(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

<font color="0000ff">Fitted Waterproof Mattress Protector</font>
Last week went Robinsons Sale and bought the waterproof protector. They are having 20% sale till 20 April.

prob no maid for the time being until both kids are older to tell me things accurately. Because my biggest concern is trusting maid with kids without supervision.

re:weight at delivery
When i had delivered K, i was 64kg during then and she's 3.25kg at birth. For Jr, i was 67kg but he's smaller at 3.13kg delivered at 38weeks. i cant imagine if I delivered jr at 40weeks, will i hit a new high of my weight record.

if my hb gets the overseas posting, i may consider taking no-pay leave during the time he's away to be a sahm again. His overseas allowance should be good enough to cover my cost for not working. now i think about childcare arrangement when i go back to work, i have headache. And dunno y since yesterday, K again had a fever. Later going to see PD again. sigh..
wat brand u get for protector? The same as mine? Queen size?

U r a veri dedicated mummy. I salute to yr bravery. Hang in there ya.
wah...ur A2 SO BIG liao!!!
last time still SMALL SMALL baby during Xmas...wahahahahahahahahaha

NO lor...
Sky seldom request to be carry after mei mei is out...
The onli trime I will need to carry him is when he woke up..
and he is SUPER cranky after he woke up... mei mei is super smilely lor!!!
But then hor..I will carry him to go pee..then to sofa and dump him there...
and mei mei will crawl behind crying and demanding me to carry her...as she jeoleous lor

Quality wise...GOOD..
better than ON lor
me also from robinson during sales. Brand Kingkoll. Yrs ex or not. Is it like fitted sheet?

I prefer ON quality over TCP lei. I find TCP veri thin for some tees. heehee
just got back from gymboree and a walk around Vivo. I think I'm very kei kiang. Now having slight contractions. So far it's about 15min apart. I think it may be false labour... (actually, I'm hoping it's false labour!) I wanna take a bath again, and only go in hospital after 12mn. So I'm now slowly making my way to the bathroom, take a warm bath.
Then I'll go lie down, rest a bit.

I'll bring my laptop in, hopefully can do what bbrooster did before!

Will update again, just before I leave my house!
how long is ur hub overseas posting ? u cannot go with him ? think i cannot bear to be away from hubby for so long. I'll miss him and then get fed up and blame him for not being around

hee hee.... hope to hear ur live update. U and bbrooster really giving us excitement. Let's see if the gal or boy arrives first hee hee...
take care and keep us updated!

u got go walk walk or not. maybe like mckee, walk walk liow then will initiate the process hee...
<font color="0000ff">mckee</font>
WOW!!! I feel so excited for you!! Think this time is real. Must update and give us breaking news alright.

<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
I walked since Friday. And I walk to get my own breakfast and lunch. Then dinner also go to my in-law house instead of hb tingkat back.

I also mop the floor today. No signs of labour leh. Gosh I am feeling very very heavy. My legs like cannot support my weight anymore. Have to rest then walk again.
I'm still here! after good bath, face mask, scrub.

Contractions now about an hour apart. Watching gameshow "smarter than a 5th grader" to totally relax. I REALLY don't want to go in before 12mn! My cost will go up!!!! so now relax and relax and relax
<font color="0000ff">mckee</font>
I think even if you go in at 2330 they will charge you next day rate. My sis that time check in Mt A before 12mn they charge her next day rate.

But it seems the contractions is getting further apart. Like the other day I was in the hospital from 2 mins apart to zero contractions 9 hours later.
no leh. i checked w hospital admin,and they said 12mn. with N2, i went in at 10-11pm, was charged current day!!
so lugi. had to stay one more night and that's it! so no choice, extended one more day. waste $$, cos he came out a good 6 hrs later. i think it's cos my pain threshold is quite low.
wow mckee, you v Cool...feeling excited for u. contractions still can do face mask. btw the night before i deliver C I was still chatting with friends at 12am.. I was describing to her my pain &amp; wonder if it is real contractions.

Btw I am not any cooking talent ok...u read carefully those instructions extracted from website....i am only gd in surfing.
<font color="0000ff">mckee</font>
Half an hour to midnight. No need to rugi liao.

<font color="0000ff">Sally</font>
The Snowdown fitted waterproof protector is like our fitted sheet bedsheet. It wrap all the way down. I bought it at $89.90 before discount. I didn't go around to compare price. I just told the salesgirl what I wanted and she got it for me. Saw another one more expensive. Is it ex? How much you bought yours?
<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
According to her it will not be hot. The plastic material is actually very thin and the top is towel material.
aiyo so excited.

so same as yrs, fitted like bedsheet type. Top also same n bottom. Not hot at all. Mine is S$99 less 30% that time sales.

Should have shown u mine just now. Aiya forget. heehee
<font color="ff6000">Glayz</font>
Sky really so cute... a set of FIVE cars! Hahaha. I really couldn't help laughing when I read that. So how? Did you buy that for him? So now he is crazy about cars and not buses? Hee.
I've popped! At 1.55 a.m., 2 pushes. N3 is 2.765kg.
Full details on blog!

Sorry can't put the whole birth story here. Hb confiscated my laptop. Have to sleep. But loads of details in blog, video and pictures too.

I'll give you more details when I get home!

Congratulations! U r realli our role model. heehee Bb Nadine is so pretty. The delivery so fast.
Wow yr hb realli good in blogging, making the whole birth process so easy lei. heehee
U have plenty of rest! U look realli good as mommy of three.
wow Mckee
Congrats...really v garang...admitted so late! 3rd one...pop v fast lor...thank goodness u didn't deliver along the way!!

You are lucky epi was administered in time..I was told after 12am it will take longer for them to come to hosp.
congrats! I'm still amazed with the fact that you are a mummy of 3 now!!

we were just discussing of the possible plan of him posted overseas. nothing is concrete.
i dont have your blog add. u pm me can?

something sad to share:
one of my close friend's child got diagnose with childhood cancer recently. her kid around same age as all our no. 1. can't imagine the pain she has to go through with the kid. I'm so worry now cos K is still having the fever like a roller coaster. And her fever is those that will hit above 40 deg cel type. I'm thinking whether to bring her to the hospital for a full body checkup including scanning to have a thorough check.
i'm just wondering are we taking all this symptoms too lightly like nose bleed and stools with blood (always attribute it to constipation)?
Rest well.

The blog entry was very well written. Your hub really writes well.

that's so sad... no words to describe the feeling.

Oh no, u make me scared re the stools with blood thingy!
Veri sad..... u noe my cousin passed away at the age of pr 1 due to cancer, from the time of diagnosed to his death onli less than a yr, veri scary. Started with tummyache n bloated stomach. GP din discovered first. Veri depressing. Hence I veri paranoid whenever A is not well, I will think of the worst. Then will keep telling myself, dun be. But veri hard as I seen it myself. U dun think too much ya.

U tink A too skinny? Last nite, I being paranoid again, telling hb that i not comfy with A's weight n size, I find too skinny, dun noe must bring to PD or not.
don't be paranoid. Frankly, A is skinny and I do see he eats alot. But it could be he has high metabolism. Maybe he's those tall and slim kind. Just like you and hubby. All these boils down to genes.

2 of my nephews also very skinny and worse, they eat lesser and not much variety. But they're fine.

so don't be overly worried. I think as long as the child eats well, is active and happy. They should be fine. As parents, it't hard not to worry. But we just have to let life go on, what will be, will be. No one can tell what life will bring us. tio bo ?
Positive thots!!!
<font color="0000ff">Sally</font>
Don't worry unnecessarily. I think A are those that burn calories fast.

<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
Very sad to learn about your close friend's case. I hope K get well soon. Fever normally last a few days. If still don't get better by 4th day then go consult a PD. Anything suspicious they will ask you to do a blood test. I think it's just those normal viral infection. Maybe too much heaty food and didn't drink enough water.

Meantime, don't worry too much. Give her lots of fluids and sponge her frequently.

<font color="0000ff">Update</font>
Just got back from gynae. Baby is lower now. But gynae wants me to pick a date this week to go in hospital to break my waterbag. He is worried baby is too big and difficult for me to deliver. So now thinking 18th Fri or 19th Sat. And this boy is already 3.619kg.
don't worry abt the big bb. Easier to look after!
You must be feeling really big and tired. Take the extra time with Jo. You'll be ok!

thanks for all your well wishes!

I'm feeling ok, uterus really cramped up. (I dont remember it so bad last time!) Bb is a sleeping beauty, thus far. I only heard her cry in the delivery suite. Thereafer, she's been sleeping.

Those who read the blog would realise I made it in after 12mn. At 1140, when we left home, I called gynae. He also told me drive slowly. Check in after 12. So hb really drove slowly. But I was really at a cannot make it stage already (threshold very low!)

At delivery suite, nurse told me later, "You were in distress when you came in". "you cannot tahan pain right?" "If u never take epidural, i think u cannot lah"

Conclusion: I really salute all mummies who gave birth naturally, without epi!

anyway, feeling veri sleepy now. will log in again later..
<font color="0000ff">mckee</font>
I really enjoyed reading your blog and watching the video. Baby Nadine is so so cute and lovely. Your hb is very good got all the tiny details like the pair of lovely Phua Chu Kang boots.

May I know what are your side effects after your miracle jab?
CONFIRM will charge next day rate...
That time for bbshane
My gynae..BLUR lor...tell me go direct to labour ward at 10pm...to induce la
say I will spend like 3hrs in delivery ward..maybe NO room charge..but he is WRONG!!!

wah 3.6kg liao har...
wah ur feet MUST be really sore.... wahhahahahahahahaha

Tang Ling
ya lor...a SET!!!
he is crazy abt anything with wheels la...
But think ONLI have this set he saw lor...
tot he will buy aeroplane...but..haiz.... ya bought for him la...
If I try to CUT corner and onli buy 1 car for him..he will cry down robinson lor

CONGRATS sia....
I used to have ur blog addy..think it was saved under my ex coy pc...
can I have it AGAIN???
hello... Mckee... Congratulations... so you have a Do Re Mi liao...hehehe..

very sad to hear this kind of news on young children... and ever since I became a mother... feel even more for the parents and kids who suffer.. therefore like what Sally says... also very paronoid and knows cannot take chances with those seemingly harmless flu etc... so everyone take care of yourselves... so you can take care of your little ones...

CONGRATS!!! cant believe you are a mother of 3 liao..hehe..will there be a no. 4 coming? preferably a boy..
then u will hve 2 boys n 2 girls..so nice and the sexes of the 2 are balanced..

so good...sky will not ask u to carry..
btw..u really buy 5 cars for him ah?hehehe
soon will be ur turn. 18th april ? will be 18.04.08 - alot of 8s! very prosperous hee hee... =P

even with epi, i already salute u to have 3 kids! hee hee... take care and rest well.

<font color="ff6000">Mckee</font>
CONGRATS!!!! Still trying to let the fact that you are mother of 3 sink in. Kekeke.

You get some good rest.
