(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

<font color="0077aa">Carla,

My hubby just guessed it. You registered Ziwei at his LNT before and he saw her name on the shoe rack at the Pat's Schoolhouse. Then on Ziwei's birthday Xavier came back with the cow saying that it's from Ziwei, which is few days after Xavier's. So he guessed it's you.

Xavier is not wearing any cap at all. His birthday photos...</font>


Morning, so early huh

*sigh*... my girl gave wrong info... or maybe there's another boy with the same name... hahaa

Can la. I do not have a weighing machine here.. cannot keep track on my weight liao. But can put back my old clothings lor.. except the smaller ones.

Symone is pronounced as Simone. 

Your gal’s bday cake is so pretty! Definitely cannot find this kind of quality in Oman. Justyn’s bday is approaching. Very limited choice for tasty and nice looking cake here.. 
<font color="0077aa">tsp,</font>
I have not try wearing my old tops yet..but I know mostly cannot fit cos you know lah..breastfeeding...the boobs tend to be bigger than before. So may have to get loose tops if not will look like dumpling in my old tops..hahaha
you're still slim lah aft having 3 kids, dun worry about wearing back the clothings. Big Boobs more sexy mah like betty boo. :p

Oh they dun have nice ones there? What about you make one yourself? Maybe if you start a business there can earn?
<font color="ff6000">meow,</font>
My colleagues used to make fun of my boobs when I was breastfeeding Keane and Kayla. Really very paiseh one. I dun feel sexy at all...more embarrassed than anything else.
Is theirs small?? kekeke...ok lah, if male say that i sure box them. Even my camp those chaps(usually those young ones 20+) talk about BM will go eeks, i scold them lor. Told them i envy those whom can give and tell them to appreciate rather then give those remarks...think aft my talk, they understand more and have an open mind liao.
Xavier is a big boy liao...I always remember him inside yr pink sling...small frame boy

I agree with u, I also feel embarrassed with bigger boobs. I find alot of men will stare, not only young, old ones too...Actually I prefer my orginial size, can fit clothes, looks more properiate. Wear clothes must wear bigger size, so tat top can fit but baggy below then look like ah soh.
<font color="ff6000">meow,</font>
haha, theirs not small lah. Just that my size will change quite drastically when breastfeeding lor..so it's very obvious.

<font color="0077aa">elaine,</font>
Ya, I also prefer my original size. True lor, now must find those bigger size tops to wear.
thanks for the compliment... like wat meow said, y dun try to make 1 for justyn?? can make your own butter cream for deco too... hehehe...

u both n me opp... i oni hv decent looking boobs during bf... my normal size is ... sigh....
<font color="0000ff">Sc,</font>
actually my normal size is also sigh..but I am ok with it lah..hehe. I prefer normal than HUGE.
hee hee....

i think maybe i'm the only one odd... my size don change lah... still the same whether i'm bf anot... hee...maybe that y my supply is limited... hee hee
Congrats Twinklet!
Have not been logging on, log on and I see good news

Mummies, I'm back to work for a week already.. so super busy at work. sigh..
I realised that after going to work, the time I spent with Anna has drastically reduced - only night time and have to split between 2 girls. Feel really sad leh. How you do all manage??

ya same here... time is very precious for me.. and the worst thing is my job is just unprecedentedly busy :p In one evening, I would try to get S to practise his violin, give Josh his flashcard (morning and nite once) and read with J. Hardly have time to coach S on things like writing etc.... only can do so if the two younger ones gone to sleep and he is still awake.

I am trying my best to take leave here and there whenever there is no urgent matter to rush that day so that I can spend some more time with Josh. At times, I bring him out of his cot to sleep with me and hb at night so that I can be by his side at least abit more.

S &amp; J goes to cc near my office, so I make use of the journey on the car back and forth to read to them, teach them some things.
Haahaa... twinklets must have known that her bb is huge, therefore went for selective c-sect.

If not for my gynae's machine miscalculation, i would have gone for selective c-sect too...


I felt guilty towards my girl... cos most of the time when my boy is awake, i will spend time taking care of him. Then my girl will play by herself. Once di-di is asleep, then i will try to read to my girl and spend quality time with her...

really admired your dedication to your kids. I think I'm a lousy mum leh...
<font color="aa00aa">mother's day is around the corner.. and i want to wish all mummies here.. a great day.

you are the best mummies i have met.. devoted and loving and always always there. for your tods and for us here in the forum.

i feel so blessed to know you guys here!

but.. let me also wish you happy labour day first.. hehehehe

morrow is last day of the work week! yippy!
<font color="0077aa">Carla,</font>
Dun say you're a lousy mum. We all try our best to spend time with each of our kids; it's not easy but we are all learning and growing along with the kids right?

<font color="aa00aa">krazy,</font>
haha, wishing us happy mother's day so early?
Happy Labour Day to you too!
poohy: for Anna, I also feel good to have her sleep next to me, but I'm also sensitive to Lisa's feeling. Lisa always wanted to sleep with us on our bed.. so I suppose it wun be good if she wakes up and see mei-mei sleeping with us
Hubby is the one who spends most time in the car with them - not me.. that's why I feel that I don't get much time with both of them.

Last night, after early morning feed, I played with Anna for a while before she went back to sleep. I missed those times when there were only 2 of us at home, sigh..

Carla: Same same .. Hubby will bathe Lisa while I get Anna to sleep. After Anna sleep then I get to read and talk to Lisa.. So Lisa always have to wait..
Yah.. my girl always has to wait... then when my boy is asleep, there'll be a lot of restriction for her, such as no screaming, no talking at the top of her voice, must be hush hush when entering the bedroom etc... Before the arrival of my boy, my girl and I used to have bedtime talk before we went to bed... but not now... Feel so guilty towards her.

I always feel that i didn't spend enough time with my kids. I think i have time management issue... *sigh*... plus with a new maid, i really have no time for the kids... need to teach the new maid how to do things... and my this new maid is super forgetful plus slow in housework. So slow that most of the time, I need to care for 2 kids alone... got to bring my boy to the kitchen while i cook his porridge... got to prepare the bath water for my boy while getting my girl to look after her brother etc... Luckily, my girl can help... cannot depend on the maid. Have asked her to speed up... she just smiled and said "Yes, mdm"... *faintz*
happy labour day all....

i think my boy is more lucky... he got most of my time... since my gal is taken care by my mother in law which is at my place... then twice a week.. .she will bring my gal back with her.... then my boy have all his time with me... haiz...
<font color="0000ff">Twinklets</font>
Congrats! Another big bundle of joy! Rest well rest well. Hope (andway I believe) ashley is coping well with her new sibling :)

<font color="119911">Spending time w kids</font>
I think it's inevitable.. we only have 24 hrs, only can have so much concentration on anything.. so having more definitely means thinning our focus and attention.

I'm also spending less time with Valerie. But I do try to attend to Valerie 1st unless Nigel is crying. Once we reach home, Valerie will run to greet us and I'll try to carry her (and I dun carry her as much before nigel), after that than I carry Nigel.

But I hardly goes to her room and read her story books or sleep with her as I need to be in my room in case Nigel wakes up or cry (he tend to cry at abt 11pm dunno why.. maybe getting hungry).

Then during wkends we'll bring Valerie out, with or without nigel lah.. so we can spend a bit more time with her.

But HB do tend to get frustrated when Valerie talks too loud and wakes up Nigel. We'll tell Valerie to talk softly but she'll forget. But I dun wan to scold her lah.. coz i dun wan her to think we only care abt nigel u know..

But it's not easy and we are lucky Valerie dotes on her bro, so she wldn't complain abt us caring for nigel more than her.

I wish I can do better for sure.. towards Valerie &amp; Nigel.
Spending time with kids
During my maternity leave, I will book my confinement lady for 6 weeks instead of the usual 4. After my confinement month, I will make use of the 2 weeks that the CL is here to spend time with the older ones while CL takes care of the baby.

I will bring try to bring one of the older kid out each time to spend quality time with each of them. If I am back to work, hubby and I will take leave once in a while to bring the kids out so that they dun feel left out when there is new addition to the family.
Hi mummies sorry to interrupt.

If any of you hve kids or heard of any comments on St Joseph Church childcare center, can you kindly feedback to me? was considering this cc for my boy.
<font color="ff0000">twinklets</font>
Congrats!!! Look forward to see baby Julien's pic soon!

<font color="aa00aa">pSi</font>
So sweet of you leh... keke..
Happy Mothers' Day and Labour Day in advance to you too!

<font color="ff6000">Re: Time</font>
I'm also guilty of not spending enough time with my kids.
And we also tend to scold Zavier for making Hazel cry although sometimes it was Hazel who provoked him. A typical car ride is always v noisy with the 2 of them bickering. Zavier will irritate Hazel and they just shout to each other. Just last night, Hazel kept telling Zavier to "shut up". Imagine how noisy it was. I'm so used to it that I'll just shut out unless Hazel starts crying.
re: time with kids

carla, dun feel bad... we all try our best and we know it in our hearts. Different people has different circumstance and personality of the kids also differ.

but many times I do feel bad too. Just need to keep consoling myself and know that I had already done my best already.

The fortunate thing for me this round is ... both S &amp; J dotes on Josh a lot. They really have such affection for him and will always come and sayang and kiss him. That really helps for me emotionally. It was tougher for during J's time cos S dun seemed to like J that much.
We also get frustrated when Lisa talks loudly or make loud noises and wake her mei mei up. We will tell her nicely to be softer.. then she will try. but she is a kid herself, so many times she just cannot stop herself, especially in the car. Sometimes we tell her off especially during the times when Anna had just fallen asleep after some difficult time. But after that, I'll feel sooo bad.. I'll tell myself not to do it again. But it's really hard at times.

Lisa also dote on mei mei, she will kiss her, talk to her. But I also see that sometimes she can't help herself but feel upset - especially when everyone else (esp my PIL, my parents, or my siblings) keep entertaining mei mei. And sometimes in the car, when Lisa wants to listen to her songs and Anna is wailing away. She will complain, not kicking up a fuss but we can sense her frustration.
hullo Mummies,

Thanks for the well-wishes. I'm still in hospital using their free internet access, gog to discharge tmr hopefully can discharge together with Julien. Hehe I dunno Baby will be big bb as well, tot max 3.2kg. Was really surprised when Gynea showed him to us when he pulled him out from my tummy &amp; he looked exactly like Ashley at birth. I was v v nervous when inject the epi jab &amp; not knowing what happen next. It was an amazing experience for me &amp; Hb to witness our birth of our boy, cos last chance liao. hehe.

Here's a pic of Julien which I kapor from my fren in June thread..


This week it's really an unlucky week. First my mum hospitalised on Sunday evening and discharge on Wed. Yesterday Xavier's teacher spotted 3 red spots in his mouth and fever at nite. Today brought him to see doc and diagnoised him got HFMD. It's his 2nd times liao.

sigh, next week have to take leaves again.
