(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

<font color="ff0000">The History of Valentine's Day</font>

Every February, across the country, candy, flowers, and gifts are exchanged between loved ones, all in the name of St. Valentine. But who is this mysterious saint and why do we celebrate this holiday? The history of Valentine's Day -- and its patron saint -- is shrouded in mystery. But we do know that February has long been a month of romance. St. Valentine's Day, as we know it today, contains vestiges of both Christian and ancient Roman tradition. So, who was Saint Valentine and how did he become associated with this ancient rite? Today, the Catholic Church recognizes at least three different saints named Valentine or Valentinus, all of whom were martyred.

One legend contends that Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young men -- his crop of potential soldiers. Valentine, realizing the injustice of the decree, defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. When Valentine's actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to death.

Other stories suggest that Valentine may have been killed for attempting to help Christians escape harsh Roman prisons where they were often beaten and tortured.

According to one legend, Valentine actually sent the first 'valentine' greeting himself. While in prison, it is believed that Valentine fell in love with a young girl -- who may have been his jailor's daughter -- who visited him during his confinement. Before his death, it is alleged that he wrote her a letter, which he signed 'From your Valentine,' an expression that is still in use today. Although the truth behind the Valentine legends is murky, the stories certainly emphasize his appeal as a sympathetic, heroic, and, most importantly, romantic figure. It's no surprise that by the Middle Ages, Valentine was one of the most popular saints in England and France.

our rule is.. whoever discover the poo will hv to change.. kaka.. sometimes hb can change continuously 2x, then he'll complain 'unfair'..

Gai Gai Tod
These days I'm glad Ashley is back to gai gai mode wif her gong gong liao. Dunno since November, she dun wanna go gai gai with my father eventhough he was the 1 asking her. Before Nov, she always fuss him to bring her downstairs 1. Then recently, her gai gai mode is back liao. I think tat makes my father very happy.
Tat time when she rejected my father's offer, I think he was quite sad cos she was the only grandchild tat luvs to cling on him & then suddenly she dun really want him. Now she always fuss him to carry her high high 1, then my father will tell her cannot liao, u too heavy. hee hee..
ur hb bk home yet?
Tell u wat.. i think i'll bring Ashley the big lightbulb to EC later liao.. think i'll miss her if only me & hb on the beach leh. aiyoh..

Ya he still cleans, whoever discover the poo will clean lor. heee Once he even cleaned in the car during last year CNY. 1 thing good abt men is they have strong powerful arms! Imagine inside the squeezy car, he gotta held her legs up high high (tt require strong power which i dun hv!
) & he really did a good job eventually. I was in cold sweats cos scare the poo will kana everywhere in the car.
Did you try to make reseravations at IKOI? Normal weekdays, already difficult to book, i guess no exception for special day like today. You must try it next time, i'm sure you will have no regrets.

Takeaway sushi by the beach sounds really romantic too
No, not yet. He said he'll be back like an hour ago. I cook his favourite - chilli crab. Food getting cold. Stomach growling. *Kua kua kua*

FOr me, I always the one discover. But if I wear nice nice already, then he no choice have to do the dirty job. hee I remember last year when Riz poo when we're out visiting, he help change Riz on top of the boot of the car. Haha. Coz i already wear super nice, he dun want me to smell of poo. Haha
Glayz, my hubby like yr hubby... heehee... recently then i discovered he made milk that way... eg when he asked, how much n how many scoops, i would always tell him 180ml 3scoops, din realise that he put in the milk powder first n filled up the water till 180ml after that....... i happened to chance it one day few weeks back.... sigh... so much to trust him hor....... then he replied, "nvm lah, son also finished everytime." can puke blood when trying to tell them......

All of u so lucky... hubby will clean..... MY HUBBY NEVER CLEANS SINCE BIRTH.... all done by me... he said so stinko, how to do it.... if he around, he onli helps me to hold up his legs.... with his face covered....

You mean you can whip up a mean dish of chilli crabs...wow, clever girl! Personally, i prefer the man-tou dip in the gravy more than the crab itself..yummy!
Gai Gai Tods
reali hard to please them now hor.... cannot blur them... now he even noe wat shoes to take..... he can tell whether going downstairs buy food or marketing from his clothings..... n wat shoes to take n wear for different kinds.... buay tahan lei.
Becos u tell him 180ml 3 scoop so he mistaken...
For me is u add 5 scoops to 150ml of warm water..
Clear cut mah.... then he add water to 5 scoops of powder to form 150ml of milk.... That one I was like U dun understand simple instruction???
WOW Erlisa, me wan too....... yummy..... i love chilli crabs with lots of gravy....... n yes like Jaymom, dip with mantou........ me drooling liao... Enjoy....
<font color="ff0000">Re: Making milk</font>
My hb is an expert in making milk. Maybe he can conduct lessons to other daddies.
He will make milk of the right temperature for cay to drink. Practice makes perfect. He was also very blur and relunctant to do it at first, giving me all sorts of excuses. I told him that I also learnt by reading the instructions on the tin. I am kind enough to demo to him already.

<font color="0000ff">Re: Diaper change</font>
I used to change the diaper all the time. Hb will siam especially when there is poo. He is only willing to hold cay's hands and legs while I change. I have to force him to do it and after coping alone several times, he is better at it now although it is getting tougher as cay now likes to pull away the diaper the moment we release the tapes. There was once she did it and all the poo landed on the changing mat. Luckily hb used the changing mat, sometimes we just change her on the bed without the mat.

<font color="119911">Re: Bathing</font>
This is something that I delegated to hb completely especially now that I am so clumsy. He is quite good in bathing her already but usually I will be the one to dry and clothe cay.
CHILLI CRABS!! My fav!! Gosh u noe how to cook THAT?? U noe wat, infact Monday evening he proposed go chi char kopitiam to eat Crabs to celeb our VD. But how unromantic in a kopitiam rite? *bleah*!!

But but urs is homecooked 1, i think if i'm ur hb, i sure v touched 1 der leh..

U noe.. for 1 second, i tot ur hb change the diaper on the ROOF of the car.

Our old boot was noway man, full of stuffs. Ashley butt cant even squeeze in!

Rem to update us ur VD surprise!

I din call in the end, cos yday already 7pm+ liao ..so guess for sure cant get it 1.
Ya will certainly book 1 of these days, but 1st gog to the Odeon Tower 1 first, cos is $33+++ hehehehe..

I'm still thinkg whether wanna bring the monster out to the beach or not.

How unromantic...........

aiyoh u shd set the rules be4 u concieve mah.
I already set all these when I preg. & hb reply was really v sweet. His reply was "Of cos I'll do it, is my child". Hee sweet hor..
<font color="ff0000">Tang Ling,</font>
I managed to change my appt, should be able to make it in time.

<font color="0000ff">Glayz,</font>
Is your gal kicking you often? My gal is very active lately but she moves around more than kicking. I can feel a hard lump near my belly button now. Feels like her elbow, so sweet.
twinklets, ya set b4 preggie, but then when son comes along, he has thousands n one excuses.... me also sian to listen, so just do it lor.... n at times see him come back home so tired n not enough rest, I also heartpain to ask him to do lor.... heehee..... best he can do is to dress up son n wear his shoes go gai gai....... can die, right?
She kick a bit la... maybe like gor gor more demure lor... maybe also ultra cheeky later...
My boi Sunday poo in diapers liao...go and sit on my dad face... and we hear my dad calling my mum for help....then we know what Sky did....
oh Glayz, Sky so cute...... heehee... my boi yesterday poo n played with his shit using his hands..... Faint....... n can laugh n tell him "dirty".
hee i c i c.. ya especially u are a sahm, so u must sayang ur hb cos he works so hard for u two.. keke..

my Vday ..
me & hb have just concluded we'll celebrate our 1st Valentine's day with our little gal. kakakaak..
We gog to tabao our favorite sushi, & tabao hers too (those wif cucumber, & egg 1, mini mini 1). Or else hor, she's gog to attack ours. Now I'm looking forward to our threesome date.
ya lor twinklets, must sayang abit... if not, wait cut my allowances, I die... cant do shopping.... heehee.....but if I also working, sure wont give in, definitely draw a line....... heehee......

Enjoy yr Vday!
He always purposely soiled pampers and sit on someone...
Once he also sit on my hb chest with his butt facing my hb face... and hb just woke up... (hb pull him onto bed and went back to sleep and woke up by stinky smell)
Valentine's Day isn't just hearts and flowers. While traditionally associated with romance, it is also a time when people can show family, friends, colleagues, co-workers, and others that they care for them.

Hb just msn the above to me, think he juz google it 1.

Cos I keep saying whether wanna have Ashley join us or not, then he say VD not juz for lovers.. hee.. ok lor .. =P
No lor.... wer got cute...
But I just know that he seldom go and sit on pple one mah... but dunno why he poo liao must go sit on someone.... but my dad ke lian leh...Sky choose to sit on his face... the smell buay zao leh
Glayz, my son opposite, if he poos on diaper, he will stand n scream for me to change, not dare to sit cos he scares kanna his back side...... but then at times he can squeeze his hand inside the diaper n play with the shit..... i also dun noe wat he's thinking.....
is cute lar, & very cheeky lor..
Ashley like nutting 1 even got big poo. She can still run abt 1 & very bohiu 1.

Eeeeeekk.. did u tell him EEE EEE, dirty dun touch? Make him smell it & let him noe it is v ersim, perhaps he wont dare to do it again.

Ashley really dread her poo if she sees it. She'll keep saying "chou chou, eee ee". Once she succesfully poo 1 hard big one inside the Potty. She stood up & insisted me to wash it 1st before she continue her part 2.
enjoy yr san ren shi jie tonite. U got buy pressie for yr hb? me still thinking should buy or not.

btw, Ashley taking Gain right? Her poo will also hard 1 ah? I tot Gain poo will be soft. I still tot of trying to retry to re-introduce this to her. She really can't make it for her enfa.

my gal also at times also will put her hand inside the diaper play shit. really dun noe what's in her mind.
thanks! Nope, but i did buy 1 shirt for him last week. I dun think he's buyg anything for me later, so I also not buyg. =P I still havent make my card though.

Ur hb got buy for u ah? u celeb later?

yes she is. Her poo is 1-4x per day 1. So can be soft & hard 1.
How abt Pedisure? Since she's quite fussy wif food, U can try giving her tat lor.

I now no mood to work, but i cant leave at 530 cos gotta wait hb to come. Think will b leaving office at 630. So sad . Reach EC, really damn dark liao.
Wow, ai xin card man! I not so creative person. Lousiest in arts and crafts. A bouquet of Rocher consider pressie or not? Me no celeb lah. After work must always rush home be nanny. Moreover my nieces test coming AGAIN after CNY. So now everynite at home is war. I must be there to keep her away from them revising work.

Dark dark gd mah. then u can have candlelite sushi meal.
Making FM
Chiam. I knew I am not ladylike but I didnt know I also think and behave like a man..Glayz, Sally actually that was how I made milk for Ashley before I realized its wrong (until she was around 4-5mths old). Then one day, I kept thinking how come my Ashley like getting more and more pui then I asked around my friends and realized I have been giving her Super FM Feeds hahahaa.
I did the exact opposite!
I have been givng Jay diluted milk feeds all this while.
I did not follow the instruction given on the tin, I gave 2 spoons of MF and top it up with water to 180ml instead of the recommended 3 spoons of MF. I always have the impression that too much MF cause heatiness. Even when i started him on Gain, i still practises that. Do you consider my Ah-boy on the trim side??
mummies nite out:
oh no, i was reminded by my hubby that I've a PD appt on 23feb fri evening. The next available timeslot is wed, I'll call and check if they still have any slots on wed nite. if not, i'm super sorry.
Hi mummies <font color="ff0000">HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY</font>

Glayz / Sally
I bought the cleaning set for $9.90 or $19.90 (without vaccum cleaner) at taka toy fair.. saw the same set with vaccum cleaner at $29.90.. Fifty plus is too expensive liao..

How is your Val's celebration?? Update us leh..hee hee

Valentine's present
HB gave me a surprise today. Bought me a present and flower (it has been ages since I received flower from him)..

Wah, you took leave to celebrate Val's Day
<font color="ff0000">erlisa</font>
How was ur crab and Vday surprise?

<font color="ff6000">twinklets</font>
Had a wonderful threesome sushi pinic? Really peifu you can think of such idea. think i'll be too lazy.

<font color="ff0000">jasmine</font>
No lah, not for Vday. it's for a family dinner.

<font color="ff6000">Vday present</font>
Bouquet of flowers and rocher. Ok lah cannot hiam. But no surprise so not very sweet lor
I bought his fave comics. He's reading it liow. Hope the story is nice. Sometimes i wish my hubby attena can tune more closely to my 'wishes'
Was telling him, i wanted a bracelet

<font color="ff0000">Daddy symdrome</font>
Hmm, looks like I must give hb brownie points liow. He has been very hands on since E arrived. He bath her everyday since she was borned, change her, change her diaper, makes milk for her. He knows how to make it correctly too. He can also pack her bag quite accurately too. Maybe the novelty of a new baby contributed too.

Then after that, he chg job and had to work long hrs, then din help out as much liow. He still try his best on weekends. I'll still nag sometimes cos he'll conveniently do his stuff while i hv to watch E. He work I also work mah, so y i must take all the responsibility. It's parenthood, not just motherhood!
<font color="0000ff">Daddy Syndrome</font>
Hehe... looks like I have to give JJdad lots and lots of brownie points then. Like Edad, he also bathe JJ since born everyday, change diaper (poo included), makes milk (correctly) and pack diaper bag. Till today, still doing all that.
Plus in the morning, JJdad would also wake up at first call of JJ to brush his teeth, make milk, change his diaper and put him back in bed.
Me... sleep a few extra hours. Hehe.

JJdad would also prepare JJ's meals and feed him. It's actually the results of having to "take leave" on Sat so that I could catch a breather. I would get out of the house and leave them to "bond". Kekeke. JJdad learns from experience.

I remember this diaper episode when JJ was only a few months old... JJdad was changing diaper after poo, and was cleaning intently when suddenly a ball of poo flew out from JJ (like a canon), almost hitting JJdad's face coz his face was so near! JJdad had just a bad shock but we ended up laughing that it was REALLY close. Kekeke. Since then, he knows not to put his face too near. Hehe.
<font color="ff6000">BBrooster</font>
You joining us for Mummies nite out this time round? Come lah.

<font color="ff6000">Twinklets & Erlisa</font>
How are your special programmes for Vday?
<font color="0000ff">Mummies Nite Out</font>
Twinklets, you would be missed... Sorry had to change date since most can make it on 23 Feb.

<font color="0000ff">CNY</font>
So fast! CNY in a 2 days! All the visitings to do - just hope that JJ won't be fed things that he should not be taking like sweets.
Tang Ling
Wah u so strict...
I let Sky took sweets and chocolate... Lucky he din fancy them... took like 2 bite and stuff the rest to me..... but hope he knew they are chocolate from the start so wun attempt to eat it... (I dun want to get fat from eating Sky leftover...)

But he loves love letter, and those biscuit...(not pineapple tart...he find the pineapple too sour...)
Good Morning Mummies!

Ya Twinklets, I kept telling him dirty, chou chou, dun play..... he could tell me the same thing.... after he played with his hands, then came to me n tell me chou chou, n ask me to wash hands... but then he feels so satisfied lei..... I caned him also no use... sigh..... lucky he din put inside his mouth... so disgusting. Oh how is yr sushi V day?

Jasmine, Will go n check out n do the shopping after CNY... heehee.... must get the kitchen set too... dun care got place or not... will make way for the set.... hahaha....

Shane, Tang Ling, wow yr hbs r super daddies.... wish my hb like that lei.... next time if they meet my hb, can ask them to help me to brainwash him a bit... heehee...

Erlisa, update us on yr V day! Yummy crabs....
So far till now, I do not allow Akinesh try sweets lei, hence he has not tasted it yet... me worst hor.... n all those snacks tibits. He is not allowed to have them. His school is also informed. The best is onli those baby biscuits once in awhile. My mom also dun allow cos said would spoil their appetite n later eat junk food non-stop. So Control now. Anyway my house dun have such items so he din get a chance to see, maybe during the CNY house visit, he will get to taste...... heehee...
My boi is a junkie....
I believe in letting him eat all those junkie once a while so later in life if he get in touch with them he will not fall sick so easily...

My cousin is a extreme case of no junkie... once she eat biscuit, next day will have cough or sore throat... no chocolates...sweets also trigger cough... can only eat apple and papaya as all other fruits also trigger cough

And also dun give ur young one too much tonic
My hb also from young take too much bu liao... eat chocolate will have fever... those super high type where MIL need to piggyback him to see doc...becos body is too heaty....
U bought the set so cheap har....

Taka Toy fair..
I want to go buy toys...
Glayz, cos my mom sees my sis kids got scared... her boi no junkie.... u give him, he will tell u NO, give to mei mei cos he does not take junk food.. can die lor.... his sister eats all sorts of junk food n dun wan proper meals.... cos she follows both my sis n bil eating all those junks lor.... i dun give my boi sweets cos PD said dun give him as he is already too hyper. I tend to give him once a while onli those junks where we r out with other kids, cant help n he will gladly munch n eat non stop.... he is a greedy pig so must control him.
Oh I see....
My sis almost everyday will buy tidbits home.. my boi get to eat like 5-6 pcs... then my mum munch all finish..... then tell him MUST SHARE...
So for crackers...he also munch a bit...then he start to play with the food liao.... if not...mummy will help to gobble up also...
Yes Vday was nice. I last min aro 6+pm made him a card, printed out in those A4 paper, cut the design out & paste it onto 1 of our office CNY cards (cut out 1 side), so make into a REAL hard VDay Card. Hee Hee..

1 of our male colleagues actually gave each of us a small box of chocolates. So when I entered into the car, I presented him tat box, on the front it was printed "For you". & boy he was really touched & surprised! Scully he flipped open & saw my colleague's handwriting! hahaah! Gotcha lor. Then few minutes later, I gave him another box of chocolates, & he noe tat I was gog to bluff him again. This time round the box has scotchtape on it 1. So he knew tat was actually opened before 1. =P So anw he opened & found 3 chocolates inside (which my colleague gave me last minute 1, & I put inside my empty box which I had already finished all during the afternoon. haha) Tat 1 was also playing a prank only. It was so fun to play 2 pranks at 1 go. So at the traffic red lite, I presented my card to him. & tis time round he was relly touched liao.
He din expect me to do cards for him again cos it was donkey years since I made 1.
He was apologetic that he din buy anything for me. But is ok lar, cos I told him all these I made also no need $ & also damn last minute 1.

In the evening we had our Sushi Picnic wif our little gal. She was so happy to eat all her 5 sushi & she kept singing "twinkle twinkle lil stars" cos alot of stars in the sky. It was a very weng xing nite for all 3 of us. Me & hb were glad tat we din forsake her at my Mum's plc tat nite.

Nice of ur hbs to give u flowers!
same here, I dun give Riz junk food. Coz I believe junk food spoils his appetite. My niece eats all sorts of junk food and up to now she's 5 yrs old, she has never eaten a proper meal; mostly relying on milk to keep her stomach full. I get so scared the way she can gulp down a 1.3l bottle of soft drink at any one time! *gulp* Plus my in-laws pamper her too much too, following everything she wants. So whenever Riz goes to my in-laws place, I always remind my hubby to remind them NO JUNK FOOD!!! I think I will only let Riz taste them probably when he's slightly older...
<font color="ff6000">Glayz</font>
Ya lor, me strict mummy, no sweets and chocolates. No doubts he would love them later, but I would put it off as long as I could. Like Sally, also NO adult snacks, except bb biscuits - not so sweet. Hehe.
Junk Food
I dun relly give Ashley junk food. But occasionally do indulge abit during festive seasons or gatherings. Luckily we have trained Ashley that so long we dun start giving tat junk food to her, she wont fuss us giving her 1. Like I can eat finish my potato chips infront of me, she can just fuss me tat few seconds & then walked off liao. But if I'm gog to give her 1 chip, she'll forever fuss me 1. So glad up to date, no1 in our family does that to her.
Anyone give her w/o my permission will kana scolded by me. Including my MIL. =P But heng din happen before cos she noe my rules.
To those curious abt my <font color="ff0000">V-day</font> celebration, here goes *drum rolls*

I surprised my hubby with a wok of chilli crabs for lunch. Pot getting so cold, coz waited hubby to come back. Hubby was really surprised coz i decorated the plate too, make it look like the crabs being served in restaurants. I wanted to put candlelight on dinner table. But in the end hubby say no need coz we ended up eating our crabs and lunch on the floor coz of the mess... how unromantic right...

Then I wait and wait... still no surprise for him. Hubby had a nap coz he was tired... And with me, itching all over the house...

In the evening, both of us dressed nice nice and went to Esplanade. Hubby presented me with a bouquet of roses when I got into the car. Got 8 roses. And i was thinking and thinking, got meaning meh 8 roses? I only know there's 9... I never say anything abt it to hubby. Took it and be thankful... hee

Hubby wanted me to carry the bouquet ard, but I dun want. I paiseh leh... So we left it in the car... Then we walk walk, making me feel like we're courting all over again...

It was impromptu, we had dinner at Esplanade. Nice setting, got candlelight... For the first time ever, he so willingly to take photos of both of us. I was more than delighted lor. Just before dinner came, he presented to me the other missing rose, a brilliant rose

That made my night! I melted at that point of time, and till now, I still have not regained my form.... Too shocked!

<font color="ff0000">Erlisa,</font>
Wow, your hb is so romantic....

<font color="0000ff">Twinklets,</font>
You so notti to play tricks on your hb but can tell that he is really touched by your card.

<font color="119911">Jasmine/Shane,</font>
So sweet of your hbs to give flowers. You must be overjoyed.

<font color="0077aa">Re: Junk food</font>
I am very resistant towards giving junk food to cay. She has not eaten sweets before. Hard to tell right. Those from her Edufarm class may have seen how excited she gets when teacher distribute sweets but I never let her eat them at all. She is used to people giving her sweets but we will never open it up for her. She is contented accepting all the sweets without eating them and I hope it stays that way for as long as possible.

She loves chocolates. My ils love feeding her that. My mom is more hestitant because she felt that chocolates are heaty and cay hates to drink water so she is worried cay will kena sore throat.

I avoid giving her cold drinks but she simply loves it. Those who have seen her go crazy over packet drinks will understand. That is the only way to make her drink water willingly. Sometimes we will give her packet drink as a last resort but I am rather reluctant because I find those too sweet for her.

We gives her snacks like cookies but provided she has finished her proper meals.
