(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

this climb stairs thing i tried before last time during early 20s. After that my thighs felt like swollen and ended up walking like duck for next day haha.. so i'll never include that in my lose weight programme

CNY! that's my worry now. sure eat eat eat a lot... in the end lose 2 kg but gain back double in 3 days! i can't resist ba kwa and steam boat. ooh no..

it's true must apply skin care even for neck but i didn't do it except during facial they apply neck mask (ladies, rem to bargain for that when u sign up for package)

dunno your hubby real person guai guai or not but from pic look very 'cheong' like those zoukettes. Maybe i've a friend who look like him so keep having that impression.
no...i didnt set high stds. when u said stand or sit also got one extra rim at tummy, i fully understand that cos i'm also experiencin it! I try as much as possible to go looser fit so that wont expose too much 'ba'. This year got 3 people at my workplace ask me am i preg again!!??? apparently is not!

tell u something, some pics of Ash now looks a little like me when i was a toddler. hehe. but i look at you, dont really resemble me leh haha.. check out my blog, i'll try to post a pic of me when young and u see look like little ashley or not.

go to the gym leh. havent see u for a long time. me going to join them for the gym.
yes, we planning to change car next yr. but havent decide yet. I'm afraid of mpv toomany blind spots. too small a bit defeat purpose of changing. But currently our car like a lot of prob, 3 years old only, aircon down and engine light came up for no reason. i was suggesting rav4. anyone driving that ?

is it 3 years old then change to booster seat? if u change too early it may be quite dangerous if Jo is active in the car and gets out of seat herself. I'm sure if K is in booster seat, she'll not guai guai sit inside for now.

me can't go gym lah... the thought of it my leg cramp!
also I've an appt before that.
Which MPV are you drving now? If you switch to a Rav4, I think you might find it a little too small. The thing abt Rav4 though, is sporty and cute...
<font color="0000ff">twinklets</font>
oic, tt one is Li JiaXing... ya really quite pretty...

<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
WAH!!! 10k ???!!! I don't think i'll do it. I'll save the money for travel, food and retirement. Unless i strike TOTO and got excess excess $$$!

hey wat Twinklets say is true ley. I also find ur hubby not bad looking ... oh oh... keke, better be on your toes. We are mummies liow so nvrm, imagine what those singles gals might be thinking!!!! keke....

LV, when i c gorgeous mummies, my ego take another beating lor. don't know why some mummies can remain so slim. my office already got 2 mummies, they are so so so slim!!! They are the petite kind. 1 came back 2 mths after ML, tummy flat like nvr gave birth. the other came back 3 mths after ML, also like nvr give birth! If i don't know them, I wouldn't guess they're married with kids. So they're my constant reminder and also the constant source of my 'depression'

<font color="0000ff">anns</font>
err then did you order anything for me ?

<font color="0000ff">erlisa</font>
Like <font color="0000ff">bbrooster</font> i feel like cutting them off!!! sigh... now my tummy always show. so must tuck in tummy, sit straight, walk consciously. very cham
cannot wear tight fitting tops too.... babydoll style has become my fave.

<font color="0000ff">bbrooster</font>
hope that you can join us in the PGs!
<font color="0000ff">mckee</font>
finally hear from you!!! looking forward to delivery ?

ya changing car is like a consideration when hvg #2 hor. but like so siong ley, have a bb need to change car. not ez to live in s'pore. not very practical to want us to have many kids, yet impose car seat rule and then prices for cars are not cheap. sigh. and ah, i think i can't afford to change car. just have to try to squeeze.

ya heard that the pills to slim down very effective and many are taking. i think the worse most serious side effect is your liver. so if u really go on the pill must take blood test periodically to ensure liver is fine.

for me, i hv straightened out the slimming thot process. No ez way out except to eat less and exercise. very very hard to do. but can be done IF disclipine enuf. Even now i'm lagging behind my exercise. I think with 2 kids will be even harder but who knows you might lose all your weight from all the child caring!

<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
I like Rav4!!! sporty look. but too small for a family car. Lexus 300? Toyota wish ?
actually i don't like those big long cars, like very clumsy to drive.
<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
How about Toyota Harrier? All these sporty cars a bit too high for our kids to get on on their own. For big family, a 7-seater car is the most practical. Anyway, I also no licence to drive.

10K for slimming, toning and getting rid of stretchmarks I bu she de also.
Losing weight
LV, this 10k is beyond budget. I think I'll have to take up hb's offer of skipping rope.

looks like no choice... got to go for bigger car, if we want to be law abiding and safety conscious. just worried, with bigger car, means bigger appetite for petrol

i'm so big now, i'm really looking forward to delivery. yet, for this #2, a bit too bo chap. nothing done for him yet.
i've to induce to deliver b4 CNY, cos doc going holiday. sigh... can't enjoy my cny.. CL also no available until 2 weeks later. all plans thrown awry. quite a sian feeling...

anyway on a happier note, I can't wait for the confinement period where can sleep a bit. maybe I'm being naive, I'm thinking w my experience (hehe), maybe can relax a bit more w BF, bathing, etc. then can let maid AND CL do everything! hehe!!!
LF DVD (Confirm)
BBrooster (Letter &amp; Math)
Caymom (Letter &amp; Math)
Glayz (Math)
Aries (Math)

<font color="119911">Jasmin</font> (Letter Phonics), Do you still want?
<font color="ff0000">I have 1 more letter phonics coz' bot wrongly for aries. Anyone interested to take over?</font>

sorry, I will buy Words from target to replace your Letter factory DVD. Its my mistake, I will charge u the same price as Amazon.
Amendment on Leapfrog DVD
1. bbrooster - Letter Factory
2. Glayz - Maths Circus
3. caymom - Letter Factory &amp; Maths Circus
4. jaymom - Letter Factory
5. aries - Maths circus &amp; talking words factory
<font color="ff0000">6. Jasmine - Letter Factory (?)</font>
<font color="ff0000">7. Letter Factory - ANYONE want?</font>
yes i want.. thanks

Amendment on Leapfrog DVD
1. bbrooster - Letter Factory
2. Glayz - Maths Circus
3. caymom - Letter Factory &amp; Maths Circus
4. jaymom - Letter Factory
5. aries - Maths circus &amp; talking words factory
6. Jasmine - Letter Factory
7. Letter Factory - ANYONE want?
Amendment on Leapfrog DVD
1. bbrooster - Letter Factory
2. Glayz - Maths Circus
3. caymom - Letter Factory &amp; Maths Circus
4. jaymom - Letter Factory
5. aries - Maths circus &amp; talking words factory
6. Jasmine - Letter Factory
7. Letter Factory - GIVE ME PLS! Cherry.

i was here tahanging not to impose on you cos already got so many things to bring back. now you got one extra. i am happy to take. thanks.
wah, 10K i sure cannot afford.. think i will stay fat forever liao

i heard that booster seat is for kids from 3 to 4 years old.. too early to change now..

so soon you going to deliver liao.. take care ya
Haha... we both will remain fat forever....

anyone watch the news abt this new technique of liposuction??? and my hb was grinning at me when the news flash this...arghhhh
So happy! Today is a friday, &amp; I'm taking half day leave today. hee.
So glad my hb is coming home tmr, we've been waiting so long.. but my lil' gal like dun miss Daddy 1 der neh.. haiz..

<font color="0000ff">Lv</font>
haha ok I'll convey ur comment to my HB, think he'll be damn happy cos he always hate me saying him very decent looking..

But anw he's shi wen bai lei also..

Oh dear got 3 pple ask u tat.. no wonder u gan jiong liao. For me my colleagues all comment my tummy big big lar, I used to it liao.

I tell u hor..when I was afterbirth 5 mths liao, got 1 trainer came to train us, then she all along tot I was preggie. So she was in shock when I said I was not. I was very very hurt man &amp; also blacklisted her.

Wow my lil Ashley resembles abit like u when U were a tod?! haha Ok, then confirm my gal can be Mei Nu next time liao ler. kakakaka.
Ya lor, hmm we dun resemble anybit leh.. But Ash does resemble me alot when I was a tod too. U can check my archive..Think Sep archive I did a collage of her &amp; me together. hee go check it out too, see whether we two young tat time look alike or not, &amp; is quite fun leh!
Later I go ur blog to check. U put liao ler hah?

U wanna change car ah? We juz changed to a Honda Airwave, 5 seater Passenger Wagon &amp; it is more spacious than the usual 5 seater. The boot also v big. &amp; the good thing is it is 1.5L car &amp; fuel comsumption is low. But we change the rim to 16" to have more stable feel &amp; also I do find Honda steering wheel like damn light, so changing bigger rim improve the stability. So now driving is really good. Really like driving this car liao. hee... &amp; best it cost $60-61K when we bought but we got it from PI. Understand from Poohy that Odessey also very good buy, but depend how many seater car u want lor.

Btw RAV 4 1 of my forum Mummies is having. She said interior is pretty small. Hee me like Rav 4 too cos it is real sporty!! I sat in hers before, &amp; it really give me tat kinda cosy feeling (cos interior more compact) &amp; very 'high' above other cars too.

<font color="ff0000">Shane</font>
oops high std.. u only say "quite" ah.. So who u think are the real pretty ones? Say say.. me damn 'ba gua' in celebrities 1..

I already dun wanna make any comparison to those mummies tat juz pop 1. Even my sis tat pop on Oct last year, seem like she'll be slimmer than me again. sobs.. Anw family gathering, the aunties &amp; my this sis always say I'm still fat blah blah. Is hurting lor, but somehow I'm getting used to it liao. Si liao ler.......

<font color="119911">Jasmine</font>
Omg, u call urself FAT?? U are 1 of the slimmest mummies here leh...

<font color="0000ff">Mckee</font>
think u will slim back der lar, cos see ur built, I noe u'll lor.
So btw, just curious, have u decide a name for ur boy? Issit gog to be Nathan?
ok take care. Let us know when u pop.
nope, not driving mpv now. rav 4 is small? ok, i'm not very good with cars. so thought it'll be good to get a more family friendly one.

Don't add on to my worries leh.. before married scared he get snatch by other girls then after give birth low esteem sets in. sigh. I'm one of those freaking wives who don't give freedom and own time to hubby. haha. I need to know his whereabouts and circle of friends. call me insecure. The other time he wanted to catch up with one of his 'happening' guy friends. I told him to arrange the meet up downstairs at coffeeshop and so they did hahaha. Many years ago, when i first know him, we went clubbing once (he doesn't really club though) and one b***h (decode yourself hehe) actually just came up and hug him. I blackface for whole night. hahah. But having said that, if one day infidelity sets in, i'll not hesitate to leave.

toyato wish is good. But hubby prefers not to get from parallel import. He prefers to get from showroom

harrier? I think my hubby mentioned b4 but i'm clueless about cars except driving. I'll look out for it this weekend on the roads.

10K to slim down:
seems like many mummies disapprove of the idea. But if 10K buys back our confidence and self esteem..i may really do it

please.. i think u are the skinnest mummy here. i rem furlover also very skinny.

i haven't put up yet. very troublesome, got to dig out from store and take pic with digi cam. wait a while hor. my workplace got a lot of skinny mummies. so a bit pressurize.
our first car was mitsubushi then toyota now. hubby is quite interested in honda next. He said honda after sales and customer service very good? is it true
<font color="0000ff">jasmine</font>
you say you are FAT ???!!!!! i wanna faint. you're one of the slimmest mum around !!!!!

<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
My wish is also to upgrade to Honda. I like their cars. Driving feels good. But sigh, we still can't afford so got to stick to my good old 'cow'. haha....

don't worry. i think your hubby also worry keke, you're a looker yourself too and don't look like a mummy. I'M serious. So keep that up and i'm sure it'll keep ur hub on his toes. Above all, love conquers all and trust each other.
Same like you, if infidelity sets in. I'll leave. No fuss from me. I told my hub he'll just come home to a empty house. I'll bring E and my dogs and just go. Last time, I only need to bring the dogs, not need to cater for E as well...
AND i'll empty out all our accounts before leaving !!!!!

<font color="0000ff">twinklets</font>
I find old timers are prettier .. i used to like cherry cheung-zhong chu hong? (the one that got married then no news liow). i like zhang zi yi atittude and shu qi sexy and teh teh nature ...
and in singapore, i'm an admirer of Zoe Tay ...

<font color="0000ff">DVD</font>
opps missed the boat on anything..
anyway hope some mummies can 'share share' with me

<font color="0000ff">PG tomorrow</font>
<font color="0000ff">Glayz</font>
are you gg ? wanna share cab ? me hub no free ley..
<font color="0000ff">mckee</font>
Ya, wat's going to be bb boy's name ? I can understand the lesser involvment in #2. I think all mummies like that. Even for me, cos we already been thru' so know what to expect.

oh you're gg to be induced? Hope it'll be smooth and quick one for you. Take care and let us know when bb arrives.

btw, i share the same thot as twinklets. I think you'll be able to shrink back. cos you're the petite kind ....

and ah, skipping can really help meh ? i got skipping rope ley... sometimes i try at home but 5 mins into it, i'm tired liow. And i feel not v gd for my boobs and womb ? or it's just excuses
<font color="ff6000">Shane</font>
Tmr your hb not joining ah? That makes 2 of us! My hb had a last minute change to extend his overseas stay. We can share cab.
Me not sure tomorrow leh.. becos i suddenly remember.... arghhhh 2pm is Sky nap time at home... and he nap quite a long time one... I see if I can stop him from napping tmr... but scare later he nap after Pasir Ris Park outing and wake up at night!!!

So u see me in Gymboree... then I am there... otherwise I not too sure liao...

Skipping make my boobs itchy leh... keep bouncy mah... but can lose weight lor... (last time I skip was in JC...think my downstairs neighbor not too happy abt the elephant stamping...)

Me also will leave... and he will need to give me maintainence every month... think with #2 I will raise to $1.5k...... and make sure he slog to give me that $$$....

The other time I even told him.. if he did have an affair...dun worry I will learn to love his $$ more...(maintainence...) and I will bring Sky with me...
<font color="0000ff">TangLing</font>
Great. So we go together. Or can we arrange the tpt to Gymboree ?

<font color="0000ff">glayz</font>
oic. ok then. if last min u wanna join us, u can come with us. just sms/call me or tangling. we should be leaving abt 1.30pm.

<font color="0000ff">bubble gun</font>
who has bubble gun ?? Can bring for tomorrow PG ?
<font color="119911">Glayz,</font>
Do you watch the 9pm drama serial on Channel 8? One of the lead character has the same name as Sky.

Hahaha... I truly understand the itchy boobs. I had to hold on to my boobs to prevent them from bouncing when I am jogging.

Same here. Definitely no 2nd chance given if my hb ever betray me. I will definitely leave with cay and #2. I will ask for high maintenance also.
Hi Gals
Do let me know if he LF DVD-Letter Factory is good.

After Birth Figure
*Sigh* v demoralize to see my fat tummy n thigh now but no time to exercise leh. My weight still ok, only left 3-4kg to lose. My figure will NEVER go back to before liao...esp my boobs. Now BF still firm, after that will shrink..VERY SAD. Think I must go for firming/tonning or even implant..then still need to go lipo suction for tummy n thigh?? Strike TOTO/4D also dunno enuf or not.

<font color="0000ff">Jasmine</font>- You not FAT at all lar.
Now he saw tv with beautiful actress he also cannot make comments... I will tell him to go after them and give me my maintainence... giving me $750 a month for household he already kpkb... $1.5k think he will drink water and eat grass everyday... my main motive to suck him dry and let him have no $$ to splurge on the other...
<font color="0000ff">adora</font>
wah, only left 3-4 kg ??!!! so good. hopefully my next preg will be like you..
I think u'll still look gd one. I c slim slim after hvg Raph also. don't worry. Now you still fresh from child birth. Give your body sometime...

but i do agree will NVR get back old figure. I can feel my hips and rib cage (chest) also widen. Then the tummy ... sigh... the muscles like lax liow, so always hanging there. it's very sad. But tts the sacrfice of motherhood. Motherhood is so wei da hor ...
Me also mah... before this preggie my tummy also so loose until my hb keep on joking that Sky can bounce off if he knock my tummy...

I not much figure to start off with... and now is worse... I just pray that after this #2 my hb will honor his word to let me go sli,mming lor... unless its another boi... arghhhhh
Wow so good..your hb sponsor u to go slimming...last time when I had Raph he only agree to pay for my massage but in the end I nvr do so he save $$.

I wan to go Mary Chia..looks good.

Last time, I only regain my 'confidence' after abt 6-9mths.

I see your plan for 2007 PG, think I may be able to go those indoor ones. Jun mass Bday celebration i sure will attend, so FUN. So fast our todds are 2 yrs old already!
Hi mummies
you are making me so pei sei...i am not those slim type lah..

Tang Ling &amp; Shane
are you going alone or with maid.. if only yourself can take my small car if you dun mind
skipping rope
yup boobs will sag if we wear bad support bras. For the matter, no need to skip, as long as we have given birth, did fair bit of BF, they will sag. So very impt to wear good support bra. Which is also another reason why I think, I'll never get back to old figure. those perky boobs are gone with the wind!!

yup his name is nathan. we decided for those who can't pronounce, then too bad lah. We'll stick to it.

sorry, can someone post details of tomo's PG again? I only remember there's 2 parts... first one is gym, 2nd?

how's everything on your end? i'm curious abt your love tank for the 2 of them. is your tank expandable?
<font color="0000ff">slimming</font>
actually i got no faith in those slimming places. heard must stick to diet and pay lots of $$$. might as well i do myself...

<font color="0000ff">adora</font>
i also looking forward to the jun one. this time will be fun cos all grown up liow.

what is the love tank ?

<font color="0000ff">jasmine</font>
thanks for offering, more than glad to do so. i'm gg alone but enuf space ? if not u can give TL a ride, since u both live so near. I can find my way there, no prob one
<font color="0000ff">mckee</font>
We're meeting at Gymboree (Serangoon Gardens) at 2pm for playgym. Playgym will last btn 2-3pm. After that, we're going to Pasir Ris park if weather permits. If not, we might just head to indoor PG.
<font color="0077aa">Jan PG</font>
Meet 2pm @ Gymboree (Srg Gdns). Will proceed to Pasir Ris park if weather permits.
Note: Bring socks for playgym for adults. Tods no need.
For park, bring enuf water, wet wipes, snacks, change of clothes.
Will need a ball and bubble gun. Whoever has, pls contribute.

<font color="0077aa">2007 PG Schedule for the next 6 months</font>
<font color="0000ff">Jan (13/1) - Outdoor - Playgym &amp; Park </font>
<font color="119911">Feb (10/3) - Indoor - CNY theme </font>
<font color="0000ff">Mar (17/3) - Outdoor </font>
<font color="119911">Apr (14/4) - Indoor </font>
<font color="0000ff">May (12/5) - Outdoor </font>
<font color="119911">Jun (3/6) - Indoor - Jun mass birthday
we can share to cater buffet, order a cake and have gift exchange

<font color="119911">For indoor PG</font>
We'll make it educational - story telling, sing songs, learn phonics?

<font color="0000ff">For outdoor PG </font>
We can think of a place to go - zoo, bird park, Botanical gardens, parks, sentosa, etc.

I have included the tentative dates, picked the 2nd, 3rd week of each mth. We'll firm up in that mth itself
Hi Ladies, Long TIme nv come in to chat... how r all of u?

Shane I saw u and family at vivo city when it jus opened.... I lok at u but u seemed dun recognise me so didnt call :p

check w u gals...any idea whats the name of the farm near yio chu kang road.

is the gym at serangoon garden good haha I still hvnt bring my son to any play group yet, I m really very lazy. Jus settle at my new job ....
Hi Ladies, Long TIme nv come in to chat... how r all of u?

Shane I saw u and family at vivo city when it jus opened.... I lok at u but u seemed dun recognise me so didnt call :p

check w u gals...any idea whats the name of the farm near yio chu kang road.

is the gym at serangoon garden good haha I still hvnt bring my son to any play group yet, I m really very lazy. Jus settle at my new job ....
<font color="0077aa">Re: PG</font>
Enjoy your PG tomorrow!

Nice to see the plan for the coming PGs. I am fine with both indoor and outdoor. I'm sure our tods will have lotsa fun. I don't think I can join the June baby bash... I am probably still in confinement.

<font color="ff0000">Re: Slimming</font>
I know for sure I won't slim down so fast after giving birth. I remember I was still a fat mama (at least 5 months preggie size) after giving birth. Kinda depressed but I know that I am not that type who will lose weight easily. I did lose the weight eventually and I think it's due to bfg. But then, I lost my boobs. I feel sad when I can't even fill up my old bra. So it's a struggle, want to slim down or retain boob size.

<font color="aa00aa">Re: Car</font>
We are thinking of getting a car too. We are now driving fil's car during weekends since we don't bring cay back every night. Wth #2, Fil suggested upgrading to MPV.

On second thoughts, I realise we cannot continue our current way of sharing car. We need the car to send cay to and fro everyday. Although fil insists he doesn't need the car during weekdays, I think we cannot share the costs equally as the car will be in our possession all the time. The cost of a MPV is not cheap. Since we are only bringing cay back and we seldom go out with ils, the chance of filling up 7 seats is low.

Although fil felt that there is no point in having another car when he is underutilising his own car, I think having one big car is beyond our affordability. Sharing a car may be more feasible if we are staying with ils. Also, recent events have shown that it's good for ils to have a car in case of emergencies.

We are currently looking at saloon cars... those on our list include Toyota Altis, Hyundai Avante, Mazda 3. Anyone has comments on these cars?
<font color="119911">dunno!!!!!</font>
long time no 'hear' from you....how are you!!! and how's JX ? did i rem his name correctly ?

oh you saw me ? most prob i was too blur, it was so crowded then.

<font color="119911">caymom</font>,
i had the same dilemma as u! i even posed this qn to my hub, ' do u 1 me fatter and well endowned or slimmer and less endowned'

<font color="119911">Re Car</font>
Hyundai been known as a drinker. tt y i call my a xiao nu (cow) but other than tt, i like my car. i like how it looks and the space inside and the height. but handling cannot compare, the better brands sure beat it.

Btn, Toyota Altis and Mazda, it's hard to decide. Looks wise, I like the Mazda 3. But for branding, I think Toyota is tops. I'm not sure about Mazda but Toyota is fuel efficient. I'm not sure what's the prices these days but even since cars became 'cheaper' Toyota seems like a good buy. The toyota altis is popular. But I don't have gd experience at the toyota showroom. the sales pple not friendly. most prob they know that they can hit sales target cos so many pple just go for toyota.

actually it's ideal to share car with ur ILs. sometimes when i look at our expenses, i wish i didn't own a car. the savings is REALLY great if no car. but we're too reliant on a car think will suffer bad withdrawal symdrome if no car, alittle for me and more so for my hubby. then with kid, think just stick with a car. in singapore, everything is so costly!!!

With kids, it's really ideal to stay close to ILs. We have this intention too but too lazy and unwilling to do anything.
How are u?? Good to see your post.

Wow Love tank har? I think shld b expandable bah. I can't really tell now coz for Chloe I jus ensure her needs are met. After I settle Chloe, I will give all my time to Raph. Play, read watch TV with him.

But I tell u I am almost stretch to the max liao if next time Chloe is older n more clingy dunno how...my love can expand but I can't split myself into 2.

I think Altis not bad, almost wanted to get that...ended w a Vios instead. Personally I like Mazda 3 but heard petrol consumption is high...
oh, so tt's wat the love tank is....i think it's unlimited... but physical time and attention very stretched...
somehow, I feel #1 will always be the mostest special ... keke....

Its ok. I'll take the maths...don't have to purposely go target buy for me ok? So sorry for the trouble already :p

Shane, i can lend you first
Hi, sorry for the double posting, too long nv access net lah even my email account was inactive haha got to reactivate it today.

So exciting look like so many of u hv given # 2 har is a gd timing and gd intervals lor either 1 yr or 3 yr is better coz go school can b same session. Beside serrich &amp; caymom who has given # 2? I tin if I rem correctly von aso preggie have she given birth yet?

Adora is chloe yr # 2 wow times flies ...

Shane, yeah very crowded and u lok very blur haha and yr bb is sleeping and I so envy u coz I still got 2 chase my "monkey" :D

Personaly feel many uncles driving toyota altis keke. Mazda petrol consumption is high...I like Mazda also. Is good to have car can bring him to botanic garden and so xiong leh if u hv 2 kids + nd to carry the bags and pram.... really pei fu the stamina ...but got car make u lazy lah now I got where aso wan to be driven...and dunno y after hv tis son feel so tired he so active....
Yeah...Chloe is my #2...when is your turn? Yes Von has also given birth to her #2, Miko.

Hi Gals
Ask u all smthing, Chloe regurgitate a lot of milk each time after feed. Every time after feeding, she sure will regurgitate milk at least 2x even after burping.

Is this normal?
Mummies with #2 are:

Going to deliver:

did i miss out anyone ?

Wah after i type out this list then i realise REALLY alot of us already have #2!

so dunno, are u planning for #2 ?

seems like it's gd to go for toyota then... fuel consumption very impt ....
dunnoleh..hello hello.. oh you have changed job, no wonder i don't see you at JL or Robinson sales anymore...

i want to kill you; how could you...at least let me belong to the FAT category leh.. if you label yourself as FAT then i have to downgrade to SUPER JumBO category liao!

OutDOOR PG Tomorrow
it is raining again any suggestions for indoor venue if weather does permit.
<font color="ff0000">dunnoleh,</font>
Hey, nice to see you again. I was just wondering what happened to you when I was looking at our contact list recently.
I am now 5mths preggie with my #2. How about you?

Thanks for sharing on the cars. Seems like everyone also feels that Mazda has high fuel consumption. I think we will do more research before making our decision.

<font color="0000ff">Shane,</font>
I heard that the new Hyundai Avante is more fuel efficient, dunno whether true or not. Hey, you are not the only one with bad experience with Toyota salesperson. All my colleagues say they are rather arrogant, as though not worried that they cannot meet quota... I guess it could be true. They have the highest market share.

<font color="119911">Adora,</font>
We are considering Altis and Vios too. Must make a trip to the showroom to have a look one day.
Adora what is regurgitate? keke Adora really gong xi gong xi leh got a son + a gal is really very ideal ok...normally I c pp 2 sons or 2 gals so xian keke. aiyo u all kept tok abt sliming I dare not comments I m still very fat so I wonder hw cm shane dun recognise me...is it I getting more and more big size haha
my mum and sis kept ask me eat less

I m not planning for # 2 no1 to look after. Very stress for me for my #1 already. No1 to lok after and place w maid I feel insecure esp so many news abt bb kena tortured by maid

Cherry u where got fat?

Gymboree (Serangoon Gardens) is it a course or a one time one?
So far I have 3 friends with baby boys like that. Regurgitate milk after feed even after burping. Seems like it's normal. Just need to monitor and ensure that it doesn't get worse. If she's eating well and growing, should be fine. Just that it's a messy issue and have to wash more clothes and towel cloth.

1 of my friend sent her bb to check that there's no blockage in the tummy. Everything is fine with baby. So it's normal. Told my friend to feed less but more frequent and seems like the situation improved abit.

Another friend had to feed mixed milk (i think mixed with soya milk) to help the prbm, think advised by doc. Now the bb older, able to hold better, after intro of solid.

You might want to check with doc the next time u go for jab if she's fine. Then just got to wait till she grows out of it.

Some advise i give is to place baby slightly upright after feed, burp thoroughly and maybe give less amount each time and feed more frequently. This is purely based on my judgement, just for ur reference.
Cherry I jus went JL sales last evening haha wanna finish my card. the every $10 one chop one lor gg expires on 14Jan and JL no longer giving such good offer.

Shane thanks for the updates. Really many pp given #2.

<font color="119911">cherry, aries,</font>

<font color="119911">cherry</font>
ur post so funny keke....

<font color="119911">Contingency plan for PG</font>
<font color="0000ff">TangLing</font> has offered her place if it rains. I'll let her confirm on that.

<font color="119911">caymom</font>
ahh.. so it's a common thing abt toyota sales pple. so sien ley. spend so much $ still need to c their face colour.

<font color="119911">dunno</font>
no lah, i was really blur!!!

this playgym is a one time thing. sign up membership then can bring bb for 1 hr playgym for $8. If no membership then it's $15 per session. u wanna join us this sat ?
