(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

Tang Ling
Ya lor... then next gathering or PG u see a giraffe.... wait till neck long long...

I want to be tall... but not this way...
<font color="ff6000">Caymom</font>
ok, no problem, take your time, don't rush.
We have not decided on venue yet, so perhaps you can PM me where is your gynae and
we see if we can go somewhere near.
<font color="ff6000">Glayz</font>
After marriage, Vday is like that one lah. Not like RizDad, still so romantic with surprises. Hehe.
<font color="ff0000">Glayz,</font>
Wow, your hb really demand bdae pressie ah. Hmm... actually me and hb have not really gave each other vday pressie for a long time. We also dun expect bdae pressie from each other. We usually just go for a nice meal. That is the way his family celebrate bdaes also. My hb always grumbles that the pressie I give are all nice and pretty but of no practical use. I always grumble if he gives flowers because damn ex although I will feel very shuang inside.

<font color="0000ff">Tang Ling,</font>
He did wish me something but not vdae. It's another impt day for me today.
We celebrated last night already, just a simple meal at a restaurant. Tonight will celebrate with cay.
She is my greatest love.
Cannot go out to dine with him la... later he hiam here and there and spoil my mood.... the last time we celebrate I almost threw the food down his head... was saying this not nice that not nice..complaining thru the meal... ( we went fish and co)

Buy pressie also will hiam here and there.... so in the end to make myself sane... I dun buy anymore.. and somethimes will just give an angpow...then he say I bo sim... din go and find nice pressie for him...

Today ... wedding anni???? kekeke
Glayz... Glayz...
you vv bad always hiam ur hubby until like dat... he can't be that bad right.. becos you married him and now going to have a second child with him too!

the kitchen set tt u interested in,i saw it in toys r us leh..very nice..sort of regret getting my current one..
but hor..is very big leh..i dun hve space to put

wow..ur hb so romantic n sweet...

tang ling,
mine oso lah..wish mi anything..he is too tired for taking care of the kids..

oh ya..he got mi a watch..he said tt is my pre valentine's day pressie n i got it in jan..n i choose myself one cos my watch spoilt liao..
how unromantic..haiz..
nvm then, u guys go ahead.

He's indeed v romantic, till now still keeping u in suspense. I cant manage to book our dinner. I propose go buy Sushi from my mum's downstairs & drive to EC to have a picnic. But he say bring Ashley along. So unromantic.......
Happy Valentine's Day!!

me too, haven't celebrated v-day in a long long while. come to think of it, we only seriously celebrated v-day when we first park tor. but our park tor anniversary is quite close to v-day, so we just celebrated our 10 year anniversary!! made a video for him from our old photos over the past 10 years. felt that i have really aged (and grown horizontally) when i was looking thru the old photos
<font color="ff0000">Happy Valentine's Day to EVERYONE!!</font>

I didn't get a good sleep last night. Riz kept on waking up in the middle of the night. THink he got a few nightmares... Now eyes like Panda... sigh

Actually this is the first time I ever me and hubby gonna celebrate V-day. Oso dunno why my hubby suddenly want to celebrate so much... hee But good oso lah, at least make me feel wanted after all these years of wifeHOOD and motherHOOD.

Now my plan to cook for lunch has been pushed back to dinner. Hubby stuck in office for long meeting. Think he's having a bad day at work. He sounded a bit depressed. Sigh

Wah so good ur hubby travels a lot! I wish my hubby travel a lot too so that I can tag along. So far, he only travels to Japan... and that also, happen only twice; one before Riz and another after Riz... I'm waiting for the next time he travels there agin.. hee
He has a very good temper.... but when it comes to food... he ultra a lot of comments he super fussy when it comes to food... and he only eat chinese food.... when it come to pressie and money matters... he also a lot of comments...housework worse.. MIL train him to have golden fingers...so I nag also no use... only when I about to perform the work..he see my big tummy then come over offer to help... but by then work will almost be completed...
Wow yr hb will still agree to picnic wz you ah? I don't think my hb will ever wanna do that with me unless its for kids sake. You also very romantic hor, can think of picnic by the sea. I don't think such venue will ever cross my mind if ask me to plan.
dun stress me leh. now u make my heart thumping so fast that i can't even catch up! hehehe

yah, picnic would be nice. Last time EC got this place near to the yatching club which is a one way street. That time good coz can park your car so close to the grass patch and then u can have picnic just beside ur car. Me and hubby did that a lot last time. Then we always say next time when we got kids can bring our kids there and let them play ball or cycle while we busy picnic. Now, dunno why that place go and grow so many useless flowers and make into a garden instead. Think they dun like to see cars parked along the roads there i think!
Erlisa/ Twinklets
I also never went for picnic with my hb before... Sky also NEVEr.... the food I need to prepare in advance is too much... my hb will pack himself and sky then go..... no pampers to chane, no clothes, no water and stuff...u get what I mean... so when I prepare...hb will come and say "need to bring all these har..." lesson learn from last zoo visit....
<font color="ff0000">Erlisa,</font>
I can feel your excitement. Can't wait to know about the surprise too. Hope you have a nice and romantic celebration.

I have problems viewing the pics you sent me. It is in 'rar' format and I can't open it.
<font color="119911">Glayz,</font>
Hahahaha... guys will be guys lah. My hb also the same lah. Ask him to pack the diaper bag, confirmed got something forget to bring. By now he should know cay's feeding times but he will still forever ask me when it is. Wanna puke blood at times. But if he is alone with cay, confirmed he wun forget. That is the problem lah, with me around, he always wants to rely on me.
<font color="ff0000">Happy Valentine's day too!!!!</font>

Just drove daddy to army camp just now... today got car... so my valentine day celebration is driving Aeron around later in the afternoon haha...dun want to stay at home la... and then pick daddy up in the evening... most likely just going to tabao food and have a simple dinner at home...
<font color="119911">Picnic,</font>
I think <font color="0000ff">Shane</font> suggested having a picnic for our next PG right? I think it is a fantastic idea since so many of us have not gone on a picnic for quite some time already right?
I would suggest botanic gardens or maybe pasir ris park... have we set a date already for the PG???
For myself, hubby and me both like going for picnics... think we went Sentosa, Fort Canning, botanic gardens etc... before... Sentosa one was quite good if I did not remember wrongly... last time they have this teddy bear picnics... where everyone showcase their teddy bears...

now never hear about this thing before liao...
At least ur hb will pack a diaper bag...
For mine... I pack and he will ask.. need to bring pampers??? Need to bring wet wipes??? Wet wipes use for WHAT???*faint* Pack milk powder also ask... say can go buy finger food for Sky... I was like.."ya punggol beach buy from who??? ice-cream seller???" (when we went punggol beach the other time)
I dunno tat plc hee.. Last time we always pitch a tent at tat tent area & overnite 1. Hb dread camping but me luv it lor. We even brought beach chairs when we went camping. We had stopped since we had Ashley. Since now she's bigger liao, we can start camping again, but wont be overnite 1. hee hee..

I luv picnics mah. So long is not overnite 1, my hb will be on also.

No need to prepare food lar.. juz buy some crackers, taodao some food there can liao.. I luv gog beach picnic becos the time will pass VERY VERY SLOW 1...

Oh dear.. u let ur HB pack the bag ah.. Cannot rely on our man to pack 1. Sure will forget something 1. Once we went to a wedding & hb forgot to bring milk bottle. & so he had to rush over & buy a new 1. Heng we in town area.
Is caydad pack bag la...

Mine will just packed himself..help Sky wear shoes then open the door... While I was busy packing... sometimes take a long time then he kaypo and ask qn....

I seldom prepare food... only bring biscuit, milk powder and stuff like that.... but hb was the type everything can be bought at the final destination... and ya punggol beach included... that beach only have 1 police officer and a ice cream seller...wer to buy food???
picnic for PG? hmm.. outdoor again. I not enough sunblock already, cannot join liao

can imagine your frustration with your hubby's reliance on u. so funny
<font color="ff0000">Glayz,</font>
I used to be like you, quietly do all the nitty gritty stuff while hb just happily get ready with cay. When I forget to bring anything, he will say why I so careless. After a while, I feel very pek chek because he doesn't understand how stressed it can be to handle everything on my own. Then I made him pack all the things. When he forgets anything, he will feel guilty and finally appreciate the fact that even thou I am MOMMY, that doesn't mean that I am supposed to be know-it-all and bao-ga-liao.

Although he knows how to pack the bag, I still do it most of the time because this man will need at least half an hour to prepare before he can leave the house. Most of the time me and cay have to wait for him. Sometimes cay gets impatient and bangs her butt at the door while waiting.
Kekeke... my hb normally just dress himself..while I dress Sky..then go pack bag...
But once Sky see me packing bag he will happily wait one lor... then his dad will help him wear his shoes and wait outside the house..with the main door open... if the door is shut with me still packing inside... SKy will cry lor... Mummy with bag = Sky going out.... Daddy bring him out =/= Sky going far away...

But when I forget to bring anything and now he dun dare to qn me... becos I will go " u so smart, u do it lor..." and he diam diam....
Glad that your hb diam diam. That is very impt lor. We go through so much to give birth, still must see their face colour then life is very cham leh. Now that my hb stepped into my shoes and understood the stress that I go thru, he will also diam diam. I have also learnt to appreciate his good points more and accept his bad points. No one is perfect, we have to learn to appreciate each other and life will be more peaceful.
<font color="0000ff">Caymom,</font>
same thing i must also remind hubby to pack Aeron's bag time and again even though he knows how to pack his bag becos if I dun remind, he will sure forget something one...

Men are really not trained to be caregivers... must remind and remind again when it is their turn to take care of kids...
At times when I cannot take leave and MIL is not available, hubby will take leave to take care of Aeron all by himself and that is the time when I got to put up a feeding, changing schedule etc to make sure he knows what time to roughly do wat... but I cant complain becos so far I think he has done a pretty good job all by himself...

<font color="0000ff">Glayz,</font>
seeing the way you describe Sky is so endearing... at least he will wait for his dear mummy, smart boy!
So now I try not to make myself angry lor...

Will nag once..like if he leave the beer can on table..or without coaster... the next time just use laser stare then he knew liao... empty beer can, I every morning clear away lor(i dun clear will see 2 cans the next morning...)... he threw his stuff about, I just stuff in storeroom, and he will not even know his stuff had disappear...

But his temper super good la... if he nag like this to me...I will FLARE lor... for him..he just diam diam..me around then do a bit to cover up... me not around..the next day I also know what he did...becos he dun bother...
Daddy bring him out... seldom go too far... normally only downstairs pack food or playground... Mummy with bag sure will take taxi or bus.... so go far far away lor.... of cos he wait la... if I din take my bag..he went out without me also dun cry one...
I tot I was alone. Your hubbies oso got the "daddy syndrome" too!! Very pek chek right everytime make milk have to ask how much, what time to feed, etc etc. Everytime we go out, i pack Riz's things from A-to-Z one... Cannot rely on hubby coz really cannot make it. SUre forget something. So hubby's job is dress himself up and handle Riz when outside the house and to think about all the things we all need while I dress Riz up and pack all Riz's food, stuffs and toys that he needs. Only recently hubby tried to help me out a bit by filling up hot water in the flask for me. Hee

Pitch tent har.. cool.. me and hubby did that a few times leh.. but that was before Riz came along ... we brought our mini barbeque pit that time and bbq some chicken.. kindda fun... but we dun have picnic chairs, coz cannot find something ultra small to fit in our car. I like those "butterfly" chairs but all super big leh...
<font color="ff0000">Kiami,</font>
I also think your hb is very doting and caring. Always see him accompanying both of you.

<font color="119911">Glayz,</font>
Sky is really smart. cay can't tell whether we are going far or near. She will still tell me to take bag even if I tell her I am going downstairs only. She will pester my mom to take bus but with us, she doesn't. As long as we bring her out, even if go downstairs, she is also happy.
Sky also knew his directions lor...
He will pt the other way and demand for bus when we are on the way to carpark...

That day, I went to the other coffee shop to pack food... he tot he going to take LRT LRT station opp coffe shop)and was screaming away when I pull him to another directions....(I used to bring him to compass pt for breakfast and cold storage to buy groceries...)

So sometimes head ache lor.... esp with me... becos I always bring him out will take bus/ cab/ LRT..
Sky is flower leg (kui kah)... always want to go out gai gai one.... so he know directions lor... If i just yin chou yin chou will bring him go playground... if he so noisy until I buay tahan then will take bag and will bring him go bus ride(that time take 88 to pasir ris and take 88 back).... if not bring him take LRT to compass pt..

I also very ke lian leh...go downstairs and walk one round dun satisfy him... my mum say I bring him out too much
I guess your mom is right. My mom brings cay out very often so she will pester my mom to bring her out. Me and hb super lua and can stay at home whole day, so cay very poor thing, has to be confined with us.
Now Sky also pester my mum to go take bus...
So my mum now go everywhere also take stroller or basket... (Sky see these 2 will not ask for bus one..) If my mum just let Sky walk on his own... Sky reach bus stop will tell my mum "bus" and refuse to move
<font color="ff0000">Happy Valentine's Day to all!</font>

Just pop in for a short while. Very busy with E!

<font color="0000ff">Mums nite out</font>
ai ya how, now Twinklets can't make it
<font color="aa00aa">Mummies Nite Out </font>
Most mummies can make it on 23 Feb, so we go with that date.
Twinklets: You really can't make it on 23 Feb ah? Can try to come?

Date: 23 Feb (Friday)
Time: 7pm
Venue: will be communicated via email/sms (for confidentiality)

1. Anns
2. Tang Ling
3. Sallyngsj
4. Caymom
5. Twinklets > 2 Mar, any wkdays except 23 Feb(fri) & 1 Mar(thurs)
6. LV with K
7. Forgetmenot
8. Jaymom
9. Ixorarred
10. Shane
11. Erlisa (Can only make it abt 8:30pm. From work)
caymom, ya lor b4 Akinesh, no problem. If bring Akinesh, then cant relax liao lei...n big lightbulb... heehee... no need to peifu lah... me no choice.... i also wan to go back to work, but my hubby said pity him to put in cc. Ya he onli pity his precious son but not me. Sigh.

Erlisa, he mostly goes to those countries we dun wan to go kind...like vietnam, cambodia, etc how to tag along.... so last time I onli tag along in those places like Bali, Jakarta etc, places that can relax, spa, shop n eat...... heehee

Caymom/Kiami, ya at least yr hb good lei, can pack the diaper bag.... mine will complain onli why the bag so heavy, must bring so many things meh..... buay tahan... whenever he comes back, asks him to help make milk for Akinesh, he will tell me forget liao... can repeat or not.... how much water n how many scoops....... can die lei....... But good thing is whenever I forget sth in the diaper bag, he wont say anything cos he noes he would do more worst than me, so he would quickly say"how? i go buy now." Heng for him to keep quiet, if not, I sure explode..... hahaha

Glayz, we r in the same boat..... Akinesh also wan to go out always... my mum said I go out too much n walk too much during pregnancy.... that day my mom n sis went school to pick him up then coming to AMK to pick me, he saw the car turning into AMK, he screamed n said no go home, no kai kai..... then my mom had to calm him down n tell him onli going to fetch mommy, not going home..... every time at home, onli ask me go kai kai... bring him downstairs walk one round also buay shong.... must go kai kai means go kai kai....
Mummies Nite Out
Most mummies can make it on 23 Feb, so we go with that date.
Twinklets: You really can't make it on 23 Feb ah? Can try to come?

Date: 23 Feb (Friday)
Time: 7pm
Venue: will be communicated via email/sms (for confidentiality)

1. Anns
2. Tang Ling
3. Sallyngsj
4. Caymom
5. LV with K
6. Forgetmenot
7. Jaymom
8. Ixorarred
9. Shane
10. Erlisa (Can only make it abt 8:30pm. From work)

Aiya is ok lar.. the most I see Anns from her blog lor.....
Ya lor...
Hb make milk will puke blood one... Mine also everytime will ask me how many scoop to how much water.... then I discover he still do it the WRONG way... tell him add 5 scoops to 5oz water... he put 5 scoops of milk powder and make up water to 5oz.... Then have the cheek to say MIL prepare in this way.... puke blood... then tell him..My son u follow my way...
haha.. ur hb is kinda funny... cant help laffing at tat.. =P

My hb is the 1st person that cleaned Ashley's poo in the hospital. Everyone told him 'must learn', so he bobian, gotta clear the poo. @__@
My hb dun clean Sky poo lor...
He smell liao then siam very far.... if not tell me to change for Sky...
<font color="ff0000">HAPPY V DAY MOMMIES!</font>

<font color="0000ff">Daddy Syndrome</font>
I think god made all man alike except for a few exceptions.
Dh also conveniently forget things. He's a good playmate and chauffeur to Jay but ask him to pack bag, make milk, he never know what goes in. I must always remind him that Jay is not a "pet"leh becos whenever he whines, he will say " Dear, dear, make him some milk, give him pocky sticks!" without even looking at the time. I will tell him " Hello, he just had his milk half an hour ago" or " you sure, pocky sticks at 10pm??"
Im fine with this arrangement becos I'm more of the logistic person and I'll be terribly upset when I forget to bring something or things don't go according to plan. But I have to give him credit for patting his boy to sleep, bring him for walks and driving him alone to granny's house.

<font color="0000ff">Gai-Gai Tod</font>
I think all tods are the same too. Jay's Gu-gu ask him to wear shoe shoe and only plan to bring him down to open the letter box. When they walk back to the lift landing, he was so mad that he has been taken for a ride and fuss and insist that she brings him to the playground!

ur hubby good leh, clean poo... Does he still clean noW? I only remembered my hubby clean Riz's poo when he was a baby... Now, hmm... can count the no. of times he clean coz most of the time I handle Riz... But unless Riz poo early in the morning before his bath, then he will clean it lor.. heee
