(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

Toilet Training
Wah... A always tua u leh...
Sorry.. i keep on giggling....

No la.. My tummy also full of marks.. stretch mark from Previous round... but still dun care lor... show my ugly tummy to whole world... (the front part too short liao..cannot cover when i wore certain bottom..)

potty training
wow, most of your tods are ready. I started few days ago and guess what, Ian just look @ us with a "what's going on" look and no pee. Nothing works. He only let us know that he needs diaper change by petting his diaper. Is that a sign showing he is ready for toilet train?
photos (u can see #2 got lesser pix to choose from!)

Nathan sleeping:

Nicole & Nathan 1st mtg:

Nicole feeding Nathan:

Group hug:
From pic...seem like Nicole is more interested in the milk!!!

Me not very good in seeing similarity... (except for identical twins..that one no horse run one...) But somehow feel Nathan and Nicole does look alike...or is it all babies look the same...
Glayz, at least yrs r stretch marks... mine disaster cos not onli stretch marks but also the skin infection marks left behind after all the terrible pus.... last preggie, so paisei, at times tummy area will be wet with pus.... so depressed that time.

Mckee, Nicole so loving, sayanging Nathan. Looks like u will have a little helper liao. Looking at Nathan, I miss A kuai kuai baby times....... heehee.....
<font color="ff0000">Forgetmenot,</font>
That is a really rare moment for cay to sit so long on the high chair. She doesn't have high chair at home so she is not trained to be restrained. I was so thankful that she stayed in there so long that night.

<font color="ff6000">Sally,</font>
Sori, I can't help laughing too. A is really very cheeky!

<font color="ff0000">Mckee,</font>
The pics are so sweet...
Becos dun have high chair at home...so outside..they will stay inside the high chair... Sky also..will actually request to be seated in high chair if there is a chance....
<font color="ff0000">LV,</font>
I cannot reveal my tummy lah. Other than stretchmarks, I have some scars from my rashes outbreak during the time I was preggie with cay. The rashes was absolutely hideous. They itched so badly that I scratched even in my sleep. I broke the skin as a result and the area was always wet with pus.
I still remember how awful it was. Praying super hard that I wun kena this time.
Caymom, when I was preggie with A n kanna the skin infections..... the skin specialist which I saw that time told me that when we have rashes or skin infection..... MUST STAY AWAY FROM DETTOL or those medicated kind cos will make it worst.... either use soap free kind or dove which is more mild... maybe u try. My whole belly was so bad that every time gynae scan, he din noe where to do it cos pus everywhere.... so paisei u noe... heehee..... Hence he praying hard that I wont need c-section n lucky after seeing the specialist, it recovers just in time before delivery, but then the marks permanent lor.... so sad.... no more bikinis.... heehee.
Among the options you listed, only Apple Tree is possible for me. There is one branch near to my mom's place.

I hope to get a good school that is convenient for my mom to fetch cay to and fro but the nearest one is a RC. Actually, the Apple Tree class is also conducted in a RC but further from my mom's place. I think I will find out more about the playgroup in the RC nearest to my mom's place first.

I may enrol cay there next year then switch her to the church nursery near my mom's place the following year. Heard the nursery in the church is quite good.
My rashes were caused by an allergy towards a brand of stretchmark cream. I thought more expensive better, big mistake man! Should have just stick to Mothercare brand. Anyway, it was so serious that my gynae also didn't want to scan me. I insisted that he scan because that time already towards end of pregnancy, very impt to know whether baby is ok mah.

I didn't see any specialist. My gynae just prescribed me a cream and calamine lotion which I applied diligently. He consoled me that rashes are common during pregnancy. I had rapid weight gain towards the end due to hypertension. The sudden expansion of the tummy could have worsened the condition. Anyway, my rashes recovered just before my delivery.
so priceless!!!! I think they do look alike. Nathan definitely has the very boyish look. Must post more such pics. Make me abit heart itchy ley. I miss E's newborn moments and the time when she's btn 8mths onwards.

Hope if I have #2, can be as lucky as you. Get my 'hao zi'. I prefer gal first then boy so I don't need to slog so much haha ... then if can, #3 is a gal... wah... perfect!!! My ideal scenario dreaming haha....
U din c my 'dreaming' word ah ... #2 already no guts to have, how to have #2 ??!!!! haha..... talk is ez, to execute is another thing.

how about you ? gg to #2 soon ? actually it's a gd time for us, our babies are older liow...
Haha I will also post more pics of my bb to make u gian...why gal 1st no need to slog so much leh???

For me I prefer boy 1st coz I wld like him to be a gor gor & take care of his mei mei!
Ger can be train to run errands mah... That what my mum say... I used to get ready all my sis stuff from top to bottom to powder while my mum is bathing my sis....

Boi very hard one...esp if u had a lazy boi like Sky...aiyo..that one u ask him help u throw rubbish..he take the rubbish to the next person nearest to him....so the other person will throw for him...
<font color="0000ff">Mckee,</font>
the last pic of Nicole kissing Nathan is very cute leh...hehe...

<font color="0000ff">LV,</font>
yup... for usage of gym... need to sign up membership lor... like for Amore
ya post more, post more! maybe will really make me want to have haha...

keke, cos gal can go out and work first mah...boy need to serve NS...

ya and like Glayz say, they can help out ard the house too. hee hee... gals tend to be more 'maternal' and caring in nature.
keke I am training my boy to run errands, haha he will do it coz I praise him alot. But he is too playful, sometimes he will take the item to play instead of giving to me.

Go for it...little bbs are so cute. I love to look at Chloe, now she is more responsive, will smile & 'talk' to us! When she is left alone for too long she will 'ah ah ah' until someone attend to her.

Slogging for the kids
I can't imagine working until I am 50yrs old leh but no choice right! My dream is to retire & look after my kids in 5-10yrs time....*DREAM*
i also wanted a gor gor to take care of younger one. But when Nicole came out, sigh... out went that dream!
Then I realised a jie jie more effective when they are so young. She's really like a little mummy. Fetches diaper, tells you when baby cries (as if only she can hear), tells him good night, waves bye bye to him etc.. really like little helper.
How's raphael? i know when he's older, he'll be more effective as a gor gor compared to nicole when she's an older jie jie!

hehe... wishing all your DREAMS come true!!!
ya man! this is like the best age. they just sleep, drink, poo, sleep drink poo! No need extra attention... (hehe... maybe I also more bor chap!)
nicole at that age seems loooong loooong ago!
Agree with u...
Sky when still baby fuss quite a bit la... becos his temper also very bad...(mummy genes...) but still he sleep and I also go sleep.... then my mum also go sleep.... kekeke....

But think with #2... one of us must stay up and entertain gor gor if not he sure go and disturb #2 one..

Can feel that u stress liao...
E a good ger... go for #2 la.... hope ur DREAMS come true REAL SOON....
<font color="0000ff">mckee</font>
Raphael is more playful now, he is not much of a helper. Only make things worst...I think he will be like running away wif the diaper rather than bringing it to me.
I think this gor gor wil only take care of his mei mei when he is older. I hope he can hold mei mei's hands & walk....while daddy n mummy can hold hands again!

<font color="0000ff">babies</font>
mckee, Chloe will seek attention leh...she is not those guai guai gal tat will play alone. Eat, Sleep, Poo only applies for 1st 2 mths lor. Hee Hee but I love to play with her.
wah! you are model mummy! I'm already guilty of falling asleep while putting bottle in nathan's mouth!
uh oh! 2 months later, I'll update you again! hehe...

I always wanted a elder bro. obviously, not possible, since i'm #1 in family. I envision gorgor taking care of meimei, intervenes when she has BF problems, protects her when frens makes fun of her... haha.. idealistic hor? but so nice!!!
I kept looking at the pic of Nicole kissing Nathan. I am wondering whether cay will do the same. When we ask her to kiss us, she will show us her cheek and expects us to kiss her instead.

I have elder brothers but they bully more than take care of me leh. They dote on my younger sister more.
No lor...
Most of my friend with older brother they actually will fight with their brother till very old... (one of my friend 25 now still do...) becos their brother nothing to do will pick on their sis... then quarrel will start and if things get worse will be physical hitting...
Not all girls behave the same. Ashley is so hostile towards babies. During CNY gathering at my house, my friend came with her 4mths old baby. I took one of ashleys mattress to the living area for the baby. She immediately dragged the mattress to the room and lay on it, there after when me, hubby and mil took turns to carry the baby, she screamed like nobody busy. There were more aggressive behavior, she actually glared and shoo at my friend when my friend said to her Ashley come look at auntys baby
hai yo, i hope not too soon. I wanna enjoy this year first....
actually it's a conflict of interest, its like want, then quickly hv but yet don't feel like hvg...haha...

recently, we've been asking E if she wants didi or mei mei and she'll reply "yes yes didi, mei mei". We ask her that cos we can see she really enjoys company of other kids. When outside, she'll wave and say hello to other kids and call didi or jie jie. She's not shy also. When she's with her cousins, she also play till very wild with them. Not sure if the baby come and stay with her, might be different already cos she'll lose attention from us.

can really feel your enjoyment with Chloe. You really seem to enjoy babies alot. Think you can go for #3!!!

i nvr had a elder bro. me #1 as well. nvr crave for one cos don't know how it was like. i'm always the one looking after so i do feel a gal will be better. somehow boys are not so 'family oriented' cos they are just not genetically made to be but of cos there are exceptions. I know of a guy who is but only one in the many that i know. hee hee.... Having said all that, variety is still the best tho'. hee.
Ashley is just jealous, its takes a while for them to like bbs. Raph wil ask me to put mei mei dwn & wants me to play wif him if I don't he will hit mei mei.

Yeah...as we do not have any boys in the family I always wanted a gor gor to protect me.

I hope I am able to groom Raph to b a caring gor gor!

I love to play wif bb but taking care of them is tough wor. No no #3 for me...I wan to retire SOON!
I suggest you enjoy yourself 1st b4 planning for #2, like going for a holiday with E n hb. It will b very difficult to travel with 2 kids.
<font color="119911">Caymom</font>
Oh ya wedding pics also consider as makeover. Then I only got 1. =P Must rem to show us your makeover pics lar, then u can make the $ worthwhile mah.

<font color="0000ff">Mckee</font>
Lil Nathan is so cute! I also like the 1st pic, so heartwarming.

I got same mentality for u as having an older brother, some1 tat can protect me & stand up for me in school. & also, I can miao his good lookg frens if he ever has 1.

<font color="ff0000">Lv</font>
Hee thanks .. mine is digital perm. But wif Ash aro, my curls wont be so manageable cos she likes to play with the curls when I carry her. U thinkg of doing?

<font color="aa00aa">Sally</font>
I cant help laughing silently at ur description of potty training. I must say ur Akinesh is a very smart & cheeky boy.
Mine will eee & eee when she sees her poo & pee inside a potty & insist me to throw them away before she continues sitting on it.

<font color="119911">Cherry</font>
Ashley Junior must be jealous of her parents carrying the baby.
Mine will look inside potty and say DIRTY... then expect me to clear away...while he walk away like da ye....
Arrrr, great minds think a like. When I was saying gor gor can protects mei mei, inside my heart I was also thinking , I can also miao his frens tat comes to our hse.
Sekali...his friends all cannot make it one...kekekeke.... My friends with bro all also say this. when we told them can miao his bro friends....

Then the next thing is... "he look like sh*t himself...so also mix around with sh*t... wer got handsome friend..."
Shane, dream dream then will come true liao... heehee...me wan no #2 GAL but hb so busy... timing not right lei... see how lor.. :)

Glayz, Sky not lazy, just super smart... heehee... My sis' boi when young, my dad kept asking him to throw rubbish, making fun of him, till he fed up one day, brought my dad to the rubbish bin and told him the bin there to throw. Heehee...

Wonder A will become a good gor gor or not.... Dun dare to wish too much.... We all noe that he is craving for companion, but then he is jealous when I carry other kids.

This potty training thing is just driving me crazy... sigh. Wonder when the day finally arrives when he is out of diaper...... DREAM N DREAM LONG LONG.
Glayz, I m going to do a crazy thing, just going to pay for the kitchen set w/o seeing it.... so that Toysrus can transfer the item to United sq outlet for me to pick up this weekend. Hopefully it is a good set worth investing in.
We also had hard time potty training Raph. I bot the Jshoppers diaper pants for me but my mum said he refuse to wear & said 'Don Wan, Mei Mei pants'

Raph will CRY when we bring him his potty...dunno why?? So we just bring him to the toilet, ask him to Wee Wee on the floor then poo poo will let him sit the toilet bowl.
Ya I intend to go for another trip if possible before thinking about #2. actually, another thing to stop me from hvg #2 is travelling. sigh, i hvn't seen enuf of the world yet!

Ya agree, looking after baby is not ez...
After u recieve the set..then tell me hor... can invest or not.... think my mum will faint if she saw the BIG set...
Glayz, Yes will update u, dun wori cos i think my hb will FAINT first... heehee..... when he sees it, he must be thinking why he says YES to it...... hahahaha....
Nope, Raph will nto wee wee on the toilet flr yet, we just bring him there only. As for toilet bowl, we will wait till he wants to Poo then quickly bring him to sit. But in both cases he wil CRY until v Cham so I think he is still not ready!

<font color="0000ff">Kitchen Set</font>
I also like this v much, I will sure buy this for Chloe nx time!
Talking about kitchen set, I have a very simple one and I am glad that cay still enjoys playing it. It's really a joy when she dishes out her delicacies for us to try.
She gets great satisfaction when we praise her cooking. She will run to her kitchen to get more.
<font color="0000ff">Sick Mummy and sick computer</font>
Haven't log in for a long time. I am now on sick leave and my PC also sick. Sent for repair. Too much goodies that caused me to have a serious throat infection and fever.

<font color="0000ff">mckee</font>
Looking at the pictures of your 2 kids feel so wen xing and envious.
Aww... the pics of Nicole and Nathan make me long for #2. But I say say only lah, I dun even have much time for my dear Riz what else about no# 2??? I'll wait out for now... no hurry for no# 2 for me.. hee

did u still have rashes for ur current pregnancy?

I think it's not just CNY goodies, it's the weather too! I've had bouts of throat infection myself last Friday... Take care and drink lots of water!
