(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

wow.... sounds like a wedding proposal!! heheh
i'm going to copy your post and send it to my hubby as future reference

you very cheeky leh...

Junk food
same here, i try not to give junk food to adelle. no sweets and chocolates before too. i think they'll be 'exposed' to such stuff once they start school so try to delay as much as possible. one exception is french fries!

Twinklets, ya u notty to play tricks on yr hb... glad to noe u have a great time with yr hb n princess.

wow Erlisa, so envy lei... he so romantic... glad u enjoy yr nite.
Hi mommies, can help me? How much water to give to our tods a day then it is sufficient? Currently I giving him abt 600ml a day. Enough or too little? ME afraid he not dehydrated lei at this hot weather... heehee... Thank you.

Your description of the little acts of love so "wen xin". V'day need not be all the fancy works, its the little tots and spending time with your loved ones that counts. Even little Ash can "sense" the atmosphere!

Tidbits for Tods
I also strictly no sweets for Jay. Sally, yah-lor, Jay is so "hyper-active" liao, i can't possible imagine if he is "high" on sweets. Seriously, i'm more concerned over the artifical coloring, trans-fats, preservatives etc.
For me, i prefer to let him snack on cornflakes, pocky sticks, wan-wan mantou and occasional ice-creams. I don't even give him chocolates becos mommy is not a fan herself. I'm more of a chps person becos Jay still has to stay away when i do munch.

I'm also waiting for the next big Toy Sale!!
Guess wat, Jaydad bot a hairdressing toy set for Jay yesterday and a series of construction vechicles ( crane, cement mixer, dump truck etc.)
He says he's gonna get a toy doctor set and MacDonald set next. He says its good becos the little gadgets keeps his son "busy"

Tang Ling
I'm still thinking on the possible dinning venues for next week. This round, very big group hor.

Daddy's Syndrome
I'll get Jaydad to read both you and Shane's postings about how hands-on your hubbies are to "inspire" him..kekeke
Wah... Jaydad spoilt him a lot!!!
My hb will just say... everything I bought WASTE $$$$.... and he claim just give Sky a plastic cup then Sky is very happy liao.... I was like.. "u stingy dad"

Ur boi drink a lot of water leh.... Sky is not a water drinker... only drink when really thirsty
<font color="ff0000">Re: Water</font>
SOS too!!! I think you are feeding more water than me. cay hates water. She refuse to drink from her bottle once she knows it is water. She will take one tiny sip and run away. Currently, we spoon feed her water. Very pai mia right but that is the only way to make her take some water.

Although she takes little water, she has a lot of pee. My mom describes it as once in, next moment out. Even my dad notices that cay needs a nappy change every half an hour, sometimes every 15min! I really peifu my mom to use cloth nappies. I will go crazy with all the washing!
yah, also noticed that adelle dun like to drink water anymore especially from the mag mag bottle or water bottle. so we try to make it 'interesting' for her to drink like, using different cups or letting her choose a coloured straw to suck her water
Riz drinks about tt amount of water everyday too. He usually finish up the entire Mag Mag cup of plain water at any one-go. So usually I dun fill up to the brim. I try to control the amt of water I give him, mabbe put i half or so at any one time.
So good... handsome drink so much water as well..

Sky will run at the sight of his mag mag cup... can only force him to drink after he eat biscuit or chips...

Those colour straws also no effect...he will peep into the cup and see no colour...then he run away liao... if I try to force him..he will look at me and SCREAM
Thanks. I really enjoyed this V-day. It's the best ever in my lifetime!

Stress ur hubby must give u better one ok after use my story... hee

Wah, Jaydad in toy shopping mood ah... Jay so lucky!!!
Wah, i "kowtow" to your mum, man!
She's still using cloth nappy for Cay???
I tot Jay very solid already cos he uses cloth nappy till he was about 10 months to 1 year old.
There's alot of washing to do and of cos, at the mercy of the weather man

No problem for Jay. He's a water-boy. He drinks after every meal, at bedtime and in between th day, my MIL still makes him drink. I think he is very much like me. But i'm glad becos with all the biscuits, water keeps away the heatiness
the story has been told, dear... Think u missed it.. hee

Wah, ur mom start using cloth nappy ah... fwah... i dun think i can ever do that leh...
<font color="ff6000">Erlisa</font>
Really envy envy!
JJdad is never romantic to being with, so no matter what he would be get even near to what Rizdad planned. Hehe.

<font color="ff6000">Ixorarred</font>
You sure 10 years marriage liao and hb would still try to be romantic? Hehe. You married 10 years liao ah. Or did I read wrongly? :p

<font color="0000ff">Water</font>
JJ drinks more water from cup (with sprout) during meal times then from straw water bottle. He would also only drink when he is thirsty. But I din take note how much in total he drinks daily.
Tang Ling
My boi that day... whole day siam my mag mag cup... then at night so thirsty that he finish 2 filled mag mag cup at 1 shot... he finish first round and command me to refill it the second time...

pple dunno will tot I preparing my boi for NS water parade....

Wah.... so good still have park tor anni....
Mine long forgotten... arghhhh... hb also not romantic...ytd jio him go dinner then he say he in middle of MJ session... see he valentine with MJ and not me... and we only together for almost 9yrs...ROAR...

Think me no more valentine liao.... sobz...
Alamak, i quickly scroll back to read...
WOW!! so, so romantic, a "brillant rose" to complete the evening. You must be over the moon. You must show it to us at the next mommies gathering.
3 claps for R-dad!!
u and ur hubby very the comical leh. But it's nice to know that after all these years, u 2 can still joke and play pranks with each other. Makes the heart grow fonder hor!!

u oso very sweet mah, make video from day-1 u pak tor with him. Me dun even dare to make video of me coz i looked hideous when younger that time.. hee Now that u mentioned, it suddenly struck me that me and hubby has been together for 10 years too!!
Ya lor... BRILLANT ROSE....
I dun even have a plastic rose... and hb was spending time for the Spring Summer Autumn Winter "flower" on MJ Table...
<font color="ff0000">Jaymom/Erlisa,</font>
Yah, I am amazed too. I thought she will give up after some time especially bb on bfg will pass watery stools very often during the first few months. I feel very bad when she has to wash soiled nappies. I feel like telling her to throw away the nappy instead but she always says very easy to wash. My mom is very good in laundry. She can give my old yellowish clothes a new lease of lift overnight. I bleached like mad still no use.

<font color="0000ff">Ixoarred,</font>
Wow, you still remember and celebrate park tok anni. I used to remember a lot of special dates... the day we met, the day we become an item, the day he propose... we may even celebrate (but nothing fanciful) but now... sometimes the day just come and pass without our knowledge! Sad to say, I am alway the one to forget but my hb has his pocket PC to remind him.
I don't even remember how long we have been together already. Oh dear.. I am so scatterbrain lately.
U really make me laugh!!!
I slightly better than you, at least got 3 plastic roses that glitters in the nite
If your ah-bang "fu" at the MJ will his seasonal flowers, you still got hope to "manja" for a brillant rose!
No lor... he lose quite a bit ytd... and say he ortang... then I very bad..I tell him to pao lu... and he was like... "U want ur hb to pao lu!!!" and I was like " u jia jia pao lor... then after a few weeks then come back..." becos heard u pao liao and come back all the debts will be write off...kekekeke dunno true or not...

Then I just tell him in his face also lor... these days he super suay liao... and he still dare to go gamble...
<font color="ff0000">erlisa</font>
SO SO SO ROMANTIC!!! me so envious!!! Me no big big stone ley. Even proposal ring also like full stop only hee hee... But i'm fine with that lah, cos not cheap. $ spend can go on a trip.
My hub also not romantic kind, so don't expect anything. Got flowers can 'arm chio' already. hee hee...

<font color="ff6000">water and junk food</font>
E still drinks her water but i think it's lesser than before. But she's quite a junkie already. She has tasted sweet, choc, biscuits, pkt drinks,etc, all in small quanities. Even the sweet at EF, I'll give it to her. I'll bite half to give hub, then I share the other half with her, so she gets a small quarter. I told her must share hee hee....
This must share concept good hor... Sky eat 2 bite of chocolate will stuff all to me... and he will scream at others who try to bite off his chocolate as they are not SHARING buddies...kekeke... then he will take new pc after a while...also take 1 or 2 bite then pass to me.... sometimes I wonder am I a BIG TRASH CAN... (he dun share with daddy)

Drinks he like non-gassy drink...so mummy will purposely buy gassy drink..let him take a sip..then he will not ask for anymore...think he dun like the feeling of gas in his nose...
wah! ur hb is what my hb wld say "spoil market!" hehe...

my vd
pump latch pump latch, more pump more latch!!

sweet food
just thought I'll share w you girls. One of my close fren's son (15yr old) just got diagnosed w diabetes. for rest of his life, must eat 8 small meals a day, before each meal must jab insulin jab. (even in school). parents very upset, asked doc how he got it, when there's no history of diabetes in family.
found out was cos of his chocolate, sweets, packet drink, soft drink diet when he was young. (they fed him whenever he wanted these since toddler).
Now hb & I very conscious what we give nicole. told both grandparents the same. They seem to derive great joy when nicole runs to them for that piece of choco cake! no heart to tell them, it's for th cake, not really them!
#2 days
just wondering aloud to forgetmenot, serrich, adora:
is hb still as involved with #2, as he was with #1?
With Nicole, he was super hands-on. Fed, burp, changed diapers, bathed her everyday.
With Nathan, as of now, only fed twice, then too tired to burp.
He claims that Nicole is the one who needs attention now. (which is what we agreed on). So he spends all his time reading to her, being tickle monster, gymboree at home etc. For Nathan, it's just, "papa loves you! Waiting for u to grow up!"
sigh... I asked around. apparently, all hbs have this #2 syndrome?
Akinesh also not a water drinker.... must hong n praise him then will drink... if not must "force" spoon feeding him.... then will drink... I will make sure he drinks 3 cups a day, one time 200ml, cos he just hates to drink water.... Wish he is like Riz, Jay n JJ lei, drinks water, no need to ask n "force".

Caymom, pei fu pei fu yr mom to use cloth nappies for Cay. Actually my mom also wan me to use, but I tell her I go crazy first washing all those soiled nappies..... cant handle...
Dun scare me leh....
Later #2 also push to me... and what worse my hb will entertain Sky a bit then bo liao....

Sweet food
Lucky for me.. Sky dun really fancy sweet stuff.. he just take a bit to TASTE onli... even packet drink also dun take much... (he drink a little more than gassy drinks...)

But then again... must wait what he eat lor... now then I discover.. Sky dun like sweet stuff, sour is a big NO-NO.. hot stuff he also shun... but he like salty food... OMG.... high blood pressure!!!!
hee hee... Din noe he's still hopelessly romantic after all these years. Last time used to make me cards at almost every month anniversary (courtship dat time) over 7 years... then once married, cards oso never see... but bring me out for holidays for anniversary or birthday lor... he really surprised me lor... I still have not gotten over it yet. Now i drive oso cannot concentrate, keep on doing like wat the girl did in the CELESTIAL advertisement! haha

ya lor, my hubby spoil the market liaos... but at least, must let our hubbies know to buck themselves up.. hehe

that's part of the reason why i'm restricting on Riz lor... actually these days har, our kids generation got all kinds of sickness... during our time, eat anything oso never kenna until jia lat....

Dunno leh, Riz seems to be a drinker... whenever Riz sees our canned drinks, he's curious and wants to know wat it is and how it taste. That's when i bring out his cup and give him one as well but the contents are plain water.. so he gets to drink like all of us lor.... except that we adults drink coloured drinks.. hee
Good lor... Sky will look at the colour... if no colour he will know is water.. and dunno run to wer....

But I also very bad.. will give him taste those prune juice, cranberry juice.. all the sour one... then he never come again.... but he now show interest in my hb beer..so my hb let him smell... and obviously stink to him..becos he also run very far away...

Can do the commercial har....so good... so ur rose is big big or small small one...kekeke
My mom is indeed very rare. The only time that she doesn't use nappies was when she was staying at my house for around a month while her house was under renovation. She complained she was super bored because no laundry to wash. She even helped to wash my laundry and iron my clothes secretly. She is used to waking up at 5am to do housework so by the time cay wakes up, everything is done. I told her to sleep longer but she said old people sleep too long will get body ache. She said she is 'lao lu ming', if too free will die very fast. Sigh, I also dunno what to say.

At the moment, cay stays with her 24hr during weekdays. She refused to let me bring her back, saying that she will disturb us. When cay is sick, she doesn't tell me and will handle everything on her own. Even when cay comes home, she will call to check on her. She also disclipines cay very strictly. Sometimes, I feel that she behaves more like cay's mother than granny. The only thing she cannot do is to teach cay english.

If not for my mom, I think I will have no courage for #2. She is always encouraging me not to be affected by what happened during my first pregnancy and delivery. I told her I will bring cay back every nite if I am leaving #2 with her overnight. She agreed but I have a feeling that she may want cay to stay as well. She is very attached to cay who has been her cheerful companion for the past 20mths. I have never seen my mom so happy before.
I received the latest contact list, thanks! Probably want to include mummies' profession? Mabbe we mummies here can network or link up in a way or another... what say all?
Wow.. the thread is super busy with all the Vday news haha...

<font color="ff0000">Erlisa,</font>
your hubby really romantic ya to plan all the surprises... and got you a brilliant rose somemore.. enjoy enjoy the happiness

but you also very super, cook chilli crabs for him so he must show his love for you too! hehe...

Vday present
hubby also bought me a bouquet of roses yesterday, already very happy liao...

my MIL was the one who is very helpful... call me twice yesterday to ask me to bring Aeron to him so that hubby and me can go out to celebrate Vday... she is really very helpful... really respect her alot, helping me to take care of my son and reminds us to celebrate our special ocasions too.

<font color="ff0000">Tang Ling,</font>
your hubby really good, sounds almost like he can do whatever we do already... must be your good training... hehe...

<font color="ff0000">Water,</font>
Aeron's stools is like breastfeed stools so I guess he drinks enough water every day... never seen hard stools from him before... think the tods like sucking from straws more...

<font color="ff0000">Sweet food</font>
Same thing with caymom and jaymom, I also quite strict towards giving outside food, anything too sweet, salty etc... I will not give Aeron... he already "bui bui" liao if give him those... then next time he will sure need to be in those FIT club in primary school one...
<font color="ff0000">Caymom,</font>
your mom is really a super woman... my MIL and mom are also wonderful women too... very "wu si" I just hope that I have their virtues too... now still dun have... like being thrifty... still need to learn for a long time...haha..
same thing here...also feel that Aeron has brought lots of happiness to my MIL

<font color="ff0000">Erlisa,</font>
I dun mind to add in my profession but I think most of you all not in same line as me
<font color="ff0000">caymom</font>
it's so sweet to know that your mum is so attached to cay. very heartwarming. My mum is not. we only see each other once a week. E is not very close to her. My mil dotes on her alot but i think she is also very tired by looking after her.

<font color="ff6000">kiami</font>
your mil is very nice. must appreciate. my mil is also very good to us. I really thank God for that esp when i read abt nasty mils.

<font color="ff0000">mckee</font>
thks for the reminder. OK! gg to restrict sweet food and i'm gg home to tell my mil not to give her too much sweet food. i really don't know what she gives her when i'm not ard. I don't want that to happen to E.

<font color="ff6000">#2 daddy symdrome</font>
somehow, I already prepared that it will be like that. #1 will always be the most special. #2 its' like been there done that and like what you say, just waiting for you to grow up!
Don't say hub, i think even for myself, i'm not sure i'll be as 'on' for #2 or not.
This is also the key reason, i want to be very sure before i have #2, so that i can try to give #2 my best.

Talking about #2, yday E met up with her cousins. she can actually play very well with them now. Quite a joy to watch. And she can go hug her cousin who is 7 mths old. Really made me have the calling to have #2. Wld be nice to see her sayanging her sibling.
But plan still stays, later .. later .... hee hee...
your mom is like role model! So super giving!

#2 syndrome
shane, I thought i'll be like that too. That's why if you recall, I ever asked about love tank for #2. But for us-mummies, i really think it's a natural thing in us to multiply the love accordingly. as for hb, I know he does, it's just this #1 is most special. and it certainly doesn't help when #1 is a girl!

#1 & #2
just thought I'll share. Nicole is very loving to baby. She keeps going on and on about baby is sleeping, must shhhh... haha... mebbe when nathan is in a more conscious age, her love for brother will really be tested.

confirm that you're going Sunday GUG 4pm? I told my hb to keep nicole in that class cos I got friends coming. He wants to change her to another class, cos some of the mummies in the class are not participative... and invariably affect teacher's enthusiasm as well.

sweet food
now with CNY, nicole's new favorite is kueh bulu (that little small cupcake that melts in mouth). Aiyo...
Mine is Love letter... but he ultra messy eater leh.... will eat and u can see a trail... and follow to wer he is....
Dun tell me take bowl.. it worse...he will empty the bowl from time to time...esp after he purposely crush the love letter after 1-2 bites..

Its good that Nicole is loving towards di-di mah.. mine also now keep coming to stroke my tummy... but I think he know I super happy when he do these kind of affectionate acts...so not sure if it is really out from his heart... but sometimes he angry with me will come and hit my tummy... aiyo...

My mum also dotes on Sky a lot.. and MIL always fake doting... kekeke...

That day Sky super notti(whine, cry and throw temper for no reasons the whole day)...so ganna a few caning..then my mum see the red red cane marks on his leg, so heart pain and threw away the cane... this is the 2nd cane she had threw away... but when Sky start to get super cheeky and notti...my mum will go opp block mama shop to buy a cane again...

training Pants
Now my mum is using the training pants AGAIN.... and Sky look weird in a panties like shorts leh.. too use to see him wear those 4-jiao shorts... but how is the results of training...I also dunno leh...dun dare to ask...
<font color="ff0000">Kiami,</font>
Before cay, my mom was so bored that she didn't know what to do in the afternoon. That's why she is overjoyed that she has cay's company now. She used to travel a lot with her friends but now, she seldom go holiday because she doesn't want me to take leave to take care of cay. She also doesn't go back to her hometown already. I feel very bad that I sorta grounded her. With #2, even harder for her to go overseas.

<font color="0000ff">Shane,</font>
cay only sees my mil once a week but surprisingly she is quite close to her. The moment she sees her, she will run and hug her while shouting "nai-nai". Very drama lor. She doesn't do that to me leh.

<font color="ff6000">Mckee,</font>
I think my mom has the traditional thinking that women have to stay at home and look after children. She actually told me not to study so much because ultimately have to become housewife. She assumed that I will become housewife if I have 3 children. Err... I dunno what to tell her. So I die die cannot have 3 children.

cay also loves kueh bulu! My mom forbids her to help herself so she will secretly bring the container to us and request for it. There was once my brother opened it and asked her to take one but the moment she saw my mom approached, she ran to hide. Even after my mom said ok, she still didn't take. Only after my mom gave it to her, then she dare to take it. Strict house rules huh.

Because she is not allowed to eat too much of it, she will take her long sweet time to finish it. She usually licks it then take a small bite each time so that she can enjoy it longer. There was once she dropped it and my hb took it to throw away. She was so furious that she hit him! The next time she dropped it, she quickly picked it up and stuffed everything into her mouth.
To my horror.... my mum bought the kueh bulu also... and she was feeding Sky with it... and Sky will eat kueh bulu while watching Leapfrog...
He like the frog so much that he was watching the talking words straight after the letter factory... and he will whine for my mum to switch on a new dvd after the show had end...

My mum also keep saying want to go tour... but she super scare I will strangle Sky when she is not around.... and now I am preggie with #2... then she actually told my dad.. that they will go travelling only when #2 is at least 2yr old... (so I will not strangle them both).... I actually took leave for CNY when she mention abt wanting to go Malaysia for a short trip previously... but now is cancel.... so I will still enjoy this CNY break....
Sky also like the Leapfrog DVD ah. cay doesn't seem to like it. She cannot sit still to watch it, dunno why. Hope she will be more interested after a while.

Why your mom worried you will strangle Sky?? So kua zhang meh. Although cay always makes me puke blood, I never thought of strangling her leh.
Becos my temper is SUPER BAD.... all my colic can vouch on this.... so other dept if possible try not to liase with me.... kekeke.... unless bo bian..... cos I will flare ultra easily and they may ganna.....

But I tone down alot by this boi... he got his bad temper thru this thing called GENES... (dunno why is my temper not daddy temper leh...) And I will hit him hard when I piss off...and my mum knew it... if hitting doesnt solve the problem..my mum will scare I will kill him....
By the way... my mum always say she nearly strangle me when I was little... (I was super difficult when young...) maybe my temper worse than hers...so she also got phobia...

Maybe Cay haven learn to appreciate Leapfrog.. but I sure she will later....Sky also dun like it when I first intro to him some time ago... only after re-intro then he starts to love it....
thinking of when to intro the Maths to him...
omg..ur hb so romantic......mi ah..no brillant rose,real rose,even plastic rose oso dun hve ah..
hmm..now i'm hveing 2nd thots y i married him in the 1st place..haha...

#2 syndrome
actually hor..my hb is more hands on with Chloe than with Ryan leh..he will feed her,n carry her to sleep..
but of cos,he dun realli like or rather lazi in changing diapers for her lah..

u noe tt time when Chloe is in hospital,i was super pissed with him leh..cos she has diahorrea aft taking antibiotics..so my hb smell something,he asked mi if she has poo-poo,i said" how m i supposed to noe..u thot i hve radar eyes ah?i oso hve to open her diaper n see oso mah..."n plus more he is carrying her lor..

then guess wat he did,he carry her back to the ward n sit there n watch tv..n i asked him,u not gng to check her diaper meh?guess wat is his reply? he said..i think she no poo-poo lah..cos no more smell..i wanted to faint on the spot ah..

actually i forbid Ryan to take sweets n chocolates..but hor,tt time my mil brought Ryan to her sis's hse,n her sis's children gave him chocolates leh..if i did not go over too,i dun even noe this ah..
but i can say anything,cos my mil's sis very nice to us one..
so wat to do,open n close on eye
so it's evident that it's daddy's gal and mummy's boy ? then hopefully my #2 is gal also ..haha... then daddy will be more hands on..hopefully....
anyway very xian mu u ley, got hao zi. it's gd to hear that we'll multiply our love accordingly. sometimes i feel i love E so much, i don't know if i got anymore love for #2 or not

oh kuey balu very sweet too!!!!
<font color="0000ff">Mckee,</font>
yup, sign up for GUG 4pm liao... starting first week of Mar... if I am there.. I will be enthusiastic lor, I think if my hubby there, he will participate also becos I intend to let him stay in class sometimes and me go walk walk around the shops haha...
dun noe he agree or not...

<font color="0000ff">Caymom,</font>
same here leh... my MIL always travel to C a few times each year becos her relatives in GZ and also for her travelling trips... becos of Aeron she did not go on travelling trip last year and she already pre warned me not to finish my annual leave, she wants to go travelling in Sept... by then me and hubby will rotate to take leave to care for Aeron...
that is the time for her to relax and gai gai lor...

<font color="0000ff">Glayz</font>
ask your mum how to train using the training pants leh... I let Aeron worn once but before I got him to go toilet, he already urinated on the floor and he got so scared seeing the floor so wet that he fell down... after that I dun noe how to train him liao...
Caymom, u r really lucky to have yr mom to give u a helping hand.

Erlisa, hmmmm sounds like a good idea... but SAHM cant go much lei.... heehee.

Kiami n Shane, so lucky u both have such a good MIL. wish my MIL like this lei... but she is a no no to looking after kids.... already tell me before we married. Sigh... she is the modern kind, will go out, n count down till 3am type... sigh.
WAH! go out and count down ??!!!! happeningzzz man...

my mum also say she wun look after my kid. she's reliving her teenage days all over again... partying hard... i don't know to be happy or sad...haha...
Shane, ya my MIL veri happening one... alot of activities... wan to eat with her, must book in advance n check her schedule kind..... she freedom cos my FIL passed away more than 10 years ago... so now of cos dun wan kids to tie her up....
so she gained her freedom after so long! no wonder...

wah ... your brilliant rose sssoooo pretty!!!! droolzzzzz

<font color="0000ff">erlisa</font>
Me suaku. Was wondering what is a <font color="ff0000">BRILLANT ROSE</font> until I saw it at..... so envious.
