(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

i would support your choice of bring E to cc. cos since E is such a fast learner in speech. It would be good to get her to interact using the right language. The amt of time she spent with the maid may have adverse effect on her language development. So since she has the flair in acquiring speech faster than others, get the right people to speak to her. Don't call yourself evil. Please.. i'm more evil right. Started her with infantcare somemore. But just precautions to entering cc, get all vacc done esp pnuemo jab.

heheh.... thanks for sharing. i do the 'please' and 'thank q' when my greedy girl asks for food. but she still relies on baby sign for thank q or she says xie xie. she doesn't know how to say 'thank you'

on the part on your maid, dun be too upset okie. both my hb and me noticed that your maid really likes kids during the PG at my place. so it's good that she likes interacting with esher so esher gets the chance to learn from her too. better than a maid that is bo chap to kids.

but on the other hand, as a working mum myself, can also understand your feelings abt the bond between them. i also get jealous sometimes when my girl prefers my pils to me.....
remembered something after reading your comment abt getting the right pple to speak to you. i always cringe when a relative converses in broken english to adelle e.g. 'you eat what?' 'what you wan'....... and this relative spends quite a lot of time with her.....
remembered something after reading your comment abt getting the right pple to speak to her. i always cringe when a relative converses in broken english to adelle e.g. 'you eat what?' 'what you wan'....... and this relative spends quite a lot of time with her.....
<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
actually recently I very scared of the sun too. When i had my last facial, the beautician reminded me to be careful and apply sunblock to prevent pigmentation cos my skin is sensitive. So now i apply a base with UV but i'm not sure good enuf or not. then just last wk, has some work activities in sentosa, was so worried cos under hot sun. come back only i keep checking my face

tamp ikea, very crowded. just went on sunday. still the crowd is there.

Now that u highlighted about E's strength, maybe I should send her to some speech and drama class hor. But no budget

Somehow my expectation of the cc not very high ley. so i'm not sure what will be taught the whole day or if there will be any teaching at all ...

oh ya and you reminded me of the jabs. We didn't 1 2 do any. But now sending her, thot of doing the chicken pox jab. Then now u mentioned the Pnuemo jab... urgh so many ah ... don't know got enuf time to jab or not. Polyclinic can jab the Pnuemo jab or not ? If not, how much in pte ? and how many jabs ?

<font color="0000ff">erlisa</font>
exactly lor, need to earn $$$ sigh ...
<font color="0000ff">ixorarred</font>
xie xie is good !!! i asked my mil to speak to E in chinese so that she 'can be' bilingual. Chinese is very impt these days. but not sure will lead to confusion or not

E does her thank you and please with signing too! hee hee... She says and sign at the same time. When you taught her the signs, do you say out the word too ? Supposed to do that so that they'll learn to say the word too.

actually her words are not accurate too but cos we're with her most of the time, we know what she's saying. same for her singing, rhythm there but words not v clear. I think her only full sentences are "what's this" and "what's that"

opps, i'm guilty of the broken english and i still do talk to her in baby language, like mum mum, cat cat, moo moo, wat u wan, cannot ok... die man...

share with you all a joke... me n hub always laugh ...
i'm trying to teach her to answer 'how old are you', so i'll reply for her 'one' .. then she'll reply me "two, three...." haha.... very hard to teach. she can't grasp the concept. Then i thinking maybe by the time she learns to answer, she prob got to learn to answer '2' already
Dun die la... at least i will die faster than u... I try my very best to speak proper english but,.... now trying to force MIL to talk to him in Chinese or teochew... Mil super show off keep trying to talk to Sky in English... my dad english even better than hers lor...
Thanks TL

So most of you pay for a year membership? A free class meaning the trial class? You went before? How is it?

So the PG cfm is sat liao? Maybe can't join you gals for my 1st PG. Is it every month you gals will plan?

So good to hv corporate rate...where you working? I think kinderland also quite exp rite?

Ya, have plans to send JH to CC but maybe when i have no2, now asking around to see which school good &amp; not too exp. So meanwhile maybe will try out those enrichment class. KM is his first trial, Edufarm-2nd, hopefully he will get use to it soon...then put him in playgroup. But don't know which school good!
So nice that you gals going on a playgroup and outdoor outing. Too bad cay has to miss the fun. I have the bubble gun leh. That time supposed to use during Sept PG at Shane's place but I left before I get to use it.

<font color="119911">Jaymom,</font>
Like what Shane mentioned, the Letterland phonics class at Edufarm is really very simplified. At the end of the class you will feel like nothing much is done. I just asked my hb last night, he said he can also teach himself but it's the classroom environment that would do cay good.

Actually I read that Letterland phonics is quite good. There is some BP going on at the marketplace. If it is not too ex, can consider get the full set of teaching materials and self-teach.

<font color="ff0000">Ixoarred,</font>
Glad to see you here again.
cay also speaks hokkien but only to my mom. She always says "mai" when my mom asks her to do things, makes my mom so pissed.

<font color="0000ff">LV,</font>
Glad that you can sing to the kids during PG.
cay loves music.
<font color="0000ff">Aries</font>
Will tell you more offline okie

since there's no hurry then slowly do ur research. it's gd the way u're exposing him in a slow manner. at least he can slowling get used to it.

the PG is a monthly thing. we started last yr for 8 sessions, mostly indoors at each other place. this year, we're tying to include some outdoor sessions. hopefully we can keep it up

next PG will be in Feb, likely with a CNY theme hee hee...
Saying Thank You.
I also thot its a good idea to instill good manners asap. I tried and failed. This is my account when Ashley wants food:
Mummy : Ashley you want to mum mum yes say please
Ash : mum mum mum (licking her lips)
Mummy : say PLEASE &amp; I will it to give you PLEASE..
Ash : ah ma ah ma (pointing to the food; I dont know who or what on earth is AH MA!)
Mummy : No please, no mum mum. mummy kept the mum mum
Ash starts to whine and scream
Mummy heart soften cos baobei look so poor thing.. Mummy give in! Ashley happily eating her mum mum

Sigh so until now, every time she wants some thing she will go Ah Ma Ah Ma. I am still trying to find out WHO IS AH MA since nobody thought her this! Maybe its because of the indian soap opera that i let her watch once in a while???

Seems like all of us so kiasu, must exposed the kids to all these when they are so young...

Hopefully i can join for the next round :p,its a good chance to exposed JH to so many todds of the same age...

Btw, you hv heard of Petschools somewhere near kovan, any idea good? They have a PG on sat i think...

what is the BP of the Letterphonics? Those material?

Anyone let you kids watch leapfrog? Where can we buy the DVD?

U want can buy from Amazon
Think local also have supplier but sell in bundle...

Thanks for the link

Anyone can recommend a good and not so ex camera... dun need high pixal but need fast shutter speed... AWS collecting soon...so thinking to buy a long-needed camera....
K also say 'ah mo ah mo' when she wants something. Sometimes dunno what they mean or want. Like u, i asked her to say please then she'll just cry and roll on the floor if she dont get it.

is ok not to makeup but not skipping sunblock. It's the most impt to prevent ageing or pigmentation. These days my skin also look dull so now trying all ways to prevent deterioration.

actually no need to really send for speech n drama. just that be careful since she's always with the maid, so may pick up wrong usage. unless the maid herself speak very good english that's another story.

if u haven't taken E for pnuemo jab, maybe want to delay til 2 yo then u'll only need to take one dose which is about $170. I'm not so sure of many jabs to be taken at certain age. But above 1 yo is 2 jabs. i dont think polyclinic offers this jab.

the broken english sometimes really bo bian when the caregiver is chinese or dialect speaking. We just got to reinforce when we talk to them. I find they r trying to imitate us very closely. The other day my sister said 'shit' and straight away K pick it up from there and said 'shit' and kept repeating! I told my sister off n warn her not to use it in front of her.

provided i join in the PG then i can do the honour of singing. But no project super* voice
<font color="0000ff">cherry, LV</font>
actually i encounter that with E as well. She doesn't understand, don't do it then fuss then we give it. But keep it up and sooner they'll get it.

for words, u don't know what they're saying, maybe u can check with caregiver. there was once E kept saying 'barmi' with the 'mi' very soft and me n hub was very puzzle don't know what she wants. then we ask my mil when she came back and she says it meant 'barney' !!! And when we say barney to her, she went "yes barmi yes yes yes"

<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
any recommendations for good sunblock ? looks like i need to invest in a good one soon. something not oily, i got oily skin and pores block easily.

thks for the information on the jabs. looks like i got to work on the chicken pox jab and then get the P jab when she turns 2YO.
<font color="0000ff">glayz</font>
my camera is Cannon Ixus 80. To me not bad, shutter speed is fast. But I heard powershot is better for cannon. My friend just bot a powershot at a shop, quite a good deal. 500+ and gave quite gd freebies including memory card.

I think Fujifilm also not bad as well as nikon. But I myself hvn't tried out the powershot, fujifilm and nikon so can't really tell for sure.

think Tangling has a Fujifilm. can ask her abt it.

Things to take note when buying camera:
- Big screen is gd. i like that powershot screen is movable, can turn to face urself.
- fast shutter speed
- ability to take gd pics in dim lightenings (i din do research for this but so far most camera need flash so can't capture the real essence of the lightening at the time taken. then when off flash, the pic will blur slightly)
- handy to carry around
- rechargable battery
- type of storage card used. not v gd at this but i think SD cards are quite commonly used in all gadets so it make its easier to trf and store pics.

Freebies to ask for when purchasing:
- extra battery (if it's rechargable kind)
- extra memory card (get at least 1 GB if not 2 512MB)
- screen protector
- camera case

and lastly, shop around, different shops offer diff pricing and different freebies. my friend bot from a shop in amk that is supposed to give quite good pricing. i can ask her to help you ask price and package if you have decided on model.
Ok thanks for info.... Was blur abt camera... so delay for so long... my sis keep saying my 2 MP phone is good enough... but shutter super slow for Sky lor... becos nowadays he purposely move a lot when he saw me attempting to take photo...

Aiya... must think think liao... becos AWS amt also not that big... so many things need to buy and had to take into acct that portion need to set for CNY ang pow... kekekeke....
currently i'm using clinique sunblock but i find it a bit 'biting' at times. Anyway i'm finishing soon and ordered dermalogica one online. going to try that one soon.

i'm currently using ixus 850. Very much better than my previous panasonic one. able to catch moving actions very clearly.
<font color="0000ff">glayz</font>
ya lor, need to think of CNY liow ... another big amt of outflow...

<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
thanks. I nvr tried both before. Biting then better don't use, might be too harsh.
i'll look ard as well. must wait for pay day. very 'dry' now

btw, if use sunblock still need to use mosturiser ? and if use make up base with sunblock, still need to use mosturiser ?
Me no bonus lor.. and hb dun give xtra for CNY one... he cat lah cannot blame... so need to plan out my AWS usage carefully... if possible need to save an amt also...haiz...
also using ixus 850 (hehe... finally bought a new one!) , the shutter speed is quite fast too. but i thot my old canon powershot that kaput was better, coz can choose to 'running' mode. this mode is good to capture shots of our toddlers that are constantly moving

just started a basic photography lesson yesterday, now drooling over digital slrs. these really have super fast shutter speeds..... hehe....

really ah... must use sunblock. also feel that my skin is aging liao. but i dun like putting on stuff on my face leh. but LV, i thot your skin is very good, no sign of deterioration
<font color="ff6000">LV</font>
Gymboree: The 1 free class is the lesson type not PlayGym. As for the $40, can only offset when you sign up for 12-lessons. Note that they also allow you to sign up for 4, 8 etc lessons (pay upfront), and the $40 can ONLY be used if sign for 12 lessons. They give it in a form of a voucher that has to be used within 1-2 months (if I remember correctly).

<font color="ff6000">Aries</font>
Gymboree: You are welcome. Most of us utilized the free class (at sign up) to offset the trial class we attended.

So far, JJ has gone for 8 lessons and he enjoyed himself. It is mainly action based type of activities good for work out but not educational in the sense that they dont teach phonics etc. But during the activities, words such as up vs down, high vs low, under vs over would be introduced. I find it good to give JJ exposure to class concept, a safe environment to explore (climbing etc) and take part in activities with other little friends to polish up his social skills. Coz he doesnt have cousins of around same age. But note that it can be tiring to watch and guide tod at the equipments. Hehe.

PG: Like what Shane mentioned, it is a monthly event. Looks like it is confirmed for this Sat.
If you cant make it this month, come join us next round.

<font color="ff6000">Cherry</font>
What you described about Ashley when trying to teach her please is so funny. Kekeke. But I can imagine that would be exactly what JJ would do he is very impatient when he sees food. Hehe.
btw, Glayz's mention of camera reminded me that you were also looking hor. Bought yours? Maybe you and Glayz can bargain for a good deal with 2 purchases. Hehe.

<font color="ff6000">Glayz</font>
Me using Fujifilm F11. I like it fast shutter speed and can also select natural light (no flash) or auto-flash. Shane gave good tips already take note when you choose &amp; buy. Must try out at the counter try taking a moving object (someone walking by) and see how it looks. I have tried Canon Ixus and felt that Fujifilm is faster I may be wrong.
But I know that Ixus is a very popular brand for good value. You have to test drive them to know what works for you.
I already bought mine camera and didn't get a good deal as i bought it urgently from Harvey N. My brother got the same at so much cheaper at other shops. Glayz, the one i have its Panasonic Lumax (without widescreen). Good for capturing moving objects. You can view the functions at Harvey but buy somewhere else.

vv vv impt, i have been using since i was in my mid 20s but alas still have dark spots and vv bad dark spots. I am currrently using clinique dermawhite (with whitening effect) sunblock. not too bad but ex.

Shane, i think for your age you only need the normal one. yes, toner + mosturiser + make up base (if the sunblock is not strong enuff) + sunblock is necessary (sounds like alot of things on the face hor).

looks like K and Ashley can be good friends.. maybe can ask K to explain to aunty cherry what is Ah Ma... yes tods love the "Sh-T" word. Ashley pick that up immediate when i said it unintentionally (but she doesn't seems to other like wise for other words sigh). must be careful what we said in front of them. Hubby loves to curse while driving, so i always tell him that i won't be surprise if Ashley start getting foul with her langage skills.
<font color="0000ff">ixorarred</font>
where are go for your photography lesson ? is it expensive ? sounds interesting. read back my question and it sounds so broken!!! talk abt teaching my gal proper english

<font color="0000ff">cherry</font>
u know why i can give all the tips ? cos i was like you! Bot on impulse at Harvey N. sigh, so everything also don't have. felt the pinch but wat's done is done

that sure sounds like alot to put on. u know hor, i seldom use toner =P i only use mosturiser or make up base with UV. maybe tt y my face so bad.
I think i must start putting everything. one thing i proud of, consistently put eye cream BUT like not effects, lines still visible. sigh. i think it's hard to fight aging... i must learn to age gracefully.
i always envy gals with nice nice complexion, i nvr had that. only when i was preggie. then recently complexion went bad bad bad (think due to hormones) so had to go on medication. which is why i need some lead time for ttc cos can't get preggie while on this med... sigh
haha.. if K can tell me what's her 'ah mo' then i wont be so confused liao. maybe next day when they both sit together one 'ah ma' and one 'ah mo' here and there and only they themselves understand each other.

by right must put moisturizer lah.. no matter how oily the skin is. but by left we r too busy or rather lazy to do it. as the saying goes 'no ugly woman only lazy woman' hehe.. cherry is right, use cleanse-toner-moisturizer-sunblock-foundation. just rem sunblock is the last one before foundation. If u just put sunblock, must rem to use makeup remover when u cleanse also. btw, sunblock in foundation type may not be strong enough. i read somewhere that spf must be at least above 35 ?(i think) to be able to protect the skin from uv. our local weather is too humid, i see those taiwan stars all very smooth complexion ..envy envy envy.. our v own stef sun also got jialat complexion. saw in person b4.
oh ya, u using loose powder for foundation? is better for easily clogged skin. 2 way cake may cause clogged pores easily.

paiseh, maybe when u saw me i was heavily concealed with concealer (simply cant live without it!) my eyebag alone can fight 50cents liao!
<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
true, i'm VERY lazy.
hmm, so use sunblock must use make up remover. I didn't. maybe tt y my skin turned bad.

i only use loose powder. no liquid foundation. 2 way cake only use when got functions, need to look good kind of occasions.

now that my facials ended i feeling abit insecure. don't know want to con't go facial or not. don't know can maintain current condition wo facial or not. any advise ?
dont get me wrong, not saying u lazy, just a general term for us woman who dont bother to have a good regime of skin care.
loose powder must use liquid fdn leh.. 2 way cake then no need right? But i dont use 2 way cake coz after that i always have breakout of pimples.
regarding this facial thing..sometimes i also v sian to go esp think of extraction only, i want to punch the beautician liao cos it's so painful! everytime i'll tell her to go easy or sometimes when i've headache i just skip the whole extraction process. sometimes i do my own extraction so that i can control the pain level. can dont go for facial but at home u must take care like day and night procedure. weekly put ampoule or mask. easier said than done but must be hardworking. yesterday night i fell asleep with K w/o all these skin care also.
Wah u all so qing lao... me too lazy liao... used to be a vain pot until motherhood caught up with me... no la... is being with the same man for some time caught up with me... I become lazy... dun tell me abt foundation or stuff been donkey yrs since I last make up... now I also dun use moisturer liao.... grew lazy.... now preggie worse...hahahaha... maybe I will be more hardworking one day...*crossing my fingers*

Think I go test drive after my planning is out.. scare to buy on impulse.... which I always did
<font color="0000ff">Outdoor Outing THIS Sat 13 Jan </font>
How about on Sat we have Gymboree Playgym 2-3pm, then head down to Pasir Ris park?
Tang Ling has booked Playgym for 6 tods (estimated), but can take up to 10.
Any suggestions for contingency plan if it rains?

1. Tang Ling > Gymboree + Park.
2. Shane > Gymboree + Park.
3. Jasmine
4. Cherry > joining late for park.
5. Glayz > if I am able to make it.... high chance of no transport....
6. BBrooster > TBC
<strike>7. Kiami > if can make it... </strike>
8. Aries > can i join if i can make it?
9. Ixorarred > Gymboree + Park

Paiseh, cannot make it this saturday liao, for the park outing, enjoy yourselves! however, we will be going down at 1115am for the signed up play class with gymboree, so if you all want to drop by early can come see see also... Aeron still have a number of classes to go.. so any other tods still want to join since JJ has finished his?
Ha ha.. think KY will show her true colours one of these days.

Thanks.. will PM you if I need more info.

Polyclinic no Pnuemo Jab but they do have chicken pox jab about $70 plus KY going for the jab end of the monthpls take note that you cannot be pregnant within three months after Esher took the chicken pox jab.. For Pnuemo Jab only once if take after two years.. 1 to 2 years, 2 jabs.
Sunblock you can try Clarins (SPF40) no so oily if you are aging.. then I am worse

Clinique demawhite can reduce dark spots? I am using SKII whitening source but not so effective.
Outdoor Outing THIS Sat 13 Jan
How about on Sat we have Gymboree Playgym 2-3pm, then head down to Pasir Ris park?
Tang Ling has booked Playgym for 6 tods (estimated), but can take up to 10.
Any suggestions for contingency plan if it rains?

1. Tang Ling > Gymboree + Park.
2. Shane > Gymboree + Park.
3. Jasmine > Gymboree + Park
4. Cherry > joining late for park.
5. Glayz > if I am able to make it.... high chance of no transport....
6. BBrooster > TBC
7. Aries > can i join if i can make it?
8. Ixorarred > Gymboree + Park
Hullo aunties,jie jies and gor gors,
I have turned four mths liao..i'm so excited cos mummy said I can start to eat rice cereal,n then pureed food liao..yummy yummy...
<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
Vain is women's middle name
. Sometimes must forget abt kiddo issues and talk about us mah...

Ya i know what u mean. I seriously CANNOT keep to a skincare regime. Worse after hvg kid, just no time. even got time, i just want to slack or surf
very bad.

Ya the extraction very painful!!! Hmm, i did think of doing my own 'facial', extract once in awhile then do mask regularly BUT i doubt I can keep up. Btw, ampoule they say must use the m/c then can be absorbed ? If i buy to just apply like that can or not ?

I just use loose powder. So coverage is minimal then wear out v fast. sometimes i touch up when i feeling vain with loose powder during the day but mostly i don't. Just let it be. Tt's my 'makeup' face for everyday liow. So almost like no make up. I don't think I can use foundation everyday, face sure become worse.

oh ya besides, talking abt sunblock. how about mascara? any recommendation ? i love those double eyelid eyes with curled lashes, look so nice. Too bad me no double eyelid. The beautician say my lashes quite long but i don't feel so, everytime curl also don't stay, then put mascara also like can't see

<font color="0000ff">glayz</font>
I quite vain since last time but slack abit after marriage, then slack more after hvg E. Then felt insecure cos fat and ugly after pregnancy, so try my best to 'update' myself. Then now E older liow, can hv more time to 'spruce' up myself

Pregnancy make us very sluggish one, so now u got excuse. Maybe after u give birth and settle down can start again. Sometimes, must 'dian' the hubby abit to keep the interest u know

<font color="0000ff">jasmine</font>
Oh Origins got SPF40 ah. maybe i go c c and compare around. But Origins quite ex ley. tt y always envy gd skin gals, no need to spend so much on skincare.

ai yo, pls lor, i thot we quite close in age, where got aging? don't worry, we all age together keke...

hmm, how come cannot get preggie within 3 mths after the chicken pox jab ?

<font color="0000ff">P jab</font>
Think i bring after 2YO. save money!!! keke....

<font color="0000ff">kiami</font>
Do join us the next time if you can make it!
<font color="ff6000">forgetmenot</font>
Chloe look soooo sweeeett!!!! She don't really look like Ryan. Does she look like your hubby more ?

i dunno leh..we do not noe who she looks like more..the above pics is with Ryan,look like him?
anyway,Ryan has a new haircut..dun look like him hor??
<font color="ff0000">hi hi mummies,</font>
MIA for a while and finally managed to keep up with all the postings. Very interesting topics being discussed this few days.

Unfortunately, I won't be able to make it for this SAT's outing. Hope to join in for the next PG.

<font color="ff0000">forgetmenot</font>
Chloe is sososossoooo.........pretty, cute and cheerful. Must be very fun to play with now. She looks a little like gor gor. I think the eyes.

<font color="ff0000">shane</font>
Read that Esher is so intelligent. And she's picking up words fast. Can even speak in sentences. Smart little girl!

I am teaching Joelle alphabets now but quite difficult especially when comes to asking her to recognise the alphabets. Any tips? I am also considering getting the Leapfrog DVD on phonics and numbers. My friend said it's really good.

<font color="ff0000">caymom</font>
Actually, it's not a bad thing to let our kids watch a little educational DVD on TV. Initially, I also didn't want her to watch too much TV.

I also don't have much time to teach Joelle. So no choice have to play some educational DVD for her. And I think it helps.

As for your mum can stick colour sticker on remote control buttons for your mum and ask her to follow the colours to press on the remote control.

<font color="ff0000">Change in Learning Method</font>
Recently Joelle changed her learning method. She's pointing to everything and asking, 'this' meaning what is this? 'This', 'this', 'this' until you can get quite irritated and sometimes it's over and over again. So I have to patiently feed her with all the answers. But I am glad that she did learn from all the asking.
<font color="ff0000">Tang Ling</font>
I like the digi scrapbook that you have done for JJ. I simply love the yellow. It's so bright and cheerful. Can see his hair is getting long and curly again. kekeke..... time for another hair cut just before CNY.
thanks..actually Chloe's eyes are bigger than Ryan's one..but dunno y when take pics together,both of their eyes look the same..
<font color="ff0000">Outdoor Outing THIS Sat 13 Jan</font>
How about on Sat we have Gymboree Playgym 2-3pm, then head down to Pasir Ris park?
Tang Ling has booked Playgym for 6 tods (estimated), but can take up to 10.
Any suggestions for contingency plan if it rains?

1. Tang Ling > Gymboree + Park
2. Shane > Gymboree + Park
3. Jasmine > Gymboree + Park
4. Ixorarred > Gymboree + Park
5. Glayz > if I am able to make it.... high chance of no transport....
6. Cherry > joining late for park
7. Aries > TBC
8. LV > TBC for Gymboree

<font color="119911">Mummies going for Gymboree, please remember to bring along a pair of socks each for yourselves &amp; hb. Tods no need to wear socks.</font>
<font color="ff6000">BBrooster</font>
Finally hear from you liao.

Thanks. Yah, want to bring JJ for proper hair cut before CNY.

Joelle so cute with the "this this this". Hehe. JJ also points, but he says something that sounds like "this" in teochew. Kekeke. I think it is just blabble. Have no idea where he learnt that from.

<font color="ff6000">Forgetmenot</font>
Hi Hi! How are you coping with being back to work?
Chloe is so cheerful and cute! The pic with Ryan and Chloe together - they really look like siblings. Ryan looks different in the photo leh - really becoz of haircut ah.

<font color="ff6000">LV</font>
Ok, no problem. I will include Kayla for Gymboree headcount just pop in if you want 2-3pm. Come and let K play with her friends lah. You know where is Gymboree? Need the details? Remember to bring along a pair of socks for yourself parents are required to wear socks at the playarea.
<font color="ff0000">forgetmenot,</font>
Chloe is so sweet!!! I also agree that her eyes look like Ryan.

<font color="0000ff">Bbrooster,</font>
Thanks for the tips. I did try to use colours to teach my mom how to operate the player but my smart alec cay always likes to 'teach' and anyhow press. Then the screen blackout and my mom don't know how to on it back.
Now my mom got phobia, don't dare to touch. I will try to teach her again.
i changed to Clinique demawhite series only last year. i am using DermaWhite moisturizer and sunblock. After 3 containers of DermaWhite, my skin seems to be clearer (those light pigmentation seems lighter) but those vv jialet dark spots are still there. However, i can only use the moisturizer during the day, need another moisturizer for night. I tried to used for day &amp; night before but it is vv strong and ended up with red itchy patches. I always wanted to try SK but really expensive.

<font color="0000ff">bbrooster</font>
Hope to see you soon. Was wondering where you MIA to but reckon u must be bz with work.

Jo and E can shake hands. Last nite, E did the same. She point and ask 'what's this' then I had to answer. it's like she's bored of me asking her and now wants to ask me instead.

<font color="0000ff">caymom</font>
I agree with bbrooster. I think those educational DVDs helps. E started watching at a young age. That time I was abit apprehensive as I was worried for her eyesight but i told my mil to put her far from the TV. I think she does pick up things from those edu shows.
