual pump intervals is 4 to 6 hours. but just want to try out the manual pump so pump 2 hours after last pumping but very very tired with my hands. so i think 1 or 2 hours will replenish the supply. After i pump with the manual one my girl wakes up so i latch her on, i can still feel let down once. so try to latch or pump after 2 hours to increase supply if u want because milk has 'replenished'
but then the breasts still feel soft,hence i thot the nilk has not realli replenish..

do u drink alot of fluids?i find tt i get thirsty vv easily n has to replenish with lotsa of fluid..

i supposed if bb is not full,he will still cry for milk right?
i find tt my boy always fell asleep while we are feeding him..isit normal??
<font color="0000ff">serrich</font>
My confinement also lasted for 40days but my mum didn't stop me from washing hands using tap water. 2 weeks very fast one...soon it will be over!! When your confinement over, most prob I will be staring wk liao!

<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
Drinking fresh milk will increase ss too?? Good to know that coz I am staring to drink that now!

<font color="0000ff">forgetmenot</font>
My boy also cried v loudly suddenly while sleeping like being frighten or having bad dreams. I try not to carry him immediately, most of the time he will stop crying after few seconds &amp; get back to sleep.
I also realised that milk is replenished after 2hrs but mine is quite little only 50-60ml more! After latching, I only managed to pump excess of 200ml for storage per day!

<font color="119911">Milk Storage</font>
Btw, what qty of milk shld we freeze per bag? Which brand of milk bags are you gals using? I just bot a box of Gerber milk bags, rather exp $23+ for 25 bags!

<font color="119911">Burping</font>
I only burp my boy for 10mins, if he doesn't burp then I will put him dwn. Sometimes after feeding he is already sound asleep so in order not to disturb his sleep I didn't burp him at all! Hope I'm not causing him discomfort for not burping him properly!
my girl also always fall asleep during feeds. quite normal. But i still wake her up to burp her. unless i lie down to BF, i wont wake her to burp her then.

after BF will feel thirsty, but i dont think i drink enough fluid. healthy level must be 8 cups per day right? I dont think i drink that much. confinement drink a lot yes. but now not much time to sit down and think of drinking water unless super thirsty

i think fresh milk does increase ss. if not, it's also healthier as whatever we eat, it sort of pass to baby the good nutrients.

i'm also using gerber bags. it's cheaper than medela. but it's better to store BM than bottle liners. I store around 100ml in each frozen ebm. if by the time my girl needs more, then i'll just add fresh ebm to it.
we tried letting him cry n see if he will stop crying or not..but in the end he croes even louder leh..

wow,aft latching,u still manage to pump 200ml excess ah??wonder will i ever gt this amt or not.

then when ur gal falls asleep,does she still finish her milk?my boy will not finish his when he falls asleep...
If i am not wrong, what anns meant was to move bb's body clockwise and anticlockwise 5 times each. It's like swirling ur bb around while supporting his neck and back in a sitting position.. Anns, am i right??

Wah i realli peifu u.. U bring the manual pump out?! Use manual pump still can get so much milk arh?! U must be a natural milk producer. If u have too much milk to spare, can learn from Zoe Tay, use the excess milk to wash face.. :)

When i see some rashes on Sherilyn's face, i very tempted to apply some bm on her face and experiment if it will get better.. But i also afraid that it might get worse so dun dare to try lei..

My sil passed me some Avent milk bags for storage lei.. So far I am still storing my EBM in glass bottles that I got from GEH so havent tried those milk bags yet. Didnt u get free glass bottles from the nursery before u discharge? When are u gg back to work?

I was still thinking that we could all meet up for shopping, chit chat, etc after my confinement... :)
hmm...how to move his body in clockwise n anti-clockwise movement??sorry hor,i abit slow..cant realli visualise leh..

better dun apply anything on Sherilyn's face..u monitor her rashes,does her rashes come n go?for eg,today has abit of rashes then tomolo,the rashes are gone liao

my boy oso has some rashes on his face..but his rashes come n go one..so now i asked my confinement lady to use cetaphil to wash his face n body,n i can see great improvement..

ur meeting up,includes mi or not??hehe..

when will ur confinement be over??
sometimes when she sleeps she's still drinking but very very slowly. but sometimes she will not suck anymore.

I don't have so much like her lah. She's DD cup i'm only D. apply BM on face? will get milk rash or not? Everytime when my girl finish drinking BM or EBM, i'll sure wipe the milk stain off the mouth.
Hi all, I've just finished confinemt!! CL went back last night,&amp; I cried buckets!!

Was terrified of thought of being alone w bb, managing &amp; then thought of that psycho mum in US who killed children cos of depression. I told hb, that I'll maybe spend large part of the day w mama shop aunty downstairs!!

Then today, so far so good! Thought I had great idea to bathe bb while she's semi awake. BIG MISTAKE!! sigh... this mummy never think at all! as a result, bb cried and cried, and I got pee and poo all over me!!

Thank God everything's ok so far. now thinkingnabt my lunch!

I'm thinking of permanently feeding bb EBM, &amp; giving her the real thing for comfort suck. But not sure if it's ok for ss. Any one knows?
Shane, ur 1 month bash was fruitful? I got plenty gifts and angpows
/it's really worth the while!
ask u.. did u get gold bracelet and anklet for ur girl?

veri obiang, esp with the bell. grandma must wear! sigh... I told her later when older. dunno can push till when!!

I'm now super motivaed to exercise, if i hhave the time. frens and relatives all said I must!! super direct!!
200ml is for the entire day is actually very little liao. Like LV &amp; Milly, each session can pump 100ml plus. I pumped early morning &amp; late night. or when I feed him EBM then I will pump out the milk for storage.

U r right, started to drink milk hoping to enhance quality of milk! Bottle liners? is it those Avent ones...that comes in 100pcs per box?

Those glass bottles is those FM izzit? They gave 3 bot to me but I dun have sealing disc so haven started using.
Ya, gg back to wk early Aug...actually plan to take 3mths so I can still BF bb. Dunno if I can sustain BF after gg back to wk.

Dun be too stress...initially when I was left alone to take care of bb..i also cried. Slowly I get use to it...
As for bathing bb, I tried waking him to bath, he'll cry for a while but when I put him in the tub he stopped crying! Did you talk to your gal when you bath her?

Adora, thanks... i talked to her, sang. But I think I was too kan cheong... Was alone, skies darkening, wind blowing, and then she pee, she poo... i think she knew mummy was not at her best!

btw, when u pump, does milk come gushing out like river? Since I bought electric Medela, it's faster, but comes out in droplets leh.. like primitive method of collecting rainwater!
