(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

<font color="0000ff">twinklets,</font>
yes, it's amazing to witness the birth of our kids. Did you get emotional and cry?

So TMC has free internet access? Rest well!

<font color="ff6000">batman,</font>
Hope your mum is ok now.
Oh dear, Xavier has HFMD? Take care and hope X recovers soon.

<font color="0077aa">Hi Twinklets,

Congrats! Julien really looks like his jie jie! How much weight have you gained this time? Seems like you are prone to have big sized bbies. Hahhahah.
<font color="aa00aa">twinklets:
little julien looks so serene.
chubby chubby cheeks! hehehe

it's good that you are out of the hospital and resting at home.

take care.

poor Xavier, hopes he's better. Now got to isolate him from his bro liao

how big was julien? 3.2kg? D was 3.285kg at birth
thanks gals
Me in confinement now, brought back alot of memories of what happened 4 yrs ago. hehe. C wound still pain, so still walk like lao por por. Julien now dun really looks like Ashley already, so amazing how fast bbs change their looks. Hmm...

<font color="0000ff">Tigger</font>
Yes I was so emotional when I saw Julien, tears just rolled down. I'm so glad this time succesffully had Epi C, else i think I will be very ai wan 1..

Ya TMC got free internet access..

<font color="ff6000">Meow</font>
Julien birth @ 3.665kg.

<font color="ff0000">batman</font>
Really must be v tiring for u. U take care too. Hope Xavier feels better today. Luckily Gor Gor is very big already, can help u abit.
<font color="0000ff">Dewdrops</font>
err i think i pile up alot at trim 3.
think total is 18kg? I'm not sure also cos forget to measure at hospital.. I guess I just eat alot, so my 2 bbs all big sized 1. haha. But Ashley sure the giant here, she looked so big compared to Julien. Julien when admit out was 3.465kg, so seem tiny besides Ashley at birth.
Finally tis morn no more fever, but still complain mouth pain. Luckily the clinic still opened, otherwise my fever medicine is more than 6 mths. Dun knw still have give them to eat anote.

I can't give him cold drinks to relief the pain leh, cos his cough just recover.
But I didn't isolate him from gor gor leh. I just told gor gor dun go near him nia. I still have to bring him for tuition leh.

I have headache since morning till now. Just now quickly ate the headache medicine.
<font color="0000ff">twinklets,</font>
I thought I would cry too when I went thru both natural births. But I didnt, cos I was more relieved than anything else when the gynae managed to vacuum both kiddos out successfully.

How is your confinement so far? Manage to latch bb Julien?

I am counting down to the end of my confinement month. Feeling heaty now due to lack of sleep and too much red dates tea.
<font color="0000ff">Batman</font>
can he drink chrysantumum tea?

Hey u take care too leh. The weather is VERY BAD.

<font color="ff0000">Tigger</font>
I guess u were also too tired to get emo liao ler. Relieved overpowered everything. keke..

Engaging a Confinement Lady really make things more relaxed unlike my first confinement with my Mum. i wont feel paisay when Julien is crying &amp; yet I'm lying down to rest. :p CL food is nice too, I think bu fei cai kwai. haha. Yes I managed to latch him during hospital, but my supply is still low, he always hungry after I bf him. So supplement with FM.

So nice, u gog to come to an end liao, &amp; I just begin.
Sighs, I'm now having heat rashes &amp; abrasion rashes from the C wound plaster. So itchy. &amp; worst now I got NAPpY Rashes! I sit too much, i kana Nappy Rashes, I lie down too much, I backache.. really cham..
<font color="0000ff">twinklets,</font>
Yes, having a CL makes a lot of difference. I can relax more and spend time with the older ones while she takes care of bb. My CL went back to Malaysia since last fri and only be back tomorrow. These few nites has been tough for me. Have to pat the older ones to sleep before I can jagar baby. Nite feeding is so tiring. Feed already still need to pump.

Nappy rash? From the pad is it? Take care and try not to walk much. I also kana some rashes from wearing the pad for so many days. Sigh...never mind, your confinement will be over sooner than you thought. Just bear with it for the time being.
Was away for short trip and now come back, twinklets finally given birth.

Congrats to Twinklets and welcome Julien! Now having confinement must be tough with such weather. Anyway, very soon will be over. Just like tigger, so fast Kaeus already full month in a blink of eye.

BAD news... MY PUMP BROKE DOWN, the belt broke.. my hubby used rubber band... now can pump for awhile only.... how how???? help... anyone had old working ameda sitting in the store that can borrow???
Hello mummies...
Hope everyone is doing fine. ;)

Hi Twinklets,
Congras!! Julien looks chubby..
Hmmm.. I am quite motivated to start trying for #3 leow! ;)

U had Epi C too?? If u still feel pain at ur C wound, try to tighten ur binder. It might help a little.

How was ur shoppin trip tat day? So sorry tat i was nt able to make it. Too much work and my new boss is particularly concern abt us taking urgent leave. ;( Now i take leave, have to plan in advance.. Sigh..

Wow u are realli an amazing mom.. You realli make full use of your time wf ur kids.
I already gave up flashing cards to my gals. Those flashcards have been sitting in the Toyogo boxes for more than a year..
hi san..
so good life hor.... don know when then my hubby will go for holiday... everytime talk to him... he will say wait till he strike toto/4d/...

hi twinklets...
don get too worry about BM, latch as much as u can.. .try pumping after feed... it help to increase supply... but then it is tiring.... i'm luckily that time when i'm in my confinement... my boy go to my mother place... so no one to fan me...
wow its a very exciting trip i tell you lor. Tat day i'm suppose to be on MA so hor i shouldnt be touch. But hor, on and off i got receive calls from company asking me to back because of this swine flu lor. Wah liao, half way thru not even select my finals and calls keep coming in. Even ask me go back immediate aft i finish my physio. Then while i doing my physio, phone call keep ringing too. So sickening lor.
Hi Posh,

I got a friend selling her newly bought ameda...recently bought last mth ard 21/04/09...so use only for 2wks, u interested to get? She's selling for $280.

Keen, PM me lah
<font color="0000ff">Tigger</font>
That sound v tiring for u.. luckily ur CL is back today... Btw, Kayla still clingy? or better abit now?

My rashes not sure issit pad or not, but seem really more like sit too long on that day already. It is better now as I'm inside air con room most of the day...

<font color="ff0000">San</font>
wow so nice, where u go this time?

Ya now is like 1 week has passed, very fast end may. But think I more gan jiong abt coping alone. Now I'm more adapt to my confinement already &amp; stay in air con room most time, so rashes are better already &amp; I'm not so frustarted already..

<font color="119911">bblicious</font>
Ya i had epi c this time.. so nervous hor? hehe..
thanks, i heed ur advise to tighten it, &amp; it really helps..

hehe got calling for #3 hah??

<font color="aa00aa">Poshies</font>
U ok lar..ur gal so big already, ur pump has served u well... I tell u I even more TL lor.. I tested my Ameda Pump, OK 1 so I bough the accesories parts thro BP. Used it once in hospital that day, scully wanna use it on evening, it simply died on me. I lagi sian wor, feel like go bang wall. somemore engorged like hell man.. heng my sis got dual pump to lend me , else i still suffering from engorgement man...

I didn't pump after I latch, cos too shag liao ler. Suckle so long, like 1 hr to 1 hr+. I'm taking easy with BF now so not very stressed now..

hi twinklets..
wow luckily for u..... i had that time too... the other time my pump broken down in the middle of the pump.... haiz..... i'm also thinking the same time.. my gal is 13 month going to 14 month... so it should be enough.. but my supply so enough for her feeding... so a bit waste to stop now... plus the market so bad..... then FM so ex... haiz...

hi meow...
wow that is an exciting shopping trip for u hor.... did u buy alot of stuff.... haiz... keep frogetting need to get the cd from u lah.... i think i send u my address.... u post to me lah... don know when i got time to go n collect from u....

hi elaine...
i don know lah... i got all the stuff... only need the motor.... the service centre say can sell me the motor at 250 only lah....
Morning everybody,
I am damn suay. A bench collapsed on my left foot last Friday. Swelled up immediately like elephant leg that my slipper couldn't fit. Immediately put ice pack when I reached home but next morning swelled even bigger and the whole foot was bruised. It was so painful that I couldn't really walk. Only pair of shoes that fit and ain't painful to wear was my crocs. Went to do X-ray yesterday, thank goodness no fracture. Got to reduce walking so that the swell will go off so will be on mc till I fly off on Friday. But will probably go office on Thursday to clear my unfinished work.

<font color="aa00aa">twinklets</font>
Is your engorgement better?

<font color="ff6000">batman</font>
Hope Xavier's feeling better now. Schools are v strict now.

Do any of your kids have exams now? I saw the teacher's note on Zavier's communication booklet that he will be having Maths, English and Chinese exam next week. Gonna find out how the exams' gonna be like. Nothing much to prepare mah...
<font color="0000ff">Poshies</font>
nvm lar.. take it easy.. u can get an Avent manual pump if u dun wish to get a new motor.. haha.. i got 10 bottles of smilac samples from nurse when i discharged.. :p

<font color="aa00aa">Zyp</font>
Ya engorgement is ok already, finally cleared it when i reached home that day. Feel so much better in my mood..

oh dear, why that bench can just collapse like that? where's the bench? so u on mc now? take care ok &amp; dun walk too much.. u gog holiday tis week l iao ler...

EXAMS??? in comm book write this word? sure..?? Ash till now no homework 1, so definitely no exams for her.. abit kua zhang rite.. having exams at 4 YO? heheeh...

aiyoh.. i can hear my Julien crying like mad when pong pong now.. -__- hope 2nd mth he'll enjoy bathing man ..
aiyo, why the bench can collapsed onto your foot ah? Pls take care too.

Very strange leh! Only his mouth have ulcers, hand and foot dont have blisters leh. Does this also HFMD? The 1st time yes, but tis time round don't have wor.
Sigh! Even while sleeping, he keep complaining his mouth pain and only want to drink honey. Appetite also reduce but yesterday can eat abit more. He also don't want milk now. Hope he quickly heal.

I thought only Primary is having exam next week. N2 also have??? Don't worry too much, maybe the sch wants to give them a feel of test ba.
<font color="0000ff">twinklets,</font>
Kayla is not so clingy now but still shows signs of jealousy.

<font color="ff6000">zyp,</font>
Hope the swelling on your foot will subside soon. Going where for holiday?

How come N2 got exams? Aiyo...stress leh
<font color="0000ff">Batman</font>
U went to GP or PD? Tat time my mum brought Ash to normal GP, the GP said Ash got HFMD also, cos got uclers.. But we brought her to PD few days later, PD said it is not HFMD cos no rashes on foot &amp; hands, only 1 ucler at the mouth &amp; abit of throat inflamation. More like throat infection only. So who noes urs is just a normal ucler with throat inflamation?
Suay... went Beerfest with colleagues on Friday. A stupid drunkard jumped on the bench in an attempt to jump onto the table. I was sitting at the table beside, ready to go home. And the freak accident happened. I had a few drinks, think was numbed by alcohol, so didn't feel pain until I started walking. My foot swelled until my slipper couldn't fit. Otherwise I would have taken the man's contact and demand compensation from him. Anyway swelling is lesser now. Trying to walk lesser so that can recover in time for my London trip which has plenty of walking.

Really dunno why got exams now. His class is nursery only. I must clarify when I see the teachers tonight. Morning too rush to ask.

<font color="ff6000">twinklets</font>
I find it v stressful and dread bathing baby when they are v small... esp the crying. Hope Julien will enjoy his bath soon.

<font color="aa00aa">batman</font>
Maybe it's only a case of v serious ulcers?
Did the Dr give Bonjela? I read in the papers few weeks ago that it is not for children under 16 years old... so better dun use...
nah, just a short trip to HK/Macau as my mum keep want to go Macau so might as well hop over to stay in HK few nites plus fufill my wish for watching concert at HK coliseum. All you can go holiday if like me only wz 1 child. Luckily i back in time before the big hoo haa in HK and also lucky that guy didn't stay in the same hotel as me. If really stay same hotel, maybe i can get free 7 days of leave to be quarantine from work. haha.

Pounds exchange is much lower now so is a good time to shop.
Tat day is 1 May, so the GP tat we always went is closed so I brought him to the normal Clinic lo. I also don't really believe the doc's diagnoised as there's no blisters on the hand &amp; foot at all so till now I din tell the CC tat X is having HFMD.

The doc didn't give any medicine for ulcers. Only fever &amp; cough medicine, cos he's been coughing quite a while.
Alamak how come they are pressing u to go back? Did they check ur temperature then? So did u manage to grab any great buys from the fair?

Hehehe.. Gd to hear tat tis mtd is useful. Was wondering how come my 2nd c-sect was more painful than my 1st then the nurse told me to put my binder slightly tighter.. There will be less friction/movement at the wound area when i move ard hence less pain lor.. Kekeke..

Yah, got calling for #3 leow.. Wait till i move to my new flat then can start trying.. Lol..

Hope ur swell has subside and ur leg is better nw..

Exams???? First time i hear N2 have exams ley.. Sheri only brings back English, Maths and Chinese homework once a week. Only need to write a page of alphabets, numbers and strokes ley.


I just brought my gals to see GP tis afternoon. Shania is down wf runny nose. Sheri down wf cough. Doctor spotted 2 ulcers in her mouth bt hands and legs are fine so no cause for alarm..

I dun think he is suffering fm HFMD.. Dont worry too much.. Can try giving some cold Delrosa - Rosehip Vitamin drink?

Ameda pumps:
Seems like the newer sets of pumps are nt as reliable as before.. I remember the pump tat my sil bgt in 04 lasted for quite a few years. When i bgt mine in 06, it broke down before and i had a replacement.. And I have also come across a few cases where the Ameda pumps just stopped working within 1-2 yrs.

I wonder if Medela pumps have such pbms?
yeah i'm surprise how come nursey also got exam one meh? Stressful leh. I know K1 might have spelling right?

Wow go london wor. I'm flying off to taiwan next wed.

why ah? All thanks to an officer whom now left my unit lor. He put my name into the team that will be activate to set up equip if need. So more or less i'm now on standby. My phone cant be off and anytime will be recall back lor.

I bought 2 sets of thomas toys for my son lor. A barbie water doodle and some HK puzzles for sheryl. Nothing much lah, but i went down again on sat. Bought those makeup kit for sherly lor. Want to buy the knee and elbow guard with helmet for her when ride bike but thinking $36 like not cheap wor so didn't buy. Then on fri my friend went down again and she help me buy 1 vtech write light board lor.

I think he might not be HFMD but ulcers thats too heaty? Unless you wanna seek third opinion
<font color="0077aa">meow,</font>
Your house must be full of toys now. Next time I bring my kids to your place to play can? Then I can save $ on buying toys...hahaha.
<font color="ff6000">tigger</font>
Just the 2 of us

<font color="0000ff">bubb</font>
Wah you nick is really too long. Haha...
Thanks my foot is much better today... should be able to go to office tomorrow.

Zavier brings home those homework every Friday too. Clarified with his teacher, the exam is more like an assessment of how much he has learned and remember. I thought exam is too serious a word to write on the communication book. Wonder if other parents are as shocked as me.

<font color="aa00aa">Meow</font>
Enjoy Taiwan!
I'm supposed to go with friends in June... but they wanna pull out. Quite disappointed. Which airline are you flying with?
<font color="0000ff">Zyp</font>
good to hear ur foot is much beter now. Remember not to walk too much in office, be guai!

Hmm homework, Ash's cc so far no homework bring bk. I think I will just call up Teacher to ask since their Parents' Day is cancelled due to the Swine Flu. Their outing also cancelled &amp; Ashley has been looking forward to it, dunno how to tell her &amp; see her disappointment on her face. but is good lor, shd cxl also.
Give it a few more months la. You have barely settled down yet. Me too lor, wearing looser tops else sure invite stares from the locals here. Lucky this time round, my boobs size not as big as Justyn’s time…

I am a total failure in the kitchen works. Cannot bake at all. Maybe I should really try hor… Too bad, no oven in new place now.. sigh

Symone looks like my sister. My sister is really huge. MIL said Symone takes after pui yu (fat aunty aka my sister). Brought her for her 2 mths jab yesterday and she is already 5.5kg!! More than double her birth weight. I thought she is prolly abt 5kg. She has grown more than we expected, she is indeed catching up.

I do not missed confinement at all.. that was the worst part about child birth. Confinement during Symone’s was the worst of all. Lack of sleep shortly within the first week cos had to run around between home, MIL’s pl and hospital. Symone feeds more frequently, wanting to latch on the moment I try to fall asleep again. Not to mention, MIL’s phone calls and visits every now and then were just driving me crazy. Was having minor post natal depression at a stage. I thought I would have a good rest and confinement by getting my aunty to do it for me this time. Dread having to go through all those again.

Twinklets, keep yourself occupied and rest more.. Nappy rash? You wanna consider switching brand? I had the same problem too. Had to wear thinner ones but change more often lor.
wah! I started getting Justyn to write alphabets and numbers. Bought those books in sgp which they have dotted lines one. Thought I am being KS to get him to do homework at 4 yrs old.. Did not think that SGP schs started so early!!! In Justyn's school here, they do not start academic so early yet till he is in the next grade (I think) from Aug. Sch terms starts in Aug.. Justyn hates to do homework and he finds all kind of excuses, go toilet, hug bolster, walks around. It takes lots of effort, nagging and voice raisingbefore he completes writing.. *faint*
can ah, you can come. but my place is damn messy lor. It can never finish packing. Anyway most toys i kept in store waiting to give away to them when its a special occasion.

wow so nice wor. Me never thought of leaving the kids with my parents to travel wor. Last time got lah, now dun have. Wait the kids thought we dessert them. So how will the school test them?

can lah, your vege cracker pass already so sure better than me lah
<font color="0000ff">Tsp</font>
dun say u lar, I'm also a failure in bakes. Ya agreed with Meow, ur vege cracker already win most of us here liao. Actually cook such stuffs are more work then bakes, so bu jian dan also leh.

Oh dear, ur confinement sound like 'no rest' to u. Heng now u are far far away from them liao. keke. I think if u want it another 1 next time, better engage a confinement lady, let her do all the work for u, then u can rest &amp; just focus on BF.

ya I think U &amp; Tigger shd be right on the pad tat cause the nappy rash. shd be I sit too long on it also, then too heaty liao. Ok tmr I'll start use the thin 1, see ok or not. Now is manageable, so long i dun go start scratch it then it is fine.

Hmm i cant sleep yet, still need to pump at 1145pm. Sighs..

hi bubb,
yup lor.. .my pump only used for a year broken down already... don know whether becoz of my heavily usage.... now i'm in the lost... don know whether a not to continue or stop.... the pump original should be enough... with the weak pump this few day.. .the supply drop anot.... maybe ... i should stop but a bit waste... hazi... plus mil who take care of my gal is so happy to serve her EBM... haiz...
<font color="aa00aa">meow:
have fun there!

we were supposed to go with my parents, sis and her hub but my hub's colleagues took 3 weeks off in June already and I was left high and dry.

so now my parents, sis and her hub are traveling before the sch hols and i get only a trip to msia during the hols. double
hahahaha but at least got holiday lah.. so i dont complain. hehehe

re: swine flu
thankfully, alert level has been brought down to yellow. phew! past few days were kind of maddness in schools.

2 temperature checks and all.. and some of my kids in school,... can still forget to bring.. sigh.. i guess its good to still check every now and then else everyone will become complacent.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">meow:
have fun there!

we were supposed to go with my parents, sis and her hub but my hub's colleagues took 3 weeks off in June already and I was left high and dry.

so now my parents, sis and her hub are traveling before the sch hols and i get only a trip to msia during the hols. double
hahahaha but at least got holiday lah.. so i dont complain. hehehe

re: swine flu
thankfully, alert level has been brought down to yellow. phew! past few days were kind of maddness in schools.

2 temperature checks and all.. and some of my kids in school,... can still forget to bring.. sigh.. i guess its good to still check every now and then else everyone will become complacent.</font>

<font color="0000ff">Twinklets</font>
Congrats on baby julien! and I agree he does look like ash at birth :D

<font color="aa00aa">Zyp</font>
hope ur feet is better.. and enjoy ur trip! I'm quite grounded in SG since I just started new job and HB dun wan to go hol wout e kids, plus I'm still pumping.. etc etc..

I would sure love to go London! Then I can buy the bags myself! lol

<font color="119911">Tigger</font>
U like Poohy, very zai with kids one lah.. sure can handle. If I'm u, long ago peng-san liao. Thank god nigel sleeps thru earily, o/wise I dunno how am I going to survive.

<font color="ff6000">Pump</font>
I think electronic devices, once u leave it idle, it'll spoil v fast that's why I dun like to keep. If change, I'll prefer to discard.
