(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

Hi Mummies...me long time din log in..just realised i hv missed the mummies outing

Me also have the SB on my PC

JH,me & dad also fell sick on the first week of cny...not even able to enjoy all the new year goodies... hope that all sick tods & mummies get well soon

Playgym, i will try to make it

PG march, think i can't join you gals coz attending a wedding.

crestar still got subsidy one meh?

anyone noes roughly how much will playgroup cost?

i called this pre-sch,n costs $540 per term,ex?
<font color="0000ff">caymom</font>
Get well soon Caydence!

<font color="0000ff">Still sick</font>
I have not completely recovered thus extended my sick leave till tomorrow. Feeling quite bad on the throat and the cough is making me not able to sleep peacefully at night leaving me lethargic everyday.

Everyone please take care. And the weather is crazy again.
Per term $540... is ok ba.... becos I check the kinderland is $950-$1050 per term...
1 term I assume is 3 months la...( as in school term..)
What pre-school is that har???
Preschool is pre-nursary right???

Little Steps
Confirmed liao... different centre will have different fees.... Called another centre nearer to my mum place.... the monthly cost is $150. But she din say abt the June/ Dec holidays need to pay or not... Sekali need to pay... and tell me to WATCH OUT for banners for enrolment.. but hor that place out of my mum daily market route leh...how to see banner???
PAP oso not cheap leh..
yes..per term is abt 3mths..she said follow the primary sch term..
so one mth $180 per mth..
pre-sch is playgroup..is pandan calvary
but hve to take sch bus..
Caymom, hope Cay recovers soon n no need to admit hospital. Dun wori too much. Make sure u eat n take care.

Glayz, no lah... just gather info n visits some for reference mah. Not sure PAP got school bus or not lei. Strange huh... yr fee so high... maybe AMK side old ones so charge cheaper.... heehee.... but I check, usu between S$60-S$90 lei. My neighbour's kid attending the one near my place paying S$85.00 a month for PAP pre-nursery. Yes different centres will charge differently.

Adora, to wat I noe, kindy n enrichment centres no subsidies, only for CC n infant care. S$540.00 a term okie, but u must check out the environment, curriculum, ratio, snack.... cos some places no kitchen, so onli can give cookies or bread. Some got kitchen, so will give proper snack like noodles, etc. I am paying now S$260 a month for montessori playgroup, 2hours daily mon to fri.

Different pte kindergartens also at different prices:
eg Barker Road abt S$1500.00 a term
Acension/Newton S$700.00 a term
Marymount S$800.00 a term
Chartsworth / chilten house more than S$1000.00 a term
Bethesda AMK around S$500.00 a term (for nursery cos they dun have prenursery)

MMI will range from either S$200.00 to S$360.00 a month at different centres. Private ones - some are higher for Montessori like S$1350 or more for a term.

If anyone wan the list of kindergarten, PM me cos I dun noe how to post here as I download from MOE site.
Glayz, from the web, maybe AMK is charging so cheap cos not little steps prog cos PCF AMK not listed there lei n duration is 3 hours in AMK here.... Strange hor......
Just to Share with u gals..

Just went Bras Basah to buy some books for Raph..these books cost average $3-4, v cheap.
Oh Adora, can see liao..... so strange... just now cant.... heehee.......oh i wan the potty book.... hmmm where to put Akinesh? so that he does not need to tag along where I can choose peacefully...... headache lei.
U see to fast liao la... before the server able to post properly...

And think the one u refer to is the nursary class ba..
Glayz, but my neighbour's kid is 04 babies lei, so correct mah... pre-nursery for this yr, just started in Jan..... she told me lei.
Yah hor... is Pre-nursary....
And also... $80++ is CHEAP leh... why Yishun also lao ren qu mah..why so ex... double the price!!!

But ur neighbour got good comment or not... becos I see from the programmes offered.. Apple Tree seems BETTER.... Price wise abt the same.... (more ex la... becos 1 1/2 hr only..)
Glayz, my neighbour said not bad, PAP prog has improved alot liao. N her boi likes it so much, every day dun wan to come home.... crying when bring him home. heehee.
<font color="0000ff">adora</font>
I have the exact Potty book that you bought. I got it from USA.
I think the price that you paid is cheaper than mine.
The button at the top right corner got sounds one right? Battery can last quite long cos I bought it for more than a year ago.
Did you see any other potty book at Bras Basah?

<font color="ff6000">Glayz,</font>
Have you done any research on pre-nursery or playgroup at Yishun area? I am tempted to put Keane is once or twice a week playgroup but I haven done any research.
No.. Din find playgroup..also dunno ANY
Intend to enrol my boi straight into Pre-nursary class.... still considering between PAP and Apple Tree.... as both are convient for my mum...
Tigger88, surprised to see u here.... Yishun has Eager Beaver Schoolhouse (yishun safra). Is it near yr place? Heard quite good. U can check out. Think another branch is at mount faber one.
Ya there is a button tat has Flush sound. The book cost $3.50. My book stated made in China, I think the supplier got direct from there so cheaper.
This was the ONLY potty book i manage to find there.
<font color="0000ff">Glayz,</font>
Pre-nursery is 3yrs and above? Hehe, actually I am lazy to look around. Where is Apple Tree?

<font color="ff6000">Sally,</font>
Yishun Safra is not quite near. Dun have direct bus. I need to find a location where it's convenient for the nanny to fetch Keane to and fro and preferably no need to take public transport.
<font color="0077aa">Adora</font>
Thanks! I am trying to find a suitable potty book for Keane. He is more interested to look at the cat in the book than the potty.
I think I paid USD2.99 for that book.
Ya when I looked at the book I also think the topic on POTTY is not v clear. There are too many characters n pictures, the kids cannot focus on the POTTY.
Forum BP I think has other potty titles which I almost bought. It cost I think $19 for 2 books (boys n girls)
I think I will also send Raph to apple tree next year but maybe I will putt him into Kinderland for this half year 1st..not confirm yet.
May i ask, which kinderland you refering? Can share how much a term?

Hi hi, not sure if you still remb that was asking you to lend me the Barney audio CD?
<font color="0000ff">Glayz,</font>
Thanks for the link!

I think Eager Beaver has playgroup. But it's really out of the way, I dun think nanny will be willing to fetch Keane to and fro class.
I am refering to Kinderland Flexi Care program 9am-12pm, Mon-Fri at Hougang Blk 202 I think is near Kovan.

Flexicare & Playgroup - same?

Thanks alot
So i can get from you if apr/may baby got a playdate? If not will arrange a time to take from you ya?
the halfday prg sounds gd. now that E gg to cc is reality, i start to get the jitters. the cc is full air conditioned. somehow i feel no good for health to be in air con whole day. skin become dry, like we in office the whole day. sigh. i think i'll be more comfortable to put her in half day. sigh...
when u putting E to cc?

With so many PGs around, I'm at a loss at which one to put Riz into...

Can't join, it's my working day

<font color="ff0000">March PG</font>
So we do a pinic at Botanic Gardens?

Date: 17 Mar (Sat)
Time: 4pm

1. Tang Ling
2. caymom
3. serrich
4. shane
5. erlisa *mission: to drag my hubby along*
which shop did you get books from? Is it the children's bookstore at Level 3 tt's near the lift?

aircon in cc
fyi, nicole has been in aircon at office nursery since she was 3months old. initially, always cough, cold. esp when other kids who are sick still come in. Now she's immune already! hehe..
also, don't worry abt drying of skin. Just moisturise daily for her, eat plenty fruits and Vit C food, and drink plenty water. Nicole's skin so far still baby soft and not dry.
<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
When is E going childcare? Can sense your she bu de and worries. Don't worry too much first. See how it goes.

<font color="0000ff">GUG</font>
JJ and Joelle started their term in GUG yesterday. Jo cried big time for 1/2 hour. Apparently, she stepped into the wrong class and saw the teacher with big hair and started crying non-stop. And this teacher taught her last week which is additional class I sign up for her before actual term starts. Last week worst she cried throughout and refused to go in to the classroom.

Tomorrow will be second lesson hopefully as days goes by she'll get use to the routine, classmates and teachers.

<font color="0000ff">PG and Playgym</font>
We won't be able to make it for next month activities.
<font color="0000ff">erlisa</font>
Glayz is right. JJ and Joelle started 2 times a week. And we chose Wed and Fri cos it has the least public holiday in the year. No make up lessons for public holidays or if kid is sick.

I find the lessons pretty good. And ours is bilingual class. One segment is on mandarin.
Ahh, 2x a week. You sent on your own or you engage a transport bus? I think almost everywhere now is bilingual. Me still undecided on where to send Riz eventually. Most likely I have to engage a transport bus coz I can't expect my parents to send them back-and-fro every day.
<font color="0000ff">erlisa</font>
My MIL bring her when I have to work. They gave us a contact no. for transport but have not contacted them. Actually, the school bus is meant for those kindergarten kids. I think ours is a bit too young but the staff say can ask the bus driver directly and twice per week one adult n one child wonder how much they will charge.
Think flexi care n playgroup kind of different cos flexci care usu applies on cc where u can choose to put yr kids there for a few hours... n lesson based on cc prog, will incl lunch n some will also incl shower. Playgroup is not cc environment, no lunch, onli snack n no shower. CC term uses flexi care to wat I find out.

Erlisa, emailed u the list of kindergarten liao. I have also PM u earlier on the info abt playgroup in yr parents area which u have started a new thread. Let me noe if u need any further info. GUG is accompanied prog where a care giver is required to accompany the kid.
kekeke.. I alsow ant the list leh...pls pls pls... see see also good la... at least make me seem like I am hardworking
erlisa, bbrooster,
she's going nx month! i keep procastinating haha...now it's for real liow. I just hope both of us have the minimum separation anxiety. ha ha...=P

ya now that it's gg to happen, really abit bu she de.

don't worry abt Joelle crying. they take time to warm up. just be patient. soon she'll be enjoying the class. so xian mu ley, wish i can send E too. I find their class quite interesting.

really?! thks for sharing. at least i feel more comforted. Ya i thot of asking the teacher to apply lotion for her. will c how it goes.
oh! you signed up for GUG! Sorry... i must have missed that... I thought it was only ixorrared and kiami!
How's 2x week class? we're keeping nicole on 1x week, cos of schedule and $$

joelle will be ok. it's just initial getting used to.

you ok? adelle better? haven't heard from you...

ya.. felt had to tell you all aircon ain't THAT bad lah.. still bad but not THAT bad. nicole had intensive Tues-Sun in aircon. (weekends in church nursery!)
contact list
tangling thanks for updating contact list

is there a typo? I just looked thru and realised Anns is same age as me!!! and bbrooster, you look REALLY REALLY REALLY good, even if u were only 25!!
<font color="ff6000">Mckee</font>
Typo in contacts list? Anns didn't complain that there was a mistake in her age leh. Kekeke.
I was laughing when I read your post - you really don't believe that Anns is as old/young as you ah. You are so cute.

As for BBrooster - confirm not a mistake. I double confirmed that when I met her for the first time, coz I couldn't believe that! Kekeke.

Yah, signed up for GUG. Their weekday classes are 2 hour sessions. See how it goes for this 1 term first. But so far that I can see, JJ enjoys the classes. Yesterday's craft was fruit loops bracelet where they stringed up fruit loops. JJ finished the fruit loops in a flash... and I had to stop him from munching on them in the process of stringing them up. That part was tough! Kekeke.

<font color="ff6000">BBrooster</font>
You should treat Mckee to kopi liao. Hehehe.

you're still awake?
ya lah! i was nicely pumping, reading thru contact list. I nearly choked when I saw Anns' then came along bbrooster, aiyo, I think i nearly tipped over the bottle I pumped! haha!

how did JJ take GUG?
