(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

<font color="0000ff">Sally</font>
Really?? We can use the expired vouchers. You know mine expired during the Chinese New Year period. Didn't have time to go for the trial. I want an extension too.

On the letter A... but he must have missed out the last bit when they went "the A said AIR...."

There is a difference in the Letter L... don't know why American sound it as "O"
bbrooster, she offered me lei that she can extend.... heehee... n I said would call her back for a date....... When u back, u call them n tell them u not in sin, n see if they can extend. They quite flexible from the way she puts it.
yes yes... i want the DVD whatever you can get in your convenience. I only have the letter factory now. thanks in advance...
<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
At what price do you intend to buy? I can go and compare price. How much is it online and with the vpromo code? I am just afraid the departmental stores only sell individual DVD. But no problem I can check for you. I don't have much time here will be back to sin on Sunday. So those interested must let me know early.
That is the big diiference.... VTech pronounce it another way lor.. and think poor Sky will be so CONFUSED!!!

Can help me get the "Talking Words Factory II- code word caper" and "Learn to Read at the Storybook Factory" if not too troublesome..
My collection will be complete...
bbrooster, when u coming back? How much is one DVD for the leapfrog DVD? If u happen to see the below, can help me to get? Mommy&Me Playgroup Favourites, recommended by Anns. Think some mommies got a copy from her. Thanks alot.
<font color="aa00aa">Tang Ling,</font>
I heard about the weekday Gymboree playgym you mentioned. Glad that everyone had a fun time.

<font color="ff6000">Glayz,</font>
Oh dear, hope it is nothing serious. I am also not feeling very well but just a headache. Hb lah, he off the aircon in the middle of the night and he thought he switched it back on after a while but he didn't! Nearly suffocated me man. Dunno whether our air-con really going to ba-gong soon. Sigh.

<font color="ff0000">Sally,</font>
Thanks for calling to make the booking. Seems like zhu-ding no Gymboree this weekend. I also know they are quite willing to extend the expiry date of the voucher. The moment they see me preggie, they already asked whether I want to extend.

<font color="0000ff">Cherry,</font>
I also realise about the letter 'L', so weird hor.
I need 6 kind souls to help me test out a new brand of diaper pants. Will mail 2 pieces (size XL) to each participants to test and try.

But I would need require the help of the testers to fill up a simple feedback form about the performance of the diaper pants.

Only have enough samples for 6 participants. Please PM me if you are keen. Thanks.

me quiet reader of this thread haha... just wanna let u know that the letter A has 2 phonetic sounds. A as in Aligator. and A as in Art
The brainy baby DVD on ABC is very clear on the phonetic sounds of each letter...
Some of the letters have 2 sounds.... another one off my head is the letter C.... C in letter factory is Cut, Cat, Cold ... but there is another C sounds as Cymbal.


Laser Flair sells both volume of the playgroup favorite...
I bought my 2 volumes there.
hi hi poohy..
so Air and Ah are both correct for Letter A...
sigh.. i sometimes feel so inadequate.. i am old school hence never learn phonics before... now so old liao learning together with my little girl..

ya me too... never learn phonics. I learn it with the kids as they watch the brainy bb dvd
That's why i dun really dare to actively coach my boy in phonics... cos i myself half past 6. hehee.. just read story books to him...
<font color="0000ff">poohy</font>
I am also a silent reader of your thread. Anyway, it's always nice to chat with one another here.

xie xie zhi dian. Me also blur. Our time where got learn phonics. Only learn hanyu pinyin.
Ya lor... I learn a bit in Uni...force to take english skill as my ang mo cannot make it... but thru out never learn one lor in school... and now my mum phonics is BETTER than mine becos she watch with Sky mah....
I am also super poor in phonics. In fact, I dun even know what it is. My hb was the one who told me.
I think the reason why my English prounciation is so bad is because I know nuts about phonics. My prounciation is also affected by hanyu pinyin so it makes it worse.
Thanks for the link.

I have the LP DVDs. Have played it to Sherilyn a few times bt she has no interest in it. She will walk ard and find toys to play instead.

Thou she has attended classes at GUG and ZP, i have never hear her say out A-Z phonics at all!! Its very disappointing cos i dunno whether she has picked up phonics during lessons or nt.. The only consolation is that she enjoyed the other curriculum like music & dance and arts & craft. She now knows how to apply glue on her own and stick little pieces of color papers on it during her arts & craft. She also picks up a few chinese words at her ZP class.

Sally / bbrooster,
My voucher also expired during the CNY period. I also hope to extend ley..

U helping to buy the LP DVDs?

anns / cherry,
I also didnt learn phonics during school time.. I learnt as i watch the DVDs wf Sherilyn. Bt i always have the tendency to foget some of the sound of the letters.. *Blush*
<font color="0000ff">serrich</font>
Don't be disappointed. Sherilyn can do artwork on her own is great achievement already. Joelle can't do that you know.

Don't be despair even if you feel she is not watching. Just play it and don't be surprise she is listening.

My TV is on whole time even if Jo is not watching cos I think she is listening. Sometimes she will just run back to have a glimpse if she hear something interesting.

Yes, I am helping to get the DVDs. Do you want any? But no guarantee. i shall go out and look for it tomorrow.
cymbal is actually the phonetic sound of the letter 's' instead of c. in phonetics, there are a few letters which are replaced by something else for example c sound as 'k' sound. if u look at the phonetic symbol for the word cat- it's 'k-at'. letter 'u' has 2 soundings too ' cut' and put'. sometimes its diff to explain to our tods y there are exceptions or certain pronounciation to be diff even if the letter phonics generally sound as such.
btw, i studied phonetics.
<font color="ff0000">Serrich,</font>
I agree with Bbrooster. Able to do artwork on her own is really a big accomplishment. I don't expect cay to do that at the moment.

<font color="0000ff">Bbrooster,</font>
I think you are right. I also on my DVDs for cay even though she doesn't see through it and I realise she picks up bits of it.

<font color="ff6000">LV,</font>
Wow, didn't know you are an expert leh. Very impressed!
Thanks for the offer.. I can always borrow from u gals if I need it. Hahaha.. Just kidding lah..

I have attended a 2 days course on phonetics before.. Did u pronounce correctly to Kayla words like tortoise, eggs, banana, etc?? I find it difficult to communicate and teach Sheri the correct pronounciation cos we have been so use to pronouncing the words the way we were taught in school. Pple ard us also speaking the same way..

bbrooster / caymom,
She can do her artwork on her own cos she loves playing wf glue and sticking pieces of paper.. Hahaha..
KY last milk feed usually from 8.30 to 9pm.. i tried to increase her last feed but no use also..

Thought I am the only one.. have not learn phonics during school times.. now learning while watching the DVD with KY :p

KY only know the phonics for letter C. other than that she dun remember

If in time to read the posting can I order the leapfrog DVDs (Words factory and Math factory) as well? I only have the Letter Factory..thanks.
<font color="0000ff">jasmine</font>
Noted your order.

I am sure she will pick up more and more alphabets after watching. My friend's daughter watch for 1 mth and she now knows from A-I. Though she gets confused with 'I' and 'eye' now. She highly recommended me this DVD and so thankful we managed to ask ann to get for us.

Jo started watching around CNY. So I see how much she learn by one month.
it's difficult to speak american or brit english given the environment we are brought up with. thus many words we used still v singlish sounding. nowadays, there's also more and more words that accept more than one way of pronounciation like tomato n medicine. actually to sound more ang mo just drop emphasis on some syllables cos they always have this 'schwa' (i think spell like dat) meaning unstressed sound like banana (ber-na-ner) sorry here dunno how to type the phonetic symbols. those who can read will know what i mean. But anyway i just speak as per normal to K, if i pronounce wrongly then she pick from me n correct herself next time when she learns right way then
in one of K's books - barney alphabet soup there's these 2 words - Quiche and zucchini. wanna make a guess how it's pron?

And the common word -abalone. is it 3 or 4 syllables? I'll come back with the answers
(just for fun)
<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
1.Quiche is one syllable pronounce as kish
2.Zucchini is pronounce as Zoo-ki-ni.
3.Abalone though we pronounce 3 syllables but I think it is not wrong to pronounce as air-ber-lo-nee.

Teacher please correct me if i am wrong.
is it too late to order a Letter Factory and Word Factory? It's ok if it is....

Teacher LV
I think student bbrooster got it correct, right? But I think abalone is 3 syllables... if 4, minus marks.

this reminds me of the to-ma-to and to-mat-o song! hehe... I used to be English teacher in Sec school, but no phonics background, cos Sec Sch focuses on grammar and more grammar!
is the letter factory very good? I'm reading all ur reviews (urs the last one posted) and it sound so good, that I'm ordering both letter and word (following u... just not going for math, cos mummy not too keen to start on that now)

tell u guys a joke.
Every time I drive pass Novena for GUG class, I see VELOCITY being developed since last year. And the banner/signages all display the name as VELOcity (different color/font for VELO and CITY).
So in all my english wisdom, I told my hb tt Novena is developing a new annex called Velo-city. I even said, they are imitating Vivo City by calling themselves that!!! haha!
I was so embarassed when he drove passed one day, and realised I was talking about VELOCITY! even my maid laughed! me and big mouth!
<font color="ff0000">LEAPFROG DVD</font>
I went round the departmental stores, Borders, and Virgin Records. I found the DVDs selling as individual and more expensive. Each disc is US$13.99. Therefore, confirm Amazon.com don't have to pay for retail space it's cheaper to get it online.

Now, the question is, any spree experts can help start a BP for our thread since a lot of us are interested?
Student Bbrooster...clap,clap,clap!!! i believed you got them all correct. For abalone, i always pronounce it in 3 syllabus, i hoped i'm not wrong?

There are some of these words with different pronunciation. Words such as lieutenant ( pronounce as left-te-nant but some pronounce as lieu-te-nant) and lettuce ( most pronounce as le-tters, whereas Ive heard of people pronouncing it as le-tues)?
I guess it all boils down to you originating from which hemisphere of the globe.

Leapfrog DVD
Thanks for finding out. I was reading the exchanges between you mommies but was too busy to post my interest. I'm very keen if there's any BP

Wana get a copy of "Words Factory" and " Maths Factory" as well!

Even as a parent, i enjoy watching Letter Factory.It is very engaging, Jay loves it equally much. I'm such it will benefit Nicole too.
I also speak as per normal. We are so use to the speaking the way we were brought up that i find it weird to pronounce the words correctly.. Like red, banana & egg.. Hahaha.. I was telling hubby tat the ang mohs did nt slank bt its just the rite way of pronouncing the words tat we think that they slank a lot?! Am i rite abt this?

Wow, having fun here guessing the right pronounciation? I have to take out my phonetics notes to refresh my memory ley.. Hahaha..
Tell you all my joke about Abalone
when i first heard the 4 syllabus pronounciation (air-ber-lo-nee) from Australian TV, i thot it the name for the baby abalone... then i was wondering why this Australian so funny likes to eat bb abalone.... hahaha
I rec'd the Toy r us's flyer yeterday and saw a kitchen set at $69.90. Seems like a good deal, Hb ask me to consider.
Any mommies have seen it and interested to buy?

Sally, is it the same set you got for A?
mckee, bbrooster,
dont call me teacher leh.. just exchange pointers for fun and i could be wrong also. i shut up after this
yes the first 2 quiche (kish) and zucchini (zookini) are correct. I myself dunno how to pronounce n went to look up the phonetic symbols. before that i wasl reading to K the wrong pronounciation all the time!
as for abalone, based on longman dictionary phonetic transcription it's 4 syllables. anyway i'm always saying it as 3 syllables too.

i pron lettuce as 'letters' also. guess maybe last time my teacher taught me that way.

i guess the ang mo did slang mainly because of their intonation that creates the accent. Actually there r many local speakers who speak pretty good english (the pronounciation) without sounding too much of foreign accent. A few news presenter r good examples
that's funny

btw, forget to tell u, K also does the blanket monster nonsense sometimes. But most of the times, she got frightened by me, the bigger monster.
Wow, glad to learn about the correct prounciation of word.
Hope to see more words coming.

<font color="ff0000">RE: Bath Towels</font>
Sorry gals, bear with the auntie caymom for the moment. I'm now battling with nesting instinct and can't stop freting over the household stuff.

I want to ask whether there is any way to savage bath towels when black dots of mould (I believe) have appeared on it. My mom said bleaching is one way but if the towel is not white, it will destroy it right? I used to throw whenever I see the black dots but there is this towel that I like a lot and can't bear to throw...

Any way to prevent the black dots? How often do you change the towel?
I was laughing when i saw your post...keke how come we both have similar problems. My towels always kena those black dots. I also throw away...bleaching will remove it but the clrs will b gone also.

Now i try to buy v v dark clrs towel hope i dun see the black dots...
Wow, good to noe the correct prounciation of words. Teacher LV, teach us more leh!

me every 2 days change towel..
Think to prevent black dots, u must hang your towel wide wide lor. Then try to change daily or every 2 days if possible.

Oh.. did u try feeding her 10pm? or is she asleep by then? Yday Ash din wake up for milk.. heng.. although she did utter milk aro 230am, but she was closing eyes 1, so I bohiu her also.
Think the black dots are mould right...
My PJ also have them... and after some time...the black dots will turn to small holes... I also dun bare to throw becos all those ganna the black dots are already so well wash that they are ULTRA comfy.... and now my first pirorty is COMFORT...and my hb always look at my pj in disgust...
I think ur mom is right,i'm afraid the only solution is bleach.I had the same problem with you before becos i like thick,terry-cotton towels and due to lack of ventilation in the house when the windows are mostly closed when we go to work, the spots appeared.

I now buy thinner material towels and make sure i ventilate them well after use. Another method is at every wash, soak the towels separate and add a little colour bleach overtime before you wash them. At least you keep them clean and new.

I also have a question..
Dark Circles under the Eyes

I took the MRT home back yesterday evening and happen to stare at my own reflection and saw a "panda"! I realised my dark circles are getting worse. Based on experience, what brand skincare would you mommies recommend to counter this problem?

u are NOT alone. my dark circles are damn obvious too. I also not religiously using my bioterm eye cream. ARRGH. Also not sure which brand is gd.
Maybe I shd ask which concealer is damn good. =P
