(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

My hb always think of using $ to solve problems. He is rather generous but bad thing is he may end up spending too much. We don't have joint account so if he overspends, he will tell me he has no $ liao and I have to pay more for household expenses. I check his account balance once in a while to make sure it doesn't fall below the min amount and incur bank charges.
I ever feared that he does not have $ to pay for my delivery leh.

<font color="ff0000">Cherry</font>
ur conversation w/ ur hb is so cute &amp; funny.

Think if I'm u, I will give my hb dunno wat blackface liao. If he ever say I look Aunty, I'll sure retort say he looks like Uncle 1.
<font color="ff6000">Cherry</font>
Agree with you - don't ask the men. When I do ask (can't resist), my hb would have this wei nan look. ummm... ok, no need to say lah. Kekeke.
oic ... we dun have joint a/c ... so no more thrill of 'hub bot me this or that' ... cos our money is our money

but it helps us to monitor our expenses and make financial decisions jointly.
<font color="119911">Shane</font>
Yes no deny abt ur statement.
I really realize my hb does look better nowadays compare to Pak tor times.
No deny our hb will get fan whenever we ask such nuisance qns. But sometimes I can be quite nottie when I told him he will start balding very soon.
Then he will have such a ultra scary big reaction, cos he prefers to have belly than balding. haha

So i think who noes next time THEY will be the 1 keep asking us to check on their balding head!!!

Wow nice idea on the PG. Good to think far.
Hee tell u wat.. when the weather more Sunny, I wanna propose to my hb go EC for Camping. hahahahaaha ..
But no overnite though, hmm.. time to dig out our tent out &amp; our beach chairs!!

I think it may be pretty fun to have a BBQ at the beach leh. haha.. sorry my ideal tot again!!!
My hb also call me aunty... and I resort to call him Ah bei.... (my hb 8 yrs older mah... )

But my hb waistline from when first part toring already smaller than mine... once he super funny fit in my jeans and claim "WAH U SO FAT" (my pre preggie size... me plump and he super thin...)

I dun dare to stand on weights with him around becos his reading always lower than mine... he once comment that I am fat.. and I was like "U are the one too thin... and me average!!!"

My hb also spend a lot...but $$$ all dunno gone where.... I used to pay so much for household that the last outburst I cannot take it then after the outburst he start to chip in more... BTW for ur info... I am saving up for my delivery charges....
yes me will do tat when he ever call me tat next time. Now he dun dare ..
My hb also super skinny 1..
Good reply from u to ur hb leh!
wah camping ... interesting ley. but hor i actually not v outdoor kind of person haha..
i actually like bbq but hate the hassle and heat.
maybe 1 outdoor PG can hv bbq.

wah, ur hub so much older ah, tt's gd ley. last time i always want older man cos they will dote on younger wife keke .....
My hb only 42kg (on last measuremnet on New yr day... part tor time he even drop to 38kg lor...)

So now my hb always look good except been 2-3 months preggie...beer beely la... but me aged 10 yrs after Sky.... haiz... now dun even hiao hiao liao worse state lor....

When he was commenting on how good others look...I will just reply lor.. "u want u go after them lor... I just want $1k maintainenece a month will do..."

Then he keep quiet liao... becos he knows his friends' wife all dun contribute to household expenses and housework is SPLIT... for me household expense is split (housing loan paid by my cpf is not acct for) and housework is solely done by me.... so think he scare #2 wife will be like his friend wives ba...
hi mummies,
good morning! Early morning complaining about hubbies liao. Looks like most of us have the same type of men who dont know how to sweet talk us. My hub also always reply 'normal or ok lor' when i ask him for comments even on food. Ask him 'fat or not' he'll reply 'then go lose weight or running'. Then i replied him how to run with K??

dont worry, u r not alone. Insecurity sets in after i gave birth til now. Everytime see pretty women on tv, i'll ask him pretty or not. U know what he said about taiwan rated 1st beauty Lin Zhiling, he said very ugly because very skinny.. wa kao.. dunno whether really mean it or just humor me haha but so far i also dont rem he idolize or like any female actress/singer.
Then he will tell u to piggy back K and u RUN... thats what my hb once suggest... to add resistent... arghhhh

And I dun ask him pretty or not... I will tell him u go after them lor... and remember my $1k maintainence a month...
<font color="119911">Glayz,</font>
I see. My hb always go for quality. He always says must buy the best, or else rather not buy. He can spend hundreds on a watch when the most ex watch I have is not even $100. His clothes also very ex although he doesn’t buy unnecessarily. I had an outburst before too so my hb now pays for more household expenses. I rather my hb spend more on me and the family, then he has no money for other things. If he has no money to buy his own things, he won’t buy.
hee ya luv camping lor.. I always drag hb along to camp during paktor times.. Now got kids liao, lagi better.. keke..

Ehh.. I just anyhow say on the BBQ lar.. think a picnic will just be fine lor.

wow.. ur hb is ultra light............
I feel like giant besides him..
alamak think ur HB set v high stds lar.
Lin ZhiLing is my HB's idol lor.

But frankly I dun find her damn pretty lar. She has normal sweet features &amp; her boobs are fake lor. wkakakakaka.. sour grapes!!

Oh man.. my hb seems like has alot of females idols leh. COme to think of it.. all skinny slim 1..
Ya lor... so whenever I stand on scales he will be like... wah so heavy... then I came with the u super thin reply lor....

And I forever heavier than him... and now I dun even step on any.... and he knew I lose weight due to MS...keep telling to eat... i eat then puke then he say so waste.... arghhhhh
ur hb so funny .. keke..
hey i also dun dare to stand on scales.. i can die whenever i see the figure topping..

ur hb is ultra light, think most of the mummies here heavier than him lar.. hee.. u shd tell him to eat more more more..
Ya lor, now look nice nice liao, my self-confidence got go up a bit liaos.. so no need to spend so much time on my hair kekekeke

All these while when I do make-up, Riz always like to look at me. Then one day, he got hold of my make-up bag. Guess what he did, he took my cheek blusher brush in one hand and a eye liner on the other and start to pretend to do on his face. I was like OMG!!!!! Now I try to do my make-up away from Riz....

Re: hubby
Don't laugh hor when i say this... I always ask my hubby whether I look pretty or not whenever we go out... then he always give standard answer... "pretty"... then when i forget to ask him, then i will tell him "u never say that i pretty today"... then he tell me, "i too pretty liao until he forget about everything...." ... then i tell him back "ya, u take me for granted.. later i go out wear aunty clothes and dun put make-up then see if you want to walk beside me"... haha
Coz my hubby is one who has got "high standard"... must look good from head-to-toe one when go out... so he got impose standard on me oso but lucky for him, i'm au naturel coz i already super vain ... hehehe

When i wear accessories like dangling earrings or necklace, he say i bit too much liaos... always tell me "wei, u mother of 1 already leh".. and i said "so? cannot dress up meh? mother of 1 must look like one meh? then like dat must buy aunty clothes liaos lah... " then he keep quiet.... hehehe
my hub got idol but i forgot the name !!! but her pretty gal to me like ok ok only ley.

who is lin zhiling ?

Riz so cute! but ya, better do make up away from him.....

keep up the good work, once u got the mode of 'maintaining' then wun really slack liow, which is gd also... i feel that it's gd to keep hubby on their toes ... if not they'll take us for granted also ...
Thanks. so still can order from amazon?

I got what you mean? But you still want get another one so anns can get from amazon?
i meant, u get 1 and i get the other, then we swop to share

maybe let's wait till anns get back and see what's the price is first.
her boobs r fake meh? But i'm a bit skeptical over the recent large boobs these taiwanese have. Everytime watch shows, the girls allminimum cup D and a lot E, F, G but they r so skinny on other parts. Koreans r famous for cosmetic surgeries. Actually i'm not against it, if have more money i also want to go and enhance a bit hehe
btw, luckily my hubby bigger size and taller. if not skinny will look more like my younger brother. I secretly make him eat more so that he will become fatter and uglier than no woman like. haha.. but hor, mistress these days dont care old young or old, thin or fat

then u must be very stressed keeping up the standards of your hubby. But my hubby told me before all guys like their wives to dress up and look good. BUt these days wear nice also no image, go out chasing after our toddlers already look like mad woman. Eating time worse, sometimes she choked and vomit or if not throw food all over the place or scream loudly. aiyah so difficult to be sweet and demure liao
if u got cable tv, u'll know who is she (lin zhiling) cos she's all over the place. I also got to 'know' her when my sis's bf said all his army friends love her like crazy, so went to find out who's the goddess.
of cos li jiaxin pretty. ah.. i think my hubby said before wong lilin quite pretty.

if u ordering from amazon for shane, can i ride on and order barney audio cd?
<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
keke... actually i also abit like you ... just let my hub eat all he likes .... hahahhahahaha... i'm so evil rite ... but me and hub like to eat .. so so so .. i must control!!!

it's true, now mistresses don't care abt that.. i think main thing is $$$ ... so don't let hub hv too much $$$...

but also got those everything also don't 1 .. cos they independent ... they just want the man...sigh ..

i got cable ley but who is she ? the one who host with wu zhong xian ? name of show called 9.30 or wat one ?

u know ah, i can't rem how li jiaxin look like =p

ya i find wong lilian not too bad also ... and i envy her to death. when she was preggie with #2, she has the same weight as me!!!! then now she went back to her original form and even skinnier .. infact abit too skinny.....
no stress lah. I oso very the vain mah, so i no stress at all. I oso want to look good when go out with him and Riz...

Yah, chasing our tots is another, with our tots screaming at us in the restaurant is another. But i always believe in patience... if we can withstand our anger and be patient with our tots, i'm sure our tots will learn to be more demure and act sensibly when in public... just my pov lah....

Big cups,
yah, i oso sceptical like LV on these boobs boom amg the taiwanese celebrities... actually hor, with all these cosmetic surgeries et all, we will never know who has real beauty or not... or whether their "beauty" has been enhanced by silicon,etc...
Sure i know what you mean ya..keke... okie.
but if plus <font color="0000ff">LV</font> barney cd should be more than $25.

The audio cd is all songs of barney show?

If you ok, can i include the barney cd as well?

So sorry to buy so many.
<font color="0000ff">Lv</font>
yeah tink that time got magazine say her boobs shrink after her horse accident mah.. Anw her figure is REALLY fantastic lor.. But her face i think jus plain pretty, lack of tat Xfactor look.
Hmm ur hb quite a looker leh ( i see from the blog lar. hahaha) Think u really have to be on toes all minute.

Sweet &amp; demure? hmm.. not in my dictionary .. think I'm becoming v dominant &amp; fierce eversince I'm a mother.

Ok talking abt the koreans, ok lor, seem like 90% go for tat. I'm not against tat also, but I always like to make critical remarks whenever I see any1 having tat nose job or chin job. =P If I got $, think I wont dare to do it either. I scare of anything going into my face &amp; I need to go bk there for maintanence. However I'll sure go for tat Jian Fei 1 though.

<font color="aa00aa">Shane</font>
Yes Li Jia Xing, aka Michelle Reis, ring a bell?? Think she's loreal or dunno which brand spokewoman.. can always see her in mag.
She's also my HB's idol leh. Yes, i find her true beauty leh. I think she nvr has cosmetic surgery before lor, cos I've been 'observing' her since early 90s.

Yah I quite like Wong Liling, eversince the Pyramid game though. She was damn smart &amp; witty since then. But tat time she was not pretty. Think when she go get her eyelid cut &amp; boobs job, then she more prettier.
1 thing I like abt her is her X factor style bah.
&amp; yesss.. i envy her to death when she was still so slim &amp; attractive during her 2 preggie x!!
wah yesterday topic about skincare and today complaining about hubby so interesting

great ideal to plan ahead for our PG.. should we set a date so that we can block our calendar

if still in time to order from amazon can include mine? if not its ok.. thanks.
Jasmine - Letter Factory &amp; Maths Circus
Wong Li Lin
yeah, super envious of her too. in fact, i have a pic of her participating in a bithalon 2 months post partum in office...disgusting super flat tummy ...but the photo was meant to be inspiration for me... so far no use! heheh
I already placed order for LF, coz' I thou' Shane wants. If that's the case, you just take that one ok?

Me nolonger young... 30s.
I can feel my energy level is not as good as before. You sure me youthful, my hubby always said I look AUNTY.
omg,u dun look like 30s. dun tell me u are a dragon too? u definitely dun look like 1 lor.

ya no doubt abt it, when reach 30s, our energy level will not be as high as last time liao. So sad for us women!
<font color="ff0000">Shane,</font>
Totally agree. Cannot let men have too much money. That's why I want hubby to spend more on the family. No $$ to do anything else. My hubby has started to complain that he spends so much on the family, in a way is 'giving' me money because I will spend less. Heehee... that is precisely what I want.
Wah... so your hubby give u "Shi fang xian". So good. Whenever I buy something, he will tell me "cash flow cash flow".

from the blog, your hub also got the 'cheongster' look. . so we must motivate each other to keep up keep up.
i still thought my hub look not so nice in the wed photo i put up. I only choose myself nice one, he not nice nevermind hehe. That's how i chose all my wedding photos.
seriously speaking, after no 2 next time when i officially close factory production, i'm considering going for some laser treatment on the tummy to reduce the marks n lines n fats. I heard it costs around 10K? The slimming salon not so good, certified aesthetic doctors r better n more assuring.

that;s fast. It's ok . Maybe i'll order it myself next time.

When i look at all these gorgeous mummies with kids, I'm determine to do something. but everyday i ended up sleeping at night telling myself tmrw then diet.
alamak, u order liao ah...i was juz about to add in my order... ok nvm lah... next time...

looking gd,
yah, looking gd is impt. if not for hubby, at least for ourselves. at least pple wont say wah already got 1 kid look like got dunno how many kids liao... i know we ladies after giving birth sure got flab here and there one...but if know how to conceal them it's gd enuff liaos...

hubby's money,
now i want to spend on my makeup,etc i always tell my hubby... how much so-and-so... he usually do not protest one lah coz he knows i only buy or do my hair when necessary... coz both of us has this transparency among us with our salary and spendings... gd in a way that i know wat he's spending on... hehhe
you not the only one. Last yr I came back SG, said must climb stairs to keep fit, do facial, cut hair, go spa...etc End up only hair cut is done and put on extra kg back instead of losing it. Wow, 10K is expensive.
<font color="0000ff">erlisa</font>
Conceal them? Not good enough leh I want to cut those fats off. I miss all my fitting spahgetti top. Nowadays, I don't wear any tight fitting T-shirt or top anymore.

<font color="0000ff">Glayz</font>
Your hb is so so super skinny. Don't tell me he is tall and skinny. If only can exchange weight. I will take his 42kg and he can have my 52.5kg.

<font color="0000ff">caymom</font>
Your hb has his point also. If want to buy, buy a good quality one otherwise don't buy. But for clothes I normally buy cheap cheap one cos fashion always change.

<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
Me too same same always tell myself diet tomorrow. Now I tell myself diet after CNY.

<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
I am looking forward to all the PGs coming ahead. You really plan well ahead.
If can change like this.. I will be the one changing la... not ur turn...hahaha

He not tall la... 1.6++ onli....
<font color="ff0000">Anns,</font>
Heehee... that is my tactic. Or else all his $$ go into his DVD, handphone, PC accessories, PC games, camera etc etc... I always feel that in his heart, I rank below cay and all his gadgets. We are getting a car soon so my ranking will fall further.
Anyway, best is don't let him have too much $$. I prefer to keep the money for him.

I even asked him for money sometimes. Hahaha.. all because he promised to give me an allowance after he switched job. I wasn't very serious but he did gave during the first month in the new job. Subsequently he didn't but I also never insist. When I see his bank account going up, I will tell him to pay up the allowance in arrears and he will usually give me a lump sum.
So guai hor. But that time the baby bonus for cay, I let him have all the money because he paid for the delivery charges.

cay also helps to keep his money. He always fork out the money for CNY ang pows. Last year, he thought he can recoup some losses but I refused to let him have cay's ang pow. I insisted that they belong to cay. Haha... he so dui.

<font color="0000ff">Bbrooster,</font>
Same here, I don't go for expensive clothes because of fashion changes. For my hb, he is very particular over clothes but lucky thing is he will wear them for a long time.
hmm.. u set std too high liao. I feel tat u are a pretty gorgeoous mummy urself liao. Dun be so hard on urself lar - u already so slim straight after ur confinement! U dunno how many of us here are green wif envy neh.

Oh dear u are the 1st 1 saying my Hb got tat kinda look. Me always hiam my hb looks too decent liao, always want him to go highlight his hair 1.

Hmm the pics u chose for the wedding in ur blog, both of u look just nice. U so bad hor? kakaka.. heng Guys are qin cai. Sometimes I also post my hb's oily face on the blog too. But I say I got edit abit 1. heee.. so he nutting to say liao.

U serious doing those ah? i got tots of that, &amp; I noe now got this technology dunno wat "M something 1", ie inject to ur tummy &amp; fats will melt away! So tempting &amp; so fast way, but dunno really good or not. BUT hor $$ is 1 concern here. Think also easily eat $10K 1. If only I'm rich, then this will certainly in my list after #2. haha..
hi mummies!
Wow! so much to catch up on!

it's this sat? I may be able to join you all after the gym. I'm like big belly whale waddling down the street. will be quite funny if I go gym

This may be my last PG unless there's one BEFORE the CNY. would love to see all of you. It's been a long time, and I've been so so busy at work... feel a little out of touch now with all of you!

anyone changing cars cos of #2? sigh.. now tt #2 is coming, we realised our little car cant fit in the 2 car seats plus maid. (actually can, but maid cannot move at all. She'll be stuck in the centre!) I feel the BIG PINCH even before #2 comes out!

Actually, right now, all of you have figures that I'm envying from whale land. And of cos there are some of you that are top on envy list! I've put on 20kg this time. tsktsk... and baby is still on small side. Looks like it's work and more work for Massage Aunty during confinement!

Gorgeous mummies
i'm thinking now, if we dress up our little ones, then all the attention go to them... then people would think, "look at that cutie! Parents sure very good looking one!" Then along comes me with Rudolf nose, mebbe pple would be able to LOOK BEYONd what they see, and notice some form of resemblance? haha.... this is consolation to highest degree.

you're coming back in Feb right? if i recall... mebbe we can all finally meet?
Dun worry... me and Caymom joining u in whale land soon.... and we look at the slim mummy with envy... Not sure if I am able to lose all my post preggie weight include #1 this round... hb claim to sponser me for my weight loss programme..not sure will "fan hui" or not...
<font color="0000ff">mckee</font>
Any idea at what age do our tods change from car seat to booster seat? If can change now then at least no need two car seat for you which take up a lot of space.

Don't worry about your figure. Let the massage lady do the job. At most do more sets of massage.

i've decided already, after BF-ing, I'll take pills to slim down. apparently it's really effective. but must pray hard no side effects... some pple drop hair, some cannot sleep etc...
My husband say he sponsoer me Skipping Rope. Insist that if I use it, sure can lose weight.

heard tods must be of certain height before they can take booster seat. Unless we buy SUPER HIGH booster seat. Maybe we can trial using a phone book or two, (measuring up to the height of booster seat) and put on the seat belt for them. If can go through, then good.
Looking at my frens, many of them make the transition when tods turn 3. sigh..
