(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

u using whitening products? U so fair already!

get motivation from us and start to doll up. i agree motherhood really make many women slack on personal grooming. So if got time we must pamper ourselves also.

your girl so cute and pretty!

i can imagine you must be a chio bu before pregnancy cos can see that you got the 'pretty' look even now. eyelashes really very long hehe..
m/c is machine? ampoule just apply only wat, not necessary must use machine. maybe depending on different type? I got it from my previous beautician at 10 for $80. so every week i just put one collagen ampoule.
These days my makeup also minimal liao. no more eye shadow, mascara, lip pencil. Just foundation, blusher and lipsticks.
Weekends to let my skin breathe i just put concealer and lipstick when i go out.
u can go into leonard drake salon to let them do a free skin analysis for you. then they'll recom u what to apply(dermalogica products esp when u have sensitive skin like mine). But be thick skin enough to reject and make your purchase online. You can get at 40% disc with high end products when u buy online.
The insecurity part only sets in when one of my friends told me my hubby still look good and i've slacken. Though she put it in a diplomatic way, but i can still feel it. So i secretly try to do something even though in front of my hub, i made comments like give birth already no choice.

What about K? She needs socks too?
i know the place. Been there to see look on a sunday night before.

i have the leapfrog phonics radio. dunno is it the same. It's quite good because phonics r sang out.But she had it for very long already. now put aside because got too many toys to play. I still have about 10 toys havent open. thinking of occasion to open and play. Recently, she likes her FP piggybank. maybe i should start her back on phonics again.
Saw your thread in the marketplace that you are selling Desitin diaper cream. You mentioned you stopped using for Kayla. I am still using diaper cream for cay. You mean we can stop using diaper cream? Is Kayla potty trained already?
<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
hai yo, i want to run and hide. I nvr been the pretty type much less chio bu. u must be joking!
Not patronising you, I do think you're the pretty type - tt y Kayla so pretty hee hee... somemore you're tall and slim. Whereas for me... sigh....

For ampoule can just apply ? hmm...the beautician told me must use the ultra - sound machine then can be 'absorbed'. hmmm...10 for $80 quite reasonable ley. Do the Leonard drake sell ampoule ? but must be very expensive right?
actually i dare not step into such salons. To me very expensive and I don't want to spend too much. I very scared they hard sell ley.
looks like i must do shopping for skincare. nowadays no proper time to do proper shopping also. sigh

We women always at disadvantage. Men get better as they age. Women just detoriates with age and worse after childbirth. Everything is gone. I still hvn't quite come to terms with that but i know that i have to accept it. till now my tummy is still there and i'm starting to accept it as part of me... tt's bad!!! Getting slack on my exercise too. sigh.
Where can i find out more about this Leapfrog DVD on phonics and numbers ?

<font color="119911">Back to skincare</font>
Anyone tried this Vanilla chain of beauty salon ?
since last month i stop the frequency of using desitin. use only after she bathe. Then now in CC they also dont apply for her already and i check she's also ok. So my rate of using desitin is very very slow. The tube is only my 2nd tube from last year. K's not potty trained yet but she's ok with not using any diaper cream already so i have to let go all that i bought. Kiasu mummy ordered too much.
<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
How much u selling 1 tube ? is it the white tube one ?

Do you let her bathe in the CC ?
thanks for patronizing me. hehe. please dont say i'm tall, i do wish i'm taller. Yes lar, u have the pretty face look, dont paiseh lar. i think many mummies here also agree with me. Though u put on weight after preg but your face still quite sharp with oval shape.

The ampoule i buy not from leonard drake(LD) but i think LD launches ampoules recent years if i'm not wrong. i'll go check it out next time and let u know. ampoules in most salon r selling at $30 per bottle. Can imagine they earn a good 300%. the hard selling part is always their job, so like i say u have to be thick skin and ask and ask then dont buy haha.

i tried vanilla for one trial session. personally i dont like. the environment is not cosy, very small and messy in the cubicle and most imptly the extraction is super painful! Maybe u need to request for good beautician to do it.

i tried a couple of mask and so far there's one that i swear by it. LD skin hydrating masque. been using it for more than 10 years. it's like a quencher for skin. other masque i'm always changing after it finished. I can't stand those paper stick on one, very sticky and uncomfortable. I prefer those apply-on type and wash off later.
I see. I cannot stop using diaper cream for cay. She seems very prone to rashes especially after she poos for a few times. We changed her diaper regularly but she will still get the rashes. I use Drapolene, normally it works for her. I tried Desitin on her before but my mom said it is not that useful. She uses some chinese ointment and claims that it works.

I think Kayla must be blessed with good skin. Did you eat anything special during pregnancy? I hope my second one will have better skin too.
i've the blue one only. if u want then pm me to discuss better rate hehe.

yes, i let her bathe in cc. once in noon and another one around 4.30pm if i havent pick her yet. But both times also no hairwash. I requested not to as it may frighten her or traumatize her with bathing if the teacher does not do it with care. But then if i request not to bathe, i'm afraid they wont rem to change her diaper. so must well just join in for the body wash to keep the bottom clean as well. AT home then i shower her hair n body again around evening or night. We are those clean clean type, everyday bathe a few times , poo poo also bathe so not prob with K.
<font color="0000ff">Re: Beauty</font>
So much talk about maintaining facial care. I think I am the worst. I seldom use makeup since young. So I am always the plain Jane among my friends. The only time I truly makeup is during wedding. After getting married, even worst. I can't be bothered about my appearance at all. Those who have seen me at PG will understand what I mean.

I go for facial but not regularly. I usually take years to finish a package and at the moment I still have a long way to go before completing the current one especially when I hardly find time to go after I got preggie with cay.

My daily facial regime is also very simple. My hubby spends more time on his face than me.
K also have this prob of nappy rash with other diapers. So far she's only ok with mamy poko as it absorbs the water better n keeps it drier. u using the desitin blue or white one. The blue one is more effective i feel. Drapolene too mild for them. But i think these prob just outgrown itself when they get older. Now she seems ok. Sometimes in the middle of the night, i change her diaper i also did not wash, just remove n put new one.

Cay's skin also not bad n have big eyes also. I rem my preg the special thing i took was double boiled birdnest weekly and soya bean drink daily, raw honey drink also.
<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
ok ok let's stop the patronsing talk

sigh to maintain skin really not cheap ... i think ur LD mask also quite expensive rite.

so vanilla is not good.. sigh... i thot of trying them.

is peel off mask good ? i thot then i no need to extract. ha ha
For cay, I don't think the problem lies in the diapers. She seems more sensitive towards poo and not pee. I tried the white Desitin (is that the creamy one? My mom finds it too thick), I thought the white one is more effective. What is the difference between blue and white?

I only take birdnest occasionally when I was preggie with cay. You took that throughout pregnancy? I can't take soya bean when I had cay, no milk too. I think that's why she is so dark.

I like to drink milk and soya bean this time. Maybe that's why I ballooned so fast. I will try to take birdnest more often.
<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
oic. i don't know 1 2 let E bathe in CC or not. thot of bathing her myself. I scared they not xi xin then she get tramautised. now she's very good at bathing, can just pour water over her head she's also ok. don't want to have that spoilt. but if don't bathe will be chou chou ley .. then u bring u the pt of them not changing diaper ... my greatest fear .. esp when she poos.

<font color="0000ff">caymom</font>
u no need so much beauty regime. u got great skin! me envy envy ley ... from 1st time i c you i already think so. me nvr had that kind of skin. if no break out, i v hapi liow...
<font color="0000ff">Desitin, white</font>
Ya i find that more effective too. I used to use drapolene when E was a baby but i find tt it doesn't heal the rashes fast. but for the white desitin, 1 - 2 days the skin go back nice nice liow.

<font color="0000ff">birdnest</font>
i took only 1, 2 bottle birdnest concentrate last time. didn't drink much milk. cos don't like milk. drank more soya bean. i think i must keep it up for the next one.
I also use drapolene... its ok for Sky... but I will be collecting my 2 tubes of destin creamy later this evening... buy first for my #2... need to test test different brand... call me S...KS.... hahahaha

Think Caydence Skin will improve with age.. as sky's also... he used to be on PAMPERs only becos his skin cannot tahan other brand... but now using pet pet he is also ok... my mum used Drypers before Pet pet he is also ok....

I also dun take bird nest.... and now I din drink milk or soya milk... cannot stomach... think #2 will be dark dark also... (i drink soya milk every day when preggie with Sky...)
<font color="aa00aa">maintaining self</font>
I think i very the vain. Be it before marriage, after marriage, before preggie and after preggie. I will always have make up on my face whenever i go out. Usually i just use loose powder and rarely foundation. Coz i dun want to have a too made up look. i prefer a more natural look.

And my hair, last time i rebond, but ever since preggie, never rebond liaos.. but got colour lah... So can say i spend quite a bit on this beauty lor... and i practise skin care regime like wash, tone and moisturize every day without fail. Even my hubby thinks i spend too much on myself but i always rebutt back at him, i can go uot without my make-up.. but can he go out without sculpting his hair? then he keep quiet... *kanna checkmate liaos* haha
For me is opp... my hb will say... can u do something or put some make up on ur face before going out... esp when we had functions.... kekeke.. my excuse.. all my make up items are at my mum place.... hahaha...
<font color="ff0000">Maintaing ..</font>
so much abt maintaing our looks after preggie huh? Well I think I only restart my beauty regime only few months back. Before that I hardly used toner/moisturizer/makeup remover cos too tired after taking care of Ashley, thus resulting my complexion kinda dry. &amp; eversince afterbirth, i realize some of my freckles become MOLES, &amp; I really v upset abt it. SO i guess age is catching up &amp; pigmentation becomes a big problem for me liao, so i really gotta do something abt it. So now have to spend losta $ on facial &amp; prodts.

<font color="0000ff">Erlisa</font>
My hb also v hiao 1 infact, especially styling his hair. Think he goes downstairs carpark, he'll style his hair &amp; even change someting proper.But for me, die liao, i really bochup 1. He sometimes will ask me "u gog to wear tat to carpark?"
<font color="ff0000">Shane,</font>
You are making me paiseh. The one with real good skin is Twinklets lah. I am not blessed with good skin since young. In fact, my complexion was so terrible that I felt very inferior and that prob explained why I am very reserved in public. I find it hard to talk face to face with people but I have not problems rattling on and on in writing.

Anyway, I did spent a lot of money on my face and I think the facials did helped to improve my complexion. However, my pores are still rather big and there are still some acne scars. My skin tone is rather dull too.

<font color="0077aa">Glayz,</font>
I don't know whether to switch to Desitin. My mom took months to finish that tube I bought to try out. Actually, I realise Drapolene is getting expensive too.

For diapers, I only use Pampers when cay was new born. After that I switched to Nepia, Petpet and eventually NTUC. I tried Drypers but my mom cannot stand it. For #2, I am thinking of trying other newborn diapers. My friend recommends Sealer. Thinking of buying one pack to try.

My hb has no comments about my face and hair but he always has something to say about my dressing.
My hb cannot say abt my dressing becos I will tell him no $$ to buy and will ask him for $$ so he now smart liao...nvr comment abt my dressing... for face he the kind who think all woman need to do something abt their appearance one...so he only nag abt my face...

I only switch to petpet recently from pampers... and pampers burn big big hole.... but is good la.. even he LS also not really have rash..only a bit red.... but need to start saving for #2...
<font color="0000ff">caymom</font>
no lar, I got apply foundation &amp; concealer 1..
u shd see the real me if I ever go out w/o putting them.
Thanks. So maybe next time will join you gals in Gymboree. $15 for non memebers right? Most prob cant join you gals for sat PG

Leapfrog DVD,
I have let JH watch Letter factory &amp; he learn alot from it (got it from one of the mummies).
<font color="0000ff">Shane</font>, you also want to buy the Leapfrog DVD on phonics and numbers ? I can't find any DVD from major departmental store.
But Glayz advise can get from Amazon. <font color="0000ff">Glayz</font> you have the DVD?
Anyone buy from Amazon before?

Ok, I shall join in this topic of beauty. Like erlisa I am also the very vain type. I will always have make-up since the day I step out into the society to work. The only time no make-up is at home or going downstairs. Now Joelle also hiao hiao like me. She will pretend to put make-up on her face.

I am not blessed with clear porcelain skin. My skin is very dull and has an uneven tone. After pregnant pigmentation got really bad and I have to conceal it. So how to go out without make-up. Thought of doing IPL but really troublesome after the treatment. And cannot face people cos it will look like burnt black spots all over the face. Also have to avoid the sun.

Also the dark rings around my eyes is very bad. Nothing much can be done for this because it's been there since young. Always suspect it's due to poor blood circulation.

Thank god there is such a thing call make-up kit.

I am using Estee Lauder Whitening range that consists of toner, day moisturiser, night moisturiser and serum. I also use their make-up base with SPF30.

<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
The leapfrog DVD phonics and numbers my friend got it from States. I remember the price she told me it's not expensive. Will get it from States if I am going again. Can take orders from you girls if you are interested.
leapfrog DVD... yes yes.. I WANT!

hahaha... ashley and joelle really can be sis in crime. Ashley loves to play with my make up too. she even took my eyebrow kit and ask mil to apply for her so funny... now when i give her my brushes.. she will pretend to apply..

it is precisly becos i am so fair that i need whitening products. even slight pigmentations are so glaring... the goodthing if i have a lot of moles on my face so people are distracted by the moles and don't usually notice the dark spots hahahaa
<font color="0000ff">Leapfrog DVD</font>
Not going to the States yet. But thought of tong pang my colleague to buy half of the orders and I buy the other half the next time I go. I avoid going to the States now because of the extra long flying hours due to the wind direction.

But I have seen the Leapfrog Pad with cartridge that some of us bought from the BP. The pad also cheap but the cartridge is more expensive there.

<font color="0000ff">anns</font>
Have you seen the Leapfrog DVD in TARGET? Apparently my friend got it from there.

<font color="0000ff">Glayz</font>
The one you bought from Amazon how much is it?
heheh.... interesting topic today! we have departed from our kiddo topics and focusing on ourselves. i'm also one of the those bo chap ones. even my mom asked me to pls take care of my skin...... think i better start doing something otherwise too late liao!

very relunctant to put on make up in our hot and humid. only put on make up everyday when i first came out to work. after that laziness kicked in and no more make up liao

saw you @ RP just now. din managed to catch your attention as you were with your colleagues (i think)

the photography course was organised by my colleague who is a fervent photographer. the teacher is from photographic society.

Diaper cream
i use desitin as a last resort cream. i'll use if the diaper area is red and only use it during her last change. but it's very effective, usually the reddiness will clear overnite. For normal diaper change, I use California baby calendula cream.
<font color="0000ff">erlisa</font>
U do look very well groomed! I quite ashamed. Look like auntie when I can't be bothered.

<font color="0000ff">bbrooster, cherry</font>
so cute, Jo n Ashley will pretend to put on makeup like you? hee hee... no such things from E. Think she not interested, she behave so much like a boy.

<font color="0000ff">bbrooster</font>
I want the DVD but not the leapfrog pad. I have that. But seldom use it liow. I don't know how long the pad can last. E has stepped on it, sit on it
and all her books are like kiam chye already. but the books really durable, so much rough handling but din tear. Only crumpled.

Btw, your skin look very good also. I rem seeing you wo makeup. It's not as bad as you say. You also another pretty mummy, that way Jo is so pretty also.
<font color="0000ff">ixorarred</font>
oic... pls share tips for photography next time okie!

hey, u also got gd skin. Quite a few mummies got good skin here. So I feel so sad when I think of my own skin
if your concern also about the pouring water over head thing that will tramautised her, then just suggest to bathe the body only. It's also cleaner.

for K, the white desitin is used only when she had bad rash and daily use go back to blue desitin. But with blue one, no more nappy rash, so white one also no use already.

for birdnest, i took every week from 2nd trimester onwards until 36 weeks.

there's no coherence with drinking to baby's skin. Who knows your 2nd baby turns out fairer.

dont worry about being vain. Like shane said it's our middle name

ya lor very true that pigmentation stays and end up becoming mole. I also realise a lot of small housefly mole on my face now.
My hubby will also comment on my dressing. But mainly his grumble is about loose dressing necklines or spaghetti strap top. then i'll reply, so ugly who want to see and ignore.
we can high 5 cos we r the concealer kaki. haha

Kayla also pretend to put lipstick when i apply lip balm when we were in states last mth. at first she resisted. Then I pretended to apply on myself first, she follow and allow me to put on her lips.
I dont rem seeing your dark eye rings everytime i saw u. U look so fresh and good. My dark eye rings r really a curse. it becomes music to my ears when people commented my dark eye rings.

i;m considering changing some skincare to whitening range but i read that whitening range tends to get the skin drier. dunno how true.
<font color="119911">Leapfrog</font>
snifff.. I saw alot of Leapfrog Products in 1 of the dept stores back in melbourne! Think i saw these leapfrog DVD too.. sniff..
Dunno they are actually so good.. haiz. think my leapfrog pad make me scare liao, so dun dare to buy an leapgfrog DVD. Now so many mummies make good comments abt it, think maybe can count me in if <font color="ff0000">bbrooster</font> really wanna order??

<font color="aa00aa">Lv</font>
Yes! we can be concealer kaki liao. Oh dear, u also kana those 'moles'? I really v sad, cos all around my mouth! U can guess how 38 they all look.
I really hate them, can I laser them? Or 'dian' them off?
Last time I only got 1 mole, now I got so many moles on my face..

<font color="ff0000">Bbrooster/LV</font>
Hey Ashley also pretend to put makeup too when I makeup infront of the mirror. I actually did scout aro at my mum's plc whether got makeup masak or not.

Btw She always v happy when I makeup 1, cos she noes we are gog gai gai. hee
<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
You very ke qi and you sure don't look like aunty. Always praising others but didn't realise you yourself is also very pretty. Don't worry too much about your skin. If you can, do facial once a month. And faithfully do your own beauty care day and night. I am also lazy. Tend to put nothing on at night. All I care is jump into bed and sleep.

<font color="0000ff">aries, mummies</font>
No problem I can get the LEAPFROG DVD when I go to the States. Will sure let you girls know. But first I have to borrow from my friend the actual thing to see how it looks like. And compare with Glayz to see if that is the right one.

<font color="0000ff">caymom</font>
Why your hb want to comment on your dressing? I don't see anything wrong leh seriously. It's perfect and nice. And your skin no problem at all.

<font color="0000ff">erlisa</font>
What a good reply to your hb. He sure buay tahan and mouth seal nothing to say. so funny.

<font color="0000ff">cherry</font>
hehehe.....guess ashley also observe you when you put make up. Joelle will stare at me for a long long time (really stone) when she sees me slap make-up cream remover all over my face. She seems to be wondering what is that all over my face.

<font color="0000ff">Glayz</font>
Oic. No problem. Yup I remember Von did organise a BP on that.
Are u referring to LF-Letter Factory DVD? Yes, I saw a few in Target. Amazon now selling w/ free shipping to US if you buy over $25.00. But the DVD is US region 1 only. I can help to buy a few, but must let me know by today coz' I'm leaving 20jan to syd.
<font color="0000ff">anns</font>
Oh. So I might have got it wrong. It's not Leapfrog brand is it? But I need to confirm with my friend which one she got actually. Nevermind I will get it myself when I confirm with my friend.

wow! So you have decided to go to Sydney before coming back to Sin? I think the weather now is not as bad as we have thought. On some days still 20s and sometimes over 30 degs. I am sure you will enjoy yourself in Sydney.

<font color="0000ff">Glayz</font>
The one you have is Letter Factory. Is it also good? Actually, I don't mind the brand as long as the disc is interesting and my girl can learn the alphabets from there. Now, I find it difficult to teach her alphabets. Telling her words and pointing to her objects is so much easier. I have also thought her 1-10 which she can say quite well now but to recognise it is another difficulty I encounter.

So now really sourcing for some good educational DVD on numbers and alphabets or phonics.
Its quite good if u dun have the Vtech one... becos some phonics they pronounce different so it kind of confusing.... not too sure if Joelle will like it,.. but Sky dun... and I think is very boring.. I slept by letter L

They teach more on phonics sound not the alphabets..even though they do have the letters doing their phonics...
I find LF good... my boy learns the phonics of a-z &amp; can say most of it. think just watch for about 1.5month...thats why thinking of getting the others
my sister told me Leapfrog products in australia are expensive. That's why I helping her to buy some LF stuffs over for her kids.
