(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

Lot 1 is the one at BUkit Panjang isn't it? where u stay? why take mrt? might as well drive there mah. If u not sure, then u go drive follow the MRT line lor.. heh..

Straightening hair how long it last? OH u never go rebond ah? I tot u go rebond leh coz i see ur hair straight straight nice! How much cheaper is it compared to rebonding?

<font color="0000ff">Glayz</font>

I c i c.. it is really v mafun to push a stroller along.
My intention was to carry the Sleeping Ashley over my shoulder to comb thr' the streets of Ikea..
Ya a gal will be gd cos can take care Di Di.. But sometimes we never noe the boy's character until later stage.. who noes the big bro will help to take care after he reaches a sensible age.. Esp when reach to Secondary sch &amp; with 2 years gap, the big bro can help to protect his Xiao Mei..

<font color="ff0000">Kiami</font>
Ur Aeron really so chubby, can I pinch &amp; bite him??
I'm sadist I noe, but I luv to bite lovingly, I did tat to Ash when she was still v chubby
Nice scrapwork too! Hope to see more coming in too!

<font color="119911">Cherry</font>
Wow 1am-4am .. eyes wide open???

<font color="ff6000">Shane</font>
Ok Ok I'll start jian fei from today. I feel tat I can curb my appetite when at work.. lesser food temptations .. Let's work towards our common goal AGAIN bah!

<font color="0000ff">Anns</font>
I long to have a big bro when I was small. Always want a big bro to protect me in Secondary Sch. So cool lor. hahaha

<font color="aa00aa">Caymom</font>
Yeah tat statement is misleading.. =P
Ok guess I can only plan TTC maybe this year end ..

I can be v v gian if I keep seeing so many #2 pop &amp; posted pics here.. V fast will be ur turn to post liao..

btw, just KPO, how old is ur sis? So much cat fights ah? Me &amp; my 2 sisters also alot of cat fights when we were young. My eldest sis gotta bride me with $ to do things for her 1. I was closer wif my 2nd sis then. But we did fight. We really fight like hair pulling 1, especially wif my eldest sis, cos we both v strong headed. =P Now older liao, same like u, much much closer, guess we all dong shi liao, tat's why.
I dun wan to bring stroller one.... but scare that Sky dun wan to walk and want to be carry.... so bring along mah...
<font color="ff6000">Kiami</font>
Nice digi scrapping!
Keep it up.

<font color="ff6000">Caymom</font>
Congrats! 2 princesses! If I had a choice, I would also hope to have 2 gals.
<font color="ff0000">Jan PG: First PG of the New Year</font>
Any mummies interested in outdoor PG at Botanic Gardens as Shane suggested earlier?

Date: 20 Jan (Sat)
Time: 8.30am / 4pm (See which is the preferred time slot - pls state beside your name)

1. Tang Ling - 8.30am/4pm
<font color="0077aa">Erlisa</font>
From what the stylist say, can last about 4 mths. But my hair now short ley, the ends are sticking out. I'm abit disappointed with the results. Will be gg back to 'check' with stylist, how come like that. If i know like that, I rather rebond with the stick straight look. *sigh*

hmmm, that time when you saw me, my hair was long so look straighter bah.

my hub reminded me not to cut my hair short again already .. cos i always face this sticking out ends pbm. sigh.

I spend about $150 for cut, straightening and a ampoule for protecting the ends. As for rebonding, I think it depends on the lenght, should be slightly more expensive but shouldn't differ too much for my lenght, I think. That y feel abit sien the results not so gd.
Hi Gals
Just had Chloe's Full mth party yesterday which also marked the end of my confinement...yipeee!
But also v sian as I need to go back to work end of this mth.
This few weeks i will go n do my hair n do some CNY shopping for clothes.

Congrats! I must say gals are so sweet...when I see my Chloe, just can't help to curdle her...maybe I 'spoil' her, now she always 'cry' for pp to carry her.

Tang Ling
Ya when i see all the nice pics u done, v tempted to do it but no time leh!
Tang Ling,
I interested but can't make it for 20th. You all go ahead and plan first. If i can make it then i'll join in. Wld prefer 4pm, 8.30am .. i cannot wake up =P but understand ur intention for cooler timing

congrats !!! happy hor. enjoy ur time with chloe. now that E is 18mths, i feel that time passes so fast! they all grow up very fast.
<font color="0000ff">Twinklets,</font>
My sis is one year younger than me. We also fought until very heong. I broke my sis's tooth once but that was not intentional.
Actually my sis still not very dong shi until now. Will still get angry with me easily and with no valid reason somemore. Just that I am not so eng to fight with her anymore.

<font color="aa00aa">Tang Ling,</font>
Next time will bring my two gals to PG.
My mom also very excited over the thot of two gals. Don't know what my ils will think though. I think deep down, they probably hope for a boy.

<font color="ff0000">Adora,</font>
I think my heart will auto soften when I see gals. My heart always melt when I see cay in beautiful dresses.
Wow...ur fight very heong hor... can break a tooth....
For me and my sis also fight lor.... but our relationship gets better as we grow older.... now the eldest rascal also console in my sis...(our gap gap is same as rascal #2..but she need a older listening ear...)
<font color="0000ff">erlisa</font>
ya lor tat's the 1! Ya lor, great idea of following MRT track!! *faint*
haha no lar, think i better park at her carpark, cos i scare wait Lot 1 no ample parking lot for me to park then I die big time. hehehehe

<font color="119911">Caymom</font>
Wow U are so heong! dunno u so heong!

1 year difference, hee no wonder ah.
U of cos not eng lar.. hee u got a guan jia por at home mah..

<font color="ff0000">Adora</font>
Good for u! Is a gd feeling of being totally nice &amp; xiang hor?

CNY is coming, u can buy tonnes of clothes for her! &amp; sweet lil hair bands to make her more galish!

<font color="ff6000">Tangling</font>
Sorry cant make it this time cos HB outstation for 2 wks, so feel tat must have 3 ren shi jie when he's back..
<font color="ff6000">Caymom</font>
Oh well, if they say how come not boy, then ask your ils to check with your hb. Hehe. Not your fault, really. Kekeke.

<font color="ff6000">Shane</font>
Actually I feel the same about 8.30am timing too. Hehe. But yesterday managed to drag my hb out of bed and arrived at Botanic Gardens around 8am and the air is really refreshingly cool! But hor... JJ was blur, coz he usually takes his nap after milk in early morning. :p

<font color="ff6000">Adora</font>
Wah, congrats on finally completing confinement! Free liao!
<font color="ff0000">Jan PG: First PG of the New Year </font>
Any mummies interested in outdoor PG at Botanic Gardens as Shane suggested earlier?

Date: 14 Jan (Sun) <font color="119911">Just changed to a Sunday</font>
Time: 8.30am / 4pm (See which is the preferred time slot - pls state beside your name)

1. Tang Ling - 8.30am/4pm
tang ling,
sorry, this PG don't think we will join cos mummy here want to avoid sun lah. no amount of sunblock can help esp ageing now hehe
<font color="119911">Twinklets/Glayz,</font>
Hard to tell I am so rough in the past hor.
People has been wondering why cay is so chor lor, my hb will point at me behind my back.

<font color="ff6000">Tang Ling,</font>
Of course they will not say in front of me. That time when my hb told them that most likely will be gal, they say boy gal same same. But my mom said what they say may not be what they mean. Anyway, can't be helped lah. My hb said although guys determine the gender but does not mean they control it.

Just ignored their remarks...as time goes by, they will find boring talking about this topic too....I think girl or boy is the same...they are the precious gifts.....

Sorrri...cannot join you mum for the PG meeting...you gals have fun....

Care to share with me your blog?
Jan PG: First PG of the New Year
Any mummies interested in outdoor PG at Botanic Gardens as Shane suggested earlier?

Date: 14 Jan (Sun) Just changed to a Sunday
Time: 8.30am / 4pm (See which is the preferred time slot - pls state beside your name)

1. Tang Ling - 8.30am/4pm
2. Shane - 4pm
CONGRATS!!!! very happy for you! Can you share if the feeling when Sheri came out and when Shania came out is the same? I'm still trying to figure out how a mummy can have so much emotions for however no of children she has! Pls share!!

Long break
wow... my office gave us our annual 2 weeks off for 1st 2 weeks Jan. but sigh... can't go overseas with this big tummy. So going to sleep and relax, and also pack for new arrival...
I'm so tempted to reuse the teats... can or not?!?

8.30am is really out for me. I'll be walking zombie if i turn up
And nicole will zombie with me! hehe... Pls go ahead if there are early birds among us. and take nice outdoor shots!

Nicole update
she's still not speaking very much. Although we heard her 1st complete sentence.... "I want fries"... sigh... so much for I love you, or I love mummy!

Other than that, she does one syllable words. sigh.. but I'm thankful, she's quick to listen. Can listen to instructions well, respond to directions. But otherthan that, she's on quiet side.

Avent manual
sorry, side step abit. Anyone knows if they sell parts for avent manual pump? I think I got to get parts... what i have looks yellow.

just to share with you, after all the christmas shopping and gifts exchange, my hb &amp; I have decided to stop buying toys for Nicole, and also stop buying clothes. too many!! Now I'm on a buy books mode. wah! but ex lei! The nice books really big difference from cheap books!

ok. will stop for now before I hog the thread. to all mummies reading... Happy happy new year! Wishing you--2007 will be your BEST year yet!
<font color="0000ff">twinklets</font>
Before you head off to Lot 1. Must let you know Lot 1 is in Choa Chu Kang Central. The mall in Bukit Panjang is Bukit Panjang Plaza.

Ok I continue reading the rest of the postings.
actually i have been bathing thru' out the confinement so not much diff...except now i can wash my hair daily.
Hee hee i meant shopping for my own clothes lar..Chole has enuf new clothes liao! This time I din shave her hair during full mth, only trim a little for formalities!

For replacement and purchase of additional parts, u can contact Cannon Aventat Tel: 63 919191
<font color="ff0000">Happy 2007 to all mummies</font>

Abit late though...hee...

<font color="0000ff">Shane</font>,
Hi. Sorry i never try msn...you gals can teach me?
Or you need gmail email? Yours blogspot?

Haha... last time Sky I also din shave during the 1st month but after that..he needs to have hair to face the world lor...so I also yi shi yi shi trim during 1st month....
thanks for remindg me.
In my mind I noe is tat CCK 1.

orr u notti notti.. bathe in cleanser ah? =P
tt time I specially bot a big long brush to brush my back once confinement over.. =P
Glayz, twinklets
Altho, my confinement was in Dec suppose to b cool weather but I perspire after meals &amp; can't tahan need to shower 2x &amp; wash my hair weekly.

Hygiene comes 1st now leh...esp I carry n bf my gal.
Hi everyone,
nowadays seldom come into the forum liao cos busi at home..n when i reach home,i hve to settle Ryan n Chloe,aft tt,i'm vv tired liao..
i'm so tired tt i hve to drink chicken essence almost every morning ah..

realli miss toking to u gals..

btw..Ryan can speak more liao..but need to be prompt one..like if i say apple,he will follow mi..
yesterday,i taught him to say purple n to my surprise,he realli repeat aft mi..
but he notti lor..ask him to call ma-ma,he will call pa-pa..arghh.....

congrats!!finally confinement is over liao..
aiyo.my Chloe oso like tt..she is being spoilt by my maid n hb who always carry her one..
<font color="0000ff">anns and Tang Ling,</font>
thanks for the feedback on the resizing of pics, will try and use them when I have new digiscraps to share...

<font color="0000ff">twinklets,</font>
me also sadist mother...last time he is so chubby that got 1 time I bite his fat fat thigh and the next day got my teeth marks and my MIL is so angry as she thought outsider bite him and when I owned up also kana scolded by her... nowadays he is still abit chubby and I control myself not to bite him but still like to pinch his cheeks.. I am a bad mummy...haha

<font color="0000ff">Confinement bath,</font>
wah, <font color="0000ff">Adora,</font> you are so daring leh... me Kiasi.. so obediently follow whatever the elderly told me to do during confinement... June is a terrible terrible month, yup Dec should be so much better right?

<font color="0000ff">Caymom,</font>
yup, my mum and dad got 4 daughters in all... when we are all unmarried, the house is like a big market place...all very talkative...
my 2 younger sisters are like 1 and 2 year gap from me so we r quite close... last time when young... can play together quite fun lah...
good to hear that Ryan is speaking more. Riz is still about the same. Hardly hear him speak words clearly. Can only hear him babble. But he did call me Mama more often now. He actually more curious and keep on asking us about everything and anything than he wants to speak... hmm... Dunno if I should start to worry liaos....
Happy New Year gals.....

Juz arrived in S'pore yesterday nite. Overall the trip was ok except the whole family were down with diarrheoa and flu. Meagan had diarrheoa for the whole week after x'mas and we were all stranded at home. Brought her to the doc coz her diarheoa/vomitting was quite bad. Paid 40 AD and there was no medication given and didn't even check her temperature. The doc asked us to get some med for the diarrheoa from the chemist instead. I find it really ridiculous paying so much and there's no med given.

Confinement Bath
I showered on the third day with no herbs or anything. Hopefully next time when i'm old will have no probs.

COngratulations on ur newborn bb Shania. That's a very nice name. Who gave her this name? You or hubby?

18 mth Jab
Meagan also hasn't taken that. Maybe will do it this weekend. But very ko lian leh... She has phobia seeing docs nowadays.
<font color="0000ff">Tang Ling, shane</font>
I still cannot confirm the Botanical outing. Will let you know later.

<font color="0000ff">Adora</font>
Congrats! Chloe is one month old. And finally your confinement is over.

<font color="0000ff">cherry</font>
Unfortunately Joelle did have fever after her 18mth booster jab. It was 5am in the morning and she was crying loudly. When I went to feel her realise her temperature was 38 degs.

Tang Ling did suggest giving a dose of fever medicine after the jab. My PD also said can give her a dose before she sleep. But I did not follow their advice so end up having fever.
Finally hear from you. Rest more. Soon will be your turn to pop! Must inform us okie. U can just sms any1 of us and we'll annouce your good news here keke....
err... change the teats lah...on the safe side.

wah, 2x a day ?! But u make me feel better. I bathe everyday with a cleanser i bot from one of the online shops that can be used for confinement and washed my hair every other day. My mum nagged n nagged. she even bot the herbs. I say i will use but she also nvr boil for me so i happily just use hot water hee hee...
I try to think westernised, so hope hard that when old wun kenna the eastern side effects =P

I brought E for her jab last weekend. She was fine, no fever.

Now you're in Melbourne?! so nice!

Handling 2 young kids is not easy. Rest whenever you can. Just hang in there, with kids, time passes very fast. They'll grow up quickly then you can have a breather.
<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
I am not any better. I bathe and wash my hair everyday with the herbs water my MIL boil.
Then after which I rinse again with warm shower. I think next time old already sure tao hong.

<font color="0000ff">Mckee</font>
Time past so fast. You will be the next to pop.
Jennise alresdy in Singapore liao la... think she went in Dec..or is it Nov...

Wah ur bath super long then... I cannot bath too long last time..my mum will nag outside the bathroom...

Sweet Sweet Sky
Today had got MC due to headache... and pop over to my mum place and spent time with my Sky... In the evening...out of the sudeen he came over to stroke my stomach chanting "baby baby" haha... so sweet of him... but ask him he want a di-di or mei-mei he give me a cheeky smile then run off.... When he attempt to stroke a second time.. my dad tell him that is just STOMACH... and ask Skyto stroke his(my dad's) instead...and also tell Sky is baby...*faint*
it's ok lah, a few of us can tao hong together. If I really have #2, don't know got so much perserverence again or not. maybe will just bathe as usual.
so how? Have u embarked on your #2 already or not keke....
<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
No leh. So fast hor? Keep telling you try next year and so fast it's next year already. But still no yong qi to start trying.

<font color="0000ff">Glayz</font>
My bath was quite long leh. Some more after that I come out turn on the aircon and hide in the room. You know why the hot water and the hair dryer makes me perspire so much. It's as good as I did not bathe.
Last time my mum place no aircon...but I close the window and on the fan to FULL blast... keke... MIL came and saw and make a mountain of comments but I GLADLY ignore...kekekeke... this coming round, my mum had already install airco so not that bad...hahahha
Finally can login...have been working like a "dog" in the office, no chance to login..kekeke!

I've sent out the Barney DVD today( finally get hold of a SAM machine). You should be expecting
mail by Sat

Aiyoh, i was just having a chat with hubby about family planning a while ago. We even chat about whether my "ah boy" should take up piano or violin class, swimming or martial arts...and even discuss about him enlisting for the army...sounds so pressuring and "kiasu" when he could bearly utter a full sentence!

Same here, i was just about to remind you that you can start working hard since we have usher in Year 2007!

I just read from another thread. Wan a boy, try a few days before ovulation, wan a girl, try the last few days of ovulation. Wan to know if it really works?? got to try out lor

Congrats, another princess!!... as usual, i'm so envious

When are you scheduled for the next scan? Excited?
Confinement Bath

First day we brought Jay back from the hospital, we slept in air-con room cos it was so darn hot a period. But i remember wearing socks to bed..

My luxury is still looking forward to the herbal bath every day. If i recall correctly, i tahan for at least 4 days without a proper bath. My mum boil ginger and herbs using a big pot ( those Indian pot that is used to cook curry)
I "guai-guai" bath from that pot for a month!
<font color="ff0000">Kiami,</font>
I strongly believe that sisters will remain close with each other. Although me and my sis fought a lot when we were young, we always sticked together wherever we go.

<font color="0000ff">Cherry,</font>
cay also had fever after the booster jab. We were instructed to give fever medicine after the jab but that didn't stop the fever from coming. cay took around 1-2 days to recover. I think this booster jab is rather potent.

<font color="119911">Tang Ling,</font>
I cannot confirm about the outing yet, will let you know at a later date.

<font color="aa00aa">Bbrooster,</font>
I think I already tao hong before I got pregnant. Since young, I always fell asleep before my hair was totally dry. My mom said I sure suffer headaches when I get old. and true enough I get headaches very often.

<font color="ff6000">Adora,</font>
You are so brave. I don't dare to bath because I am so worried that I may suffer from the effects when I get old. My mom was rather strict. In the end, I developed rashes and she finally relented. This time round, I will persuade her to let me bathe earlier with the backing of my chinese physician.

<font color="0077aa">Glayz,</font>
My mom allowed me air-con after seeing my face black as charcoal. Actually, I think air-con is better than fan... I heard that fan will cause wind to enter our body easier. Aircon, as long as don't blow direct, is still ok. My mom will let the air-con cool the room to help me sleep.
booster jab.
thanks for the info. in that case, i will give her some paosheng before she takes the jab.

aiya... i regret not listening more to my confinement lady.. i was wearing shorts, bath everyday, washing my hair altern days, wash hands with tap water etc... now my joints are stiff and always getting headache, backache etc...

also one very impt taboo that i remembered; do not cry during confinement else your eyes will be bad.. which is true.. I cried quite badly on the 7th day becos i caused ashley to fall off the bed while bf'g (can u imagine 7-day old bb falling off bed!), now my eyesight is really really bad... sigh... half the time can't see thing far away..
the tao hong thing very funny! But I'm registered for the club also hehe

it'll be almost time to start ttc if planning for next yr bb. But then, like what bbrooster said, no courage to start all over again. Everyday send K to childcare, she happily waves goodbye then off to work, do some shopping or dinner b4 picking her up. The routine is too nice for me to change it. confuse confuse confuse ...

my eyesight also v bad after giving birth. I need specs to drive nowadays if not i'll feel v uncomfortable.
<font color="0000ff">confinement</font>
I noe that once i post this, I may get alot of hammers from some mummies here. =P =P
I always feel the Chinese are much smarter than the Westerners, so some of the 'myths' they have, I wud try to follow most of them
than dun follow much. Cos ultimately it is me that may suffer in the long run, so I better be guai abit during confinement period.

I was pretty kiasi, I bath with herbs &amp; hot water only after 1 week. But of cos I got wiped myself during that 1st week, or else think Ashley will faint at my bawu lar. My hb dun dare to sleep with me on the bed, he slept on the mattress besides me. It was only after 3rd week, I bui dong liao &amp; go wash my itchy hair, then he dare to cosy with me on the same bed.

Like Caymom, since young, I like to sleep with hardly dry hair. So I easily get headache too. My Mum will nag at me &amp; she told me she was a living example cos shower late at nite with dripping hair &amp; din take care during confinement, so end up she got bad fengshi, which I see liao, really damn terrible lor.
So if I ever gog to kana #2, I'll really hang on there liao.. dun wanna play play my balanced years.

<font color="ff0000">18th mth booster Jab</font>
Polyclinic Nurse told me to feed her the med straight when I reach home. Then give another dose after 6 hrs if got fever.
Luckily no fever for her.

<font color="119911">Cherry</font>
If that's the case, is best u have a #2 again, &amp; u follow strict to the confinement rules, &amp; tt's where u can bu ur body back..
Tat's what my sis's colleauge's gynea told her, &amp; she followed it for her #2, &amp; true enuff her body is bu back &amp; she's strong again.
alamak... i think the bu i eat during #2 confinement will only last one month... thereafter i can foresee, i will walk into walls from the lack of sleep (ashley and #2 waking up throughout the nights alternately).. no no no.....

like all mummies here, me &amp; hubby have discussed and discussed over and over again on this topic. Hubby also not sure.. he said he scared that our relationship may turn for the worst after #2 because now i already always nag and show my unhappiness. I think most like i will only have one &amp; only one baobei.
<font color="0000ff">#2</font>
Like LV, I am also so comfortable with the routine now - at least part of the pre-baby routine is back. And really, when I think of going all over again the preg symptoms (headache, hot all over, nausea, tiredness etc etc) and the labour and confinement and 2-hrly feeds etc, I am discouraged. But, I will do it again, so that JJ has a sibling - don't want him to be only child. Just keep my fingers crossed that things would be fine.

Recently, JJ also keep wanting us to play with him - he would walk over to us, hold our hand and lead us to his toys and ask us to "zuo-zuo" (sit). Looks like he needs a playmate. Hehe.

i also worried it'll be a strain on our r/s when we have no2. This morning hubby was washing her backside after she poo but come out still got shit on her backside!? I'm afraid I'll get more frustrated when the responsibilities of taking both kids fall on me again. Somehow when they try to help, it just backfire. Actually the reason for having no2 is mainly for Kayla to have a sibling and not feel lonely.
