(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

Hmm, I not sure abt PAP cos' i nvr attended b4. but then 1 of my niece from my hb side used to attend PAP. But later, she was swop to a church. Reason: My sil met up wz 1 of her fren whose gal same age as my niece. Then 1 day my SIL visited her house, she saw the fren's gal those nice art work at home and also the things she learn in school. So she compare, her gal really lacks behind alot. So she also transfer to that same church for her gal. After tat, she told me she can see the changes in her gal not only academically but also the manners at home. She is much much 'guai' after she went to the church school.

But hor, i also doesn't mean all church standard sure very gd lah. My nieces (my bro's gal)attended a church fr nursery till K2, but my SIL claim that the church not very gd. However, it was introduce by someone to them. They said it used to be good but after principal change, not good liao and teachers always resign. Then she also compare the spelling given to my nieces and her fren's child fr other church/school, the one my nieces have is so much more simpler.

Aiyo, think next time we will be more Shang Nao Jing selecting right school.
does anyone of u heard of "Learning Arc Montessori Schoolhouse"? Its located at Kew Drive. Not sure good or not coz I plan to send my ds there next month....
<font color="0000ff">Gymboree Playgym @ Serangoon Garden </font>
Hi Mummies, you want to change the date to 20 Jan (this Sat)? Can <font color="aa00aa">Jasmine &amp; Ixorarred</font> make it then?

Date: 27 Jan (Sat)
Time: 2-3pm

1. Tang Ling > I'm ok with 20/27 Jan
2. Shane > ok with 20/27 Jan
3. LV
4. Caymom
then wat if ur mum don't 1 2 look after liow ? then u should looking for schools in yishun ?

to clarfy,
so for now they go to CC till they reach 3YO then go nursery 1 and 2, then 5YO go K2, K1 till 6 YO then 7 YO go Pri 1. tiok bo ?
hmm, so 2YO is pre-nursery ?
ai yo, i'm so lost...

really cannot imagine if go pri 1. but i already got a school in mind keke....hope can get in. I think once after pri 1 not so stress liow.. cos after that depends on results... but maybe will be the kids' turn to be stressed....
tots house really sounds gd n resonable ... i think hg got one...but i'm not sure where is it...

btw, pple, don't give too much details of yourself/hse, etc.. here. i realised when i do google search hor, our threads do appear one. so hor, can be 'searched' and traced .....
acuvue now got promo for dailies. Buy 2nd box at 50%. i just stock up 4 boxes.

sorry this sat afternoon i cant make it.
how many lens are there in 1 box for acuvue daily ?

1 box is $45 rite ? calculating to see which one cheaper keke...
one box has 30 lens.
so 2 boxes work out to cost $67.5. cheaper by focus if purchase only 2 boxes (orginal price $39x2). but if buy focus dailies in the bigger box, then focus more worth it. but then, acuvue seems better.
i'm using acuvue too but bi-monthly. maybe wear too long liow, even acuvue for me will get dry by the end of the day and my eye will be red sometimes.

so for the promo can only buy 2 boxes ? if buy in sets of 4 still got promo or not ?
<font color="aa00aa">Eileen,</font>
Where exactly is Kew Drive?

<font color="aa00aa">Acuvue,</font>
Oh, I didn't know abt the promotion. Just got a year supply last week. Is it Singapore-wide promotion or only at certain shops?

<font color="aa00aa">Class</font>
Anyone sent ur kiddos to classes that is NOT parent-and-tot class? I know they will cry lah, but is it too young to enrol in such classes now? Coz I'm not exactly too keen in parent-and-tot class leh.....
You know where is east coast road...ends of siglap road.Further down is the bedok camp, where there is a renovated hawker centre selling famous hokkien mee ,cuttlefish kangkong and dessert?

Contact Lens
Anyone did consider going for laser instead of wearing lens ?

I think you are right.Pre nursery which is 3 years old(calender year) is actually optional but nursery onwards is a compulsory kind of education.

Agreed, selecting a pre school is very impt.My friend switch her son from one pre school to another due to shifting home...and she really noticed the difference....the group that the school is taking in thus affects the kids that is attending the school.....
<font color="0000ff">Gymboree Playgym @ Serangoon Garden </font>
Hi Mummies, you want to change the date to 20 Jan (this Sat)? Can Jasmine &amp; Ixorarred make it then?

Date: 27 Jan (Sat)
Time: 2-3pm

1. Tang Ling > I'm ok with 20/27 Jan
2. Shane > ok with 20/27 Jan
3. LV
thanks for the info. Will check out tis Saturday.


I made appt last year for lasik, but backup last minute cos Ash tat period kept poking my eye. So I scare I'll go blind if she forever poke my eye.
I doubt I'll rebook my appt again cos heard this lasik thing is best done early. For me after 30 liao like not much point.. cos heard after 40 yrs old like wont be so gd liao. Maybe will kana lao hua yan, so may end up wearing specs again. So think now I'll stick to my dailies &amp; specs.

Ps: btw dailies is gd for lazy pple like me. Cos really lazy to wash the lens. hahahaha. I can also buy color or those 'bigger' lens to enhance my eyes. So conclusion - not tat bad lor. =P
Kew Drive quite far from us ley...it's exactly where Joy said. u thinking of going there ?

i think for our tods now, still don't have such classes cos they're still quite young. I think 2YO already then can.

how much did the 1 yr supply cost ?

you live at Kew Drive...wah...you qian ren...keke.....

i did consider laser BUT 2 things. no $ and no guts. it will done when i'm awake rite, sounds so frigtening. but when i'm looking for my specs then i wished i cld hv done lasik.

u can't make it this sat ?

i think u should consider doing ley. got 10 yrs of convenience mah. if u divide out the cost, might just add up to the $ u spend buying contact lenses.
<font color="ff6000">Eileen</font>
How old is your kid now? The School you mentioned is for weekend enrichment or those weekday playgroup?

Have not heard of that school before, but know where is Kew Drive.

btw, we are organising this Gymboree Playgym thing - 1-hr free-play at Gymboree (Serangoon Garden). If you are interested, can join us. For non-member (of Gymboree), its $15. If you are keen, I can PM you the details.
twinklets (twinklets)

I done my laser ten years ago as lenses caused my eyes quite dry and I dislike the inconvenience and wearing glasses...so far,okay...I thought lau hua yen will set in later for people who has done the surgery?Okay, I will let you know when I hit 40..hahahaha

I think for this kinder age, usually classes is like music appreciation, develop motor skills.....

Actually not very expensive.Not really pain while doing the surgery...mine is the more lay back method compared to lasik.Its worth it as I have a new vision again...no need to worri people from far wave at me, me cannot see and never respond and they will think that my"share market"up by few thousands points....hahaha..good day.
<font color="ff6000">Caymom</font>
Saw that you have taken your name out for Gymboree Playgym - you can't make it on 20/27 Jan? Or hb can't help ah?

<font color="0000ff">Gymboree Playgym @ Serangoon Garden</font>
Hi Mummies, you want to change the date to 20 Jan (this Sat)? Can Jasmine &amp; Ixorarred make it then?

Date: 27 Jan (Sat)
Time: 2-3pm

1. Tang Ling > I'm ok with 20/27 Jan
2. Shane > ok with 20/27 Jan
3. LV > ok with 27 Jan
I did mine a couple of years ago. The actual procedure is not frightening becos everything happen so fast (done in less than 5 mins). Find a good doc if you are really keen but it will cost slightly more. I think they have some credit cards scheme where you can pay in 36mthly installments. There are risks involved but the probabilities are low. Can tell you all more at the next PG. I love my eyes after lasik. However, I realized that my vision is not as good after giving birth. Hormones changes everything. Sigh, but for the good 4 years, I think it is still worth it. I was as blind as a bat before that.
hee seriously i dun have tat guts liao leh. Last Year I still got lotsa guts, cos my colleague did it. BUT then mths later, he went bk to relasik again. I'm scared lor, if din done properly, will have to go thr' 2nd time. I cling when I think of tat. >___< I'll only have my guts back if my frens/colleagues aro me went Lasik, then they'll give me tat motivation again.

joy, wat i hear is 40 yrs old, eyesight may not be as gd. As for me I'm those facing PC daily, so i scare my degree will come bk. This is 1 big concern for me, I dun wan spend $3K+ ended up 10 yrs later I still need to wear specs. U are lucky u done it 10 yrs ago, then u really more huasuan leh.

Ya I think shd be abv 2YO tat kind. Some places like JG will state some criteria, like maybe have went CC liao or not. Perhaps some place will ask whether potty trained liao or not. Just my tots bah. I also eager to put her with no parents class, really wanna train her independence. Last time in her bjg class, she was real independent I find. Think she likes the teacher so much &amp; she can forget abt her parents.
yah lor very far... i was hoping can find somewhere near my house. more convenient mah. Anyway the ones within walking distance frm my house i dare not send, coz i've seen how the teachers are like and i dun like what i've seen. Imagine I saw a teacher bringing out a grp of very young kids to the playground and all she was busy with was sms on the handphone. Never even take a look at the kids. When one of the kids fell down and bled, she just ignore and scold the kid instead. Then she simply ignore the kid's blood-oozing knee...

contact lens,
I think my hubby got it for $120 leh for 1 yr supply.

Riz just started his separation anxiety now. He knows exactly when me and hubby have to leave him. Can't imagine if I have to leave him in a class full of tods. Dun think he even want to let me go....
can i ask if I need to get maid to go in with nicole if I join you guys? Me can't go up and down, left and right with nicole. I can make it this Sat or next. depending on when you confirm! now workload slowly decreasing, so sat more freed up! yeah!

why u not keen on parent/tod class? quite fun lah... all the parents there are as blur as all of us, so no need pai sei. get to learn to sing new songs, and get to hear parents with out of tune voices... hehe..
happening to Ashley when she turns 19mths.

She dun even dare to walk in crowded places anymore. Her gong gong want to bring her dwnstairs gai gai she also refuse liao.
She turning to a timid gal during tat mth.
the reason is that why i not keen is that i want Riz to be independent lor. Dun want him to depend on us too much. Also i think he can concentrate better if he learns on his own rather than me be with him. Later i end up doing all the activities for him Haha!

you know ah, yesterday.. me and hubby brought Riz out. Usually we quite scared to bring him out one. Always prepare ourselves for the worst. Hehe Scared he scream and cry and later me and hubby lose our cool. heh But yesterday, Riz surprised both of us. For the first time ever, he behaved soooo well until we now changed our minds abt him. Then he hold each of our hands and walk down Orchard Rd leh. For very long one leh. I wished a picture could be taken the three of us walking in tow. Very gan tong leh... It's a moment that I still remember so vividly in my mind now.... me so gan chu these days lah....
Think u can la... becos got once...me, my sis and my mum come in to jagar Sky.... suppose to be me and my sis one...later my mum kpo, after her shopping at NTUC..she came to peep and Sky saw her and fuss BIG TIME...
<font color="ff6000">Mckee</font>
Sure! Bring your maid along to watch Nicole while playing and you can sit and chit-chat or just watch. Hehe.
YES YES!! the holding hands happen when aro 19th mths too!! More dongshi rite? see see see.. i think v soon alot of mummies here wil enjoy wat u enjoying now.
But for me, my gal is turning more timid when she's more dongshi ...
hehe... you won't end up doing things for him lah... unless you want to crawl thru the tunnel for him, pet the little toy for him etc... hehe... they are really too young to be able to listen to a stranger's (teacher's) instructions to do things. So with the parent or caregiver around, we prompt them. so you'll hear a lot of "John, go and touch the rabbit!", "It's ok.. mummy go with you..." etc..
ya we mummies ganchu alot 1 hor. sometimes i wondering whether our hb will have so many ganchu like us or not?

next time, u shd take a pic for Riz &amp; his daddy holding hands from behind, then u post on blog.
Likewise ask ur hb to take 1 of u &amp; riz from behind. Or best if u have frens gog out with u, ask them take from behind. Very touching pic 1 der. hehehe
<font color="ff6000">Mckee</font>
Nicole would guai guai sit with you during class or not? JJ at Edufarm would either refuse to sit on floor (wants to stand instead) or start to roam around after 5-10mins.
<font color="ff0000">Shane/Tang Ling,</font>
Yup, can't make it this Sat. Next Sat will also be busy. Hb wants to go test drive and wants me to tag around. He is also not keen in the gym because his arms and wrist are strained from carrying cay too much.
<font color="ff6000">Mckee</font>
okie. I put your name TBC first. We are waiting for reply from Ixorarred.

<font color="ff6000">Caymom</font>
oic. ok, next time then - see if can convince your hb. Personally, I think the sessions does help in that they could climb, crawl, jump etc safely. I think you know what I mean when we stop them from doing it at home on the dining set, sofa, door etc. Hehe.

<font color="0000ff">Gymboree Playgym @ Serangoon Garden</font>
Hi Mummies, you want to change the date to 20 Jan (this Sat)?
$8 for Gymboree members. $15 for non-members.

Date: 27 Jan (Sat)
Time: 2-3pm

1. Tang Ling > I'm ok with 20/27 Jan
2. Shane > ok with 20/27 Jan
3. LV > ok with 27 Jan
4. Jasmine > ok with 20 Jan
5. Ixorarred > can't make it on 27 Jan
6. Mckee (TBC)
ya lor... think becoz of our bond with the babies since pregnancy and birth we become like dat. Hubby oni donors lor won't have so much gan chu like us mummies... haha

Yah, i always take pic of my hubby and Riz together one. but this hubby of mine always have to be told when to take picture. Somemore I initiate to bring camera whenever we go out and when to take picture. So i end up taking lots of photos of hubby and Riz and so few of myself and Riz.

of course lah I won't go thru the tunnel for him. Haha Dunno if I can even get thru to the other side of the tunnel in the first place.. haha Anyway recently I see Riz super sticky to me when in class one. Everything oso dun want. So I thought if he were to go on his own, perhaps he'll be more independent?
so this sat on or not ?

can. I did that tho' i not preggie
I just let maid watch her. but rem to bring socks for u and maid. need to socks to be in the playgym.

actually if Nicole is very independent, she can roam herself. that area quite well cushioned. the last time, Kayla was going abt everywhere on her own and LV just sat and watch keke....

so cheap?! u mean for daily ?

yikes! i'll be so angry with that teacher. sad thing nowadays teacher just do their job literary. not very caring unless it's those super committed and like kids kind...

wow, 10 yrs ago ? must hv been very expensive then ?

the instalment plan is attractive but i dread being tied down for so long.

the 3k u mentioned is for 1 or 2 eyes ?
acuvue clear ... for monthly... if daily cannot be tt cheap one lahhh....

ya lor, the teacher is very young one... i oso very angry when i see. the kid so poor thing cry like siao oredi in pain the teacher can ignore one... sigh
Ya lor...on or not???
kekekeke... I see Sky sleep or awake then I decide to go or not...kekeke...
u make Shane happy for 1 second leh.

Ya me too nowadays religiously bring camera out 1. Sometimes HB also forgot to bring camera. For my case, HB luv to take pics, so most of the time is me &amp; Ashley in the pic.

yes 3K+ for 2 eyes. My collic went to pte clinic 1. Tat 1 even got mthly instalments.
weh...broadcasting this lazy mummy's bochap during the gym play. hehe. you also saw how active she was, so if i ran around with her, i'll be very tired. must well just sit down n relax since she's confined to this limited space only. Paiseh, that day saw Jas's hubby also helped to keep an eye on K. He must be thinking this mummy damn lazy haha

btw, forget to tell u, that day i channel surf and saw one singer contestant of project superstar look like u (in younger version hehe). My first time watching that show so did not notice the name. I dont know if other mummies who watch n saw shane b4 agree with me or not.
<font color="0000ff">Gymboree Playgym @ Serangoon Garden</font>
$8 for Gymboree members. $15 for non-members.
ok, on. We have it tomorrow. I called them to book for us liao.
<font color="ff6000">LV,</font> you join us the next round then.

<font color="ff0000">Mummies &amp; Daddies: Remember to bring socks! No need socks for tods.</font>

Date: 20 Jan (Sat)
Time: 2-3pm

1. Tang Ling
2. Shane
3. Jasmine
4. Ixorarred (TBC)
5. Mckee (TBC)
3k quite ok ley .... hmm, ai ya make me itchy ..
i rem my friends did (some years back), it was about 2k+ for 1 eye.. so i thot do both need at least 5k....very ex ley... can go 1 holiday liow...

but i scared ley..hmmm... btw, lasik can cure high astimasim or not ? u now the shang guan thingy..
<font color="ff6000">Erlisa</font>
Same as you - I am always the one taking the photos!
So many shots of JJ+dad but not with mum. But I take better pics than my hb. Hehe.
ya last time was aro tat amt 1. But now really decrease alot liao..

I'm not sure abt tat, maybe u wanna pose another qn in both thread? hehe

I noe apr thread a # of mummies lasik though. I got inspired by SC &amp; Valmom also.

Maybe we can do together hor?? give each other the guts &amp; motivation. kaka
re: Lasik,
Hmm, i also got no guts. I scared what if I am the unlucky one and i became blind after that ... Erm, i always got negative thinking 1.
U all tempted me leh... but me no $$$$....kekeke..

I was as blind as a bat... I recognise family member by shape without glass... U can snatch my glasses and wallop me upside down I also dunno who did it... and my friends all laffing when I told them this...lucky me not that mean to friends so no one did any action yet.... but I also have high asti.... dunno can cure or not.. what I heard is the lens out of shape then become asti...
ai ya i +ve abit then u make me pessimistic again...i also scared become blind, cannot anyhow play play such things...

ya maybe we go do together hor... but first i must c if i can bear to part with the $ or not first

haha, we were both chatting ley...so i lazy with you together. this is not called lazy, this is called 'remote control' with ur eyes keke...

huh got look like me ?! who ??!!! i c all the contestents before, don't feel any look like me ley... i only rem a short hair spunky one who can sing quite well. tt one surely don't look like me. anyway i think i got common face, cos seems to find pple saying i look like this and that...

who who who?? Issit Diya?

U got to mediacorp, look under U channel &amp; there's these superstars blog. Go check check leh, then let me noe.

This is 1 of my concerns &amp; phobia leh. Eyes are v impt, cannot play play.
Aiya u making me lost all my optismism liao ler..
