(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

u both so funny, zhi ji xia zhi ji!

so K also kinda same like Ashley hor? Ashley die die must touch my sleeve 1. heee Think their actions give them a sense of security. They'll noe when we leave them 1.

Anw I always enjoy those sleeping moment, can bond us up, cos sometimes if she's not tat sleepy, I'll play peekaboo/smiling/closing eyes games wif her. I cant imagine next time she dun need me to go to sleep.

Today Ashley sleep thr' till 6+am, then climbed onto our bed by then. I'm so happy!!!
Oh dear KY wakes up everynite for milk?? Wat's her last milk feed? Yday i gave her 240ml maybe tat's why she sleeps thr. U wanna try to give her more in last feed??

Which level hah?? btw, check out Ashley blog hor.

<font color="ff0000">Sally,</font>
I also trying to learn from my mom leh but the way she teaches ah... anyway, I think cay is rather scared of her lah so very obedient when my mom is around.

<font color="0000ff">Twinklets,</font>
I dunno for LV but for me, I was rather scared when I first moved in. Punggol was a very new estate then and my block was dead quiet even during the day. In fact, my mom still feels that it is dead quiet now but I got used to it. Anyway, any little sound can really make me jump during the initial period. I have to switch on all the lights at night.
Now not so scared already. Off all the lights I also dare to walk around.
She sleeps thr' yday after I gave her 240ml of milk!! I hope she'll stay this way!!

Btw, u mention u got a list of CC issit? Can email me at [email protected]

No wonder u are paranoid! =P
I also got such 'scares' at times. Cos alot of times the little 1 can juz sneak behind us, so damn silently 1. Sometimes i turn aro will nearly knock her 1. At times I jump abit cos abt to knock her liao.
caymom, wow me so envy lei... then u dun have to wori that Cay is being spoilt by grandparents. My parents spoils A big time, so he noes how to take advantage of them. Not scare of them at all. Sigh. N when they around, he dun even listens to me.
<font color="ff0000">Adora,</font>
Did you buy another car seat for Chloe?

At first I thought maybe can upgrade cay to booster and let baby takeover the car seat but I realise must be around 3yo then can use booster.

<font color="0000ff">Twinklets,</font>
Yah man, they can be so sneaky at times. In fact, cay will say "shhh" with her finger at her mouth and hide whenever she hears the door open. But usually she cannot wait until we find her and she will spring out of her hiding place to "boo" us.

<font color="119911">Sally,</font>
My ils pamper cay so she behaves very yaya in front of them. At my mom's place, she is very guai.
Bbrooster, LV..
I guess you are both right Ashley has an extremely active mind even at night and I think she belongs to the group that needs little sleep to get by. However, I am equally puzzled how come with the sleepy genes that both me and hubby have, we can produce such an active child.. sigh, this was the greatest fear we had when we were contemplating whether to have a child at all.. Just to share with you all the things that she can do in the wee hours:
- somersaults over and over again (now she has learn how to flip without help vv dangerous)
- name parts of the face in mandarin and English
- play with my toes and goes toes toes toes
- cover her head with blanket and start walking around pretending she is a monster
- take my hand and pretend to count my fingers
- any many many more..

LV, I tried covering my face with a pillow and ignored her but doesnt work. Once she pulled the pillow so hard that she scratch my face. Mummies her so my face scar at one of the PG as well.

I pray this is a passing phase and it ends soon..

Can i request that Mummies consider a later timing like 4.30pm or a sunday session one of this day pls pls... i want to bring ashley too......
Cay is so cute! Ash also like tat when I reach Bedok. She sometimes will attempt to hide behind tat Osim leg massager in the living room. But her action always slow, we always open faster than her. & she think she so small built meh can hide there w/o letting us noe meh?

Pampering ..
Ashley also more guai when wif my mum than my MIL.
Guess she noes my mum no time for her cos gotta take care of my nephew as well. She's becoming more indepedent & more xiao da ren once my Mum starts bbsitting my nephew. I'm pretty glad cos my Mum wont give her 100% attention & she'll learn how to share & care. I saw her sayang her Didi, I feel so happy u noe. I hope if have #2, she will not be so jealous cos she will be used to having not 100% attention from everyone. My MIL gave her 100% attention, & get gan jiong of her every moves. Fell down liao, also sayang her like dunno wat. That's why Ash luv to bully her, teh teh alot infront of her.
Oh sorry.. I misread abt the nap time.. Hahaha..
Anyway its good that Cay can take naps! Sheri only take a nap in the day, sometimes as short as 30mins only.. Maybe tats y recently she has been turning in at 10 plus as compared to her usual sleeptime at ard or past midnite!

It's at the ground floor..
Okie will check out Ash's blog later! U posted their photos leow? It has been ages since i last update Sheri's blog.. I have been getting lazy!!
I think they really dunno leh. Yesterday cay was sitting at the dining table and was too slow to hide when she heard the door open. She quickly used the table cloth to cover her face. Who cannot tell who is under it???
ya lor, their actions so funny hor! cant help laffing!

Nowadays it is really so fun to see them self entertain themself & entertain us.

& they always hv tat cheeky look 1, bui tahan !
<font color="ff6000">Cherry</font>
For Gymboree Playgym, they have fixed time slots coz other time slots they have classes going on.
Sat later time slot only 6-7pm. This Sun 5-6pm or 6-7pm.
We try the response for this weekend and see how.

But really want to see Ash at Gymboree.
Nope I din buy carseat for Chloe. I intend to carry her then when she is older I transfer her to the carseat Raph is using now. Then Raph by than can be strap using the normal seat belt right? I am not too sure if it is safe.
<font color="aa00aa">Gymboree Playgym</font>
Gymboree has some time slot changes, thus I have to change the playgym timing from 1-2pm to <font color="ff0000">2-3pm</font>.
I am also including <font color="ff0000">another time slot (6-7pm)</font> - please indicate your preference. Thanks.

<font color="119911">Note: For Mummies who are interested but not sure if you could make it, pls put down your name and state (TBC) beside your name. In this case, I could keep you informed by sms if you don't log in to check forum.

Date: 10 Mar (<font color="ff0000">THIS Sat</font>)
Time: 2-3pm / 6-7pm

1. Tang Ling > 2-3pm / 6-7pm
2. Caymom
3. Serrich
4. Sallyngsj
<font color="0000ff">Tang Ling,</font>
Do you mean that 1-2pm is no longer available?

<font color="aa00aa">Gymboree Playgym </font>

Date: 10 Mar (<font color="ff0000">THIS Sat) </font>
Time: 2-3pm / 6-7pm

1. Tang Ling > 2-3pm / 6-7pm
2. Serrich
3. Sallyngsj
Thanks Mummies for your well wishes and encouragement.

JJ's temp has just gone back to normal this morning. And his vomitting stopped after he started medication. Still active and eating well. Guess he just needs more rest to fully recover.

As for me, adjusting ok - just tired coz of the hours in the kitchen - all the washing and cleaning up. For better "damage control" I have resorted to feeding JJ in the kitchen - easier to clean up and also contain the mess. Hehe. Sometimes he would also quietly sit in the high-chair and watch me do housework in the kitchen.
<font color="ff6000">Caymom</font>
Yes, at least for this Sat, 1-2pm is not available. Anyway, most of us can't make it for both time slots, so I am postponing Playgym to a later date.
<font color="ff0000">Sorry, but Gymboree Playgym would be cancelled for this Sat 10 Mar.</font>

Most likely to have the next Playgym on 31st Mar, 2 wks after Botanic Pinic. TBC later.
<font color="ff0000">Adora,</font>
I share the same thinking as you initially. There was once we let her try, she can easily struggle out of the adult seat belt and climb all over the place, jump on the seat etc. The adult seat belt is not tight enough to restrain her. Even if she gets older, I think the problem will still stay.

I started cay on carseat rather late and she will whine terribly each time she's in it. Only when she was around 9mths old, she finally gave up crying. I thought for this baby, better start her on carseat right from the beginning. Also, if cay sees that bb doesn't sit in car seat, she may fuss to get out too.

But hor, a car seat is so ex and bulky.
<font color="ff6000">Cherry</font>
Just wondering... Ash wakes up in the middle of the night coz she can't get back to sleep on her own? Do you/nanny pat her to sleep everytime?

I read before that we have to let them fall asleep on their own so that if they wake up in the middle of the night, they can get back to sleep on their own.

JJ usually roll around in the cot, play with his fingers or toys before eventually falling asleep.
<font color="ff6000">Caymom</font>
then you spend your energy on planning next week pinic lor.

Or if you want, you & Caydad can still bring Cay for playgym on Sun 11 March - they have time slots open from 5-7pm. Just call them to book.
<font color="aa00aa">Gymboree Playgym</font>
Oh dear, I am disappointing so many people: Caymom & Cay (and most probably Caydad also), Serrich & Sherilyn.

How about 11 Mar Sunday session at 5-6pm? Anyone interested and can make it?
We let Riz sleep on our bed at night for the last few weeks. Then when I want to sleep, I'll carry him down and let him sleep on the mattress on the floor. But eversince we did that, he'll wake up in the middle of the night and then fuss and climb all over me (I"m the nearest) to him and then sleep in between us. He's been doing that ever since he "upgraded" him to our bed ... He notti notti liaos...

Playing with sound effects,
Some weeks ago, I noticed Riz started his imaginary play... like making his toy giraffe hop on the ground, tiger crawl, etc. Now, he plays with his toys with lots of his sound effects, especially when playing with his cars. And he'll imitate the sound of the noisy engine running. I can't even imitate and keep up with the engine noise that he makes... It makes me so short of breath... I wonder how he does that.. heh Does any of your tots do that now?
Raph also does that sometimes. Arr when his bear bear fell down he will said bear bear DIE!!! *faint*

I started Raph on carseat only when he is 1yr old b4 tat we have no car...take taxi.
<font color="ff0000">Tang Ling,</font>
Hey, no need to be sorry. It's not your fault.

I will ask caydad about the Sunday session.
Now looking forward to the PG at BG.

<font color="0000ff">Adora,</font>
We just got our car too. Previously we were driving my fil's car. Both my fil and hb very safety conscious so they bought the car seat for cay when she was around 2 months old. Maybe they dun trust me holding her in my arms.
Ya Erlisa, A also plays n makes funny sounds.... sometimes so noisy, as he is so high entertaining himself, even talking to himself too while playing... we have to ask him to lower his volume... :)

Gymboree Playgym

Shall we put name down n see how many can make it for this Sun?

Date: 11 Mar (THIS SUNDAY)
Time: 5-6pm

1. Erlisa
2. Sallyngsj

Who else wan to join?
<font color="aa00aa">Gymboree Playgym </font>

Date: 11 Mar <font color="ff0000">(THIS SUNDAY) </font>
Time: 5-6pm

1. Erlisa
2. Sallyngsj
3. caymom
besides cafe cartel, anyone noes where else can I bring A for dinner after the playgym? Must have highchair. Me not familiar with that area, except chomp chomp n the hawker. Thanks.
Tang Ling,
It's ok.. We can join next time. Sunday is out for me too.. Will meet up next time! Maybe i will bring Sheri to the PlayGym at other Gymboree outlets on Sat..
Leapfrog DVDs
any of you brought the other Leapfrog DVDs? I have the letter factory and i am thinking of buying others as well is it good?
<font color="ff0000">Cherry,</font>
I have the Maths Circus but haven't watch it yet. I'm still trying to make cay watch the Letter Factory. Few days ago, she suddenly took the disc and said the phonic sound for 'A' repeatedly. I was thrilled. Haha... other parents probably find it no big deal because their tods probably learn a lot by now but to me, it's a great accomplishment for cay.
let her watch the Letter Factory but skip the introduction, go straight to A for a start. I find the intro vv long and boring. I think it is a vv good DVD; at least for me as it reinforce when she has learnt in GUG. I am vv excited as well becos as you know ashley doesn't say alot of words as well. But she now knows quite alot of phonic sounds.

i want to check becos, the last time i bought the Baby Can Read VCDs and she also reacted well to the first 2 disc..thereafter loss interest.
<font color="ff6000">Caymom</font>
JJ also in same category as Cay, can only say the phonic sound for "A". Hehe. But because GUG is using Zoophonics, I am switching to teaching Zoophonics instead. They use animals and the action - you would have seen that at GUG trial, right?
Sky will also say A... but he will scream like the letters in the DVD does... but his scream is "ahhhhh" instead of "Air"...
<font color="ff0000">Cherry,</font>
Good idea, I feel very bored to watch the intro also. I always can't make cay sit thru Letter Factory but to my surprise, she seems to remember parts of it.

She still enjoys Baby Can Read a lot. We play for her almost everyday. We will let her watch Baby Signing Time occasionally for a change. She loves that as well.

<font color="0000ff">Tang Ling,</font>
Yah, I remember the animals and action for Zoophonics.

Are you going to Gymboree this Sunday? Seems that the response is rather poor too. I think I will still go ahead even if the others cannot make it.

<font color="119911">Glayz,</font>
Hahahhaha... Sky is so cute.

Thanks for your sms. You were not working yesterday is it? Didn't 'see' you around.
<font color="ff6000">Caymom</font>
Can't confirm about Gymboree yet, coz usually during that time, it is at my ils' place. Will need to check with JJdad. Will try to go.

One of the weekdays a couple of weeks ago, we also had a Gymboree session with Ian, Akinesh, Joelle and JJ. Though small group, still very fun. Cosy. Parents get to chit chat also - not so noisy. Kekeke.
Caymom n Erlisa, I will leave this open till tomolo 12 Noon, then I will call Gymboree to book in the afternoon tomolo for Sunday Session. Guess we just go ahead with the three tods if no one else can make it, okie?

Gymboree Playgym

Date: 11 Mar (THIS SUNDAY)
Time: 5-6pm

1. Erlisa
2. Sallyngsj
3. caymom
<font color="ff0000">Leapfrog DVD</font>

What a coincidence cherry! I came in to ask who is interested to get the Leapfrog DVD. Joelle also pick up a lot of sounds and alphabets after watching the DVD. At least she recognises some alphabets now.

I am now in San Francisco but I cannot guarantee I can find those DVD here. I will be checking out on the departmental stores tomorrow cos it's now 10pm here. And I will try to carry as many back because I am getting quite a few sets for friends also.
<font color="ff0000">Leapfrog DVD</font>

Please place your order here for :

1. Letter Factory
2. Math Factory
3. Words Factory

.....or others.
Caymom n Erlisa, guess wat..... Gymboree at serangoon garden just called n asked if I m keen to use the free trial class voucher that has expired, they can extend for me. Hence at the same time, I asked them if I can book the gym play for Sunday 5pm, they said this Sunday no gym play as closed for private party.......
<font color="0000ff">Glayz</font>
I was arguing with my hb regarding the phonics sound of alphabet A. My hb says it should be, "The A says ah, the A says ah" and not "air". Quite true also cos there is a part, "hooga, hooga, ahahhhhh.....".

Those who watch the DVD please correct me if I am wrong.

i'm actually thinking of getting the leapfrog 5 pack set from amazon recently since the vpost promo code is back. not sure if it's more exp to get it from online or buy direct.
