(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

congratulation Serrich!!! Welcome Shania!!!

Tang Ling
looks lik JJ enjoyed himself..nice nice scrapebook.. you are an expect now

where did you find all those kits.. i went to the website that you recommended but cannot find those kits that you posted.

'PP' that LV mentioned should be punggol plaza if i am not wrong.. you also created blog for Esher?? can share the link? i like to read blog but no time to create one

The facial that you mentioned is at Level 4.. E******?? good har maybe i should give it a try.. it has been ages since i go for facial..
tangling, the scrapbook u do for jj and joelle are nice.

btw, does any tods have prob sleeping in hotels? We went to a 3d2n trip and guess what, Ian refuse to sleep in his playpen or our bed, and he cries whenever we switch off the light.
so we checkout as early as 6AM, and drive back home and he sleep peacefully on the carseat.
<font color="ff0000">CONGRATULATIONS to Serrich!</font>

<font color="119911">Jasmine</font>
Still experimenting with scrapping. Hehe.

I download from several websites. Joelle's are from a kit from shappyprincess called "Sweet_Sprinkles". As for JJ's are all over the place. I follow hotlinks and look for Freebies. Have a look at the scrapping thread - there are some websites there too.

<font color="ff0000">Anns</font>
Thanks. JJ slept in the hotel that night at Sentosa, in the cot provided by the hotel. But I brought his pillow, bolster and a soft toy. He slept thru the night. And yes, he was very tired to care about anything else. Hehe.
<font color="ff0000">Shane / Lv</font>
Yeah man the package is so ex, after go home liao, then kana 'wat wat' lor.

The service is v gd there, the beautician is the saleslady so she was v knowledgable. Actually she din hardsell at all, just tat i was convinced by her.. infact I was the 1 tat auto say I wanna get her package, &amp; plus the eye package, &amp; even wanna buy their prodts somemore.. but she said can look into it when my packages start.. Anw hopefully I wont regret lar.. hope can see some results lor.. =P

Shane, now hor, I try not to think of tat $1XXX, wait I'll vomit blood.. imagine tat was 1 week before I went to MELBOURNE... *Faint* nvm.. $ can earn back, tat's what I always tell myself, not tat I loaded lor. Wait I think of the things I buy, I think I can go &amp; jump liao..
<font color="119911">Aries</font>
Year end most people are all busy with social functions - take your time. I only do when I have 'inspiration'. Hehe.

<font color="ff0000">Anns</font>
Forgot to mention that Ian looks so cute in the winter wear!
wah..the trial results must be very good that you auto request for the package
... so far i have not spent so much on facial before :p
<font color="0000ff">jaymom</font>
Thanks for posting to me. miss you post earlier on.
I pay u the postage ok.

<font color="0000ff">twinklets</font>
how come nvr see you online at msn huh? you at work or at home ?

it's true lah $ can earn back. i tell myself that sometimes too. that lady must have done a good job
so far ah, i nvr sign up package more than $700. hope it stays that way =P

<font color="0000ff">anns</font>
Ian look so cute!!!!!!
so lucky ley, so young can play with snow.

<font color="0000ff">Jasmine</font>
Will give u the link but my blog quite troublesome need to login one. I KS, don't want to open it public
Ian also v.tired, but he still refuse to sleep.
keeps toss and turn in the playpen.

We forgotten to let him wear the mittens and he also don't like to wear.
then he not cold???? wat's the temperature there now? Ur side got snow mah? I envy u guys leh. hehehehehe =P

I got problem logging MSN lor..

U at hm now? nuaing ? hehe

Shane / Jasmine,
Ok lar, i see some glow lar.. but hor every pple after all kinda facial will be glowing &amp; radiant lor. haha.. I hardly go facial.. so infact i dunno market rate 1 der.. now u gals mention $700++ .. sighs.. me abit u noe.. My facial was $800++ , &amp; balance is the eye package.. Then i was like "huh.. facial &amp; eye are 2 separate packages 1 huh.."
But my critical problem is tat eye circles, so if take facial no take eyes, is like so weird for me..
NVM NVM.. $$ can earn back.. now I gotta tell myself this statement for dunno how many times........... haiz
I also long din go facial liao...but mine is cheap cheap one.... hb aunt mah...so she charge me cheap cheap... but no time to go... and now preggie dunno can lie still for that long or not.... kekekeke
not very cold if you don't touch the snow. We have to drive 2hrs then take a cable car up to the mountain then can see snow. But that day is a sunny day, so not enough to make snow man.

Talking about facial package, I signed up before my wedding. Whenever I go, they keep asking me to add other facial treatments and claim my package only the basic facial(which I feel cheated). After that, I never sign up package liao. And I have not been to any facial since preg.
where u go take package? anyway the beautician u go to can speak english at least normal english or not ah? So far the ones I went after my regular one close shop, all can speak minimal english or broken english and i find that i cannot communicate effectively to her lor. Even "high class" one i tried b4 oso employ foreigner then cannot speak English kind leh. So disappointing one... I dun mind paying more as long it's good, effective and I can communicate with her.

Dun feel too bad abt spending lah. Sometimes, we need to pamper ourselves especially we mothers who "work" 24 hours... If not out working, we'll be busy thinking abt our kids or taking care of them...

Haha, you thinking of rebonding hair? Can go together lah.. coz have to sit super long (at least 3-4 hours until butt become rock) haha

ur beautician can speak English one or not ah? Or those kind speak broken English?

Ian so cute! So lucky got chance to play with snow!!!!
I also need rebonding lor... but at this stage... best advisable not... my hair also natural curl...so cannot see the world liao how???
Ian looks super adorable and all pumped up in his winter attire. Is he fascinated with the snow? Acutally i always find snow looks really nice from afar. When you do have direct contact with it, it is just the feel of being Wet,Wet,Wet...

Tang Ling
Is that a cockle that JJ is holding?? I liked his "yoga pose" in the 2nd photo too. I haven't got a chance to bring Jay to the beach yet due to the nasty weather.

Oh, please, no need to pay me postage lah...i will do it this weekend, k.

Sigh, i was not blessed with good skin. invested alot of $$ with Adonis b4 wedding as well. Nearer the date, desperate for help, turn to daematologist instead. Haven't gone for facials for a while too but both my MIL and SIL are beauticians. I think i'll stick to DIY facial mask for a while
Tang Ling
The digi scrapbook u did is v nice...can u post the website to download the program that u use.

I can't seems to locate the thread u started on digi scrapbook.

hello mummies...

JJ must have enjoyed the trip! although logistics was an issue but overall it should be a worthwhile and lasting experience ya...did you stayed at the new hotel? and yes, you are getting vv good with ur scrapping skills!

TangLing, Jasmine
both your kiddos are so ssooo guai.. can sleep well in the cot. when we were staying in the hotel, ashley slept beside us as well.

Dangerous climbing skills
We have since dismentle ashley's cot as she recently learnt how to climb out of the cot even thought it was set to the lowest base. it was a skill she picked up overnight. nanny also complained that she tried to climb out of the playpen at her place.

Facials Facials...
i went to the neigbhour one this afternoon... she was ok but when i saw the condition of her skin and her bosses skin, my confidence in them was shaken.. big pores... pigmentation... etc hiaks.
<font color="ff0000">Cherry</font>
I was just thinking about you. Hehe. We stayed at the same hotel where you stayed. Still some reno going on, but not too bad. They have a nice pool, but too bad it was too cold to swim. Yes, it was worth the trip.

Thanks for your compliments!

Climbing: JJ can climb the playpen from inside AND outside. *faint* He had been doing it for months liao - very worried that he would fall one day. Cot... not yet... fingers crossed.

Facial: The way you described it is so funny. Hahaha.

<font color="0000ff">Toodler Bed</font>
Any mummies using toddler beds now?
KY slept on the bed with us... actually at home she also sleep in between us

Tang Ling
not yet transfer KY to toddler bed cos afraid that she will fall off the bed.. and still young to sleep in their own room right?
Dangerous climbing skill

At one time, aedann also tried to climb out of the playpen....I supervise him all the time and tell him NO and he stopped since then.
<font color="0000ff">Jaymom</font>,
thanks v much. no hurry at all. just take ur time.

I think i'll also stick to DIY facial mask now. Anyone got any good one to recommend ?

<font color="0000ff">twinklets</font>
don't think abt the $ liow. already sign up. just rem to finish up ur course. tt's was i tried desperately to do and was so relieved when i finished it. Just go and enjoy all the sessions.

But for me i can't really relax becos i go after work and i feel guilt of not gg back asap to E. sigh. I think i need some counselling. These few weeks, i think i'm getting too attached to her. Always feel that I should be with her. Then when I spend sometime away from her I feel guilty. hiaz.

<font color="0000ff">jasmine</font>
Nice pc of work! just con't doing, you'll get the hang of it.

<font color="0000ff">erlisa</font>
The 1 i went to also can't speak proper english. all from 'next door' if you know wat i'm saying... I was kinda disappointed cos i signed up with the lady that i liked then she got preggie, then they chg 1 for me which i don't find her gd, then they chg again, then not too bad, then my last session, that one got preggie again!!! so bk to the not so gd one. thank goodness my package is over.
don't know where got really good facial place.

<font color="0000ff">glayz</font>
how are you so far ?
my sil also beautician, but we not v close. i think i'll feel weird if i ask her to do my face for me
<font color="0077aa">The New Year is approaching soon! Shall we plan our Jan PG ? hee hee... A outdoor one? hmmm, botanic gardens ??</font>

<font color="0000ff">adora</font>
How are you ? Everything going on find at home ? How's mei mei?

<font color="119911">Blog</font>
Mummies, who rec'd email from me re my blog, pls ignore the email. The function I tried out doesn't serve the purpose of sharing the link. Pai say...
<font color="119911">tangling</font>
Talking about toddler beds. I'm tempted to get one so that E can sleep on proper bed BUT i got no space. I'm so so so keen to do up a room for her but again no space. sigh. so sad.

I saw one toddler bed in Ikea. 1 side full railing and 1 side half railing, quite nice. About $160 i think, not too ex. was so interested to get but but .. u all know the reason .. don't 1 2 repeat again...sigh..
Those interested to get tod bed can go ikea to c c ...
<font color="0000ff">Tang Ling</font>
Beautiful pictures and very nice your whole family went to Sentosa together. JJ's legs look long in his swim diaper. After looking at his pictures suddenly I feel he has grown up so much.

Thanks for helping me downsize. Really appreciate. I am really busy this festive season.

<font color="0000ff">anns</font>
Ian very happy to play with the snow. Can see his nice smile on his face. When are you coming back?

Joelle slept in the cot when we went on holidays. She's ok in it. Also could adapt to the room environment.

<font color="0000ff">jasmine</font>
You also can do very nice digi scrapbooking. Very good! KY can guai guai sit there when you bowl? So cute carrying the big bowling ball. Her hair also getting longer. Soon she will have the china doll hairstyle.

<font color="0000ff">twinklets</font>
Your candid shots of Ashley so nice and natural. I like her jeans. heehee....

<font color="0000ff">Dangerous climbing skill</font>
Joelle sleeps in her own room in her cot. Nowadays, she also attempt to climb off her cot if we refuse to carry her out. It's worst recently cos she will cry for water in the night and point to the queen size bed on the floor. We have to wake up go to her room put her on the queen size bed and carry her back to the cot when she fall asleep again.

Hb and I decide to train her to sleep on the floor mattress soon. But it's 7 inches high scared she roll of her mattress in the night. Any one can advise or any experience here?
<font color="ff0000">Shane</font>
Yah, I am asking coz we have just been to the Tampines IKEA. Looking at the tod beds, but only thing I can think of is "JJ will definitely roll off the bed". The other thing is also space issue, but I am really planning on letting JJ sleep on his own in his room. Still thinking...

Also was thinking about the Jan PG. Yes, botanic garden outing would be good idea! But would it still be raining then (mid Jan)?

<font color="119911">Jasmine</font>
Nice work! Keep it up!
Nice pics - KY is always so guai. How's her hand? Removed bandage and ok already?

Don't think it is too young for them to sleep on their own, but may be too young for the tod bed. But then again, I really can't remember when did I stop rolling off the bed myself. Kekeke.
<font color="0000ff">bbrooster</font>
I think will be good for you to train her to sleep on the mattress. Maybe she keep knocking onto the cot rails tt y wake up. On the mattress she has more maneouver space. Don't really have solution for you but I can think of:
1) put those soft foam mats on the floor around your mattress
2) invest in the playyard and surround it. but ur mattress so high, chances is she'll climb out of it easily. Also, put foam mats cheaper

<font color="0000ff">jasmine</font>
just occurred to me that KY in bowling alley after what TL has said. I don't think I can EVER go bowling with E esp now. She's way TOO active and demanding.

hmm, agree with TL, nver to late to start training her. infact, if i wasn't lazy and keep procastinating, i would have started after i wean her off bfg. Now I want to train her but waiting for space. And hor, the attachment is there. Feel abit hard to let go, cos i'll miss her waking up, standing at my side and calling me 'mummy mummy...'

hmm, KY still sleeping inbtn ah... maybe time to let her sleep on her own... she 'lightbulb' to you and P ley keke.... =P how to have didi/meimei like that kekeke.....
<font color="0000ff">tangling</font>
no idea ley, i'm not good with S'pore seasonal weather but i do rem Dec being wet only. By Jan should be quite ok...

ya i'm also worried about roll off bed part that y i thot the railing is useful and i got a bed guard so that guard can use to fence up the 'unrailed' part. maybe we got to worry about them climbing/jumping off. maybe by then need to put foam mat all over the floor too.
<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
I went to IKEA to look at the toddler beds too. Because she is sleeping on her own at night I am afraid she will fall down from the bed or do not get off the bed the correct way. I think kids at this age will be so curious to jump up and down. So decide to use the floor mattress till she is more strong and steady.
Tang Ling
thanks for your concern.. finally, her hand recovered... now me addicted to SB.. just finished another one

bbrooster / Shane
we only played three games.. KY is very curious cos it is her first time there. maybe that is y can keep her entertain..

hee hee, you so funny... maybe is me loh.. feel heartpain if i let her sleep in her own room.
ya i think mattress safer too.

KY can be curious and still so guai .. if E curious, tt's it liow... she'll be everywhere and touching everything...

true lah, the attachment is there. now they so young, we feel so attached, i can't imagine the day when she got friends and rather stick with friend or boyfriend instead of me ... so sad!

wah u so late also hvn't sleep yet ?
<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
Hey, don't think so far. Who knows next time it's you who prefer to stick with your old friends lim kopi go karaoke etc...? I thought I think a lot but you worst then me. For me I always think if I die young how? Who is going to take care of Jo. Stress...myself only. Don't think. Stop.....!
I think Ian is more interested in surrounding rather than playing the snow. I don't really like snow, I find troublesome to wear layers of clothes and the wet feeling, just like raining.

Ian also climb out his playpen and cot. He is very attached to his cot(only sleep in this). His cot can convert into toddler bed, but we haven't remove the rail yet. Wanted to train him to sleep on floor mattress but he refused.

I only be back on Feb 4 and I looking forward to it. I really miss alot of food there.
yah lor, don't worry too much. Always treasure the moments that you are with her now. Spend quality time together. Do lots of activities together. Take photos and record her cute expressions and antics. And all that will be treasured when the time comes for her to move on with her life. And when she will be busy with her friends/boyfriend/husband next time, then you'll be busy flipping all these pictures and walk down the memory lane.... me gan chu again......
<font color="0000ff">anns</font>
yes yummy yummy singapore food. i am sure you will eat a lot when you come back. Probably you also run out of Prima Taste paste. So can come back and stock up again.

My overseas colleague always ask me to buy the bak kut teh packet too. Those from the market that cost $1.20-$1.50 per packet. Easy and convenient to cook.
We have the bak kut teh pkt from SG, but the taste is still not the same sells in SG Hawker ctr. Every time I come back, I will put on extra 1-2kg back to USA.
<font color="ff0000">Shane</font>
You have a girl, and most likely, she would still be close to you no matter what. Mine is a boy - gf or wife and I lose him liao. Hahaha. But don't want to think so far - one step at a time.

JJ also have hands on everything. Last week at ils' place, my sil ask me "Did you eat crab when preggie with JJ? How come he so 'many hands'?"
Wah, my fault ah???!!! I bo chap. Told myself that at this stage, they are meant to be developmentally curious and touch/taste everything. I don't want JJ to be not interested, or I would be worried if something is wrong. Hehe. But have to be consistent and be firm about dangerous things.

<font color="119911">Jasmine</font>
Glad to hear that KY is ok.
Hooked on scrapping ah. Kekeke.

<font color="ff0000">Anns</font>
I want to try let JJ sleep on mattress too, but have not started, coz no place in room for mattress. How Ian refuse to sleep on mattress? Keep climbing off?
Since JJ was much younger, we tried to get him to sleep on our mattress, but he keeps climbing off. Just want to walk around even though he is tired.
toddler bed,
Me (especially my hubby) are so eager to 'kick' Riz out of our room. Very bad hor!!!

We feel that it's time for him to sleep on his own. So far, we have left him to sleep on his own in his cot in our room. Now we are in the process of getting a bed rail coz we have an existing bed (donated one) with a pullover bed at the bottom. So we intend to start him off sleeping at the bottom but we still need to get the bed rail in case he rolls over... Anyone knows where to get bed rails?
He will keeps toss and turn to find a most comfortable spot to sleep. In the end, he will give up and don't sleep. So no choice but have to put him back to cot. The cot is smaller than mattress, yet he able to find comfortable spot there.
<font color="0000ff">RE: Climbing skill</font>
I think cay must be the most lazy kid around. She doesn't climb out of her cot although she doesn't sleep in it. She will cry for us to carry her out. Same thing for playpen. Even for sarong, she doesn't climb out on her own. The only thing that she climbs are chairs and sofas. Those are dangerous enough.

<font color="119911">toddler bed</font>
I thought of having such a bed but same worry, cay will surely roll down. Even when she sleeps on my bed, she nearly roll down a few times.

<font color="ff0000">Jasmine,</font>
Nice SB. Glad to know that KY's hand is fine now.
She is so guai at the bowling alley. Opps, just remember I have yet to refund you the money. cay was down with fever and throat infection for the last few days. Kept me busy until now.
<font color="0000ff">erlisa</font>
Don't feel bad to 'kick' Riz out of the room. I kick Joelle out since the day she discharge from hospital. Partly to train her young to sleep in her own room. Scared if she sleep with me from baby she will not be able to make the changes of sleeping on her own.

<font color="0000ff">caymom</font>
Hope cay is recovering. Must be due to the weather too. Take care.
initially, me and hubby were keen to start Ashley sleeping on her own but alas my gal not cooperative at all. she needs constant company, especially my company. on some bad nights, she will refuse to sleep (when my mil tries to pat her too sleep) once i get into the room, she will come over and kiss rub all over my face and attempt to sleep on top of me! sigh.. on one hand i am glad that ashley is so so attached to me yet on the other hand, i am so so tired. :L

i kinda regretted not letting ashley sleep in her own room sooner, but then don't have the heart to let such small baby sleep on her own. i don't want to frighten anyone but i co-sleep with my mummy until the day i got married and shifted out of the house :p and yes, i was the youngest child

Yes mummies, I'll stop thinking. I only think when my 'gan chu' comes keke ...

<font color="0000ff">cherry</font>
you're serious??!!! wah, n ur mum still managed to have more than one... or is it becos of you that you remained the youngest ? keke... no chance to make babies liow hee hee...
but i do envy ur close bond with your mum, i've nvr been very close to my mum. hopefully, things will be different with me and E.
