(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

I show hb the picture of the blue apple... I was ultra proud.. and hb was like " but u do most of the colouring mah... wat so proud abt it..." wah so much cold water on me lor.... I was intending to stick the apple on the fridge... *fume*

I heard this from my mum and not sure if this is true...seem like our #1 will turn super procesive if they had a younger siblings.. and if the caregiver is looking after both at the same time... very often u cannot just bring 1 of them home without the other... My mum was actually laffing when i told her abt my arrnagement to bring Sky home more frequently once #2 arrve... and when she told me this I was like HAR!!!!

My mum logic is that #1 will be super scare that #2 will suddenly disappear without their supervision... provided that #1 and #2 are still within close age range.. and #1 will be so processive that he/she will stare intently at whoever othe than the parents or caregiver who goes too close to #2... but all this is when #2 is still small la... once older things may change....
<font color="0077aa">erlisa</font>
so heartpain for Riz, he must be so uncomfortable. hope he gets well very fast after the doc med.

<font color="0077aa">caymom</font>
re <font color="119911">Edufarm class</font>, it's abit below my expectation, the teacher seems not lively enuf
. Maybe becos i compare it with Kindermusik. Also find that too little words were taught and the teacher also seemed abit inexperienced. But hvg said all that, at such a reasonable price, really cannot expect too much. Will try a few more lessons and see how.

As for E talking....really didn't teach much. we just talk to her normally. then she picks it up. Recently she picks up words even faster. Just need to repeat 1-2x and she can say it but will forget if din reinforce. these days her fave words is 'dun wan' ... everything also don't want.. sigh ....

<font color="0077aa">cherry</font>
How was GUG class? alot of activities?
For Edufarm, quite simple. Teacher will introduce a word for each alpha and keep repeating the word thruout the class. Then there's a colouring session. Got song segment also, but played by CD for the kids to listen.

<font color="119911">childcare</font>
actually my mil also likes her freedom so quite thankful that she still look after E for us. actually tt y we're sending E to CC soon, so that she can regain her freedom soon keke...
<font color="0077aa">cherry</font> seems like ur mil really value her freedom, can hint for you to stop at 1...actually also gd for you, no pressure to bear her more grandchildren.

<font color="119911">#2</font>
I also afraid i make wrong decision then regret but ur friend also quite extreme, so long liow still regret. I think i can accept over time. Like for E, also unexpected and cldn't adapt in the beginning but now i can't imagine life wo her already...
It's really a hard decision to make. Tho' i can quite confidently say I can stay with 1 kid for now, i'm afraid that when i'm older and E is older, i'll regret and by then, there's no turning back. sigh...

actually sometimes when i see family of 4 kids, esp 2 boys and 2 gals, i'm so envious. it's like so ideal. But i really don't understand how the parents manage esp those i see wo maids.

<font color="0077aa">bbrooster</font>
not ready ah... ok lah, then maybe u accoy me Jan 2009 lah hee hee...

provided i made up my mind to hv #2
<font color="0077aa">Glayz</font>
i don't know if i'm too idealistic or not. But I'll feel very unfair and bu she de if i'll have to be a weekend parent to #2 when i did so much more for #1. that y for me, i'll try my best to provide the same attention given to #2. and which is why, i'm holding back too, cos i'm afraid i can't fullfill that ... sigh... me very ma fun hor...
No la.. becos me a weekend mum now also mah... so actually be a weekend mum for both is actually ok for me... I rather my boi to have my mum to look after rather than me shouting at him at all things after a long day at work.. (my mood after work is very scary esp if the samples pile up...) But it did cross my mind to bring both home...actually i wanted to start bringing Sky home everyday, but will need to take public transport as hb is reluctant to fetch us back everyday...claim is during peak hours , a lot of customers.. and I cannot imagine if with #2... how to take bus home???? I can sacrifice my sleep, it is ok... but is the journey home that set me back...
Hello Mummies,
I just came back from KK. Riz's vomitting did not get better in the afternoon. In fact, it got worse. He can't hold any fluids at all. And he had quite a bad diarrhoea. So off we went. Given a medicine or two and kept under observation for 2 hrs. Seems much better. But he's very weak. Hope things are better tomorrow. Think he lost quite a bit of weight within one day liaos.

I really miss his true self. When I see him looking and pointing excitedly at cars just now, he seemed super happy. I really longed for his bubbliness....
Hope Riz is feeling better now. Can he take any plain porridge? Ian's PD said starch products like rice, potato is ok for children when having diaherra. I also gave Ian diaherra medicine(recommend by doc) and he getting better after that, but he lose some weight due to diaherra too. Very wu chu to keep seeing them lao sai rite.
Oh dear... handsome still not well after so many days.... hope he dun lose too much weight as he already look thin..... hope he get well soon so his blog can be updated with all his cheeky actions...
<font color="ff0000">Erlisa,</font>
Oh dear. Hope that Riz will feel better today.

<font color="119911">Glayz,</font>
Seems like Sky is more dongshi now.
cay can never fall asleep on the bus. When we were on the way home, she wriggled down and wanted to walk on the bus. *faint* She can be rather rough and my hb is worried she may kick or hit my tummy. In fact, she has hit my tummy a few times already.

Oh dear, I don't know whether cay will be that possessive. It seems like she is very possessive towards her toys. My mom wants to throw away two of her bears and she already can sense and will guard them properly.

My worry is actually her being possessive over my mom. She may be angry if my mom carries mei-mei instead of her. My mom is now staying with me during weekdays. She will come to my place on Sunday night with my dad who wants to see cay. When she saw both of them heading for the door, she started crying, thinking that my mom is leaving as well. When she saw that only my dad is leaving, she just waved goodbye.

Anyway, whether she is possessive over my mom or #2, the end result could be the same -> she doesn't want to come home with us. Actually, I feel a little bit of hurt when I see that she doesn't want me the moment she sees my mom. But my mom told me she will be hurt if cay doesn't want her. True lah, she takes care of her more than me.

Hahahaa... my hb already pasted cay's yellow apple on the fridge. He even wrote cay's name on it. Seems like my hb is a proud daddy.

<font color="0000ff">Shane,</font>
I share the same feelings as you... Edufarm is cheap so cannot hiam too much. Anyway, I'm just glad that cay enjoys herself.

My mom laughed when I told her about cay's class. She felt it's a waste of money because cay won't learn much. Aiyah, at least must start somewhere mah. I think a classroom environment may be more conducive for cay. Back at home, she just refused to sit still. When she sees others sitting still in class, she will paiseh and follow suit. That could be one way to enforce disclipline in her.

I think Esher is too advanced for the class already. Maybe that's why she doesn't seem interested. I can see that you are rather frustrated but I believe many of us are so impressed with how smart Esher is.

Actually, although cay wants me to hold her hands most of the time, that may not be a good thing. I kinda feel she is too timid and inconfident. People always thought that she cannot walk steadily, that's why she kept holding us. Even at home, she wants to hold our hands to go into the room. Kinda extreme at times. Of course there are times she is rebellious and refuses to hold hands when we are outside.
The other time my mum left my place..Sky wants to follow and was crying for over an hour...calling po-po-po-po-po... and pt to the direction that my mum had left and wants to go after her... but after crying for an hour exhuasted him that he fell asleep....

jeoleousy is expected if ur mum carry #2... as I can expected that from Sky as well.... but if u want to bring #2 home, Caydence will follow her home as well as she need to guard and make sure no one carry mei-mei away if she is not around... this happen for the 2nd rascal when her di-di is born...she never wants to go home.. but will follow wherever her di-di goes... so di-di went home she will follows....(she used to pretend to sleep on friday night so her mum will not wake her up and pick her up on sat morning...)

I also agree that with the $$$ we are paying... cannot expect too much la.... but at least I just want him to recognise alphabets, if he later remember the phonics will be a bigger bonus.... my leap frog my mum also nvr show Sky as too boring... my mum also doze off while watching.... but my mum phonics now is much better than mine... and Sky simply walk off....

So I think I may just attend a few lessons and see how lor... but my main motive is recognise alphabets....
I am also worried that my mom will turn too possessive over cay as well. Now she will tell me to bring cay home and leave #2 with her at night, when the time comes, she may change her mind again. When she sees my gal sticking to my mil, she kinda show some jealousy. Sigh, shouldn't I be the one jealous?? cay doesn't want me when my mom and mil is around.

We are considering buying a car so that it is easier for us to fetch cay to and fro. My hb is very determined to do that because he is also JEALOUS!

Talking about classes, actually I am contented with letting cay recognise alphabets. I think her development is slow and I see no point in rushing her and making myself so stress over it. My hb is very gan cheong though.

Back at home, when I show cay the pic of apple, she said "ball". My hb said she always says ball and black-faced because he is angry how come I don't know. Sigh. My hb always says I super bochap when it comes to teaching cay. Ok, my fault lor... I hope the class will may cay "kai-qiao".
I also very bo-chap one... so think is my mum who actually teach Sky his words.. also the baby can read....
jasmine, caymom,
u both staying in SK right? I've placed K in a montesorri-based cc in SK. So far she's enjoying it.

take care of yourself. Hope Riz get well soon.

actually this no2 scenario already happened to my dogs. I got my no2 to accompany my no1. Then shortly i got preg and a bit cant handle both and did not bother to train my 2nd dog or play with him. Until last year we had to give him away because of complaint then i realise i actually love him a lot also and felt very guilty until now for not spending quality time with him. The few days b4 he left i kept sayang him, give him treats and cuddle him but maybe it's all too late. So I really need to remind myself not to do it again to my 2nd child if he/she comes along.
<font color="0000ff">caymom</font>
No lah, Esher is not that advanced. She can only recognise A B C and she doesn't know what letter to what word yet. I was abit sien cos she just cldn't sit still and everyone kid so guai guai sit there. sigh. i'm starting to worry that i got a hyper active gal. In kindersmusik, they can roam about, so I can be abit bo chap
but this class must make sure she sit and learn mah

She NEVER wants us to hold her hands. Only at home, sometimes she's ok. If outside, sure don't 1. Luckily recently she's ok to use the harness. But I do get stares when i use it. I just bo chap.

your hub very good ley, he seems so concerned and involved in Cay's development, still can be jealous. My hub more bo chap. He just plays with her when he's free, bath her once in a while. He was more 'on' when E arrived, maybe the novelty has worn off liow.

<font color="0000ff">glayz</font>
Ya your situation diff from mine. You can con't with ur current arrangement without depriving the other. But for me, must keep up ley. Tt's why on the other hand, i hope to quickly hv #2 when my mil still young then she can help me look after. If not, i don't know who is gg to look after #2 for me.

<font color="0000ff">erlisa</font>
Oh no, Riz has not gotten better? Hope after the visit to KK, things will improve. Do take care and hang in there.
Sky also mostly refuse to hold our hands when we are out... and worse he will demand to be carry... unless he saw my hands with plastic bag then he will bo-bian guai guai walk... and i must insist to hold his hands esp when crossing road which he will try to break off...and run.... and I cannot use the harness...hes ok with carrying the bear, but he dun like to see the tail at his back..will whine...
<font color="119911">Glayz,</font>
My mom can't teach cay because she can't read herself. My hb suggested letting cay watch VCDs during the day but my mom doesn't know how to use. My hb told me to teach her how to use but I don't think she will know. She can't even use the one at her home. Actually, another reason is I don't want cay to watch too much TV. My hb then said cay also watch those Taiwan shows with my mom. Sigh... my hb always got tonnes to say.

cay also wants to be carried! I really buay tahun her. Especially when there is crowd, she will be scramble up to me as though there is something to be scared of. Even if I am holding things, she will still want me to carry.

<font color="0000ff">LV,</font>
I'm staying at Punggol. How much are you paying for the cc? What do they teach at the cc?

<font color="ff0000">Shane,</font>
My mom said only clever kids are active. I guess it applies to Esher.

Actually not all the kids sit still during class. If you notice, there is this boy whose mummy is pregnant. He just roam about on his own. cay doesn't really sit still, she was busy harassing KY and other kids. She also kpo with teacher's chart. Perhaps Esher is just being curious.

My hb is the opposite as your hb. He doesn't do much when cay first arrived. Everything he also didn't dare to try. It was only after cay turned one that I started forcing him to do more. He is now in charge of bathing cay. I insisted that he do it and refused to do it for him. Even if he is still asleep, I will ask cay to wack him out of bed to bathe her. I very mean hor. Actually I didn't tell cay to hit him lah, that's her own way of waking her daddy.

He is very concerned over cay's development. Maybe he is stressed over his boss's sheng tong
. Anyway, I'm glad he is doing a lot to help cay. I don't have that kind of patience and energy. Really must admit that I am too bochap.

My mom wanted me to have #2 early so that she can help with the baby. I can't rely on my mil. But hor, when my brothers have babies (though not so soon), my mom sure will help them then I will have problem. We are already considering cc as a backup plan. Hopefully #2 will be much older when the need arises.
My mum also on the tv and watch drama serial with Sky... It din affect me much la.. as I also on the tv and switch to animal documentry for him to watch back at home.... so i know he like small rodents...

Sky also demand to be carry... but when I have some plastic bag in my hand he will be more willing to walk..but some time he will also demand to be carry....

My hb simply bo-chap over Sky development and keep saying they can learn everything in PRIMARY school.... which I just like HAR!!!! so I enrol him in classes and bring him out for these classes myself...

But now he develope a new method of waking his dad.... he poke/pinch hb nipples... hb sure will wake up.... and nowadays I also force hb to bath Sky... otherwise hb did nothing in Sky caregiving....
I enrolled for the full day one so it's $680 after subsidy. They got half day prog also. The morning part is more enriching. 8.30 breakfast, then followed by montesorri, chinese, outdoor play, maths then follow by bath and lunch around 11 plus onwards. Nap starts at 1pm follow by teabreak 3 plus then games and montessori lesson until 5pm then bath again prepare for dinner. I usually pick her around 4plus. If i want her to have dinner then i'll go around 6pm. My idea is to put her in the best learning environment when i'm not around, so i'll try my best to pick her early or send in later if i can. will not think of fully utilising the 7am to 7pm. And sometimes kids will cry when they r the only few left to be picked home.
Caymom, Can give me some feedback? Me went for Zoophonics trial at Thomson yesterday but not really very keen on it. But my gal seems enjoy being in school. She can even hug the teacher when the class end and rush to sit on the little chair beside the teacher when they do counting on how many eggs each child picks. However, still most of the time she roaming around. Am thinking should I sign her up? If Edufarm cheap cheap, maybe just sign her to let her play till I enrol her for a wkday 2x nite playgroup at Hougang in March or April. Btw, what is the class time for yr Edufarm on Sunday?
RE: Edufarm
Nice meeting all of you...

<font color="0000ff">Caymon</font>,
Sorry that i'm late..Hee.. He is very shy when meet up with new people &amp; super glue to me so that's why you think he is very obedient...actually he is opposite.:p
Caydence is very good girl also at least she is not so shy like JH.
Actually i find the lesson not as lively as KM, but overall still ok...will try out more lessons to see how.

<font color="119911">Jasmine</font>,
KY is so sweet...she keep smiling at us

<font color="0000ff">Tang Ling</font>,
Thank you so much for showing me which mummies is to which todds. will sure remember their names soon :p

<font color="119911">Shane</font>,
I do agree with all mummies...Esher is really smart, i notice that when we at KM. She is so sociable too, not shy shy like JH.
I've got your mail. Thanks alot

<font color="0000ff">Glayz</font>,
Sky got really nice lashes...

<font color="119911">Kiami</font>,
Hi Hi

Gals, you think we can suggest the teacher to teach al least 2-3 characters? Maybe will not be so slow?
<font color="119911">Glayz,</font>
Wah, Sky's gungfu not bad huh. Your hb never complain?

Unlike your hb, my hb is very receptive to learning early. He started learning piano at a tender age of 3. To me, I find it rather ridiculous because I do not take any enrichment classes when I was a kid. My parents cannot afford and also feel that can learn everything when older.

I was rather shocked when I heard babies attending classes when they are as young as 6 months old. My hb is also very curious so we went for trial classes to see if cay is responsive to it. My conclusion was she wasn't very keen so I waited until now before putting her in classes. Hb was pleased to see cay so responsive and happy yesterday. To us, as long as she doesn't cry and fuss during class, we are happy enough. In fact, we felt that she is even paying attention although really can't tell whether she has absorbed anything.

<font color="ff6000">LV,</font>
Thanks for sharing about the cc. My only concern is whether cay will nap willingly because I have problems making her sleep without the sarong during the day.

<font color="0000ff">San,</font>
The teacher didn't teach a lot during class. The words learnt for alphabet A are only apple, arrow and alligator. Kinda feel that they are too few but I think too many words may be confusing too.

The teacher taught using a chart. Real apples are used. She went around teaching each kid to prounounce the word and hold the apple. There is a music and worksheet session. The kid has to colour the apple and learn to write 'a' under the guidance of parents and teacher.

I feel that it's good that the teacher goes around to teach each kid but that is rather time consuming. Maybe the class is rather big. Other than the 7 kids from this thread, there are a few other kids who sign up yesterday. When teacher is teaching each kid, the other kids got nothing to do. So in the end, kinda feel that nothing much is taught.

I think cay enjoys the class. I think she will also roam around if I put her in more expensive classes so with the price I'm paying, I'm quite ok with Edufarm. At least let her socialise and get exposed to classroom environment.

The class time is 12.30pm every Sunday.

Can share about Zoophonics?
Sky kong fu of cos good la...otherwise hb refuse to wake up.... for me I also din learn much when i was smaller... and I do feel a little deprived... (i only attend 1 arts lesson then stop liao... music all too ex for my family) so I try to expose Sky to a few activites to let him have a feel of classes... will let him learn swimming later... and be a guy it is impt lor.. dun wan him to learn during NS... a bit too late... as for music, unless he request at a older age, otheriwse me not too keen... esp violin.. like kill pig.. the sound so scary..

For Sky, maybe due to gymboree exposure previously, he was more receptive to class... and maybe its been long since he attend any class so in the end he keep sitting near me.. and only venture out in k-po-ness
It started with music session and they are also given little instruments. The teacher will play the piano while singing. Then, follow by the Zoo-phonics session where she will slowly flash the 26 alphabets. I felt quite confusing to me as some alphababets, I can't even see the alphabets clearly as they use animal to create the lower case letter. eg. 'a' they use an Alligator turn into letter 'a', 's' they use snake etc.

Then the theme yesterday was humpty dumpty. Story on humpty dumpty was read (this is the part where Denyce roam about the class most). After that, we are given an real egg and ask to crack it and let the tods play and feel the egg yolk and white. Then, the egg shell was kept for the art and craft sessions where they do some simple colouring and pasting to make Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.

After that, this part I like most. Its the 'egg hunting' sessions. Each kids are given a coffee net. Then the teacher lead the tods to search for the fake eggs. Then she lead them infront and the little kids 1by1 follow behind and they went out of the class to the next room to search for the eggs. So each child are free to pick the eggs on the floor and put it into their coffee net. After that they will return to their own class, and each of them are called out to sit beside the teacher to count how many eggs they pick.

Then, end with songs. That's about it.

Basically, I don't really like the phonics part and also the teacher not very good. Compare to Kindermusik, the teacher seems better BUT, kinder doesn't have arts and craft, phonics etc.

I had enquired 1 wkday playgroup programe at Blk 400+ near Hougang mall on every Mon and Thurs nite from 7.30 - 9pm. However, this parents cannot accompany to attend. It is like normal daily playgroup just that it is twice a wk and on nite time. They said they use montessori method. So i waiting to enrol Denyce for that cos' they allow to start when nearer 2 yr old. Only $100 per mth and I don't need to burn my wkends to purposely sent her all the way to town for class.
<font color="ff0000">Tang Ling/Shane,</font>
Sorry, I can't make it to the PG this Sunday.

<font color="0077aa">Glayz,</font>
Seems that you have thought out everything for Sky. He is so lucky. My hb will do the planning for cay although I am always the one sourcing for classes... to make up for my bochap-ness?

<font color="ff6000">San,</font>
Zoophonics sounds more interesting than Edufarm. How long is each lesson?

I am also hesitant in sending cay to classes in town, that's why I choose Edufarm.
Me too... not too willing to go too far... unless lesson in early morning then can get hb to send me before he start his business..... afternoon...he will make hell lots of noise saying I am delaying his time and etc... and if no class he also goes out of house relatively late..think he just need an excuse to nag...

I need to plan and source for class mah..my hb 100% bo chap and even snide at me for being KS in front of his relatives

What time for the PG??? any change.... if early morning then cannot liao.... but afternoon will need to see wat time... scare later Sky sleep until dunno when....
PG this weekend
Would it be possible to change to Sat 13 Jan? If not, its ok too pls go ahead without us.

No pressure from my mil at all as she thot we didnt want children to begin with. Anyway, my relationship with her is only cordial as I dont converse much with her. She told my mom that Ashley is like me can talk but doesnt want to talk thats all. Sigh.. Shane you are still young, can wait for another 1-2 years than decide.

Their classes are really really popular. I think Ashley is the only new addition to this term. I only accompanied Ashley for the first 20 mins. Thereafter hubby took over hence cant really get proper account of the lesson. I think their program is as such:
- 1st 15mins free play with toys
- Teacher sings hello song
- teacher call out tods names and ask them to come forward to get their name cards and acknowledge their presence in class.
- more songs with cards, real items (like apples, jam etc) and puppets to introduce alphabets and words (I think similar to zoo phonies where they use animals).
- art and craft (they hand painted ants last week)
- more singing (teacher can play organ hence hubby was vv impressed)
- good bye
<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
It's the same for me. My #2 dog was given less attention and we got the #2 dog for the #1 as company. However, my situation might be abit different. I adopted my #2 dog and i think he was tramatised by his 1st owner and took very long to warm and open up to us. I feel the bond is not as strong as compared to my #1 as I got him as a puppy. But I do teach and train my #2 dog too so that sorta of bonded us as well. When my #2 dog open up then we all became closer. Actually i'm quite lucky in the sense that my #2 is fuss free, he's like a loner and doesn't expect much from us. My #1 dog more attention seeker.

I wanted to ask you abt ur CC also. The price is too expensive for me already. Cannot afford. I'll like to put her in higher end CC too but too bad, budget is limited

<font color="0000ff">san</font>
the playgroup class sounds good and price is reasonable, wat is the min age requirement ?
E will gg to CC in a few mths time. so might not fit into her schedule tho' but like to source ard and keep options open.

<font color="119911">zoophonics</font>
Ya agree that zoophonics sounds more interesting. What is the cost of the class ?
But Edufarm is so much nearer and more convenient.

<font color="0000ff">Aries</font>
Thks for the compliments but maybe like <font color="0000ff">caymom</font> said, she's very active. she hard and tiring to look after. I think she gg to give the teachers in her cc a hard time.

<font color="0000ff">caymom</font>
I rather my hub be more involved now. Sadly, it's not. everything is planned and sourced by me. sometimes feel very sien as if i'm parenting alone. he's like the driver who just brings us around. tho' he does the expected tasks but i don't sense the enthusiasm from him. maybe i expect too much. will stick to my 'men are just not genetically made to be caregivers' to console myself.

i got the same worry as you. Not sure how she's gg to nap when she go to cc. now she always sleep in sarong for her pm naps.

<font color="0000ff">glayz</font>
at the moment, PG not confirmed yet. likely to be Sunday after class, if not will be a saturday. venue also not confirmed. i'm open to go somewhere for pinic ley. but i think BG like v far for some. I was thinking of pungol park BUT the timing after our class also v hot. unless we all go for lunch first.
<font color="0000ff">cherry</font>
GUG also sounds not bad. Is the teacher lively and engaging ?

true, i got time to wait... but i feel like quickly settle =P and i think the longer i wait, the more i don't want. *sigh*

i think if you and hub really want #2 must decide on the course of action and just do it - Nike slogan hee hee... time and tide waits for no man..... where there's a will, there'll be a way....
<font color="119911">Glayz,</font>
My hb is opposite, he is always very eager to tell his parents about cay's classes. I think your hb is just stressed over work. Not easy to make a living these days. My hb also fussed a lot when I disturb his working time. He works late into the night and will give me an impatient look if I attempt to talk to him.

<font color="ff6000">Shane,</font>
Actually I think your hb is really very nice to drive you around. My hb will just ask me to come on my own if his schedule doesn't permit. To him, work is still very impt although he dotes on cay a lot. I think your hb is very friendly, not like my hb.... forever straight face.

Regarding the PG, I agree that after class is very hot. Besides, I have to rush cay back home for her nap before she gets cranky.

I am open to both outdoor and indoor PG but I thought it would be better if we can plan more activities during PG rather than free play. The Sept PG at your place and the xmas PG were very good. A lot of activities to keep the tods occupied and together.

Regarding having #2, I think it is really impt to think properly. I keep reminding myself that although she is cay's playmate, she is not a toy but my daughter as well. So I will aim to shower her with the same amount of attention (which is not a lot actually
) if possible. I thought of having 2-year gap also because my hb's ideal no. of children is 3. Though I am not opened to that idea yet but..... if I really want #3, at least I will not be too old for it if I have #2 earlier.
Zoophonics class $100 per mth for 1 hr each lesson. For our location, Thomson is the nearest outlet for us. That is why I consider them. At least after class need to go home let them nap, the distance not that far to travel and petrol $ not so 'siong'.

The playgroup min age is 2 yrs old but they said they can accept them 1 or 2 mths earlier. They are similar to those Apple Tree, Talent Plus playgroup located at HDB void deck but the only difference they use Montessori method and call themself 'Little Explorer Montessori'. I saw their banner opp Hougang Mall so I just call up to enquire. Have not even been to the school yet. There's also daily playgroup in the morning from Mon-Fri, 2 hrs per day. I remember she told me is $500+ for 10wks which is more expensive than those Apple Tree etc but still cheaper than those famous class in town. Maybe they use Montessori bah.
<font color="0000ff">caymom</font>
My hub makes up to us during the weekends becos he works late everyday on weekdays, sometimes coming home at midnight even. So pro and cons... We sorta know mutually our expectations of each other, so we just try to meet each other expectations. I'm quite family orientated and believe in 'co-parenting' in a way. No point hvg a kid, then everything mummy and no daddy involvement. Then I rather not have any...

<font color="0000ff">san</font>
oic. ZP is 2x the cost of EF but lower than KM.
hmmm 500+ for 10 wks also not cheap esp if send her to cc means no need to attend such classes liow. pocket big hole. sigh.. me now v confused about my own cc arrangement also.
<font color="0000ff">caymom</font>
Agree with the PG activities. I'm trying to think of ways to enrich our PG, now that our tods are older, can do more things. Maybe like sing songs and learn letters, flash cards, story telling, etc. We can also incorporate a bubble sessions since they like it so much. just bring them downstairs for the session, then no need to dirty the house, we're at...But need a teacher...I abit shy and no confident ley ... haha....
if i'm not wrong, u putting E at learning vision near your workplace right? I think LV is not too ex ab bout 400plus aft subsidy and also quite activity-filled curriculum. actually i was thinking of kinderland but their music prog for kids start only at K1 class i think. so i decided to get other more enriching ones for her. most ntuc cc has nice environment but they lack in their curriculum. so depends on what u look for in a cc.
Me also a co-parenting way, but hb was a "everything mummy, play daddy..." type u see... so it takes some time before my hb will now auto bath him on weekends...if he is awake... and on Fri nites after Sky is home... otherwise all other chores is by MUMMY.... So already forced him to bath Sky liao...think not much will be done from his end...
<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
No more LV liow. It's Kinderland now. Not sure good or not. I prefer LV cos they seems to have alot of activities. But this KL like not so much. The principal can't even tell me what prg they have for the day. She say 18 mths v young, so not much of a prg, just normal 'looking after' kind of thingy.... I'll only know after she started.

I'm in a dilemma cos i paid for the registrations already and sup to start her soon. Unless i decide to forfeit the reg fee, if not they don't allow me to defer the start date too long.
<font color="0000ff">Erlisa</font>
Hey.. hope Riz will recover soon. U take care too k?!

<font color="ff0000">Enrichment Class</font>
After much consideration &amp; thinking, I have finally decided to enrol Ashley into Kindermusik Class. Think this is where she belongs as she really luvs Music &amp; dancing.. We went to Zoophonics last Saturday but turned up to be quite a disappointment for me. Partly Ash wasnt feeling well &amp; clingy too. The class wasnt as fantastic &amp; enjoyable as wat I heard from reviews (now wondering why the long Q.. hmm).. Haiz..
the kinderland i went to is at loyang point. i was quite interested to sign her up but due to a few things i decided not to (like parking prob, curriculum, mixed grouping). The P told me the playground and N1 will merge together after noon because it's smaller group. I asked then the curriculum will be too hard to for the younger ones and she told me sometimes it;s not that difficult. I dont think i want to make her feel less confident with the bigger age group of kids. And like i said, the music lessons dont cater for their age also. But if u get a good corporate rate, then it's worth it. The pros of it i guess it's the teacher-child ratio and the turnover rate not so high. I heard kinderland teachers are paid quite well as compared to other cc.
<font color="0000ff">Glayz</font>
Not bad liow. We just have to appreciate them for what they do for us. Don't expect too much is the best. Maybe i expect too much of my hub
tt's wat my friends always say of me ...

<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
oh btw, i kpo, u working flexi time ? how come so gd can send in late and pick her up so early ?
<font color="ff0000">Shane,</font>
My hb used to come back after midnight too. He decided to change job when I was in 3rd trim with cay. Now he doesn't need to stay that late but he brings work home everyday. He works past midnight still.

I agree that there are more activities to do with them now. Bubble session can take place at the playground, can let them play at the playground too.

Hahaha.. you not shy lah. You and Tang Ling have done so well in the previous storytelling and flash cards sessions. Maybe we can have puppet shows to interest them during storytelling.
<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
really ah. Yes the corporate is very attractive which actually leave me with no choice but there. But i din do much homework on CCs so i only base on hear say hear say. at least ur feedback make me feel more assured.

<font color="0000ff">twinklets</font>
KM is not bad, just that I feel it's pricey, so cannot afford to sign up full term. The teachers are quite engaging. E loves the story telling part, quite sad that her poor parents cannot afford to let her attend
<font color="0000ff">caymom</font>
looks like the men and women roles will always stay. women as homemaker and men as breadwinner. i respect that order but now time changed and the role of being a women is becoming increasingly hard.

i wish my hub will change job so that we can have more family time but well there's are sacrifices to be made. not sure whether can accept such sacrifices or not also...

hmmm, ok i can stick to story telling
i got a butterfly finger puppet. maybe will bring that the next PG.

actually hor, i also thinking of singing hallo and goodbye song for our PG but i can't rem the lyrics!!! attend 5 lessons of KM .. remembered at first .. then once stopped the lessons, i forgot liow...

<font color="0000ff">cherry, twinklets,</font>
can you both rem the hello and goodbye songs from BJG ?
i still remember, y leh?
Btw, ash still recognize her BJG tee shirt.
After comparing BJG w/ Zoophonics, I think BJG raelly v zhi der &amp; she can learns alot there. BUT BUT BUT i will get stress by the parents there, esp the puzzles part. &amp; this gal really kia lai kia ker. So i decide to put her to KM to try. Though her BJG teacher kept urging me to go bk to BJG during 24th mths old..

I really like KM, after gog to a # of trials.. think their beautiful voices capture my hearts..
ya i'm so called flexi hrs. i go in around ten and if i finish my work can leave around 3 plus. but cannot finish then stay later to about 6
Btw I noe how to do finger puppets, from the Mickeymouse kit u gave me the other day. U go check that kit out &amp; u can figure out how to do already.
Then by Jan PG, u can perform for the kids to see.
you 2 went for zoophonics trial, so so only hor. I think maybe is the teacher not that good lah.

Actually I also think KM teacher better and makes the class more enjoyable.
precisely tat's why i din sign up lor, though Zoophonics more academically &amp; do more things, whereas KM juz sing &amp; dance, but at least more focused.. not so luan lor..
Think the teacher really plays a very impt part. The one I attended, the way she read the Humpty Dumpty story also not very interesting to me. Then when flashing the 26 alphabets, also like just going thru' normally. The way she present just not very interesting to catch my attention.

<font color="0000ff">Edufarm</font>
I also feel that the number of new words introduced is too few. The teacher keep repeating apple and only mentioned arrow and alligator a couple of times. Looks like she is happy if the kid can say apple. Hehe.

JJ was distracted most of the time. Quite difficult to keep him interested because it is a new environment. But will have a few more lessons and see how it goes. In the meantime, would practise with him at home everyday hopefully he remembers. JJ could not say apple yet but he would point at it and say mum-mum. *faint*

<font color="ff6000">Aries</font>
Nice to meet you too!
It would take a while to remember all the names. Can get your hb to chit chat with the other daddies too, then he wont be bored.

<font color="ff6000">Adora</font>
Oic. Take it easy and not get stressed when the house is not as neat and clean as before.

<font color="ff6000">Jasmine</font>
You mentioned that the playgroup opposite your place is full? Where?

<font color="ff6000">Caymom</font>
Your mil and mum competes to see who Cay likes more ah. Kekeke. I also noticed that my mil and mum does that too. JJ refuse to let my mil carry and she would ask me if JJ lets my mum carry. Jealousy among Grandparents. Hehe. Well, JJ likes my mum more, maybe coz she is more hands-on with him. My mil only carries him for a while when we visit, coz she is busy cooking most of the time.

When I was reading what you mentioned about Cay, I realized that JJ also the same he is rather timid when we are out he would keep holding our hands and stick to us. When he was 15mths+, he came down to walk at NTUC for the first time happily browsing the shelves. The, the moment he sees a stranger walking in his direction, he immediately ran to us and want us to carry. Hahaha.

Cay was in a good mood yesterday at Edufarm hor.
