(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

<font color="ff0000">Glayz,</font>
I was about to ask you how you are bringing Sky after you give birth. During your confinement, you wun be coming right? Bringing Sky's sister along to the class? You serious ah?

I think my hb will be bringing cay to class alone once I give birth.

<font color="0000ff">Re: Kitchen Hood</font>
How do we clean the filters of the kitchen hood? I realised mine have a yellowish look... dunno is it rust or oil stains. Tried cleaning it but it still looks very dirty. Can it be replaced or cleaned? I only use my stove for boiling water leh, dunno why so dirty. I also realised the fan in the hood is breaking apart, kept seeing bits of charcoal coming down. Dunno what to do with it leh.

In case you are wondering why my house seems to having problems. I really wonder why also. Even the paint on the wall is starting to crack. I also can't stand the mould in the bathroom but now that got Adora's tips, I dun feel so fed up now. Perhaps it is just my nesting instinct kicking in. Those don't seem to bother me so much in the past. Now I really find it an eyesore.

Think is $89.90... from VIVOcity Toy r us... heard Sally mention abt only that outlet has this set...

Ur mail full leh...my email bounce back..
Me interested in #2 and #4 seem CUTE!!!
Me tempted to XIAN ZHAN HOU ZUO.. buy the set put at my mum place so she try to make room for it...
<font color="ff0000">Jaymom,</font>
My aircon is still cold at the moment but it can be freezing. That is not a good sign also right? There was a period of time it was not cold. Dunno what hb do to make it work again. There was also a period that it couldn't be turned on, dunno what magic hb performed that time too. But I really feel it is going to go on strike any moment so better act fast.
Kitchen Hood
I never on it before.... so din know... Used to on it accidently as the light switch at my old place is at where the hood switch is.... hb also make the same mistake when we first move in....

Think during confinement.. the best thing can happen is hb to bring SKY and MY MUM over to class and bring them back... if hb think too troublesome will suggest Sky to stop lessons... (which I will quarrel BIG TIME if he does that..)
But after confinement.... think bo bian lor... otherwise will be hb stay at home with #2 while I bring Sky for lessons.... then I bring Sky home and together hb sent all 3 of us to my mum place after lesson...(but very troublesome...)
If not will be me bring #2 to lesson...(hope #2 dun cry and disrupt lesson...) or I stay outside with #2..hope Sky by then more independent....and stay in class by himself...)
I really admire your energy, is it because you are much younger than me? Hahaha... my excuse. Anyway, I think you are a very committed mother who really cares a lot for Sky's development. If my hb is not encouraging and supportive, I think I wun be so diligent to bring cay to classes....
Kitchen Hood
Wow I also nvr clean b4 leh, I think can remove the cover n just wash right?

Keke I was like you before, I am sure is the nesting instinct. Have u tried asking your hb to clean the mold? You will be super satisfied to see the results.
I nearly threw a cup of hot tea down my hb head ytd...
Had headache ytd..so was thinking of asking my hb to tend to Sky at ytd lesson while I will still sit in... then hb was like..."oh headache then u dun go lor..." I was asking abt how abt sky... "let him stay home with u lor... no need to attend the lesson one..." I was so frustrated that I nearly threw my tea over his head...
Kitchen set
Not too big but okie lah.... ya this set onli toysrus at vivo city has. Price is S$89.95.

Air con maintenance
Since move in 2002, onli done once. Actually should do it once every six month if u on air con everyday, but me save $$$, so din follow. I asked my dad's friend to help. So he charged me S$35.00 for one unit n also S$35 for the motor outside, hence total 6units = S$210.00 for 5 aircons n one motor (5-room flat). Checked around, he is the cheapest :).

Glayz, my pac net account always got such problem... veri headache.... me still no time to check, will try this weekend. Cos last weekend, me sick n now Akinesh sick, just came back from Doc. I passed the germs to him lor. Then I send u the mail again with the actual pics, colours n size. Give me time hor.... :).... Oh me also mah.... buy n find space later...... hahaha... sure can make way for space... not realli big la.... can accommodate.

Kitchen Hood
Cant help, cos mine is Fujioh, no filter.... :)
N I dun fry things in my kitchen.... heehee... cos lazy to clean the oily oily oily mess after frying...
<font color="ff0000">Adora,</font>
Yah lor. Now I am super hardworking, can't stop myself from doing hsework. My hb also buay tahun me. He had a shock when I wanted to bring down the clock to change batteries yesterday. But he is quite supportive lah, see me clearing the study room and he also started cleaning his mess. His books, files were lying all over the floor since donkey years ago. I can't be bothered to nag at him already. Perhaps now he is worried that either cay or me will trip over his mountains of mess. The pile of documents we cleared away over the weekend was taller than cay.

<font color="0000ff">Glayz,</font>
Wow... cool down leh. Not good to flare up, will affect the little one. You dun want mei-mei to have a bad temper right?

<font color="119911">Sally,</font>
Hope you and A get well soon.

Half a year? OMG... I haven't done any servicing at all for the past 4 years. I am very concerned about the leaking of the pipe, the water now flows out onto the aircon ledge where the motor is, instead of into the bathroom. I think I broke the piping while cleaning the bathroom. Dunno whether can repair or not. Sigh, better send the doctor in soon.

I only fried food when we first moved in, have not done it again since. Sigh, maybe I just get something to cover it, out of sight, out of mind. After baby is born, maybe I will forget about it totally.
look for Annie. She's the overall administrator and Deanne's (founder of GUG)mother.
One thing though, GUG admin is not that great. They forget things, misplace numbers, call wrong person etc. So going down personally makes a difference, cos you are there to ensure what you want. must GET RECEIPT!

aiya, I think they shifted you out of the class cos a whole lot of the babes class promoted to my class. And to keep them all together, you got chased out!
How's your class?

how's the tea helping? I think I might need to get some soon. either that or I'm not drinking enough water. Sudden'y over the weekend, ss dropped. my nipples so SORE from pumping in hope to squeeze out every last drop...
Hey u only bring dwn the clock, I even 'tou tou' brought the curtains dwn to wash...din asked hb to do it coz his noise super senstive...a bit of dust later sure running noise whole day.

I think the tea does helped, last time I also drank. This time I din drink any papaya fish soup coz cannot find GREEN papaya.
Din flare as much liao la... Sky already super bad temper... #2 same same... think I die la... if not will strangle both.... and with hb Strangle 3!!! hahaha....

Air con
I sign for service package with Gain city after installation.... they came for the first servicing in Novemeber... there will be another in May I think... (they will call to arrange for appt) but hor my air con is UNDERUSED... only switch on when Sky is home...sometimes temperature quite cooling also din on (sky will be sleeping with the fan blowing at him...)... (I scare my calves will go cramp in cold weather...)
Wah u super sia... I also tempted to wash my curtain... but hor.. me so short... unable to reach leh even with chair....
My room ceiling lower so i can reach. I also not v tall, during the CNY spring cleaning I need to put the chair on coffee table + the tool we use to bring dwn the clothes bamboo.
<font color="ff0000">Adora,</font>
I was eyeing the curtains as well! Do you know that we have not washed it for a few years??!! No prizes for guessing when was the last time we attempted to wash...
Hb had to do it to safeguard the safety of little cay in me. He had bad blisters from removing the hooks and decided to stop doing it for the curtains in the other rooms.
After cay is born, I can't be bothered!

On CNY eve, I decided to be garang and cleaned the windows of the whole hse. I think my hb had a bad shock but he didn't want to alert me when I was struggling to balance on the filmsy stool.

I am so hardworking that I am helping to clear my hb's mail. I realised that he has a lot of unopened mails lying all over. So I helped to open up the envelopes and tell him the content of the letters. He is so happy to have a 'secretary' like me. Haha.. my service will terminate once the nesting instinct dies off.

<font color="0000ff">Glayz,</font>
I also got my aircon from Gain City. Dunno whether to go back to them for the servicing. Hb said we should go back to the manufacturer if the aircon is spoilt because still under warranty but dunno whether it is spoilt or just need servicing leh. Plus the piping problem, I think the maufacturer of aircon doesn't take care of that part right? Sigh.
If ur house aircon is install by Gain city...can get back to them ba... abt the piping...maybe they can help too lor... becos manufracturer dun do the piping mah....
For me I had service contract...so no issue till yr 2008... my mum is very satisfied with the last service done... (she also install with me... think the sales personal super happy that he close 2 deals at the same time..) as they really clean the whole air con thoroughly.... and the air con is SUPER cool after service... for mine.. not much diff and the service man was like... Wah u all din use much har...
How much did you pay for the servicing? I think the aircon man will faint when he sees my aircon.
I really hope they can help to resolve the leaking problem. Hb kept laughing at me for breaking the piping. He said I must be the only person who is capable of something like that.
I din remember leh.....
I pay is for whole package together with air con installation.... I remember I sign for a 2 yrs contract... but each visit should not be ex... maybe u can call them and check...
Glayz, Caymom
My air-con also installed by Gain City, have not serviced b4 no intention to do it coz we seldom use.

Tell u gals my ofc aircon also din service until hot air comes out
I also seldom use mah...
But I think frequent check is better than check only when air con show problem....maybe becos of my line.. maintainence is better than repair...
hello from USA!!!

Our aircon is being service twice a year. They only charge us $75 (based on system we use, example, system 3). They do the general maintenance & refil of gas. Our aircon is 5yrs already, and still working good!
<font color="ff0000">Anns,</font>
This morning I was still thinking that you should be back at USA now.

<font color="0000ff">Glayz,</font>
I will ask hb to make the calls. Better make him do something or else everything he will rely on me.

In my industry, we strongly believe maintenance is essential too but hor... I am just rather bochap to begin with.

<font color="119911">Adora,</font>
We are quite moderate users but I think we overworked the air-con over the years.
Thanks Caymom. Me also wan to recover fast fast... heehe... cos wan to go play gym this sat :). Crossing my fingers.....

Welcome back here...... amazing technology.... back in US.... happy? Is Ian glad to be home? Has he recovered from his cold? Is the weather still cold?

My laundry man always help me to take down whenever I wan to wash n put back for me when it is done..... heehee :)....... so we din have to do it..... n he is super fast......
Part-Time Cleaner
i know i asked this before but am going to ask again, maybe newies like Sally has some good recommendation. I need part time cleaning help on weekdays who can do the job within 2-3hrs kind (meaning there must be more than 1 person cleaning). Anyone have recommendation?
cherry, my area is those pei du mama from china, doing part time on weekends for min 3hours.... one hour S$10.00 kind. But not sure yr area there. However there r those cleaning companies that I heard r good but ex lor.
then weekend u need to stay at home to supervise their cleaning or not...
Me also super tempted to get someone to come over to clean every part of the house... I can sit down shake leg supervise...
<font color="0000ff">Aircondition servicing</font>
Not long after we move in our resale flat our aircon broke down. Leaking problem and not cold.
We paid $2000+ for an entire new set of aircon. So now we service our aircon every year and yes I believe maintenance is better than repair.

If you have not use your aircon for a long time it's also good to on for a while and let it run. Like the one in our living room though we seldom use it we will on it once a while.

<font color="0000ff">Cooking Hood</font>
Remove the cover and replace the filter. Filters can buy from any household shop. It's something like sponge and you cut it according to the size and replace it. Close cover.
sally, i got not so good experience with a china lady before. off the top of you head can you name the cleaning companies? I don't mind paying slight more. I want them to come in on weekday so i will have a clean house come weekends.
<font color="0000ff">cherry</font>
You looking for part-time helper again? Presently I am using a Singaporean but I miss my Filippina helper. She's hardworking, fast and initiative. But her schedule is so full she can't take me anymore.
Glayz, I dun have one lah.... me is the maid lor.... dun have the luxury n $$$ to have one lei... heehee.

Cherry, think got one is called ah ma on wheels sth like this.... n there is also carexpress... there r quite a number but these r the two that come to my head now. I let u noe if I think of more.
Air Con
Wah like that har... ok tonight I will on FULL blast for the 2 air con units in my other rooms...
yes again... er... i better clarify in case mummies think i am vv difficult :p
i tried looking for one earlier and called some companies, they all tell me CNY vv busy cannot entertain me for now... also vv hard to find those that can do the job within 2-3hrs.. My mil does not like to stay at home to wait for them to finish and i don't have time on weekends to wait as well. so... vv difficult. i missed my indon one who was vv vv good (even pack my storeroom) and secured (i could leave her at home to finish and lock up).

Cleaning house is no joke. Hubby and i took 2 days leave just before CNY to clean up! our backs nearly broke! This is the only CNY that i didn't put on weight because of chasing Active Ms Ashley and spring cleaning. hahaha
Thanks for your tips. I remember seeing such filters at household shop before but I dunno what it is used for. I hope I can figure out how to replace it.
Of cos need pple around to supervise la.... if u come my place u understand liao.. my hb can leave everything all over the place one... so need to make sure nothing get stolen....

At least u have hb to clean also...for me is ME ME ME lor.... ask him to clean bathroom tiles nag for 2 weeks in the end CNY liao tiles still not clean..(BTW I squat to do floor cleaning...becos I buay tahan liao...)

If u manage to find one that is good and reliable can also recoomend me hor.... kekeke.. think during my ML need to get pple to go my house to CLEAN... otherwise I will sure faint when I went back after confinement.....
yes, finally touch down and have a good rest last night.

that's remind me of aircon in puggol, that time we left it empty for a year and guess what, 1 of my aircon card is spoil, oven shock & my washer leaks (all 1 yr old only). So I believe appliance must use it once a while to prevent spoil.
<font color="ff0000">Glayz,</font>
You staying at your mom's place for confinement? My mom did my confinement as well. I was expecting to come back to a super messy home but to my greatest surprise, it was not as bad as I thought. Hb was so proud of himself. I think he was worried that I will have depression if I see the house so messy. Anyway, this time, I hope it will not be too messy as well especially when I am starting to tidy up. If he can maintain the cleanliness, I am very happy already.

<font color="0000ff">Anns,</font>
Glad that you have a good rest.

Wah, so fast will spoil. Better on my aircon in the other rooms more often liao.
For my hb he nvr throw or pack away his old clothes...when i asked him to clear he wil tell me they are all in gd condition. The cupboard has no more space liao until I buay tahan cleared all & asked him to take a look b4 I sell to the garang guni. I think if I dun tell him he dun even realised his old clothes are GONE!

During my ML, I left the 2 kids wif my mum n went back home to do spring cleaning...gosh I was so satisfied after that...my hse look super clean. Keke now it has GONE back to the original messy stage again.
For my hb without me around is a messy PIG!!!
He will open his mail and throw ALL OVER THE PLACE!!! then is poor me who need to go around the house looking at all his mail deciding which can be throw away!!!! and I will threw away all those beer cans and vacumm the floor free from cigarette ash........ otherwise the house will be FIT FOR PIGS....
<font color="0000ff">cherry</font>
Never thought you are a difficult mummy. But sometimes they are not up to our expectations. And I always compare others with my ex-Filippina helper and trying to find someone that can match up to her.

Your ex-helper is good. Besides hardworking and initiative, trustworthy is also important.
Hello there! Today is my first day alone with JJ without a maid and... I was coping fine till lunch time. JJ woke up crying badly and after I carried him, he vomited EVRYTHING out onto me and himself. Cry non-stop and he felt feverish. He was running a fever of 38.3C. First time ever that he had such a high temp and vomitted. I suspected stomach flu.

Gave paracetamol and fever subsided. Had lunch like normal. 5.30pm vomited everything out AGAIN and fever came back - 39C.

Went to see doc straight-away - diagnosed with stomach flu. Talk about Murphy's Law...

Was told by doc that it would last for a few more days and expect loose stools. But otherwise he is active and still blabbering away. Have to watch his fever tonight.
<font color="ff6000">Adora</font>
Your hb and my hb can shake hands. Hehe. JJdad also have sensitive nose, but worse, he would develop hives if he does spring cleaning. JJdad also don't give/throw anything away. I have to sort it out for him. BUT sometimes I don't show him what I give/throw away, coz he would put them back in the cupboard! Kekeke.

<font color="ff6000">Anns</font>
How does it feel to be back in US? More comfortable or you miss Singapore's food? Hehe.
Did you have a smooth and peaceful trip back?

<font color="ff6000">Sally</font>
oh dear, you and A take care! Get well soon!
Wah, the kitchen set is really big but nice!

<font color="ff6000">Twinklets</font>
Sure, you can join in the dinner after the PG.
<font color="aa00aa">Gymboree Playgym </font>
How come the sign up is so bad? Coz of timing? Or you want to come but can't make it?
If yes, do state your name and preferred timing: 1-2pm or 2-3pm.

Date: 10 Mar (<font color="ff0000">THIS Sat</font>)
Time: 1-2pm

1. JJdad (JJmum can't make it) > 1-2pm / 2-3pm
2. Caymom
3. Serrich
4. Sallyngsj
<font color="aa00aa">March PG </font>
<font color="119911">Pinic at Botanic Gardens & Dinner at Tanglin Mall</font>
Date: 17 Mar (Sat)
Time: 4pm

1. Tang Ling
2. Caymom
3. Serrich
4. Shane
5. Erlisa *mission: to drag my hubby along*
6. Jaymom (arranging a GUG trial, will prob be late)
7. Jasmine
8. Kiami
9. Cherry
<font color="ff6000">Caymom</font>
That day at EF when I mentioned that GUG classes are 2 hrs, I saw Caydad's eyes popped out. Hehe. He must be thinking how to cope with 2 hrs in a room trying to restrain a 21mth tod. Kekeke.

Actually I also se bu de to redraw JJ from EF - then he can't attend class with his little frens. The only consolation is that Joelle is in the same class as JJ at GUG.
Yah, I want to go for the Gymboree Playgym but i can't lor. WOrking. I work on alternate weekends mah....
tang ling
u take care... and really wash ur hands well after cleaning up jj. stomach flu is super contagious. when nicole got it last time, withim 1 week, both hb and i got it! take care ya? anytime u want support, can call me... i'm at home alone w baby too (though 20 months younger!)
Hope JJ is better now.
Maybe after I finish all my prima paste packagem then I will starts to miss SG food. Ian fuss a couple of times in the plane coz' he tired yet cannot sleep, have to pat him in the toilet to calm him down. He cries the loudest in the plane. The medicine doesn't work wonder anymore.

I saw a kid using travel belt instead of carseat http://kidsflysafe.com/ Looks good. maybe next time can consider that.

tidy or messy
Iandad is the neat one among family and I wish Ian will be like him rather be like me. He always said I'm a ga-la-gu-ni :p

<font color="0000ff">Tang Ling,</font>
hope that JJ will recover fast fast and you take care too and as what Mckee says, stomach flu do spread fast and you must be careful too!

<font color="0000ff">Mckee,</font>
somehow i expected they might move Aeron out to another class becos earlier that day, Tang Ling told me to check the class# becos it might not tally with the receipt as her case... so sure enough they moved me to another class where there also a number of new tods joining...
the teacher was yani (not sure spell correctly) and musu (not sure spell correctly) and I think the room is slightly bigger??? but overall I think the class is ok too except majority of the tods run about including Aeron so this teacher asked teacher Farul (not sure spell correctly) to play the keyboard and get them dancing around the room... other than that we have the art and craft which I did not see during the trial class... was quite ok I feel but I was tired trying to refrain Aeron from wandering to the keyboard and pressing and pressing...
