(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

<font color="ff6000">Mckee,</font>
Yah, but going to bed soon.
If really spilled the bottle you pumped, then wasted liao. Anns' & BBrooster's fault.

He roams from time to time. Have to catch him back, but not too bad - most of the time, he was interested in what the teachers are teaching. He was laughing so happily a few times when the teachers were singing or showing the inching worm (Letter I).

good night then!
Me staying awake cos due to feed him soon!

Can't wait for nicole to do the inch worm this sunday!
For your cough, u may want to try Chinese medicine instead? I have pro-long cough quite a few times in the past and took either pearl powder or the Chinese cough powder; this can be easily found in medicine halls. Usually it cost around S$10plus. I think better than the angmoh cough mixture. Take care, vv irrigating to cough at night.

JJ & Joelle.
Are they in the same case? Dont worry about the roaming around, Ashley roams big time and attempts to pull out all other children name cards all the time. But I realized she does learn becos she could repeat some of the time learned in class. Like earthworm when we were at letter E.

Loyang not really close to my place, must still travel. In any case, there is a MMI nearby may go check out one day.

Wowwe talked about E going to CC for so long and now she is really going leh dont worry she will adapt and I am sure she will surprise you with more vocabulary soon after. But give her more Vit C to keep her immunity up ya.

Sally, Adora..
Botanic outing. Bring your boys leh.. got a lot of daddies around to help look after, so no worries.. Maybe we bring a ball and bubbles so the children can go wild again.

Wow you very hard working, I remember I slept at 10.30pm during my ML and didnt pump at all thru the night, no wonder my BFg not that successful. Keep it up! And my dear, you dont look your age too! You look YOUNGER!
how is Cay? So painful to see her suffer without her voice, she must be wondering what had happened? i hope she recovers soon and don't have to be admit; i always felt that the stay in hospital and the treatments they go thru always scar the memory in some ways. in the meantime, you take good care of yourselve too.
haha Mckee
The 1st time i saw bbrooster I was shock too...i tot her year of birth was type wrongly, the digits shld interchange.

Yep I bot those book frm 'CHILDREN BOOK STORE' but is at level 4 not 3.
<font color="ff0000">Glayz/Tang Ling/BBrooster/Cherry/LV,</font>
Thanks for your concern. I believe cay is feeling better now. Her voice is slowly coming back. I also wonder whether she is worried about her voice. She doesn't behave as though she is concerned at all, still talking and making noise like nobody's business. Because of her normal behaviour, we are not as worried as during the HFMD espisode when she was like so cranky and sluggish.

I think our GP felt that we are too relaxed and 'educated' us how serious this illness is. The term is rather bombustic and she ended with, "Do not underestimate it!" Ok ok... we know...

We did a search on the illness and realise that it is indeed quite serious lah. Normally the kid should feel lethargic, dunno why cay still behaves so cheerful and active. Anyway, we tell ourselves to concentrate on her voice and cough... then we will really feel that she is very sick.

<font color="ff6000">Cherry,</font>
Yah lor. Precisely I was worried about the traumatising experience in hospital that I chose to send her to PD first. I was hoping that PD will have stronger medicine or better equipment than GP to avoid the need to admit. Luckily my decision was right. When it comes to such situations, it is really hard to think straight.

<font color="ff0000">LV,</font>
We are not seeing Dr Van Tan although we have seen her before. We went to the branch near my mom's place. More convenient since cay is with my mom.
Good to know Cay is feeling better...
Otherwise I will miss her cheery smile.. and her large expressive eyes... if she will to miss lessons...
Was going thru the Star Tots playgp by Edufarm...
And I love the programme leh... arghhh... but.. no lesson in YISHUN!!!! and the nearest is either Woodlands or Ang Mo kio!!!! Arghhhh...
cherry, let me think think first... heehee I m sure A will love it.... but i think I will die... see how monkey he was that nite. Trapped, no space can still so active. Can u imagine such a vast space for him at Botanic??? ;)

Caymom, hooray Cay is getting better.

Glayz, AMK branch for Edufarm near ware huh? Can give me the add? I see near my place or not, cos I cant seem to find one near me lei. Thanks ah.
Blk 606 Ang Mo Kio Ave 5 #01-2737
Blk 313 Shunfu Road #01-275
Blk 512 Serangoon North Ave 4 #01-416

The other 2 is what I think is relativly closed to AMK also...esp Shunfu
<font color="0000ff">cherry</font>
Thank you for your suggestion I think I get the chinese medicine from the medical hall since no improvement yet. I haven't been sleeping well due to the cough at night. Really irritating.

<font color="0000ff">mckee</font>
No typing error though I wish. I am the oldest mother hen in the group.
And time really flies. Luckily, I don't feel my age. Although, I don't party hard like I use to be. But still feel young at heart.

<font color="0000ff">mckee & cherry</font>
How many students do you have in your weekend class?

I like the weekday classes cos it is not too crowded. At the moment we only have 6. JJ and Joelle are in the same class. The other 4 I think are continuation from last term.

<font color="0000ff">caymom</font>
Hope caydence recover soon otherwise mummy and daddy will be extremely worried.

<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
When E goes to CC you will have your experiences to tell us. The only thing I cannot take it is they cry and say, "mummy please don't go". My heart will break into pieces and I will cry along. Very drama.
oh dear I think I scrolled too fast & missed out on reading abt Cay & viral infection... Thank God she's feeling better! You & caydad must be exhausted!

thanks lah... very encouraging esp when at this post preggie weight and look!
Got to pump, no choice. psychologically, I'm thinking, if each pump generates 200ml, which translate to 200g, it'll help w losing weight! haha I know it's ridiculous, but this thinking does wonders when i have thoughts of giving up!! so different from #1!!

is there any CC review available? eg like when we buy cars, or even to choose sec sch... that wld really help!
My eyes also pop out when I see ur age...
And my eyes also pop out seeing most mummies age... I was like.. "why i so aunty!!!!"
cherry can help you to look aft akinesh with her "stare" hehe...then u no need to chase aft him liao..keke...

esher starting CC soon ah?whole day or half day?i thinkg too..but find tt ryan like too young n plusmore he cant even speak..
think my mil wan to put him in cc for half day fr next yr onwards..but i think she will bu she de lor..cos last time she oso wan to put my niece but in end did not put..keke..
wah DA JIE! You are solid lah! must share ur maintenance secrets!

weekday class ratio is definitely more favourable. wkend abt 6-9. really ranges, got kids who just don't turn up either sick or away.
who are ur teachers?
I realised the parents in the class makes a difference. In mine, there are a few who just watch, they don't sing along, don't respond... can be quite discouraging for the teachers...
<font color="0000ff">Glayz</font>
keke...thank you. All of you look young too. Especially those with 2. Don't even look like mother of 2. And Glayz, being the youngest you already have 2. So envy.
totally agree re bbrooster's age! Anns also. how nice to look young....
so envious!!!

yes she's finally going!!! now i wish she's not haha...

oh dear, so serious ah... pray and hope cay gets well ASAP!!! ya agree to avoid the hospital if possible.

sounds so fun. tempting me to let E join in AGAIN! esp when the feedback is they DO learn!
becos my hb old mah....
so must quickly have 2... then can close shop... Last time he also not so keen to have children so fast one..then I told him... "U want to drive cab for ur children for how long"... then this set him thinking.... (he need to drive till at least 60 now....)while I need to work till early 50s....

So suffer now...then can shake leg for earlier retirement...kekekee
Hi Mommies
Was away for work, just touch down SIN yest nite.

Mommies Gathering last Fri
I'm glad to hear you all have a blast. Too bad, couldn't bid Ann goodbye before she returns to US. Will catchup via the thread instead

Sick Tods and Mommies
Yes, agree that the weather is kindof crazy. Even this round's working trip, half my team was down with flu, very bad sore throat, migraine and vomiting. I'm glad i recovered well before i left.

All of you, please take good care, k!
I just did a fast scrolling back of the postings. Noticed there's little Ash, little Ryan, little Cay and also Mommy Bbrooster. Sayang..sayang

I'm calling up to fix a trial session for Jay. Before i do so, can i check with the experienced mommies olreadi with GUG

1) How big is the room?
2) How big is the classroom size ( weekend)?
3) Is the classroom tidy or many toys lying around to distract the tods
4) How many teachers, are there 2 in each session?
4) If it's a Sat class, i might need to take the MRT to bring Jay to school myself, what is the walking distance time from Novena MRT to UE Sq?

Paiseh, so many Qs, i'm making a comparison cos Jay is getting pretty restless with the environment and ciriculum at Zoo Phonics. I tot of giving GUG a try due to the positive feedback.

Are we taking a breather for Mar since many tods are not exactly well or are we planning for a outing at Bontanic Gdns?

I couldn't help laughing reading Ash "carrying" the kitchen set around the house. For Jay, he still pretty interested in the cups and saucers except that he loved holding on to the cutlery. Don't know why, he holds all 2-3 of them in his hands even when he sleeps!
<font color="0000ff">mckee</font>
The teachers are ada or aida and ernie. I love to sing along but don't know the lyrics to some songs. So I sing along in broken parts.

Anyway, these 2 weeks will be my MIL attending with Jo. I will attend with Jo whenever I can.
Weekday classes are mostly attended by grandparents and maids. So they don't really sing along except for some maids.
I also SUPER TEMPTED.... but me more for the daily playgp thing.... Edufarm programme seem nice...and no acccompany parents...so set him ALONE with teachers and other tods which I think will let him be more independent... but nearest venue is too far for my mum... and ultra hard to work with agreement with my hb to fetch and send his son with my mum to school everyday.... worse if he suggest to let my MIL take care of Sky instead... (MIL live near AMK 606... ) but Sky sure miss lesson everyday as MIL cannot wake up...
u closing shop with #2? aiya... don't speak so soon! mebbe will come along #3!

E going to school! hehe... bet you feel like she's entering primary school... like a new phase in life right??
aiya, #1 going to school, so it's time for your dreams to start coming to pass!
<font color="0000ff">jaymom</font>

1. classrooms are pretty big and comfortable but don't know how to describe the size.

2. maximum of 12 kids with 2 teachers

3. classroom is neat and tidy. toys are put away in a box after their freeplay which is before actual lesson starts.

4. 5-8mins walk from MRT to United Square. There is an underground link.
Cannot have #3 la... no $$$ to support la...
Actually I want to close shop with #1.. but then hb keep talking me out of it... so with 2 kids ok liao...can close shop.....
the classroom size is square, about a regular 4-room flat LIVING ROOM size.
Come for trial lah! on Sat, there's Cherry at 2pm. On Sun, there's ixorarred at 2pm. Kiami & myself in same class at 4pm (PT5)
Thanks Sally

GUG} jaymom, when will you be going for trial? Maybe can go together?

No worries, take your time, PM me when it's really. Thank you so much
Thanks Glayz, will go n check it out.

bbrooster, take good care ah.

Mckee, u looking at CC? Sending Nicole there? Yr area, the learning vision at TKS Hospital got good comments. But then depends on ware yr exact location is?

Shane, why u sending E to CC? Maid cant cope?

Forgetmenot, cherry will be busy with Ashley lei.... such a vast area, no more trap, dun noe Akinesh will stil be frightened of her.... heehee... maybe should bring along the aunty cane if I go, then can tame him....... hahaha.

GUG is good, n Akinesh picks up alot of zoophonics n songs n other stuffs during his 3 terms there n also GUG did really help me to settle in to the current playgroup faster cos the welcome/morning songs similar. But just dun like the accompanied part lor. Find that he is more independent without me around n actually more well-behaved without me.

Jaymom, nice to be back huh? GUG prog is definitely more interesting than the zoophonics prog.
GUG vs ZP:
I also agree that GUG's prog is more interesting.. My gal is now attending ZP weekday toddler PG. I realise that ZP have more hands on craft session as compared to GUG. However I prefer GUG's music section cos the teachers there can play the keyboard and makes the session more fun and interesting.. Over at ZP, they just play the music over CD player. Can be quite boring at times.
Finally, Riz has gone thru his first day of his 2-hr playgroup session today. I stayed with him for only a few minutes afterwhich I decided to sneak out and left him on his own. He cried for a short while after realising I'm gone but he stayed on until the entire 2-hour session all by himself. I'm so proud of him!! Nothing could describe my feelings now...
<font color="0000ff">Wow Mckee</font>
Not bad har now can pump 200ml liao. I hate to pump & I always latch during my ML. Now my daily pump at office barely meets Chloe's demand.

Just now my boss told me I need to go HK for 2-3days end Mar...how can I travel n still maintain my supply! I still want to continue bf leh.

<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
I rmbr u travel to Japan while u were still bf K. How did u manage?? Pump n throw?? Where did u sterilise the pump when u express outside? V sian dun feel like going for this trip but how to tell my boss.
shane, shane.
You forgotten that our tods brains are like sponge now absorb anything and everything everywhere so dont worry lah.. E will pick up in her CC too.. let you something funny. Hubby recently read this book called the bad temper ladybird to ask in the book the ladybird went around asking other animals Want to Fight hubby as usual read it in a dramatic way esp the WANT TO FIGHT! then you know what the day Ashley went around the house repeating Want to Fight. See they learn everything!

If you are keen on GUG, join Ashleys 2pm Sat class with Teacher Aida I think last term got afew students dropped out already, so maybe got vacancy.

if the trip is not so impt, maybe you want to be frank with your boss and let him/her know that bb is still vv small hence need you to be around to take care after work?
u are back!!
i oso signed Ryan up for GUG..his class start this sat 2pm..but dun think can go this sat,cos he still has running nose n cough..

then if u sign up..next time we can go together..hehe..

hehe..akinesh scare of aunty cane?btw,i bot this harpness tt some of the mummies hve..decided to "tie" Ryan so tt he dun roam ard on his own
i just pumped and threw away. didnt sterilise it. just wash with tap water. the supply drop a little after a week but it built up after relatch again. maybe u let your boss know u r facing this BF issues to see if he can get a replacement? nowadays it's quite an open topic for men to discuss if their wives r BF so dont feel shy bout it
Thanks for all u mommies replies & feedback. Seems like it is more well-organised than ZP. Find the classroom in ZP a little bit too messy and tods get distracted easily. It is also not sound-proof and whenever kids or parents peep in, Jay will be distracted.The funny thing is ZP's adminstrator tend to cotempt the teachings in GUG when i was frank about giving it a try.

I'm thinking of arranging one over this or next weekend. The earlier the better

Of cos, i will count you in and keep you posted. Would you prefer Sat or Sun?
Erlisa, well done Riz, he is such a good boy. I certainly find that kids without adults accompanied in class behave well n absorbed things better cos they tend to follow in class better without an adult there for them to cling on. U will find that he will pick up things so fast that u will be impressed... Can PM me which one he goes to? Cos will be near to my place if it is near to yr parents? Then I can give it a try, so no need take school bus :).
i dun think u can come trial till 2 week's time. cos this week is 1st week of sch term. if i recall, they dont allow trials until week 3. got to check...

wah.. so fast go outstation? mebbe like LV said, should speak to boss... he may understand.. if he's married w kids..
Thanx for the update. I'll call to check out later

Yeah, yeah, i'm thinking of Sat, 2pm too.
Then Jay can have Ash and Ryan for company but warn you gals first, Jay might be the disruptive one in class lor.

Good idea, we can go tog if i do sign up the Sat class..hehe
Thanks. She knows I bf coz i pump in the office everyday. She also knows I do not want to travel at this time coz during Raph time I already indicated this to her liao...anyway the trip is not confirm yet. I will ask her if I can postpone the trip or any alternatives.

Oh ya if pump n throw no need sterilise. But I do not have so much 'stock' for Chloe which means need to sub with FM. Still tot this time I can really fully bf.
Ryan not in the same class as Ashley leh..so dunno if Jay will be in the same class as Ryan or not..
but if u diff class oso nvm cos we can go together..hehe..

think Ryan's teacher is yani leh..heard of her before?dunno gd or not leh
if the trip cannot be postponed, another way is to start building your ebm stock by freezing the extras. i used to pump in the early morn after feeding adelle and freezed the ebm. so she had thawed ebm when i was away.

but very troublesome to pump during biz trips coz got to find places to pump. bought a big handbag then to fit my manual pump so expressed in plane toilets, airports and toilets everywhere!

Sick tod and mom
Thanks everyone for your concern. Adelle hasn't fully recovered yet. i got a shock today when i rec'd a call from Adelle's doc. my FIL brought her to see the doc again as she still has a phelgmy cough. the doc called to ask if it is ok with me if he prescibes antibotics to her. apparently for her case, it is not so serious to warrant antibotics yet. so i told him to monitor for 2 more days first. anyone has had antibotics already?

health status for adellemom is not good, sneezing the whole day with nose galloping away
nicole had antibiotics since 7mth! she caught virus, had to take. no outright consequences tt i can tell u. but shhe did get better very quickly.
i am one mummy that is not against Antibiotics becos if it is needed must be given else the condition may worsen...

Ashley had her fair share (or more) already. when she was admitted to hospital at 5mths, she was given a 3-day dosage.. then last year, due to UTI she was given another round... same as mckee.. i also realised that once given.. tods recover also immediately.. at the end of the day.. i suppose its up to you and to listen to what the doc says.
Thanks...ya I think if I really have to go for the biz trip must pump in the toilets liao...i think I will bring along my dual pump but use batteries.

Actually Raph had his 1st antibotics 1 week after he was born as he kenna v bad rashes. Next one, was when he was 18mth. He had phelgmy cough, runny nose...tat time he needs to take 4-5 types of medicine, poor thing!
Riz is such an independent boy! You must be proud of him. Now u dun have to worry abt him attending class on his own.

Currently Sheri still needs my maid to be ard to guide her during her ZP PG session. Sometimes when she is tired and gets listless in class, she will start whining for her tu-tu.. It's quite embarrassing to see her having a nei tu in her mouth when the lessons are ongoing ley.. How i wish i can wean her off her pacifier!

Are u reminded of being a milking machine again?! Hehehe.. Nt bad huh can get 200ml per session. Now tat i am back to work, i pump twice in ofc and thrice at home. Every session i can get abt 330ml. Can only latch Shania when i am home. Really miss the feeling of her suckling for milk in the day!

Yah, our kids brain realli like sponge, can absorb anything at anywhere! The day before my hubby spoke some vulgarities in Sheri's presence.. Then the next moment, i heard Sheri repeat after him!! OMG, i have told my hubby umpteen times nt to use profanities in front of the children he just wouldnt listen.. See lah, now Sheri is picking up leow.

U're rite abt ZP's administrator. I had the same exp wf her when i mention abt GUG! Anyway, i heard that one of the teacher in ZP Bt Timah branch had been a in JG for 7 years! I believe her class will be more interesting than the current teacher at ZP JW branch.. Very tempted to send her to Bt Timah branch bt have my constraints plus the long queue list.

Ryan is now attending class at GUG? U shld have signed him up when Sheri was still wf GUG mah.. Wat a pity! They miss the chance to pei yang gan qing.

Are u sending Chloe to BJG? I intend to let Shania attend when she is 5 mths old.
<font color="0000ff">erlisa</font>
Riz so guai at his first day at school. Cannot imagine what will happen if I just leave Jo alone in class. But I always prefer no parents in class when lessons are conducted. Just that the dou dou class (TOTS House) is not ready to take her till mid or preferably year end so just start her with GUG first.

<font color="0000ff">Daily Playgroup & GUG</font>
If I put Jo end of the year at Tots House and continue with GUG twice a week will it be too much for the kid. Tots House is morning 9-10.30am and GUG 4-6pm. Any suggestion and your comments appreciated.
wow u also not bad leh...I only can get 160ml per session. The most is 220ml only...how u gals manage to have such gd supply!
hihi mummies,

It's been a long time since i last logged in. Been really busy with work. Wow, most of the tots are attending classes already! My Cayden is still not going to any cos this lazy mummy didn't go check out any classes!

Seems like most of u are singing praises about GUG (pse pardon my suaku-ness, but what does it stand for?). Is there a website I can check out more info?

I like lost touch with most of you & ur tots already cos so long never drop in liao. I hope to be able to log in more often
<font color="0000ff">babyjun</font>
GUG - Growing Up Gifted in United Square. Hope to see you more often in forum and keep in touch with us.
adelle's teacher is also yani. not bad but i thot her asst. teacher (can't remember the name liao) can be quite blur....

i think the schedule looks ok provided joelle's nap times doesn't clash with the classes
and yes, you look really good, i think i look older than you!

Is the curriculum at Tot House similar to GUG?? For me, if i send Sheri to ZP on weekdays, then i will prob send her to other enrichment classes that has different curriculum or focus like Kindermusik, Gymboree or Actphabets.

I always try to include fish and soup for my meals to maintain my ss. I notice that lately I haven been taking much fluids so my ss also decrease a little.. What abt u? Did u specifically take any food to maintain or increase ur ss?

Welcome back! Hardly see u ard in the forum.. Do pop in more often to chat wf us here..

Here's the link to GUG: http://www.gugifted.com/main.htm

Sheri's former teachers are Nora and Evelyn.. Sheri loves to sit on teacher Nora's lap during class.. Kekeke.
