(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

<font color="0000ff">anns</font>
Sorry can I trouble you to get for me LF phonics a-z and also numbers if they have? I think this must be the one my friend got from TARGET. I can show to the rest of the mummies and if really want I can get my colleagues to buy for us.

after effects from vaccine jab
brought adelle for her final booster jab this morn. and my mom called to tell me that adelle seems to be experiencing some discomfort and that she's walking with a limp! anyone experienced this?
If it is not too much trouble, can help me to get the DVDs? I am thinking of the 5-pack DVD here but I realised that the DVDs cost US$9.99 each. So if bought separately, it is cheaper. Is there anything wrong?
<font color="0000ff">anns</font>
Then can you just get for me the Letter Factory phonics A-Z. I don't have any info from my friend yet. But nevermind I just want something that can teach alphabets. I am quite sure this is the one she got.
<font color="0000ff">ixorarred</font>
Joelle sort of complain that her thigh hurts after that jab. And when I try to rub it she cry and cry. I guess that's why adelle is limping.
no lah, me not well groomed. I would consider one doing mani&amp;pedi plus the hair and facial well-groomed. I dun do mani&amp;pedi..only once for wedding's sake...
You pretty mah.. where got like aunty... u too modest liao....

ya lor. That itself make him quiet. actually hor, during courtship my hubby worse than me leh. Everytime need to go toilet and do hair one. Me once go out of house no touch-up make=up. And up to now, i dun bring make-up out lor. Only do make-up at home.

Today i very vain. I go rebond hair and touch up my hair colour. Gonna surprise my hubby. Hee Hope he likes it. Lil Riz was kind of a bit apprehensive to approach me after i rebond hair. Mabbe i look different to him lah.. hahaha

One task down... left to find a good facial place and go top up my facial products.... kekeke
<font color="0000ff">erlisa</font>
Wah you sure look different now. Must have spent a few hours sitting there till backside hot. I also have to do some pretty stuff to myself before CNY.
<font color="ff6000">LV</font>
No, K doesnt need socks. Only parents need to wear.

<font color="ff6000">Aries</font>
Yap, $15 for non-members. Actually, this is the first time we are organizing a mass playgym. Hehe. Dunno if we would have another one. Hopefully, for the fun of it.

<font color="ff6000">Cherry</font>
I know what you mean, coz me also sama sama fair complexion and the pigmentation is so obvious! Wish I were darker.

<font color="0000ff">Makeup</font>
Like Caymom, I dont use makeup. A couple of weeks ago, I had to attend a wedding as a co-ordinator (for a cousin) and I did a make-over just being vain. Kekeke. I was so surprised that all my relatives were all so stunned. Hahaha. That just proves how much make up can do. But hor, my boy still smiles and call mama the moment he saw me in all that make-up.

<font color="0000ff">Food Allergy</font>
We had a bad scare a week ago when JJ developed rashes all over his back and front of his body, and also his neck. It was so bad that it feels like sandpaper when we touch him.
Doctor gave medicine and cream. Finally rashes came down. But still unable to pinpoint what caused it. No. 1 suspect is the dried persimmon that my sil gave JJ, bought from CHINA. I had a shock when I saw what was JJ eating, but didnt say anything since my hb is the one feeding him. It made him feel so bad now, and he is VERY skeptical about all the new food going into JJs mouth now. Hehe.
<font color="ff0000">Ixorrared</font>
Really ah, you saw me?? U worked in Raffles Place too? Maybe next time can arrange to lunch together

<font color="ff0000">Cherry</font>
At least Ash says "frog, frog, frog". Jay is least interested in the phonic segment leh. Everyone sitting in front, he will like to go behind ( craft work section) and sit on the chair and not pay attention. Funny leh, when i do flashcards at home, he's always very attentive?!?

<font color="0000ff">Makeup</font>
Wah, all on the "hiao-hiao" topic. Me too, my mum has pefect white smooth skin but i'm plagued with pimples/pigmentation problem since i stepped out to work. I'm always very "jealous" of her.Foundation is really meant to hide my marks, really no choice have to use. After birth i tot my skin will improve but still the same leh.

<font color="ff0000">Bbrooster/Elisa</font> ,same, same i never leave home w/o my basic makeup just to make sure i got "lian " to meet people.

<font color="ff0000">Shane</font>, i was also on medication for the last 6 months to control my oily skin. Just stopped and hoped the problem will go away for good.

I presumed u rec'd the Barney CD liao?

<font color="ff0000">Bbrooster/Anns</font>
I'm interested in the <font color="0000ff">LF DVDs</font> too. If convenient, please count me in if you are taking in orders

<font color="0000ff">Food Allergy</font>
Tang Ling, i understand how you feel. I had a big scare too when Jay had hives.Just got to monitor closely what goes into their mouth

<font color="0000ff">More Words</font>
Hb was very happy yesterday and was "showing off" to me. We went to visit a fren @ TMC who just delivered and when he called home, MIL taught Jay to call Daddy to come home...Jay uttered over the phone: "daddi-daddi...cum hom" in less than perfect diction 2 times. He was over the moon!

<font color="0000ff">Maid issue</font>
Guess what, my maid is requesting to go back Indo earlier in end-Feb before her contract ends in July due to family matters.
Aiyoh, i very headache. Hubby is going for reservist soon &amp; i've got to fly more regularly for work now... With a new maid, there is the training and familarisation issues to resolve. She cried but i think i wanna cry even harder myself!

Aiyoh...Chole is so very the cute...Ryan looks really smart in his new hairdo!
Forgot to ask you how you are adjusting to working life again
I think the whole set is because before sales, it cost $14.99 per DVD. So, now they bundled up in box, they sells cheaper. I suppose nothing different. If buy in store, might not able to get all the DVD?

BBrooster &amp; jaymom
ok, 1 LF LEtter factory.
Exchange rate USD x 1.55 = SGD
<font color="0000ff">Twinklets,</font>
At least you put on foundation, I can't even be bothered. Strangely, when I stay at my mom's place occasionally, I will want to use my sis's makeup before I go to work. Back at home, I simply can't be bothered. Maybe my mom's place is nearer to my workplace so I have more time to play with makeup.

<font color="119911">Glayz,</font>
My hb will offer to pay for my clothes if I ask him to but usually I won't lah. I don't like to ask him to pay. If he is sincere enough, he should volunteer.
But he always insists on paying for the gynae charges for this #2, so I don't feel so upset.

Do you find LP that good? I didn't have time to read thru the thread last night. When I told hb about the LP, he told me to just get the whole set. Now that I read back, I think not so nice to make Anns lug the whole set from US to SYD then SIN. Besides, not sure whether cay likes it too.

<font color="ff6000">LV,</font>
I see. I heard the white one is better so I went straight to get it. You can selling the blue one? Thinking of getting one to try out on #2.

<font color="0077aa">Bbrooster,</font>
My hb always feel that my clothes don't suit me. One reason is because my old clothes look rather small on me now. I was previously a S or even XS size (hard to imagine right?
) After marriage, I went to M/L size but I still kept my S size clothes in the hope of squeezing into them one day. Whenever I attempt to wear them, my hb will say things like:
"you sure you want to go out like this??"
"the top is too small/short, make you look fat."
"you look too busty."
"OMG, don't disgrace yourself."

Sometimes I am very lop and he will want me to put on something more decent. If I wear shorts, he will want me to wear at least bermudas.

<font color="aa00aa">Anns,</font>
I see. I think just get for me one LF letter factory and LF Maths Cirus. If you are overloaded, just the letter factory will do. Thanks a lot.
Can get for me the Maths Circus??? If its not too heavy for u... maybe pple will wonder why u buy so many letter factory...kekekeke

I was a M before preggie (me busty type...clothes must fit in my boobs..).. then a L after Sky.. now I dun dare to think liao... and my hb is always a S... sigh... I look short and ultra fat beside him....

Letter Factory I think is quite good... becos I was learning with my boi... but the Vtech toy is saying some phonics differently...so not too sure which is correct..so I just say, 1 american, 1 british...kekekeke
LF Lettery Factory (3)
Caymom. Jaymom &amp; BBrooster
LF Maths Circus (2)
Caymom &amp; Glayz

ok, I have placed order from amazon. Once I recv it, I will let you know.
<font color="ff0000">Glayz,</font>
I was also considered busty type. When I was slimmer, I had the hour glass figure although my bum not that big. But after getting fat and bfg for a year, my waist become bigger and bust shrank... so I looked like a inverted funnel.

<font color="0000ff">Anns,</font>
Thanks a lot!!!
<font color="0000ff">Caymom</font>
me also v lazy, sometimes at work no makeup, sometimes have. &amp; sometimes wear specs &amp; sometimes wear contacts. hee.. it all dpends on my mood.. So my colleagues all used to my naked pale looking face 1. kaka..

Actually I like to make up 1, help pple make up too. heeee I like to see the after effect result. U look v pretty with makeup on leh (saw ur hmm Bridal pics remember?). Think u shd do it often leh. Nowadays I feel must doll up for Hb too. Or else go outside gai gai, his eyes will go see other pretty mei mei &amp; his wife besides him look like Aunty, tat feeling aint good for me lor. If can, be a 'young' &amp; radiant Mummy! haha!
wow hourglass!! Sexy *whistle* heee..
Me also belong to busty type &amp; I really HATE it! But I'm not blessed like U, I'm borned wif thick waist. Gee.. Slimmest time my waist also 28" 1.
Then my butt not those very big type, quite flat infact. So end result my figure is Apple Shape..
U so funny lor... Me last time also a bit of hourglass la...becos butt also big mah... and my hb used to say I look good from back... as waist look slim...(from my big butt la) but now my waist disappear liao.... so hahaha..... that day before this preggie hb just claim that...how come ur waist disappear liao...when he tried to hug me... sobz...
<font color="0000ff">jaymom</font>
oh yes i got the cd. Thanks v much for the trouble taken.

oh, you were also on medication? i think should be the same type. is it also cannot get preggie one ? I hvn't reach the 6mth mark. Think sup to take that long but I don't want to. Cos need another 6 mths for 'detoxicing' before can ttc. So just in case want to ttc, don't need to wait so long.

I don't put on foundation. Just concealer and loose powder. I'm very scared of the foundation making my skin go worse. Now the medication helped and for once, i can go out make up-less, so happy but i really hope it's for good. The med also not cheap.

<font color="0000ff">erlisa</font>
wah, u got do mei mei already ah. is ur hair very long now ? how much did u pay ?

i'm considering to do rebond next mth cos i went to complain to hairstylist that the straightening and he was willing to let me top up and redo rebonding. the only concern now is i'm afraid my hair will go bad after 2 close harsh treatment.

<font color="0000ff">caymom</font>
I also find your dressing ok. actually i opposite of you, my hub more bo chap, so sometimes it's me to ask him to dress up more

Think we better list our names for the DVD so that easier for Anns to consolidate. Btw, Anns do let us know if too many and too heavy for you.
<font color="119911">LF DVDs</font>
1. bbrooster - Letter Factory
2. Glayz - Maths Circus
3. caymom - Letter Factory &amp; Maths Circus
4. jaymom - Letter Factory
5. Shane - considering

<font color="0000ff">ixorarred</font>
E was ok after the jab. but we were carrying her mostly after she had the jab. now come to think of it don't know she pain or not cos we keep carrying her.
ooi.. u got bigger butt, tat's good u noe..
I wish I have a bigger &amp; more qiao butt, but no leh.. think my waist really too thick liao.. from back &amp; front, I juz simply look so straight..

then hor, i look worst in wearing dress..
Hourglass ladies look good in wearing dress 1 de...

aiya.. my hb din say my waist disappear.. cos all along not much there also lor.. kaka.. He only say my problem area now is my TUMMY......... BuT BUT BUT.. this tummy is the most nan jian der mah.. Sobss..

I can pinch 1 big fat lump of tummy fats when I sit or stand. SO JIA LAK!!!!
<font color="ff0000">Twinklets,</font>
Hourglass is history. *sob* My waist was 23.5' at my slimmest stage.

I have stopped wearing contacts liao. Kena eye infection and dry eyes last year and specialist advise me to let my eyes rest for a few months. I became too lazy to put them on. Thinking of switching to dailies instead of monthly disposables but always forget to go optical shop.

So I have been a four-eyed girl at work for quite a long time liao. My colleagues seem to prefer me without glassess. After preggie, can't be bothered also, maybe I will put back contacts after #2 comes out. My hair also in a mess right now. Now it's around shoulder length. Thinking of cutting shorter in prep for confinement but I think I will look super aunty. Dilemma.

Hey, I also think I should start dolling up. I think my hb is ageing slower than me leh! He still looks very much the same since wedding, other than the bigger belly. But me?? I looked totally different!!! So when we go out, I really think I looked so old and aunty in contrast. I used to look better than him one. He has those matured look since young. I used to tease that people will wonder why I am hanging out with an uncle. But now he looked younger and better than me.

To tell you the truth, I have been asking him whether he feel I am old and fat and whether he will look at other women. He is so sick of my questions liao.
Can i tongpang 2 DVD? Thanks

Think we better list our names for the DVD so that easier for Anns to consolidate. Btw, Anns do let us know if too many and too heavy for you.
1. bbrooster - Letter Factory
2. Glayz - Maths Circus
3. caymom - Letter Factory &amp; Maths Circus
4. jaymom - Letter Factory
5. Shane - considering
6. <font color="0000ff">aries</font> - Maths circus &amp; talking words factory
I afraid I cannot amend my order w/ Amazon coz' its indicate shipping soon. If you want, I can try to see Target got or not.
<font color="0000ff">Caymom</font>
OMG, U are SO SLIM &amp; SO HOURGLAss!! I dun even noe I got such inch when I was in sec 1 u noe!

Ok, same here I kana eye infection during Preg time. &amp; went to SNEC, so they advise me to wear specs also. Anw, I went to get dailies, &amp; I'm still wearing Dailies now. So tat explain why at times I wear contacts &amp; at times I wear Specs. I'm in need to do a new specs cos my current specs is Crooked liao (thanks to Ashely!!!) ! Me gog to rebond my hair tomorrow, hope it'll give me a neater look lor, currently same like u, I'm a Lionness now!!!

U dun be sian cos currently u preggie mah! Last time when I was preg, I look damn awful. But at times in order to make myself more happy, I'll doll myself up with makeup though the figure was like a big ball. But hey tat really boast up my morale alil' bit lar. So why dun u doll up with some makeup too? It really will make some difference 1. Hee hee..

My Hb also ageing slower than me leh. He &amp; ur hb same 1, got tat matured look also. I always very confident that I'll forever look better than him lor. haha.. But hor afterbirth the figure really so jia lak, I gai gai besides him, I become 'zhi bei' wor. &amp; the worst part is his mum is such a modern woman with all the sphaggetti &amp; make up, I lagi felt more upset.

Dun despair ok??! Go buy some makeup kit &amp; start dolling urself up. U can also be a Pretty Mama!!!!
Then after #2 up, wif ur BF, U'll slim back again. Do u noe my HB saw u at TumbleTots &amp; he commented that U are sweet pretty lady leh.
no problem. i'll get it the next round then.

do you want anns to get it from target for u ?

Clothes Size
I used to be S and sometimes XS too. sigh Now i'm a M and sometimes L for some smaller cutting. Tt y i don't really like to buy clothes and i wouldn't buy the clothes if i can only fit in size L sometimes cos i feel so demoralised. I'm in self denial

not only you. sometime back i was also asking my hub the same kind of questions. but he'll always reassure me. but i sorta feel 'better' cos my hub bigger size than me
so lame rite.
twinklet &amp; Caymom
I saw you gals before, both of u look pretty leh and blog's pictures also nice nice leh. Why Zhi pei?

ya, if you ok w/ it, I can buy from Target, only thing is w/ TAX.
<font color="0000ff">Clothes Size</font>
I'm in self denial too. I hate to squeeze into L size clothes.
That's why I hate to go shopping for clothes too. CNY is coming, think I'll wear bk my old clothes.

Nowadays I'll be happy if I can squeeze into M size. I'm contented already. hahahahaha!
i agree with twinklets. Just doll up. Wear more trendy maternity wear and put on make up. really make a difference. I was insecure when i was preggie cos so bloated fat and ugly, so i just put in effort to doll up, wear nice maternity clothes to make myself more presentable. Partly also scared hubby eyes venture elsewhere

I also feel the same, you got sweet pretty face. I'm serious! So your prerequisite already there, just need to 'spruce' up abit then sure mei mei one....
aiya.. you are are pretty and young mummy. share with you a joke. my waistline was 23.5' when i was in primary school. My niece who is in primary one now has a waist line of 29inc. so you see...
<font color="0000ff">Anns</font>
Zhi bei cos my hb forever so slim as pre preg, &amp; ME balloon so much since then. It is like my look has changed since the moment I preg. Sometimes I wonder whether he regret marry me or not. haha..
Do u noe I ever ask my hb.. "will u still luv me if 1 day I become a fat woman?"
His reply is "errrhmm hmm.. better dun be fat lar. I'll be there to help u jian fei."

Wow kao.. hear his reply, my heart dropped ..
so if i got #2, i die die must slim back to M size again..
u can really buy from target ah. wat's the price? I scared mafun you. and will it be too heavy for you???

or we buy 1 each and we 'share share' ?
Alamak, my hubby also said the same. But I stare @ him and he quickly apologise and said even I fat like black mama also love. :p
the website indicate the same price as Amazon. But must check the store inorder to see. I will check and let u know. ok? unless Shane confirm want, then I can order again from Amazon coz' over $25, got free shipping.
me too ley, i go shopping always look at S .. then i know cannot fit .. then reluctantly take M. but now better liow, i straight away take M.. then if cannot fit, i'll be totally sien .. sigh ........

my hub reply will always be yes lor ... but i find it abit 'jia' ley ...

ur niece really 29 ???? she must be very cute ..
<font color="0000ff">Anns</font>
hey u dun make me laff at office leh..
I think nan ren all the same 1 der lar.. who wans a fatter wife rite? haha.. Hey u so petite, u wont be like black mama next time lar.

Moreover, u got tat kinda youthful look,tat's already a BIG BIG BONUS liao!!!

<font color="119911">Shane</font>
u hah.. me wont look at S at all, cos sure cant fit lar.. haha..

ur hb is gd, say yes, at least he noes how to 'hong' u mah!!
sigh .. 'hong' is not good lor.... but seriously, love should go beyond looks lah (ez to say, hard to do) cos when we turn 50, 60, will look even worse. i don't even 1 2 think abt it!!!

oh ya Anns, i forgot you are VERY young!!!!!!!!! envy envy !!!!!
i stll rem ur look at tumble tots... like a young gal with little bro .... keke ...
talking about tumble tot days .... our babies were all so young ... just learning to crawl .... i miss those times... so cute!
<font color="ff0000">Twinklets,</font>
Actually, this pregnancy I am more conscious of my appearance. When I was preggie, I even more bochap. But I ballooned too fast this time, doll up still can't hide my bloated face and swollen nose. My friend told me my features completely changed. I feel kinda sad to hear it.

I also feel that I will look better than my hb forever. His complexion has always been bad and he has problems slimming down. Plus he always put on a serious face. But cay has brought him more smiles and I think that made him look so much better. Whereas cay gave me more stress and frustration! Sigh, no wonder I aged faster.

Now I know why your hb had problems recog me during the xmas party. He must be thinking,"huh, what happened to you???"

You hb really said that to you? My hb's answer was "Your size doesn't matter. If you mind, there is always slimming centre. I pay for you lah."

<font color="0000ff">Shane,</font>
Your hb so nice to assure you. Mine can't be bothered to answer me at times. My hb actually wanted me to buy new maternity clothes. I think he wants to make me happy lah but if I am stopping at two, no point buy new clothes already, only around 4 months left.

<font color="ff6000">Anns,</font>
Nowadays I seldom put my face in my blog already... for the obvious reasons. Actually, I also zhipei because a lot of my friends are very pretty. Even my sis also dolls up a lot. I really fade into the background when I am with them. At first I don't really feel it because still young mah but now getting old and I kinda feel the pressure.

<font color="0077aa">Cherry,</font>
Actually, I was a fat kid since young. I only slimmed down during uni days when I stayed in the hostel. Maybe my mom tends to overfeed me. My hb also started gaining weight when he eats at my place.
heee yes yes.. like a Da Jie Jie bring her lil' bro out!!!!!! Sorry Anns, how old are u again???
Dun make me vomit blood out when I noe ur age ok??? heheheee

Err..I think the figure part may like u noe.."Zhong Nian Fa Fu".. but the face part we can still age gracefully if we bao yang OK lor..
Anw I think by tat age, we'll really hackcare the looks of the other partner, cos so old liao ler mah.
But for this current age, we woman 30 lan ca ca, man 30 1 tiao long. So really have to doll up &amp; make ourself attractive again!! Risky age for us now!!!
yes my niece, 6yrs old only weighs nearly 30kg and has waist of 29inch. you can't feel her bones at all when you hug her. i am so so afraid ashley will grow up like that.. cos its seems to run in the family.. i was also almost there when i was in primary 1! jialet!

NEXT TOPIC -- Hubby's comments
my frequent conversation with hubby:
Me: Do i look aunty in this?
Hubby: almak, how to ans, you already aunty what.
Me: HELLO!! (blackface)
Hubby: okay lah okay lah... aunty also ok cos you already married and have a bb!
argh see what kinda of answer! --- moral of the story.. DO NOT ASK MAN!-------
Was just thinking about our PGs...
<font color="0077aa">2007 PG Schedule for the next 6 months</font>
<font color="0000ff">Jan - Outdoor - Playgym &amp; Park</font>
<font color="119911">Feb - Indoor - CNY theme</font>
<font color="0000ff">Mar - Outdoor</font>
<font color="119911">Apr - Indoor</font>
<font color="0000ff">May - Outdoor</font>
<font color="119911">Jun - Indoor - Jun mass birthday (3rd Jun?)celebration</font> we can share to cater buffet, order a cake and have gift exchange

<font color="0000ff"> For indoor PG</font>
We'll make it educational - story telling, sing songs, learn phonics?

<font color="0077aa"> For outdoor PG</font>
We can think of a place to go - zoo, bird park, Botanical gardens, parks, sentosa, etc.

Just thinking ahead
<font color="aa00aa">Caymom</font>
Dun be sad k. Doll urself abit more, U'll really see the difference lar. Even got swollen nose, can also wont be so red &amp; round when u apply some powder on it. hee hee.. Btw if ur really wanna compare the bloatness, U'll lose out to me lar. When I was aro ur mth, I was really fat like dunno wat OK. When I saw u at Xmas party, U still those petite preg mummy to me lar, really lar, dun bluff u.
My HB's reaction really so big mah? hehehehee!
Ur HB is really v good leh, replied u in such way. My HB will never offer such goodies to me 1. Even my #1 massage $, suppose to share half, he also din pay me back OK.
Anw, I told him if #2 I really fat like dunno wat, he die die must sponsor me half of the massage $. I really dun care liao lor.
<font color="ff6000">Caymom</font>
No lah, you don't look like an aunty beside your hb. You have to feel good, then you would look good too.

<font color="ff6000">Jaymom</font>
Really ah - your maid going back early. Then how? Tricky situation. Plus all the spring cleaning for CNY.
it's true ... they say men is like wine, better as they age.. very stress. i also hitting the big 30... feel like running way from it haha....

i also scared for E. but for now she's ok. but next time don't know. u know how the older generation will always say, young pui pui then cute, will grow out of it, etc etc ....

haha, ur hub so cute. now my hub has learned to keep quite and give me textbook answers - answers that are deemed right. haha.....

actually my hub also v fun from my questions. sometimes he'll just give me the look.

but one thing he say will really assure me.. he'll say " i'm like that and you already don't xian qi me, so how can i xian qi you right..." that's the most logical answer to me .. haha ...

true, ur hub quite nice, can offer to buy clothes for u, stil can suggest slimming centre... not bad liow....

oh ya ur maid issue hor.. too engrossed in other topics.... when she intend to leave ? how long for new maid to come in ? quickly get 1 and ask her to train for you ? but i don't feel safe for jay ley.. new maid and him alone ... are u considering to send him to cc ?
