(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

Wow, Tang Ling! got a pleasant surprise when i checked the forum. very nice SB! you r getting very good @ this! can you pls email me a copy too? i think can email everyone hehehe... it's so good that everyone wans a copy!!
My dear Tang Ling, me so so so touched. U r superb n fantastic. Good Job gal. U r so good. Super mummy lei, still got time to put such a good work n whip up fabulous meals n snacks for JJ. Pei Fu. JJ lucky boy. Thanks for the great effort.

Can you email me the soft copy once u have got all the good high res pictures of Ryan, Sky, Cay, Ian & Sherilyn? Thank you so much!
<font color="0077aa">Hey Mummies,

Thanks thanks thanks for your compliments!
So many "WOW" - making me so happy also. Hehe.

Yah, spent quite a bit of time experimenting with how to do it. Actually, that time at the last PG, I was already working on it, but didn't say anything coz not sure if it would be nice enough to be presented. Hehe. Did the final touch yesterday and decided to present it.

The journal bit in the SB is the final touch to sum up Toddlerhood. I google for it and picked out the ones I love. Kekeke. Me & JJdad had a GOOD laugh when reading them.
My fav are the first & last:
<font color="119911">If Mommy is in a hurry and wants to carry me, I must walk alone.
If Daddys hands are full, I must be carried.
If it has buttons, they must be pressed.
If I think it is mine, it IS mine.
If it does not open, it must be screamed at.</font>

Sure! It's a present, for the gift of friendship, so I would definitely email a copy to all mummies.

I hope I have not missed any tods. If I have, please do email me a photo to include. I just need a high res close-up.

When I have updated the photos, I would gladly email to all of you for copy. Happiness and joy have to be SHARED to be multiplied. Myself, JJdad and JJ are all so glad to know so many new friends thru this thread.

PS: Also just realised that we now have equal numbers of boys and gals! Hehe.</font>
The artwork is simply beautiful! I'm also v touched that u counted Ashley in though she's not a June Baby. Thank you thank you..
U really spent the effort to save the pics tat some of us have posted in forum & crop them all nicely..

Pls email me as well. Thks!!
Tang Ling,
It is indeed a very nice piece of work.
I also thought that the girls outnumber the boys, now that I realised that the number is equal. BTW, have we decided on the date and venue of the gathering?
Ya i wanted to ask the same qn. The gathering is this friday but not sure if we hv a venue already or not.

Have we decided on venue for this fri's gathering ?
Fri gathering
Ian is down w/ fever, flu and cough today. If he doesn't get well by Fri, most likely I cannot join the gathering.
I will updated again on Friday.
Tang Ling
Thanks a lot for ur SB...
But too bad... VERY HARD FOR ME to take Sky photo...he move too much esp seeing the CAMERA..or my HP... my sis also unable to take nice nice pic of him....

Hope Ian get well soon... must be the CNY goodies...
<font color="ff0000">Anns,</font>
Hope Ian get well soon.

<font color="0000ff">Shane,</font>
cay can hold hands with E. She has been feasting a lot. She will ask different people to take the goodies for her. Everyone thought give her one never mind but in total, she ate so much!!!
Yes lor, I so afraid she'll fall sick. Keep asking her to drink water.

Feeding pbms
Any tods giving pbm at mealtimes? I'm hvg a challenging time feeding E now. She'll eat a few mouthful then spit out her food. I get so angry and lose patience feeding her. But it's better when my maid feeds her. Don't know why. sigh.
Riz oso. BUt he doesn't spit lah. He's more like playing with us, keep on refusing his food. Until I can distract him, that's when he will open his mouth to eat his food. Mealtimes now can take me at least 30 minutes (if I'm lucky) or as long as 1 hour!

Take gd care of Ian... I think it's the flu season coming in... I'm going to fall sick too, with people ard me having flu. Lack of sleep and rest is attributable to my failing health now
maybe it's a phase they're going thru'. sigh. suddenly i feel i don't know how to look after her liow. Gone are the days when she can just eat with some toys on her high chair. looks like i need to provide MORE entertainment during mealtimes.

What comes after the 4 pre-molars ? the incisors aka dracula teeth? She's sprouting her 4th pre-molar, quite cranky. Will they be getting the molars at the back as well ?
<font color="0000ff">Teething</font>
After JJ erupted his top 2 pre-molars, then came the top 2 canines (draula teeth - hahaha). Then the lower jaw. The front 4 are the incisors.

Erupting pre-molars are painful - canines are not so bad. That's what I read. I saw that in JJ too. When pre-molars cutting, he was cranky and refused to chew his food. I ended up giving him brown rice cereal with MASHED pumpkin. Pumpkin cubes he spitted all out.

I read that the molars would cut thru end of 2nd year and by 3, they would have the full set. What I am confused is... end of 2nd year, so it's now har? So fast?
<font color="119911">Mummies Nite Out
Hey Mummies,
I have sent out sms to all of you to let you know the venue. If you didn't get it, please let me know. So far, all responded except <font color="ff6000">Erlisa</font>.

Any other mummies interested to join in last minute, contact me or Shane.

Please note that it is THIS Friday hor.
end of 2nd year...about now lor, after they turn 2 ? sigh.. i can't wait for teething to be over and done with. So trying!!!! E still has 8 more (4 incisors and 4 molars) to go! HELP!!!!!

I really hate the feeding and spitting part. Used to be so easy cos she ate watever and eat fast fast. urggh....
<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
I am very sure what you are going through is due to E's teething. Joelle went through that stage once.
shane, i think it's part of the teething part... Nicole's been eating lots of rubbish... and of all the proper food, she's only open to having WHITE RICE!!! sigh..

mummies nite out
i might sneak out to join you girls! I've been sneaking out! I told everyone tt on reunion nite, when I was alone at home, I got into depression. Sudden'y very lonely, very sad feeling with baby. So everyone got worried. haha.. they let me out. Day 1 went MIL's place. Day 3 went my sis' place. Today, went CAR shopping! haha!! I love it!!
So this Friday, I might leave Nathan at home w maid, and bring nicole down.. can?
<font color="ff6000">Mckee</font>
Really ah - you are coming? Ok ok, but make sure you wear warm warm when you come.
I sms you the venue.
I also try to feed her more water but you know this gal of mine simply hates water! I have to spoon feed her and she runs at the sight of the cup! Really very pai mia to keep chasing her leh. My blood nearly boils man.

Hey, cay also kept spitting her porridge! it's really getting on my nerves and my mom and mil cannot stand it also, especially when they put in some effort to prepare the porridge. My mom actually made cay use her dress to hold the porridge she spitted. cay, being a cleanliness freak, cried big time!

Sigh, I also wonder what is wrong. My mil said maybe her porridge not tasty but I really think that is not the cause. I also dunno if it is teething... I thought her molars are out, at least that's what my mom said.
Ian has this problem since in SG. Dunno is it due to enviornment different? weather different? or teething? He will not eat if he did not have another spoon to play with the food and he is very fussy on his food, anything other than white rice, he will split out.
<font color="0000ff">Caymom, Shane</font>
Have u tried giving rice or noodles i/o of porridge?? Coz Raph also refuse to eat porridge, he is eating rice with dishes now. I don't cook speacially for him now, he just eat what we eat.

Anything that he doesn't like he will also spilt it out..making the whole place v messy.

<font color="ff0000">Shower Screen Mould</font>
Hi Gals, remembered somtimes back we were talking abt how to remove these mould...I tried mould duck, Mr Muscle..but none is workable. Finally my sis told me a method & it WORKS!!!

First, soak cotton wool into concentrated Bleach the lay the cotton wool on those mouldy areas for overnight. I did it for 2x & the mould are all GONE!!!
Tang Ling,
Paiseh. I don't have my mobile phone with me. Sent for repair. Erm, hope when i collect tomorrow i can still get your message? hee

white rice,
Riz loves white rice too. And he can eat them plain...
Really?! What is the brand of the bleach concentrate you have? I tried Mr Muscle too, it did helped to remove a bit of the mould. I hope your method will help me to remove it entirely!
I think any brand of bleach will do but I used the NTUC brand. U must try....it does remove the mould entirely & I was so amazed!!!
Thank you mummies. At least I don't feel I have a brat wtih me. So most of the tods do the same thing!

I tried everything. porridage wtih marmite, soya sauce. rice with dishes, fishballs, fried bee hoon. sigh. everything also spit out. sometimes she takes abt 3 spoonful, then spit out. sometimes she just spit after the 1st spoon. that happens when it's porridge. The only saving grace is she still take her soup. she wants only soup. so mil was saying maybe will cook her thicker kind of soup, hopefully more filling. sigh. so sien. i dread feeding her nowadays. so thankful got maid! i know very bad to say that but it beats me yelling at her

i'm quite sure it's not the porridge. but if u have not tried giving cay rice with dishes, maybe it's time to try. cos they also will sien after so many months of porridge.

you're coming with nicole?! cool!!! do dress warmly okie. we hope to see you!

btw, i think by 2nd birth quite bo chap already hor =P
cld it be the chg in environment ? or sing food taste different ? =P
or Ian cld just be doing wat all the rest of the tods are doing.... sigh.... poor us! =P
REALLY HAR... U save my shower screen man... Going to try this method one day...
I tried the duck brand..but hor the really stubborn and "lao cheng' mold refuse to go away...kekekeke... ya hor... wer to buy concentrated chlorine...if can remove I can boast to my hb also...(he keep telling me there is NO WAY to remove mold)

Wah...ur tod spout so many teeth liao har.... think my mum pai mia life is starting...Sky is just starting his first pre-molar....

Think I am a real LOUSY cook... I need to chase sky around the whole house for him to eat half a bowl of rice.... and he loves soup... Mumy super generous with the ingredents even tho he is the only one drinking...(I only drink the leftover)

And Sky nowadays understand he was eating whatever we are at my mum place...he dun even beg for our food anymore... and will give this ugly "er xin" look when I try to offer him my dinner.... kekeekke

Caydence still eating porridge har.... Think one fine day...I may introduce porridge back to him as lunch...and rice for dinner

Zoo Outing
kekekek.... I am so EXCITED... it is TOMORROW!!!!
My mum and sis going as well as its been long time since they last went..(they ke lian me la..having to bring Sky ALONE...) think I will need to pay for their entrance... and I bought a thermos flask for tmr outing...yeah waking up early to cook for my boi!!!

CNY feasting
Sky wasnt eating much... except Cashew nuts that he keep giving me and demanding me to open... Love letter he occasionally ate... Kueh Bulu... he ate half and stuff the other half either into my mum mouth or my mouth... and PLENTLY of SWEETEN Drink esp crysemthamen tea... (he even took strangers drink and drink.... packet in front of me doesnt mean is mine...he still dun understand this concept yet!!!)
CNY break
Took leave for whole of this week.... wanted to bond with Sky... but really BO LAT!!!

So pass Sky to my mum for tonight...and his current sleeping pattern PISS my mum off.... he sleep super late and refuse to nap... and super cranky by 6.30pm... and my mum make him nap... while I sneak home...with my mum permission...(actually she shoo me home as Sky no mountain will not do funny tings..) and when i call my mum at 10pm... Sky went to sleep AGAIN....

CNY visiting is making his napping hours haywired.... he will sleep at 1am.. and woke up after 10am... and only nap after 5pm for the day....
CNY feasting
I didn't let Ian eat any CNY goodies except he drink abit of non-gas softdrinks but I eat alot, guess I put on extra kg during these few days. :p

Enjoy your zoo!!! I love the "lazy monkey" ALOT. :p

shower screen mold
adora, cool, will try this method & must remember to wear gloves since it is concentrated bleach.
Dun worry
I also feast a lot... and wasnt even eating proper meal... I was way too full when proper meal are serve...so i actually Skip meal time....
<font color="ff6000">Glayz</font>
Have fun at the zoo!

<font color="ff6000">Adora</font>
Really ah - I must try try the bleach.

<font color="0000ff">CNY Goodies</font>
I stick by the rules: no sweets, no new year goodies, no chocolates, no sweet drinks... nothing but the bb biscuits I brought along.

You can imagine the looks on the faces when they ask "This can?" "How about that?" and my only answer is a demure smile with a "NO". Hehe. Some even resorted to "a bit can lah... nevermind...". Only my sil insisted on feeding an oatmeal biscuit to JJ. Heh.

I distracted JJ by telling him to give me the goodies instead, and he would feed me the stuff.
Then his favourite activity was to pick up the goodies and go around feeding the people sitting beside the goodies table.
<font color="ff6000">Shane</font>
JJ has been spitting out the food on and off. That's why I have the plastic bib with a pocket to hold all the fallen food. Hehe.

Hopefully for E, the phase would pass soon.
<font color="ff6000">Erlisa</font>
oic, your hp not with you. I PM you the details (for Mums Nite Out) instead then. If you don't get the PM, get in touch with me hor.
Tang Ling
Wah u super sia...
No one tell my boi cannot eat this eat that... But they been telling me not to have too much COLD drinks.... and I also smile demurely and continue drinking whatever drink I had... and even tell them..no I din drink too much...9only few cans a day...kekekeek)
<font color="ff6000">Glayz</font>
Hehe. JJ has not really figured out what are "sweets" or "chocolate" or "ice cream", though I have no doubts that he would love them. I know that once he knows the taste, he would definitely kick a big fuss if I refuse to give him those. So to save all the hassle, JJ doesn't even get to taste them, thus he don't know what he is missing. Hehe.
At the moment, he just kicks a fuss for his bb biscuits and my muffins, which I give in moderation. If he doesn't see them, he is fine though. So I usually keep them out of sight. Hehe.

Yah, I was also told to stay away from cold drinks when preggie, but I also remember those times when I would be feeling so hot and the HUGE craving for an icy cold drink. Umm... That time, I also give in to my cravings for ice cream occasionally. Heh.
Mummies Nite Out - Tomorrow
i may be able to come; must check with mil tonite. Tang Ling can sms me the venue first? thanks.

New Year Goodies..
my mil secretly fed ash with nuts cookies... and ash is like mummy; loves pineapple tarts... This girl behave like a dancing queen during the new year visits; dance and spin non-stop for relatives.. all my relatives and friends have the same comment "Wow she have alot of engery hor... have not stop for a min hor.... " very jielat... we had to run after her as she ran in and out of the bedrooms...
<font color="ff0000">Shane,</font>
I also thought maybe she is ready for rice and dishes but she will spit out the rice too. For dishes, she only wants fried stuff like fried fish, fried prawns etc. But how can keep feeding fried food to her?? Especially when she is drinking so little water?!! I tried to do an estimate of the water she drinks. I realised the most she drank about two cups (max 200ml), that's really a far cry compared to Akinesh's 500ml.

I was hoping that she will migrate to rice soon then easier for my mom and mil but seems like rice can be messier if she spits. Porridge just comes out as a ball, rice rains all over! Perhaps that's why my mom and mil still prefers to feed porridge.
If you are wondering what about ME.... heehee... this mummy really useless, can't cook nice stuff for cay. So dun feel bad about pushing things to your maid.

If she is really sien with the food, the strangest thing of all is she still loves the brown rice cereal that she has been eating since she was 4 months old. I thought she will be most sien with it.... especially when I don't find it very appetitising... ok lah, I am adult so different preference.

<font color="0000ff">Glayz,</font>
We feed her rice occasionally but mostly still porridge.
Wow, zoo outing! Enjoy yourself!

<font color="ff6000">Adora,</font>
Rice doesn't work on cay. She used to love noodles but now also may not finish it. Even her favourite chwee kway she also spits. Piangz.

Sometimes really feel like wacking her when she spits but I choose to believe that she is not doing it on purpose lah. Anyway, she is just a kid, not need to get so worked up or else my blood pressure rise again.
Ashley is so cute. I totally agree that she has a lot of energy.
cay also runs about a lot but not as much as Ashley but she loves to talk to people in her baby and sign language. People will look at me for translation but seriously, I dun even understand what she is trying to say!
you still will give demure smile and say no when they give JJ cookies. For me, I already said NO and a relative keep saying no prob and pass Ian 1, and I immediately take it from Ian and pass to my hubby to eat and she looks very paisay after that.
Sky also talks a lot...in his ahneh language la... and pple also look at me for translation... and I just laff along..saying.. " I also dunno..." only single words then can make out what is he saying...

CNY visiting
Sky had been scaring Hb cousin dog..as well as Hb friend dog...
That boi see dog become ultra excited and will go Doggie Doggie and chase the dog... but he will not touch it initially...(think he is still scare of the dog...) but after spending a few hours... the next thing he did is Doggoe BEAT BEAT...and he will run to HIT the dog... OMG... make me so paiseh to pull him away....
hey, so everyone is doing the same thing! but adelle is more disgusting. she spits the food out, fingers it and study it, then stuff it back into her mouth...eeeee!

New year goodies
adelle had her fill of the new year goodies too but no sweets, no bak gwa, no spring rolls, only biscuits. relatives like to pass her sweets and chocolates. luckily she still doesn't know how they taste like, so she'll just play with them. a relative tried to feed her sambal spring roll and bak kwa. when i said no, she said 'aiya, dun let her eat this dun let her eat that, next become fussy eater' ... i just ignored her

mummies outing
yippee! look forward to meeting everyone tmrw. tsk tsk tsk, mckee, u so naughty hor... but look forward to seeing u too!
Opps... me the one feeding Sky with the Sambal prawn roll.. and hb the one with bah kwa.... opps.. bad mummy and daddy....
<font color="0000ff">Mummies Nite Out</font>
This is going to be a HUGE group, and we would have some difficulty trying to get the table.
<font color="119911">If you can't make it, please do let me/Shane know asap so that we can adjust accordingly.</font> Thanks.

1. Anns (TBC)
2. Tang Ling
3. Caymom
4. Forgetmenot
5. Jaymom
6. Ixorarred
7. Shane
8. Cherry
9. Erlisa (would be late)
10. Sally & Akinesh
11. LV & Kayla
12. Mckee & Nicole

<font color="ff6000">Ixorarred</font>
Our sweet like Adelle also 'check out' the spit out food ah.

JJ does it too, so whenever he spits out, I quickly use tissue to scoop them all out and throw. Hehe.

<font color="ff6000">Caymom</font>
Cay likes cleanliness ah. I thought only JJ like that - whenever he has something on his fingers, he would show me and expect me to clean it off for him. If he sees a wet towel on the table, he would take and self-clean also. Hahaha.

<font color="ff6000">Anns</font>
I ren... I still have to face these relatives, so I try not to offend them, so the demure smile lor. Hahaha.
But despite all that I do, I know that they would still comment (behind my back) that I shouldn't avoid giving JJ all the junk food - everything also cannot.

How's Ian? Better? Really hope that you can make it for dinner tmr - the Nite Out is in your honour and you can't make it??? All the mummies would be so disappointed also.
