(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

<font color="ff0000">Adora,</font>
My hb is also fond of keeping old clothes. My hb only wears a small portion of his wardrobe. When I want to throw those unused clothes away, he will have all sorts of excuses to say no. Some of his tees and socks are already full of holes and he still insists on wearing them. I really dunno what to do at times. Actually I also kept a lot of old clothes but at least I keep them nicely away, he ah.... aiyo... the way he keeps his clothes really can make people faint, so disorganised and threatens to fall whenever you open his cabinet.

<font color="0000ff">Glayz,</font>
My hb is a real messy pig. He keeps all sorts of junk. Even receipts he also keeps. He will tell me that must keep in case he needs to request for exchange. Please lah, if he has that intention in mind, he would have tested the item (usually DVD, games etc) after he reached home. But he never does it!

<font color="119911">Tang Ling,</font>
Oh dear, hope JJ get will soon. It's not easy handling a sick tod alone.
Yah, my hb was rather shocked that the class is 2 hours during weekdays and 2 sessions somemore.
Actually, it is indeed sad to know that the class will be left with cay, Sky and JH eventually. I think cay enjoys the company of her frens. I am amazed that KY can call "JJ" already. It makes me wonder whether cay knows her frens by name at all.

My hb will throw receipts ALL OVER THE PLACE except rubbish bin... so if u look carefully at the pile of mess he create u can find receipts for food items lor...that one cannot exchange one la... then i have to help throw away....

Dun worry... Sky also doesnt call even his own name...so he also dunno how to call others...

Tang Ling
Hope JJ get well soon.... and u exercise good care to protect urself hor...
Morning Mummies!

I am so sleepy today, Ashley cried for milk 530am this morning! So old liao can still cry milk in wee hours!
Then I went to make milk for her, she can wail like dunno wat. Sighs. If she's gog to cry milk those hrs regularly, think I can die of fatigue man!!

Btw Mummies, tell u something.. my gal confirm has very huge feet!!!!
Went to Colette to see some shoes. Those v nice pretty sweet shoes fitted just nicely on her feet. & they are the LARGEST SIZE. OMG.. So meaning, my gal cant wear those Colette Sweet Sweet shoes!

So we aim at those track shoes, & we got Size 25 for her. OMG!!! Can u imagine her built & then wearing tat size 25 big shoes?

Hope JJ will recover soon. U must rem to wash hands clean clean after every potty change..
Rem to hydrate him with water.

TidY or MessY
Hee.. me Messy type also. Hb is definitely the neat 1, & he cant stand messy scenes. Yesterday we were talking abt 1 cousin of Ashley, whom is also housekeeping type, which reminded me of Cay! Infact, this cousin also small built, big eyed type, & they really look quite alike. So I was joking with Hb, issit such pattern look 1 all like housekeeping & like neat neat 1??
Then we look at our stinko messy gal tat was drawing at her desk. Then we roll our eyes, Ok our gal is not this pattern 1, no wonder she kinda messy pattern, + the look also kinda messy. (imagine liu han like macham juz shower 1. =P )
Poor thing. Hope Ashley doesn't wake up so often. cay doesn't wake up but she will toss and turn the whole night. Very hard not to be awakened by her kicks and slaps but I'm a light sleeper to begin with. Besides, preggie women usually wake up at least once every night.

Housekeeping type? Hahaha... cay is not always neat and tidy. Her own toys forever thrown round the house and she can't be bothered. The only toys she keep are her bath toys. If she is in the right mood, she will give them a rinse, wipe clean with her towel and put back on the rack.

u r not alone. Its being quite sometime that Samuel keep wanting to drink milk in the middle of the night or in the wee morning like 4-5am. Sometimes it can even be 3am. He will wake up and say mummy, milk milk.... at first I thought he is very hungry and will quickly rush out to make milk for him. Then as times go by, I will just say ok... then go back to sleep hoping he will also be too sleepy to remember.... sometimes it works... but most times, within 10 min, he will ask me for milk again... till i finally go and make for him. I just thought maybe he din eat enough in the day lor... that's why hungry.
Talent Plus Playgroup
Anyone had info on the above???
kekekeke... still trying to find 1 for Sky... if can find enrol him so my mum can breathe...otherwise will be pre-nursary....
I got this link also...
But hor... I want to CALL to check...
I had email the owner of this webby.... now waiting for his reply.... I scare his venue OUTDATED lor... praying hard there may be more centres near my mum place.. :p
<font color="0000ff">Tang Ling</font>
oh no. Never heard JJ feeling so sick before. Hope JJ recover soon.

And what a coincidence your maid just left. Must have kept you busy whole day yesterday. That's why didn't see you online.
Tang Ling, thanks, we r feeling better. Akinesh will be going back to school tomolo. Oh No, poor JJ is sick. Hope he is better today! U must be so tired. Take good care.

tidy or messy
Me is the messy one... n hubby is the tidy one... he will nag if I mess up....... heehee. He trains Akinesh to clean up his own toys n mess, n put back the toys he dun need before taking new ones.
My hubby at keypoint can feel the shake n they are now told to evacuate the building.... sounds serious hor... wonder if there is another quake in Indonesia? I dun feel anything in AMK lei.... hmmmm but I felt giddy suddenly just now for a few seconds... not sure if it is due to the shake.
No shake no shake...
Me in woodlands... Kiami will tell u no shake also...kekekekeke...

I call the person in charge leh...but hor she din pick up the phone...
Anything u need to know I bomb her later...

wow the kitchen looks big n nice..i hve no space to put..anyway,cant buy..cos hve one set liao

suntec has earthquake leh..my coll said they feel powerful shake..so we evacuate the office..n now ok liao.back to work liao..so sianz..

tang ling,
hope JJ recovers soon..Ryan passed his virus to Chloe..n now she has cough..but she oni cough in the night to the extend tt she cant sleep well..

for GUG,if got a slot must ask them to reserve for u fast..cos their slot taken up very fast..tt time i called,n there is still slots for the timing tt i wanted but when i went for the trial n wanted to sign up..they told mi no more slots liao..n is just a few days ago i called them up..
boy i'm damn sleepy! Why my bldg din evacuate us?
Now I hope my office can have power failure, then we can simply go hm.

ya me v cham, & this aint the 1st time she wakes up for milk. HB say we need to put a hot thermos inside our rm liao.. I'm a heavy sleeper, she really need to cry very loud, then I'll react 1. We'll 1st feed her water, if still cannot , then bobian.

Ashley is v messy 1. She wont keep her toys 1. Even I scold her liao, she also wont 1. At least Cay will. Last Friday, she wanted her tutu, crying to beg me liao, but I told her must keep those bears on the floor 1st. She still refused, but she see me I really meant wat I say. Anw I started to clear 1st, then kept telling her to help me keep,finally she kept together with me.
Think if MIL at hm, such thing wont happen 1. MIL sure comes & rescue her liao.

How come our kids so big liao, still suddenly wanna milk at those wee hrs? It happen to me at 3am too.
Many of the buildings in Raffles Place kenna evacuation. Many colleagues also ran down to wait at foyer out of fear. In fact 15 mins ago, we experienced a 2nd round of tremors. I heard AMK, Sengkang and Toa Payoh can feel it too!
Pray hard there will not be too many casualties in Sumatra.

Sick Tods
Tang Ling
Poor JJ, it must be terrible. I had that same experience a few weeks ago when Jay was hit by the flu bug. Keep JJ away from oily stuffs and give him light meals. It must be hard for you having to mind him and clean up the mess. U take care too.

Ya-lor, if i can afford the time, i will try to go down personally this week or next. But chances slimmer cos term has just started. U keep a lookout for me, k.
twinklets & poohy
sleepless in s'pore.... Ash Jnr is the champion and i am not pround of it. Today i took urgent leave becos too tired to go to work. She broke her own record last night by getting up at 12.30am and was wake all the way until around 5.30am then fall asleep.. i wanted to cry! why does my little girl needs so little sleep??? she bearly naps in the afternoon too... is there a sleep therpathy for tods???
twinklets, poohy,
u tried giving water instead for the wee hours? I always standby a bottle of water at bedside for her in case she cried for milk at night. most times it works cos maybe they r just thirsty or suckle for comfort. if after water still crying then i'll then make milk. nowadays, one of their fav words is 'milk'. after bathing i always give K water, i'll ask her water? she replied milk. I said no milk drink water then she'll fuss a little but when the water is brought to her, she still drink.
Oh dear cherry, u must be so so tired. I noe it is frustrating that they dun wan to sleep n we r so so tired.... this morning Akinesh woke up at 0530hrs n refused to go back to milk :-(..... Tods tods tods.... wat happen to them???

MILK at nite
I think it is more of habits n attention than realli hungry..... my sis eldest boi who is 6 yrs old now....... when he stay at my mum place, he can ask for milk every hour or two at nite to make my mum wakes up n makes milk for him (180ml each time).... however when he is home, he dun ask for milk from my sis, all the way to the morning... this happened till he's 5 yrs old last yr, then my sis stopped my mom to make for him, so he din ask for it after that. So I think more of gian..... my boi at times will also cry in the middle n ask for milk, i will tell him, go back to sleep.... then he sleeps...... heehee.....
sleep therapy for kids? haha so funny. did u try to switch off all lights to create the atmosphere to sleep? u tried before some bedtime routine with her so she knew what to expect when it's sleeping time? Most times, K cant get enough of bedtime stories and we also dim the lights to do it. she'll cry when we switch off the lights even when she walked to get another book despite every book being the last book! but after that, she'll talk to herself when lying down on her bed and fall asleep

Aiyoh..i can understand your "tiredness".
Yesterday nite, Ash Jnr's good fren Jay also woke up to conduct a strike.
Problem is, MIL let him take a nap from 7 to 8.30pm. He had his din at 9.30pm and went to bed at 11pm. He was up at 3pm and we unwillingly "accompanied" him to watch T.V to 4am while he enjoys his milk and he fussed till around 4.30am before he "kam wan" sleep. I also damn angry with him for doing this on a Mon nite! Jaydad gave up and went to sleep on the sofa..

I read that we should try to let our "mind" rest before we go to bed. This is to reduce brain activities to the minimum to condition our body and mind to rest. Sorry, i'm no guru myself but some tips that may help :

1) No TV/toys 1/2 hr before bed
2) Play soft soothing music
3) Dim the lights/ air-con at a cool comfy temp.
4) Pretend to sleep and "ignore" her
5) Bedtime story

Alternative, what my aunt suggests is to bring child for a walk( not a playground) and "tired" her out until she feels sleepy..hehe!
re: milk at night

the problem is my boy had stopped waking up for milk for ages... till recently then he restarted. He dun take full 3 meals a day... still very much on a milk diet throughout the day... that's why i suspect he is hungry. I try to say ok and pretend I go .. but actually I sleeping.. but he will wake up again and ask for milk again and again till i go. He can differentiate between water and milk.. if he want water, he will say mummy, drink water. If I try to give him water, most likely i will be rushing back to the kitchen for milk haha... some nights I will be alternating between him and Joelle... 2am J wants milk, 3 am Samuel wants milk, 6am J wants milk again... that's why I seldom take up J's night feeds...too tired liao.

I also hesitate to give him water for another reason... cos i want him to be on milk as long as possible... should be good rite? dun want him to wean off milk too early leh... my cousin's childrens who are weaned off milk v early all look very skinny and impoverished like dat...
LV, Jaymom, Sally,
i am vv pro routine as sure have established sleep rountine for ashley since she was a young baby. The problem is not falling asleep but waking up after that. She seems to be able recharge all her energy by sleep in blocks of 3-4 hrs.

at some point last night i pretended to sleep and "ignore" her, she came around and bite my face.
help help help....
<font color="0077aa">Re: Sleep therapy</font>
I am trying to train cay to sleep independently. Currently, she only sleeps if I sleep with her. At my mom's place, everyone must sleep before she is willing to sleep. If she sees light coming from my sis's room, she will bang at the door because she wants to go in and play. Even if she is very tired, she will still refuse to sleep.

There was once I thought she fell asleep and sneaked off to the kitchen to wash her bottle. I had a great shock when I turned around and saw her standing quietly behind me. Her eyes were half-closed. Imagine she was so sleepy and still wanted to kpo where I was sneaking off to.
i'm now at home..cos experienced the 2nd tremors,so boss ask us to go home..

wat happen?y ash jr dun wan to sleep?
nowadays Ryan oso like tt leh..when is his bedtime,he dun wan to sleep,he still wan to play..whenever i put him on the bed,he will get up n run out of the rm..must keep putting him back to the bed,then he will sleep..

Re:milk at night,
think i hve to be thankful tt Ryan dun wan wake for milk..but he dun realli sleep thru,sometimes he will fuss in his sleep one leh..

then for Chloe,realli alarm clock,very zun one..will sure wake up once in the night n abt 6am in the morning for milk..last time she can sleep all the way till 6am,but eversince she came back fr hospital,she cannot liao..

i'm wondering isit cos she drink too little in the day hence at night more hungry?
i'm thinkg of giving her more milk n put cereal in it to make her more full..

no prob,will keep a lookout for u..
J oso cant sleep thru the night?

can understand ur agony..fr not enough sleep..
ya..sometimes,Ryan can just nap for 15 to 20 mins,then he recharged batt liao..

Ryan oso like tt,dun keep his toys one..worst..he likes to throw toys on the floor,hb hve been scolding him..n try talking to him nicely oso no use..haiz..
<font color="0000ff">twinklets,cherry,jaymom</font>
Twinklets your case still not the worst. After reading cherry and jaymom's I sure peng san if it happen to me.

Cherry, you always say ash is very active. I think like what jaymom said her brain cannot calm down to rest. Still hyperactive.

How long does ash sleeps? And her nap is how long in the day?

<font color="0000ff">Jaymom</font>
You and hubby wake up to watch TV with Jayden. Poor thing. I don't think this will happen every night. Your tips are right but Jo will buay kam wan if she don't watch her Barney before bedtime.

<font color="0000ff">Sleeping Hours</font>
Joelle is going to bed later and later. From bedtime 10pm she can now drag to 11pm and wake up at 8 or 9am. And have 1.5-2hrs nap in the day. I think she sleeps too little. Only about 11 hrs including nap. Kind of worried for her development. Anyone read before how long does a 2yr old kid need to sleep in total?
Sleeping hours
Sky sleep between 9pm - 11pm at my mum place...and woke up between 8am-9.30am....
and will have a 2hr nap at my mum place....
But back home... he will not sleep when my hb is around... sleep after 11pm and woke up around 9am the next mroning.... also high chance of refusing to nap.... but will be super cranky...so when he finally napped will already be 4+ - 5pm.....Is mummy so easy to be bullied that he refuse to sleep when he is at home...
<font color="ff0000">Re: Sleeping hours</font>
At my mom's place, cay takes two naps of around 3 hours each. She will sleep at 10pm and wake up around 8am. So in all, she sleeps around 16 hours a day.

At my home, she usually take only one nap of max 2 hours. She will sleep around 11pm and wake up around 9am, making up a total of 12 hours a day.

We try to make her nap more at home but it is super tough. I have no idea why my mom is able to make her nap so much. Maybe I am another easily bullied mommy.
As much as i don't wan him to watch T.V, what choice do i have in the wee hrs of the morning when he is wailing and banging on the bedroom door?
No choice, have to give in or wake up the neighbourhood. If it's before 11pm, i'll just let him cry , get tired and guai-guai come and lay down beside me to sleep.

Lucky thing, it's not a daily drama scene, same as LV, i put a bottle of water at the bedside table. If he wakes in the nite sometimes, he will "self-service" and go back to sleep on his own.

Now i undstand why ah-ma sayang Cay so much! She sleeps quite a bit so that your mum can catch up with some of the chores. What did she feed her..kekeke!

When our tods are awake we are almost hands tied esp now they refuse to sit on high-chair for long, can climb out from playpen and worst, climbing up the tables and chairs!

Another tip
NO sweet food/tibits 2-3 hours before bedtime. Sugar keeps their engery going!!
<font color="0000ff">caymom</font>
Cay can really sleep. I wish Jo is like her. Wah, she can sleep twice in the day of 3 hrs each and still can go to bed on time.

At home Cay sleeps lesser cos she wants to spend more time with mummy and daddy. Now, I understand why when I don't have to work Jo also refuse to sleep early.
Then like that I super sad leh....
He just had a harder time to nap when I am around... but when I went to sleep he will follow me also... but when hb is around then he will refuse to sleep...want to watch tv till wee hours...so he prefer his dad more than me...
<font color="ff0000">Jaymom,</font>
Myy mom juggles between hsework and cay like a piece of cake. I will go crazy if she leaves me alone with cay. My mom simply has the ability to make her sleep. She even tells me that cay will automatically fetch her pillow when she asks her to sleep. cay will only reply "mai mai mai" to me!

<font color="0000ff">bbrooster,</font>
Thanks for the link. Now I am more comforted to know that she has enough sleep at home and she wants to spend time with me when she refuses to sleep.

Just a joke, ask you mum if she's interested to conduct weekend class on child rearing esp training them to sleep longer. I'm sure Cherry will be interested to sign up too.

I think your mum has a "way" with kids
<font color="0000ff">Glayz</font>
Don't be sad. Sky probably stay up longer with dad cos he's seeing lesser of him. Of course, when you want to sleep he will follow you lah. He can sleep on your tummy mah.

<font color="0000ff">caymom</font>
Don't mention. you are welcome.

<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
Haven't heard from you for a long time and didn't see you online too. Are you alright?
<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
yes i have 1 waterbottle by her side. Everytime she fuss, we'll give her water. But these days she still wanna fuss for milk. Once finish her milk, she'll return bk to sleep. I guess she's really hungry. Think tonite I'll try letting her drink 240ML of milk. Hope tonite I can have a peaceful sleep!!

K is v independent in sleepg by herself! Mine wont. She'll yell u to come inside the room 1. Sometimes even me already inside the room, she'll yell her Daddy to come in as well 1. Anw, me still kinda enjoy making her to sleep. So long I lie besides her, she'll sleep by herself by playing my Tee shirt Sleeve. Insecure child.

<font color="ff6000">Cherry</font>
Ash Jnr still waking up daily?? I'll peng san like Bbrooster too. These few nites like tat, I already complain big time, I can really feel ur tiredness man.
My HB was v angry at Ash this early morning cos she wailed so jia lak while waitg for my milk to come, even scolded her 'Crazy'. Cant imagine my hb can throw frustrations 1.

<font color="ff0000">Bbrooster</font>
Shane will appear maybe next wk bah. hee.
Ok Ashley was exactly like Joelle 2 mths ago. Usual hour is 10pm sleep, but tat period she can play unti 11+pm, die die dun wanna sleep. We were v concerned abt her lack of sleep cos napping time at Bedok was also 1.5-2 hrs max. & also, I can see her eyebag & eyecircles!! Imagine at such a young age!
Now she's back to her normal 10pm, but at times in the middle of the nite will fuss, sometimes worst is ask for milk.
I think give Joelle some time, she'll back to her normal hour again.

<font color="119911">Caymom</font>
Wow 6 hrs of afternoon nap!!! Tat's alot! If Ash can sleep half of it during wkday, I'll be so happy already. Ash can only sleep max 3 hrs during wkends. Wkday at Bedok is the most 2 hrs. My Mum will be so happy if she can sleep up to tat hrs. Ur Mum is superb ! can make her sleep so long, & yet still can sleep on the dot 10pm!

<font color="aa00aa">Forgetmenot</font>
U are so ho mia.. now at hm! Arrgghh.. me envy .. =P

Oops Ryan dun wanna sleep liao ah? Tat time U mentioned he slept early like 9pm+ hor?
I miss those days tat Ash slept aro tat timing.
It gives me tat 'healthy' feeling. hee..
<font color="ff0000">Jaymom,</font>
My mom is very proud of her so-called gift in dealing with kids. She said I can sleep even longer when I was a baby, 7pm to the next morning! If she is not my mother but my maid, I would have suspect whether she feeds cay sleeping pills or alcohol.

My mom is very strict with her schedule so cay prob got used to it. My mom always scolds me for upsetting her schedule during the weekends but I really tried my best to follow, I just couldn't achieve that. Besides, if she naps so long, how to bring her out?

Anyway, now that I know she has enough sleep even at my home, I can set my mind at ease.

<font color="0000ff">Twinklets,</font>
Hard to imagine cay can sleep so much right? I am very amazed too. At first I thought maybe my mom's place very well-ventilated, so more conducive for sleeping but when my mom moves to my place to stay, cay naps so long as well. So I am convinced that cay is used to my mom's schedule. If my mom is not around, she will heck care.
Tang Ling
How is JJ today.. hope he is feeling better now you take care as well.

Your kitchen set very nice leh.. me regretted buying the Fisher Price set
Glad that A is better now.

Yap, I will be withdrawing KY from Edufarm.. I also bu se de cos KY enjoyed her class as well.

KY wake up for milk EVERYNIGHT around 2 am to 5 am too!! I heard of giving water instead of milk but hesitate cos KY already underweight loh
really salute u to have to wake up every other hour to feed J and S. I cant imagine myself going thru that. K drinks about 650ml of milk in the day on top of the 3 meals but she dont take full meal most times. so i gave water to her in the middle of night. But i do find that if i give her a feed between 3-5am, she wakes up later than usual.

long time ago, i read somewhere that there's a small group of people who sleeps v little - around 3-4 hours per day n feel energetic as well. dont tell me A is in that group?
sometimes i pretend to sleep, K also came n hit my face. I just cover myself with pillow. haha

can imagine cay sneaking behind u when u tot she asleep. got once, i went to bathe then the door open slowly. scared the wits out of me cos i see nobody. then suddenly saw K standing outside. phew!

he so good still self service to the water. mine will need me to deliver to the mouth.

did i forget to add that i sleep beside her? She needs to hold my hand n fiddle/ wriggle then sleep. give her doll's or mickey mouse hands also cannot.
There is a children bookfair at Bras Basah starting this Fri till next weekend.. If u are interested to get some board books for ur kids, do go check it out.

I manage to get some board books for Sheri over the weekend at 30% discount. Much cheaper than buying from Popular.

Sleeping Hours:
Recently Sherilyn has been sleeping earlier than expected.. She will come to me and tell me that she wants to orh orh at ard 10plus.. To my surprise she really fell asleep after I patted her for abt 10mins. Finally my gal decided to have more sleep in the nite! Kekeke..

Wow 6 hrs of afternoon nap?! Tats really unbelievable! Sheri takes 2 hrs at most..
<font color="ff0000">Jasmine,</font>
I will definitely miss KY. The way she calls her daddy is so sweet, melts my heart each time. Your hb must be very happy. cay never takes the initative to call us.

<font color="0000ff">LV,</font>
I can imagine your 'errie' experience especially when we both stay in Punggol so our bathroom layout should be the same. I had a similar experience as well but I was using the toilet so the door just swung open in front of me. I was frozen then cay popped her head in and gave me a cheeky smile. Wah biang!

<font color="119911">Serrich,</font>
Not 6 hours of afternoon nap... one in the morning around 10am, another in the afternoon around 3pm. But at my home, she only takes one nap. If she misses her 10am morning nap, I will make her nap by 1pm.

Caymom, maybe u ask yr mom to teach us how to let our tods nap so long in the daytime...... that will be a breeze for me if A can nap so long.... I will not be so stressed...... heehee.

Jasmine, thanks for yr concern. A is back to school today.

Tang Ling, how is JJ? Hope he is well!

Twinklets, how is Ash last nite? Did she wake up?

Wow Serrich, got book fair.... hmmm must find time to go then.
