(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

Think I going to deliver soon. Contractions are getting regular. Nurse said it's good. But I am getting so tired now and still cannot decide epi or no epi. sigh.....

If you need epi, ask early. When I delivered cay, I waited until I can't tahun any longer and I nearly went crazy while waiting for the jab to be administered. The anaesthetist went off just when I asked for a jab and they have to call up another one. Luckily my delivery was during the day so still can find one easily. There may not be a anaesthetist on duty at night.

Jiayou! Jiayou! Feeling excited for you.
I was sub science also. But took pure bio. Somehow Bio was ok. But phy/chem was bad. haha.... To bad no study hard. If not maybe can be Doctor liow. HAHAHAHA....

it's like reading live updates re ur delivery. Exciting! I guess by now you would have popped ?! waiting for your good news! take care!
Live Update:
I have not delivered! *faint* I thought I am going to. Contractions was 2 mins apart last night when I type the msg at past midnight. Nurse came in said still can use computer think I can go without epi. She said from the chart looks quite fierce. Then she checked my cervix still at 1.5cm my heart dropped. No wonder I still could tolerate the pain.

Now, my contractions almost zero. Just very mild one. Waiting for gynae's instructions and visit.
opps! didi enjoying his time inside ur tummy hee hee... hear what Gynae has to say. But I think u con't to stay in hospital better, incase didi decides to come anytime!
<font color="ff0000">bbrooster</font>
yes yes this is like live updates on ur delivery! So cool, u can bring ur laptop into the laborward?! I think the Gynea will be inserting another pill for you, or either burst ur waterbag &amp; put u on liquid induce. Jia you!!!
<font color="0000ff">Live Update:</font>
pang kang.....gynae came say can pang kang liao.
baby head and cervix still high very risky to break waterbag. Ask me go home and walk and let it come naturally.
oh, then u can go shopping! hee but must take care okie. Is J taking leave to accompany you ?

wait, i thot they already inserted pill to induce..... then can go home ah...
<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
Insert one tablet only last night 1915. Contractions 2mins apart but cervix didn't dilate. Already no effect since this morning. Gynae say still cannot. Better go home walk around and let it come naturally no point forcing.

Hb will go back and clear his work. I told him don't think it's going to happen don't waste leave.
so exciting! it's really like live update! You can bring laptop in? Wouldn't it conflict with machines there? And you're using what network?

anyway, the exciting thing is, you get to shop! and EAT!! and go take a good good bath again!
<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
Like menses cramp at the lower abdomen. It goes round the back and pull to the front then front to the back. And also feel a force at the rectum. Feeling of want to poo. That's contractions!

1.5cm with contractions is nothing. It's the 5-10cm dilation with contractions that can kill. You can pull your hair out of your head.
hi 5, me too pure art student. heehee but i m good in maths not science. kekeke

agreed that u should take the natural course. Didi will come out when its time. heehee Now enjoy eating while waiting.
Ya i had the same feeling too. wanted to poo feeling. only had the experience of intial contractions. then had epi liow. so wondering how the nearing labour one feel. think i dun want to try also. cos when younger had painful menses cramp i already feel like dying....
This live update is really exciting!!!
I tot u pop liao...ok, final lap, have a good hot shower, eat a good meal and go shop, if you can
Didi will be out real soon.

My contractions nothing like menses. It's like something preventing you from lying flat on the bed. It's like 2 people doing tug of war, pulling at both ends ( hands and legs) trying to rip you back apart!

Really, so qiao!
I also took bio but human bio. I good at the subject but cannot be doctor but somehow got to put it to use in my previous line of work.
<font color="0000ff">bbrooster</font>
come out naturally is better!

<font color="ff0000">Sally</font>
The link hor, the lady is selling $25, but the shop link is having a sale price of $14++. hehehe, pple won't wanna buy hers leh.
is it? I din check the price, I just see the pic. then copy the link n paste here. I bought sth like that for A to use at home, onli S$10.90 from moms n babes shop, design is alphabets onli. Cheap ya.
<font color="0000ff">Sally</font>
haha the pink 1 is so sweet lor. Aiya abit sian, it is a US online store.
Ash is into disney cartoons, guess she will be elated to sit on 1. Intend to buy for outside use. Me pm the lady liao, dunno still got stock or not..
<font color="0000ff">Sally</font>
btw do u noe any online local stores tat sell those foldable toilet seat covers tat bbrooster bot?
contractions.. ouch!!!

I have that too. very basic one, with no handle, no backing. bot from carrefour i think. only 7.90.

no need to buy so ex one. I think supermkt have and cheap cheap. of cos if u want disney then more ex. I saw in mini toons also have! got pooh, princess, hello kitty, super super cute but it cost 19.90 i think (if not 29.90 can't rem). So i control cos abit waste of money.
Now E can sit on adult toilet bowl and support herself but I still need to carry her up.
<font color="0000ff">Sally</font>
hehe ok i call liao, ask them to reserve for me liao.

<font color="ff0000">Shane</font>
Ash actually can support herself in adult toilet too, but hor as I told u she sometimes scare of the dirty toilet, &amp; dun dare to sit on it. So I guess I'll resort to buying a toilet cover for her to use outside. I dun want her to wear anymore diapers once she reach 3 YO. Big gal liao ler leh.

Btw, she has been v v kong bu. Recently at my mum's hse. She can pee at 1pm, &amp; simply refuse to pee until she v v urgent at 6pm+. Can u imagine how long she ren her pee??? I dunno wat is going in her mind. Really too kong bu to me already, I scare her V pain pain again. Really clueless why my gal likes to ren pee &amp; ren poo.
hey tis is good too! i like too. heheheh. I heard such plastic bags can get from Mustafa, then is cheap too. Mayb I will end up buyg tat. haha butt also v clean hor. hehehe. This 1 go park also can use. hahaha.

Btw I'm gog Mums&amp;babes during the wkends, any1 wan me to get anything for them??
<font color="0000ff">Shane</font>
i called up &amp; ask the 1 u post. $18.90, but the liners so ex. 10 for $11.90 or $11. I think I may get this leh, since I no need to do any wiping or washing the cover after use. hehe.
I can pop in to AMK hub branch to check out how compact it is. heehee Can use other normal plastic bags???? Recycle from those mah. heehee
i also thinkg of using normal plastic bags leh. hahaha. But I'm thinkg again, wat if she so used to sitting potty in the public, then next time will it be difficult for her to move to public toilet bowl? arrghh. Also scare get the foldable 1, she dun wanna sit on it, then waste my $. aahh.
Headache ya. I wont get lah, just kaypo to go check out n see see since I go AMK hub often due to NTUC mah. hahahaha A usu poo at home, so for me no need to get lor. Save $$$$$. Ya its best for them to use the public toilet bowl. But at times realli er xin lor. Then hor, if the toilet is er xin n stinko, u think they wan to sit in this portable potty inside n do their biz meh if there is no bb changing room? Then where to put for them to poo???
ware r u???? Gone back to hospital???? Contractions come already???? Jia You Jia You. Waiting for yr good news.

U coping okie?
mine just for pee only, she wont poo outside 1 der mah. If the outside toilet is damn damn gross, i think i'll find a quiet corner for her to jie jiu lor.
Who noes I'll buy both kinds haha. I often go to parks mah, so erxin those toilets lor.
ya lor, at times so er xin, I myself also dun wan to use. heehee Think boi easier, stand n pee. But hor, if dirty, A also wont go in n pee lor. My sis veri champion, she will keep a few those plastic bags (u noe those shopping centres display at entrance doors during raining days for yr umbrella) N let her boi pee inside if cant find clean toilet or driving halfway to KL, cos too dangerous to stop halfway. N for her gal, she still stand by diaper for her to use at this kind of emergency. heehee Think maybe I should also take some of those plastic bags n keep for use too.
wah 18.90. I wouldn't buy. If got grass nearby, i just carry and let her pee. the only headache i have is wen she wants to go in the car! then i have to let her wear diaper.

agree that singapore toilets are really bad.

toilets at AMK hub are bad too! the smell and wet floors, cannot stand it.

wah so good ley, no need diaper soon. i feel like letting E try no diaper at nite. But i lazy and scared wet bed. til now sometimes go out i still let her wear diaper cos i lazy.

E also ren sometimes esp when playing. normally i'll ask her on n off if she need to pee. and i can see her pattern one, and I'll insist she go toilet.
For gal, young or light can still carry n pee. When older, hard lor. My sis' gal 6 yrs old, so u noe how heavy, once her daddy carried till two fell together. so funny. N once I helped her, din carry properly, she peed on my slippers n legs. kekekeke
Ya ya ya AMK hub toilets also veri dirty n stinko, lucky they have the boys' urina in the ladies toilets, so easy for me to bring A, n dash out. hahahaha
hey ur sis is very ideal &amp; creative leh. hehe. Having boys are so easy lor. Just stand &amp; pee can already. u noe hor, sometimes Ash insist of climbing up the public toilet herself &amp; end up her hands touching the cover, I cant help feeling GROSS abt it..

No lar, still need diaper to pooo mah, u forget ah. U can try try, just make sure she pee before she go koon. At least go park u got alternative, just go grass. Ash wont wan, then I let her pee in diaper. I feel like tat diaper v wasteful lor. somemore is mamy poko pants.. -__- haha call me stingy..
Since young, I told A that he could not touch anything inside the toilet, cos veri dirty. So now auto liao, he goes in, will tell me, Dun touch, dirty.
ya lor, we really alot of things to talk abt on this topic hor. hahahaa.

I dun get it, u mean ur 6 yo niece cant climb up herself on the toilet bowl? U are so lucky to have a boy - in terms of the toilet aspect! keke

hey u start weaning A off nite diapers bor? u paranoid mummy. hehe.
Sometimes outside mah, cant find any toilets nearby n my sis' gal wan to pee, so no choice to pee at the grass lor, but she scares dirty so needs us to carry n let her pee. hahahaha
Still putting lei. heehee Cant sleep in peace if I dun put. Cos my sis' both kids so old liao, still accidents at times. Hence me veri scare lei.
tell u hor.. I got accident even I was 7 yo last time. hahaha! Accident tis kinda thing is nan mian 1 der mah. Seriously feel u can wean off liao ler since every morning is dry 1. Save ur diapers liao lar.
ya i saw the urina there, so good lor.

oh i didn't think so far. =P now still can then ok. by the time 6 YO think can go toilet, be it clean or not. just need to teach her to clean it properly bah.

hee normally once i let her pee in diaper i'll let her wear liow. make full use mah! find it wasteful to throw after 1 pee.

E also, can touch toilet seats. i'll always be going " don't touch this, don't touch that in the toilet" no choice, they're young, don't understand concept of dirty. Just make sure to wash their hands with soup if there is after each toilet trip.

i just bot a pkt of dettol wipes for toilet use. at least i'll feel 'cleaner' cos got dettol. think i must really be less lazy and bring her to toilet when outside.
yes think u got more 'peace of mind' when u use tat dettol wipes. I think i'm gog to buy too. currently just using normal wipes.

ya, i will continue to let her wear her diapers once she pee iside. But hor, just feel damn sian lar, like got toilet there, she dun wanna go in, feel 'ai wan' like tat. -__-

Same like u, if she 6 Yo next time, she'll be trained to wipe herself liao ler. I expect her to go in toilet herself liao. kekeke. Aiyo we talking abt our gals approaching tat age. imagine, 3 more years ONLY. -__-
yes time flies. i still can rem when bbrooster announced she preggie. Now she giving birth liow.

Today feel abit emotional (haha!) wonder when E is 6YO, will she have another sibling or not.

sometimes i ok for her being only child but she'll miss out on what it is like to have a brother or sister... all because of my own selfish reasons. sigh.
nevermind, u still not so old yet, so still can think think 1st. this #2 thing really cant 'pray pray'.. once have it liao. is lifetime commitment.. sighs..

When Ash is 6 YO.. hmm i hope she will be a jie jie by then. keke.

ok, gtg gai gai today. Gog vivocity, gog to the crocs to test her size. wkaakakakak!
I'm quite tired of thinking liow. sometimes i think if really want #2, then i dun want to wait too long. Older will be harder to cope.

wah u not at work ? how come can bring her to vivo ?

ok 'c' u tomorrow.

u went to give birth ?????
see yr posting - U wash hands with SOUP. U meant Soap, right? heehee Typo error. Ya dettol gives us a peace of mind, killing germs. heehee hmmmm me also wondering if A will have a bro or sis when he is 6 yrs old. hahahaha

wow so nice, gai gai ya. Happy shopping!
<font color="0000ff">Sally</font>
I am at home. Went to take a nap. I am totally drained. Cannot sleep well in hospital but now recharged.

oopps, ya i meant SOAP! haha.... funi.

good that you're recharged. go for nice dinner! u can go anywhere and eat whatever u like liow hee hee...
