(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

actually.. i still feel kinda weak after my confinement.. then 2nd mth when i went bk to my own hm, I'll use sesame oil & the dom to cook my meals.. until 40th day. Then i'll occasionally drink my tonics. I feel stronger abit..
Then 2mth+ I finally had the Indonesian Massage lady to massage me.. She said I was still v weak & lotsa wind.. & told me to wear socks to sleep & drink chicken essence every morning & nite another tonic if i want. So i followed tat for entire mth. I was indeed Bu back liao. Now I was stronger than last time, just tat i'll get headaches at times in aircon room (tink bobian liao, cant cure liao).
Now u still can bu ur body bk if u seriously feel u are still kinda weak. Try to drink chicken essence every morning for this 1 whole mth. u may see amazing results after this..

trust my words.. me guo lai ren.

I've seen my mum's situation now. feng shi here & there, & it is TERRIBLE. & i'm getting bit freaked liao. Also scare I'll get genetics HBP.

ya those who want a Jan 08 baby should TTC liao...whenever i see this topic i will be very stress... me so comfortable with only one now i dun have the motivation plan for another one.. but if in YR 09 than will be four years gap liao..

hee hee hope to see more good news here to motivate me
<font color="0000ff">#2</font>
Same here, I also feel having #2 will put more strain in our "not so loved" r/s liao. Last week, I was saying to Ash at the back of our car when he was driving "Now Ashley is #1,the car is #2 &amp; Mummy is #3 liao ler"

&amp; my hb reaction was like "ahhhh". But I noe is the fact lor. Car dirty abit wif Birdshit, he already complain big time liao. Wife got dirty, he also bochup lar.

Now wif our lil' darling in our life, his eyes are all fix to her. We hardly had any romance in our marriage liao. Even now he's outstation, I dun even miss him abit. Terrible rite??

So if really have #2, definitely r/s is gog to be put on test again. Frustrations, nags &amp; blackface sure nan mian 1. But same like Tangling, I really dun wan Ashley to be an only child, I hope to give her a playmate. Sometimes it is rather sad for us cos having #2 is more like for her sake &amp; not for us. BUT for me, I still quite OK wif pregnancy,labor &amp; 1st 3 mths. I actually kind miss those moments. Sometimes I can be real lazy to tink back of restart everything again, but I think all these is zhi der 1. The only sian part for me is the Jian Fei part which is so damn tongku. I dun wan 3 yrs dwn the road when i see my fellow GFs all having 2 or 3 kids, whereas I'm only seeing a LONELY Ashley longing for a sibling to play wif when she sees others have it..........................

tang ling,
ho ho.. we actually have the same intention of y we may have no2. i know it may sound selfish but that's really how i felt for now. I guess the love we have for our first born is overwhelming. You know yesterday in the middle of the night, K actually wriggled to my side and kissed me a few times on the face ( with the muak muak sound). It felt worthwhile to shower all these love. I think i love her more than my hubby already. hehe
u felt so loved hor!!

btw, confirmed &amp; chopped I luv her more than my hb liao..
quite scary, cos can be pretty possesive, dunno how i can face it when she grows up having a man in her life.
By then, i gotta u turn &amp; luv my hb back again.
<font color="ff0000">Cherry,</font>
I agree with you that there is a strain in relationship. My hb said I was forever grumbling and ordering him around. Now that he has taken over part of the caregiving duties, he understands the difficulty and stress. But I still have to nag him into doing it or else he will conveniently act blur and I have to do it.

<font color="0000ff">Tang Ling,</font>
I am also very comfortable with the routine now. At least I don't have to wake up early in the morning to pump milk and attend to cay when she used to wake up at 7am+ every morning. I can afford to sleep until almost 10am during weekends. I can also bring cay out easily.

When I was having morning sickness, I had to keep telling myself that all this is for cay's sake. It was really tough. Like JJ, cay also desires companionship. She will drag us to her toys and pat the floor to tell us to sit beside her while she plays.

<font color="119911">LV,</font>
My hb is also very scared when changing diaper with poo. He is worried that he cannot clean thorough enough. So whenever there is poo, he will push it to me. I feel so unfair at times... he can push it to me but who can I push to?? I feel that I will end up handling both kids... at least for the poo part.

<font color="aa00aa">Twinklets,</font>
At least you managed to 'bu' back a bit. When I saw my chinese physician for my current pregnancy, she said I did not 'bu' enough during confinement, that's why I so weak in current pregnancy. Told me it's too late to rectify and just have to hope for the best. I was damn worried man, luckily now pregnancy more stable. She will prescribe a full set of confinement herbs and tonics for me this time. Hopefully still in time to 'bu' back. So now I also learnt not to take things too lightly.

At least you are #3, I don't know where I rank already. cay is def #1, then next are his precious games, camera blah blah blah.....
My r/s with hb also a bit strain liao... and now with my constant nagging and ordering... think he now act deaf also....

I also confirmed liao.. I love SKy MUCH MUCH more than hb.... hb goes work I also bo chap liao...unless my boi get cranky....

My hb also dun change diaper with poo.... and even tell me to change for Sky quickly as he cannot stand the smell.... Sky sctually sit on hb with poo diaper...kekekekeke

My #2 is also to keep Sky company.... It is a bit selfish la... but my boi need companion lor... and hb then suggest #2 to be look after by MIL... I was like... no #2 is companion to Sky how can split them...
haha, so if u want to torture your hubby, u let sky wear the poo longer

most likely it'll be so. we will end up doing all these shitty biz.

can U turn still nevermind. worse scenario is cannot u turn and miss the stop
No la... That day Sky already poo earlier, now he hates his potty refuse to sit on it...so keep pooing in diapers... then when he poo second time I doing other work so bo chap lor.. then he went inside room to ka jiao his sleeping dad...then hb carry him onto bed and continue to sleep...thats when Sky went to sit on hb and then hb smell something and shouted for me....
Looks like the nagging and complaining about hb part happens to almost everyone. Kekeke. Me too. As for the part about relationship with hb, Mummies, please keep in mind to maintain the loving relationship with hb and not let bb be the third party. Yes, third party.
Because that is the foundation of the family.

<font color="ff6000">LV</font>
Kayla so sweet - would come kiss mummy. Can imagine how 'melted' you feel.
JJ also does it occasionally - love it.

<font color="0000ff">Right/Left Handed</font>
btw, any mummies noticed tods are right/left-handed? JJ has been experimenting both hands, but recently, everything is passed onto left hand. Looks like his master hand is left hand. Hubby is anxiously teaching JJ to use his right hand instead coz left-handed has disadvantages.
<font color="ff6000">Caymom</font>
Cay also ah. Her little sister would be coming soon to keep her company!

Edufarm class starting this Sunday 12.30pm right? See you there.
<font color="ff0000">Tang Ling,</font>
Yah, the class starting this Sunday.

<font color="0000ff">Edufarm Mommies,</font>
See you this Sunday. Please remember to arrive 10 min earlier.
Mummies who are going to have #2 or planning to have #2, can share how with me your childcare arrangement? This is one of my biggest headache and one of the biggest hurdle to even think about having #2.
<font color="ff6000">Cherry</font>
A fren of mine who has 2 kids put the elder one at childcare near her workplace, and the 2nd one at nanny's. When she goes home, she picks up #1 and hb picks up #2. She considered having a maid, but don't like the idea of leaving kids alone with kids.

Can your nanny handle 2? If yes, then no problem liao.
If u are comfy with this nanny... check with her if she welcome the idea of looking after 2 children together... becos it best for them to grew up together rite... If she is reluctant then bo bian lor...
Hi Gals
Today I will b moving back home...kind of scare of handling 2 kids during weekend...think I will go crazy. What I worry most is feeding n sleeping time...will leave Raph to my hb n I will take care of Chloe.

<font color="0000ff">Confinement</font>
Hee hee actually I also a bit scare will get feng shi during old age but I really can't tahan. Some pp said if #1 confinement u din 'bu' or rest enuf then #2 confinement u do it 'well' then u will b ok.

But I tink I am opp, #2 I like more hiong!

<font color="0000ff">Right/Left Handed</font>
Last mth when I brot Raph for jab, the nurse at polyclinc asked me this qn, I paused n dunno how to answer her as I dun really take note coz he uses both hands.

I think Raph is right handed coz most of the time he draw with his right hand.

<font color="ff0000">shane</font>
When my mum tells me this cannot eat or do, I will tell her then those westerners leh?? Hahaha..she will just say nx time old liao then u know!

<font color="119911">Glayz</font>
I also against the idea of separating #1 &amp; #2...they must be looked after by same person..then they can grow n play together mah.

<font color="aa00aa">Play School</font>
Anyone already registered your todds for school? Lazy mummy still hav not find a school for Raph.
Anyone knows of any good schools near Hougang Area?
Strange that the clinic nurse will ask such a question. My hb has been trying hard to figure out whether cay is left or right handed. She uses both hands but we realised she uses left hand more often. Now my hb is trying to change her.

I have no intention in putting cay in a play school. Prob wait until next year.
The nurse asked bcoz she wants to jab Raph on his less active hand.

those better schools need to register early right? like 1 yr in advance?
<font color="ff0000">Jan PG on 14th (Sun)</font>
Hi Mummies, just a thought... would you all prefer an indoor PG at our usual timing at 4pm instead?
<font color="ff6000">Adora</font>
Hope your transition back home would be smooth.
Not easy to have to take care of 2 kids in the same house. You would be starting work end of Jan so soon ah. So during this month, weekdays Raph would still be with your mum and u take care of Chloe at home? Then what happens when you return to work?
Left Hander
Looks like majority are left handers. Meagan is also in the group. She prefers to use her left hand when it comes to feeding, shake hand, etc.

Went in mid dec, now in singapore. Have to go back to reality again.

Can understand how u feel. I look at my sis in law with the two kids making me have to think twice for #2. But it's good to go thru the hard times at one shot rather than one after another.

Alot of ppl tell me the same thing too on having another 1 at least M will have company. A good friend of mine told me that she seems lonely and seeking for playmates now. Btw, my gal likes to play with her two kids. In another hand, I fear of having #2 partly bcoz I scared that she would think our love for her will have to be shared with #2 as well.

Wow.. I didnt have time to think of this yet. How early do we have to enrol the kids? Scared last minute mummy cant find a place for Meagan. Hehe..
you have to start sourcing now if you want to register Raph to a school near your house or those popular ones. cos i heard that some school are full even before the official registration start.. that happen to the playgroup opposite my house..

Tang Ling
i am fine with both outdoor or indoor PG.
Wow... so fast alking about playgroup... think I will only enrol in June... for classes start in Januray 2008...Me going for the cheap cheap Apple tree that is near my mum place.... kekekeke
which good school are you referring to ah??

me also childcare is the biggest hurdle to think of a second one.. it will be very tiring for us if we put one at childcare and another at nanny's house..
have not login for a few days and so much discussion on the #2 and husband and wife relationship...hehe...

my personal thoughts is if want to have #2, hubby sure has to play the role as caregiver also at least during weekends.. else one person how to take care of 2 kids i.e. with quality attention given to them...

but I do agree with Tang Ling's comments that we must definitely do our part to maintain our relationship with hubby becos when the kids grow older... they have their own life, will get married etc etc.. and it is our partner who will accompany us through our life..so must still have couple time now to maintain the "love" though it is easier said than done...haha...

<font color="0000ff">cherry,</font>
one of my colleagues sent her younger son to her nanny who used to look after her elder son... and then send her elder son to childcare...it is also very convenient for her as her nanny stays in her same block, however she dun fetch her younger son back home during weekdays night lor.. only pick him up during friday evenings..
but then again they stay same block so she goes over every now and then.. the 2 kids are only 2 years apart in age.. so theoretically, the childcare management should be able to resolved...
<font color="0000ff">adora</font>
so fast you're going back home then back to work already. don't worry. Just face it when it comes, i'm sure you can manage or rather all of us. it just a matter of whether we want to or not. like for me, i think i can/hv to, just that i'm lazy to start all over.

<font color="0000ff">#2</font>
wow so much talk about #2...
<font color="119911">jasmine</font> it's true lor, want 2008 bb must start now.

recently, me and hub finally talked abt family planning but also came to no conclusion. we're thinking of 2009 but i feel the gap abit big - 4 yrs. then if 2008, then must get preggie soon, very sien. and like what <font color="119911">twinklets</font> say, the jian fei part is really really a put off. i'm not those who are blessed with slim genes. I hvn't lost 1st preggie weight, go thru' another time, i can tell myself to forget abt being slim ever again

*sigh* feel very lost, can't make a decision.

i'm also so comfortable with the lifestyle now. furthermore, E will be gg to CC soon. i'm really abit hesitant to start all over again. And i feel my reason to hv #2 like abit 'wrong', it's for E rather than for us. #2 will be her playmate. but i thot i should hv more kids only when i think i want and like more kids. tho' we talk abt how they'll have someone to grow up with but when i tink abt it, she'll hv company from her cousins, CC friends, school friends, own friends when she grow older. tho' it's not the same but ultimately when she grows up, she'll be married and hv her own life also, and contact with siblings will also be very much less. or maybe it's just my own excuse =P
don't know lah, the more i think, the more time wasted and more 'fun' also. sigh...

<font color="0000ff">childcare</font>
<font color="119911">cherry</font>
I think childcare can be worked out. there's always nanny, childcare centre, etc. esp when Ashley is older, she can go to a cc, then u can place #2 with nanny. life will be more strenous, but nothing comes easy in life, just got to work hard and rough it out for a few years. unless super duper rich like, can employ maid and be SAHM and no need to struggle with expenses.
i also got the temptation to just have 1 baobei.

<font color="0000ff">R/s with hubby</font>
must maintain! the young ones will leave the nest leaving the old ones behind and we'll be spending the rest of our lives with our hubby, so it's impt not to neglect the r/s now. some divorces r a result of neglect when the kids came alone. when the kids left, the parents felt meaningless to be together anymore. so mummies, must make effort !!!

<font color="ff0000">Edufarm class</font>
I'm so sien!!!
Esher has been hvg flu, cough and fever on n off last few days. So she might miss the 1st class. I was so looking forward to it. sigh. hopefully she'll be ok by tomorrow then i'll bring her. I think it's her teething. all of a sudden, her pre molars are sprouting out! 3 at a time!!! actually 1 came out a few days ago, then we just found out there's another 2 also erupting. so i think she's very uncomfortable. strange thing is she's not done with the 4th tooth on her front bottom. I can see the mark, but it's just not cutting thru
<font color="119911">bbrooster</font>
u want jan 2008 bb right ? must start now!!! hope to hear ur gd news before end march keke...

i might just aim for jan 2009 bb, trying to delay my time =P if i decide to have #2

<font color="ff0000">PG</font>
I'm fine with either but seems like response is not gd for BG. Is it too soon ? everyone in holiday mood ? keke...
or want to chg to a later date ?
so far, it's Tangling, Jasmine, myself and bbrooster (tbc) ?
how abt the rest ?
Oh...hope Esher get well soon &amp; see you gals tomorrow...

<font color="ff0000">PG</font>,
Can i join you gals? &amp; what should i prepare coz i never been to PG before? Thanks.

<font color="0000ff">Blog</font>,
Shane, nor sure you saw my reply to you? Do you need gmail to log in? Thanks
Definitely you're welcome.
For PG, we just gather informally at each other homes on a rotation basis for the kids to play. We try to do story telling but not successful everytime. No prep needed for this. This time rd, we're trying to have a outdoor PG for a change. If outdoor, then you'll hv to prep whatever, you think is required for your own kiddo, like food, water, change of clothes, etc.

<font color="0000ff">Edufarm class</font>
Hope to see you all tomorrow. Her fever's gone and she's much better. Will see how she is tomorrow.
i'm also discussing the childcare arrangemt if no. 2 comes along. We tot of
1) get a maid, look after bb, K in CC
2) bb put at my nanny's place on weekdays, only bring back on weekends.
3) bb at infantcare, K at cc.
so far no. 3 is our best choice but it'll be very tiring for ME... then hubby said we like very cruel to no. 2 when i said i'm not extending maternity leave and only intend to bf for 3 months.

most of us having the same reasons for having no. 2. i guess with the different standard of living these days, it's totally different mindset with our parents n grandparents when they had kids.
it's true lar the diet part a bit sian to think of. imagine everytime preg will increase one dress size *faint*. i still bought lots of new clothes these few months. oh no... btw, 2008 jan must start ttc in feb or mar?
Get maid not bad, then no need to worry abt hsework but tat is only ok if you can hv someone at home to jagar maid. feel very unsafe for maid to be alone with bb. so maybe option 3 the best.

it's true you know, i don't know how patient i'll be with #2 for bfg, thot of the struggle i had with bfg w E, i already feel sien so for #2, i'll just do what i can.

actually i wanna give #2 the best that i can give within my limits and energy with E in the picture. i feel quite poor thing if #2 is like not as well treated which is why i think a bigger age gap will help since E will be more independent and understanding by then. sigh, alot of consideration. i just had a moment just now, of deciding to stick to 1. feel so tired of looking after her and hubby can't help that much since he's always wkg late and it's just not in men to provide childcare.

To have 2008 Jan bb, must ttc in mar lor and must tiok in mar. the window period is mar-apr i think. it's a no no for me, cannot imagine getting preggie so soon. i don't mind jun 2008 but think can't make it too. not enuf time to RnR =P
ya the maid issue is another headache. must get someone to look after maid n bb. it's almost like doublework. But if leave the maid with the bb alone, it's really 'put at your own risk'.

I find myself hungry easily when i bf last time n ended up eating more meals. so maybe to lose weight faster, i may bf shorter period next time.

ya, it's really not most men's instinct to look after kids. Everytime when K fell or hit something, it's always my hubby looking after her. ask him to play with her in the room, he ended up sleeping on her bed. There's a few time i ask him to look after her while i go facial, i still must write down on paper what to do, how much milk, n paste on fridge. I came back asked y haven't change diaper. He told me i didn't write that! Argh!

same bday month for both bb also not bad. in future can celeb bday together. save money
haha, your hub is so funny! men are just not genetically made to be caregivers. they themselves need to be looked after!
my hub will always conveniently disappear if both of us are looking after E at the same time. sometimes very fed up. but he nvr fails to check on her before he retires for the nite and wakes up when she fusses, so for that i forgive him and close one eye ...

ya same bday mth very gd but such things can only wish...it's hard to tell when you can strike ...
Hello mummies,
Now me zombie liaos. Only slept at 2am earlier to do some house cleaning. Then woke up at 4am coz Riz cry. He just need comfort coz tonight first nite he sleep alone in his room. So went back my room to sleep then he cry again. This time he vomit. Got shocked coz first time he ever vomitted. Total no. of times he vomited so far, 5 times liaos. Now I want to sleep oso cannot. Coz worry if he vomit again... Need to clean him up, change bed sheet, etc.

Now surfing web to see how to make him feel better. Sigh! Need to bring him to the doc first thing in the morning liaos... THink he's getting stomach flu...
Riz has vomitted the umpteeth time liaos. Now vomit his saliva. Think his stomach empty liaos. Thought of giving him milk, but later milk make him vomit easily isn't it?

Now he's sleeping. But I'm still on a look-out though... Sigh.. I hope Riz will get better soon....
<font color="ff0000">Jasmine,</font>
I have nothing in mind yet. Initially I thot of just putting her in those neighbourhood ones but my friend told me it's more worth it to choose branded ones. I think I will just choose a relatively ok one that is near my mom's place so that it is more convenient for her.

<font color="0000ff">Aries,</font>
Of course you are welcome to join us. There is no need to prepare anything. Like what Shane mentioned, it's more like a gathering for the parents and kiddies of this thread.

<font color="ff6000">Cherry,</font>
At the moment, we planned to put both kids with my mom. We will bring one of them home (prob cay) every night. My mom said she will be able to cope but she may not be able to cook dinner every night.

Actually, many people have told me that it is almost impossible for one caregiver to take care of two kids. Some of the arrangement that my friends have include:
- place 2 kids with granny but engage a maid to help granny with housework.
- elder at cc, younger one at home with maid, supervised by granny.
- elder at cc, younger at infant care.
- both kids at babysitter (but the age gap not close, the elder one is at kindergarten during the day.)

<font color="119911">Erlisa,</font>
Oh dear, hope Riz recovers soon. Have you brought him to see the doctor?
Poor Riz. Meagan had stomach flu when we were in Melb too. She threw out around 7 times one nite. The next day onwards she had diarrheao for more a week. And now she's having a fever.

Do not give him milk, or any dairy product now. Hope that he's feeling better now. U brought him to the doc already?
<font color="119911">RE: Edufarm</font>
Great to see you all today.

Sorry, I think I made a blunder. I forgot to distribute the receipts to you and I think I slot them into one of your red bags. Anyone found 6 receipts in your bag? Please bring the receipts next week. Paiseh... no wonder I keep feeling that I have forgotten something.

Btw, how do you all find the class?

<font color="ff6000">Aries,</font>
Glad to see you and your boy today. He is such a obedient boy, didn't see him fuss at all.

<font color="0077aa">Kiami,</font>
Aeron so smart leh. He kept repeating "apple" even though teacher was asking other kids. You spend a lot of time teaching him?

<font color="ff6000">Jasmine,</font>
KY looked so cute today. Glad to see that her hand is fine now. cay seems so eager to play with KY.
I keep hearing KY calling her daddy. So sweet.

<font color="0077aa">Tang Ling,</font>
Your hb also told me about JJ using left hand. Today he also saw cay using left hand. Dunno whether still can change her or not.

<font color="ff6000">Shane,</font>
Esher is so smart!! She can even speak in sentences. How you teach her?? She is definitely very advanced compared to cay.

<font color="0077aa">Glayz,</font>
I really admire your ability. Always see you bringing Sky on your own. I can hardly handle on my own because cay always very lazy to walk and I have to carry her.
Hi Gals
Yesterday was our 1st day with 2 kids at home, gosh not easy man..looking after Chloe was easy as she just drink milk. But on top of tat still got to cook &amp; feed Raph + ensuring he is not up to some mischief, that is shiong!

Today, we brot the 2 of them back to in-laws hse for the 1st time, more relax as more pp to 'help'. Now, the 2 of them are sleeping so I can logon. Phew!

Arr think ideal age gap will b 2-3 yrs. If you are consider having #2 dun let the age gap b too wide. One thing is you are still 'fresh' on everything abt bb, another one is the the 2 of them can get along better when their age gap is closer.

Tang Ling
During my ML leave period, I will follow hb's car to mum's place every morning wif Raph n Chloe. Get use to the routine 1st...

Todd Tricks
Ever since Raph learn the word PLEASE he has been using it every time he wants something esp biscuits &amp; Snacks. The way he said "Mummy or Daddy, Please" is so Sweet until you bu ren xin not to give him wat he requests.
<font color="0000ff">erlisa</font>
How's Riz now? What did the doctor say? Hope he recover soon.

<font color="0000ff">Right hand or left hand</font>
After many months of testing and trying out her hands. Joelle has decided using her right hand to draw but sometimes she stretches out her left hand to shake hand with others. I think she's more of a right hander.

<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
It's just too too quick. I am not prepared to try for #2. I think Jan 2008 baby is out of the question now.

<font color="0000ff">Pre-nursery school</font>
Anyone heard of Tots House? I thought of sending Jo to a walking distance one for pre-nursery school. And a more reputable Kindergarten next time. At her age now I think there is no school bus. Even if there is I am worried of her safety in the bus. Kids tend to doze off on the bus and there is only 1 bus assistant taking care of a full bus. Unless they have a harness on every seat. I will be less worried.
Hello mummies,
Thanks for asking about Riz. He was constantly vomitting liquid before we brought him to the doc. And started to have loose stools. We have brought him to the doc. The doc said he could either be having stomach viral infection or food poisoning. Doc gave him a medicine through his anus as well as some oral medicine.

After eating the medicine, his vomiting is much better. Now that he lost so much liquid, he's constantly drinking. When I try to curb him, he cry. He drink too much until vomit oso. Sigh... Just hours ago, his lao sai so watery. First time he's so sick like this. Now sleeping after he take the vomit medicine. He's hungry yet he cannot take much food coz he'll tend to vomit. But he seems to be slightly more active after every vomit now. Hope he'll be better after he wake up later.

Now that he's sick, he only wants me. My hubby oso he don't want. I really miss his active and bubbly self...
<font color="0000ff">Erlisa,</font>
hope Riz will recover fast fast after taking the medicine... very heartpain when our child is sick... especially things like vomitting becos we as adults also feel weak after vomitting so kids must be feeling worse...

take care of yourself also... me understand your situation, when Aeron is sick, also dun want Daddy, wants Mummy to carry and carry... stress then...

<font color="0000ff">Edufarm,</font>
good to see everyone today also though do not have time to chit chat... rushing off to Jurong...

think it is quite hard for the teacher to teach the toddlers hah becos their attention is quite short-span still... hopefully will be better when they grow older...
paiseh that Aeron is the only one kicking up a fuss immediately after arriving at the place.. I just drag him up from his nap when we brought him over...think every Sunday will be like that...super fussy... no choice got to make him sleep a bit before coming for class...

<font color="0000ff">Caymom,</font>
Oh yes, found the receipts in my bag. will bring next sunday...
I think apple is one of Aeron's favourite words cum food which is why he kept repeating...ask him other words... he will not be able to say so readily... I tried to read new words to him every now and then.. on weekday nights when we are getting ready for bed... I think now they pick up things real fast so can spend more time reading or talking to them and they can understand much faster than last time... so I also become more motivated now...
how was the first lesson? good?

Ashley started her first lesson on Sat. There were 11 in the class. Daddy stayed with her instead of me. GUG is in United Square (in town) so so many mummies were all dressed up.... i felt alittle paisay in my shorts and slippers (my usual clothes for BJG at Pasir Ris) such a huge difference from neighbour classes ... hahahahaa..

ChildCare Arrangement
the idea would be a maid with MIL at home with #2 and Ashley at half day CC. But my MIL loves her freedom hence when we asked if she will stay home with Ashley and a maid... she kept quiet. She even hinted to my mom that one child is also okay and enough, no need to have 2. hence i have big headache. Agreed with Jasmine totally, one at CC and one at nanny can still work but would be super duper tiring for parents..

it also seems very sad to have #2 for the Ashley. My collegue who has 2 children about 2 years apart said that she regreted having #2 even now.. and her anger gets greater everytime her daughter (#2) is naughty which is very frequent. So Sad...

LV.. your hubby vv funny.. must write down everything.. no wonder you are upset..
Kind of like the lesson... but think Sky was a bit tired half way so u all get to see him lie on the floor and stuff like that which he din ven do at home... (he slept at 12am last nite and woke at 7am...) Apple is also Sky favourite word... evrything to him is an apple.. u go cold storage u will roar with laughter... he been calling red egg apple as well...

think Esher is one of the fastest talker among all tods...

Lucky on the way back Sky agree to walk on his own...think his sweet is too precious for me to keep so he hold the sweet in 1 hand and walk...otherwise sometimes he will demand to be carry.... and I do not have a choice..unless I stay at home 24hrs a day... as hb wasnt keen to join any activities that I try to enrol Sky in... so bo bian had to be alone with him all the time...
<font color="aa00aa">Erlisa,</font>
Mummies are always very tired when kiddies get sick. cay also wants me only when she is sick. Do take care of yourself.

<font color="0000ff">Kiami,</font>
Paiseh paiseh, have to trouble you.

<font color="ff0000">Cherry,</font>
I find the lesson ok. Although I kinda felt that the words taught during class were rather few but then again, cay prob can't absorb that much either. I can see that cay enjoys the class and pays attention to what teacher is saying. I have not attended other phonics class so I don't know whether others could be better.

How was the GUG class? What was taught during class?

<font color="119911">Glayz,</font>
Agree that Esher is the fastest talker. She can speak in sentences and sing!!! I was so impressed.

I still admire your determination. If my hb is not keen in the activities, I would not even attempt to bring cay on my own.

How is your pregnancy so far? You looked rather good today.

Me ok la... but still have MS once a while... and now Sky been ok.. quite cooperative... let me wear his overall for him (sometimes he will scream and cry his lungs out while he saw himself wearing dunagees...) and was happily waving bye bye to his dad on his way out... but demand to carry him from my home to bus stop.. he slept on the journey to Yishun...

Dun admire la... staying at home whole day for Sat liao... dun tell me to do the samw for Sunday.. and hb was busy sleeping when we are out...
