(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

Twinklets/ Jaymom
Mine also very serious... and I already bohiu...
Maybe plain lazy... and heavy... my tummy just grew over the CNY period... maybe Bak gua and pineapple tarts will cos bigger tummy...

any recommendations???
I only remember this MTM commerical...

<font color="ff0000">Adora,</font>
Hahaha... glad that I am not the only one fighting the mould. My hb feels that I have nothing better to do. Actually, I really cannot stand the mould leh. In fact, I felt a metallic smell coming from it when it is wet. Very er xin that we are using a mouldy towel lor... in a way the mould are living organism right??

<font color="0000ff">Twinklets,</font>
When I was doing laundry, I will wash the towel every two days but the mould still appears. Now my hb does the laundry, he can change the towels once a week! I wanna puke blood you know. I explain to him umpteen times but he still doesn't get it. So I just keep throwing the towels lor.

<font color="ff6000">Glayz,</font>
Precisely! I realise the towels started to thin at the mouldy part as though the mould is eating up the fibre.

<font color="0077aa">Jaymom,</font>
I htink you are right. Must make sure we air the towels well. I realise cay's towels never have such problems because we air it in her room where there is a lot of sunlight.

Regarding dark circles, I am another victim as well. I had them since school days. I realise how serious it was during my recent makeover. Under the lighting in the makeup room, the circles looked hideous. But once the concealer was applied, can't see it anymore. Sigh, I think it will only get worse with the night feedings in another few months' time.
My dark circles already is a citizen under my eye...so is my eyebags... they are no longer PR... had upgrade status liao... becos no matter how many hours I sleep they are ALWAYS there...
nvm, be a mei mei Mummy of 2 when gal gal is born!

u are so funny.. but aint it kinda er sin if ur whole dark dark towel is full of moulds?

Ya kinda er sin hor? Imagine under microscope, then we can see wriggling creatures?? can we? eeekk.. me also have some abit mouldy towels which I'm still using. =P Come to think abt it, think i better go throw them away, actually I also bu she der lor. kaka..

Ashley's towel also no such prob, think cos we air it in our room. Actually I'm thinkg of using her old towels cos currently think she got 5 or 6 towels.
So current issues of interest are towel moulds and eye bags!

I thot I am the fussy one, but looks like I am not the only one. Hehe. I also have this problem and like Jaymom mentioned, I resort to thinner towels or hang the towels in the airy kitchen to dry.

I gave up on my eye bags - got them from my dad (inherited) and hopelessly dark. My only solution is concealer. Hehe. But have to keep them moisturised too or it gets dry AND dark.
There are a few BPs going on in the overseas spree in SMO, anyone knows the mommies to join? Is the price good? I onli join the spree if I noe them lor, cos I dun noe how to organise my own.

Glayz, thanks for updating Jaymom abt the kitchen set. I din see the flyer so din noe which one.

Wow Teacher LV is good ah. Mine also bad lah.... hubby always correct me n scold me cos he said A is picking up the wrong ones from me..... heehee.

Caymom, bath towels so far din see any black dots on them. Hubby n I have been using the same ones since 2002 we moved in, n not yet changed. Still in good condition. Maybe cos like Jaymom, after we use, we hang our towels in the kitchen area to air not in the bathroom. N we change every two days. For A, he has been using his till now since birth n still good. I change his everyday cos thin kind n easy to try.

Eye bags....
Me no longer bothered liao..... too tired to look at them after a long day with A....... sigh.
Tang Ling
I dare not moisturised my under eye...scare got you pao coz i already have a lot.

keke ya v er xin I shall see how my dark towels turn out to b so far no moulds yet.

For my dark cicrles, I will use concealer or my specs to 'cover' it.

I realised airing does help a little...but always my towek kena coz i think mine will b super wet after bath due to my long hair.
now i noe why my towel always easily get mould compare to my hb 1, cos I got long hair!!! *faint*

yeah u periodically muz check check hor *eeks*. heheeheheheh

me also will use specs to cover. =P
think best is buy those blue tinted 1, lagi no need to use concealer liao. lol ..
Mine is also PR liao, got it once O levels. Sighs

I also din study tat before, infact also dunno wat's tat until my hb told me afew yrs back. Hb also will laff at my pronounciation too.

Btw, ask u mummies, how abt the prounciation of "ESPLANADE" ????
My hb asks if can buy one set n dup or not, the DVD got copy right or not ah? Cos baby signing time has, cant dup. LEt me noe, if can dup, then good, cos he said can buy one set n dup for u all.
esplanade - I pronoun as something like "as-per-nut".

if that item entitled free shipping over $25, u can buy and shipped to vpost CA site, and then u just need to pay from CA to SG postage.
Sad to say LF also have copyright. Can try DVD decrypter or shrink.
Hi bbrooster, my hubby calculates plus shipping n onli less than US$1 different from Amazon. If u still have time n see this in time, pls help me to get from US Leapfrog DVD - Letter Factory n Words Factory. Dun mind paying S$13.99 for one DVD. Thanks alot.

If can dup, once I get the items (if bbrooster manages to get for me), let me noe who wan, so I can get hubby to help to dup. :).
U can try...if able to dup or not...
If needed..I can lend the Math circus.. Sky haven start yet.... (the other 2 , letter and word factory he need to watch DAILY...) Math one I had hid from his view otherwise he will pt to tv and scream ahhhh...
I saw from the BP the whole set cost around $77++... Still thinking leh...if I bought the whole set... I will need to sell off the letter factory, word factory and math circus... if not have to combine mummies for my order.... Dilemma leh.....
hi gals,
re:dark circles n you pao..pls hor..all of u hve to stand one side liao..
dun think urs is as serious as mine..think i can be no.1. liao..hehe..

RE: leapfrog,
i interested..but dunno if Ryan likes or not..recently i re-intro baby signing times again..but actually is w the intention to show Chloe..n who noes,Ryan is more interested than Chloe..n he is happily trying to sign as the bbs in the show..
<font color="ff0000">Adora/Caymom</font>
What i suggest is to dry your hair with a separate hand towel.Your body towel wouldn't be that wet then.I used to do that but now i too lazy liao.

<font color="ff0000">Ask Supernanny</font>
There is this make-shift stall behind my office selling many books ( brand new) at $10 each.
They have "Be Happy", "Rich Dad, Poor Dad". etc
What i noticed is "Ask Supernanny". I just came back and checked Popular's website and realised that the book is retailing at $23.13!
I tot of asking around to see if anyone of you interested as it seems like a good deal. I've already ask the stall-owner to reserve a new copy for me, will check if he has more stock.
Sorry to disappoint. All Leapfrog DVD orders will be <font color="ff0000">cancelled.</font> If you really want let me know again.
no worries. Thanks for helping to check the prices.

want to abish u for still calling me teacher. :p
esplanade - i pron as ' es-ple-ned' if i'm not wrong, 'es-ple-nud' is more american.
Have been MIA again. So soory coz has been really running up and down due to my house reno. Hopefully it will complete as per scheduled. *busy busy*

My hubby and mine pronounce words differently. He will pronounce the words "phonically" unlike me, like for the word "colD". Even when it comes to our gal's name, we also pronounce differently. For him, it's MEagan, and me it's MAEgen. hehe
Hopefully my gal wont get confused.
i think so bah.. she v ho mia...


This is SB software. I have compared using PPT SB & SF (Scrapbook Flair) SB, SF hardcopies are really much clearer than PPT ones.
But the cons part is it aint as convinient as PPT. Cos PPT can rotate,copy etc. This 1 u gotta insert 1 by 1. Their embellishments are so so only, so I use my own embellishments which I store in my PC.

This is the 1 tat I dl those embellishments & background paper. <font color="ff0000">Tangling</font> may have more links, u can check wif u for more.

Happy E-Scrapbooking!!!
<font color="0000ff">Jennise</font>
Hi haven't heard from you for a long time. So where have you move to. Are you still at the west?

<font color="0000ff">Dark Circles</font>
So far have not found the miracle cream. I have used so many different brands but looks like it will remain as citizen like what Glayz said.

<font color="0000ff">Mckee & LV</font>
Our English teacher can you tell me the exact pronunciation of JOELLE. Will you pronounce as Jo-well or Jo-L. Cos ELLE we pronounce it as 'L'. Sia suay, mummy here don't even know how to pronounce own daughter's name.
For me I pronounce as Jo-L...
next time go for mono-syllabus la... less chance of sa lah...
<font color="0000ff">Glayz</font>
my #2 if I have girl will be double also. JANELLE. This one I will pronounce as Ja-nelle.

<font color="0000ff">poohy</font>
How do you pronounce your daughter's name?
#2 name
I siao liao la... my hb insist on MOON... he say Sky also keep saying moon...so moon will be my ger name!!! ARGHHHH...
<font color="0000ff">Glayz</font>
you tell hb wait people call her "moon chxx", "moon chxx" how? (read in cantonese). Chinese read as "men zhen". Don't know you get it or not.

Snowy is nice.
I dun get it... sorry very blur now... did too many pdf extractions and combining just now...
<font color="0000ff">Glayz</font>
Don't know I got your hb surname right or not. His surname same as Joelle's is it? Next time then tell you if you don't get it.
<font color="0000ff">adora</font>
I call her Jo-L then my sis and my friends say Jo-well sounds better and softer. Where else L sounds harder.

Now that I know we have good English teachers I also like to find out which is correct.
I call ur daughter Jo-L. But I've a guy fren-Joel, and some call him Jo-L too. But it's a hebrew name, so I call him Jol (the L is a 2nd syllable, but soft L)
but joelle's name is ur call, cos ur daughter!! my mil calls nicole NI-COL (as in Colony) sigh...

thanks 4 checkg out prices 4 us. i think i'll give it a miss now, it seems serrich got secret deal!
So clever of u! Hiak hiak.. We communicate via email easier.. Lets give the rest sometime to respond to me via PM bah.. I will email those who are interested on Monday.

i will read it as 'Jo-L' too because the 1st syllable doesnt end with a consonant. For janelle, it will have the 'nelle' ending. But u will call it as 'jer-nel' or 'jan-nel'? technically speaking, 1st one is the right way but i do know of people who insist on 2nd one also.

K's name:
90% of people who read K's name got it wrong. Almost all clinic asst got it wrong, even my relatives now also calling the wrong pronounciation as what i wanted or what it should actually be.
here are the wrong pron to K's name:
1) Kai-Le
2) Kei-LAH
3) Car-Le (colour?!?!)
4) Kai-LAH (i hate most)
5) Car-LAH (carla lily?!?!?!)
The middle name is worst, 95% of folks got it wrong. oh no, i dont know if i'm doing the right thing in naming my dear K.
