(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

<font color="0000ff">anns</font>,
you'll be back in Feb? ok ok we'll have one PG specially for your and Ian!!! hee hee..

<font color="0000ff">Erlisa</font>
Hmm the facial saloon is called "Spalon", think Simei got 1 branch.. As for their english, hmm I'm not so sure, cos can hear their english is kinda malaysian slant.

Ya I also finding myself excuse that I'm just pampering myself, afterall I havent pamper myself since my last rebonding during maternity leave leh.. everytime spent on Ashley &amp; not much on myself..

Hey where u gog to do ur rebonding? I v sian leh, I also feel like changing hairstyle, kinda fan lor.. I used to go to Hair Secrets at Eastpoint to do my rebonding &amp; coloring.. but it was kinda ex.. but their coloring &amp; rebonding is gd lor.. did liao wont be so flat like "Ah Bian" =P .. How abt u?? Maybe we can really book together hor?? So many hrs at saloon can die lor..

<font color="ff0000">bbrooster</font>
Thanks. hee I like tat capri pants too. It is v cheap only, think AUD$16 with 1 polo tee together also.

<font color="119911">Tangling</font>
Both ur SB are v nice! Where u got tat "princess" words? Download 1 also? Not from Shabbyprincess rite?

<font color="ff6000">Jasmine</font>
So nice to see ur 1st SB. It is very nice too. Keep it up, we look forward to see more artwork of urs!

<font color="ff0000">Co Sleeping</font>
Sad to say, Ashley was trained to sleep independently in her cot since bb. However think 4 mths+ old, she started to co sleep wif us, cos she woke up 2 to 4 x everynite. Really tiring us up. Bobian. Think 13 mths onwards, we move her dwn to a mattress besides us. Glad she noes that's her Ashley bed. So now she's adapting well already. But occasionally she'll still climb in the wee hrs to sleep with us.

Hee.. me not in a hurry to chase her out from our room cos still wanna cosy wif her. hehe..

<font color="0000ff">Cherry</font>
Wow u are damn good!!! u &amp; ur mum r/s must be v closed rite?
I remember last time when before my young sis was born, I slept at the mattress besides her bed &amp; always want to hold her hand to sleep. W/o her hand I cant sleep 1. Tat was really sweet memories for me.
wah!! serious ah... your mom must have missed you very much when you got married.

Toddler sleeping
we are also thinking of shifting adelle to her own room liao. but my and my hb couldn't bear to do it coz both of us remembered feeling very scared when we slept alone when we were young ( i still feel a bit scared when i sleep alone during work trips! :p )

i brought adelle for a haircut at a salon near your place. the stylist is quite experienced with young kids, and the best part is the price! hehehe thanks for the recommendation!

same sentiments too esp after spending so many days with her during this holiday season. actually missed her a lot at work.

forgot to tell you that i'd transferred the balance to you abt 2-3 days ago.

last by not least
<font color="aa00aa">Happy New Year to all!!</font>
Dun feel paiseh abt the sleeping alone type... I will not sleep alone in a mo sheng place lor.... so will never go travelling alone... and try not to find job that require travelling...kekeke anyway, Chemist not involve in seminars dont travel much except those in service industry... and ps... If I happen to sleep alone before my hb is back, the living room lights will always be on... unable to sleep alone in empty house...or when Sky is with me then the lights will be off....kekekeke

I actually cry when typing my Gan chu on christmas as I already miss him when I send him back to my mum place.....kekekeke....
This time there is 4 days..not sure how I will become after the 4 days...

WOW... ur dad dun mind???

Toddler Bed
I already had a bed for Sky usage... but the bed kind of errrr HIGH, super single size... (bought a 4 star mattress for Sky.. as I did not want to forfiet my deposit with Novena after we decide to change to another bed that Novena does not carry) but that bed is currently used by my sis whenever she came for a sleepover...

Also I decide to let Sky sleep on the floor for a longer period of time before shooing him out of the room... he was only home for weekends... so not much privacy lose... and he will sleep on my hb side when #2 is born....already decided this way..... and I already decide to shoo both out of the room together... so they knew they had grow up and no way to protest....

Bed Rail
Tot I saw bed rail in kiddy palace when I was scouting for my safety gate... aybe whoever looking can try there.... haiz..my bed not sure able to support rails or not leh...
Tang Ling
Itchy fingers mean that the kid is curious lor.... it is better this way as it provoke learning.... "zhi wo an wei" Sky also touch here and there.... what worse... he knew he cannot touch...so he will aim and u-turn to collect if he is sure no one is around...(all from my sis table)

Also ur SIL kids so guai meh... no itchy fingers???

Ultra funny to see them processive over their bed right... the other time the 3 rascal went to my mum place for a sleepover, and my mum offer the eldest Sky bed..the other 2 sleep on my old bed...Sky recognisehis bed in the other room instantly and gave the eldest this bin chao chao look when she went to sit on the bed....

and at home he also had a mattress beside me... but if he wakes up and demand to be up on our bed then we will carry him up... otherwise I will go down to acc him...
<font color="0000ff">Tang Ling</font>
You are really getting better and better at digiscrapping.. can't imagine that they are actually from powerpoints creation...
My sister is only very into scrapbooking... but the hardcopies one.. I saw her albums and like to try also... maybe will go for a course in Jan...

JJ looks like he has enjoyed himself a lot, I have not brought Aeron to the beach before, must try when the rainy season passed...

<font color="0000ff">Jasmine,</font>
Good to hear that KY's hand has recovered fully and nice work on your first try at digiscrapping...
oh yes, Aeron used to sleep between me and hubby in the past on the king size bed too, we have since made him sleep on the mattress besides our bed and so far so good... no complains so will not moved him anywhere else yet...
same thing like Shane, I like the way when he wakes up every morning and starts calling "Mummy, mummy, nei, nei..."

<font color="0000ff">twinklets,</font>
Ashley is really a very smiley girl.. and do knows how to pose also.. a model in the making? hehe...

<font color="0000ff">anns,</font>
Ian looks real happy in the snow ah..looks cute wearing his winter wear.

<font color="0000ff">Jan PG,</font>
good idea to have it at botanics garden...the tods can roam the garden...
Kiami, Shane
Good hor ur kid called u mummy mummy when they wake up... for Sky he will hit me demand to get on bed... then he will go kajiao his dad while expecting me to bring him his milk.... haiz... me a maid...
Hi all mummy out there

Have a great start for 2007....

Ixorarred /Bbrooster

Can I know where about is the place for haircut?I have not sent aedann out for haircut since birth...Thought of letting my own hairstylist to cut for him but its kind of far...thanks
safety gate,
is it too late to get one now ah? scared buy later not worth it like dat. Until how long can it last ah? Now oso getting kind of dangerous coz Riz starts to tip toe to reach for things higher than him....

Thanks, i shall take a look at the Kiddy Palace...

u can send to the malay barber, cost $8. or send to those $10 hair cut. Or u can even try like supercuts, some got toy car they can sit in while the stylist cut their hair.. >$10. Or Suntec, got place to cut hair too, at the Family Link near to the ToysRUs. Otherwise, cut urself like me. I cut Riz hair myself... hee

Thanks for info.I have been cutting my boy hair all this while...thought of giving him a professional cut before CNY. His hair is thick and curly and I do not think I have skill to handle as he grow older.
Safety Gates
Aiyo... Erlisa save the $$ la... The gate I have cannot bar him outside when I am cooking.... he must have free access into the kitchen whenever I am inside as well....if not he will WAIL outside the gates.... But the gate is only in use when I am in anotherpart of the house, so I close the gate to ensure he is not in kitchen when I am not around....
Your gate is the kind need to drill to the wall or not ah? I almost wanted to get the one in IKEA but need to drill leh. The safety 1st brand in ToysRUs oso need to drill... Don't want to spoil my walls... heh
Safety Gates
I think if you starts off early, it shld be useful. Thou' ian climb the gate, but he will not go over it. He knows he is not suppose to be in the kitchen even when we are inside unless we carry him. He even know that the gate suppose to be closed when we not in kitchen.
<font color="0000ff">Kiami</font>
hee model in the making.. nvr think of that. Nowadays she dun really like to pose wif eye contact on me 1, though she already pose readily liao. haha..

Tang Ling
Thanks for the link. power point can do such nice slides meh? They have these type of template?

Toddler Bed
I think I will move Raph out of our room when he is 3-4 yrs old bah...wow now my bedroom is super cramp. 1 queen size bed, 1 bb cot (for Chole) &amp; a mattress (for Raph).

Chole has been waking up every 1/2 hr for the past few nights, making us so tired. She prefers to sleep beside me rather than in the playpen. She wants to be curdle...die if she continues to b like tat I sure peng shan liao!
Happy New yr...

I bought a Mas baby one... no need to drill one... if need to drill hb will not let me install also... think I will let #2 stay outside the kitchen... and this gate was spoilt day 1 by my hb... he force thru the gate..(should lift and swing, he use brute force to push open) so my gate could not auto close from the other side... and Sky as a kitchen inspector will auto close the gate when he see no one in kitchen... part of his routine every nite... Hopefully #2 and Sky will stay out of kitchen....
Hi mommies,
<font color="ff0000">WISH U &amp; UR FAMILY A HAPPY, HEALTHY &amp; PROSPEROUS YEAR 2007!</font>

Thanks for ur well-wishes... Me and baby Shania are doing well. I am now having my confinement. Most of the time either resting in bed or bfg Shania.. Finally my hubby setup his laptop for me to use!

Here's some photos of Shania..
Day 1

Day 2

Home Sweet Home
<font color="0000ff">Serrich,</font>
take good care of yourself and build up your body during this confinement period and you can enjoy your Chinese new year later...hehe...
First picture of Shania looks a bit like her sister leh.. her nice chin reminds me of her...

All mummies,
today is the first day of 2007, hope everyone will be like what twinklets mentioned...
<font color="ff0000">RICHER, PRETTIER, YOUNGER &amp; SLIMMER</font>
everything I want is here...haha..
<font size="+1"><font color="aa00aa"><font face="Cooper Black"> HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE!</font></font></font>

<font color="ff6000">Twinklets</font>
Thanks! The princess word in the SB was downloaded from: http://www.freedigitalscrapbooking.com/alphabets.html But take note that the fonts are all on one page. I had to cut them out separately to use them, but it is a nice girly font hor.

<font color="ff6000">Glayz</font>
Hows your MS? Better now? So Sky stays with your mum and only comes back weekend? Can tell from your posts that you really miss Sky very very much. I would also if I had to not see JJ for such a long time.

<font color="ff6000">Kiami</font>
Thanks for your compliments.
You seriously going to take a course on scrapbooking ah paper type? You can have a go at digi type free anyway. Paper type is SO expensive.

<font color="ff6000">Joy747</font>
Oh, so you have also been cutting your boys hair me too!
JJs hair is also thick and curly, thus making it more difficult to cut now, especially the part at the back of the head at the bottom. Also thinking about getting him a nice haircut before CNY.

<font color="ff6000">Adora</font>
Yah, I did the scrapbooking using powerpoint only, and I am a little tempted about trying out other software. Hehe. Powerpoint does not have the templates I did mine from scratch. Maybe we should organize a class for Digi Scrapbooking Using PowerPoint for interested Mummies. Kekeke.

You very tempted to try after seeing the pcs ah. Hehe. It takes a while, especially the first few pcs, coz have to get familiarized with the skills. After you get the hang of it, would be faster liao.

Chole waking every half hr at night ah. Oh dear can imagine how tired you must be. Better now?

<font color="ff6000">Serrich</font>
CONGRATS! Shania does look like her sister. How about in actual? Did others also say the sisters look alike?
<font color="ff0000">Happy 2007 Everyone!</font>

<font color="0000ff">Serrich</font>
Shania very cute and chubby little baby.

<font color="0000ff">Adora</font>
2 more days and you will finish your one month confinement. The feeling for me last time is like a bird let out of the cage.

<font color="0000ff">Joy747</font>
It's actually one of those neighbourhood salon in Serangoon.

<font color="0000ff">ixorarred</font>
How much did they charge you? Is it $2 for fringe and $5 for everything?

<font color="0000ff">erlisa</font>
I bought mine from Saftey First no need to drill. Quite alot of gates actually do not need to drill hole. Some looks like must drill but in actual fact no need. Ask the sales assistant for help.
Hi mummies
<font color="ff0000">HAPPY NEW YEAR!</font>

like your wishes leh....hee hee

I agree that Shania looks like her sister..

the salon that you went so cheap?? I bought Kai yun to one of the neighbouhood salon near my house.. it turn out terrible.. people thought i cut her hair.. so now searching for cheap and good salon..

Tang Ling / Kaimi
any good and cheap salon near our house to recommend?
congrats again, the last pic of shania does look like sherilyn

replied to your pm liao

yup, she charged S$5 for the full haircut. i had to carry her and adelle refused to put on the covers. so i was covered in her hair after the cut... but the lady was able to distract her with clips etc to cut her hair properly. much better than the 'professional' kids hair salon with TV consoles
My mum also brought Sky to a normal neighbourhood salon... The lady will try to distract Sky.but now harder to distract him as he will scream at whoever trying to touch him.. but $5 also for a ull haircut..but a little sim tia lor..his hair so little then $5...but need to maintain his shape mah...so bo bianlor.. but for a ger...more worth it...(ger longer hair then need to cut..)

Tang Ling
Thanks a lot... My MS much better... and I will try to avoid eating too much also (I puke easily when too full) and to avoid certain food...(some food will trigger also) other than that I am very ok....and less tired liao...haha the best part...

Brought Sky to Ikea ytd... and it was ultra crowded...and had a hard time looking for parking space.... We tot Sky will refuse to walk so we put him in his pram...but it turn out he refuse to stay in his pram so he was down and run about... a nightmare as he never follows us will try to venture on his own... then when me and hb was looking for luandry basket, we discoverSky had disappear... I was ultra anxious and my hb set out to look for him... we discover him in the box section... and had to drag him away and try to make it to the casheier ASAP... while my hb was a bit reluctant as he still want to browse.... We had a small argument over the small table and chairs set that I intend to buy for Sky (same as Erlisa bought for Riz) but seem like Sky was more interested in the bathroom stoolso we din buy it in the end...and we saw quite a collection of toddler bed that made me ultra gian... saw 1 complete set with mattress that will cose less than $100...(frame $45, mattress $40+++) but the side a bit small...not sure got room for him to roll... and hb again say must wait till he older then we see if a tod bed is really needed.....

And Sky din KO on the journey back... he din nap... so in the evening we brought him to Compass pt......kekekeke
<font color="ff0000">Happy New Year!!!!</font>

<font color="0000ff">Serrich</font>
Somehow the 2nd pic reminds me of your hub
Do take care and rest well.

<font color="0000ff">safey gate</font>
My gate no need to drill too. We had the gate to keep the dogs in the kitchen. So now with E, it serves dual purpose. She'll still venture in the kitchen when we don't close it.

<font color="0000ff">Back to work blues</font>
urghh...hate the feeling of going back to work tomorrow after a long long break!!!
<font color="0000ff">Jasmine,</font>
eh..I do not know of any good salon here leh...
I always bring Aeron to my MIL's place at Yishun where an auntie cuts his hair for $5.
I think she cuts pretty well but Aeron hates to cut hair so me and hubby always have to coax him and we will everytime be covered with his hair and tears... every haircut is like a nightmare...
Anyone here knows how to distract them while cutting? I only pray that he will be asleep when we bring him for haircut...
$5 is very cheap as Aeron's hair is very thick and he struggles and cries so much that I feel very paiseh.. the Auntie has to do so much to earn the $5 bucks..

Probably Glayz can share where he bring Sky for his haircut, in SK?

<font color="0000ff">Glayz,</font>
Yup same experience as you when we visited Ikea Tampines on christmas day... so crowded that I told my hubby that we will not go there anymore unless absolutely necessary....
<font color="ff0000"> WISHING ALL A FABULOUS YEAR 2007!</font>

<font color="0000ff">Serrich</font>
Little Shania looks rather chubby...hehe..very cute. The 3rd photo does resembles her Sheri Jie-Jie.
How's Sheri reacting to her new sister?

<font color="0000ff">Safety Gate</font>
I'm using Lucky Baby at home. Need not drill as well. With an active kid like mine, it's a good investment for us. Jay has the habit of sitting beside the gate to whimper whenever he wants something from my maid.

<font color="0000ff">Haircut</font>
My SIL has the habit of putting a plank across the barber's chair for Jay to sit on when she trims his hair.Normally he's ok, the best is do it just after he's awake from his nap, blur-blur one.. Don't know why, just last month, he puts up a struggle, sees the shaver, ran away really fast!

<font color="ff0000">Shane</font>
I should be sending out the VCD tomorrow, k.
Lately, don't seems to see a post box around the MRT?

Me too...i dread going back to work, knowing my long list of deliverables for Year 2007 ( yucks!)

<font color="0000ff">Maid</font>
Sigh...so upset with my maid leh. I dare admit i'm quite "chin-cha" mdm who don't scold aloud but just tell her off but she kept loosing my things recently. First, Jay's favourite Oshkosh jersey gone missing( she don't even remember whether she irons it or not!!) I reckon it was stolen when she lines the clothes outside my door.

Today, she couldn't find a pillow case for my bed ( now the set is incomplete) and 2 weeks ago, she broke my popperri clay bottle.

She's ok with her job but just sometimes just no sharp for details. It's like in the office, how could you not know when you misplace your documents/ file? I'm letting her go in July-Aug but dread re-training a new maid again. The process of teaching and adaptation is really "painful"!

<font color="ff0000">Tang Ling</font>, you coping ok w/o your maid?
<font color="0000ff">Safety Gate</font>
I am also using the one from Lucky Baby - metal frame, no drill. It auto locks when swings shut and I never let JJ walk into the kitchen. If he has to go in, I carry him.

<font color="ff6000">Jaymom</font>
Maids are like that... you don't know what to do with them or don't know how to do without them. Mine is so forgetful - same thing repeatedly do every day also can forget. My maid still around - waiting for hb to be free to help settle her paperwork.
Re-training a new maid is a lot of work, but can't be helped if the previous one is no good.

<font color="ff6000">Glayz</font>
Good to hear that you are better.

We also brought JJ to Tampines Ikea on 28 Dec, but good thing is that it is not too crowded. He also wanted to walk on his own. I was telling hb that next time we go, we have to just grab and go. No energy to keep up the struggle with JJ.

<font color="ff6000">Jasmine &amp; Kiami</font>
I am not sure of any good haircut salons in our area. I have been cutting JJ's hair so far. But based on what I read here, I think better bring JJ for haircut earlier - coz if bad, at least still have sometime to outgrow the bad cut before CNY. Hehe.
Last year's CNY, we brought JJ for a $10 haircut at Compass Pt and it looks terrible - others thought I cut it.
<font color="119911">RE: Safety gate</font>
I ever thought of having a gate although I already have a door to my kitchen. After a while I realised that there is no way of restraining cay. The more we don't want her to come in, the more she wants to. Without the gate, she can go in whenever she likes and she doesn't feel any thrill. In fact, she usually doesn't go into the kitchen. As long as we make sure dangerous things are not within her reach, shld be ok bah.

<font color="ff6000">RE: Haircut</font>
Although cay has the least hair, she still has her haircut regularly at the saloon that my mom goes to. The cut is meant to stimulate her hair growth. The good thing is it's free because there is nothing much to cut anyway.
cay is very cooperative when it comes to haircut. She loves it so much that she wants a cut each time my mom walks past the saloon.

<font color="0000ff">Maid</font>
It's true that it is hard to get a good maid. I heard a lot of horror stories about maids from my colleagues. My friend told me sometimes really want to puke blood when the maid doesn't understand instructions. She said she can do faster and cleaner than her maid but really need that extra pair of hands at times.

<font color="aa00aa">Serrich,</font>
Congrats on the birth of Shania! Hope that you are recovering well. Shania looks so sweet, I'm sure she will be as lovely as Sherilyn.

Btw, I am joining your club as a mother of two princesses! I just went for my detailed scan.
I had a 3D scan as well and my baby has chubby cheeks and round forehead just like cay. So cute to see the baby's face. But my placenta still rather low and baby's head a bit big. Hopefully the placenta will move up or else, I will have to go thru c-section.

My hands are itching to get more clothes for cay now because mei-mei can get to wear them too.
I've fatten afew kg since 23 DEC. I've been eating &amp; eating like no tomorrow, my jeans is getting tighter!!
Die liao ler, my NY resolution dunno can achieve or not. Maybe I'm lazy to jian fei then I'm gog TTC liao. Wait for my news hor.


<font color="ff0000">Cut Hair</font>
Today my 2nd time cutting Ashley's Fringe. She'll say cut cut &amp; let me cut abit. After tat she wanna move liao.
Cay is so cute!! Can guai guai let the hairdresser cut!!

<font color="0000ff">gog bk work BLUES</font>
Blues blues blues.. mood not v good liao cos gog bk to work tmr.
Luckily I did some cleaning up at my workstation on 29 Dec, at least is clean clean to welcome me at work..

<font color="ff6000">Ikea</font>
Made a mistake.. drove my sis &amp; me to Ikea .. Ok the carpark is FULL, so we drove to Courts, alamak also full. So in the end spend 1 hr+ on the JAM ROAD.
Din get to park car, or do any shopping, but just jamming on the road.
Really not as Lucky as Glayz family...

<font color="aa00aa">Caymom</font>
So confirmed is a GAL!??!!! I'm happy for u!!! Cay is gog to have a mei mei!! THIS IS SO SWWEET. Go go go &amp; get more clothes!!! The clothes are so cheap thr' BP.
I got a feeling my #2 will gog to be a gal too.

Btw, I already got some names in mind for boy. Is Benji or Travis. Will ask hb for opinion when he back from work. HEHEEH..

<font color="119911">Tanglin</font>
oic!! I also got save some words which is in 1 page too, but I'm too lazy to go crop each of them out. Think I wont have much chance to scrapbook much liao since I'm gog to 'fa fen tu qiang' at work liao, cos January mah..
.. cant snake much..

<font color="ff0000">forgetmenot</font>
yoo hoo.. hehehe =P =P , me now nuaing at internet now. how are u man?? I'll DL the pics here later. haha.
u got no#2 liaos? WAH!!!!!! How many months liao?? Congrats!!!!!!!

Congrats on ur ger ger too! Hope my future no#2 will be ger... haha...

safety gate,
I think i'll try look look see see for the Lucky Baby one. I definitely need one coz Riz loves to reach out for things on the kitchen table.. very worrying....

Cut hair,
better go cut at least 1 or 2 weeks before the festive season. Not only it will cost more nearer to the date, at least let the hair grow out a bit and look natural... hee
Congrats on your little princess....

when i read your posting to Caymom, i thought you are pregnant also.. hee hee.. anyway, jia you jia you... waiting for your good news..
orh.. i tot u preggie liaos.. kekeke JIA YOU! JIA YOU!

so how u rebonding hair? i still cannot decide if i should.. coz rebond later hair easier to maintain... then i need to colour my hair too.. and i need to find facial place to go.. wah lao.. like so many things to do lehhhh... heheheh
<font color="ff0000">Kiami</font>
Sky also cut his hair in Yishun...
I dun dare to bring him..becos ofhis brute strength if he put up a struggle... Normally the auntie will let him watch tv while my mum carry him...if not use sweets in the attempt to bribe him. Nowadays harder to do so as he will actually return u the sweet in the attempt to let u know that to LEAVE HIM ALONE....

But think Sky next haircut will be near CNY...his hair grow SO FAST....

<font color="ff0000">Twinklets</font>
I went at 1pm... by the time we finish at 3pm... we see a long snake at the road turning into ikea.. and our first tot is heng arghhh.... Sky demand to go out so was actually ka jiaoing dd to wake up.....

<font color="ff0000">Erlisa</font>
I need to rebond my hair...but due to preggie state...think I have to go visiting during CNY in my lion mane... sobzzz....

<font color="ff0000">Caymom</font>
Congrats on ur ger again... anyway can really buy lor... ger a lot of things to buy mah.... if my #2 still boi then I super sian lor... boi boi buy this or that all still the same haiz... went CK the other time... saw this korean inspired clothing for ger that I love so much..... kekekeke

<font color="ff0000">Going back to work</font>
Haiz i super sian lor... Sky wail buckets when I told him I am going home just now... think my sis bribe him with tidbits to quieten him... my hb was prepared to bring him home if he is still cryng...but with the amt of tidbits at my mum place think there is no way there couldnt stop him crying... (he will stop when he saw tidbits and will keep saying open...)

And there are 3 samples that I miss out last week that will require URGENT testing tmr morning... as think my whole company will pester me for results tmr morning.... sianz... stupid me..miss out urgent samples....hiaz...
<font color="0000ff">Caymom,</font>
hehe.. your 2nd princess will also have Caydence's nice big eyes... 2 girls with this age gap is very good... they will be very close when they grow up later.. me got 3 other sisters so I know this...can have a lot of things to talk about later...

<font color="0000ff">Glayz,</font>
maybe we go to same auntie? haha..
yup.... Aeron's hair also grow very fast nowadays, his hair is in a mess and I cannot stand it also, will bring him for a haircut this weekend and another nearer to CNY..

<font color="0000ff">Twinklets,</font>
I read your thread and also think maybe you got pregnant already...
me having same thoughts as you leh... cannot slim down but as well get pregnant..haha...
nowadays after my run... I also cut down a bit on exercise already especially this long weekend so do put on weight around the tummy also.. now a bit lazy to exercise liao.. lucky I sign up for exercise classes, will "sim tia" the $ else will sure be lazy one...

<font color="0000ff">Going back to work,</font>
I also sian to go back office, should sleep now already... from tomorrow onwards got to wait up at 615 already..
<font color="0077aa">twinklets</font>
Ya man, the way u wrote, i thot u TTC-ing or strike liow. But it's about time hor, Ash is coming to 2 liow! keke...

hmm, why u thinking of boys names?

I same as you ley, got gut feel maybe no. 2 will be gal again hee hee...
Incase all ask again, i'm not preggie, just say say only

<font color="0077aa">caymom</font>
Congrats! A gal will be a really good companion for Cay. I wld prefer to have a gal too. Gals wil be closer. If hv boy, they might not be as close, cos certain things can't talk about it.

<font color="0077aa">Haircut</font>
I went for a trim and did 'straightening' sup to be similar ot rebonding but more natural and not the stick straight look. BUT my ends wil curls *big sigh* i think it's becos of my length, still q short and just gg to touch shoulder so that might be the cause. super sien man... money wasted.

<font color="0077aa">Back to work</font>
I sure super low morale tomorrow and engine will be super cold. sigh! can't believe 11 days just went by like that !
wah, 11 days break recharged liao
i also very very sian.. tomorrow going back work.. and my peak period at work from JAN to MAR.. sian sian sian..

actually hor i have the same feeling leh that 2nd one(if any) will be a gal... btw, me also not preggie hor.. ha ha
Phew.. my gal finally orr orr liao. I attempted to orr with her, but simply but cant sleep at 11+pm!

<font color="ff0000">Gals ah..</font>
damn.. my english is so poor, u gals interpret me as having #2. *faint*
I also same same like Shane, say say only.

Hehe havent even TTC, how to 'zhong biao' leh.

I duno leh, seeing my gd appetite nowadays, I suddenly feel like gettting preg cos seem like pretty difficult to jian fei.. haiz.

<font color="0000ff">Kiama</font>
huh! u have same mentality as me as well? hehe.. so jia lak hor? But u ah, so slim...
Hey I myself got 2 elder sisters. Each of us are like 2 yrs gap 1. So we are really really closed. Even gynea we also get the same 1.

I really luv the feeing of having 2 daughters, BUT ...... wei ler my hb, I think is best to have a BOY for him. But hor, deep dwn I feel is gd to have 2 gals lor. cos like wat u say some of the things 2 sisters can talk .. whereas the brother cant lor..

<font color="aa00aa">Glayz</font>
Oh dear how come u can miss those urgent samples? Think tmr 1st thing go work must get all of them done hor. Then can online &amp; chit chat liao. =P
Aiya we were on the road aro 3+. I think I'm one of the cars u saw in those snake lor..
Btw tok abt Sky roaming in IKEA, I dreamt yday tat I lost Ashley!! It was a horrible nitemare &amp; it seem so damn real. I can imagine ur anxiety when U realize Sky is not near u.
I got such encounters before. &amp; it really got me hot ants on my butt. Really damn frightening for me!

<font color="119911">Erlisa</font>
i also dilemma now!! v v sian. I scare I decide until CNY coming. boo hoo..

i'm gog for my 1st facial tis thursday, but stupid me gog to park my car at Forgetmetnot's carpark &amp; take MRT to LOT 1. Can u imagine tat?? Got car but dunno how to go to LOT 1........sniffffffffffff...

<font color="aa00aa">Shane</font>
Wow.. 11 days!! Tat's a LONG BREAK!!!!!
I can understand ur feeling now.

I think a # of us will be so sian tmr. If u see me online, feel free to chat wif me cos I'll be damn sian too.
Don't feel recharged ley. Feel even more sluggish

u also same feeling ah keke.... let's see if our instinct is correct when the time comes.
cannot like tt ... nvr lose then preggie then what if after preggie x2 worse ?! i so scared of that... but ah, i also hao bu dao na li ... keep eating .. now i feel hungry ley ...sigh... i even had supper for 2 nites. u say die or not ...sigh ... think all my hardwork go down the drain liow.
sharing my first piece of digiscrapping, can't find nice background, so just make use of whatever there is available in powerpoint...

may I know how to improve the resolution, dun know why everytime I post the picture here, the resolution looks real bad?
<font color="ff0000">Sherrich</font>
Shania really looks like Sherilyn, isn't all babies are cuties!

<font color="ff0000">Caymom</font>
Congratulation!!! Now Caydence has another sister to play with.

<font color="ff0000">shane</font>
<font color="0000ff">Also wish to meetup with you gals on Feb 07 when back</font>

<font color="ff0000">twinklet</font>
I can understand why you prefer a boy the next one, coz' I want a sister for Ian rather than brother. I have seem some sister-brother can get along well too.

<font color="ff0000">Kiami</font>
I normaly try to use Paint to rescale if I cannot find other software. But I prefer HP Director s/w to do the sizing.

<font color="119911">Have you gals try "American greetings website" to create digiscrapping? Coz' I always use that to do e-greeting &amp; cards.</font>

How's everyone's New Year? Ian is down w/ stomach flu (gastroenteritis) for the past 2days. His weight drop to 9.2kg. How do you mummies cope when toddler having diaherra? He having diaherra till he has diaper rash and I wonder how did he get this virus.
I nearly break down in Ikea lor.... but I need to tend to stroller and stuff.... and stay rooted..in case I spot sky running around....so can give chase...

I also want a ger next round... but a ger first then boi is good lor... ger ger can look after di-di... but boi boi will ka-jiao mei-mei....
Good Morning Mummies...
after 11days of long break from work.. my old bones are having a hard time adjusting. Last night ashley seems to know she is going back to nanny's this morning. woke up from 1am-4am!

Anyways.. here wishing all the beautiful mummies here Happy 2007!

kiami... nice work! heheee. aeron looks so baobao..
<font color="0000ff">Twinklets,</font>
Hahahaha... it's misleading when you said these...

<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

I got a feeling my #2 will gog to be a gal too. Btw, I already got some names in mind for boy. Is Benji or Travis. <!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>You can start planning mah.

cay seems to love this mei-mei, kept saying mei-mei. I agree that having a little sister will be a good companion for her, can share secrets, clothes etc.

<font color="119911">Erlisa/Jasmine,</font>

<font color="ff6000">Glayz,</font>
Shopping for ger is always a joy. The clothes are always so cute and lovely. But nowadays boys' clothes also nice, or else you won't have built up such a great collection.

<font color="0077aa">Kiami,</font>
Wow, you have 3 sisters! I have a friend like you too and she is super duper close to her sisters.
I have one sister but we were not very close when we were young. Always quarrel non-stop. Only got closer when we grew up.

I also hope #2 will have cay's eyes because that's the only asset cay has.
But my mom said usually #2 will not be as pretty as #1 because all the nice things kena taken by #1 already. I prayed a lot when I had cay but I forgot to pray about fair skin so cay is so tan. For #2, I prayed even less... only prayed for good health. I think I better pray more.

Btw, nice scrapbook you have.

<font color="aa00aa">Shane,</font>
True that two gals will be good companion to each other. I really hope cay will dote on her sister. If like me and my sis whole day fight then no good lor.

<font color="ff0000">Anns,</font>
Thanks. Looking forward to seeing you and Ian next month. How long will you stay this time?
