(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

Shane, I wanted to ask that same question.

I get this tingling sensation at nipple area towards entire breast. a bit itchy like feeling after BFing. not sure if that's letdown, or sore nipple.

When I feed BB, I just time her. As long as she's suckling, not sleeping. I'll leave her latched on for 20-30min. I know should latch on till let down. But since dunno what let down is, I do the timing method. sigh... I know not right... please help.

When I EBM, she's satisfied with abt 90ml. haha..can't imagine 90ml of milk in that breast!

BTW, thank God my bb's false measles are gone! It's really a 2-3 day event. Thanks for all your concern!

Now bb is growing well, and pooing and peeing well. Doc said just be concerned abt that!
I think it was written somewhere in the instruction that the pump shld only b sterilised once a day. I do it every morning, rest of the time I just wash n rinse with hot water.

Yes, I am taking care of bb alone...now that my mum still comes to cook for me but until 40th day she won't liao. I am now concern how to settle my lunch...cooking might b a prob if bb dun sleep. I might cater for my meals.

Good to hear that your bb is ok now! I normally let bb suckle for 20mins on each breast or stop when I noe he is not getting any milk. He will fuss n moves a lot when he can't get milk out...so I will switch breast or stop if he has enuf.
I'm getting a bit concerned about my bb leh. He only latch on for abt 5-10 mins, and only sometimes at most 15 mins and he'll drift away to sleep. And I don't get to feed him on the other breast. He could continue sleeping 4 hours straight without feeling hungry... During that latching, I got no idea how much he's drinking.. He's almost 2 weeks old now.. At birth, my bb is already on the smallish side. So I'm even more concerned when he refuse to drink when the feeding time is up. Usually I wait for him to cry or awake. Is he drinking enough?
i also have the tingling feeling ard the nipple area but not sure if it's let down also or not.

i also use to do the timing method but bb will cry even after 40mins (both breast). i read that should let bb decide when bb has enuf. so now when she falls asleep then i dislatch her but if she fusses somemore after that, i'll con't to latch her again. So far i feel she wants to be latched on the entire day ! sigh....

Good to hear that Nicole is well ! such a relief for you all.

ok, then i'll just stick to wat i'm doing. But expressing really quite troublesome also. Latching seems easier but tiring when bb wants to latch n latch n latch ....

I can totally imagine when i have to handle my bb alone. I think i got no time to do anything at all. Don't think got time to eat also...

don't worry. since u mentioned u got gd ss of BM, it could be ur bb is satisfied after that 5-10mins as the flow is gd. another thing is as long as ur bb is hvg abt 6-8 wet nappies everyday, he's getting enuf. don't worry too much. bbs are smart, they wouldn't let themselve starve.

if u are tired, then dun pump. Pump when u are refreshed. Dun stress urself over pumping as long as bb is feeding well directly.
Hi Mckee, i am Oct MTB... i was looking through this forum and happened to see your posting on your malay massage. I am very interested, i took down the ctc. posted by you, however what is the name of the indonesian lady? How long in advance shld i call and book her?
Thanks alot!
shane is right, bb r very smart, they won't sleep well if they r not full. So dun worry! As long as he pee n poo, shld b ok!

U shld b happy as his interval is 4hrs, mine demand for milk every 2hrs if i latch.

I start latching bb during daytime now, see if this helps to increase ss. I'm feeding him every 2hrs so really did nothing but feeding him & playing w him.
Ok thks...
ya think i should lay off my pumping, giving me stress and low morale. But hor, just now i tried to pump while nursing bb on one side. my 'productive' side gave me abt 70ml. i was so happy. so another thing i learned, don't bother to pump after a feed, can't get much.

tt's a gd start. really no time to do other things hor. they just want to latch and latch and latch. sigh. like my little gal. fed her at 8+, then 9+ cry again. then i latch her, she suckle for awhile then fall asleep. sigh... really don't know wat she wants. give pacifier also don't work. she prefers the breast. *headache*

for those who are BF, if bring bb out then how ? must nurse outside ? If got nursing rm is ok but for my case, i think i got to stay inside the nursing rm for a very long time ! I think if i want to enjoy my outing, need to bring FM milk out. EBM can't last rite ? How to tpt EBM ard if 1 2 do that ? Very stress when bb cry outside.

don't worry about hindmilk reach our babies or not. The moment we give them BM, they are already receiving the best. My mom was surprised with my determination with BF (she did not BF me) she told me to continue until baby 2 years old! a bit long i think

i went GP once for her flu and GP also said 80ml is good enough esp when it's BM.

night time i also gave her EBM so that she can drink faster. if not she'll go on and on suckling but near to dawn,i'll latch her because that time i too tired to get out of bed hehe..
my girl also likes to suckle for comfort to sleep.

i wash with the pigeon liquid soap and pour hot water over it and drain it after a while. After that i'll keep it for the next use.

initially i also feel very sian going out. so i prepared FM but FM also cool off when outside. then me and my hubby thought of an idea. We bought a cooler bag to put EBM inside (with 2 ice packs) and we put in his car a milk warmer (philips brand can use car battery to operate) so when we need to feed baby can straight away heat EBM from the cooler bag (it's still cold after 3 hours). If it's inside a shopping centre, then ask or buy hot water to heat the EBM if too troublesome to go back to car and heat the milk with warmer. But of coz the best solution is direct BF. but that means lesser shopping time!
i sterilise the pump after every use. instruction manual of my pump does not indicate frequency of serilising.

so far (when outside), i'm always look for nursing room first. if can't find and bb's hungry, we will either feed her with EBM (if any) or water first. If all resorts run out, will go back to van to feed her, had fed her twice before on the move on vechile, with a blanket covering her & breast.
i have same problem as yours, latch on for 5 to 15 minutes and went back to sleep. but sometimes after 10 minutes of sleep, she will wake up and wail for more milk or diaper change. sometimes i'm still have to feed for 3 to 4 times within an hour!

i have problem waking up bb to feed, have to wait for bb to wake up instead. though i'm not so worry of baby not drinking enuff, i find it very difficult to keep track of the feeding times and ended up very tired during or after feeding her.
Morning while changing diapers had a shock... baby's navel had a blot of dried blood! cleaned the dried blood, the inside of the navel still have some blood... anyone encounter this before... will probably check with padae later when visitng her.
Hi All,
I have an open pack of drypers (s) size 64pcs, adding 4 pcs of Pampers Babydry (s0 size selling at $8
Collection can be arranged.
Pls PM me.
Hi gals,
can join in ur conversation too?? my bb was on 28 jun..n he is 2wks old now..
i oso encounter the same BF problems as u gals tt i nearly wanted to give up liao..

n to make things worse,dunno y i cant seem to pump out any milk using either electric n manual one..but bb seems to be ok when latch one..
but then he will always fall asleep on one breast..n i oso find it difficult to wake him up to feed on the other breasts..

n my bb usu can latched on one breast for at least half an hr..n then 1 hr later,he can still cry..

ur bb oso hve those rashes like same pimples on her face?? do u find tt sometimes,it will go away n appear on other area of the body?
anyway,i find tt using cetaphil for bathing and washing face does helps in reducing the rashes..
u can try it out..
re sterilising pump
my method same with LV.

Jane, i find it very troublesome to sterilise after every use.
what method of sterilising are you using ? My is the Avent steam steriliser.

re the dried blood. don't panick. have ur bb cord drop off ? if hvn't it's normal, my bb also have some dried blood when her cord hvn't drop off. But if ur bb cord drop already then still got blood, better check with PD.

re going out
so far i hvn't had any outing yet. only went out for awhile yday and had to prepared so many things. i also prepared FM and put in hot water in a flask to keep warm, then who knows bb cry but the milk was too hot, so must wait for it to cool down. was so stressed cos bb kept crying. in the end, nurse her while waiting for milk to cool down.

i also got think of cooler bag. how much did u get urs ? ex or not ? that means must carry the cooler bag everywhere ah... sigh, with bb, life really changes man... got to bring so many things. But your idea is gd. I hv a hot water flask, so i can warm up the milk with hot water.

Btw, do u have many backup of EBM ? Till now i can only manage 1 bottle and tt's for her nite feed when i take a rest. I find it's gg to be hard to build up my EBM from the way my ss goes.

Now i try to take it ez and not focus too much on TBF. Been feeling quite depressed lately. Will feed her some FM if she cries for more after every nursing session. Now i try to pump when i nurse her, feel that i can get more this way.
of cos you're welcome !

BF is not ez but do try to perserve. Everyday i think of giving up but i just tell myself to try and try. Just too bad that i'm not one of those with abundant milk ss, will just have to struggle along.

Why don't u try to pump while u nurse ? I find that the let down of milk is easier that way. so far i can get more milk out then normal pumping.
during normal pumping i also get nothing. very disheartening one.

most bb fall asleep at the breast. mine also. i try to wake her up by tapping her, stroke her cheeks, change diaper, unwrap her. But if all these don't woke, i'll just put her down and let her sleep. normally she'll wake up very shortly cos she likes to be carried then i'll con't to nurse her but if i feel really tired or sien already, then i'll just give her FM. I decided to take a step back and relax, was thinking, maybe i give myself too much stress, hence my ss is low as well.

i read in a book that the time u take to nurse is counted in the intervals of feedings. that means for e.g. u nurse for 30mins, then bb wakes up 1 hr later, ur feeding interval is 1.5hrs which is abt the normal feeding interval for babies on BF (2-3hrs). After I understood this, i came to terms with y bb always cry so fast.
For me, my bb can nurse for 1 hr then sleep for abt 1/2 hr or 1 hr then cry again. so tt's 2hr interval for me. so the break is abt 1hr only. tiring rite. sigh.

for the moment, my bb rashes are only on the face. doesn't appear anywhere else after getting better ley. what i notice is that if she is hot, then the rashes appear redder and sometimes after i clean her, looks less red or when in air con rm also less rm. I hope they'll go away soon. i dare not use anything on her face ley cos she so young.
Yah, I oso have trouble trying to keep track ofthe feeding time. Nowadays, I just wake him up when feeding time is up. He'll usually latch on quite easily after that... My bb will latch for 5-10 mins.. then drift off to sleep for another 3-4 hours before he's hungry again...

Have ur bb's umbilical cord dropped off? Mine after 2 weeks still haven't dropped off leh... Today, I noticed a smell coming from his navel... When I wiped with the alcohol swab, there's a bit of blood and yellowish mucus... Is this an infection? Anyone encountered this?

bf is the toughest thing most of us encounter now. my bb also like yours; will fall asleep within mins of bf'g. i need to latch her on for at least 45mins to an hour before she is satisfied; yet after an hour or so she is hungry again. my bb is coming to full month this thurs.

like what shane said, must perserve. my intention is to stop bf'g once my cl goes home (which is 2 more weeks); then i would have at least bf bb for 6 weeks. i drink the green papaya with fish bone soup twice and my ss seems to be geting slight better.

on loachia discharge..
my discharge tappered to yellowish which is suppose to mean ending soon but this morning i saw some bright red bloody discharge again. anyon of you have the same experience?
Hello Gals,

Can I join in and chat too?
My baby boy was born on 24 June and I had problems latching him on during the two night stay at hospital. I've no milk and he will scream loudly after suckling for merely less than a minute. Massage with warm towel also don't helps.
After discharge, I'm on whole day & night shift looking after him (except for bathing). I was worn out and I fed him direct with FM. Few days later, I tried to offer my breast to him but he refuse. I've no engorgement and when I tried to use the electric pump ... there is no milk ...

Does this means that I've no milk and no need to try to start pumping again ...? Is there any way I can get milk supply?????

Help .......
cord should drop off 7-10 days after birth. do sound like there's an infection to me, the yellowish mucus should be pus, better check with PD.

u really gg to stop after 6 weeks ah. since u're doing ok now, y not con't. i really wish to just give up also...but telling myself not to. wonder how long i'll last ...
almost all of us have similar problem. try to latch bb on as frequently as possible at the begining even if it is for less than 5 mins. the suckling will help with your milk flow. i standby with fm whenever i let my bb suckle during the first few weeks. there after milk supply was still miserable at 10ml or 20ml after an hour of expressing.
but now there is slight improvement in the ss. it takes afew days for milk ss to be establish. so don't give up yet. but also don't stress yourselve too much becos it will affect your ss.
6weeks is my target. there after i will try for a few days after my cl goes home and see how. if it gets too difficult i will express as much as possible and stop. hey you don't give up yet leh. my ss also improve only after the 3rd week. my cl told me that she has seen cases where mummy has not much milk until after full month
RE Breastfeeding:

I face the same situation as some of u. At certain times of the day, baby latches on for half an hour on one side, fell asleep. 5 mins later, big poo, after changing diapers, cry for food again. So latch on another 5-10 mins or so, fall asleep. At certain times of the day, i have to latch him on and off several times for 2 hours until he's satisfied. That's why I also find it hard to keep track of his feeding timings. Recently, he sleeps more (3-4hrs) after 12am, wake up for a feed (half hour) and during the mid day 10am to 12pm wakes up for feeding frenzy and another series of feeding frenzy in the evening 9pm to 12am. V v v tiring.....

RE Rashes on face:

My baby has rashes on his face too. What I read is that this is nettle rash. It comes and goes, nothing much we can do. My MIL has been using the juice of white flower (Mo4 Li4 Hua1) on the rashes, it seems to work well. He constantly gets rashes on other parts of his face. But I'm not too worried. Mayb u can try cleaning his face with wet cotton wool after each nursing session.

RE Umbilical cord discharge:

My baby had some dried blood clot in his navel after his cord stump dropped off. Some days it was dried blood, some days a bit bloody. I use cotton wool dabbed with cord spirit to clean his navel. After a few days (around 4-5 days), his navel is completely clean. So not to worry if anyone of u face such situation. Unless navel or cord stump area has yellowish pus discharge, a sign of infection.

RE Loachia discharge:

I face the same situation as Cherry. I thought my discharge has ended, only to discover a few days later, I have bright red blood stains. Even though I'm nearing the end of confinement, it's still safer to wear a pad.

RE Transporting EBM:

I pack EBM (2 bottles) in a small cooler bag with 2 ice packs for going out which lasted 4 hours, along with a thermo flask of hot water to warm EBM. I haven't tried venturing outside with baby longer than 4 hrs. I do foresee alot of inconvenience, but haven't figure out how to. Breastfeeding in public? Baby and I not ready yet. He relatches several times during a feed, sometimes will struggle alot and me slouching over him. So not a decent sight!

for sterilising i think pouring boiled hot water over it is good enough. my friend doesnt have steriliser, she just boiled all bottles once a day and after that just wash and dry with cool tap water for the rest of the feeds. Her baby is still very strong and healthy, now 1 year old already. I'm using avent steriliser. I sterilise all bottles and teats twice a day, day and night. the rest of it i also just normal wash with pigeon liquid.

The cooler bag I bought is not those bulky squarish one. It's like those small flat cosmetic bag or handbag. i bought it at kiddy palace last week (after june 20% discount is over!) for $39.90. i got the discount card so further 10%. so when i go out i can hang at the stroller or if not just hook on my hand. last time i bring freshly warmed EBM out in those avent cooler bag(lousy) in the end, less than 1 hour, cold already. I feed her she also don't want. Maybe not nice anymore. My girl is like me, must eat food that's hot hot. I can't take food that's cold especially soup.

I've 4 frozen EBM and 5 EBM in lower fridge. (between 80ml to 100ml) I'm now a bit scared that the frozen EBM is not fresh. the oldest pack was 2nd july. I scared wait i store so much then in the end still must throw. The other day i put too many EBM in lower fridge and baby can't consume within 48 hours. so i throw one bottle away. Anyway I've bought milk storage bags to store the EBM. i might keep frozen EBM for only 1.5months even though books say 3 months.

You just continue pumping, sure will improve supply. You are better than me, i latch my girl not more than 3 times a day (for full feed) . So with latching, your breast will get the signal to supply.

is already like 2 weeks after u give birth. If your milk is not coming in, y not u pay a visit to the lactation consultant at the hospital u give birth? They help u and massge your breast. The first day at hospital, the lact. consultant came in massage my breast, got colostrum straight away i feed my baby. but my milk comes in one week after i give birth.
RE Sterilising bottles:

Like what LV mentioned, I use the 'old' method, seems to work well for baby. I place all bottles, teats, and pump funnel into a tall pot. Pour hot water into pot and leave it covered the whole day. If I'm expressing milk, I will wash pump funnel and bottle with tap water (I lazy to even use detergent) and scrub with bottle brush. Then place it back into the pot of hot water. Even when the water in the pot has cooled off, I will continue to do so. I will only change water and add in new hot water late at night.

LV, such a waste u throw away EBM. If baby din consume EBM (placed in lower fridge) for less than 48 hrs, I will transfer into milk bags and freeze them. I dunno when I'll get to use frozen EBM, but good to keep just in case. When do u do expressing?
Hello LV/ cherry,

Thank you for your reply.
I had visited lactation consultant at the hospital I gave birth a week ago and she told me to continue to pump every 3 hours even though no milk. I've been doing that for a week and still no milk coming out and BB refuse to latch on even for a mintue.

My Hb just commented yesterday that I've wasted $$ investing on nursing pads, clothes, bras and the electric pump. Made me feel like a lousy mum
Beanbox, dun b disheartened. Your milk supply will come in. I have little milk on the unfavourite breast (due to short nipple< hard to latch baby so seldom latch on that side)so i latch him on the good side and pump every feeding. Nevermind if there isn't much, I've to squeeze my breast while pumping to get milk trickle out. I tried to latch him many times on his unfavourite side, he refused many times. However, I push on and now he can suckle on that side too.
Gals, what brand of diapers is cheap and good? I've used Pampers Newborn, v good fit. Currently, using Pampers baby Dry Small size. Ever since I used that, baby has huge poo that it leaked out of his diaper. This happened 3 times! Fainted!
my confinement ending soon ley, this weekend. sorta resigned to fate already. it's such a struggle. I'll try to con't on for as long as i can. Now just take one day at a time. You too, try ur best but most imptly do watever that makes you happy. Better than being depressed.

I feel depressed these few days. Don't know why. Sometimes i feel i hvn't bonded with my bb yet and not used to this new lifestyle. sigh.

ok. anyway i think no need so clean also, can let bb build up immunity system.

the bag sounds nice. thks for the info. will keep in mind once i achieve my EBM storage.

Not bad ley, u got some alot of EBM ley. Like wat cookie said, y not u freeze those in the fridge if they are not consumed on that day. Then take down the frozen one to thaw for the next day feed. Then ur supply is always 'fresh'. I wonder when then i can build up my EBM sigh.

I just got dishearted again. I BF bb at 11am, then just now at 1230pm cried for milk, gave FM. Then at 1.30pm when i was pumping, cry again for milk !!! Gave her my precious bottle of EBM plus watever i hv pumped. sigh. there goes... need to work hard to collect somemore. very sien....

I wonder if my breasts really get the signal or not. I've been trying my best to latch but somehow i don't see any significant increase in ss.
Nursing rooms:
Taka nursing room has hot water for u to make FM or heat up BM. but if u r heating up BM, must have a mug or container to contain the hot water.

can place cold EBM back to freezer if not consume wthin r 48 hours? i think the other thread someone said cannot leh as it will spoil the EBM. For expressing, i do it when baby is asleep. every 3 hourly, i'll feel breast full but not engorgement. but i'll express only 4 hourly if not time can up to 6 hours. but everytime i express can have 2 feeds for her. this morning i express 200ml (100ml each side).

I'm using mamy poko and pampers baby dry (not very good, edges a bit rough) mammy poko is ok, absorb a lot. i think pampers cotton care also not bad. I was using the newborn last month.
to kick start ur supply, u must latch your baby always. If you're hardworking, latch and pump even better. But nothing beats latching one baby.
Latching is not ez to master also esp when bb fuss. Like LV advised, u can go to Lact con for advise.

wow, ur bb can sleep 3-4hrs after a feed. my bb cannot. tt can only be achieved if we feed her FM. If BF, very very fast, she'll start crying for milk already.

i got no prob with latching bb on. Once latched, bb quite ok. the only prob i have is the inconvenience of BF in public and also the lenght of the feeding session. My bb can stay on the breast for a looong time, by the time she's done, i think all mood for more shopping ard is dampened liow.
re diapers,
i've used pampers baby dry, nepia, mamy poko and drypers. All ok except for drypers, the quality really not as gd as the rest. Nepia is comparable to pampers, soft and cottony. Mammy poko also not too bad, can't comment much cos only used a few pcs.
i tot of it before. put fresh EBM as frozen and thaw the older ones. But I tink like that my girl will always not be drinking the new stocks. So i just leave it. worse come to worse, really must throw. but like yesterday i brought her to mum's place and brought 3 frozen EBM there and i go shopping. feeding could never be easier this way with storing of frozen EBM. the frozen EBM finally were used. if not it really froze up there and no demand for it.
u can express 100ml per side! so gd... so far the best i got was 70ml from the 'productive' side and 40ml from the 'lazy' side. sigh. can nvr hv enuf for bb...
that's y i want to stock up on EBM. at least can go out and no need to stressed. I can give FM also lah. But i trying to go on TBM but seems so impossible for me. If i can't achieve it before i go back to work. Then i think I'll just give up.
My bb's cord stump has dropped but still has some dried blood. Initially I even found dried blood on this shirt...PD said is normal, just clean off will do.

You only latch 3x &amp; you can get ample ss, even manage to store extra. I have 3 bottles in the lower fridge, haven started storing in deep freezing yet.

Your ss not too bad wat, can get 70ml from one side. If I pump at night, can only get 50ml from one n the other 30ml. If pump early morning, total can only get 100ml for 30 mins.

I think if you continue to pump or latch, your milk will surely come. Try to drink more fluid, hot soup, milo etc.

Hey I think most of us face similar problems. My bb also likes to fall asleep during his feed. This morning both of us fell asleep while feeding, my nipple slip out from his mouth so I carried him n burp him. He seems ok so I put him dwn to sleep, after a while he wakes up crying so has to latch again. This happen few times just for the morning feed...from 8am to 11.00am. After that I was so tired, made him FM &amp; he has been sleeping since 12.30pm. *phew*

Do you gals get hungry very easily?? I have been eating tea break n supper...scare put on weight. But if I dun eat, afraid not enuf milk for bb..

Baby Bonus
Have u gals submitted your application yet? Did any of u open POSB acc for your child? I was wondering for 1st child, do we need to open the Children Development Account?

Opps heard bb crying...got to go...Feeding Time!!
same lor..seems like our bbs have the same pattern..cos bb wakes up quite often..i'm always vv tired..
then my CL wanted to give mi chicken essence..but i'm afraid i cant sleep if i drink it..

ask u hor,if u give her formula,how much did u make for her??

my boy quite funni one..sometimes aft BF him for a while,he will sleep..n can sleep for 2 to 3 hrs..but most of the times,will wake up vv fast for milk..

did u use hot towel n massage before each feed?i'm doing it everytime..hence find it tiring to do tt..

ya lor..the rashes will be less when in aircon rm..my boy oso hve rashes on the face..for example..today some will appear,then the next day,it will disappear..

i used cetaphil,n it works..even the pricked rashes on his arms n back oso gone liao..

is normal to feel depressed..i feel depressed too......i feel tt i'm useless..esp when bb keeps crying..n i dunno y he crys..
sometimes aft feeding him liao,he will crys aft a while..

how u cope u BFing at nite?
at least u hve 2 more wks to go...i'm still counting down.....
did u give any formula to ur bb?

my bb's umbilical cord has dropped off liao..i find tt the cord area will be abit smelly one..
most impt of all,when the cord dropped off,u hve to keep the area dry..if not will hve infection

for mi,i get vv thirsty easily.....like my fluid always been draw out no matter how much i drink..
not to worry lah..i read tt one tends to get hungry easily when BF
i don't bf at night. i got my cl to feed bb with either formula or bm that i have expressed out earlier (if any that is). hence, in a typical day, my bb drinks at least fm for 2-3 feeds. i need a lot of sleep :p hence i thot since i hv a cl helping, i get her to do the night feed while i sleep thru. Normally, i wake up around 7am and will latch bb on. thereafter i will continue with expressing every 4hrly. last express would be around 10pm.

it is usual to feel depress. i felt so for the first few weeks especially when i couldn't latch bb on or produce more than 10ml of milk. i took every word people said (esp my mil) in offence. i cried several times as well which make me feel worst and vv much exhausted. it took awhile for me to straight out (or many for the hormones to straight out). i still feel vv sian every time when i need to express milk. now i will express for 15mins and continue if i feel like it or stop if i am not in the mood.

i drink chicken essence every morning and my cl make some tonic soup for nights before i sleep. i think it helps to recharge our tired bodies. i also have a small amount of dom before i sleep. maybe you can try. or ask your cl, usually they have vv good advice.

to get bb bonus must submit application form? i thot my friends said it is automatic that govt will give you $ after about 3mths?
tt's e first time i get so much. hope it keeps up lor.

i do get hungry just before meals time. i'll normally wait for the meal time to come or munch on a fruit. i still hv 10kg to lose sigh n it doesn't seem to be gg down. don't know how man ...

i hvn't submitted the bb bonus form. din open posb ac 4 bb yrt aswell. i think the child dev ac only applicable 4 2nd child onswards rite?

i normally make 90ml 4 her. sometimes she finish all, sometimes got leftover.

no i nvr use hot towel 2 massage (lazy :p) but i got massage (sometimes when i fl like it) with hands b4 expressing.

re chicken essence
is it really gd 2 drink it ? my mum warm a bot 4 me once n i hated e taste of it :p

re depression
ya, think it's the hormones wrecking havoc.
re bb bonus, must submit form. mcys will send u e necessary. hv u rec'd it ? u nd to let them know the a/c to deposit the $ into.
baby bonus:
i got it quite fast-2weeks after i submit the form.

i latch pnly 3 times the most and also express. guess they r all stimulation to keep the supply going. as long as u got spare/ standby in fridge good enuf already.

my girl now 6 weeks old. during 1st month all her nite feeds are fm. i rem when my girl 4 weeks i express only like 50ml per side. initially my girl also got irregular feeding time like 1-2 hours must feed so all the BM never seem enuf. but as she grows, the interval is more regular that way my supply also slowly can meet demand. if i keep on latching i find myself expressing nothing n also very tired. my mum said i very cruel don't let her suckle direct but drink ebm. haha
hi shane...
i also get hungry before meal time...
u should try to drink chicken essence.. cos i find that after drinking at least got more 'jing shen'.. tiring to look after bb..
RE Diapers:

Thanks for all yr suggestions. I'm more daring to invest in more brands now. Poohy, I heard q alot of gd comments abt Nepia. W give a try. Like wat LV says, Pampers Babydry not so good. W give Pampers Cotton Care a try.

RE Frozen EBM:

LV, I read this article, it says abt freezing refrigerated BM not more than 48hrs.

<center><table border=1><tr><td>
Guidlines for Storing EBM
Guidelines for Storing Expressed Breast Milk.doc (21.0 k)</td></tr></table></center>
<center><table border=1><tr><td>
Storing Expressed Milk.doc (20.5 k)</td></tr></table></center>

U really have a v good supply, can express 100ml from each side!

RE Postnatal Blues:

Shane, same here. I'm worried abt how to cope after my confinement all on my own. W end this weekend too. I also haven't really bonded with baby, even tho I breastfeed him. Like doing my duties like that. I always refrain from carrying him, cuz scared to spoil him, later give me problems. And v fearful of him crying 5-10mins after a feed.

I heard from my frens, it's ok for baby to latch baby on several times within a few hrs period. That's what some place I read called cluster feeding, esp common among newborns. However, if u feel it's too tiring to latch her on several times in a row, then do wat is best for u - give FM. Dun stress yourself out.

My baby can only sleep 3-4hrs in the wee hours of morning like from 12am to 3.30am. At other times of the day, he has to be fed 1 to 2 hrly. Sometimes, he'll go into frenzy feeding like latching several times in a period of 3 hrs. V v tiring. For BF, baby digests milk v fast so has to be fed v frequently, different from FM.

Today I suffered from craked nipple. I just got hubby to get me nipple shield, small size for use later. Really hope it'll work.

Cherry, I had been upset too for the past few weeks abt breastfeeding. So many doubts, hard to latch, sore and cracked nipples, short nipple on one side, leaky breasts, discomfort from fullness, have to feed baby all the time at certain times of the day, exhaustion from pumping 3 hrly day n night etc - alot of things I do dunno if i'm on the right track for BF. That was my main cause for postnatal blues. And now, I'm still perservering with BF.

RE Hungry after BF:

Adora, I get hungry and thirsty too after each feeding session. After each session, I'll drink a concoction my MIL and mom prepare for me (red dates &amp; black beans soup) and eat crackers or cookies. We have to hydrate and fill our tummies, if not how to have enough nutrients for bf.
thanks for sharing the guidelines! it helps me to understand better.

no lar, i don't always express 100ml each side. That's only today in the morning. The rest of the day I express about 120 to 160ml from both sides.

Initally, i also failed with BF. i told my hubby no milk. He's was angry with me and said I didn't put in effort. I was so upset when he said that. Don't have means don't have what to do. But just now when i freeze the BM, he asked me why want to freeze. I told him if not then throw away because our girl sure cannot finish within 48 hours if i put lower fridge. Then he said so troublesome. I think men just don't know what we are going through. think we are like cow, sure got milk annytime. If don't express more then supply drop or gone how. I just find it so funny

when did your bb start to have longer sleeping interval ? can u roughly rem when ur ss start to increase ? after 1 mth as well ?

I really don't know when to slot in time to pump. like just now latch her on for 1 hr but she still cry, try to pacify her but cannot, in the end make FM, 90ml but she only drink 30ml then don't want already ! sigh. really don't know wat she wants. then needs to be carried then want to sleep. i carry till so tired then pass to hubby already. give up. supposed to pump but no mood to pump liow.

man will nvr understand wat we gg thru' lor. After giving birth, i really feel being woman not ez. everything falls on our shoulder. now we got to work also.

really will help ah, ok i'll try to try to drink it
the taste not nice lah.

thks for the articles, they're useful.

same lor, don't really feel a bond ley. BF just like a duty. sigh. my bb already spoilt, needs to be carried. sigh. my mum keep carrying her. cry only carry. if bb cry abit longer, she'll always come in and ask why cry why cry, when i hear that i get very fed up. If i know why she cry, she wouldn't be crying liow. After that, my mum will carry her to pacify her. sigh.

I think u doing better at BF than me ley. more committed. i already give in to FM. sometime when i sup with FM i feel guilty, like not trying my best. but i really feel very sien sometimes.
