(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

Poor Erlisa, nvm tomolo u can enjoy yr day off n have a good time with Riz. Bringing him to Beach? Same here, me also worried abt him seeing me naked cos I could not close the bathroom down when I took shower, so he noes ware to get me. Headache hor.

I also bath with Sky... He dun allow me to bath alone..will be making a big fuss and cry like nobody business if i am in shower and he is outside...outside refers to outside SHOWER SCREEN as well.... will cry like ganna torture by me... So far he see me topless bathing is ok...(think he is used to it..)
But when I change in front of me he will look and look and give me the shame shame sign.. but then he see my eyes going big..and quickly come and sayang my tummy...

Hope E get well soon.... no wonder she din turn up for today lesson.. I miss her What this what that...
A really talk a lot hor....
My boi only say Where when he is doing the puzzle sorter... he will pick up a piece of whatever and say WHERE before proceeding to find the correct hole...
Now he has learn a new word.. NO... (I know its late but he used to shake his head only.. ) so everythig now is NO if he dun like it....
<font color="ff0000">Glayz/Erlisa/Mckee,</font>
My hb will float when he sees the compliments about him. Actually, kinda weird with him tagging along. I prefer to go out on my own and enjoy my freedom, instead of him spying on me.

<font color="0000ff">Cherry,</font>
I looked good?
Thanks leh... I really need some compliments to keep my morale up. Kinda feel depressing to see me getting bloated by the day. Today I went for a makeover... I was telling hb that sure very tough job to make me pretty. The pics turned out ok lah, the face passable but I still look ultra fat. You know what the staff told me? Pregnant woman of course fat one. I nearly 'peng'... so insensitive leh. At least the photographer should shoot from certain angles to hide my flabby arms right?? Sigh.

<font color="ff6000">Glayz,</font>
Why you only direct the question at mummies with boys? cay also imitates my dad and wants to go topless. I have to tell her that it is 'xiuxiu' (shame shame) to be topless. Now she will tickle her cheek at my dad and fetch his singlet for him to wear. But hor, there was once I only wore a spaghetti top and she also tickled her cheek at me and fetch a baggy top for me to wear. Sigh... must mummy always appear in big baggy clothes?
Her standard of shame shame is very strict too. Even when she took of her shoes, she will say herself 'xiuxiu'.

cay is also slow in learning to say 'no' (in hokkien of cos), she used to shake her hand only, which everyone took it to mean waving 'hi' or 'goodbye'. Now she everything also 'mai mai mai', really drive me crazy at times.

<font color="0077aa">LV,</font>
I know what you mean. I'm also more relaxed when dining outside. At home, little bit of mess caused by her will make me jump.

<font color="aa00aa">Sally,</font>
No prob lah. I hope my tummy can bring you baby gal luck.
Aiyo... Cay also doing this har.. i tot normally bois will follow whatever their dad is doing... For mine la... becos my dad also topless at home...so think Sky mindset is guys will be topless at home...
Thanks mummies. She's quite ok, still bubbly. Just running nose. don't want to spread to others so din go. I just hope she will be well like, instantly. This coming week is very impt to us hee hee...

I so sien these few days. Blocked nose, everything i eat is tasteless!!! urghh....

wow, you went for makeover ah... so nice! must show us the photos the next time okie.

I have been taking photos over CNY ... and i look FAT. abit low morale .... but got no one to blame since i've been eating and not exercising. sigh.
put a tent n only me inside very boring and K sure dont want to stay inside with me hehe
i saw your cny pics in your blog. got fat meh?? i was still thinking in my mind that u seem to lose weight in the pics esp the face. The family wear tt 3 of u put on was so cute. my hubby will never want to do that

E looks more and more of u in the recent pics btw.

the pics should be very nice because i notice u look prettier when u smile
show us one of these days when it's out if u dont mind
Hi Gals
I have shortlisted some Playgroups below (Mon-Fri, 1-2hrs) but not sure which is good. One of them is Edufarm which I think some of the todds here are attending the phonics class...any comments?

1. Crestar (Kinderplay Prog)
2. Edufarm (Star Tots Playgrp)
3. Kinderland (Kinderplay Prog)
4. Apply Tree
face only lor. My arms! tummy, etc...sigh... and hv hard to lose fm the arms ley. so hor, when i take photo must be 'strategic', must hide the arms. if not i really look fat. sigh.

ya my hub is quite ok to silly ideas like that =P We have a few sets of clothes that are the same. Actually, my dog got a same jersery tee as him too! haha... Now with E, even more fun to wear the same hee hee....

she really look like me ah... cool... but i wonder how she feel when she's older =P I realise i'm looking ALOT like my mum too and i'm complaining!
<font color="0000ff">Mummies nite out</font>
Hope such outings can be monthly or bi-monthly. kakakaka!

<font color="ff0000">Shane</font>
U are NOT alone! me feel depressed now. Some of my new CNY clothes are tighter! Low morale now, look at my msn nick, u'll noe.

Told hb I wanna start jian fei today liao, hope I wont munch those goodies in the nite.

<font color="119911">Caymom</font>
wow u went for makeover. Will u share the pics in the blog?
nvm we both jia you!!!!! I HAVE BEEN munching goodies !!!! die man....

Ya let's have another outing sometime later in march okie! keke....
ya told hb i wanna go JOGGING. can u believe it??? :p He roll his eyes at me when i told him tat.
I feel like killing myself leh.

yeah let's have 1 at end march.. at least let my tummy mellow down abit then can meet u gals.........
<font color="ff0000">Shane,</font>
Yah man.... can't tell that I can be so hiao right. Actually I go makeover quite often. I even went once with hb when he was my bf. Since then, he always encourages me to go.
Dunno what is his motive, maybe that is the only way to see me pretty.

<font color="ff6000">LV,</font>
I guess you are right. The staff said those pics that I din smile really cannot make it. I was kinda shocked by her blunt statements.
I am not very satisfied with the pics, I felt that the photographer is not very good. Hb said the pics looked nice. cay kept shouting "mama" as she looked at the photos on the pc. I thought she will not recognise me. I chose around 10 pics just for memory sake. Fat or ugly also bobian, that is just me at the current state.

<font color="0000ff">Twinklets,</font>
Hahahaa... you cannot believe I went for makeover?? I also dunno why I so hiao this time. When preggie with cay, I am not so hiao. I thought I didn't look very ugly although the pics I took of myself showed me very fat lah. Maybe too many things to keep me occupied and I just accepted that preggie will look like that one.

This time, I din take pics of myself at all. Kinda gek sim each time I look at myself in the mirror. I think I look so much uglier than last time. So I decided to boost my morale and go for makeover lor. KNS right?

Hmm.. I have not decided whether to post it in the blog. That blog is about cay not caymom leh...
<font color="ff6000">Caymom</font>
Wah, makeover. For the feel-good morale booster is not bad, you know.
But you do look good being preggie. Really! Don't gek sim lah.

If the blog is about Cay then how about Caysis? You are doing another blog later ah. Why not make it a family blog from now on?
Tang Ling,
Thanks.... my hb has been trying to convince that I am not ugly everyday. I think maybe my hormones are causing some mood swings so I simply dun feel very good lah...

I thought about that already. cay's blog started from my pregnancy days and for caysis, I am now doing the same. When she is out, I will stop updating cay's blog and continue on the blog about the two sisters.

At first I thought of converting cay's blog but I realised I have a lot to write about her so might as well devote her blog to her first two years. Also, her blog seems to be rather overloaded now, kinda slow down the loading and posting at times.

JJ din attend class yesterday. Is he ok?
Hello mummies,
I missed the mummies nites out!! Sharks.. Shld have popped in after the CNY!! Sob sob..

U went for makeover?! Gosh, u must look great and sexy!! Can share ur photos?!

Re blogging: Now i have headache, dunno to start a new blog for Shania or nt cos i have pbm finding time to update Sheri's blog. Cannot imagine if i have 2 blogs to update!! I now very tempted to combine bth blogs.. Will become my blog on my 2 gals instead. Hahaha..

No need to feel depress.. I lagi jialat.. Super demoralised when i do my CNY shopping. Upgrade to XL bottoms and L/XL tops.. I cant even wear G2000 pants now.. Have pbm fitting size 13 (largest) pants hor.. I was wearing size 9 after i got married hor.. Now size 13 cant fit cos of my huge hips and tummy.. Isnt tis even more depressing?!
1. Crestar (Kinderplay Prog)
2. Edufarm (Star Tots Playgrp)Not sure
3. Kinderland (Kinderplay Prog)
4. Apply Tree - should be apple tree, right? My fren's kids there n have good comments.
For crestar/kinderland, same group under kinderland prog, my fren's kids there as well n can see tremendous improvement, good feedback. But fees ex than the rest.
Hope it helps.
Shane, u not fat lah. Me also sad abt my TUMMY n THIGHS.... so depressed. sobsobsobsob.... My hubby also likes to wear the same as my boy, but dun wan me to wear same as them, cos he said daddy n son gang, I cant join. Last nite, bought a few sets from OP. He hiao hor.

Twinklets, my hubby gave up asking me to go jogging with him, cos I always come up excuses... heehee.... me lazy ass, just no motivation to move. Hence my hubby said dun complain. MY FAULT.

Caymom, cant wait to see yr makeover lei. I m sure it will look good, cos u r one glowing pretty preggie mama. Should be proud lei. Ya agreed with Tang Ling, make the blog to become a Family blog. Will be cool.

Serrich, nvm join us next time. Me also before married, size S..... now either M or L.... so so so so depressing....
i only went makeover once with hub then bf as well. hee hee.... but can't beat you, u went alot of times! i think it's gd, we're only young once...

I feel that one blog is sufficient. just combine. at least it's more 'whole' also it's tough to maintain 2 blogs. tt y when i started mine, i made it 'for us' to allow for 'expansion' haha... but i don't know how long i can kp up. bloggin quite time consuming. sometimes i have thots to just stop blogging =P

edufarm, we attend the phonics but i think will be hard to compare cos our class is 45mins. also it really depends on the teacher. maybe u can go when they hv class to observe.

kinderland so gd ah... good ... good... hee hee...

sigh...doubt i'll ever go back to original. Was S before and after marriage, after E, now is M or L !!! sigh sigh sigh
very sad ....
Dun complain la... at least u dun look fat lor...
I was plump... then now fat... my hb so thin beside me..I look like DOUBLE his size lor...

I only went ONCE... during my uni days...
And my hb just say.. my makeover photos.. NOT NICE... so I never went for anymore...
Shane, my frens r happy with Kinderland lor. But I dun like lei. Price for Kinderland, I would choose others lor.

Glayz, u r here finally.... saw yr blog n see that u have got the Thomas toy rack...... good or not? thinking for a while liao to get it..... but we afraid of the basketball rim... can it be removed? Cos we can imagine hanging on that as monkey kia, since now already hanging on windows grills.... thanks ah.
It is actually a fix it urself one... so the basketball rim...if u dun like can dun put it in the first place...

That rack quite ok la.... have different compartment for me to place different toys.. and my boi now keep climbing on top of the base so he can reach those toys I purposely kept out of his reach....
If u have a lot of bulky toys then maybe a BIG BOX will just do... for sky is a lot of smaller toys that he will scream for me to take out in a box..so this rack serve me better...
And to save $$... buy the rabbit one will do... the Thomas is just STICKERS...and already dropping off soon...without Sky peeling... and if u want can buy NICER stickers to stick on the rack...
He cannot really sit inside la.. too many toys liao...will hurt his cone shape butt....

Anyway he dun pull out the base lor.. too heavy will ask us to pull out the base... we did as we tot he want to find his toys in the base compartment...then he climb in....

But now he dun really do this anymore... as he is more interested in the toys...
<font color="ff6000">Caymom</font>
Wow u makeover afew times before. Me never even once.
Actually I'm thinkg of trying "The Loft" or something. But I piled up weight liao, so I tink gotta delay again liao. Hey dun be shy, upload into Cay's blog leh. I also got upload some paktor pics of me & Hb in Ashley's blog too mah. kakaka..
I told Shane before.. that blog soon will become Mummy blog liao, cos I post so many tots of mine inside.

If next time I'm gog to have #2, I'll juz add onto to this current 1. Dunno how long I'll blog, bascially will juz blog when I still have the interest & time.

<font color="119911">Serrich</font>
Pls pls.. u juz pop 2 mths ago, so cant compare ok? U'll slim down further, dun be depressed ok?
As for us, aiyo, we give birth so long liao, but tat tummy is still so flabby & 'diao diao'. Scary.

<font color="0000ff">Sally</font>
Feel tat have to kickstart to do some exercise lor, cos feel very unhealthy cos been eating & sitting. really like a big barrel with layer of oily fats sitting there. I feel like taking up some dance class which is my interest & at least can keep me going. Jogging is really my last resort, but bobian cos din take up any exercise program.
I hope I wont be Nato again, must really buck up again.

Btw, hey I saw ur pic in K blog. U look good yourself & not L size as u mentioned lar.
mummies gathering:
y not we have one gym session for mummies outing for those who wants to lose weight?? sounds fun! that one i will go for sure hehe
Glayz, k will check it out again. Thanks.

Twinklets, all the TUMMY n THIGHS r well covered up under the clothes....... heehee. I dun have K blog link, can PM me? Really L size lei cos I not dare to wear too tight to show all the bumps....... No more tight baby tee liao lei.
Twinklets, yesterday I was trying out the mickey tee at Giordano.... the sales asked if I wan M, cos I took L to try, I said NO NO NO, cant reveal the flabby tummy......oooops.... must hide hide hide.

LV, u no need workout liao lah....... u so perfect shape liao.

Twinklets/ Sally
I always in small small tee leh...
But lucky my boobs are huge...so cannot see my tummy when I am standing... but still FAT LA... this one no horse run la...
Me short la... but fat... so my small small tee is not really small la.. but is the short short type... Still wearing them and expose my BIG BIG tummy.... kekekeke... and my hb will goes on everyday that I look cartoon with a big tummy in a small tee...
<font color="ff6000">Serrich,</font>
You really make me laugh... how I can be sexy with flabby arms and big tummy??

Updating two blogs is indeed very siong.

<font color="ff6000">Shane,</font>
Actually not a lot of times... around 5-6 times bah but I dun purchase the makeover shots all the time, really depends on how well the pics turn out. The only time I really burnt my pocket was the session with hb. He also loves the pics a lot.

<font color="ff6000">Glayz,</font>
My hb used to say my makeover pics not nice, not natural, very fake and unlike me until he witnessed my transformation during the makeup and realised that it is indeed me afterall, just another side of me. Anyway, he is very on about studio photo shoot now. We had one when cay was around one. We are now planning another one with the two gals.

<font color="ff6000">Sally,</font>
Don't raise your expectation and you will find my shots nice.
Actually I am comtemplating having one that reveals my tummy and together with cay and hb but on 2nd thoughts.... maybe not.

<font color="ff6000">Twinklets,</font>
Nowadays I am indeed very shy... seldom put my face on cay's blog now. I think the last time was xmas.
Aiyah... actually wedding photo shoot also can count as makeover shot bah... so that means you have done it once!
Toilet Training
Its a battle between my mum and Sky...
My mum really fume a bit becos she realise that Sky know how to do the "xu" sound...
But as usual... Sky will goes to my mum and tell her that he need to pee (xu) only after he had PEED.....
Hi gals,
nice meeting up with u on fri..

yes yes..agreed with Tang Ling tt u realli look like a little girl.no one will believe tt u hve a son liao..keke...

tang ling,
do let mi know how much to ret to u..

so impressed tt K noes how to self feed herself..for Ryan,he will simply uses his hand cos he is not very gd with spoon..

cay such a gd girl.can sit in high chair for so long..

nice toking to u too..ya lor..u are at one corner,n i'm at the other corner..
akinesh is so cute..n can say so many words..now makes mi vv tempted to send Ryan to daily play group liao..

n pls hor..u where got fats??omg..if those r call fats..then i dunno wat to call mine liao..

i oso hve the toy rack..Ryan likes to sit one the bigger toy box,or kneel on it to get the toys on the upper rack..though he can reach for it..haiz...
Toilet training
I was so happy with E last nite. We were out and her diaper leaked and she stood still and said 'wet wet!' Then i was like, no ley, till i touched her and saw her shoes were wet. The pee leaked out

I was wondering if this means she's really to be toilet trained ? But at home she don't say, unless the floor wet

Maybe i should let her go diaperless but that means ALOT of work for maid...quite bad hor
How to Keep Them Occupy?
Tang Ling and I were talking about this last Friday. I told TangLing that i really peifu her becos she is with JJ the whole day. Now at their age it is so so so difficult to satisfy them. I am sometime at a loss of what to do on weekends to keep my "high energy" girl occupy. Any suggestions, thoughts? Short of playing their dvds over and over again no bad weekends she can watch up to 4 discs in a day! Gosh..
good question!!! But we normally go out, so there's distraction and new places for her to see and explore =P
At home is really quite trying, just got to kp playing with her.
go chiong i cannot, wait very sleepy in the dark environment. and i also dont dance, cant lose weight at all in the end put all more at belly from drinking???!!
btw, i love your curls!i want to wait for my hair to grow longer then perm it. is ceramic perm?

ok i pm u after this. my golden rule is to give to pple whom i met before haha. paranoid of stalkers hehe.
u where got fat? almost my built i think. And i think u dont have to be worry bout losing wt because A will definitely help u at the rate of his activeness. last time i see my K as active, but after seeing A, i think A is super active hehe

y u dont want to show the tummy? how i wish i could do that when i took PS during my preg. by that time i took pics, my tummy was like spiderweb! with all the stretchmark. actually up to now the mark still can be seen. i sort of envy those MTB who wears to show off the tummy. i didnt manage to do that even though i bought those clothings because of the stupid and ugly stretchmarks

i like gym too. but first i must think of where to put K. most gyms must sign membership right ?

i cant rem which one is your email from my yahoo so havent send u the pic. i go check again from mailing list then email u ok
How to keep them occupy
For me... if I really want Sky to be occupied.. I just gave him a cloth and pt here and there... then he did cleaning for me.... kekekeke... but normally it end up dirtier and he will use the cloth to clean his mouth also... *faint* so must use a pc of new cloth....

Toilet Training
Sky also say wet if the floor is wet... with pee or water.... then we bring him to the zoo... he call the fake waterfall... RAIN RAIN... my mum was giggling so hard..I can see her fats shake..opps...
how to keep them occupied
Nicole reads classifieds (gets hands all black!)
I use large 2006 calendar paper (or mahjong paper) to line the floor in her room and her easel, and she'll be little van gogh with her crayons.
then of course there's good old channel 34 that is now my default channel!!

Nicole does that too! she goes wet wet for full diaper, and poo poo when she does poo. the ultimate thing she did was to take off her panty AND tear out velcro for diaper AFTER she poo poo! imagine our shock when she suddenly threw the whole diaper on the floor! haha!
hehe...agree that crayons and paper can keep them occupied for some time. but must sure that the crayons are the washable type!!
post pics of nathan (correct?) leh

Sick kid
adelle is finally feeling better today. very trying for everyone when a little one is ill. toddler tantrum + illness = very tired parents

post your pics on the blog!
Nicole is quite good. can try to toilet train. So far tt was E's first time to indicate. sometimes she'll indicate 'erh erh' AFTER she pooed. sigh!

ya, we hvn't seen Nathan!

Glad to hear Adelle is well already.

Glayz, at least u can show off yr tummy in the baby tees..... me when preggie cant cos tummy full of the marks from skin infection, so must cover cover. heehee.

Caymom, dun wori, i am sure the pics look good n u look great.

Forgetmenot, fats lah... next time i show u.. heehee....

Toilet Training
This afternoon after A nap, he woke up n told me "diaper heavy, take out".. So I removed. But he din wan to wear a new one. Ran to the toilet n stand outside n tell me "Mummy come, pass urine, on light" I shocked n impressed, thinking "wow the day finally comes" Hence quickly on the lights for him n he went in took the potty n put below his P n said "pass urine, shhshh" I said "good". But then no URINE out. After one min, he ran out half naked with the potty to the hall with me chasing behind. I was liked "OH no, pls dun pee in the hall"..... N no surprise he peed on his Pooh sofa n laughed n said "WET" I was fuming. Fed up that he cheated me again. While I cleaning, he ran outside our computer room n peed outside. I got really mad n chased him into the toilet to take shower. Then he said "Honey, Sorry". I FAINT. How to do it... me running out of patience liao.

Thanks. I got it. So now u noe why I need to send him to playgroup... even for just 2 hours... it is a heavenly break for me. If not, I think I go crazy liao.

How to keep them Occupy
weekdays not so bad.... still got playgroup to occupy him n worn him out. Weekends.... if hb not in town, would go to my mum's place or neighbour's house to play with my sis' kids or neighbour's kids cos even he is not a TV person. Well he has chicken backside as my mom refers to.... wont sit still n watch kind. If hb around, would bring him out to burn his energy. If not, hb will entertain him. Crayons, cars, books, bricks, puzzles, keyboard etc onli keep him occupied for a short while onli.

A also same, will clean n wipe everywhere then finally his face n mouth.... faint.

Glad to noe that sexy little Adelle is feeling better. Hooray.
