(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

<font color="0000ff">Gymboree Playgym</font>
All the toddlers are so cooperative at the airlog... all standing in one line... last pic is very good also... so cute all the same height...hehe...
Aeron was there in the morning too!
hopefully by the time his lessons end, he can join the rest for playgym too...

i think so too...but the $ spent don't give me alot of convenience...

Maybe i'll go for a consultation first before deciding...

you're fast!!! i hvn't even uploaded the photos. all the photos all very nice!!! esp the last group pic, great shot!!! the rolling one also, u got it at a right angle, can capture everyone.
really brighten up the thread
don't know if the technology for lasik has improved for high astimagtism or not. when i did my 4 years ago, with high astimagtism, the effect will not be perfect but can still see without specs of course. if it is vv vv high, then may not be able to treat. You cannot go to work on the day of the consulation as they will diliate your eyes hence you will not be able to focus near objects for at least 1/2 a day, plus you need to be off contact lens for at least 2 weeks if you are wearing soft lens and longer if it wearing hard lens. if you really want to do, i would recommend my doc but he is more expensive and schedule is really packed.
shane, you got the "siew mei" contacts from tigger right? can i have it.. hehee... wants to do something about my brows.

NICE Photos!
Mckee.. have not seen Nicole for awhile, she has grown quite a bit. but her tummy is still round round..
thks for the info. how high was ur asti? i'm asking for hubby, he's the one who got high asti, 300+ kind. sigh, the more i read and find out abt it, the more i feel like doing it but i also feel scared abt the procedure

Ok will forward the details to you.
Tang Ling
thanks for your pictures.. did not manage to take any photos today..

Toilet Training
very difficult for me to train kY cos she is with me during weekends only and my weekends are usually very busy.. i bought 5 training pants too but have not used them yet..

Ashley with bbsitter also right? did your bbsitter toilet train her? if not how do you toilet train her?
Toilet training
started training in dec coz there are more days which i can take care of adelle. in the begnining it's really washing and changing, washing and changing. even bought more underwear / shorts for her coz can't wash and dry in time!
she knows how to 'sh sh' now so i'll bring her to the potty every 40-45 mins or so. but of course accidents still happen coz ms attitude sometimes refuse to pee on the potty, then walk outside and immediately pee on the floor.
but i still can't train her to poo in the potty
Shane, Tang Ling
Yes, Chloe really looks like Raph when I look back at the pics.

Sian, going back to wk end of this mth. Keke ya Chloe can collect ang baos liao &amp; we are also teaching raph to say gong xi fa cai. He sounds like Ang Mo saying Chinese.

Shane, my sis done theirs at SGH. The cost is around $3-4k, can pay by instalments. I think if u want to do must choose the Dr carefully.

Toilet Trg
Shane, Tang Ling - Diaper pants will stay dry so the todds doesn't know they have wet their pants whereas Trg Pants can 'feel' the wetness but I think can absorb the urine so I dun have to clean the floor every time. Hope I am right!

I tried to bring raph to the toilet at regular intervals but he just refuse to release.

Gymboree Playgym
The pics are really nice &amp; I think they enjoyed it a lot. This is a trial or real lesson har?? Any chance of u gals going again as I want to bring Raph there leh.

MIM Sling
I tot of getting one as I will b the one carrying Chloe most of the time. Any of u gals have any comments on this?
nice nice nice pictures! Please send them to me!
I'm really bad photographer, that's why didn't even try. hb mentioned when I take pic, i only get points for effort! haha!

and very nice to see everyone again! Nicole also KO in the car (again!) that's probably explains her round round tummy! hehe..

come join us the next time... i won't be there then i think... cos popping!

i used that with nicole. there's 2 materials--cotton and silk. i can't remember, but one of them is warmer than the other.. shane, you recall which one? I remember mine is the cooler one, but dunno what material is that!
for these cosmetic lenses, I'm using freshlook dailies. But i dont use it everyday because very expensive. Only on certain days when i'm more vain
It's about $5 plus for one pair.

eyelash perming: i've done it for a couple of times, not less than 5 times. It's quite ok. usually last about 3 months. My previous facial package threw in these eyelash perming free. So that's y i did so many times.

havent seen nicole for a while, she looked different now, mckee. not so much of you already. or maybe it's the pic.
Wow, the PG pics looked to fun! How I wish cay can be part of it. No confidence of bringing her myself. I'm sure she will have a lot of fun with the gym equipment and her friends.

<font color="ff0000">Adora,</font>
Wow, Chloe has real big eyes too. She and Raph look really alike. Actually, I always find cay and Raph has some bit of resemblance but now I think Chloe definitely looks more like Raph compared to cay.

I have a cotton MIM sling. I think I am rather clumsy with it but my mom is fine with using it. The funny thing is she can do it without the rings. Biang, I told her the sling is ex because of the rings. She look at me and say can easily use any cloth one, never see those indo maid do before meh. Sigh. Anyway, it's quite useful provided you know the right way to use it. Also, the material is impt too. During hot days, it maye get rather warm and cay refused to use it. I think <font color="ff0000">Ixoarred</font> uses the sling a lot, maybe she can provide more advice.

<font color="0000ff">Joy,</font>
I think having kids is not easy. It is a life-long commitment and it takes up so much of our time. Most of my friends delayed their marriage and child-bearing so that they can focus on their career and further studies. To me, I think setting up a family is more impt... also we have biological clock one mah. So better to give birth early.

But of course compared to my friends, I am kind of odd one out. They are times they call me to go for drinks but I rather spend time with my family. They could have done post-grad studies like MBA, CFA, other degrees and even foreign languages (because they want to work overseas) but me, none at all. They used to jio me to study with them but never succeeded.

Well, of course if I compare career achievements, I am too far behind liao. Sometimes, I wonder whether I made the right decision too. Ultimately, this is my prime period but I chose to focus on family. Well, when I look at my gal, I have no regrets. Most impt thing is to be contented.

My hb on the other hand believes that both can be done together. Perhaps I am too easily contented that he felt I am just plain lazy. True that I have friends who managed both career and family well. But it is not easy to find a family-friendly company.

<font color="ff6000">Mckee,</font>
Wah, you really have intention for do-re-mi. Actually, once you are at 're', it may be rather easy to advance to 'me'. At the moment, I don't think I will go to 'me', with two kids already rather draining on our income. Hard to imagine three, unless our salary takes a huge jump.

I think Nicole still has some features of yours. Look at her will remind me of you.
Haven't seen you for a long time. Hard to imagine you have ballooned to a whale.

<font color="119911">Tang Ling,</font>
Thanks, my hb has his own ointment. The pain subsided a little. Hopefully he will recover soon.

<font color="0077aa">Glayz,</font>
Actually, I always think you look rather young, reminds me of my cousin. It's true that it's rather young for you to have Sky at the age but I think just nice leh. Kinda wish I had given birth earlier. I also have friends who got married after grad and give birth immediately. At that time, I felt it was too fast but now I think they are having a good time lor. When they retire, kids all grown up already.

I have a cousin who had two kids before I got married and his wife was only 22 when they had #2. My neighbour had two kids before the age of 23. I would say that is kinda early. But imagine when they are 40yo, their kids already reaching twenties. Wow...
<font color="ff6000">Shane</font>
I was tired and bored when I uploaded the pics onto the PC, so I thot might as well post them. Hehe.

<font color="ff6000">Ixorarred</font>
The Gymboree shots are so nice! I like esp the one with Adelle holding the ring, looking thru it. So cute!

<font color="ff6000">Adora</font>
<font color="0000ff">Gymboree Playgym:</font> This is a 1-hr session of free-play on the equipments not a trial. We can go as many times as we want, but they have specific time slots for playgym, coz other time slots may have classes going on. For a non-member, its $15 per session. For members, its $8. Membership is $50 per year. Some of us have already signed up for membership when we had the Gymboree trial sometime back.

We hope to have the sessions bimonthly (every 2 weeks), but like the PG, we need the mummies to be committed too. Hehe. It is more fun to have more kids at the Playgym and esp fun since we know each other. It is pretty lonely to play alone.

I know that you probably cant login as often I will sms you if we have any sessions coming up. Hope to see Raph there too!

<font color="0000ff">MIM sling:</font> I have a cotton one. I only actively used it when JJ is 9mths+ coz then he is able to support his neck. I still use it now from time to time if I had to carry him for more than 10mins. And he stays in it. Hehe. Using it takes practice the more times you use it the easier it becomes. I see a lot of mummies using the sling outside with tiny babies but I didnt manage to master that when JJ was younger. My personal opinion: I like it! JJ feels secure in it. But can be pretty hot if you are outdoors coz bbs body is just next to yours.

Well said.Actually I hope to do more in my career, but due to erratic working hours of hubby cum I have got no help, so have to give up my job after four years unpaid leave.Looking at two kids, no regrets tho but thought of doing more....I guess I still yet to achieve the ultimate so call happiness....maybe that is something that I miss out in the achievement in terms of immaterial kind of thing.
<font color="0077aa">Tang Ling</font>
ok let me know when u gals going to the playgym again see if i can join...normally is on sat right?

<font color="119911">LV</font>
Hee hee..now i wear glasses most of the time but occasionally I will wear contact lens so tot of getting a coloured one. Hope the lens can make my eyes look BIGGER, want to look gd this CNY, dun wan to look aunty!

<font color="aa00aa">Caymom</font>
Chloe's eyes are big but her lashes not as long as gor gor so no electrifying effects.

<font color="0000ff">MIM Sling</font>
<font color="ff6000">caymmon</font>-your mum is right leh, those indo maid can sling using any cloth &amp; here we spend so much just for the 'rings'. If hb knows this thing cost $50 he sure will say waste $$.

<font color="ff6000">mckee</font>, if yours is cooler than is Silk...is it v slippery? I am contemplating between silk n cotton sateen, not sure which is better.

<font color="ff6000">Tang ling</font>, most prob I will use the sling for the 1st 6mths, gd to use when I bf outside so no need to search for nursing rm.
I know this sling can use even for older bb but I scare the weight will make me shorter.

Thanks for the advise, I shall go n take a look at the sling. Mayb can get <font color="ff6000">ixorarred</font> to teach me nx time.
mine is normal cotton, but don't feel very hot when i used it last time. actually hor, i don't know how to sling a newborn too, coz i only managed to do it when adelle was abt 3 months when her head was more steady. but if u let me 'experiment' with chloe, perhaps can figure out a way to sling newborns :p and the vcd showing the instructions is not helpful @ all!

nice to see u in class today, luckily, i din recognise the wrong person :p just signed adelle for the class, so see you next week!

Shane and Jasmine
have u all decided if you are joining GUG? was telling shane that the phonics section is a little too short and attention is not given to all tods unlike what i hear about edufarm. but adelle enjoyed the music part
Don't worry, eyelashes will grow longer. cay was born without eyelashes and now people comments that her eyelashes quite long.
get the cotton sateen for sling. I think tt's one of the better material tho' i nvr used it. i used a cotton (hot!) and silk (as hot!) one before. i bot the silk one hoping it will be less hot but it was still the same. maybe just abit not so hot

now i can't even rem when i stopped using it, i think it was when i stopped bfg. by the time, E was too heavy in it. i can't imagine now. It's really useful for bfg. if you don't mind, i can pass you mine to use. anyway, don't know if i'm #2 or not also. just let me know

btw, do try out the home services and let me know! this furlover did join us for PG before! hee hee...

nice pics! nice pics! looks like the photography classes really enriched you! share some tips ley. keke...

I can't decide to sign up GUG or not!!! dilemma..dilemma...

seriously, Edufarm can't be compared with GUG, really different platforms...and very different cost too!!! haha... so like they say...yi fen qian yi fen huo...
i think out of the 45mins we attend, only 15 mins were real 'teaching' by the teacher. alot of time was spent on the teacher going around individually and on colouring as well. it's hard to describe, u'll have to see it for urself to understand hee hee... maybe u can pop by one day to see how the class is like...

anyway here's my take on GUG...
I quite like the programme. Maybe I'm a variety kind of person, so the 'abit of everything' goes down quite well with me. The teachers were good and I like that it's sorta of a real 'classroom' environment where you do some activity, then go sit down at desk to do some 'desk bound' activity. i also liked that they went thru' A-Z at every lesson. the song is nice too.
E was abit stoned cos she was lack of sleep and food! But I do see her looking intently at the teachers. I feel that she can pick up things here and there if she do go on a regular basis. I think she enjoyed the 'story telling' and 'project work' cos get to eat it! ha ha...

after saying all that, i admit i'm tempted but course fees not cheap. then she gg to CC somemore. furthermore, still got Edufarm...
abit headache
maybe will finish up Edufarm then see how...

Toilet training
oh mine, everyone so 'on' already! i'm slacking in this dept. i asked maid to train but from the looks of it, it's not happening!

wat's this trg pants thing about? maybe should buy, gd to give them an idea of wetness...
Since so many photos liow, then I just post the bestest gp shot i have. but too bad Sky's face is being blocked by E's hand!!!

I can't resist posting this pic of Nicole. She looks so cheeky and tall too!

Btw, pls send me any nice shots that you'll have of E. I'll be sending you all yours too
Realised we din post any pics of last PG. Here's one of my bestest gp shot as well. hee hee... not ez to really get a good group shot!
wow wow so many events and postings taken place when I was not around for the past few days.

I love the pictures. The kids really enjoyed themselves. <font color="0000ff">ixorarred</font> your shots are really sharp. aiya, joelle and I miss out all the fun again.

<font color="ff0000">twinklets, glayz</font>
Will definitely let you know more about Tots House when Joelle start her playgroup in June.

<font color="ff0000">Church Nursery</font>
Ascension Church in Potong Pasir. I heard this one is really good too. Nowadays, when I am off work I will look out of my windows to see what school bus come to my area. And I saw this school bus from Ascension Church. Am considering this one too.


<font color="ff0000">caymom, adora</font>
Talking about resemblance make me wanna post this few pictures taken during our Kindermusik class in Serangoon. I think they do look a little alike. What do you think?

<font color="0000ff">Caydence and Raphael</font>


<font color="ff0000">Bbrooster</font>

<font color="0000ff">Gayz</font>
OK hv cfm wif my sis liao..confirmed is NTUC .. btw she said NTUC also gog towards Creative Learning, maybe Creative learning teaching is really different bah.. But PAP also say moving towards Creative Learning .. so..... hmm..
I know this one... but TOO FAR... kekekeke....
Think I will get my mum to hunt for a PAP near her place...
nanny said that she can only toilet train ashley when ashley can speak else wouldn't know when she wants to pee. Right now, she is already quite trained to do her big business on the potty. Most of the time she will poo in her potty when we bring her there. Of course sometimes, when we are slow she would hv poo in her diaper.

how do you guys like it?
the class is a bit crowded hor. This clumsy mummy knocked down one little girl in class... sign... felt so so bad after that.
ash can poo poo already ah. i feel stressed by u all. i think E is no where near that then she gg CC somemore!. she only know how to indicate 'er er' when she wants to poo but we don't know for real or not cos sometimes she just want to sit on the seat for fun!

GUG not bad. u read my feedback in my post before this. just scroll up.
i don't know want to sign up or not. Ash is in sat class right ?

yes it's really very crowded. i knocked down a boy in the front door! i was carrying E and cldn't see him and he came running. the dad was ok, told boy nvm. i said sorry too. but think the mum not too hapi, cos i heard the dad explaining to mum that i cldn't see cos i was carrying ash. i mean, it's very crowded so it's parents responsibility to look out for their kids rite? :<
ya, the corridors was really crowded before the start of the class. and cherry, u are rite, some mummies really dress very well for class!
decided to sign her up coz adelle seems to enjoy the class and she also doesn't attend any classes at the moment.

hehe. thanks, next time we meet, will share some tips with you.

toilet training
cherry, your nanny may be rite, coz now it's like playing a probability game. can only keep bringing her to the toilet coz she doesn't know how to inform us when she wanna pee.
read from Apr thread and realised you also got the "jian fei" contact at Orchard? can give me or not... i AM IN NEED to jian fei.
E prob be able to tell us if we teach her the rite term. But need consistency and comittment for this ley. sigh. maybe i must try to do it on weekends....

I think GUG is not bad. Good that Adelle is gg for it esp when she's not doing anything. I think can learn some stuff if goes regularly. If E is not in Edufarm and gg to CC, I think i might just go for it too...

wld u consider to sign up after Edufarm ?
okie, will PM you.
don't expect miracle, but it does help with water retention and lose like 1-2 inches after the first course. BUT prepared to be tortured!!!!

suddenly, our thread mummies all very vain keke...
<font color="ff6000">Twinklets</font>
Just realised that you are not in our contacts list! Can PM me your details?
- real name
- your birth year
- hb's name
- Ashley's bday
- email address
- HP no.
- area where you stay eg hougang, jurong
- blog adress (private?)
btw, i think KY enjoys too ley, esp the music part, she still can follow and raise her hands. E was so stoned!!! keke... but E was fascinated by the piano, went to press press after teacher finished. haha...
<font color="ff6000">Shane</font>
It's good to be vain, so that we are paying attention to how we look! Kekeke.
It's so easy to forget to look good and focus all the attention on the little ones instead.
Tang Ling
I also want to be vain leh... but bo lat...kekeke

Funny thing is Sky suddenly down with fever ytd afternoon... after 2 doses of medication,..he was up and running again this morning...

But he was terribly clingy to my MUM ytd....
i used before contacts that is for a year but in the end because i'm very lazy to take care and also very 'cho lor' aka rough so dailies r better for me. sometimes i wear specs too if rushing for time. I need 3 mins to put it on.

ya, this cny want to look nice nice. lose weight and all that to look better. But then got to redo everything from scratch if pregnant again. Ack!
ya the 'redo everything' again sooooo sien!!! somemore i not blessed like Adora, still look so good when preggie. only tummy bludging, the rest all look ok....sigh...
my colleague also asked since i planning 2nd one why still want to go diet. I said i need to get rid of existing fats before putting on new ones. OTherwise the old fats will reside inside as permanent residents.

adora is the 'jiao xiao ling long' type meaning petite and demure while many of us r the 'gao tou da ma' big built and tall (maybe minus the tall to make it worse..) so everything expand faster after giving birth. I find the whole bone structure like widened a lot esp on hips.
Kekeke... me is the typical one without the height.... kekekeke... And I haven lose weight before this #2.... kekekeke... think all my fats becoming or is still applying to become PR...
today is ur JG trial rite? rem to keep us updated. I'm thinking to go and try JG or not but will be gd to have a comparison.

Ya, i also 1 2 get rid of old fats before new one comes on. if not ja lat ley, cannot lose liow.

sigh, ya i think i'm the easily fat kind. sigh. sienz. agree, i can feel my ribs and hips widen alot. it's just not the same anymore...
<font color="0000ff">Tangling</font>
have juz pm u my details. thks.

<font color="119911">Lv</font>
u where got gao tou da ma........ u are tall &amp; slim leh.

<font color="0000ff">Cherry</font>
Btw, u must purchase their cream 1st &amp; must always bring it for massage.. Dun scream hor. =P
Thanks for posting the pics. There is some resemblance, even the hairstyle the same. At least I know my gal looks like a shuai ge.
so u must make sure before they become 'PR' in your body, make them do a migration. if not, banish them out using liposuction hehe

yes, later going JG trial. will keep u posted with my takeaway from the class.
as we age, metabolism rate slowed down, more diff to lose the extra pounds. I heard reach menopause will put on even more weight. oh no, i dont want to think that far yet. i'm worried about the widening hips, is it going or be wider after every pregnancy? I can't wear all my previous skirts or dress except pregnancy wears hehe

thanks hor, but u only see me in photo so not accurate. Sg average girls ht is 165cm but i'm less than that leh.
Hi gals,
hows everyone and the little ones?
sorry for not posting for a long time..cos realli tired...
but i still got read the postings on n off..just tt..did not post oni..

how??u noe the gender of ur bb liao?

Raph n Chloe so cute..Raph noes how to take care of Chloe?
Ryan very rough one..sometimes he will sayang gently,but sometimes he will not lor..
n till now,at times he oso dun allow mi to carry Chloe..if he sees mi carrying her,he will come over n wan mi to carry too..haiz..

tang ling,
i managed to buy a mixer liao..so happi..but hve not start the "project" of baking cakes n cookies yet..hehe..
btw u hve any nice cookie receipe tt needs to use cookie cutter one?

n oso cornflakes cookie receipe?
I like the programme..It is what I am looking for all the while.. Phonics, music etc.. although KY get restless on and off but overall I think she quite enjoyed herself yesterday esp the music section and project work.but the distance and course fees hold me back and she still has her Edufarm lesson

I agreed with Shane, GUG cannot be compared with Edufarm.. it is totally different..

Not sure will sign her up after Edufarm cos HB not very favorable it.he suggested just continue with Edufarm and biweekly to the playgym will do.but I am very very tempted.

You are not gau tou da ma at all!!! You are a tall, slim and pretty mummy
these few days i had a hard time feeding KY.. she still take her milk but totally rejected the porridge that i cooked.. not sure whether is it to bland or she is tired of eating the same food... have you gals try adding seasoning to their food yet??
err.. cos u talking to a 1.55m shortie mummy mah..

u can start adding some seasoning liao.. or u can try to cook rice, stir fry some stuffs for her?
Ash also v mafun in feeding liao.. haizz.. sometimes can guai guai sit in highchair to finish the food, sometimes will roam abt, then stick her tutu in. Feed liao, put tutu back again.. so damn disgusting..
<font color="ff0000">LV,</font>
Actually I also don't find you big size at all. I remember seeing you at Tang Ling's place and you are really slim and pretty. So glaring that made me don't dare to talk to you....
FYI, I am very much shorter than average.

<font color="0000ff">Shane/Jasmine,</font>
My hb seems very keen when he overheard Tang Ling asking whether I am going to the GUG trial yesterday. I think the name sounded really cool to him. Same as Shane, he felt that yi fen qian yi fen huo, so really cannot compare with a cheap class like Edufarm.

Up til now, we still cannot decide whether to continue with Edufarm. Have you gals decided? Not much time left if we want to drop off. I guess we all face the same problem... felt that Edufarm is too simple, nothing much is taught/learnt but the class location is nearby and convenient.

My hb felt that Edufarm is cheap but not value for money. Other classes may be ex but could be more worth it. Perhaps the cost of one 'branded' class is equivalent to the cost of 3 Edufarm classes but the activities in 3 Edufarm classes could be even less than one 'branded' class.

Sigh, so many things to think these days.
Your porridge can't be any yuckier than mine. My mom and mil make sure that their porridge is tasty but me? I can't be bothered.
I really pity cay when she gives me the yucky look after tasting my porridge but she has yet to put up a food strike.

Dun insult me ok... at least u still have 1.55m..

Sky also refuse to eat porridge that I cook...will scream, cry and keep shaking his head..If I force feed he will spit... But mummy bad cook leh...also dunno wat else to prepare for him..
