(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

Resent the contact list. Was updating my own copy with the details then thot might as well resent to all again.

Really quite a few with #2! Hope to hear more good news...but not from myself yet.

u must ask LV. I look myself of cos don't feel they look like me one. now most imptly is the one who look like me ... pretty or not ...

but so far hor, i don't find any of them really pretty ... sooo ...

Means he cute and cuddly...kekekeke

If my hb will to have such a name will be STRAW, short and thin
yes, just went to check, it's the girl named Diva.
look quite happening right? did she win the competition?
too long never watch channel 8/u liao.

dont feel offended hor since u say all not pretty.
also got people say i look like this or that, if the celeb is pretty then i'm happy, if it's ugly i also very buay song haha
u mean Diya or Diva? got contestant called DIVA??

I din see the results on 1130 on wed, so i duno. Infact for guys yday, I also duno who got it leh. Hope is tat Darren cos I find his dancing so cool! & his personality is more cool also.

If LV mean Diya, I think is gd leh. Diya got tat Xfactor look leh. Infact I hope she win 1, cos the other 1 long haired- she looks v normal, just the normal sweet gal look which wont Hong.. But Diya I think she can hong lor..

Btw did I told u my hb mention u look like my cousin? Even the voice also sound alike ..

Yeah agreed leh, Shane's hubby name really suit him. V cute & cuddly. So wenxing lor when I 1st noe his name.

Err.. my hb name shall be "Bamboo".
out of curiousity i went to see see.. ya this Diya is the one that i was describing about. short and spuncky hairstyle ... hmm... she really quite happening .. but i don't feel i look like her ley... but i do find her sing is good.

wah i also look like ur cousin ah ..... tt y i say i got common face
Don't be affected by my -ve thoughts lor. So far so many pple around us did it and all successful mah. You nvr heard a single such case happen b4. Just that, like what shane say eyes are very important. At least now i still can wear lens to see clearly, i only scared if i am that super super super unlucky fellow who fails the surgery fail so badly. So don't be affected by my 'kiaseeness' ok?
eyelash perming,
Shane : yah i got do religiously last time. Stopped since mid of last year. Coz usually if i do facial i do eyelash perming too. Knowing me, i super vain one. Haha. I love to perm my lashes one. Hee Makes my eyes "open up" coz my lashes are short and pointy and stubborn. Why leh u want to try izzit? Hee
True lah, but like u say lor, wat if is e lucky one....

i was looking thru our contact list..so envy u ley. Your timing very good. hee.. my 'plan' was to finish my child bearing by 30. Looks like i can't make it liow. sigh....

I didn't know you're so young!!!!!!
wah, u do religiously somemore...does it damage ur eyelashes?

ya i wanna try but i scared wait all the eyelash drop then no more eyelashes
I like so kiasi .. ha ha .. this scared that scared...

ya i like the 'open up' look too!
damage to eyelashes? Dun think so lah. So far my eyelash not botak leh... Haha My "religiously" is every 4 months lah. I think u got thick pointy lashes right? Then u should perm lor. The effect very nice one. BUt ask for the big curl, not the small one. Small one later makes ur eyelash look so fake. For me I dun like the just-after-perm look. Look too curled for me. I prefer the look after a week later when the curl looks more natural after that. Try lor!
<font color="ff0000">Tang Ling,</font>
Hopefully hb's hand will recover soon. He has been taking leave on and off these few weeks to take care of cay when my mom has something on. He also carries cay whenever she wants to cling onto me. His wrist always swell when he over-exerts, an old problem since young. Last night, it was so painful that he couldn't sleep.

<font color="0000ff">Shane,</font>
I remember ever planning what I want to do by the age of 30, one of which is to finish child-bearing. Other than that, I have not accomplished anything. Somehow, I feel a little depressed. My hb said I am silly. He can't wait to hit 30. Sigh, of course lah, for men 30 is still prime time, to women is another story lor. Maybe I should buck up and do something more constructive. Hb said I should start by learning driving.
ya abit resemblance lar, is my HB tat highlite to me. He v 38 rite?? Btw both ur voices really really ALIKE lor.. I heard tat in the the world, all pple will have some1 tat look like u. Something like this kinda pple look abt the same will belong to the same 'calibre'. So even the voice can be quite lookalike, temperwise also can b quite alike. I got few customers whom have same kinda voice 1, &amp; turn up their temper reall abt the same. Amazing hor??

I dunno, my guts is still very small now. Unless some1 able to spire me &amp; make me bold again.

Urs how much? recommend to Shane bah. She's really keen. hehehehe
i didn't plan anything except for child-bearing
I was married and working, had hse and all liow. so I think then, only left hvg kids ha ha .... But who knows, play too much, kids not planned...then ... God decided i better stop playing

I think it's great to be able to 'close shop' early and young. And even if u want #3 also still got time cos still young.

really ah, then her calibre gd or not ? keke....
haha her calibre ah.. quite gd lar..

Hee.. me hor.. I actually decide to have a bb when #1 : I simply cant jian much weight! #2 : I had accomplished some of my fun goals in my life, so time to get serious.
just came back from KY medical appt. still underweight.. only 9.5 kg at 19 mths.. dun know when will she reached the 10kg mark..

your job very eng one is it... can nua during office hours.. hee hee. i everyday work like mad at work one leh..
hee if i hardworking from monday to thurs, then my friday can be more eng.. can nua from noon onwards liao.

Now my market is down, so hor.. hee pretty eng lor...
But u not bad leh, u still can chat in forum.

i'm v bored &amp; sleepy now , where's Glayz? =P
eyelash perm,
i did at 2 places, both of which are where i did my facial last time. THe first facial place already closed down, so the next i went to this facial place in AMK. PM me if u want to know the name of the place. Another place u can try but i haven't tried tho is Hollywood secrets....

Yesterday I went to Zara and I saw this set of briefs for kids. So cute! Got really small pictures of cartoon characters on it. It was on sale and I bought it. I can't quite believe it tho my boy is getting older and will be needing his own underwear soon.... gan chu again.....
oic .. but i did see u sometimes post during office hrs mah..

damn.. i sound v eng now hor???

hahaha u gan chu over panties ah.. oops i mean brief.
Tell u.. i bot afew Barney panties for Ash last time, she was damn happy when she wears them. I always ask 'where's barney?' She'll pull her skirt up &amp; show me. I'm damn horrible hor?
ur lil Ash already potty trained izzit? or she wear over her diapers? The briefs i bought very small one leh. like can only fit him when he's not wearing diapers. But i find it very very cute lor. Sounds a bit er xin lah but I can't wait to put it on him and pose with it. Keke
no potty trained yet (big failure!=P). She starts wearing panties when she was 6 or 8 mths old. For those skirts tat dun come with panties, I've to let her wear panties since so young lor..

How small? for wat age 1?? Barney panties I bot 2YO above. Wear pampers still can wear.
Then how? he potty trained yet??
Where got ersin, I find it v cute too. U tonite take &amp; post in the blog leh.
he not potty trained yet. But mabbe he seems now more ready lor coz every time he poo-poo he tell us coz he wants to be washed up.

Lil Ash panties then the motherly kind one izzit? coz u say big enough to wear over the diapers leh... hee The one i bought for Riz super sexy one. Small one look a bit like swimming briefs. Like tanga style. But if he wear over diapers sure look funny. Hee

U ah er xin leh.. ask me post into blog. Sounds like child "pornography"... hahahahha But nvm, I will try to post it soon but not tonight.. hahahah
so gd, at least he's ready. My MIL helped to potty train her yday. But she kept saying "mei you mei you" Sighs. Ash quite erxin 1, she LS liao her diaper full full, she also bobiu 1, she simply not like Riz.

haha motherly kind ah.. hmm not those high waist lar. Normal toddler panties lar. hahahaha! Not as sexy as Riz tanga kind. His really sexy leh. Got selling todder G string or not?

Where got erxin.. it is damn sexy &amp; cute wat. Wait Ash drool liao.

U make a scrapbook out of it, think will be damn cute lor.
Reading your post made me feel better. At least I got myself married off, have a job, a house and soon a car. Ok, shall not be so demanding on myself.

My hb felt that I could have done more. He had done quite a lot of courses after graduation. I am still at square one. He said I don't have shang jin xin. True lah, some of my classmates already had MBA and I have no intention of pursuing one at all. I had enough of studying!
grooming matters:
me also doing eyelash perming regularly until pregnancy then havent do until now. Will go get it done before CNY.

actually there's a lot other things that i religiously did b4 having a kid like hair colouring, mani/pedi, haircuts and treatments, body massage and scrubs, facials but now cut down a lot and the frequency also lesser. guess having kid comes with personal sacrifices.

Reading your post also set me thinking, wondering how much have i actually accomplished in life after graduating...Actually its married, have two kids and no contribution liao....Wonder did I make the right decision...Someday, just hope I can do something more constructive.....not letting the youth goes by just like that....
<font color="0000ff">Gymboree Playgym @ Serangoon Garden</font>
$8 for Gymboree members. $15 for non-members.

<font color="ff0000">Mummies, daddies &amp; maids: Remember to bring socks! No need socks for tods.</font>

Date: 20 Jan (Sat)
Time: 2-3pm

1. Tang Ling
2. Shane
3. Jasmine
4. Ixorarred
5. Mckee (TBC)
yeah, same here man... after pregnancy followed by having kid, my "beauty" regime got halted liaos. But now i kick start liaos.. hair done and all.. only left the facial part. heh

want to do eyelash better do quick. Gotta let it set it in about a week before it look natural otherwise look very "fake".. any some more, CNY coming up, they tend to jack up the prices....

Yah yah, cute... can't wait to put it on Riz... heh It'll be fun for Mummy, not him... Haha Wahleow, u got dirty thots on G-strings? Heh... But I wonder how it'll look on Riz if there is one.. hahaha Anyway, he got flat butt so not so nice... Probably it'll look nice on lil Ash kekeke

Achievement in self,
I guess it depends how u see it lor. Whether u the career-minded kind or more family-oriented kind. I used to be very career-minded when i started out in the working world. But becoz i keep on having late hours at work and practically no life, i switched job. Even tho i work on the graveyard shift now, I'm much happier coz i clock in lesser days at work and get to spend much more time with my family. I consider myself very lucky coz everything seems to happen nicely for me... degree, house, car, career, and a great family.... I think we must always rememeber to thank God's grace everytime we're blessed with good things in life...
So sad... I look so old har.... think i must really buck up liao....

Actually when I first plan I only wanted to start my child bearing when I am 28, but then hb will be 36... and i figure by the time we can retire, (without suporting kids) hb will be 60..or more!!! so better have 1 earlier... now I close shop at 27...better...kekeke

I also want to go for courses... but when #1 pop..I know all hopes are dashed till they are older.... and me not really career minded la...I already know current work place not suitable for me..so i just go ahead with child bearing..maybe later then find my career path...

So cute... I also want to buy briefs esp Pooh bear one... but ganna stop by my mum.... And the training pants I bought...I haven start using...
<font color="ff6000">Caymom</font>
Oh dear, I hope your hb feels better soon. Did he apply on some cream for the swelling? Sometimes I get swelling on the wrist too and doctor ask me to apply on this gel thing to reduce pain and swelling. It works for rheumatic and muscular pain - injury of tendon, muscle, ligaments etc. Last time I didn't know there is actually gel for such.
If you want more details, sms me.
<font color="ff6000">Glayz</font>
I was also very surprised when I first know how YOUNG you are, but not because you look old lah. Coz didn't expect someone young like you would have #1 in 2005.
Ya lor, u younger than me some more already got no #2.. me feel so old liaos hee.. me dun think my no#2 coming anytime soon lah.. heh
Erlisa/tang Ling/ shane
Serrich also same age as me mah... and she already pop #2...

Tang Ling
Me have #1 early is mainly for my hb la... he so OLD liao...kekeke.. and we are together since 1998 so....
tang ling
thanks... i really hope to make it down! Will contact you girls.

hmmm... hb wants do re mi. if i don't go to re now, by the time mi comes, i think can appear on new paper!
<font color="0000ff">Mckee,</font>
wah.. your post here quite chim leh... i took a while to understand them...
so your hubby wants 3 kids lah...nevermind you are about to pop #2 soon... so nice.. then #3 will come naturally... hehe. then your hubby will get his wishes...

actually, me also like 3 kids (I come from a family of 6 ppl) just dun have 3 boys in 1 row then fine with me... but seems like I better catch up liao with the rest mummies in order to have 3 kids... haha...

<font color="0000ff">Glayz,</font>
yup, me also feel that you are very young to have #1 so soon and now you are on your #2 liao...hehe.. some of my colleagues who are same age as you are still single leh...
so good achievement too!
mine thots are the same as tangling, not cos u look old lah!!!!

i'm worse off lah, i nvr think of 'upgrading' academically. and i studies lesser than you. so you see, u more accomplished than me. now for me is family then my work. i get some sorta of satisfaction from my work and just work towards increasing my salary (aka promotion) but in my 'line' VERY hard lor... so just enjoy my life as it is now. my 2nd 'interest' in life is to travel! so hopefully, this yr can travel abit bit....

u also do ah...how are ur lashes now ? still ok?

amk ah, ok ok can pls pm me the place? now i doing background research then decide where to go... i enquired a plc near my wkplc, they use korean pdts thot quite gd...
hey, i also thot of hollywood secrets! maybe can try... they should be professional enough...
noted, on the lead time for it to 'settle' nicely...will try to get it done soon!

Riz undies sounds cool! take pic let us see!

very gd ur hub wants 3...i asked my hub his thots of hvg 3...he said, " lets get to #2 first and see how" ... well quite rite lah, we're so undecided haha... so maybe just end up with one...
wow Gymboree Playgym sounds FUN, I think Raph will surely enjoy but difficult to bring 2 kids out esp Chole is only 1m+.

There are too many posts, really no time to read all...I am now toilet training Raph, today is the 4th day. No signs of improvement, I am still cleaning his urine &amp; washing tons of his pants (he wet at least 10 daily). Anyone has good way of training? Any idea where to get those taining pants?

Here's a pic of my 2 precious
Thanks for offering the lift... but after some tots kind of weird for u all to go from Serangoon garden -> Sengkang -> Serangoon... so when Tang Ling offer me the lift, i just go with them.... as we live in SK.... hope u dun mind waiting for me then knew that I am going with Tang ling... but really thanks for offering...

Guess what Sky refuse to nap... and once I place him on the bed... he concused.... less than 10sec.. That boi har..is really trying to test the water of no napping...

I bought the training pants but haven let him try yet.. I still no confidence in myself that I will not strangle Sky for making me clean the floor many times a day..so... kekekeke
Keke, ya v tiring, always got to clean the flr, Raph only calls us when he urinated rather than calling us b4 tat. When we bring him to the toliet he just dunno how to 'release' himself.

Earlier, u gals were talking abt this...I will go n do by this yr. Both my sis done liao, no problem but I also scare I will b the unlucky one.

Coloured Contact lens
Anyone use b4? Which brand is good? I tot of getting Hazel or brown clr...
hey they look alike, got similarities, esp the eyes.

oh no, u mean toilet trg must not let them wear diaper right away ? I thot just bring them to the toilet regularly to let them hv the idea ?

wat's the diff btn pull up diaper and trg pants?

as for Lasik, how much did both ur sisters done it for ? where did they do it? i told my hub, he ask me to do but ah, i heartpain the $ ley...

anyone knows if got VERY high astimagtism can still do lasik?
<font color="ff6000">Adora</font>
Yah, I also think Raph and Chloe are really alike esp the eyes.

How are you coping with handling 2 kids?
Chloe can grab some angbaos during CNY hor? Is that why you timed it so well? Kekeke.
Are you going back to work end of this month?

I was also wondering about what Shane asked: pull up diaper and training pants the same?
Shane and adora

Go for it....I think perfect eye sights really gives us lots of convenience.

I guess not very expensive these days. For high astimagtism, you may have to check with the doctor first , they will tell you whether you are suitable to do it or not.

<font color="0000ff">Pics taken at Gymboree Playgym today</font>


Nicole is new to this playgym thingy, but she didn't take very long to get a hang of it. Hehe.


This last pic is our major project for the day - you know how many shots you have to take to just get this one? Kekeke.

<font color="aa00aa">Mummies: I would email to you the ones with your precious in it.
