(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

oh dear... hope darryl will be better now ....


sweatcorn.. how is the birthday party... sorry din reply u.... too caught up with issues... then my darling mei mei suddenly sick... running flu... haha...

tell u sometime very blur of me.... on sat morning at 2am... mei mei wake up at 2am... crying... cough.... hubby say her nose is block... so try all way to make her comfortable... but she refuse... keep crying and crying... my darling son can sleep all the way through... then up to about 3.30am... then i realise could she be hungry... but due to her nose block... so i warm up half of bottle of ebm (she had wean off from latching long long ago.... haiz... simply refuse to latch on) then after finish half of it... still cry.. then i realise she is 100% sure hungry... go n warm up another full bottle for her.... then after she drank.. happily went back to sleep.... see how blur i can get...

<font color="0077aa">Shane,</font>
thanks. pls send the foto to me can? u got my email anot?

yes she has long hair n always sweating!!! still thinking wanna cut it anot... sigh...
Hi Mummies,

My maid asked for a transfer. She agrees that she can't take care of young kids.

Luckily I have the intention to change her and already selected another maid. Wanted Filipino but my mum cannot speak english leh... so, no choice, got to have indo cos at least my dad can speak malay.

My new maid coming this weekend. Told my current maid to work till my new maid arrives. Been doing all the night feed when she told me she wants to trf. Now, very tired... brain blocked.

Year 2009 is a horrible year for me. Can't wait for the year end to arrive.

RE: Long hair,
My girl also want to keep long hair... but the way she sweats, i think it's better to keep it short.
<font color="0000ff">Sc</font>
hee sound like Ashley. I told Ashley I cant let her keep too long cos her neck always got rashes. Long hair is really pretty &amp; sweet, haiz too bad my gal is an itchy monkey!!

<font color="ff0000">Carla</font>
Hope this round, your new maid will be a good one. Really so stress to get a good maid. Haiz.

Ya if ZW keeps sweating kind, best keep it short.
yes long hair is nice n sweet but its tedious to maintain loh... this lazy mummy here dun tie her hair one... so u see her hair nicely tied means its the hard work of her maternal grandmother... ahahahaha...
<font color="ff6000">SC,</font>
Nice cake for S! You ordered from Cupcake Divinity rite? Saw the cake in their blog.

<font color="0000ff">Carla,</font>
Are you still on maternity leave or back to work already? I can understand how tired it is to do nite feed. Kayla is coming to 2 YO soon and she hasn't wean off her nite feed so I am always lack of sleep.
<font color="ff6000">SC,</font>
At least Shanice allows your mum to tie her hair. Kayla's hair is long enough to tie up now but she refuses to let anyone of us to touch her hair.
Same here SC!! i also lazy to tie her hair 1. Now she's older, she is the 1 wanna me to tie hair.

Tigger, u wait awhile. Maybe Kayla will more willing to let u guys tie next year. Ash smaller time also like tat 1.
My boy already 14 mths liao leh... back to work long ago... just that in the past, when my former maid is around, she did the night feeds... so i have good rest. Now, after the maid left, I did the night feed, lost weight etc... Now hoping my boy will wean off soon...

Re: Long hair
I also dunno how to tie my girl's hair. When i saw her classmate having nicely tied hair, I felt ashamed leh... hahaah... I don't know how to doll up my girl... think my girl quite poor thing, one of her cousins always wear nice dresses, nice shoes, matching accessories, hair properly tied up, etc...
she'll turn her head here n there lah... sometimes even remove the rubber bands... sigh... so when we go out, i very lazy to tie her hair... at home she's like auntie cos her mummy anyhow tie her hair... u can see her messy hair from the fotoshoot... tt's mummy's standard... ahahahahaha...

yes the cake is from cupcakedivinity... i ordered 2 cakes + cupcakes from them for their party n the sch party too...
<font color="ff6000">Carla,</font>
Oh, he is 14mths liao...so it's time to wean off.

<font color="0000ff">SC,</font>
How is the taste of their cakes? I didn't see Kaeden's cake in their blog.
Congrats!!! Heh i'm so late... the siblings look so alike, so cute.

Happy belated birthday to all the little kids!

SC, nice cake!
send you another day ok, me tonight duty so no access till tomolo night. So happen took the pic, wanted to take a pic of the cake but see your gal wan cut cake so take a quick shot of her.

your gal was also capture in one of the shot. I shall post another day.

my gal also sweat too. Glad your maid request for a transfer. Hope you new maid will be able to tolerate.
their cakes taste jus like cupcake lor. Moist in the centre(no cream) and dry on the cake itself. I will say not like norm cake. SC told me some of her friends say not nice. I ask my HB, he say not very good too.
wow... so good hor... my gal no hair lah... now thinking whether should i shave her... have shave her bold once at 4th month... now still not much hair... plus she sweat alot.... recommendation....

so any more meeting soon......
your gal still small lah dun worry her hair will still grow eventually one.

yeah taste up to individual lah dun think like that will be sue mah.... Eh can fondant be eaten? I only eat the cake, never touch the fondant. My gal only eat the small flower, the mushroom she say hard wor.
i think its not very nice to post such comments in a public forum... everyone's opinion/taste is different loh... wat one perceived as good may not be wat others think as good...
<font color="ff6000">SC,</font>
I ordered their cupcakes before. Design wise is very nice but most frens commented that the cupcakes were too sweet. So I wonder if their cakes will taste the same.
<font color="0000ff">Poshies</font>
14 mths already still can shave mah?
better think carefully leh..

give her up to 18th mths lar. Some kids hair growth are naturally slower 1 der lo.
<font color="0077aa">Hi Carla,

Understand your frustrations on maid issue. My one say want to stay after went to stay with Agent for a week while I was at Taipei. The agent tell her she is stupid to quit when she can only take money home. Now the "automatic system" seems to be better. See how long it can last..

Btw, my hubby realised that your girl, Ziwei and Xavier are in the same cc. She is with Kookaburra class while he is with Nightingale. He also knows who is Ziwei. How long has she been with Pat's Schoolhouse?</font>

i'm in the lost for my gal hair... one 1 hand my mother ask me to shave.... on the other hand.. my mother in law say don want.... actually i'm okie with or without shave... just afraid next time.... she no hair blame me...
hair will grow one lah. Have you ever see a school gal with no hair? No right? My hair also very thin at birth but here i'm now lor

Xavier just joined recently? Wow, how did your hubby found out abt Ziwei? Hahaa... my girl has been with Pat's since April 08... She loves going to school.

I made her stay at home yesterday as there is a case of HFMD on Mon. So, want to monitor the situation first. She was crying and insisted on going to sch! So weird... if i were her, i would gladly stayed at home.

BTW, did xavier receive a gift from ziwei last fri? Prepared the party packs for both KKookaburra and Nightingale. Initially thought the 2 classes will celebrate birthdays together as advised by her teacher that i need to prepare 24 party packs. And i got a 2 kg cake lor. When i arrived, then they told me Nightingale is having music lessons and will not be joining. Then I learnt from Ziwei that they usually don't combine the two classes for birthday celebrations. Very confused by her teacher. Anyway, i brought the cake down to the rest of the students for them to enjoy and passed the party gifts to the teacher to distribute to Nightingale.

ohh I know which one... how's it? Are they academic or? S &amp; J are in LW but I do a constant look out for good cc cos it will be Josh's turn in a year's time. Location plays a part cos their current cc a bit far though near my office.

What is LW? Heard of LV - Learning Vision but not LW.

Academic? To be frank, I'm not so sure... hahaa... I'm a bit bo chap. Just throw her there and that's it. Dewdrop might be able to provide you with more info.

I noticed that my girl is more outspoken now, *sigh*... not sure if this is a good thing too...

My girl will come home with the program sheet and it will tell the parents what are being covered for that week. But to be frank, i seldom look at it.

They are using letterland for phonics. Have scheduled waterplay, outdoor play, indoor play, etc....

Have signed my girl up for the swimming lessons and piano class starting May 09. Good for parents like me who don't have time to bring her to swimming / piano lessons during the weekends.

LW is Lorna Whiston Preschool. They also have those outdoor play, waterplay, sand play.... in fact they play a lot. I dunno what phonics system they do though. The school compound restricted so cannot do swimming class etc. In fact this year for N2, S only has the option of Speech and Drama for enrichment. While there is none for J.

LW also give program sheet on what they teach that week... but I also dun really read diligently... too busy everyday.


can share with me how academic or not is Pats?

The swimming / piano lessons are not in the school compound. They partnered with Aqua (dunnowhat) and Harmony Road to conduct the lessons. The school will arrange for transportation to and fro. Just need to pick the kids up at a certain timing.

They do have extended day programme such as speech &amp; drama (Chinese), Speech and drama (English) and Music. I did not sign up for the extended day programme cos would like my girl to go home and rest instead.

ya that's a good idea of transporting the kids. Maybe I should suggest to LW. For this year, both my kids are on full day programme.. so I let S join the drama...
On saturday I bring them to JG drama and sunday, berries. How I wish their sch provides swimming class.. then I dun need to source for one myself. At times, I felt tempted to change school.... LW is quite exp but there is minimal enrichment leh, even if I wanna pay more for the enrichment also dun have. sigh

I had considered that many times.. but worried S will have a tough time adapting... he already start the beginning of the last 2 years crying for a few months even though its the same cc. J's teachers this year are great so I stayed put for the year lor.
<font color="0077aa">Hi Carla,

Xavier joined this year Jan. He brought back a little cow toy. Is that from you? I also celebrated Xavier's birthday on the 15th with his class Nightingale. Will upload some photos when I download them from the camera later. The teacher also asked if want to celebrate with Kookaburra class but then later she say she has to swap music lesson with Kookaburra so I assume only celebrate with his class only.

I also didn't sign up Xavier for the extended classes although I am very tempted too. But Xavier is usually very sleepy by lunch time. So the Daddy say better not.

We also kept Xavier away from the cc the day that the teacher told us that got suspect HFMD case. But today one of the teachers called and clarified that it was a false alarm. Their service level to parents is quite good. Whenever Xavier misses a class, the teacher will sure call and find out why. One time Xavier got hit accidentally by one the classmate, the teacher also wrote in his communication folder and explained properly to my hubby.

Hi Poohy,

I am not sure what you meant by academic. I don't really see any worksheets given to them. I only see the art and craft that the teachers usually pack into his communication folder. I know the teacher will recite storybooks and sometimes Xavier will recite some Chinese poems and songs the Chinese teacher teaches. He particularly likes the music lesson which is taught by a dedicated Music Teacher which is quite unique of this cc. Xavier will come home singing his songs and imitiating the teacher at home. Overall we are quite satisfied with his current cc. He is so much more happy here than the previous cc. When we spoke with the principal, she did mention that they do segregrate those fast learners from the rest but giving them more challenging worksheets. Maybe that is for the older children's class, I am not sure.

I must admit the food served here is much better too. It looks very appetising even to adults and the variety is much better. Of course, the school fees is also very much upmarket too. $900 per month for half day class. Really feel the pinch. If go for the extended classes, the fees will be >$1000.</font>
<font color="0077aa">Hi,

The Daddy clarified that $900 is before subsidy, after subsidy is $750. In case, anyone is interested.

hi crystalmum,
thanks alot.... since more pple say don shave... then just let my mother in law be.. .since she is the one taking care of her...

hi dewdrop.... wow that is ex... hehe.... my hubby already complaing abt gerald's school fee.... his full day is $850 before susidy.... btw he is at mmi jw sport complex...
Hi Dewdrop,

Next year we can celebrate the birthdays togather... my girl's b/d is on the 17th... heehee....

Yup, the cow marker is from me. Dunno what to get so just get a marker that make noise.

I asked Ziwei last night if she knows who is Xavier. The first thing that come to her mind is the boy who always wear a bear bear cap. Is that true? Haahaaa....

BTW, you haven't told me how come your hb knows that i sent my daughter there... quite interested to know..

Overall, I'm very comfortable leaving my girl at Pat's. The dedicated music teacher, Mr Ivan, even taught me how to conduct music session at home when i was there to pick up my girl on my off day... haahaa... feel like telling him I'm not musically inclined... he's really passionate.

The teacher updated me on the HFMD at 8pm using her HP. Quite impressed. They have to call all the parents and update them accordingly.

As for the food, Ziwei did complain that sometimes when she wanted a second helping, there's no more food. *sigh*...

Poohy, consider putting S there. i think there's still vacancies.


S cries because he has very poor adaptability and each year, they have a change of their teachers. Recently he started to settle down again. Also partly because he dun like to go full day. So I gotta go pick him up at lunch sometimes even though he is on full day. J is ok with the classes.

the teachers there are quite good too... and very caring... every teacher know every other kids' name in the school. Its like everyone know everyone. Maybe its just me... my expectation is high for them because of the high fees.


sounds like the same thing at LW. Lots of art n craft till I start throwing... too much liao. But recently they started doing much more writing and mandarin... S's mandarin improve alot. Pats at clementi is one of the cc I have in mind to visit ... mainly for Josh... just for variety... other than that is the chiltern house at turf city.

LW's sch fee is also hefty... $900 for half day too... and about $1.4k for full day if I din remember wrongly. Same for J.... all levels same price. And any after school enrichment is extra cost even for full day kids. So I pay extra for the speech n drama which is on top of what they already incorporate in the normal programme.
