(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

<font color="0000ff">Lv</font>
wow u are 1 solid Mother! Look forward to see the holiday pics in ur blog. Have a good rest man.

<font color="ff0000">Tangling</font>
I posted the 2 noisy tods kids in Ashley blog liao. hahahaha. Have a look when u free.
Btw I think I got afew qns to ask u again, will ask u when u online again. -__-

<font color="0000ff">Supermommy LV</font>
Welcome back!!!! Thought how come you disappeared. Must tell yourself, "I can do it and I did it!"
talking about contingency plans when either me or kids fall sick.....today i went to fetch the maid from the agency cos i deposited her there while we went on holidays. She machiam came from a hunger and punishment camp. complaint about all the bad things in the hostel and getting punishment and all over there. best of all, her HP kenna confiscated there. O-BI-GOOD! When we took dinner together with my mum just now, she said she's very hungry and ate more than her usual pathetic amount because she always on her weight loss programme. my mum talked to her and thought she's very poor thing then in front of her, pulled me aside and told me to continue to keep her.
Actually i didn't share about this, she's leaving end of this month on her own accord. She asked for a transfer quoting that she's bored with her current lifestyle!? anyway i won't give in just because of a few crocodiles tears.
think my mum had forgotten how angry we were when we found out k mentioned about her beating her even tho it's still a mystery unsolved. i dont want to end up in the end i'm the one crying from greater disaster caused by her.
so conclusion, no contingency plans. it's me and me alone. hubby was still discussing about plans of overseas posting for few months to a year. i told him to go ahead.

when u brought R to TW, he was younger. every month makes a difference in their behaviour. So it's easier to control them now. one stare and she'll know i'm not happy now.

president of super/solid mommy should go to Glayz.
she's my motivation to bring myself to do it. I'm always amazed at her independence. an invisible pillar of strength that keeps me going because Glayz has shown us all the time how it can be done.
Glayz, i can join u as a fan in your super mummy club now
actually i still feel lousy as a mum because i sort of shortchange the junior with lots of things that i used to do with K and as for K i also stopped a lot of usual activities with her. if i handle both of them together, most likely i'm only able to cover the basic necessities like food and bath.
i think i really need more time to adjust and slowly incorporate back some constructive quality time. Otherwise, half the time, I'm always shouting at K and reprimanding her for her NON-STOP mischievous acts.
alamak...me is NOT by choice lor....
and me not really a super mum la...
Actually me feel very sore whenever I see hb very free..so will just dump the 2 at him....
Like this morning..dump the 2 at him while I do my housework in peace... (errr...Sky still sleeping la..and mei mei is the wakey one....)
alamak..forget to bring the rubbish out to throw... can hear mei mei playing NOW
ok got to go... luandry DONE

and also... I haben got the chance to bring them aboard myself leh..... *hint hint the msn tok..*
huh ? what yesterday ?

wah, she went agency ah, not her good friend plc ? very good for her to know the 'harsher' world out there. I wouldn't take her back too. Better for her to go.

ya i think bb lying on the wrong position. take care ya.
haha.. MSN tok... going to be a big major project lor, even if just few of us. haha...

and you SURE u wanna go alone again ?! I think we'll only allow u to go with ur bring hub or another person. If not then u can only bring 1 kid =P
how are you... didi still comfortable inside...

you another super mummy.. I definitely cannot do it.

you confirm the location already ah??

bring both?? you sure bo.. ask your HB or someone else to come along lah..
Thanks for the TCP's link. I actually managed to put in my orders before i see your prompted

U wonderwoman leh..last week got T2, this week go town, where do you plan to bring the kids next week.?Must say, your kids are very "guai" too.
Did you manage to enjoy your tim sum.

Huh..wat are you gals planning to go?

Try soaking your legs in warm water so as to allow better blood circulation. I tot you did you pedi the other day...over-massaged you feet?

Glad to hear your maid is finally back. Phew!
THanks for the link...I am gg to submit...try my luck!

keke wow so u ordered from the BP liao...still tot we can group to form our own spree.

I brot him last Dec leh...if now hahah he will be even more noti...he is getting more deviant nowadays...always tell pp u dun talk I talk...u scold me I scald u.
did you type wrongly :p.. should be you scold me I scold you right?

that is wat KY says also... she will tell us not to talk while she is talking... getting very rude nowsdays
u organsie, i CAN still join u wan...there will always have something to buy.kekeke..

I'm working and checking the thread all the time. Weekends, mommies not so active so i got chance to sneak in my orders.
The girly stuffs also very nice hor..
hvn't settle location. u keen or not ? u keen then we plan together. i'm aiming for the cooler climate

we're trying to fulfill our talk at Mum's nite out! wanna join us ? hee hee.....

u sure bring both ah.... then who gg to share room with you ?! hee hee....

hey, that jap marche wannabe, the food not bad ley! i ate there. they have a small kids corner.

next time maybe we can consider going there hee hee...
Actually....ME SUPER scare to SLEEP ALONE!!!!
Ixorarred, Jaymom,
Agreed on Daiso, once step in, must buy sth out n sure big bag. heehee went today n grabbed those silicone baking cups in various sizes, egg moulds n alot of other items. heehee

wow u realli super, can still ask yr hb to go for overseas posting n u handle alone without maid with two kids.

yeh, yr maid coming back.

Yr photoshoot lah. heehee

Shokudo at Raffles City
Yes i went there twice, n food not bad. But hor, u makan there, yr clothes stinko after u step out. Like those smell from cze zha at coffeeshop.

Short Getaway
Tot we msn that time n agreed that i go survey the place first then come back n update to see which one better, the cooler or the beach. heehee
wah, u girls planning a mass trip?

wow...u r so steady!!

don't talk
ya ya....A1 is also into this now. she'll stop me from talkin or singing by saying 'mama stop' she seems to be in love with her own voice... : p
actually ME TOO!!! hahahahahhahahhahahahahahaha....

oh! keke.. i changed to tomorrow. aye, how come u knew ? jia lat, i v blur liow.

i prefer the cooling one ley. But I not sure if my hub can take leave or not. sigh.....
mei mei
my colleague said that i'm not fair. only has A1 photos in office and no A2...so did this to bring to office tomolo


Tang Ling
finally downloaded some stuff from shabby princess...need to go practise adobe photoshop first....
I also wish for a holiday sans kids too!!! but it's like mission impossible.

A2 is so cute!!! so different from the last I saw her. they really grow up fast.
<font color="ff6000">Ixorarred</font>
Hahaha. Really ah? No pic of A2 in office? Hee. The pc is for wallpaper? Do one with both A1 and A2 lah, then solves the problem of "fairness". Hehe.

Wah, but photoshop not easy to use wor. I had a hard time learning the basics of the basics. :p Have you used it before? Coincidentally, last Fri Twinklets just came to my place and I gave her a crash course of whatever I know of Photoshop. Kekeke. But did not manage to impart everything - no time. Hee.
tang ling
ya.... will do one with the both girls.. next target. this scrapbooking thing is growing on me...

only did some photoediting stuff with PS. never tried for scrapbooking. tried to do one just now and encountered problems liao.... must go and experiment... but now...got to koon liao, in preparation for mei mei numerous nite wakings... *sigh*
can i ask u for help on PS?
LV and glayz,
both of u are 2 super mummies leh..
one can bring 2 kids for holiday,
another bring 2 kids out for shopping..

really peifu peifu leh..
for mi i cant leh..cos C always wan mi to carry..then R sees i carry mei mei..will wan mi to carry too..

sky will not ask u to carry him one ah?
<font color="ff6000">Ixorarred</font>
Sure! Provided I know enough to answer your questions. Kekeke. My knowledge of PS is very limited - still exploring the software. All because I'm SO hooked on DSB. Hehe.
my maid's back! Finally got to sleep in! (but body now so conditioned, I was up at 8am!)

I just did an entry for our blog, and my hb introduced me to this program Photoscape. Anyone tried that?
It's really easy. For me, a totally not creative person, I thought my final product looked not to bad, can pass!

It's a drag and paste program. Then just pick and choose borders, and colours. But of course I think Photoshop still better, cos can do much more. Still, this photoscape is quite a good starting tool for those starting.

a step at a time I guess. The last 10 days were like going back to basics for Hb &amp; I. Could only cover the mundane too! So is this it? No maid for good?

yup had pedi. My fren who did it before delivery said it does wonders when you're pushing in the labor ward. You see pretty nails staring at you while you push.
Honestly, I don't think it helps. My toe nails were the last thing on my mind when I pushed the last times!

going for gynae check later. Dunno how it'll be, will update you guys when I'm back. My right leg is killing me!!

you there??

where are you? Everything ok?
Wow great dat your maid is back....u can relax liao...can pop anytime. Your leg swollen izzit...when I had R, my leg also swollen &amp; v pain. Take Care!

Wow u still want to buy? No problem I can start the spree anytime!! Arrr u really tempt me!!! Saw the girls Tee so sweet &amp; cheap! Have u bot from TCP before? How's their quality?

<font color="0000ff">THE CHILDREN'S PLACE SPREE</font>
Dear Ladies

Just email me your order to my yahoo acct...will place order once we are able to hit USD200 ok?
<font color="0000ff">mckee</font>
Update us when you are back alright. How's your back and leg? I don't have this problem but I have problem flipping from side to side. And sleeping on the side with one side of the hip weight weighing on the other hip is causing my pubic bone to be painful.

I've got a feeling maybe you are going to pop first. Till now I don't have any signs of popping.
I'm here ->silent reader. Now still trying to get over the shock of thai rice price increase ard 50% in USA. So fast you going to give birth N3 soon, hope you have a smooth delivery.
hope to hear good news from you soon.

Yea, I read the photoscape on ur blog and downloaded it. It's a cool software. Really ez to use. I like it. And I saw ur entry. Nice collage!

so EX ?! then how ? eat wat ?
how come got such a huge increase ?
cos u sms me mah. kekeke

wow A2 so cute n chubby, so different from christmas party tat time. Big liao. kekeke

ya must update us after yr gynae appt.
U wan an opened packet of nespray? I just opened over weekends to try, A dun wan lei. Sigh. Wasted if I throw away. Hb also said not nice, dilute, he also dun wan. U wan, u sms me ya?

TCP okie lah the quality. Can be realli thin some tees. I not realli into TCP, unless got nice slogans or sales. Still prefer gym.

Gosh, the rice price in US crazy lei.

Egg Mould
Tried out this morning! Check it out:

Think must depend on luck for the egg yolk to be in the centre. Before I mould, after peeling the egg, can see from the outside that the yolk is more to one side. heehee A is saying why the egg like star, not oval.
<font color="0000ff">ixorarred</font>
A2 is so cheerful and cute. Very bah and thick hair. I think she's fairer than Adelle but they both look alike.

Here's the instructions (extracted from web) to get the yolk in the center. Will u be going down to the shop dat sells egg mould? Can order for me?

How to boil and prepare the eggs

Boil the eggs by putting them in cold water and bringing slowly up to a boil. Once the water is boiling, take off the heat, put on a lid and leave for 8 to 10 minutes.

<font color="0000ff">It is pretty important to ensure that the egg yolk ends up in the middle of the egg, rather than leaning to one side. In order to achieve this you should roll the eggs around while the water is coming to a boil.</font> (Note that this hands-on requirement is one reason why I rarely do this in practice for everyday bentos!)

To peel the eggs cleanly, dunk them in cold water, crack the shell over, and peel carefully. Very fresh eggs are hard to peel cleanly, but you rarely get very fresh eggs at regular supermarkets.

The egg mold instrutions call for a hot egg, which is more elastic than a cold egg, but by the time you’ve peeled the egg or several eggs, your egg is probably cold. To get around this problem, I dunk the peeled eggs in a pot of hot water to warm up, before proceeding with the molding. This method also works well if you start out with storebought hardboiled ‘picnic eggs’.
thanks for the info. Wow so ma fan to do it.
The star mould from Daiso, veri worth. A pack of two (one star n one heart) S$2. I ordered the pooh mould via kai kai at Chinatown point, dun noe when will come the stock. Now they have hello kitty egg mould, but i din get cos I boi gal. heehee
I'm still here!!

Gynae said no signs of dilation... and my leg hurts because he said I sprained my leg! I'm now 71.2kg! aiyo... all that weight gain, and bb is only 2.7kg! it is very depressing...

bbrooster, it really might be you first after all. I'm praying now bb will come out in early morning. so that I can enjoy the full benefits of the hospital stay! hehe...

wah! you've hidden cooking talents in you!

N1 has been asking to go to My Gym ever since we brought her there once. aiyo.. so ex. but she likes it so much. we went twice so far, cost us $19/kid. so we decided today we'll go gymboree instead. back to $8. I hope she doesn't notice the difference!

wah! that's ex! so the chinese restaurants there must be revising their prices!
thought what happened... haven't heard from you for a while!!
<font color="0000ff">mckee</font>
How come you didn't realise you sprain your leg? Anyway, my weight gain is terrible too 70.7kg now!!! *cry and faint* I thought if I can deliver at 37 weeks I can put on lesser weight but for everyday he's in there I am gaining more weight.

Baby was 3.26kg at 37 weeks. Now maybe 3.4 or 3.5kg. *faint also*. I seeing my gynae again at noon tomorrow. Will also update further.

You should bring N1 to Atlantis at Delta Sports Complex. Also $8/hr and it's more suitable for N1's age.
<font color="0000ff">mckee</font>
yes definitely. only thing is he can't go on the big tunnel slide. but N1 will enjoy more and it's more challenging.
aiya... just checked. they close on monday!

anyway, ur bb is bigger, and ur taller than me, so lesser weight tp lose!
i think i sprained leg with carrying N2 and this EXTRA weight that my legs have to carry!
<font color="0000ff">mckee</font>
aiya....same lah hitting 20kg soon. Think I am going to put on the same weight like I put on when I was carrying Joelle.

So how your leg? Can go sinseh or not? But afraid the pulling and rubbing don't know will affect baby or not.

rice increase
My area those chinese supermarket no competition, so they rise the price like crazy. but all other nearby store OOS, so no choice have to buy from that store. well, only Thai rice increase, other type of rice stills remains the same. *sigh* but i hate long grain leh. So, bo pian has to pay that $$ to get a pack of Jasmin rice from that store.

Daytime quite difficult to come in forum to chat. At night, Hubby complaining my typing v.loud that he cannot sleep.
So can only read forum. BUT today just recv'd my "quiet" silicon keyboard,so can type at night, but my fingers quite suan after these typings. LOL
