(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

I think it's pink and purple, judging from the box.KY has a set, perhaps, Jasmine can describe to you.

It reminds me of the cleaing lady at departmental stores or MRTs becos it comes with a trolley..very cute!

Hubby commented that we must as well buy a real broom and dustpan..much cheaper!
U are rite... cheaper....
But that boi he just swing here and there.... think sun wukong... except the other end is a broom....

The elc one look quite good leh... but really a bit ex lor...
The kitchen set from elc super nice and big.... but hor super ex...think is near $200....
Jaymom, ya I got him the real boom with dustpan for him to play from the market, onli S$1.00. The handheld kind, not the long handle kind. Like the blue one shown in the pics above with short handle. He refused to use, he wants the long handle kind. Sigh.... below r the pics he using outside the lift landing....

Think the short handle one...they clean liao no shiok la... so they are after the long long handle one... worse for me.. my boi sometimes will go on his car (leg paddle one) and chase after my vaccum cleaner and purposely collide with the vaccum cleaner.... arghhh
kitchen set:
FP comes out with new version of kitchen set. The last i saw was selling at 79.90.

the little tikes BP is back? The last time we wanted to get it but somehow didnt get through. which one did u get? What's the contact to get the supplier?
Sally/ Glayz,
The cleaning set if you are talking about I got it at $19.90 in Carrefour 2mths ago. But then when she got this set, she prefers to push the trolley around at home rather then sweeping the floor. Just like those cleaner at shopping centre when they pushing around their 'car'. She looks exactly like them.
i went to imm one leh..but dun hve cute designs

hmm..if u see any hk ice cube tray,can help mi buy one?i got one liao..not enough to make into jellies..thanks..

omg,akinesh so tall so envy...

got another idea..go to daiso to buy those $2 brooms..those are lighter,shorter n cheap..hehe..
seems like all of our tods like to imitate us. i'll shorten the 'magic clean' mop to only 1 section so that it's the right height for her. my maid adelle is very hardworking will even bend down to mop below the sofa

there's a big daiso @ vivo city too. lotsa stuff to look see look see.

luckily joelle is ok, otherwise very heartpain

getting a bout of wanderlust today.... i need a holiday, fantasing about the places that i wanna go. any baby friendly place to recommend?
hi mummies...
I am on leave starting from today till friday... becos MIL needs to take time off to prepare for CNY... so I will be full time taking care of Aeron as hubby is on reservist and back home very late every night... hopefully he will be released early tomorrow then we can go out to have V day dinner...

anyone having V day dinner tomorrow???
but with 1 tod around, also cannot call V-day dinner more like family dinner haha...

<font color="0000ff">holiday,</font>
ixorarred, ever since I got pregnant with Aeron during my honeymoon, have not step out of SG since then.. also dreaming of travelling also but MIL says dun bring Aeron at such a young age and I a bit "se bu de" to not bring him so probably got to wait till he is older then bring him along... scarlee... no.2 comes along, then really got to wait long long liao...

I think the rest mummies probably got a lots of ideas.. majority of them have went on a trip with their tods already...
I think Japan should be baby friendly right? I would like to go Japan...;)
<font color="0000ff">Mummies nite out</font>
paiseh, mummies wont be able to join this time round also becos hubby still in reservist on those dates... no one to help look after A.

<font color="0000ff">Anns,</font>
keep in touch through the forum thread, ok?
LV, I joined the BP in Oct last year, organised by Picu Mama. Hence dun noe the contact, think she sent email direct to aspirin to ask... sori price is S$89.00 min 5 sets choose either table n chair set or adjustable table. Mine is below:

Pls note this type the chair different from the rainbow chair, not as good quality as rainbow chair. Rainbow chair if adult sits, wont sink. But these chairs from the set will sink, so adult cant sit hor.
Heard Japan is not baby friendly...esp if u taking the train...all are stairs leading up and down... no way u can use a stroller
<font color="0000ff">Glayz,</font>

oh I see... probably becos my colleague's children are older..so when she went there recently no problem...
but at least Japan should be quite clean?

haiya... but I dun see myself stepping out of the country in near future...

<font color="0000ff">Ixorarred,</font>
you plan to go around when???
i'm thinking of prob in march or april. so that can enjoy discounted air fares before adelle turns two. but i also feel like going for shopping holiday by myself e.g. japan, korea (result of watching too much kdramas!) or hong kong!

toys galore
went to check out toy r us just now. the kitchen set that shane has is on sale! S$ 84.95 but my ah lao said cannot buy coz too bulky

there's quite a few kitchen sets, all very nice. also cleaning sets for abt S$34.95, not pink colour
NOT PINK COLOUR???? kekekeke
WAH... I want to go see leh... but bo lat....
Which toy r us u went....????

Wah u tempting me to buy both leh...
i rem joining that BP but back out because wanted to wait for adjust and draw table.
sorry, didnt read your morning postings. yes, i may bring K along if no one looks after her. i sounded to my hubby just now and he said i bring her along if i want to go. just i'm hoping my mum can cancel her church commitment to look after her for 1 night.
i like the childcare arrangement in globetrotters but not the food. if really ended up choosing that place, i dont mind also. I will just order a drink to save myself the agony n best of all, can assist my diet plans. hehe

if u consider HK and Japan, i would say HK more baby friendly? Japan has lots of nursery too but their JR must take a lot of stairs and steps (if u are bringing stroller along) the last time i went with K to HK when she was about 9 mths old, people there were tolerant of mums with babies even in their tiny tea restaurant. they made space for me to put the stroller.
I'm thking of going australia this june..tentatively
i went to the vivo one. i'm also eyeing the baby grand piano but quite ex leh $99.95

the other choice is also australia, prob perth. then will do a self drive holiday. but sigh dunno if will realise or not, hb and i all so busy....
If you're talking abt Tokyo, my only problem is the train stations. It's baby friendly especially at the main train stations. The other train stations are not too friendly as they have lots of stairs. You must plan your route very well and ask around especially if you bringing stroller. I brought Riz when he was abt 7 mths. I had quite a hard time especially at smaller stations as I was all alone mending Riz. Hubby was away working while this mummy cannot sit still and go sight-seeing. Hee
Imagine I have to carry Riz on baby carrier on the front, backpack on my bag and stroller on my shoulder when going up and down the stairs of the smaller stations. BUt then again, now that Aeron can walk, shouldn't be a problem lah.... Japan is a beautiful place!

Yah, my hubby pretty romantic.. hehe So far, we never really celebrate V-day leh. Never get flower oso coz I told him flower is a waste of money. Hee But this year, dunno why my hubby super duper excited. Make me excited oso abt his surprise until I apply leave tomorrow. I hope my leave's worth it. Haha

Ya lor, I think Riz gonna grow up vain like the daddy and mummy. Now he love to be in front of the mirror. Sometimes I catch him touching his hair and look at himself. Sometimes he pose a bit oso. It's so unbecoming of him! Haha

Cleaning set,
I didn't buy any for Riz coz he's been using the one we have at home for the actual cleaning. Amazing hor tots have the same liking at this age. There's this once there's a cleaner sweeping the floor. When he put the broom aside, Riz go and take the broom and help him out. Haha.
Kitchen Set

This also... a step 2 $124.95


Cleaning Set
This one ex lor... $50+++
but come with vaccum Cleaner...

self drive? Last time we did it at gold coast, quite fun. but i their speed limit 110km/h so can be quite fast on the road.

i'm planning to go adelaide. mummies who r familiar with aus can advise me which other parts to go to link up a few places at one go.
<font color="ff0000">Kitchen Toy Set</font>
Jaydad is full of surprises today, GUESS WHAT??he bot Jay a breakfast teacup set that comes with velcro pastries and even a hot flash! It's really cute and Jay enjoys playing with them..so sweet of daddy!

I told him softly that i still want to "upgrade" to a more well-equipped kitchen, he actually gave his approval..hehehe!

<font color="ff0000">V'day Pressie</font>
Erlisa, you remember to doll up pretty, pretty for your surprise tomorrow,k. Enjoy!

My hubby is also the type that cannot keep you in "suspense". No big bouquet of flowers from him but he just gave me a teddy bear carrying 3 stalk of flowers with fibre optic-glowing needles with a small card. Nothing fancy but quite heartwarming liao lah...

I didn't ask for a romantic dinner cos the family is having reunion dinner at a restuarant on Thursday already.

Photo Sharing

Nice toys leh... think I wanna get one for Riz too. I guess getting a teacup set isn't as girlish as I thought. Hee

By the way, is that the bouquet your hubby got in the background? hee

For tomorrow, I got no idea lah what's going on. Now make me cannot sleep leh. But I'm cooking up a feast for him for lunch. THat's part of my surprise for him. Hee Cannot say here, skali he go kay-po read what I put here. Haha Coz dinner will be his idea.
Just wana share Aunty Tang Ling's fabulous artwork!

Excuset the "puffy eyes" cos Jay kenna a bout of hives during x'mas morning!

Hehe...yes, so small, u noticed huh.

You must sleep well so that you look you best to rec' tomorrow's surprise! Do fill us in on the details on Thurs...kekeke!
'read' you talking about trip then remembered the question you asked me on msn. when i reply, u were offline already. well, tt's the reason for my 'msg' hee hee...

I feel that Aus is quite bb friendly and best is to go FnE. I love that. Anyway with a kid, FnE is the best.

Hey, I also got the same thots. Miss my HK shopping trip. I doubt can go shopping if I bring E along. But not sure if i can bear to leave her behind and go alone or not. sigh.

u wanna go Adelaide ah. Sounds gd but some pple say not much things there? Was tempted to go Darwin when i c the cheap cheap air fare but not sure if there's anything interesting there.

I also thot of gg somewhere before E turns 2, to take adv of the cheap air fare =P But can only think about it. Don't think can make it.

For Aus, you can look at the map then plan your route. We drove from Syd to Mel before. Then I think from Brisbane can drive to Sydney. something like that. Or u can consider Aus to NZ. Heard frm my friend tics fm Aus to NZ quite cheap in Aus.

I wanna go Japan too! Hope I can realise the dream this year. But so so so expensive *bleh* The will replace my US and Europe dream. Doubt I'll ever have chance to go those 2 places in this lifetime
Esp now with kid and if expand family, lagi no need to think abt it.
wah ur eyes very sharp! I din even noticed. Till you say then i go back and look at the pic again.

This is one classic e.g of tell tale detail in a photo! Such details nvm lah, but details that can show where you stay, etc, then not too gd liow...

the bear very cute ley.

Me got no Vday surprise. I last min took leave then hb was 'troubled' and I spoiled his surprise cos cld guess something gg on. ha ha... in the end, he had to redirect his flowers to our home. haha....
U feeling very "private" today huh..but its good for reminding us not to "over-expose" ourselves to the public, u never know who's readig ( scary thought)

Not bad lah, hubbt got you flowers too
Morning Mommies... Happy V day! Enjoy your day... me normal cos hubby away.... sigh... onli has my darling prince with me to hug.... heehee....
I like... but very big set leh... must beg with my mum first.... will be putting the set at her place for her and my dad to masak masak with my boi...
So far onli brought Akinesh alone to Jakarta to see my friend in Jan last year w/o hb cos he working.... we used hb's mileage for the tickets so onli paid taxes n stayed at my fren's house, so save a lot $$$. Heehee... that time he still too young to enjoy. We wan to bring Akinesh to a holidays at the beach, but hb's leave always not approved lei....
Before Akinesh comes along, I tend to follow hb or meet hb over weekend in wherever cty he is in.... so shiok.... that time enjoyed life.... spa, shopping etc.... now like crazy woman running after son, no time for myself as no one to help look after him. Sigh.
Glayz, ya huge set... hence must find opportunity n time to get hb to go n pay n carry back....... heehee... any toysrus has the set, right? Which one will be the best one to go to?
<font color="0000ff">Kitchen Set</font>
Ask my hb this morning "That day JJ enjoyed himself at E's kitchen set hor. Get him 1 set also?" His jaw dropped to the floor and said "Put here ah..." then he looked around the living room. Hahaha. Same issue - most daddies would be concerned with "space".

<font color="ff6000">Glayz</font>
That is FP kitchen set is it? I have seen that before and was drooling over it, so remember that particular set. Hehe.
<font color="0000ff">Mummies Nite Out </font>
Most mummies can make it on 23 Feb, so we go with that date.
<font color="ff6000">Twinklets:</font> You really can't make it on 23 Feb ah? Can try to come?

<font color="0077aa">Date: 23 Feb (Friday)
Time: 7pm
Venue: will be communicated via email/sms (for confidentiality)</font>

1. Anns
2. Tang Ling
3. Sallyngsj
4. Caymom
5. Twinklets > 2 Mar, any wkdays except 23 Feb(fri) & 1 Mar(thurs)
6. LV with K
7. Forgetmenot
8. Jaymom
9. Ixorarred
10. Shane
Tang Ling, my hubby always says he needs to buy another house just for Akinesh n his toys.... he says everywhere his toys n things now.... heehee... if he sees the kitchen set I wan, he definitely freaks out..... maybe he would say he moves out, cos no place for him to move around liao.... hahahaha...
<font color="ff6000">Glayz</font>
oic, then I must have seen it at the local seller's website. But it is BIG. You really have to BEG your mum. Kekeke.
<font color="ff6000">Caymom</font>
Thanks for the Vday greetings!

My hb actually remembered and this morning he said "Happy Valentine's Day". That was ALL wor.

How about you? Hehe.
<font color="ff6000">Sally</font>
I just replied your email - please check.
Know that you don't have HP now, so can only communicate via email.

Or can you login msn now?
Tang Ling
I demand my flowers ytd... and my hb demand his bdae pressie.... then told him...only celebrate on Friday when Sky is around...kekekeke....

This morning he din even tell me anything abt valentines.... arghhhh
<font color="ff6000">Sally</font>
Actually, the hbs should try to understand that the tods need to be kept busy so that they won't drive their SAHMs crazy.

The little tikes table set I am eyeing on is the adjust n draw table. The same one that LV is interested in.

<font color="ff0000">Sally,</font>
So romantic of you to travel to the city your hb is during weekends. Maybe you can bring Akinesh along when he is older. But then again, he will be the big lightbulb.
Really peifu to take care of Akinesh alone while hb is away. I think I will feel very sian if I have to do it. Not only because I want hb to take care of bb, but at least his presence will provide some moral support.

<font color="119911">Tang Ling,</font>
I prob will be rather late for the gathering. I have to go for gynae checkup around 6+. Hopefully I dun have to wait too long for the gynae.

<font color="0000ff">Shane,</font>
I am very tempted to buy more cooking sets for cay whenever I see that she enjoys it so much. But then, I am worried I will end up spoiling her. Anyway, she is contented ransacking my kitchen cabinets for tupperware to play with.
See first lah, I am thinking when pressie to give for her 2yo birthday. Dun think I will be throwing a party for her because I will be bz with #2 but at least must buy a nice pressie or else she may feel neglected.
