(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

Anyway, Riz is mummy's boy... not daddy's boy... so I reckon mummy's boy and daddy's girl has some truth in it...

Kueh baulu,
Riz loves this kueh so much! I try to restrict as much as I can. And now that the festive season is so popular with the kueh, Riz was able to identify the kuih at the counters and scream for us to buy it. But anyway, we managed to distract him with something else.. hee

Riz's another favourite is muruku (the indian crackers). This one ah, he really loves it so much. We break them into smaller pieces and put inside a bowl. Riz would take the bowl away and sit quietly by himself and slowly finish it. This is the only time that Riz could be left all by himself and behave....

As much as I try to restrict, my mum pamper him with these delicacies... but my mom says it's better to give the muruku because it has higher value in content as compared to the baulu. I've yet to go find out tho...

Fwah!! ur mil is indeed happening!!

EH, don't say until like dat leh. I"m sure our hubbies all have their shortcomings. But they definitely are great in other ways

*blush blush* Anyway, my rose is no longer with me till next month. Just sent for re-sizing coz this mummy's fingers too skinny for the ring..haha

Ur MIL went happening...my MIL went gambling...
She prefer to go gambling session than to assist in babysitting Sky for a short 2 hrs... and I was like huh??? (she gamble from noon to next morning type..a few hours off also no diff mah...)

Wah...Aeron pee a lot leh...
Sky pee liao only the pants wet.... floor still dry... but that dirty boi never tell us his pants is wet...
Our boi can shake hand liao....

Sky saw my sis do mask.... then he stand beside her and pretend to do the same actions.... and he was applying fake mask all the way from home to market...
<font color="ff0000">Happy Lunar New Year!!</font>

I'm all alone in my dept, I hope I wont get any nuisance customer calls & I can eat snake in peace!!! Scrapbooking time for me in office.

<font color="aa00aa">Erlisa</font>
Wow a Brilliant Rose! Ur hb is really v v sweet & you xing. Make all of us here green with Envy. I saw the pic in ur blog, gosh.. it is beautiful!! Btw, same as Bbrooster, I'm also a SK, I dun even noe wat's that until some Mummy mentioned Stone or something then I realized.

<font color="0000ff">Jaymom</font>
Hee ya She really very happy that nite, make me all worthwhile to bring her out to celebrate with us. I think next year we'll still be celebrating wif her. I must rem my HB's defination of VDAY.

Your Hb also v sweet to you, bot u that flower wif a cute bear.

<font color="ff0000">Water</font>
Ashley still luv water,but somestimes gotta depend her mood to make her drink more. At my mum's plc, her water bottle is a Barney. So tat will interest her to drink the water. Nowadays she actually prefer cup. But overrall I think she'still drinking quite alot, & she pees alot too. She can pee now on the floor wif lotsa urine. Then say 15 mins later can still pee again 1.

She perspire too much also, so we must keep replenishing her with water.

<font color="ff6000">Mask</font>
1 nite I was wearing my mask, Ashley came into our room to look for me. She liked jumped abit when she saw me in the white mask, & dun really dare to go near me. But yet still wanna peep at me.

<font color="0000ff">Mother's Love</font>
Same as Caymom's mother, my mum also kept urging me to have #2, she says she'll help me take care or else wait she even older liao will be v difficult. She is those type that will really sacrifice for us & I really v thankful for her. When my 5 YO niece left for CC, she was really sad & bored at home for afew mths before Ashley was out. She was v happy bbsitting her & will miss her when sometimes I took leave to bring her jab or nowadays my MIL helped in afew days. She'll call & talk to her, then Ashley will talk quite long wif her over the fone, think it brightens her day alot. So next year, I hope my 2nd sis will give birth & let my Mum bbsit or else she'll be v sad again cos next year most likely put Ashley on CC ..
<font color="ff0000">Glayz,</font>
Wow, can't tell you have such a fiery temper. My temper can be quite bad but I seldom have outburst.

Ok, hope one day cay will be more keen in the DVDs. I bought a lot of educational DVDs for her to watch but she is not very keen.

Have you heard of Brainy Baby series? Is it good?

<font color="0000ff">Sally,</font>
You mil is sure very happening. Nowadays not all grannies want to take care of grandchildren now. A lot of commitment and time. My mom said if my mil can take care of cay, she rather go out and work. My mil is not working but her health is very bad, almost every week must go and see doctor or sinseh.

<font color="119911">Erlisa,</font>
Wow, your brilliant rose very stunning. So envious.
<font color="ff6000">Twinklets,</font>
My mom said the same thing. She sorta 'threatened' that I better give birth fast or else she will be too old to help in future. That was before I had cay. Now that my brothers got married, she is pending her hopes on them as well so not much pressure on me.

Talking about mask. There was once I applied a white mask on my face. I thought cay will be scared but this silly girl showed a gluttony expression and licked her lips while trying to touch my face!
She must have thought I am some creamy cake.
Dun waste $$ la...
Jasmine gave me a copy... and the show is quite boring to me la... and Sky always dunno run to where when I play the vcd...
Think that's a curious look from Cay! U ah!
I sorta find myself look abit like the character in "SCREAM" movie.. I got scared by my own reflection though.

Btw, Cay is sure garang at this aspect!!

Next year I also quite fan. 1 part of me feel like wanting my Mum to bbsit. But I need to find a good PG for her near Mum's place. Anw I told Hb on Monday that I may source a CC that near my workplace. Dunno see how it goes. I just hope my gal will still close with my Mum even she goes to CC next time.
Really ah...
cay still loves her baby signing times the most. She will request for it and watch attentively. Maybe it is something that she is familiar with but I rather she learn to speak than continue signing. At her stage, she can pick up new signs almost instantly but I will not invest in the toddler version of signing times lah. She also shows more interest in BB Einstein although I find it damn boring.

Baby can read is her favourite too. Oh yah, that time you didn't pass me the review disc. Can I borrow from you? Possible to lend me the Brainy BB to have a look as well?

Actually, I find the Leapfrog rather interesting but it is cartoon. None of cay's DVDs are cartoons. Maybe that's why she is not so keen.
Oh ya... I always forget abt the review cd... as I haven bought the empty disk yet.... kekeke... Will try to purchase and bxxx a copy for u...if not can pass u my review cd first...

The brainy bb... I can also pass to u first... (Me super lazy to play these to Sky at home.. I will fell asleep)
I can only conclude that although cay is timid, she is more tum jiak!

Our backup plan if my mom cannot cope, is to place cay in cc. My hb wants to place cay in a cc near his workplace. I prefer it to be near my mom's place so that my mom can pop over easily in case of emergencies. Anyway, we will wait and see first.

I realised that I don't have much time left if I will to enrol cay in pre-nursery next year. My mom said the enrolment should start in July. But I am totally clueless where I want to put her. There are several options but the nearest schools to my mom's place is a community club and church. I think I better start my research soon.
For me.. is simple.... APPLE TREE...
Convenient also... next time my mum will have #2 to keep her hands full...so cannot sent too far away... and I dun really trust school bus... opps... (my primary school bus auntie scratch me once while pulling me aboard...)
I'm v clueless on such pre-nursery things, registration & enrollment blah blah. I dun really have the interest, the time , the energy to source a good 1. V sian when come to think of doing research of such stuffs. & most of the time, alot of CC dun have their own webpage, especially less well known & cheaper fees 1.

There's a church very near ur mum's plc leh. That 1 seem quite well known. Maybe U can do more research on that.
Hi mummies,
wan to wish all of u a Happy Chinese New Year in advance..cos scared wait i no time to log in...

i'm thinkg of bringing ryan to countdown n see fireworks on eve leh..but scared he will not tong till 12am..hehe..
Same here, here's wishing in advance all the Mummies & Daddies & tods a
<blink><font size="+1"><font color="ff0000"><font face="cooper black">HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR</font></font></font></blink>
<font color="0000ff">Twinklets,</font>
I just found out that the church only has nursery and no pre-nursery classes. I was quite keen on that one because I heard that church classes are better. Sigh, gotta look elsewhere liao.

<font color="ff6000">Glayz,</font>
There is Apple Tree near my mom's place but not as near as the church and community centre. Don't want to trouble her to walk so far especially when there is #2.
Of cos must find 1 that is nearer for ur mum la... For me also... Will choose 1 that the hour is sui sui one...so my mum can send him to class...go breakfast, market.. then on the way home pick him up...
I am searching online but those nearby ones dun have pre-nursery.
Aiyah... maybe must trouble my mom to walk further a bit.
I dun search anymore... cannot send too far away... must be to my mum convenience.... Walk a bit never mind as long as on the way to market... The apple tree is 7 min walk from my mum place... (at her speed la)
Hi all,
Gong Xi Fa Cai in advance. So, so sorry for being MIA for a long, long time. I've been really busy with my house reno thingy, and now for CNY. Will try to catch up with all once everything is settled.

Btw, Is Anns in S'pore yet?
Oh ok. THat's cool. So, have u tot of a name of ur gal gal yet? Think the last time I read the thread, someone mentioned Snow? That's a nice name though. Sky and Snow.... Hmmm.. Can really give it a thought.
For name I like Haze leh...
But hb and mum totally AGAINST lor...
Snow maybe lor... my hb may like it... seem PURE..kekekekeke
But I scare he insist to have MOON... or star...
Heheheh... Ok. I do think that Snow is a nice and unique name if compare to moon and star. One of my niece's name is Snow Ling (in Chinese). U still have abit of time to think. Last hubby and I decided to name our gal only after she was born coz couldn't decide. Hehe
<font color="ff0000">Gong Xi Fa Cai!!</font>
<font color="ff0000">May happiness be with all of you always!</font>
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">HAPPY NEW YEAR!</font></font>

<font color="0000ff">Mckee</font>
My hb also more involved wif #1, took fotos of him everyday. He spend more of this time playing & looking after Raph while I take care of Chloe.
Keke but I must confess, so far I have not bath Chloe, hb does it. He will bath the 2 of them!

<font color="0000ff">Erlisa</font>
Wow wow your hb so romantic...*envy*
<font color="ff0000">Gong Xi Fa Cai, Wan Si Ru Yi, Shen Ti Jian Kang
Daddy men, bu bu gao shen
Mummy men, qing chun mei li
Baby men, kuai gao zhang da, guai guai ti hua!!!
<font color="119911">Hi Mummies,
Here's a little present for all of you - presenting my latest SB piece of our precious ones!


I was not able to get good high res pictures of Ryan, Sky, Cay, Ian & Sherilyn. If Mummies have better photos, please do send them to me so I could change them. I'm a perfectionist.
Happy CNY!!!

You are SOLID lah! Your present is so so so nice and well done! I'm so impressed! Thank you thank you!
Tang Ling

This is a fantastic piece of artwork... you are a true genius...kekeke
Great present to start of a new year!
Can you forward us a softcopy, i'm sure all mommies will like to have it in print

<font color="ff0000">THANK U!</font>
<font color="0000ff">TangLing</font>
Marvellous job! I can feel you really put your heart in to do every piece of SB. I want a copy of it too.

<font color="ff0000">"Growing up together....."</font> sounds so so touching. Makes me wanna cry.
Tang Ling,
WOW!!! So nice! You are really good at it.
You actually arrange them in the order of birthdate. So nice that my gal has a group of friends to grow up together.
Ok, I will go and find a swee swee pic of cay and email to you.
<font color="ff0000">ZHU DA JIA XIN XIANG SHI CHENG</font> ok!

<font color="ff0000">Tang Ling,</font>
It's very, very well done... I also like it a lot, would like a soft copy too!!! haha... you managed to capture Aeron with a smile!!!

and the journal written there is so so true!
