(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

Tang Ling
If Sky is short... all fingers will pt at me... even tho my hb is also consider short... but me shorter so I get more blame...haiz....

Gymboree Playgym @ Serangoon Garden
$8 for members and $15 for non-members.
Thought I should post this earlier so that Mummies can block out the date.

Date: 3 Feb (Sat)
Time: 2-3pm

1. Tang Ling
2. bbrooster
3. erlisa (I'm not working this day, at last!!!)
4. Glayz (If sky is not sleeping... )

<font color="ff6000">Jaymom</font>
Supernanny's website: http://www.b4ugo-ga-ga.com/

<font color="ff6000">Glayz</font>
Tall genes are recessive, which means that bb needs 2 copies to be tall - 1 from daddy and 1 from mummy. So technically speaking, can't point finger at you only. Kekeke.
Tang Ling
Ya... I know abt genes... (this part only la...from sec bio) but his family side all dunno mah... so will pt fingers at me lor... my family side will say aiya... both not tall so bo bian...

Shock... Tall genes are recessive????? Not the dominant!!!!
<font color="ff0000">LV,</font>
Just stating the facts can earn me kopi ah, not bad leh but I'm not coffee drinker lah. If you still want to jian fei, I think you will be super stunning liao. Sigh.. I will fade even more into the background.

Anyway, I think I will only buck up after I give birth. Can't do much with my puffy face and swollen body now. In the past I don't really think much of my appearance. Perhaps I thought that married already mah. But my hb always tells me some mommies look amazingly good even with two kids. It sets me thinking whether I should do something to myself, at least boost my confidence and morale.

<font color="0000ff">Glayz,</font>
Both me and hb are aquarius, so who should delegate to who ah???
If my hb tells me such a comment.. I will tell him, "too bad u are not her hb..." kekekeke...

Like that har.... kekekeke... I also dunno leh... but mne confirm is he push everything over... anything not relate to playing is not his task... bathing is consider playing as Sky is playing with water....
at least ur hubby help out with playing with him at home. My hubby left me to do practically everything from feeding, bathing (most of the times), changing diapers, putting him to sleep. Playing oso sometimes, coz he will usually get back late at night. But he will bring Riz out to play to distract him from disturbing me in the kitchen. ONly time when my hubby handles him by himself is when we go out. And that is the only time when my hands are totally free from Riz lor... I do get frustrated at times that I'm handling like almost from A-to-Z for Riz. But sometimes I cannot blame my hubby. It used to be much better before our trip to Tokyo. His work is taking a toll on him.

Don't worry lah. You can prep urself after ur pregnancy is over. BBut it takes effort lor unless u mummies are as vain as me. Hee My hubby is the opposite, always tell me, "Aiyoh, why u want to wear stylo-mylo like this? You are a mother leh!" Then I tell my hubby "Ok, then next time I wear butterfly pyjamas with no make-up next time I go out anywhere with you" He's check-mate!
Hahaha... my reaction very slow. Whenever my hb points to such gorgeous mommies, I will just keep staring at how good they look instead of retorting my hb.

I think I should delegate to him because my ability to think is definitely better than him. Anything to do with bb, he will say things like "you decide lor", "just tell me what is best". Actually, he can feed and change cay quite well but whenever I am not around, he will try to push the tasks to me and sweet-talk that mummy is the best.
Thanks Twinklets &amp; erlisa.

As for picasa, i already dl, but how do i post, try but can't
can pm me the method? thanks

As for slide &amp; photobucket do i hv to download anything?thanks
I think for picasa, you save your collage on ur local PC rite? Then u need an account to store your image e.g. photobucket. It's free.

Basically, Photobucket and slide is a website for you to store your images and to create slideshows for the images that you have stored there.

Hope it helps. Let us know if you have difficulties.
<font color="ff0000">Gymboree Playgym @ Serangoon Garden</font>
$8 for members and $15 for non-members.
Thought I should post this earlier so that Mummies can block out the date.

Date: 3 Feb (Sat)
Time: 2-3pm (will 1-2pm be gd time for all as well?)

1. Tang Ling
2. bbrooster
3. erlisa (I'm not working this day, at last!!!)
4. Shane
<font color="0000ff">Mommies Gathering
26 Jan, Friday</font>
I'm ok with this Friday... But I'll have to bring E along with maid if in town esp. Still considered mommy gathering?
Are you asking how to attach the collage onto your posting? Once you have your collage file ready, you can just click the icon next to spell check to upload the file. Another window will pop up to prompt you to browse for the picture file that you want and the size you want it to appear in your posting.


Hope this helps.
Mommies Gathering
26 Jan, Friday
Can bring xiao gua along...then I tag Sky along can??? Otherwise Friday cannot liao... scare later Sat then go pick Sky up he give me his bin chao chao face....
JG sounds alot like GUG except it's 2hrs? Or their weekends also 1.5hrs?

how did they teach the phonics?

Don't know if I should go for the trial or not, abit out of the way and must be on weekday ley.
Also, do you know how much are their course fees ?

oh tall genes are recessive ah...Then E wouldn't be so tall, cos I short
sad... I hope that she can grow taller than me... it's nice to be tall and slim... but not too tall lah, wait cannot find boyfriend
My concern is opposite... Sky cannot be too short, later all the gers taller than him how???? haiz...
<font color="0077aa">Feb CNY</font>
Just a little update. We'll gather for PG at about 4pm. Then at about 6pm, we'll take a short walk to a cafe nearby for dinner. It'll be a romantic dinner for all of us. Just in time for Vday...
Good morning mummies..
Thanks for the concern. To be honest, I think I am more clumsy than wei da. I am alright, I guess the reason why I could escape with minor injuries was (other then my constant prayers), I have tons of fats to cushion my fall. Hahaaha

Aiya.. want long legs for tods, then cannot be lazy.. must PULL &amp; massage their legs daily..... I truly believe this old myth.

I miss your Raph would you be coming to the 10th Feb PG? We can help take care of mei mei..

Dont talk abt getting old leh I am nearly 1 decade older than you my dear! (gosh sound so so old) If possible try go swimming I think it helps a lot in the delivery.. I am getting ready with my big and loud GONG XI for you once you announce Its a GIRL

18th mth Booster Jap
Just to check.. anyone not taken this yet?
Tang Ling,
Don't let my hb know about tall genes being recessive. He hopes cay will be at least 1.65m.

I don't think I can make it for mommies gathering in town.
good morning mummies! Early morning flooded with so many postings already. It's definitely a good way to keep dreading tuesday alive.

the freshkon is the bi-monthly ones?
Yes, i agree. wearing specs is definitely a good way to conceal eye bags and eye rings. I do that when i have bad puffy eyes too. i'm also a lipstick person. I can do without foundation, blusher, eye liner but not lipstick. I find that it brightens the face instantaneously when u add red to the lips. of course not forgetting concealer to cover dark spots n dark circles.

K's favourite durian is emi durian puff. We will fight for that one puff and she'll beg for more after every mouth. She loves it so much until she stuck out her tongue to lick the remaining durian around her mouth.

Friday gathering:
is it going to be late? cos the latest i need to pick K is 7.30

i can empathize with you. During pregnancy at one of point, i was also in a state of insecurity. I demanded my hubby to be with me after work and stopped him from his usual golf sessions and bonding outings with his colleagues. I kicked a fuss when he's late for home. all these because of my insecurite. Don't worry, you can re-groom yourself after u give birth because u already have good assets to start off with. rem u have pear shaped figure? hehe.. so for now just take care of the baby and feel good about pregnancy. of all u know, these good and gorgeous ladies r envying you with your tummy. Many out there are trying hard to conceive.

hey i got butterfly pyjamas ok! haha. it's a free gift from a maternity wear shop in delfi orchard when i went last time.
<font color="ff0000">Feb Vday &amp; CNY PG </font>
Host: Shane
Venue: Hougang
Date &amp; Time: 10 Feb. 4pm onwards
Dress code: All tods to come in CNY wear.

- Welcome song sing along
- Revision of phonics 'A' to whatever letter we'll be at by then
- Story telling
- Art &amp; Craft activity
- Bubbles time (outside)
- Dinner @ caf nearby
(as were hvg dinner outside, pls let me know if youre joining for dinner, so that I can make a reservation as well as chop the no. of highchair we need.)

1. Tang Ling
2. Anns
3. bbrooster
4. caymom
5. Twinklets
6. Jasmine
7. Aries
8. kiami (tentative, hubby going reservist, dun noe if can come out then)
9. Erlisa (I can stay at most till 6pm. Gotta work later on)
10. Cherry (thanks for accomanding with the time!)
11. Glayz (I put my name first hor...if in the end I let u all fly kite dun hit me hor.... :p)
12. Ixorarred (we'll prob be late coz it's adelle's zzzz time)
weekends also 2 hours for JG.
the phonics part they did songs and dance with actions. yesterday was V. Had a puppet show for phonics also.

the fee is $455 for a term of 10 weeks. reg fee $35. book fee $9.50. refundable deposit $50.

What's gug like?
U really proven the long legs myth you know. Ashley is tall!!! I must be more hard working and massage E's leg. Hope not too late

LV is rite, u already got the assets ley. Got pretty face. Actually, you're the sweet face type. No need to over dress also look good. So no worry. Once you give birth, i think you'll be able to go back. I rem seeing you at the PG for the 1st time and wondering, wah, so pretty and slim mummy. I feel so 'aunty' then
For gug, they started with a 'theme' i think. cos when class started, they used caterpilla as the object to talk about, they had a chart with the lifecycle of the caterpilla. then story and artwork also caterpilla related. then when phonics session started with the a-z song (which i really like! but can't rem how to sing liow. sigh) then bring out magic bag and take out items that starts with 'C'. then they ask a few individual tods to come forward to pick out the item and put back into bag. after that is magic fingers and matching cards. split into 2 gp. some go and trace the 'c' with their finger and some go take card to match on the letters on the wall. i like this segment also. i find it useful. then proceed on to music session.
u must try JG to judge the difference yourself. Likewise, i may plan to take up a trial with gug. I'm planning to start this enrichment in march, after cny. gug sounds fun too and interesting too. JG also got that magic box, but only one item inside to relate to theme. More imptly, i felt because they have chinese to help K pick up the language. Yesterday when the chinese teacher spoke to her, she looked at her as if an alien talking to her. Yest, there's one component where they head, shoulders, knees n toes. K wasn't doing much but just staring at the teacher. This morning when i ask her where's head, she put her hands on her head. I did shoulders, knees and toes action, she followed suit. And she pointed to my toes and said toes. I guessed when she was quiet yesterday, she was actually registering what she saw. made me more tempted to sign her for enrichment. that means every month i got to spend $880 just on cc n enrichment. siong ah...
<font color="0000ff">Tang Ling,</font>
Yup, I was really shocked when I saw him push Sky... I guess he really means no harm but dun noe how to control his force and end up pushing little sky instead...
My sister's daughter who is 6 months younger than him is also scared of him... that same sunday... he was trying to pass a pingpong ball to little cousin and she was so scared of him approaching that she cried and tried to run off... me stressed... how come my son become like a bully?
Must really teach him to sayang people...

<font color="0000ff">GUG and JG classes</font>
Me interested in both trial classes, if there is any one who wishes to jio and organise.. me want to go also...
I guess I might try the GUG trial since so many good reviews...I will probably wait till Aeron is 3 then let him attend half day or full day CC so scared that during weekdays he play too much... so actually wants to utilise the weekends to let him learn as much.. me even willing to give up my kickboxing lessons to bring him around... then will have to give up jian fei plans as well liao...
Does K CC teach her stuff too? Actually if they do then no need to send to enrichment ? Esp when she attend CC 5 days a week, might pick up more...Just my thot. 800 a mth for education, really very ex... But if budget allows then of cos not bad, just don't stress the poor gal, esp when she's 'studying' like 5 days a week already.
Wow... $800 per month for K...wow.... u rich sia...

There is this CC starting near my house... from the phamplets of the activites involve seem not bad leh... and the opening hrs is even better!!! from 7am - 9pm..... tempted to get my boi learn a bit of stuff... but then dunno the quality of teaching.... and if I make him start so young he like very ke lian leh.....

I also scare he weekday play too much.... but then... when we are small... we also play until kindergarten mah..... so still thinking.....
<font color="ff0000">Feb Vday &amp; CNY PG</font>

Host: Shane
Venue: Hougang
Date &amp; Time: 10 Feb. 4pm onwards
Dress code: All tods to come in CNY wear.

- Welcome song sing along
- Revision of phonics 'A' to whatever letter we'll be at by then
- Story telling
- Art &amp; Craft activity
- Bubbles time (outside)
- Dinner @ caf nearby
<font color="119911">(as were hvg dinner outside, pls let me know if youre joining for dinner, so that I can make a reservation as well as chop the no. of highchair we need.)</font>

1. Tang Ling <font color="119911">> 2A1C for dinner</font>
2. Anns
3. bbrooster
4. Caymom
5. Twinklets
6. Jasmine
7. Aries
8. kiami (tentative, hubby going reservist, dun noe if can come out then)
9. Erlisa (I can stay at most till 6pm. Gotta work later on)
10. Cherry (thanks for accomanding with the time!)
11. Glayz (I put my name first hor...if in the end I let u all fly kite dun hit me hor.... :p)
12. Ixorarred (we'll prob be late coz it's adelle's zzzz time)
<font color="ff6000">Glayz, Shane &amp; Caymom</font>
Yah, tall genes are recessive. But being short doesnt mean that one does not have the tall genes. If you have 1 copy and your hb has 1 copy, and these go to bb, then he/she would be tall.

My mum is short shortest in the family, but me and sister are both tall, so that means that my mum has the tall genes, but only 1 copy. Hehe.

<font color="ff6000">Shane</font>
Tall girl doesnt mean that its easier to find boyfriend hor. I have always been the tallest gal in school, and guys get intimidated.
Guys tall or short, would prefer gals shorter than them, thus, average height gals would have more options! Yah? Kekeke.

Feb PG: You mean romantic Vday dinner with screaming tod beside waiting to be fed OUR food? Not really leh. Kekeke. Ok, but seriously, I am for the idea of having dinner at the nearby caf.
near ur hse, means far from my hse

ya lor, play till kindergarten also can study till da xue... so not much difference....

oic, so meaning E still got hope! But I short, my mum also short but bros quite tall, hmmm don't know i got the tall genes or not.
True lah average height gals more chance hor.
seriously, i can't imagine how i feel when she gg to get married. Now i u/d how come parents can cry at wedding
I think when she got bf, i already get kan cheong. must make sure she and bf always spend time with us haha...

haha...maybe they'll be good for once?!!! keke....

<font color="0077aa">Dinner for Feb PG</font>
Just wanna highlight, the prices on the menu ranges from about $6 for starter to ave of $12 onwards for main course.
what is the name of the CC? open till 9pm very attractive although i dun wan KY to be there till so late. you know how much or not? where you see the banner? near coffee shop? sorry hor so many questions

Glayz house quite near your house mah.. 5 mins drive only.
JG no weekend trial? y must go weekday?
Gymboree Playgym @ Serangoon Garden
$8 for members and $15 for non-members.
Thought I should post this earlier so that Mummies can block out the date.

Date: 3 Feb (Sat)
Time: 2-3pm (will 1-2pm be gd time for all as well?)

1. Tang Ling
2. bbrooster
3. erlisa (I'm not working this day, at last!!!)
4. Shane
5. Jasmine
Feb Vday &amp; CNY PG

Host: Shane
Venue: Hougang
Date &amp; Time: 10 Feb. 4pm onwards
Dress code: All tods to come in CNY wear.

- Welcome song sing along
- Revision of phonics 'A' to whatever letter we'll be at by then
- Story telling
- Art &amp; Craft activity
- Bubbles time (outside)
- Dinner @ caf nearby
(as were hvg dinner outside, pls let me know if youre joining for dinner, so that I can make a reservation as well as chop the no. of highchair we need.)

1. Tang Ling > 2A1C for dinner
2. Anns
3. bbrooster
4. Caymom
5. Twinklets
6. Jasmine > 2A1C for dinner
7. Aries
8. kiami (tentative, hubby going reservist, dun noe if can come out then)
9. Erlisa (I can stay at most till 6pm. Gotta work later on)
10. Cherry (thanks for accomanding with the time!)
11. Glayz (I put my name first hor...if in the end I let u all fly kite dun hit me hor.... :p)
12. Ixorarred (we'll prob be late coz it's adelle's zzzz time)
When I saw the phamplet at my door ytd... I was like what until 9pm!!!! kekeke... super tempted to enrol my boi... but then again... it will be for learning purposes... but then how can he have a happy childhood... (my mum and sis are all laffing abt my aspiration for Sky to have a happy and carefree childhood when I was still preggie....)
I heard the price after sub is $400-$500... not sure I hear correctly or not... I was walking past the other time....

CC is kiddy academy (or something like that..)
No banner just pamplets.. I see still got or not or I throw away liao....

Include dinner and evening shower at no additional charges
Hi mommies..
Wowoww... This thread is so happening! Will join u all for the gatherings... Think Sheri is super bored being locked up at home wf me during my confinement period..

<font color="ff0000">Gymboree Playgym @ Serangoon Garden</font>
$8 for members and $15 for non-members.
Thought I should post this earlier so that Mummies can block out the date.

Date: 3 Feb (Sat)
Time: 2-3pm (will 1-2pm be gd time for all as well?)

1. Tang Ling
2. bbrooster
3. erlisa (I'm not working this day, at last!!!)
4. Shane
5. Serrich
<font color="ff0000">Feb Vday &amp; CNY PG</font>

Host: Shane
Venue: Hougang
Date &amp; Time: 10 Feb. 4pm onwards
Dress code: All tods to come in CNY wear.

- Welcome song sing along
- Revision of phonics 'A' to whatever letter we'll be at by then
- Story telling
- Art &amp; Craft activity
- Bubbles time (outside)
- Dinner @ caf nearby
(as were hvg dinner outside, pls let me know if youre joining for dinner, so that I can make a reservation as well as chop the no. of highchair we need.)

1. Tang Ling > 2A1C for dinner
2. Anns
3. bbrooster
4. Caymom
5. Twinklets
6. Jasmine > 2A1C for dinner
7. Aries
8. kiami (tentative, hubby going reservist, dun noe if can come out then)
9. Erlisa (I can stay at most till 6pm. Gotta work later on)
10. Cherry (thanks for accomanding with the time!)
11. Glayz (I put my name first hor...if in the end I let u all fly kite dun hit me hor.... :p)
12. Ixorarred (we'll prob be late coz it's adelle's zzzz time)
13. Serrich (tentative &amp; dinner TBC)
See u very tempted hor... becos of the late opening hrs hrs... then can rush back from work to pick up KY rite???? (heard u work late...)

Feb Vday &amp; CNY PG

Host: Shane
Venue: Hougang
Date &amp; Time: 10 Feb. 4pm onwards
Dress code: All tods to come in CNY wear.

- Welcome song sing along
- Revision of phonics 'A' to whatever letter we'll be at by then
- Story telling
- Art &amp; Craft activity
- Bubbles time (outside)
- Dinner @ caf頮earby
(as we?re hvg dinner outside, pls let me know if you?re joining for dinner, so that I can make a reservation as well as ?chop? the no. of highchair we need.)

1. Tang Ling > 2A1C for dinner
2. Anns
3. bbrooster
4. Caymom
5. Twinklets
6. Jasmine > 2A1C for dinner
7. Aries
8. kiami (tentative, hubby going reservist, dun noe if can come out then)
9. Erlisa (I can stay at most till 6pm. Gotta work later on)
10. Cherry (thanks for accomanding with the time!)
11. Glayz (I put my name first hor...if in the end I let u all fly kite dun hit me hor.... :p) >1A1C
12. Ixorarred (we'll prob be late coz it's adelle's zzzz time)
13. Serrich (tentative &amp; dinner TBC)
yup yup...
me same here with Jasmine... also always work late till 730pm normally...
would like to know more about this CC at SK too...
Ok today I go home and see the pamplets still on my dining table or not... think I threw there ytd.... kekekeke.... then I type out the details if I am free... kekeke.... My maple char 81% liao...tonite can level...kekekeke... will do it while my char is resting...kekeke
<font color="ff0000">Feb Vday &amp; CNY PG</font>

Host: Shane
Venue: Hougang
Date &amp; Time: 10 Feb. 4pm onwards
Dress code: All tods to come in CNY wear.

- Welcome song sing along
- Revision of phonics 'A' to whatever letter we'll be at by then
- Story telling
- Art &amp; Craft activity
- Bubbles time (outside)
- Dinner @ caf earby
(as we?re hvg dinner outside, pls let me know if you?re joining for dinner, so that I can make a reservation as well as ?chop? the no. of highchair we need.)

1. Tang Ling > 2A1C for dinner
2. Anns
<font color="0000ff">3. bbrooster > no dinner</font>
4. Caymom
5. Twinklets
6. Jasmine > 2A1C for dinner
7. Aries
8. kiami (tentative, hubby going reservist, dun noe if can come out then)
9. Erlisa (I can stay at most till 6pm. Gotta work later on)
10. Cherry (thanks for accomanding with the time!)
11. Glayz (I put my name first hor...if in the end I let u all fly kite dun hit me hor.... :p) >1A1C
12. Ixorarred (we'll prob be late coz it's adelle's zzzz time)
13. Serrich (tentative &amp; dinner TBC)
<font color="ff0000">Feb Vday &amp; CNY PG </font>

Host: Shane
Venue: Hougang
Date &amp; Time: 10 Feb. 4pm onwards
Dress code: All tods to come in CNY wear.

- Welcome song sing along
- Revision of phonics 'A' to whatever letter we'll be at by then
- Story telling
- Art &amp; Craft activity
- Bubbles time (outside)
- Dinner @ caf nearby
(as we're hvg dinner outside, pls let me know if you're joining for dinner, so that I can make a reservation as well as 'chop' the no. of highchair we need.)

1. Tang Ling > 2A1C for dinner
2. Anns
3. bbrooster > no dinner
4. Caymom > not staying for dinner
5. Twinklets
6. Jasmine > 2A1C for dinner
7. Aries
8. kiami (tentative, hubby going reservist, dun noe if can come out then)
9. Erlisa (I can stay at most till 6pm. Gotta work later on)
10. Cherry (thanks for accomanding with the time!)
11. Glayz (I put my name first hor...if in the end I let u all fly kite dun hit me hor.... :p) >1A1C
12. Ixorarred (we'll prob be late coz it's adelle's zzzz time)
13. Serrich (tentative &amp; dinner TBC)
I must factor in that i'll be picking up E myself so the best is the nearer the better and must be 'on my way'. I don't have the car on weekdays ley...unless hub pick her up which is highly unlikely.

Ya JG only can have trial on weekday. If go, i need to take leave. But I'm tempted ... will arrange a day lor. But heard from LV, they say only 1 trial student per class... so many rules...
<font color="ff0000">Feb Vday &amp; CNY PG </font>

Host: Shane
Venue: Hougang
Date &amp; Time: 10 Feb. 4pm onwards
Dress code: All tods to come in CNY wear.

- Welcome song sing along
- Revision of phonics 'A' to whatever letter we'll be at by then
- Story telling
- Art &amp; Craft activity
- Bubbles time (outside)
- Dinner @ caf nearby
(as we're hvg dinner outside, pls let me know if you're joining for dinner, so that I can make a reservation as well as 'chop' the no. of highchair we need.)

1. Tang Ling > 2A1C for dinner
2. Anns
3. bbrooster > no dinner
4. Caymom > not staying for dinner
<font color="ff0000">5. Twinklets >>> Cancelled </font>
6. Jasmine > 2A1C for dinner
7. Aries
8. kiami (tentative, hubby going reservist, dun noe if can come out then)
9. Erlisa (I can stay at most till 6pm. Gotta work later on)
10. Cherry (thanks for accomanding with the time!)
11. Glayz (I put my name first hor...if in the end I let u all fly kite dun hit me hor.... :p) >1A1C
12. Ixorarred (we'll prob be late coz it's adelle's zzzz time)
13. Serrich (tentative &amp; dinner TBC)

<font color="0000ff">Shane</font>
Pls help me send regards to Annes &amp; Ian ok??

<font color="119911">Mummy gathering this fri?</font>
huh? Are we having 1?
<font color="ff0000">Gymboree Playgym @ Serangoon Garden </font>
$8 for members and $15 for non-members.
Thought I should post this earlier so that Mummies can block out the date.

Date: 3 Feb (Sat)
Time: 2-3pm (will 1-2pm be gd time for all as well?)

1. Tang Ling <font color="119911">> can only make it at 2-3pm</font>
2. Bbrooster
3. Erlisa (I'm not working this day, at last!!!)
4. Shane
5. Jasmine
6. Serrich
Wo de ming zhi bu jian le...

Gymboree Playgym @ Serangoon Garden
$8 for members and $15 for non-members.
Thought I should post this earlier so that Mummies can block out the date.

Date: 3 Feb (Sat)
Time: 2-3pm (will 1-2pm be gd time for all as well?)

1. Tang Ling > can only make it at 2-3pm
2. Bbrooster
3. Erlisa (I'm not working this day, at last!!!)
4. Shane
5. Jasmine
6. Serrich
7. Glayz (If sky is not sleeping...)

<font color="ff0000">Feb Vday &amp; CNY PG</font>

Host: Shane
Venue: Hougang
Date &amp; Time: 10 Feb. 4pm onwards
Dress code: All tods to come in CNY wear.

- Welcome song sing along
- Revision of phonics 'A' to whatever letter we'll be at by then
- Story telling
- Art &amp; Craft activity
- Bubbles time (outside)
- Dinner @ caf nearby
<font color="119911">(as we're hvg dinner outside, pls let me know if you're joining for dinner, so that I can make a reservation as well as 'chop' the no. of highchair we need.) </font>

1. Tang Ling > 2A1C for dinner
2. Anns
3. bbrooster > no dinner
4. Caymom > not staying for dinner
5. Jasmine > 2A1C for dinner
6. Aries
7. Kiami (tentative, hubby going reservist, dun noe if can come out then)
8. Erlisa > no dinner (I can stay at most till 6pm. Gotta work later on)
9. Cherry (thanks for accomanding with the time!)
10. Glayz > 1A1C for dinner (I put my name first hor...if in the end I let u all fly kite dun hit me hor.... :p)
11. Ixorarred (we'll prob be late coz it's adelle's zzzz time)
12. Serrich (tentative &amp; dinner TBC)
