(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

<font color="0000ff">mckee</font>
Mine is Dr Fong Yang. I heard of your Dr Fong. He's an experience gynae so experience sometimes he's a little blunt. Is he?

I am going out for dinner with hubby. But cannot decide what to eat yet.

Let me know about your massage lady and how much she charge. I have a recommended one too but I have not called her yet. I will start massage mid or end of 2nd week also. Try to do 2 sets so maybe can try 2 different masseurs.

enjoy romantic dinner!

Yup, Dr Fong is like that. He'll just shoot out his comments, not the loving kindly sort. But in that sense, he's very assuring. He'll tell you when it's really a cause of concern, and tells you off when you're worrying too much. hehe..

Okie.. will let you know abt my massage lady. Hope she's good. It's 7 sessions for $550! but each session up to 2 hours. So it better be good. I trust my friend, that's why going with this. I'll let you know when I meet her!

You have a good night!
must be careful when in the hospital because it's most dangerous place to catch virus now. try to keep baby inside your room or nursery and avoid too much pushing in and out of nursery cos there are sick patients from other floors who just go up/down and hang around the nursery to watch babies!!
Hospitals facing a problem of overcrowding and lack of beds with many cases of fever and hfmd. We were there for 3 nights and kept rejected our requests to move to single bed. so end up with 3 different neighbours over the stay. one got rotavirus, the other one also fever and diarrhoea and cough and before i left, came a 3month old baby with high fever.
oh dear.. must be so stressed for you! When I was there, it was also very crowded. All the rooms were full. I think April is harvest month for babies!
Btw, may i find out, for K's 3 nights stay, could u claim for insurance? IS it full coverage?

Reason I'm asking is with #3 now, we're considering changing our policy to something that would cover all of us at minimum price, maximum coverage (kiam ka na!) Now scouting around for best family policy. Do u mind sharing how does yours work out? Cos Mt A is private, &amp; I'm aware certain policies do not cover private hospitals.
may u have a smooth delivery!!! good luck!!!

ya... confinement month really very sian. feel hot and sweaty all the time. plus sticky coz leaking constantly! hahah

is it false measles? hope that K is ok now. wat's the cause of her fever?
A1 also had high fever for the past few days. temps reaching 40degrees. this is the first time that she had such high fever, so was really worried. we were also contemplating if we should go to the hospital but decided to do the sponging ourselves. Apapa was up for the past 2 nites to wipe her down. fever came down this afternoon, hopefully no more fever tonite. the paed said that if it's false measles, a rash will appear soon.
i'm not sure if it's false measles but it looks like it. PD said it's a viral fever.
There's no cause for it. could have caught it overseas he said.
and yes, her fever was very high. hitting 40 deg each time. the day before i brought her to the 2nd PD was because after insert supp, less than 8 hrs and fever shot up again and she was very weak and sick looking and so when PD saw her straight away say must be admitted and she was given another type of anti-biotics through the vein in her hand.
i can imagine your fear now. everytime they sleep, the fever just crept in fast and furious. when she started to talk incoherently or appear very weak, i suggest u send her to hospital cos it's a risk to let the fever go on high for too long.

i'm claiming through income. I've topped up to the highest eversince her last hospitalisation. but i'm not sure if the claims will go through smoothly. i called up my income agent and she told me my entitled ward is 1 bedded in mt A. but we were not given. Supposingly, my bill is fully covered because we bought the rider as well. but i'm not sure if they could come up with reasons to reject certain claims. I need to revert to u on this claim thing until the final billing comes and income pays up all.
But i did not pay a single cent up to now. Get a letter of guarantee from the insurance company to fax to the billing dept of hospital. in that way, it'll be settle between the hospital and the insurance co. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that they dont come back to me for any payments. if claim is smooth, i'll be the best spokesperson for H&amp;S plan.
thanks! did u see my yahoo message?

she was lethargic if the fever hit about 39deg. now that u mentioned, she did talk incoherently when the fever was very high the past 2 days. just checked her, seems ok. so keeping fingers crossed. setting alarm to check on her later.
did u separate JR from K? me also scared that she'll pass the fever to mei mei.
Pls send A in hospital, esp if fever continues tonight. My colleague's son had 40 deg fever, and like LV, with supp, the temp would drop. But less than 6 hrs, temp shoot all the way up again. They did a blood test, and concluded it's a viral fever.

K's case sounds like my colleague's son. The stress is really when the fever is so high!

no rush to get back to me on this. at least i know now income is an option to consider. ya, if the claim goes thru, you're really best spokesperson.

pls take care now..
something more to share.
i was thinking it'd be better if your hospitalisation insurance for your kids covered to the highest (private hospitals) and for the adults, go with the cheaper ones that can cover u to at least B class in govt/restructured hospital because we adults can suffer and take the pain and noise but not the kids.
or unless u know next time kids will go KKH for any emergency or stay, then u take the cheaper plan that covers A class at restructured hospital.
But do take note of some new hospitalisation rules that restrict middle and above income group people to stay in C class. so that means for adults u need to cover yourself at the appropriate ward tag to your salary bar. If i'm not wrong, next time C class is not meant for those who earn above $3k...i think so??
there's something i notice about K too before she was admitted, her skin colour turned darker which really scared me.
No, i didn't separate JR from her cos it's so difficult! she always try to get as close as possible when we try to separate as far as possible. so now i increase JR EBM feed to give more 'power' to shield virus haha
thanks for the advice. yes, will monitor her fever. paed din give the supp, gave nurofen. qn: how did u all 'insert' the supp? haven't done it b4, is it easy to do?
yup.. I'm aware. We heard the 2 schools of thought. 1. Max coverage for Adults 2. Max coerage for kids
No right or wrong. Just a matter of choice. aiya, not easy to make this choice too! Although I'm inclined to go for 3. max coverage for all!

it's times like these I wish I'm more finance/economics saavy. Both hb &amp; I are arts pple. Only know how to talk and write. Really bad when it comes to dollars and cents! So we're talking to friends, understanding from layman's terms before meeting the pros!
get A1 to lie down and bend sideways. maybe get your hb to hold her. put a bit of moisturizer if u want at the anus area. when u insert the pill, make sure it go in, once it's in, u won't see any 'tail' or back of the pill, otherwise, the kids are smart to force it out. after i inserted the pill, i always put her legs straight so she got no chance to push it out.
<font color="0000ff">ixorarred</font>
I didn't receive your yahoo msg. But don't worry I can ask my hb to drive by your place before I head to the hospital. Will sms you again tomorrow.

<font color="0000ff">mckee, LV</font>
The insurance questions and answers very informative. Please continue to share. I also want to learn more about the different types of insurance plan.
i've also heard of people disagreeing buying living policies for kids because they felt they'll never need it because they are so young. but i really think every insurance be it term or payout type is the love and care we have for the kids and the protection we want for them.

where's jaymom, she's very good with insurance topic
<font color="0000ff">ixorarred</font>
Can buy from PD and standby the suppository. It brings fever down faster than liquid medicine. I standby both low grade and high grade fever suppository cos sometimes at night very difficult to feed medicine.
actually from Monday to now, i've slept a total of less than 24 hrs. i dont know y i'm still here typing. maybe i've overworked my body to stay awake that i actually dont feel sleepy. but i do feel tired.
<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
yes, we bank in with cordblood for #2 also. can use CDAC to pay. do you call it CDAC or baby bonus? Anyway, can use that money to pay.

LV you must go and rest. Think you lost weight again these few days.

yes we have problem feeding medicine in the middle of the night too. Waking her up is impossible she will be so dead. And if vomitting still have to clean up.
wah..i never bought and H&amp;S plan for my kids....
But both me and hb had bought the aviva medishield..which cover for the kids as well...will include mei mei in after she turn 1...
thanks. she's back to her usual jumpy self. just that now there's still rashes on some parts of the body.

i also heard of this aviva shield which are free for kids if adults purchase. u check with your agent whether it covers deductibles or not because a typical 4 days stay in hospital is around $2-3k. most health insurance has a deductible amount ($2 or 3k) being payout unless it's top with a rider.
actually for JR, i had to buy healthshield from AIA cos it's the only one that covers fully in the market now. so expensive! new incomeshield policy no longer pays fully even with the rider.

this morning brought my maid out breakfast with us. I talked about preparation of her departure and suddenly she broke down and cried and said I'm very nice to her and she's sad to be leaving us.
I do think that i'm really nice to her but she doesn't know how to appreciate only. it's too late to know now right? until this very day, i hven't raise my volume at her for a single moment. whatever we eat, she gets to eat. I even told her she could watch english channel with the baby if she's bored.
actually i feel a bit sad also n thought of keeping her longer but my hubby said she's oscar winner in acting hahaha.. i mean true lar, if i'm not working, i can keep her but if i go back to work, i can't trust her with kids at home. if i put cctv to monitor her, she'll be super sensitive n unhappy also so just off for good better. I'm glad she's leaving me in good faith rather than maid horror stories of ugly departures. Hubby's colleague's maid recently stole money and got sent back but hid outside the airport gate holding area and did not board the plane. lots of trouble after that. dunno send back already or not. must check with him later.
I'm a skeptical person. So I think ur maid also really good actress! haha... If she's really appreciative, she would have known from the start and been a good worker in return.

Btw, wat is H&amp;S ?
Hi ladies
My gynae broke my waterbag at 1745. Epi was administered immediately followed by drip.

I am glad I took the miracle jab which is painless even though contractions are close. But cervix still at 3cm.

I hope bb will be born healthily at 2300.
miracle jab is really a miracle right? hehe... relax now. Don't kan cheong.

Waiting to hear the good news!
wow....live updates from bbrooster!!
jia you!! time really flies... seems like just a while ago u announced tt u r preggie and now didi is coming very very soon! good luck!
so u want after 2300 before 0000..or before 2300???
becos 2300...seem QUITE hard leh... u onli 5 cm nia... unless ur 5-10cm super fast la... (mine take hours lor...)
<font color="0000ff">bbrooster</font>
wow u can online when u in labor!! Hope ur bb will come by then. Coincidentally my sis is also in labor ward as u now. :p Just now at 9pm+ was 7cm, not sure now is how much. Hopefully both of u will get 19 Apr boys!
U at which hospital? My sis at Mt A. U? I shd be going tmr morning to visit my sis, can I visit u too if U at Mt A??
wow bbrooster,
realli LIVE update. So exciting. heehee
So can make it or not??? How many CM now? Keep on talk to didi to come out. Praying for u. Jia You.
Yes Shane, didi has arrived.

ANNOUNCING THE ARRIVAL OF BB JERRELL CHAN (3.35kg) from bbrooster. Rest will let bbrooster update herself.

CONGRATULATIONS! Good Job. U've done it. Well done gal. Rest well n take care of yourself. Will wait for the pics patiently.
u so fast. I wanted to post then you post liow.
Real happy for her.

Another new addition to our Jun thread family.

Sally, we HOW ???!!! hahahahahhaha....

Rest well. Shall look forward to meeting bbJ hee hee...
we shake hand. But recently, feel abit gian. I'm afraid of wasting time. Nowadays time pass so fast.... wait one turn eye, i old liow....

shopping online to see what to buy hee hee ....
Thank you.....so so much everyone. The moment I saw him I cried. Very relief very emotional. He looks like joelle.

He's born at 2354hrs, 3.35kg on 19 April 08.

Twinklets, I am at Mt A. I've sent you a PM.

sally n shane,
both of u dun think so much liao lah..go into action now lah..kekeke

CONGRATS once again...
welcome Jerrell to our big family
