(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
I still bumping around. This weekend I go and walk and shop all I want. I have been complaining cannot go out. Now, gynae ask me to walk more to stimulate. But ask me go out I also scared. With nothing holding and at 1.5cm dilation what if my waterbag break outside? *shivers*

But I will go out shopping this weekend with Jas lah. Or maybe bring Jo to some places of interest.

U haven POP!!!! wah...didi knows it milk milk milk milk milk ONLI soon...so taking his own sweet time
<font color="0000ff">bbrooster,</font>
hehe... I login to the forum to see if got news whether you have delivered already... jia you jia you... enjoy your shopping but ask your hubby to accompany you lor... just in case...

hope to hear your good news soon!
<font color="0000ff">kiami, glayz</font>
Haven't pop yet. I will definitely get hb to accompany me to where ever I go.

<font color="0000ff">mckee</font>
Forgot to answer your question on which network. Hospital got wireless so I just search for Mt Alvernia.
don't worry. take it as per last pregnancy. and if water bag burst, it's sort water leakage, not a gush. if you're worried, maybe can wear a pad first. also, sit on a cloth in the car ? just in case

yes yes, go and enjoy! and spend some precious time with Jo before she gets promoted to jie jie.
wah piang, how can u post temptation here!!!
now i'm tempted ley... feel like getting the wallet...... urgh.....
Wow can go shopping...great! Just flip thru today's paper...Robinson &amp; JL having sale. I am very tempted to get a booster seat for Ra. Now he is sitting w me at the rear seat &amp; loves to stand up to view the front scenery ...v dangerous.

LV is in Taipei...I hope she is enjoying herself there! Arrrr I feel like gg for a Tour...I want to go GREECE! But guess it will b a long long time ...wait until kids are older then can go there for 2nd honeymoon!
aiyo tot u go deliver liao. heehee

Water bag burst
SHane, when my water bag burst last time, like a gush hor. So much. Faint lor. N 3 times, so embarrassing. One time at home, one time in my bil's car on the way to hospital, n yes all over the water, then anther time in labour ward, going to change. The nurse also shocked. Cos like water tap. hahahaha

ME also wan, but control cos not sure real or not, n organiser said some will have defects lei. Scare.

Lucky u remember LV's trip, me forgotten about it. heehee
go shopping... adora is right, got lots of sales in papers today!

water bag burst
both N1 &amp; N2 had bag burst by doc. the water is warm, i recall, and for doc to burst it, it was VERY painful. So for N2, i had epi first, before i let him touch me. !!!

I'm ok! still hanging on here. N2 is down with a cold, like me. sigh... very tiring... the thought of me cut out for motherhood keeps hitting me. Cos it's really me and the kids now. really dunno what got into me to agree to having kids now, let alone all 3!?!?!
i think i need to go therapy. mum coming by later, i feel like sneaking out for a pedicure. anyone knows of a good one in toa payoh? I can just pop by there!
Rob got sale for booster seat ? I wanna get one. How much ?

i also want holiday lor. but will be grounded for sometime. totally sien.

oh is it ? so it's gd to wear pad and put cloth in car. tt's wat i read some mums do.

oh she went taipei already ???!!! i thot she just mentioned it. she's so ho mia. envy ley.
Enjoy gal!

tpy has quite a few pedi shops. just go over and pop into anyone. i think now most pedi shops, std quite average. and v fast svc.
I still rem those times when i had my first pedi was when it's less commercialised and a session can last 1-2hrs and very good skills. now like mass production in factory.

positive thots gal! u're just tired tt y think that way. good that u go take a break when ur mum is here. don't forget u're preggie! Doubt i can handle TWO kids and being preggie at the same time too!!!
waterbag burst
oh yes, mine also burst my doc. same experience as Mckee. warm water and pain! teared even. then doc say, better take epi, this is just the beginning. I felt quite lousy lah, cos i thot i wanna try to tahan. But doc say why suffer when i have a choice not to. so take lor.
nvr regreted cos the delivery was a breeze for me. i hope i have such luck for #2 too.
Pee &amp; Poo Topic
Are we still on tis topic??

Jay now sits on the toilet seat when he does his small and big biz too. I no longer use the seat adaptor. I bot mine from Kiddy Palace..very cheap only lor but can't fold.

Twinklets, your Ash can hold her wee but my Jay can't. When he says he needs to go, it will come out within 20 secs...how to find a toilet in time when outside?!? He drinks too much also..i got problem training him to hold longer so he is still on diaper pants when we are out.
Any gao-jian from u ladies??

Sally, ur sis's idea using those plastic bag for umbrella are brillant..i will "steal" her idea..heehee!
I will also get a pack of Dettol Wipes based on the feedback

Jshoppers is selling the waterproof bedwetting sheets, anyone of you using it? Do you think it's useful to prevent bedwettng accidents during the nites.
I think someone is selling on WTS, don't noe whether to get?
Any other good recommendations?

Good to exercise a little more but make sure you are accompanied when you are out, k

Hmm...i'm looking out for The Children's Place spree leh..
how is the waterproofing thingy works ? wrap up the whole bed? might want to get since i wanna try E off diaper for nite time.

as for holding pee, maybe u can try to start from home. when he say want to pee, u ask him to wait and pretend to hurry but take ur time. start with waiting for 20 secs before bringing him and overtime then slowly drag longer. just thinking out aloud. don't know will work or not. outside definitely cannot. so train from home first.
oh yes. I was supposed to let you know what I got as a gift. It's called Waterproof-Mattress Pad by Osteocare. (my fren got it from Kiddy Palace) It looks like our regular mattress protector, but the underneath part is wateproofed. I've not tried it yet though...

I'll type out the entire thing for you:

Designed with your toddler in mind, Osteocare UK waterproof mattress pad is soft and comfortable for a restful night sleep. It provides waterproof protection for your little one's mattress, keeping it dry and safe from wetting. Now you can train your little ones to sleep in diaper-free comfort with no worries.

thanks. I think I'll just pop by to enjoy the pedi. got to tell them don't massage or anyhow press, scarely induce labour!!!

holding pee
although N1 is toilet trained since she was 2, she still can't hold pee.

She'll tell us, "I want to go toilet". Then that is about a 5-8min lead time you have to go hunt for one. If you can't find one, or it's not convenient to bring her, then you'll see the pee rolling down her legs. and the poor girl will cry, cos she knows she's not supposed to pee like that.
We've tried to train and extend this lead time. but it really depends on the urgency of the moment.

I've always wanted to ask all mummies w boys, how to train boys to stand and pee. obviously we can't demonstrate... does it mean it's a daddy's job?

shane, you ah... so double minded. one day, you'll say I dun want to think about #2 anymore. then another day, you'll say, I wish I've the same luck as with #1 for delivery!

You know, i've a colleague whose #1 is 6, and #2 is 1. Even at 6, the boy has jealousy issues. but it's different fr when they're younger. He'll RATIONALISE the issues w the parents. E.g., when mummy tells #2, "good boy, you finished your water!", #1 will remind her, "I also finished my water, am I not a good boy? Why didn't you tell me??!?!?!"
haha! interesting ya? the challenges we face at any point!
<font color="ff0000">Jaymom</font>
I think the key thing is becos Jay drinks too much water, so pretty hard to train his ‘ren gong’ kekeke. How often he goes to the toilet? I think ‘ren gong’ comes naturally once the child grows older. U can try Shane’s method 1st. But if still he cant tahan, then I’ll suggest to let nature takes it own course, no need to rush cos he’ll auto know how to ren longer next time.

Ash ren too long liao, I worry for her to kana urine infection.
Actually once she is potty trained liao, she can very fast ren up to 1 hr. Then slowly she ren longer, like up to 3 hrs. Recently is like 5 hrs which I find is so frightening. I myself cant even lun for 1 hr. But my hb can ren many hrs too, so I dunno is this a genes thing or not? Hope is a genes thing so that she wont kana Urine Infection so easily……. Sighs ….

<font color="0000ff">8/9 crocs</font>
Heng ah.. Ashley feet can fit into this size, still got abit of space for growth. Phew……… But I’m v kiasu lar, I’m gog to place 10/11 size too.. hahahah..
<font color="0000ff">mckee</font>
When is your helper coming back? I think you are very good. I don't think I will have the stamina to cope like you. Thinking of coping with a tod and a baby in future is already very challenging.

You reminded me. Must remind the beautician not to massage me on my shoulder later. I book a facial at Isetan Scotts after I saw you going for pedi.

I didn't buy newspapers today. Anywhere else got sales? Isetan, Taka, Tangs?
hehe... wah! facial! which on in Scotts? sounds good too!

I only saw Robinsons and JL. The rest relatively quiet. But groceries sales galore all over. carrefour, giant, NTUC...

helper coming back on Sun evening. Even N1 is declaring now, "when aunty weng comes back, nadine will come out".

Joke 1:
N1: Nadine doesn't know how to come out.
Mummy: oh dear. so how?
N1: I need to take my doctor bag and help nadine.
Mummy: and what are you going to do?
N1: I'll ask nadine, don't cry. jie jie going to give you an injection. then nadine will come out.

Joke 2:
Mummy: where did aunty weng go?
N1: She went philippines to see her mummy, her daddy, her korkor, her jiejie.
N1: Mummy, can you buy me a korkor and a jiejie?
Mummy: we can't buy that.
N1: Why?
Mummy: you are a jiejie.
N1: but I want a korkor and a jiejie. You have money? Can you buy me a korkor and a jiejie?

aiyo... this went on and on... dunno how to answer... but really very funny!
cannot rebuke. yes! i'm very double-minded, fickle on this #2 issue haha.... bo pian lah. need 2 hands to clap. the other hand also not sure. make me more unsure.

that pad, means even if it's wet, it'll feel dry ?

haha, the jokes are so funi!!!! nowadays they're really cute when talking to us.
<font color="ff0000">Shane</font>
No idea lor so i thought i'll ask and gather some feedback. I don't want those that the urine doesn't seep to the 2nd layer and remains on top..

Will take your advise to extend the lead time at home first.

<font color="ff0000">Mckee</font>
Heehee..thanks for the info on the waterproof pad. So it's not from Ikea as you thought

I wonder how much it cost? Will check it out when i get to go Kiddy Palace.

When do you plan to try in out on N1. Your little gal will wake up in the nite and tell you she needs to visit the convenience room?

<font color="0000ff">Toilet-training the Boys</font>
Jay noes both ways, standing and sitting, he's fine. We started him with standing but lately i make him sit too (cleaner in that sense, don't wet the seat or his feet by accident)
Yes, Daddy did demo to him and i started by making him stand inside the toilet to pee while standing when he's younger, followed by carrying him to stand on the toilet seat and aim. Nowadays, he either sits or will step up on his Ikea stool and pee standing up.

Ok, go enjoy your pedi session, k!
<font color="0000ff">mckee</font>
The jokes are really funny!!! I had a good laugh. Think you can send this to Motherhood magazine and win a prize.

I am going to Kose Beauty Centres in Isetan Scotts.
A very interesting and hilarious conversation you have wth N1...

When i call home from overseas to chat with Jay, he will also be very keen to give me an update. E.g : Jay, how's school today??
He will be rattling away but i can only pick out words like,book...read....school...water...wet, fall..hahaha!!....finally a big BYE MOMMY! However, judging from the tone of his voice that varies up and down and the giggles that are filled in between, I also find it very funny lor. I sure hope i can hold a conversation with him like you had with N1 very soon. Problem is, Jay tries to speak like a bullet train

Jay got his genes from Dad too, the type that cannot hold urine for too long. He goes every 1-2 hours.

Yeah, it's not very good to hold your pee for too long. Not so much of contracting UTI (due to bad hygiene) but rather it stresses your kidneys.
<font color="0000ff">jaymom</font>
You came back to sin and gone again. So when are you coming back? You did some shopping there?

Feel so good today is Friday!!
Glad to hear from u. Ya go for a pedi or mani, will be shiok. heehee Hang in there, 2 more days. Yr conversation with N1 so cute n funny. She is going to be a big jie jie of two soon.

Waterproof mattress protector
I got mine from Robinson, under King Koll, for A's queen size mattress. Same like wat Mckee has, its like a mattress protector fitted type, underneath is waterproof. Not warm n veri comfy infact. heehee

wow shiok huh, going for facial. heehee Enjoy.
<font color="ff6000">Jaymom</font>
So when Jay pee, someone has to carry him? For JJ, we put a little ikea stool in front of the toilet bowl. He would stand there and pee himself. Hee.

That stool was for him to use when he can't reach the tap in the toilet sink - but now don't need that, so just leave it in front of toilet bowl. Height just nice. And he can aim pretty well! Hahaha.
<font color="ff6000">Mckee</font>
Your conversation with N1 is so cute. Hahaha.

When is your maid coming back? You really hero - if I were in your condition, I would freak out if my maid goes home. Hee.
Yes, i was back for 2 days and gone again. I'll be back next Tues for good..i hope

Wah, you going indulge yourself for Kose facial..the diamond facial or what, how much is per session? Enjoy your pampering session too.

Yes, remember you told us about the King Koll protector, very exp leh. Scouting around for a more economical one

Tang Ling
Jay will tell and tend run for the potty( if he is in an urgent hurry) or run to the toilet himself. He will climb onto the toilet seat himself but i will follow, just to jaga him because he will sometimes have problem climbing back down.

I also have the Ikea seat station in the toilet for his easy access.
JJ can reach the tap already? Becos i have a vanity top installed in my bathroom, Jay still can't reach lor. My fussy boy also wants to reach for the soap dispenser cos he wants the "soap" and will tell you he needs to "rub his hands".
Memory lane
I think motherhood has really wiped out my brain cells. I just couldn’t remember how I introduced solids to A1 and went thru the archives to find the tips on weaning that you all had shared then. Aiyo…our jun 05 babies were so cuteee then!! Time really flew past!

I just went mad @ daiso. Went during lunch and spotted the elusive mini chiffon pans and I grabbed the remaining 4! After paying for them, then I realized that they are not so good coz they dun have the 3 ‘legs’! really impulse buy……

Wow….. u r really amazing…… I feel stressed when I’m handling the 2 gals with the maid liao….can’t imagine how u can do it while heavily preggie and w/o maid!!!

Shh shh…
When A1 says she wants to go..we must run after her to the toilet, coz she likes to climb onto the toilet seat herself. I was shocked to find her hovering above the toilet seat one day… super scared that she’ll drop in and get stuck! :p

U went for facial!! U r ok lying on your back with your tummy now?
<font color="ff0000">Re: Waterbag burst</font>
My doc broke my waterbag too but it wasn't painful at all. The first time was at the beginning of delivery as a method of inducing cay's birth. For bbcay, it was at the very end just before the crowning.
<font color="0000ff">Facial at Kose</font>
The facial I went to is no good. They don't use machine and yet cost $110 for Collagen Treatment + Anti-ageing Mask.

Actually, I prefer to go to those HDB beauticians normally own biz. Their service is more personalise. Those chain beauty salons just simply do and rush through because it's time to knock off.

Ixorarred, I told her to put the bed at an angle. It's more comfortable that way.

<font color="0000ff">ixorarred</font>
I already went back to the archives in 2005 to refresh my memory on solid foods.

<font color="0000ff">caymom</font>
My gynae broke my waterbag the last time also. I have no feeling at all because at that time nothing is more painful then contractions/labour pain. I also didn't have any feeling of gush of water rushing out. Maybe, I am too high sniffing on the laughing gas.
<font color="ff0000">Adora</font>
TPC stuffs nice and cheap hor...did you check out the jeans and caps..very cheap too
I was secretly wishing you will be interested to do the honours

<font color="0000ff">Ixorarred</font>
Heehee.once you enter Daiso, somehow you will not leave the place empty-handed. If you are hardworking enough, keep the receipt and go back and exchange for something more useful

<font color="ff0000">Memory Loss</font>
I agree that after delivering 1 kid, there are things i simply can't recall and things that i find hard to remember. I'm really scared that my brain power will deteriorate even more after having a 2nd child. Was thinking whether i should read up books on mind-mapping to help me recap things better.

<font color="0000ff">Bbrooster</font>
Hmm.so KOSE facial is not that fantastic huh.
If you are heading for one in town, i heard that Leonard Drake is quite profressional.

So, did you feel any "dong jing" from Didi today?
The anticipation must be making your crazy...
Yo! just back from a 5 days trip to taipei. I took it as a test for myself and yes i think i did well and can definitely move on to life without maid!!!
I managed the kids myself pretty well and we had a rather pleasant time there other than the non-stop nonsense from K. Surprisingly, Jr was the easy one over there. Best part was for both to and fro flights, my hubby was seated away from us. so for both flights, i handled two of them myself on the plane. people who sat near us, think i'm a super mummy . The coming back flight was easier cos i was given bassinet seat. catch up again, update my blog soon. now...sleepyzzzzzzzzzz but lots to unpack and wash.

Welcome home!
U are one super-mommy or your kids must be really, really cooperative

With 2 kids in toll, i'll probably go crazy esp. when it comes to feeding time or when 1 poo and another 1 needs to go wee-wee.
Did the flight attendants try to help you then?
Did you manage to do any sightseeing or shopping at all?

Ok, u better try and get some rest. By the looks of it, you are definitely ready to go maid-less.
the flight attendants didn't help cos i think they also dunno how they can help. just give K a soft toy to play.
during the flight, when K wants to go toilet, i bring jr along. put him on the diaper changing board and helped K to wee wee. lucky no air pocket or turbulence during the short time, if not Jr will fly up haha
eating part- i eat with one hand while jr and K took their nap. then when K woke up, i let her feed herself though she dont eat much.
at taipei, we went for some main food places like shilin and ximenting. skip those museum or buildings. so overall a slow paced trip but good enough for us.
actually i want to involve my hubby. But he's seated in the middle of those 3 seaters. and those 2 beside him like sleeping logs! so no choice i decided to brave through it myself with innovative ideas in the toilet. btw, i also managed to release myself after Kayla did her business. hehe
don't say that. u r definitely one committed mummy with a dedicated hubby/daddy to always bring 2 out for fun.
for the past few months after JR is born, i was always in a denial mode of trusting my abilities and capabilities and kept thinking i cant do it or i'm so tired to do it. But human beings are like that, when we are put to extreme, we will just perform. on average, everyday during the trip, i slept for 5 hours but during the day i was still able to function like a person. And after this, i really belive, because they are my children, that's y i've the extra super energy to go through it. sometimes it's a matter of want or don't want. i'm always in the latter choice until given no choice to choose then i have to perform all my stunts.
I agree with you and applaude your effort and determination. Human beings are like a pc of rubber band, we can be stretched and your will power will pull you through the many adversities that you will face along the way.
However, do give yourself some allowance.There will be times when the kids will fall sick, days that your battery goes flat or you falling sick too. Some form of support or contigency arrangement will come in helpful.

Daddy should give you a big bear hug for managing the kids so well during the plane ride so that he gets to enjoy his in-flight meal.

U have a wonderful set of parents and a doting hb to rely on
So tired.... batt flat liao

brought my 2 to town today...as meeting up with friends...
reach cityhall..it was raining SUPER heavily!!!
so call organiser to change venue..as we suppose to go for dim sum buffet at a nearby hotel....
then the brainless say... unable to change meeting place at such last minute... me just go har...(think she wants dim sum badly) me din ask to change meeting venue lor
so i just explain...we change to another outlet nearby...where we dun have to brave the rain.....
then she continue.... oh..but no matter what we still need to walk there ma..(think she really want dim sum)
I nearly swear at her... but I calmly told her..there is NO WAY me and my 2S can walk there and REMAIN dry...so I somehow threaten..ok..I meet u all there...then off I go liao..u all want to walk in rain to have dim sum...is ur decision...ME NOT GOING...
so she bo bian give in say...we discuss this when we meet.... and from background..can hear..she is STILL at home... and me already reach meeting venue with my 2S in tow!!!
Then off I go for some retail therapy......

seeing robinson had sales..I bought the avent bottles...a set of 3 panties of mei mei...and tell sky to choose ONE at the matchbox cars section...as I realise..he REFUSE to go anywhere without making me buy a car...
After he hear 1..he went for.....TATA...A SET OF 5 CARS!!!! (think that is 1 to him...)
Thanks so much for the lift today. So paisei that all got stuck at the traffic due to rain. IF not for yr kindness, think A n myself would have become soak completely. Wanted to put him down to call cab, but no shelter area n rain was so heavy. Thanks alot. Hope Ra n C r not cranky when reached yr mom's place for lunch. Thanks yr hb for me.

poor u, sayang sayang, must work on weekends.

wow u finally appeared! heehee we tot why u missing, lucky adora reminded us. U r INDEED veri heroine. Super Mommy travelling with a tod n bb, taking a plane with no helper. Me one tod also not dare to travel far. hahahaha cant wait to see yr blog. U r such a great mommy.

dun say that, yr hb so good to help out. N yr parents. Lucky u.

Why u always so heroine ah???? Why din ask yr hb to send u all???? Notty gal again.
<font color="ff6000">LV</font>
Wah! LV you really xing wor! Can't imagine myself handling 2 on a flight. But you are also right in saying that when put to the test, the woman would perform. I came across this quote:
<font color="0000ff">"Women are like tea bags - you don't know their strength till you put them in hot water."</font>
that's such a cool quote! i like it. must copy it down hee hee...

wah super mommy! give me some courage and motivation to go maidless ... in Singapore. haha... hv thot about things, might go maidless, but not sure if i can iron out situation that i'm in. anyway will cross the bridge when i come to it.

hmmm so ur hub must have a good and ez time. I'll be so sore! muahaha... make sure he does his part. =P
wah! You're solid lah! better retract all those rubbish you said about you being a lousy mummy! Very proud of you. I think if I were you, would have requested for change of seats, put K on diapers, give them big dose of drowsy medicine to knock them out!

aiyo... you another super mother... how was robinsons? I wanted to go down today. but hb told me, no rush to go on a sat. the crowd and the parking would be a nightmare!!

anyone had MAJOR leg pain in last stages of pregnancy? My right leg (from inner thigh all the way to right buttocks, all the way to knees) are hurting like crazy. Can't walk properly. Can't turn when I'm lying down. Can't put body weight on it. The pain is like the sore muscles/strain you feel after doing a 2.4km run.
My mum says it bb resting on wrong nerve. Aiyo... I feel very invalid leh.. everything is super slow mo. anyone got similar experience before?

btw, thank God tomorrow is prison break! the maid's coming back! Yeah! now I can totally relax and let baby pop out anytime!

welcome back...u super mummy. dat time when I travel with R already v tired...he was climbing up n down the seat &amp; during meal time was even worst, so messy!

Yes we ordered from GYm already as during redemption time...item get OOS real fast.

Hey dun mention...how can we let u &amp; A stand here &amp; get drenched...after we left taka traffic was ok...both R &amp; c were alright too!

Oh dear today 's rain was v heavy! ya lor u shld ask your hb to send u mah!!!
