(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

adora & serrich, what do u think about posting many many photos of our #2? I think we may be able to help boost our population status!

Ya I will try to post more but frankly speaking this time round din really take as much pics as last time.


I was also wondering where were u....pls take care!
<font color="ff0000">bbrooster,</font>
Hope you are feeling better. My hb also fell sick and cay has fever too but she is still cheerful and cheeky.

<font color="ff6000">Erlisa,</font>
This time, I do not have any rashes yet although I feel some itch at the breast. Keeping my fingers crossed.

<font color="ff0000">Tang Ling,</font>
I see. Thanks for sending the SB. I love it so much that it is on my desktop now. Brightens my day each time I look at it.
bbrooster, OMG.... Get well soon. Take care har. Tot where u have gone to????

erlisa, managed to catch up some rest on yr off day?

Wow mckee, so bad huh.... trying to make us gian gian gian....... Good citizen hor, making baby boom in Sin... heehee
sick mummies and tods... pray that they get well soon. Ashley is also sick... sigh.. Fever and flu..

i like the "1st meeting" pict.. can see nicole's chubby fingers.. so cute. the photo of group hug vv warming.. but unlike the rest.. i have no #2 calling leh.. i think i am almost there in the "1 child dept"

Tang Ling
can send me the soft copy of your master art work as well? thanks in advance.

Kitchen Set..
ashley doesn't play with it as much leh.. in fact, she doesn't play with it in the usual way now.... she just wants to lift and carry the whole kitchen up! my strange girl..
<font color="0000ff">Sick Mummies & Tods</font>
Pls take care k! Drink lots lots of water.
My throat is getting dry too, so gog to drown myself with water today.

<font color="ff0000">Tangling</font>
Can i have the softcopy of the SB as well? Thanks!!

<font color="119911">Kitchen set</font>
Phew, heng my gal is still playing after so long. But not daily kind & wont stay long infront there. She prefers to take out afew pots & pans & go out living room to play.

<font color="ff6000">Serrich</font>
Oh ya, u din update the recent pic of #2 princess leh. We waiting, ok?
Preggies have reason to be fat okie! It's sexy fats mah! I will def go for PS if i ever get preggie wf #3! Need to keep some nice and sexy photos of my preggie days for remembrance sake.. Next time can show to my grandchildren how sexy i was.. Hahahaha..

Now tat u all talking abt posting recent pics of my gals makes me feel so guilty.. I did nt take a single photo of my gals during the CNY!! I have been so busy socialising and gambling during the CNY gatherings tat I have forgotten to bring out my camera to capture some pretty and interesting shots of my gals!!

What softcopy of SB?? Wat's tat??

When are u gals gg for another round of Playgym? Do keep me posted hor! Now tat I am back to work, should be able to pop in everyday.. Kekeke..
There's no right or wrong to have 1 or many child. most imptly is what you're comfortable with. who knows i might join you too. for now, i'm in the dilemma dept ! haha...

nice to see you posting. join us more okie.
<font color="119911">Scrapbook piece of Tods

Hey Mummies,
Looks like many of you don't check your emails. Kekeke.
I have emailed to all of you a link to download the SB piece. Coz it is a 2.9MB file, I didn't want to email to mailbox to jam up mailboxes. So, check your email and download at your convenience.
<font color="ff6000">Serrich</font>
The SB piece that Twinklets is referring to is the scrapbook that I did and posted right after CNY. Perhaps you missed it. Nvm, you check your email and would be able to see it. Sherilyn's face is among the 20 tods 'featured' in the SB piece.

<font color="ff6000">Caymom</font>
Really? So happy to know that the SB makes your day.
<font color="aa00aa">Gymboree Playgym</font>
Time to get back on Gymboree!

Date: 10 Mar (Sat)
Time: 1-2pm (Let's try this time slot and see if it is better than 2-3pm)

1. JJdad (JJmum can't make it)
<font color="ff6000">BBrooster</font>
Are you feeling better? Get well soon!

<font color="ff6000">Jasmine</font>
Are you there? MIA liao?
<font color="aa00aa">Gymboree Playgym </font>
Time to get back on Gymboree!

Date: 10 Mar (Sat)
Time: 1-2pm (Let's try this time slot and see if it is better than 2-3pm)

1. JJdad (JJmum can't make it)
2. caymom
<font color="aa00aa">March PG </font>
So we do a pinic at Botanic Gardens?

Date: 17 Mar (Sat)
Time: 4pm

1. Tang Ling
2. caymom
Gymboree Playgym
Time to get back on Gymboree!

Date: 10 Mar (Sat)
Time: 1-2pm (Let's try this time slot and see if it is better than 2-3pm)

1. JJdad (JJmum can't make it)
2. caymom
3. Glayz
re:sick tod
Ryan oso down with fever yest...fever up n down,when high,can go up to 39..n he has abit if running nose too..haiz..hope he recover soon...
n dun spread the virus to chloe...
My rest day ah... hmm... let me try and recall...
Oh I went to the beach and let Riz cycle... It was a good one coz it made Riz super tired that he slept earlier for me to have more personal time at night.. haha

Good to hear. But dun scratch too hard hor! hee hee
Anyway, when i was preggie with Riz, I got bad hives between 3-5 mths of pregnancy. It was really bad. They appear at every single skin patch on my body including the scalp every evening and disappear by noon. Imagine me scratching myself silly like a monkey and i cried every single night. Make me feel like giving up on my pregnancy. And miraculously, it disappeared when i was over 5 months preggie. Now i worry if the same will happen if i have no#2...
I also put the SB as my wallpaper now. kakaka.. & I'm analysing each tod's face. See resembles who etc. kakaka..

#2 pregnancy
so scary to hear some of u have those rashes on the tummy.
I hope my #2 wont have such problems, cos I heard our pregnancies will be different each time. Like #1 pregnancy, I got no MS. So if I kana #2, I also scare I'll kana MS. Sometimes, I also v dilemma of having #2. But I think of having another infant of my own in my arms, my courage will come back again.
I seriously miss Ashley infant days, & I always wonder why time passes soooooo fast. Very hard to imagine all our kids here turning 2 YO soon. Last time the '2' is like so faraway. BUt for me, is just 2 mths dwn the road. Ahh.. gan chu ah......
<font color="ff0000">Gymboree Playgym</font>
Time to get back on Gymboree!

Date: 10 Mar (Sat)
Time: 1-2pm (Let's try this time slot and see if it is better than 2-3pm)

1. JJdad (JJmum can't make it)
2. caymom
3. Glayz
4. Serrich

<font color="aa00aa">March PG</font>
So we do a pinic at Botanic Gardens?

Date: 17 Mar (Sat)
Time: 4pm

1. Tang Ling
2. caymom
3. serrich
Yah, now I'm back to work, will have more time to chat wf u gals..

Tang Ling,
Oh yes, I saw the email.. Is it too late to change Sheri's photo? Otherwise, I can send u another pic of her.. Noticed that she didnt face the camera ley.. Kekeke..
hahaha.. i'm damn bored at work, so this is my analysis of each tods.

Akinesh - hee sorry din see ur parents before, so cant tell much.

JH - Mummy (din see Daddy before)

Cay - 1st glance is Daddy, but more & more like Mummy

K - definitely Mummy!

Ralp - definitely Daddy!

KY - more & more like Mummy

Aeron - definitely Mummy!

JJ - more & more like Mummy

Joelle - more & more like Mummy

Ashley Jnr - more & more like Mummy

Sky - definitely Mummy!!

Jay - 1st glance is Daddy (& the similar hairstyle), then realize the yan shen look like Mummy!

Nicole - Mummy (din see Daddy before)

Esher - combination of both, but now more & more like Mummy

Adelle - combination of both, but think more like Daddy?? (btw the parents got most "fu qi siang" in this forum)

Aariz - more like Daddy now

Ryan - definitely Mummy!

Sherilyn - more like Mummy now

Ian - definitely Mummy!
Wah, so many using SB as desktop.

<font color="ff6000">Serrich</font>
Can, you email to me Serrich's pic - pretty pretty one looking at camera. Not difficult to change.

<font color="ff6000">Forgetmenot</font>
You have a better pic of Ryan too? Send to me?
u realli nothing to do ah??hahaha...

but pple say Ryan looks like Daddy n Chloe looks like mi..
anyway,not accurate one lah..

Tang Ling,
i oso put as desktop liao..okok..will send pic to u soon..paisay..
wow twinklets, u so good, can analyse all... k next time u tell me after seeing me in person..... :)

<font color="ff0000">Gymboree Playgym</font>
Time to get back on Gymboree!

Date: 10 Mar (Sat)
Time: 1-2pm (Let's try this time slot and see if it is better than 2-3pm)

1. JJdad (JJmum can't make it)
2. caymom
3. Glayz
4. Serrich
5. Sallyngsj

<font color="aa00aa">March PG</font>
So we do a pinic at Botanic Gardens?

Date: 17 Mar (Sat)
Time: 4pm

1. Tang Ling
2. caymom
3. serrich

Still think abt this....... cos not sure if I can handle this monster alone with such a vast space for him to run. Scare scare..... hb wont be around to help, away on projects.... sigh.
Yeah u are right Raph looks like his daddy...U saw my hb b4 meh??
& Chloe also looks like him...arrr how come none has my look?? *sob*

I wld love to go but hb not in town, not sure if I can handle Raph alone. Botanic Gdns I will go mad chasing after Raph.
Adora, guess we have the same thinking... heehee... last nite bought him to Suntec, already driving me mad...... he is like out of prison cage.... me like crazy woman chasing n chasing cos forget to bring my belt to tie him up..... sigh.
<font color="0000ff">Gymboree Playgym </font>
Time to get back on Gymboree!

Date: 10 Mar (Sat)
Time: 1-2pm (Let's try this time slot and see if it is better than 2-3pm)

1. JJdad (JJmum can't make it)
2. caymom
3. Glayz
4. Serrich
5. Sallyngsj

<font color="ff0000">March PG</font>
So we do a pinic at Botanic Gardens?

Date: 17 Mar (Sat)
Time: 4pm

1. Tang Ling
2. caymom
3. serrich
4. shane
caymom, saw yr blog.... glad to noe that Cay fever gone n appetite improved. How is her voice now? Still hoarse? Caydad also better? U must take care n dun kanna hor.
Thanks for your concern. caydad is better now but cay's condition worsened. Her appetite suddenly dropped drastically. Still no voice but she can't stop yakking. So funny to see her screaming but no noise come out... as though forgot to turn on the volume of the TV.

When my mom took her to see GP this morning, she suggested that we bring her to KKH. caydad took her to see PD just now and she said no need to admit but must monitor. If still no voice after a few days then must admit. Dunno what disease is that. caydad also blur blur, will ask him more tonight.

Sigh, I'm the only survivor now. I'm trying my best to stay healthy, that's why I leave it to my mom to take care of cay. I am remote controlling my mom and caydad to monitor cay's condition. People prob thought I'm so cool and steady but I am feeling very worried and uneasy inside.
Must be the new yr goodies la... sometime they too heaty will have no voice due to sore throat and will trigger fever, cough.....
Caymom, understand, take it easy. She will be okie soon. Is it throat infection? That time Akinesh also kanna throat infection n trigger the high fever, fever refused to subside after days, so in the end, no choice to start antibiotics, then fever subsided. So sad to let him take antibiotics. Is Cay on antibiotics? We dun like him to take, but sometimes just no choice... sigh. U take care n dun wori too much. She is in good hands with yr mom. U must stay healthy, veri impt. SMILE
Haiz... that time Sky also sore throat...then gp just say... MUST FINISH ANTIBIOTICS then can fully recover.. so we also quite bo bian...
But then it is partly our fault.. bring him bbq... then let him feast and yet not enough water given so he sore throat lor....

Dun stress la... Cay symtoms almost same as Sky when he ganna sore throat due to heatiness.. but he dun have rashes la
dun envy lah.. i cannot go back to my old colour liaos especially my arms *cry cry*... last time i very the fair one... now, i'm trying out whitening product to go a bit fairer but so far none working... anybody can recommend? Isit must go facial then can help?

yah, u so free ah to do facial analysis.. heehee
Yah, everybody says Riz look like Daddy... but I still cannot see it... even if anybody say look like Mummy oso I still cannot see... haha
Hi Gals

I called up Edufarm & they do not conduct Playgroup at Sk branch. Apple Tree can only start in yr 2008...so left with Crestar Kinderplay Program.

Mon-Fri, 9am-12pm
Course Fees : $403 (b4 subsidy)

Anyone planning to send your todds to formal PG this yr?
Glayz, ya headache when giving antibiotics cos must finish the whole bottle. Lucky Akinesh has no problem in taking med no matter how bitter that antibiotics is. He will just open his mouth n feed in spoon. heehee.

Erlisa, dun wan whitening la.... so nice the colour... wasted lei. How abt SK products? Heard good. Have u tried?

Adora, me planning to send A to Kindy next year lei for pre-nursery (3 hours session), going to reg this Sat to see if can get in cos veri popular. If cant get in, then he will stay another year in Ykidz lor. Is that formal PG u referring to?
read from May's thread that you have done lots of research on pre-nursery etc. Any good ones you can recommend around Tampines, Simei area?
Think Adora refer to the formal one la...
Wah think Kindy EX lor.... no $$ to sent him for so ex lesson....
Cherry, depends on wat u wan? Monte, PAP or others? Then I update u :).

Glayz, Private Kindy ex YES but got cheap ones too.... PAP Kindy at S$85.00 a month. They have pre-nursery for 05 babies next year, enrolment should be starting in April this year. See got cheap n ex ones.... Just like Prada n Bata mah, Bata shoes also very comfy n good.... see wat u wan lah.... Me ,hubby n all siblings fr PAP. Heard PAP has improved alot. But hor, we not sending him to PAP.... heehee..... Most impt is choose wat u r comfy with n be happy. Most impt also is our kids enjoy. That is why I din enrol A in big big famous monte cos ex n ratio too high. I prefer small ratio cos they still young so need the attention, not famous never mind lor.... :)

But PAP pre-nursary...think is dependable on LOCATION as well.. the newer towns will be more ex.. and the lao ren qu will be cheap...Yishun is consider Lao ren qu... But the NEAREST PAP pre-school location (not all will offer..) is too far for my mum... not sure if transportaion is provided..or can we opt for school bus...
<font color="ff0000">Erlisa,</font>
Too late, I already scratched until it bleed...
I was complaining that cay kept scratching her insect bites on her feet but I am also one with itchy fingers.

Sorry to hear about your hives. I can imagine the itch you had to bear. I was worried that I will kena rashes this time but maybe my tummy already stretched before, more elastic so the expansion doesn't cause itch. I also completely dun use any stretch mark cream to avoid any possible allergy. I rather have stretch marks than to get more scars from rashes.

<font color="ff6000">Twinklets,</font>
I agree with your analysis.

<font color="ff0000">Glayz/Sally,</font>
Thanks. We thought it is just heatiness or throat infection but it turns out to be more serious. cay had throat infection before. She had fever and she was so cranky, sleepy, refused to take medicine/milk. This time round the symptoms though similar (i.e. fever, poor appetite), but she looks perfectly fine. She loves the medicine and remains cheerful and active. No one can tell that she is sick until she tries to talk without a voice.

PD said it is some viral infection that caused her voice box to swell and blocked the airway. She was put on a breathing mask to clear the airway but not successful so PD prescribe steriods. If her voice doesn't recovers soon, then will have to admit to hospital.
<font color="ff6000">Caymom</font>
Oh dear... sayang sayang Cay and hope she recovers soon and no need to admit hospital.

<font color="ff6000">Twinklets</font>
Really ah - JJ looks more and more like me?
Happy to hear that, coz most people say "Can't tell looks more like mummy or daddy". Hehe.
do u live near loyang? personally i find the kinderland at loyang point quite conducive. initally wanted to put K there, but due to transport prob so didnt

i forget to bring my thumb drive to work again! i'll try to rem it tonight. these few days sleep early together with K so didn't use comp at night.
K looks definitely mummy? hehe. strangely people r telling me she's looking more and more of daddy these days.
But for A, I actually can't tell look like who. The ht follows daddy but looks wise, actually i find she has her own unique and pretty looks, not excessively much of u or your hubby.

r u seeing dr v. tan in SK? Hope cay gets well soon. K is also on singulair to reduce nasal allergies.
