(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

I went to joyce last year 1Oct. That time dun hv goldfish. She's getting more and more props & I like her style very much. I will go to her again end of this year.
Happy Birthday to Sheryl and Xavier!

<font color="0000ff">Meow,</font>
Sheryl's cake is v sweet! She's into princess now huh?

Zavier had a celebration in CC yesterday, and another one at home last night. After that, he fell and had a baluku on his head. Luckily it wasn't too serious. Will upload the photos when I have time.

<font color="ff6000">SC</font>
Nice photos!!!
Shanice looks v big leh... not like a 2yr old to be. hee...

<font color="aa00aa">twinklets,</font>
My company's ML is 2 calendar months plus 8 weeks (8x 5 working days). It should be according to MOM's standard.
<font color="ff6000">SC</font>
the photos are nice, i like! How much is the package? PM me ok??

Think I'm U, with a 2 YO, I'll be stressed of her taking out the goldfish &amp; go SQUEEZE IT.

Thanks for the advise. Really appreciate that.

I think i give up on my HR liao.. I just called up to ask abt 3 mths equivalent to how many days, my HR mgr can tell me is 20 days x 3!!??! gosh.. cos the 4th mth is 20 days. I wanna faint lor. This can show my HR is super duper blur. Lucky Ash was born in end Apr &amp; I agar agar remember which date I went to bk to work last time, so my previous gynea is using 84 days, sighs nvm lor I use 84 days though I think I lugi abti lor.. -_-
Happy b'day to all April b'day boys n gals!!

SC, wow your kids are chubby chubby! cute!

for me, the maternity leave is based on 1 mth= 4wks = 28 days (incl. of weekend of public holidays), so if your HR only calculate trhe working days, it's correct that 1 mth maternity lve equals to 20 working days
Shanice look different from young. Moreover, I think she put on weight right?

I see Meow's Sheryl photo, she also put on. Both sheryl and shanice used to look petite to me but now, both look much chubbier. My Denyce, getting slimmer and slimmer with the recent keep falling sick episode. When i see her leg like a stick, damn ugly especially when wearing shorts. Now the jeans she used to wear becomes looser and totally no butt at all! Similar to those hip hop style kind of jeans when she wear her jeans. Her upper thigh circumference like not much difference from her lower thigh. Faint..
Seeing so many of you taking studio photos, me also very itch wanting to take it but hb don't like the idea. He said waste $$$ wor. Sigh.
<font color="119911">Batman</font>
i cont' call u batman lar, used to it liao. :p
ML will start next week. Cant depend much on my HR scare they calcuate &amp; lugi me..

<font color="ff0000">Sc</font>
Ya i also think Shanice is more chubbier liao, she is so sweetie pie &amp; her cheeks are so rosy. Thanks for the link, u guys are good, have been taking so many studio pics. My hb also not fancy the idea of gog such studio pics. Same like San's hb.

<font color="0000ff">Sweetbabe</font>
But if my HR gog to use 20 days x 3 = 60 days, i lugi leh ..
i think k n s both hv chubbier cheeks... they not chubby leh... k's weight quite stable at 22kg for a few mths liao... s wise, she got a bit heavier but her legs n arms not meaty kind loh... mabbe its that halter top lah...
Thanks ladies for the wishes...

i also think its 20days leh. I where got so smart to bake a cake. Oven also dun have. Only design and ask them make only lah that's my expert haha...

pretty?? Erm ok lah, her hair is very messy when she took the photo. But she's happy indeed for the cake and present.

Yeah she like pink so i ask for something that can match her liking. Darryl's cake huh...wait till May ah. Hope they can do as well lor. Eh ah gal really very look like daddy leh. Ah boy still like you lor. Nice photo. I also like the one with fish

yeah i bought the deco last year keke...i bought some of her fave character so what ever she wan i will have them to place on cake lor. Imaging one time i ask her what she want for cake, she told me no toy on cake wan picture on cake, i almost faint cos that kind of cake will be very big and ex and i'm not holding any party

she's into princess since last year already. And Darryl loves thomas. He can even say thomas but not very good pronounciation. It sound like Om.mas and James like Jam..ss

oh yeah she put on so much weight. She's now 19kg leh. Over weight or not ah? She's so heavy still ask HB to carry her leh
my s oso likes pink... everytime she sees something pink she'll say that item belongs to her, any items in blue belongs to her gor gor n any items green belongs to daddy... mummy is transparent... ahahahahaha...
<font color="0000ff">SC</font>
Joeson is only 13kg. That's why I ask this question. That is alot of difference. Gosh... what is wrong with my boy?!!!
Sheryl 19kg and K 22 kg. Gosh, then my gal is super underweight.

My gal can hold hands with Joeson liao. She also abt 12+ - 13 Kg ONLY!!! Btw, why change yr nick to such a special one? Why don't you call yrself 老张的女人 instead? hehe. Nice bor?
<font color="0000ff">SC</font>
It's Joeson. Anson is only 10.3kg.

<font color="119911">San</font>
I prefer to be the mummy of the little one rather than place myself in position as the partner of the old one. Hehehe..... 张弟 is Anson's nick given by MIL mah....

Wah... luckily your gal also almost same weight. Or else, I seriously gotta find out what's wrong with his diet liao.
i like your suggestion to angel... ahahahaha... good one!!!

i think as long as the kids are healthy is ok lah... dun be too bothered by numbers...
K is 22 kg??? My elder boy 8 yrs old is 24kg and his butt is ba ba type. But I don't find him skinny type. You sure bo?
Xavier is abt 14 kg but i find him abit skinny le.
<font color="0000ff">Sc</font>
Wow!! K is 22kg??!! Really have to see K ben ren then will know he's 22 kg or not. From his pic here, I dun see the 22kg. WOw! Mine i think maybe hit 17kg liao ler since I also find her recent bui bui liao.

Yeah I also like San's suggestion to ANgel leh. ahahahah!
<font color="ff6000">SC,</font>
Nice studio shots! I long to bring the kiddos for a studio shoot but really cannot find the right time to do that.

Wow, K is growing very well. Keane will need a long time to catch up with him.

<font color="0077aa">Angel,</font>
Dun worry so much abt Joeson's weight. As long as he is eating well and is healthy, that's good enough. Keane and Joeson can shake hands cos their weight is almost the same.

don worry... u have another companion..... that is Gerald... i think he is less than 15kg.... haha.... but mei mei weight is catching up... think she is more than 10kg already....
<font color="0000ff">SC</font>
K is 22kgs????? Valerie "only" 16ish.. and I thot she is heavy... I think I should check the weighing scale.. maybe it's 'underdeclaring'.. hmm.. but it didn't 'under-declare' hb's weight leh.. LOL.

Pictures very nice.. I also want.. better do so while I'm still slim from breastfeeding.. o/wise stop liao sure balloon again.. sigh

Sat goto ur hse.. bring down my Coach stuff k? Must find a good time to take from u to prevent HB from seeing.. LOL LOL LOL

<font color="aa00aa">Birthday cake</font>
Next wed val's bday liao.. we still haven't thot of wat cake to buy to bring to her school???? Daddy mommy getting lazy liao.. I bot the disney princess party deco thingie.. better remember to use man..
hi mummies,
yes as per his last visit to pd for his cough in mar 09, he is 22kg... he is darn heavy n always demands to be carried... so his dad will be the one carrying him... s, is abt 11kg+ loh... tt's y i say she's not chubby... cos compared to her gor gor she's very small size... ahahahaha...

u can go after your confinement, take a weekday slot then can hv more time cos the kids need time to warm up... errr tt's provided daddy can take leave... hee hee...

sure sure, u must remind me ah... i put the scarves inside the nice wristlet leh...

joyce saw him n said his flesh very firm... very good to pinch... ahahahaha..
<font color="0000ff">Sc</font>
K's built is so good!

Talking abt celebration in school, later I'm gog down to Ash's Cc to celebrate with her frens. Decide to hold it earlier for fear of next week pop. Hee purposely hold it today also becos today is her Lunar Birthday too. Cant feel feeling excited abt it now, hope she wont be sticky &amp; yang orr when she sees me later. Kinda sad that Daddy cant participate due to work comittments though.
<font color="ff6000">SC,</font>
I dun think I will go for the shoot anytime soon. Firstly, must ensure I have slim down to my ideal weight before can show face. And then I want to include Kaeus in the shoot so gotta wait till he is older. Maybe by the time he is able to crawl, then I will consider taking some family studio shots.
<font color="aa00aa">Meow</font>
You same as SC and San ah.... also like to bully me.

<font color="119911">SC</font>
Yeap.... my 2 kids finally recover liao. 2 weeks of nightmare, finally over.

<font color="ff6000">Tigger</font>
Hehe.... I'm relieved now that Joeson is not the odd one. The mahjong confirmed with supplier liao! Should be on it's way soon. Heeeeee
pls loh, i dun think u put on a lot of weight as long as i can see loh...

i where got bully u?? i juz praise san for her brilliant suggestion oni mah... ahahahaha...

glad that your 2 bao beis + mr teoh are alright... now u can heave a big sigh of relief!!!

Thanks! Justyn is ok now. Kids forget easily. He still continues to jump on bed and sofas despite our reminders on his head. We were so worried he will fall again and his stitches will open up. Anyway, he just had his stitches removed.

Justyn still pathetic, not more than 15 kg now.. But my shoulders are aching bfg Symone.. Already 4.7kg at 8 weeks!

You should have no prob getting back to old shape la.
<font color="ff6000">angel,</font>
Thanks! Pls let me know how much I owe you ok?

<font color="0077aa">SC &amp; tsp,</font>
I weighed myself today...sad lor..still have at least 8kg to go before pre-preggy weight. Must work hard on breastfeeding liao.

<font color="119911">tsp,</font>
Wow, your BM is really power. Symone is gaining weight well.
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Hi Mummies,

I'm changing maid again. This current maid cannot take care of my boy... and is very forgetful, keep reminding her yet she can make the same mistakes the next day... *sigh*...

Then at night, cannot wake up for nite feed... best part is, my boy cries, she ignores... i just has to say, siti, make milk, she can hear and wake up to make milk...

I'm so tired, every night got to wake her up... and it come to a point that i do the night feed myself.

And she is quite rough with my kids. One night, i pretended to be asleep, i saw her pushing my boy who is sitting on the mattress after a night feed. Immediately screamed at her. My boy fell backwards. Even though he's on a mattress, she shouldn't be doing this to him.

She will roughly pull my girl aside too...

When will i meet a good maid. Can't wait for my boy to turn 2... maybe at that time, i don't need a maid anymore.
<font color="0077aa">Carla</font>
Yeap... if your maid behaves that way, then it's best to let go liao. If for me, I'll ask her to pack in the morning, 6am, then bring her straight to agent liao. Can't stand having maid handle my kid roughly. HOrrible!

<font color="ff6000">Meow</font>
I admit la.... I, I, I.... This San ah, thought I took a big break from this thread for quite long, she still..... SAN!!!!

<font color="aa00aa">SC</font>
Yeap, the 3 Mr Teohs are ok now. Heee..... Only that Anson still have the tired bone inside him. Still feel sleepy most of the time. But I'm sure by tomorrow he's well enough to go over to the party! Look forward!

<font color="119911">Tigger</font>
Update you again!
<font color="ff6000">Carla,</font>
I cannot tolerate maid being rough to my kids. I will change her for sure.

For nite feeding, I never let my maid do it. I rather let her have a good nite sleep so that she can concentrate on taking care of my kids during day time.
So sian leh...thought Darryl LS is over but it seems never go away leh. Its a week already and he didnt see any doc wor. Dunno if its stomach flu or plain diarrhea. His butt is now as red as apple again like last thur. Now he walks like a duck
Even give Isomil also LS and whole can finish liao change back to Gain still LS. Why ah? Anyone has any idea? If anyone got isomil tell me wor...i'm waiting for abbott to send me my voucher.
hey, change yr nick to the one i suggested lah. Since so well like by so many of us. Dun disappoint us and let my creativity goes down the drain. haha.

think not getting the leapster for the moment.

Darryl LS, you can go pharmacy buy those priobiotic powder for him to drink. 1 sachet for 1 time. I can't remember what is the brand call. Its easily buy at pharmacy dun even need pharmacist to prescribe. Last time D LS, doctor also give this powder.
thanks... even during the shoot, they dun play together, oni fights... hard to get them to sit down n take a decent sibling foto... sigh...

do give san's suggestion a serious tot... ahahahaha...

aiyo, your maid sounds like cannot make it leh... poor u, its very tiring to change/train maid... *pat pat*

is that kind of voucher to replace the good baterial that's also found in vitagen? I got give that to him but stop when he was better. Now its back again.
