(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

<font color="ff0000">Mckee</font>
Thanks to your hb's blog..he has captured every little detail about your birth journey, it's almost like a "LIVE" commentary.

BB Nadine looks beautiful in the pics and video...BIG CONGRATS!

<font color="0000ff">Bbrooster</font>
All eyes and ears will be fixed on you...your are next in line
18 Apr is THE day!

<font color="ff0000">LV</font>
I have the same scare as you last week.Sure hope K is felling much better by now.

The day i need to leave for overseas,hb called me just before the plane takes off that my BIL was diagnosed with HFMD. My 1st reaction was "SXXX, how in the world will an adult have contracted this!". I kept my fingers crossed that J and their BB will be spared. He spends quite a lot of time at my MIL's becos my MIL helps to take care of his BB.
My heart sank when Hb called me the next morning in the midst of my work that Jay is running a fever and his face is all flushed. The next i heard is hb rushed him to the doc and he threw up at the clinic. For that momment, i felt like a lousy mum for not been there for him...

To keep the story short, it turns out to be stomach flu and Jay recovered by the next day. I just feel very comforted that hb(although he just recovered from a flu himself) took great care of Jay and apart from my constant calls, send me sms, emails to assure me that everything is under control. We played it safe to keep Jay under watch for a few more days just to make sure no symptoms came about.

Hb was really angry that my BIL did not see a doc when he was running a temp for a few days and less than 1 week after his diagnosis, he went shopping at Giant supermarket!! Sigh, we felt that his act was so socially irresponsible!

<font color="0000ff">Bbrooster</font>
heehee..so coincidental, same day as my bosses' birthday.
I had a good pal celebrating on 13 Apr, my dad's birthday is today..it's a good month!

We can't wait to see didi's pics!
How is K now? Better?

wow didi is big. I also feel 19 a better date cos I like no 9. hahahaha

How big is N3? She looks big too.

Glad that Jay is okie. Ya I will be pissed also, esp when parents sending sick tods to school. sigh.
<font color="0000ff">Sally</font>
didi is too big. Gynae scared I cannot push him out. He wanted me to admit yesterday. How can? I was mentally not prepared. He thought I can experience it naturally but till today still no sign so no choice have to manually break waterbag and put on drip.

*cry* Inducing again. So painful can die.

My chinese customary wedding also 19-9.
My gynae dun like to induce or break water bag. He said our cervic can expand in terms to fit the bb size, so dun have to worry. He believes in natural birth unless emergency cases no choice then. Yes induce more painful than natural birth, all the nurses told me that time, hence I insisted to go natural that time.
side effects of epidural:
GREATER belief in it!

hehe.. no side effects this time.

ONe thing though, I went in labor ward, "in great distress" according to nurses. So they couldn't give me the tablet/jab that helps you clear bowels and bladder. I had to take the chance of passing out everything together with the baby when I push.
When I was no longer in 'distress', (ie after epidural), it was too late to give me that tablet/jab. cos everything from hips down numb already.
But thank God, when I pushed, only bb came out. no pee or poo from me.
I hope that helps!

Yours Apr 19? We wanted that initially, so same date as N1. Now N3 is Apr 15. My fren say easy to remember-Income Tax date.
<font color="0000ff">Sally</font>
I think I got too many complications. Wait also cannot don't wait also cannot. The risk is there.
I'm abit worried for u since bb is big cos of ur history from hvg Joelle. I find it v dangerous. I think best to follow Gynae advise. Pls take care okie.
Pray that everything will go smoothly.
Congrats! Saw your blog and learnt abt your good news! She is so beautiful! Pei fu you for being a mum of three!
The boots picture is so funny! "Prepared" for your gynae to wear. My hubby never bother to take those interesting pictures for me to see. I can only lie there and screamed...aarruughh

Try not to go for induce if possible. Really very painful and it is better for u to take epidural if left no choice.
My body wanted to scream for epidural that time but my mind kept having those "be FAIR" signals. I managed to deliver without epidural so i want to be fair to Cericia too.

Changing new maid again, might not be free to do "window shopping" here next week when the new maid arrived :p The current one cannot handle my two girls and mentioned that they are notti especially Jacia. *fainted*
I also suspected she pinched Cericia's arm to make her cry so that i would run over to carry her. It happened twice when i saw the red marks on her same arm. So we decided to change her even though i will be very tired handling the two girls on my own and trained the new maid at the same time. Pray for me, hope this new maid will sayang my girls.
<font color="ff0000">Adora</font>
I'm ok with TCP. I bot their polo-tees and normal round-neck tees before, the material is ok. In terms of price, they are definitely more economical but if you talk about quality and design, my personal favourite is still Jshopper followed by ON.

Gymboree got prettier things for gals
best to take gynae's advice, they noe best.

me too, prefer jshopper better, value for money. heehee thinking to get the casual pants for A, cos outgrown the current ones. If we have enough orders for jshoppers, then can order ourselves..... anyone keen?

wan to order for us? heehee
Do u want anything from TCP? Haven see your email leh...

Tks..most likely i might order shorts from TCP for Ra.

Jshoppers I can order...no prob...they are direct FOC shipping...v easy! Sometimes free Shipping w no min order too! Just send me order to Yahoo acct.
Yo yo...me become the spree organizer for Jun thread liao.
k see Jaymom wan to order or not for jshopper, maybe can share share with her, or u have any in mind for Ra? then can order various designs n share since usu jshoppers one pack 2 or 3 pcs of same designs but various colours. heehee

keen on jshoppers?
i not been following the thread this week and came in .. saw that you have already given birth! wow.. it like just "yesterday" when we were enjoying the buffer... kekee.. you take good care of urself ya.

my dear.. oh you are still around!.. no worries.. enjoy the moment whilst bb is still inside... u will miss this feeling..

why you worried about A? didn't really every posting.. he is healthy and charming!
Yes, you got it rite!
Did you see this 5 pc set? very nice for gals!


I'm quite interested in the 5 pc set (for boys) and Cut &amp; Sewn Low-rise Look Pants 2 Pack but not a must lah unless they are having a sale



What are you keen this round?
Oh no, i have been buying and buying, there are still many clothes not worn in Jay's drawers.

I think the skater pants looks very nice and versatile. U can wear it either long or short
<font color="0000ff">Photos with Tod</font>
<font color="ff0000">Shane</font>, my apologies, i did not download properly and went ahead to delete the file you sent. Can you re-send E's photos with Dad and Mum again. Thanks
okie, will email you again, tonite, if i can.

hmm, the link u gave me is not working. which item is it ? i'm tempted to buy some bottoms for E.
<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
Join Gap BP. Some organisers have 15% on top of sale price. But at the moment all closed already. If I come across again I let you know. You have a look at Gap website see anything you like.
thanks for the umbrella ya.
Aiya cos A too skinny la. Underweight boi. So kind of worried lei.

5 pc mixture cant share ya? Me wan pants. I dun mind to share the low rise pants, but must choose the other colours the two blue ones, then we one each. heehee I wan shorts n those casual track pants too. Veri comfy the track pants material 100% cotton, good for going out at nite to nearby AMK hub for supper or some grocery shopping etc. kekeke

ya sometimes cant view cos kanna lock up. Daytime okie to view. U go see see slowly.
sobsobsob, U must be so tiring, who handles Jr when u in hospital with K? How is my darling K? Is she better now? Pls take good care of yrself ya. Wishing K a speedy recovery. Lots of hugs hugs to u n K.
thanks mummies, by right she should be able to go home tmrw cos her fever is under control. but this m orning to now, there seems to be an outbreak of rashes all over her body. i hope it's a positive sign that the 'toxic' is expelled out. if not, i dont know if doc wants to keep her longer. now jr at home with maid. no choice in situation like this. but that does not change my mind about sending her off.
<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
Did the doctor say what is the diagnosis? Which hospital did you go to?

So poor thing don't know where she caught the virus. Hopefully, it's not some overseas disease that is not common in SIN. Do let the doctor know you have been out of the country.
Oh dear...saw from ur blog...
Hope K is recovering!!! Ya heard of rashes coming out means recovering soon... hope that applies to K

I know why liao.... jshoppers bottom not many skirts right!!! unless u look at the bigger gers la...which is also MORE EX
could be false measles. U take care ya. Good to hear that K is back to her normal self.

wow u so bad..... i trying to avoid. heehee Me got an ON tote bag via spree, cheap n nice. :)
all busy working????
so tomolo wat time u go hospital? Morning?
Yeah can see didi tomolo. Make sure u charge yr digital camera battery now n get ready hor.
<font color="0000ff">Sally</font>
I am admitting at 4pm. Told my gynae to his convenience cos he still got consultation till 2pm. And he has a surgery at the same hospital at 4pm. So just nice for him too.
so when u admit, then they induce, so didi might come late at nite or early morning of 20th lor??? How long induce then will pop?
hi mummies....

its been a really long time since i last logged in... i see that the tods are all growing up fine
and quite a lot of mummies already have their no. 2s...and bbrooster is going to pop her no. 2 any time now! for me...i finally conceived after months of trying...heheh...now about 8 weeks...but am feeling really lousy...my first preg was really smooth-sailing but this second one is terrible....i feel nauseous, lathergic and really bloated
...sigh...really dun know when my next log in will be given my work schedule...so u guys have fun and take care!!!
Yeah, Darling K is back home. So glad to hear that. U try to rest more too ya. Sayang sayang n big hugs to u n K. Go rest n take a nap when both kids r sleeping.
<font color="0000ff">Sally</font>
I don't know for how long after induce I will pop. It all depends. Hopefully, before midnight and on the 19th April.

<font color="0000ff">babyjun</font>
Congrats!! First trimester is tiring. You take care.

<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
You must be so tired. Take care!

wishing u a smooth delivery first! will pray for u for 19th. Must keep telling didi. We will wait patiently for yr announcement n pics of didi.
it's been such a LONG time! good to hear from you. COngrats! take care ya.
Try to drop by when u're free

Wishing you a smooth delivery. Keep us posted.
Take care

Good that K is home. Take care and have a good rest.
Sorry to hear abt K. Good she's back. You must be tired too! Pls rest while u can. Good thing it's weekend tomo!

Congrats! Haven't heard from you!!! drop by and chat w us soon! Take care..

Coming! Excited for you! Everything's still fresh on my mind. pls relax and don't worry okie? Enjoy the moment! We look forward to your live commentary again!

remember the days of rock hard breasts? hot massages? sweat everywhere? oily hair? sleepless nights but tired body?
That's me yesterday and today!!!! urgh!!!
sigh... can't wait for breasts to soften. milk supply to quickly establish itself.

Ask you girls something. After birth, are your feet still swollen from water retention? I don't recall this for N1 &amp; N2. But this time round, both feet are sill swollen, spongy to touch. very strange leh..

N3 is doing ok. I can see the jaundice slowly starting up. Praying now it'll drop. Wanted to sun her today.. but weather doesn't permit! Giving her FM for now, at least for next 2 days. Really don't want a repeat of N1 when jaundice level went to NICU level.
Thanks for the well-wishes
...i'll try to drop by more often...i just wish my workload can be a little lighter...sigh....

i m hoping for a meimei this time...teehee
<font color="0000ff">Mummies</font>
Thank you. Will update after I give birth.

<font color="0000ff">mckee</font>
I did have very swollen feet after giving birth to Jo. So bad that I felt numb. Are you engaging any massage lady? Good to have massage to get rid of the water retention in the body and you'll feel yourself much lighter after that.

Oh no I dread confinement. Hot, sweaty, dirty and oily. Rock hard breast, sleepless nights and tired body.

Why jaundice cannot drink breastmilk? Must we stop feeding BM if bb has jaundice?

I have been following your blog. Keep updating ok. Didn't know your gynae is Dr Fong CW.

when N1 had severe jaundice, pd &amp; nurses told me stop bm for few days. apparently some enzymes in bm causes jaundice. so we stopped.
N2 we fed him bm only for 2 days, then supplement w fm. he had no jaundice.
N3 we did the same, but w more instances of bm, so now looks rather yellow. I'm expressing everything now. opened fm already!

yup I got a massage lady. she's coming only next week. My regular one just went for an operation, so can't do for me. This new one is recommended by a fren. She's ex, but apparently very good. KK and TMC recommends her too. I'll let you know.

You're not using Dr Fong right? Yours is Mt A?

Please take care! what are your plans tonight? hehe.. if I were you, I'll watch movie, then soak myself in a bathtub.
