(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

still cannot see leh... waiting for my detailed scan on 5 Feb...

Twinklets / Caymom / Glayz
thanks for your feedback... very difficult to feed KY.. she will cry, scream, play with her food or spit out her food.. me also a bad cook so now very headache.. she is already underweight and now not eating..

oh it is we have to decide soon whether to continue Edufarm?? ai yoh, another headache..
ya, forgot to add in my earlier post... how can u be 'gao tou da ma' !!! sigh, then i don't know where to hide liow... don't make me feel lousy okie ...

think abt it. i also thinking abt it first. at least must finish up Edufarm first. But seriously, I like GUG. but the cost! and the pkg fee and the commitment to bring her and sit thru' 1.5hrs!!! i really need to think

y don't u go for a trial first and see it for yourselves. u hub is so involved and concerned abt cay. my hub is ok with such classes but he leaves the decision to me. very fun. then i'm the kind to think abt ALOT of things one... so very sien...

I'm tilting towards the not continuing preference now. Affected by GUG
hee hee...
I was sharing with TangLing. I was impressed that the teachers (GUG) could rem the tods name before the class start! Tho' there were some regulars in the class but I think there were some new tods too. And the teacher abit younger, so maybe easier for them. As for Edufarm, well, you all know lah, I don't want to say so detailed

But I think knowing the name of the tod is very impt, it engages them, at least they know they're being called! And the teacher has a chance to get them involved in the activity.

E already showed her preference for food sometime back. It was so annoying to feed her porridge cos she'll just eat and hold the food in the mouth. Took v long to feed her. So MIL and I decided, she'll eat rice now. We cook rice and 'dishes' for her, like steamed, fish, soup, veg, for her. She prefers that and she loves soup! We do alternate with porridge. On gd days, she still guai guai eat. On bad days, we just mix a tiny bit of marmite into it.

And she wants EVERYTHING we're eating. so we always got to feed her watever we're eating.

oh ya, spitting the out food, E does that TOO!!! makes me very angry!!!
waste alot of tissue!
Enrichment classes
Another thing that is going thru' my mind... I really wonder if I'm starting her too young and pushing her too much ? In this society now, gone are the days of carefree childhood, which i wish, E can experience abit. But i think she play everyday at home, also nothing much to do, might as well go class and play. Then I think, she got so many years of studying to do, then now start her so young. Only 19 mths ley... gosh, like a baby still! but yet she don't behave like one, can tell me wat she wants and don't want also... so different of babies of yester-years...
see, told you all, i think too much one...

nvm lah, if we sign up then we physcho ur hubby to let KY sign up too. all go same class (if possible) more fun mah.

A class together
I was thinking maybe if we all want to end off Edufarm and attend GUG then maybe we can make arrangement with them now for a class of our own in Mar? their term is 8 weeks. so by march should be new term liow. if we can 'chop' a slot now, maybe easier. They can accept up to 12 tods per class. good idea ? keke....then we mummies got company also... not so bored for that 1.5 hrs! we alternate with daddies then on our 'off duty' session, we go lim kopi! haha....
so those hvn't go trial, quick go now! see if you like the class first or not...
ha ha if they are willing to open up a class for us i will sure sign up...

i am still not sure how much they can absorb at this age.. should i spend the money now or save up for her education later.. oh yah, you are right KY only 19 months (y i keep thinking she is 20 months liao)..
same here too! hee hee...

ya i also got thing of that. save up $ for later part of education, like send to better kindergarten.

but like what mckee mentioned, they are learning things very fast now...so I do feel it's a gd time. furthermore, i seldom do anything with her after work these days...
Like for e.g. the mashmellow thing, i really thot it was gd that they used their hands and touch it and I kept telling her it's soft, and made her squeeze it. i think such things are good exposure...but we can easily do at home lah

home schooling
actually i was telling my hub that actually all that they do can be taught by ourselves at home but need a lot of time, commitment and disclipine. need to do research and homework and plan wat to teach them everyday...which as working mothers, it's close to impossible....
and hor, till now E still rem where is her caterpilla! this morning i asked her and she showed me her finger but had a puzzled look how come no more lines on her finger ...keke.... then she can make her finger bend to move like the caterpillar ... so cute! keke....

then after the class, i asked her does she like the class, she say 'yes' ! but i'm not really sure if she understood my question correctly or not lah. sigh, at that moment, i really felt like signing up man...haha....

maybe i should really attend JG trial and have a comparison. who knows JG better than GUG? oh no...KS symdrome setting in ....
<font color="ff0000">Jasmine,</font>
We paid for one month deposit and Jan fees. Edufarm should be collecting the fees for Feb soon. If we dun want to continue, we have to give one month notice and the deposit can be used to offset Feb fees. I thought of continuing because I don't think I have the energy to bring her to town every weekend for class.

cay also spits out her food but usually when she is full. My mom and mil tends to cook extra, hoping to feed her more since she is rather small size too. But cay will know when to stop.

<font color="0000ff">Shane,</font>
How much does the GUG trial class costs? How much is the fees per term?
WowI loved those photos at Gymboree!

Sorry for the overdue response on Zoo Phonics too.
Wonder whats the reason but the teacher has stopped playing the CD and resort to only singing LIVE , it doesnt seems as interesting now.
Craft-work especially with the paint is really messy, with or without the apron, Jay can still get paint on his ears, face and clothes each time. One thing i am not quite happy about is that the teacher calling out the wrong name. A few times she called Jayden Brandon! when he has been attending her class for almost 3 months.
Mmmmafter resuming classes this month, I kind of noticed that the class is growing really big and although the curriculum can get rather routine, I find it is important that the teacher must be able to connect with the kids. Ill just stick to 1-2 months before deciding whether I should continue.
I heard great reviews on GUG too but its the distance that is keeping me away. Looks like Gymboree is really fun, I must bring Jay there one of these days when I take day off.

Sorry, miss out lots of posting but just wanna share my recent problem with Jay

Dont know what got into Jay recently. He used to like bath-time but for the last few weeks, whether we removed his shoes, pants or top, he will throw a tantrum, cry non-stop until we put his pants back. .It seems like a torture to bring him to the bathroom. How to start toilet training, like that??(headache)

In fact, Im getting quite impatient with him this week. He has been behaving like a prima donna of late. Cry at the slightest things and rolling on the floor, insist his ways, refusing his meals ( more interested in adult meals) and kept wanting to put on his shoes to go gai-gaithe Terrible Two has indeed set in for Jay . Im seriously thinking of buying the Super Nanny DVD!
Hi muumies...wow so many post for the last few days...

<font color="0000ff">Playgym</font>...ha...miss it again coz i thought it's 27th Jan...seems like all tods enjoying...nice photos.

<font color="0000ff">GUG</font>, Shane &amp; jasmine, so you gals tink that GUG good? Btw, how much you pay for the trial &amp; if join how much a term?

<font color="0000ff">JG</font>, Shane, still thinking of going trial? when will you be going?

<font color="0000ff">Edufarm</font>, so you gals decided to continue? Think my JH always keep quiet or stick to me during class...abit hestiate to stop
can't decide too.
I also not too sure to continue or not... becos lesson really not that GXXXX... Sky was running here and there...haiz.... but I cannot attend lessons in town leh...my hb not supportive... haiz..in a dilema...as I really want to him absorb with that dry sponge of his....
Trial class is $42. Fees per term is 320 for 8 lessons. 50 for registration. 100 fully refundable deposit.
So just to reg for 1 term will cost $470! wah... pocket big hole....

sounds like Jay seems to be testing his limits. E was like that in a diff way sometime back. whenever she can't get what she wants, she'll go into a big fuss, major major tantrums.
but recently, she's slightly better. When i tell her no, or don't let her hv her way, she'll show me a face or just throw watever she has in her hands. sorta of a improvement
from her major tantrums days...

so just hang in there and be firm, the phase will soon pass...soon... hopefully....
Shane, Twinklets,
The massage course is once a week is it? Pain har! I hope I can tanhan. I get bruised easily from these Chinese massages. But I cant decide if I should go now or after CNY. CNY period is a binge period for me as there would be many many lunches. I can easy put on 2-4kg just within that 15days! I am trying to eat veg yong tao fu or salad for lunch everyday until CNY.

Must tell you all this. Last sat evening, it rained and the floor outside my main door was wet and slippery. We were going out for a family dinner. I was tired and carrying Ashley. Guess what? I slipped and fell. Luckily Ash fell on top of me, she suffered shock and a little cut on her tongue. I have a big bad bruise on my shoulder blade. So painful. It was a blessing that the fall caused so little harm.. I cant imagine what would happen if I fell on top of ash. Hubby witnessed the whole event and said now he understood fully what maternal instinct to protect the baby is; he said he saw how I tried to break my fall on my back and turned ash to hold her on top of me. It happened so fast, I cant recall what I did. Anyways.. good thing Ashley is not hurt.

When is your schedule date to pop? You take care yah.. my gosh Nicole sure look a lot like you now.
<font color="ff0000">Shane,</font>
Thanks. The price indeed really high.

<font color="0000ff">Glayz,</font>
Going to town is really time consuming. I have my hestiation as well. If I don't want to commit myself, most likely I will stay on with Edufarm so that cay is at least attending some classes instead of playing whole day long. Besides, I can really see that she enjoys the class, maybe less stress for her compared to other classes that requires her to participate more.

<font color="119911">Aries,</font>
cay also keeps quiet during class. Teacher asked her to say the words she always cannot say or maybe too shy to say. Teacher wants to hold her hands to write, she always protest. I think she could be the most uncooperative tod around.

<font color="ff6000">Cherry,</font>
Hope you are alright now. So touching when you describe how you protected Ashley instictively. Mommies are so noble.
no idea when i'm going yet. cos their trial on weekday, so need to coordinate abit.

wow, i feel so touched reading about how u protected Ash. Mummies are really wei da. I hope you're ok and don't hurt so much soon. try to rub the area more (tho' it hurts) but it helps to circulate the blood and let it heal.

yes it's once a week BUT if ur pocket allows and ur treshold of pain is good, u can go like 2-3x a week, then effect faster. I think u should go after CNY, make the $ worth!

Talking about wet floor
Hubby wanted to bath E last nite in the shower area, floor was wet. E slipped n fell and hub was too slow to react. She cried BIG time i think very pain. i was so heartache. then she only wanted me and didn't want hubby at all, think she sorta know. she also kept saying don't 1 to pong pong. hub felt so bad and he thinks E will hate him. i told him, she'll forget it the next day. and sure enuf, she was all smiles for him this morning hee hee....

one thing is experienced teacher is very impt. I noticed with the classes that I attended, good teachers try their best to warm up with the kids thru various ways. Yday at gug class, the teachers did the same with E. So E wasn't too shy. As for the teacher we had, i have my reservations, She's not all that bad but... nvm..share with you all when we meet. cannot say too -ve things. don't know who's reading =P So maybe her inexperience couldn't get cay to 'warm up' to her.
Of Ps and Qs
I guess I am in big big trouble soon.....
Sky is learning to use PLEASE to get his way pretty soon... and I nearly kick myself for making him lose confidence...

I was holding this biscuit the other day... when he came to me and say " PEE"
and I reply "huh what are u saying....."
He look kind of shock... then he say " OPEN"
later then I realise he was saying Please.... haiz...

But seem like if he knew he can get many thngs with Please ...he will be using it OFTEN...
Edufarm...most prob. will continue &amp; see how's the progress, but realised most of your tods response when teacher ask question. JH not like that when at home, not too sure why he behaves this way in class.

GUG &amp; JG, seems like it's too exp. but maybe will go for trial &amp; see how since few mummies comment good... just the travelling part that stop me making the first move of calling to book a trial lesson...haiz..lazy mummy :p
<font color="aa00aa">Aries</font>
Or you can use www.slide.com - my favourite! or www.photobucket.com

the tots look like they have so much fun! I should join you gals one fine day when my schedule permits...

wah, u gals very fast... deciding where to send liaos. For me, sigh... tough lah... I cannot commit on weekend classes liaos.. Very tough on me and hubby coz we work shift... I hope to work out something for Riz... I dun want him to be left out too....

don't worry. I think Jay is going thru a phase at the moment. Some weeks ago, Riz refused to bathe too. Everytime I bring him to toilet to bathe him, he'll cry and refused to walk. Then he start to throw his weight backwards and I slowly have to put him on the floor. After a while, he forget then he will happily go back to toilet when I showed him his toothbrush. He currently loves brushing his teeth so toothbrush is his current bait. I better start to think of plan B to bait him in case he gets tired of his toothbrush...
<font color="aa00aa">Ok.. this is something interesting you can read abt yourself as a Parent. Hv fun reading! =P </font>

<font color="0000ff">Aquarius</font>
You are very loving and understanding as a parent but your thoughts are also involved with greater problem of mankind. The day to day routine things are not your cup of tea and you are highly independent so you should delegate the responsibilities of meals and changing to someone else. You will observe your child and guide them because you have great abilities to think things through before making decisions. Your child will learn not to make demands of you and will love you very much.

<font color="ff0000">Pisces</font>
You are extremely sensitive and tuned in to your baby's needs. You love beautiful surrounding and will provide a nurturing and aesthetic environment for your child. Pisces are very spiritual and deep in emotional involvement. you will do anything to please your child and meet their very request. Your love of water will you bathing with your baby and enjoying the soothing closeness. How fortunate your baby is to have a parent like you to defend and protect them all their life.

<font color="aa00aa">Aries</font>
Your forthright and honest nature makes you a perfect parent. aries is very talented and artistic and you will be able to guide your baby to achieve positive talents. Your likable and confident nature will make you a great friend to your child but you must be careful not to overshadow them. Originality is your strong point and you will strive to give your child an orderly environment to keep them organized. You will be a proud and assertive parent. Your child will always look up to you for guidance and support because you will always tell them the truth, whether they like it or not, and they will always love and trust you for this.

<font color="ff6000">Taurus</font>
Your embracing and encompassing love will make you among the greatest of parents. Your love of home and crafts and all things natural and beautiful will always provide that nurturing feeling to your child. taureans are solid and substantial in nature and love routines. This is important to children and they thrive on your consistency. Your tender displays of affection will give your baby a warm glow of love and security that will always protect them. Taurus loves good food, good times and making lovely surroundings. Your child will thrive on your nature and stay close and endearing all their lives.

<font color="aa00aa">Gemini</font>
Your ability to entertain and tell stories will delight your child. Silliness is your second nature and your baby will laugh and giggle from your quick wit and charm. You can juggle many tasks at once and are open to change and surprises. Your child will appreciate your versatility and dexterity to do many things and to relate to them at any age or level. being an active parent, You must fight inconsistency and impatience that is prone to the gemini nature. You have a magnetic personality and your child will be drawn to you and your own childlike nature. Your child will adore you and comfort you and bring you much joy.

<font color="119911">Cancer</font>
Your children will always have a secure and comfortable home. a good home is what is most needed by cancer people. You love the positions. you must work out the balance dilemma between time devoted to work and at home to your family. You are loyal, a dependable friend who keeps relationships for life. your child will be hopelessly devoted to you and all your days. Generous and giving, you must always guard against moodiness and gloom. Cancerians always encourage their children to become successful doctors, lawyers and accountants.

<font color="ff0000">Leo</font>
Nurturing, loving, generous and giving is the Leo to their family and loyal friends. Your confident attitude inspires everyone around you and your protecting nature makes you an incredible parent who will defend and fight any righteous cause to the end. Money comes to Leo without too much struggle because they are very serious about business responsibilities. Even minor defeats and setbacks depress you terribly so you must concentrate on the positive. You are very loyal in times of need and love to always be surrounded by close family and friends. You love to entertain and children adore your attention, even your admonishments when necessary because it is always with genuine concern.

<font color="0000ff">Virgo</font>
Your gentleness and sensuality makes you a loving and protective parent. Your child will always get a clear and honest response from you... not always the most tactful but definitely to the point. You are very logical and cool headed in times of crisis and hysteria and can be counted on to do the right thing. Virgos are meticulous and enjoy living in precision and order. Your child will soon get the idea to keep their toys and room shipshape. You have excellent taste an an eye for quality and like delicate antiques or precision instruments, such as clocks. your child will always go to the best schools, dress in the nicest clothes and live in the finest neighborhoods.

<font color="aa00aa">Libra</font>
Your gentleness and peaceful qualities soothe and bring comfort to your child. You choose to only see the good people and in life. Your child will be defended to the hilt but the libra in you will first try to negotiate peace. You are very talkative and will relate stories down to the most minute details giving your child vivid pictures to imagine. Libras are fond of luxury and like the finer things in life. You are willing to work hard and achieve a better living style for you and your family. As a parent, you will always smooth ill tempers with your good sense of humor, but you are also capable of suddenly flying off the handle with a vocal explosion in rage but then you are easily soothed with proper displays of affection from your child.

<font color="ff0000">Scorpio</font>
You are a dedicated and inspiring parent who will give your child both tenderness and discipline. You are very self-confident and dynamic in your personality and will have a tendency to direct your child's life. You are very analytical of what other people are thinking. Scorpios are very determined and sometimes act impulsively. Never cross a Scorpio; they always get even. Scorpios are found in responsible positions of authority and usually very successful in business and making money. Your child will always be fascinated with you and your love of mystery and intrigue. Life with you is never dull and you are always busy and making things happen.

<font color="119911">Sagittarius</font>
Your caring friendship and quick cheery manner makes you an exceptional companion and a truly devoted parent. You love adventure and life with you will never be dull. travel is your middle name and you will have to settle in one place for awhile to give your child a consistent home life and friendships. You notice and remember all details about people you like and will go to great lenghts to find ways to please your friends. You take great pride in locating hard to find things and like to run things your way. Sagittarians are very direct and can blurt out things better left unsaid. your child will always come to you for solace and comfort and cheering up.

<font color="ff6000">Capricon</font>
Your parenting abilities are very strong and you tend to be very demanding in your expectations and behaviour manners. Since you are such a high achiever, you should try to be tolerant of your child. Capricorns are fun parents and prepare wonderful meals for their children. It will delight you to entertain and amuse your baby. Your child is very lucky to have chosen you to be their parent because capricorns are very loyal in times of trouble or need and your child will always be able to count on you.
<font color="0000ff">Cherry,</font>
Hope, you are alright...me and hubby both got experiences nearly slipping and falling on the floor when carrying Aeron... so very stressed also when carrying him while walking on wet floor... can't imagine what will happen if really fell down and hit on them...
your hubby must be in shock too when it happened too fast and he can't react to protect both of you... and he must feel so proud of you to protect your little one...hehe... really when we become parents then we realise how great and difficult it is to be parents!

<font color="0000ff">Jaymom,</font>
me also sees similar things in Aeron... when you dun give the things he want to him, always will throw a tantrum... and I am quite heartless at times... there is once he wants me to carry but I refused and let him wail big time for 15minutes... as he always bully my MIL and wants her to carry him all the while.. I dun want to let that happen so refuse to give in to him... I guess we must some sort instill some discipline in them.. becos I believe they understand whatever we are saying now already...
I also use the cane now if he gets very naughty...
hope that the naughty phase of Jay's will pass soon...
But I think distraction is still the best.. if he refused to bath.. maybe can put something he likes in the bathroom???

<font color="0000ff">GUG,</font>
sounds so good that I want to try the trial class? where is it btw? and how do I sign up, just call and arrange?

<font color="0000ff">Glayz</font>
yup.. keep forgetting want to apologise for Aeron's behaviour yesterday at Edufarm.. dun noe why he suddenly pushes Sky... in a bit of shock that I forgot to say sorry...hope that his fever did not come about due to his shock...paiseh leh..
really hope my son dun become a bully next time
<font color="ff6000">Erlisa,</font>
Riz so good, knows how to brush his teeth ah. We tried on JJ dunno how many times, but he's still a toothbrush-biter.

<font color="ff6000">Cherry,</font>
Hope you are ok. I was also so touched when I read your posting. Things that Mummy would do for baobei.
<font color="aa00aa">Discipline</font>
So far I have not resort to cane. So far, if Riz gets unhappy with me or did not get what he wants, he will sometimes beat me. Then I will always tell him that it's wrong to do that. And if he continues, I will give him a warning that if he beat me again, I will beat his hand. And I will explain to him that he is not supposed to beat me. Then I will start to glare at him. Then he dun dare liaos. After a short while, he forget and he will continue with being his good self. I'm lucky that so far my warning works on him lah. Hee
<font color="aa00aa">Tang Ling,</font>
I always sing to him "This is the way we brush our teeth". And he loves to brush with toothpaste. Currently I use grape flavour. So far ok. My next one is strawberry, dunno if he will like it. He bites it occasionally, and when he does that I will sing for him some more and guide him the proper way to brush. Mabbe u can try lor....
<font color="0000ff">Glayz</font>
Din insult u lar.. wat i mean is those below 1.55m are shorties mah.. I'm juz taller than u by 1 tiny bit, Ok..

<font color="ff0000">Cherry</font>
gosh omg, i really scare of slipping! I hope U are ok now. Rem to rub ur bruise. Btw last wk I was walking besides my HB &amp; I slipped! But heng I hadnt fell on my butt, &amp; heng my tight pants din 'priak' open &amp; everyone turned up to look at the commotion.

<font color="aa00aa">Jaymom</font>
no worries man.. I noe u are busy.

Hey wat u describe also happen to Ash, i think last 2 mths.. Suddenly dislike water, wanna get out from shower, hates shower over head etc. But now OK liao, luv to shower, esp cold water wash her butt.
Dun think the fever is due to his shock la... anyway Sky was shock becos he never ganna push before...so kind of funny seeing his reaction...but can see he is near breaking down that time.... Think he is too pampered in my family liao....

Tang ling
Dunno why but Sky will scream when he saw me holding his toothbrush.... think I brush too harshly liao...

The libra part BU ZUN DE leh... I where got gentle.... think if Sky annoy me too much, I will strangle him.... so what I normally did if hb is around is push him to hb care.. if not I will strangle them BOTH....

The aquarius part is quite zun...as my hb already assign all jobs not related to playing to me...arghhhh becos he dun scold Sky... so Sky love him very much....
<font color="ff6000">Kiami</font>
I also saw Aeron pushing Sky and the shocked look on your face!
Have never seen Aeron doing that - he was standing there innocently and nothing happened before he pushed Sky. He is throwing his weight around? Hehe. But he still looked so cute standing there looking at Sky Sky.

<font color="ff6000">Jaymom</font>
JJ has been super cranky lately too - on and off. I suspected growth spurt earlier on. And today still like that. Wailing frequently and shouting at high pitch. Dunno is it that after the weekends, JJ has Monday Blues. Kekeke.
Hang in there - it would pass. You really going to get Super Nanny ah? Hehe. After watching, it requires a LOT of discipline &amp; determination (from you &amp; hb) to bring the techniques into practice.
Hope u recover soon... but as we aged... our aching body took AGES to recover.... (I mean mine la... that day wash toilet... body ache for 2 days...)

I also sing this song to him leh... but he will look at me and SCREAM... and then keep shaking his head.. think he ultra scare I stove the brush inside his mouth... but once he get to taste the toothpaste he is OK liao... and start eating the paste....
Safety Gates
Remember I had once said abt me installing the safety gates... Guess what... Sky knew how to open the gates.... but if he tried to push the door outside of Kitchen, the door will refuse to budge (suppose to lift and swing..) but if he push the door into the kitchen, the door will be able to swing (dear hb had spoil the door within half an hour of me installing...) nd he able to enter the kitchen!!!! faint...

And my hb was super amaze by Sky knowledge of the safety gates....
i hope u are ok now? you are really a noble mummy. so touching.

thanks for your overrated compliments. coffee on me ok?! hehe. To live up to your expectations, I will continue to 'jian fei'! btw, the tallest here is tang ling right? she then fit the title tall and slim.

went for JG trial. not too bad. almost same things that her childcare covers in day to day activities but the difference is it's compact together in a 2 hour session. there's art and craft, story telling, puppets, phonics, songs and dance, music, tea break, i think there's no flash cards. free play with their indoor playground was the best part for K. We had more of chinese today. it's a biligual class where u attend half session of each language. But the language that u start with that particular session will take a longer period. maybe 1 hr 15 mins. I've not tried gug. So it's difficult to make comparisons. But I do like it as I can be there to see her learn. because it's a 2 hr session, so she did get a little restless but neverthless the activities moved on fast from one to another so she's able to refocus after a while. maybe i should really try a gug trial to make a comparison between both.
u are a gemini and hubby a saggi? Same as me and hubby!!! But both me and hubby quite zun lor.

Now that i just read ur story after everyone commentd on it, yah... u are one noble mummy. These are the things that mummies do but not even aware of!

persevere and may u see the good results soon! btw, boy or girl ah?
Dunno.... I saw something betweent the legs leh... and gynae keep saying got chance to be ger... dunno he trying to comfort me or what.... anyway waiting for 5 feb for detailed scan then see is boi boi or ger ger lor... and Sky is not helping in guessing anymore liao... think he is just ultra bored... but sometimes out of nothing he will come and sayang my tummy....kekekeke... then my dad will say "it is ur mummy fat u touching leh..." arghhhh
yes yes kopi on u neh. =p
Ya Ash is kinda tall side for her age (i hope next time big also) , so she definitely follows her daddy.. if she shortie next time, everyone will stare at ME. BOOO HOOo...

Yeah Tangling is tall, slim &amp; FAIR. She's v fair!

yes yes ! Gosh we same! omg omg!
<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
I agree with u...just that I was starting to ban mei mei then got preggie...now starting from scratch again! Today I went to ask abt the coloured lens, the brand FreshKon seems to b cheaper, mayb will get 2 pairs to try!
Actually putting up the lens is fast for me but then I need more time to do make up. If I wear specs I just put lip stick n go no need to put concealer for my dark rings.

<font color="0000ff">Shane</font>
U have the Silk Sling??? If u dun mind I wld like to borrow from u as I feel I will not use it v freqt.

<font color="0000ff">Twinkets</font>
Me Virgo n hb Sagi...very accurate leh...Raph will always look for his daddy to PLAY &amp; I am always the one buying clothes for Raph, thinking of which school to send him &amp; asking him to keep his toys...ha ha ha!

Sometimes, Raphael will saying Chloe &amp; v gentle with her. But at times when he gets jealous he will hit her lor....I v hard pain coz he hits her head leh!
Terrible Twos
Thanks mommies for your assurance, lucky i'm not the only one.

Same here Jay likes to smack his hands on my chest, hard-hard some more, the more you tell him "No", the harder he hits! I don't advocate using the cane now becos it really don't mean anything to him lor. I just smack his buttocks and hands to teach him his lesson.

Kiami/Tang Ling
Yesterday, Jay refuses to take off his shoes and was walking around in his fake Crocs on the mattressbefore his afternoon nap. I got fed-up, took it out and lock him together with hubby and i in the room to coach him to sleep. He refuses, cry big time , bang on the door, roll on the floor.etc...10 floors above us probably tot we torturing our child.We ignored him and let him choke and cry for 15 mins too...in the end, my maid heart pain and pull him out of the room to bring him for a walk along the corridoor. I told her next time i don't want her to "interfere" when we discipline him cos this boy is really getting unreasonable.

I "joked" with hubby that he try to act "cute" and tend to get his ways with the people around him but we have to put our foot down when it comes to discipline!

Poor girls..."hu-hu" their little bumps.
Cherry, my friend was more unlucky. She was carrying her son ( who happened to be also a Jun 05 BB) and was walking down the stairs at her parent's house. She slipped and roll down a flight of stairs. To shield her son, she fractured her leg instead and was on cast for nearly 2 months. Her son escaped with a small knock on the head.
Kudos to motherly love!

Being a Gemini, I can be quite a rubber face and animated when i read bedtime stories to Jay but he still prefers his daddy who is a Pisces who gives in to his every fancy.

Very true!!.keke
Sarong Sling
Adora,in fact i felt in love with the sarong when i started using it. It is extremely useful esp for the 1st 6 mths. I can't leave home without it.It's almost hands free but your BB is still close in comfort. I only stop using it for the last 6months or so becos of the unbearable weight.

I even use my maid's sarong too!

Mommies Gathering
Just a casual suggestion, any mommies keen to meet up this Friday for get-together?

Forgetmenot/Tang Ling

I have a durian recipe to share but i have not tried out myself. Anyone expose your tod to durian already?

Durian Cookies

250g ready made durian kueh
100g butter
30g sugar
30g fresh cream
200g plain flour
20g milk powder
1 eye yolk ( for glazing)

Filling: Divide durian kueh into small balls
1)Put butter, sugar and fresh cream in mixer and beat until sugar dissolved
2)Shift flour and milk powder together
3)Add flour and milk powser and mix until dough together
4) Prehead overn 180c
5) Divde dough into small balls. Wrap filling with dough and roll into desired shapes
6) Arrange on lined baking tray and brush with beaten egg yolk
7) Bake @ 180c for about 15 mins
<font color="ff6000">Twinklets</font>
Me slim? Hehe. That means I did a good job to cover the flabs. Kekeke. No lah, I am not slim at all.
Yes, I got my tall genes from my dad - my mum being the shortest at home. Hehe. Fairness - think coz mum drank a lot of milk. At least that's what she said. Hehe.

Glayz was so upset that day at Gymboree when she realised that Sky is shorter than JJ by half a head. Kekeke.

<font color="ff6000">Glayz</font>
Don't be worried lah - they will grow taller with time. Who knows Sky would shoot up one day!
<font color="0000ff">cherry</font>
oh no. hope it's not too serious. you are such a wei da mother and quick to react.

<font color="0000ff">jaymom</font>
don't worry. just a passing phase. you see all of us experience the same. jo also will behave like this on and off.
<font color="0000ff">Mommies Gathering</font>
<font color="ff6000">Jaymom:</font> I'm ok with this Friday. Any suggestions for time and venue?
<font color="ff0000">Gymboree Playgym @ Serangoon Garden</font>
$8 for members and $15 for non-members.
Thought I should post this earlier so that Mummies can block out the date.

Date: 3 Feb (Sat)
Time: 2-3pm

1. Tang Ling
<font color="ff0000">Gymboree Playgym @ Serangoon Garden</font>
$8 for members and $15 for non-members.
Thought I should post this earlier so that Mummies can block out the date.

Date: 3 Feb (Sat)
Time: 2-3pm

1. Tang Ling
2. <font color="0000ff">bbrooster</font>
<font color="ff6000">Forgetmenot</font>
Wah, you got a mixer!
And guess what I got? A waffle maker!

Just got it yesterday and made some waffles today. JJ loves it! So happy.

Cookie recipes: have not done cookies in donkey years. Hehe. Don't have cornflakes recipes, but you can do a search - try: http://allrecipes.com/
I was about to comment you so cute..doing your research on nearby schools for Jo by checking out the school buses from your window
Really "yong xin liang ku".

Mommies Gathering
Tang Ling
Depending on whether you mommies wans to catch a light dinner or just some drinks. I very boring wan, can only think of Coffee Club, TCC, Dome..
Gotto wait for Shane and Twinklets tomorrow morning, they got better "dian zi"!
Need to unwind, have been feeling really tired from work off late.

By the way, my maid agreed to stay till July...phew! Your maid still around?

Gymboree Playgym
I very keen leh but Serangoon Gardens huh?
<font color="ff6000">Jaymom</font>
Mommies gathering: ok, see what are the suggestions of <font color="ff6000">Shane &amp; Twinklets</font>. I have to inform hb first and get him to come home earlier so I can take off. Hehe.

Maid: That's good.
Discussed with hb and decided to keep her till CNY over. For spring cleaning.

Gymboree: Yah, at Serangoon Gardens. Come lah - let Jay burn his energy and you can relax a bit also, but must remember to bring maid/hb along to help. Hehe.

<font color="ff0000">Gymboree Playgym @ Serangoon Garden</font>
$8 for members and $15 for non-members.
Thought I should post this earlier so that Mummies can block out the date.

Date: 3 Feb (Sat)
Time: 2-3pm

1. Tang Ling
2. bbrooster
3. erlisa (I'm not working this day, at last!!!)
