(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

<font color="0000ff">Sweetbabe</font>
Tsp in Singapore now.

<font color="ff0000">Wen</font>
Ashley doesnt likes to trace in real books. So i print out worksheets from online for her to do at home sometimes. Last time she insisted me to draw dots for her to join the letters.
congrats sp! look forward to seeing the photo of your baby girl.

Zavier has homework from school every Friday. Currently he's still tracing different line patterns for English and Chinese characters for numbers. Now till no. 3 only. Although he's always v enthu abt his homework, he usually won't last thru even the first worksheet without complaining he is tired. It always takes me alot of coaxing and threatening to make him sit through and finish all the 3 worksheets.
<font color="0000ff">blurmom</font>
anna is so galish &amp; pretty!I like her rosy complexion. Think she's gog to have pretty nice hair like Jie Jie too next time.
<font color="aa00aa">blurmom:
yes yes.. agree with the other mummies that anna has girly features.. very nice chin especially.

joshua .. so bright looking!
yeah. many friends said that she looks like jie jie.. means she will look like daddy. so sad.. none look like me.

at first i felt that joshua looked different from Samuel and Joelle. but the 2nd pic, he does resemble Samuel
you let him "swim" in the pool!

btw, how's Joelle now? better?
krazy, thanks ;)


ya I let Josh swim in the spa pool at home. But it waste a lot of water
So I also go in after he finished and S &amp;J also play water in it hehee
Yesterday we bring him to swim in a swimming pool, he was perfectly ok about it... never cry though it was really cold .... but we managed to swim for 15min only cos heavy rain sigh.

J is much much better now. For 1 month already, she had not had a single of those hysterical meltdown. Able to articulate what she want and dun want and is much more patient with us. And she speaks in full sentences now though her diction still need improvement. I was really happy with her progress and she even know how to read with simple phonics blending after I taught her once.

S is my new headache now. Long story.
Joshua looks like samuel in the second pic leh. Wow glad J has improve even know blends too. I doubt Sheryl knows lor
WOw, Mummies, Seeing all the new babies makes me wanna try for number 3.. but then cannot make it la.. with 2 cannot tahan already.

Anna is sweet, so lucky to have 2 girls!!! I also want to have a girl.


What is vtech? Is it fun? I'm interested.
blurmom, meow,

ya its a relief... I really hope she will continue to improve. There is still some lag like diction but generally she has improve to the point where we find that she does not urgently needs therapy. Thus even though she finally got an appointment after 8 months on a top occupational therapist's wait list, we decided to postpone it. No point wasting money (cos the first appointment alone cost $500+ ) so we will just wait and see.


i see all pretty.... hopefully my boy looking gal... will grow up pretty.... every where i bring her... every one will say i have 2 handsome boy.... haiz... so sad....
i boy my gal to aquaduck somewhere earlier on.... she was crying away.. .think the water too cold for her.... but she love playing with water during bath... and can tell me she don want to come up...
<font color="0000ff">TSP</font>
CONGRATS! Rest well!

<font color="119911">Writing/Tracing</font>
This year Val started having homework to do. It's tracing, either alphabets or chinese characters (numbers). It's only 1 worksheet so it's ok, she'll write them but her handwriting sucks (*lol*). Most of the time she gets "B" I think (*lol*). Anyway she's very distracted also. She'll write but after one she'll talk to u.. u'll have to tell her to finish her writing, she'll write another and then talk to u again.. so this cyclec continues until she finishes the last one.

Valerie can't write her own name neither can she do simply phonics blending. Even asking her to do puzzles to make up words is not easy. She's very one-track mind. If she's holding to the alphabet "R" for say the word puzzle "CAR", she'll only want to fix the R onto the C. And if she can't, she'll give up.. must constantly encourage her to try and sometimes give her some 'help'.


let val watch leapfrog word factory dvd ... think it helps. once val know all phonics sounds v well, start with simple 2 letter blend eg "at". Once she know "at", put "c", "s", "m" etc in front to form the simple words. I teach S &amp; J with this method. Then to read sentences, need to teach them some sight words too. Once they know that, write simple sentences with the words they learnt to encourage them

at first it was tough but after a while they know the technique liao.
<font color="aa00aa">li:
nope. different seller.

my one,.. she quoted me. $75 for 2LB bottles. thats 1.14kg i think. personally, i feel the medium sized bottles are best .. cuz not too large that will contanminate if not handled properly or finished fast enough.

hmm.. also this thread.. the organiser hasnt added in shipping charges.. will definitely cost more than the $80 she is charging now..

Package is on the way!!
wow, joelle hair is so long and nice. I wanted to grow D's hair long long as well but not successful. Till around armpit area and then i will trim it. My mum will nag why mus grow her hair so long etc. As long as can tie up enuff liao. And they also said that the longer the hair, it will need more nutrients and this will 'take away' the nutrients from the child.

ya ... I actually prefer short hair... cos long hair need to manage and tie... I dun really like it cos felt it will cause unnecessary hair loss and I dun have much hair to begin with ... so I thought likely J would inherit the thin hair from me. But my mum insist on keeping her hair long... but I do bring her to trim.

oic.seems like urs is cheaper. &amp; agree better not to get too big bottle. too bad miss ur order.hee.nvmd if u r ordering next can let me noe? i'm giving my boy to drink as he's very easily prone to cough too. my email [email protected]
<font color="0000ff">Krazy</font>
wow so great! Look forward to your email on ur bank details!! Btw I'll collect from NORTH too, Crystalmum will help me collect. Thanks!!!!

<font color="ff0000">San</font>
hehe I also read abt the nutrients part of the hair, issit true? I just cut Ashley hair real short &amp; she keeps asking me "Mummy, when my hair will grow long?" But me wont be keeping her long hair cos she always take out her rubber band 1 &amp; always so messy &amp; sweaty!! Then the hairstylist told me better dun keep hair so long, cos everytime tie the hair up is bad for the scalp too.. which is true to me lor. So there goes long hair for her until Secondary School?? think the longest i can let her keep is just collar lenght.
my hb also doesn't agree wz me to grow her hair too long as managing it will be difficult especially washing her hair.

the 1st time i heard such saying is from a beautician. She told me her MIL dun allow her to grow her gal's hair long due to this nutrient thing. Then my mum said she also heard this before. So i not sure is it true or just an old folks tale. But you mean you read it from somewhere? If you 'read' it, then it is more reliable than hear say from other pple.
<font color="0000ff">San</font>
I only 'read' it from a Mummy's blog, it is also a saying from either her mil or mum i think. Now I think think, ehh..I dun think having long hair will take away the nutrients. I think having glowing nice hair equates to having nice complexion. They come hand in hand together. So i dun think 1 will so called 'snatched' away the nutrients more.

I'm more concerned abt her scalp, cos daily in school need to tie hair. So i wonder abt the long time effect on her scalp. &amp; yet if she doesn't tie up her hair, she looks so messy to me. So contradicting, so decide to cut her hair short finally. Now she looks more chubby to me, &amp; I really like her "xiao yuan yuan" look.
<font color="0000ff">sorry ladies for interrupting the thread but looking for san. san, u still have yr gymbuck redemption item wif me pend for collectn. misplace yr hp &amp; no reply frm my PMs, can PM me to arrange for collectn?</font>
<font color="0000ff">poohy</font>
She watches "Word World" from Channel 34. Sometimes she'll try to blend them but she's too playful to really be serious in learning.. lol

<font color="119911">long hair</font>
Valerie doesn't like to tie hair or put hair clips so short hair is the only way for her :p
hi ladies...

feeling bored at the moment... btw anyone saw the beautiful n vivid rainbow yday evening... can see the entire semi circle n the full spectrum of colors... so very very breathtakingly beautiful... too bad k n s not wif me... oni manage to take fotos to show them.... but fotos turn out blur blur, not nice...
<font color="0077aa">SC,</font>
Lil’ one is fine. He was in breech position some 3 weeks ago. Yesterday’s scan showed that he has turned head down. Phew!
EDD is Apr 4th…another 6 weeks to go.
sc, yes i saw the rainbow aro 6+ in the evening.. i took a pic with hb's hp. hehe. was thinkg of blogging abt it u noe..

i long long time nvr see rainbow liao..
<font color="0077aa">Yo,

Saw the rainbow too. Caught in Jurong Island and again in Bukit Batok.</font>


In Jurong Island (left) and at Bukit Batok (right)
dewdrops... your pic very nice...

tigger... tt's a relief that the lil one has turned... congrats... so fast 6 more weeks... remember to update us when u delivered ah...

twinklets... u may wan to try neo garden, my colic ordered for 2 weeks and gave good review but i hv not tried it personally lah... LOL...
thanks for sharing the pic. I will show it to Sheryl. I was at IMM having dinner when my dad called and ask me to go take a look at the rainbow. But when i step out of the entrance, dun see any rainbow leh. Sheryl was disappointed.

glad the little one turn. Very soon we'll see a new addition to this place

anyone going for the babycare festival? Darryl is so sick now. He was at a very high temp for wed night till 39.5deg and persist for the whole afternoon till last night subside to 38.4deg
<font color="0000ff">Sc</font>
thanks, I'll go Neogarden link to check. I dunno Neogarden got cater confinement food 1.

<font color="ff0000">Dewdrops</font>
Ya ur pics so nice..

<font color="119911">Meow</font>
I'm not sure gog or not though my mum's hse is very near to Expo. I'm quite lazy to go bb fair cos sure alot of pple, long q of payment &amp; full parking lots?? Just by the thot of it make me so sian liao. -_-

Hope Darryl will recover soon!
<font color="aa00aa">twinklets:
neo garden has been around for several years. when they started out, decor was really good but over the years, they have become rather popular.

food portion is generous and not too bad honestly. </font>
<font color="0077aa">SC,</font>
Yup, I will sure update when I pop.

<font color="ff6000">Meow,</font>
Hope Darryl is feeling better now.

<font color="aa00aa">twinklets,</font>
I dunno if Neo Garden provides confinement food but their normal catering food is good. I just ordered dinner delivery from them for the next 2 weeks as maid is away for home leave.
neogarden like no confinement food leh… not on their webby… hmmm… I think I remembered wrongly… pai sei... will revert to u on the caterer my colic ordered when she's back later ok?? pai sei pai sei...

think expo will be super crowded cos NATAS oso at expo leh...
<font color="0000ff">sc</font>
hehe nvm lar, no need to be paisay..

Oh this wkend got NATAS? Ok then i can forget abt gog to bb fair liao.

Btw, u pte ur blog rite? pls give me access. thks!

<font color="ff0000">Tigger</font>
So your maid is gog away this March? Good at least when u pop, she's back already!
U got ready all ur stuffs yet? Pack ur hospital bag yet? I havent done anything much yet except clear the playroom, check the sterilizer, tonite will collect clothes from Zyp, tmr collect playpen. Gee still alot of things unprepared. Hope I can still walk normally at last mth. hahahaha!

you need things can still sms me bah. Yes Natas is at expo this weekend too. Darryl has lost his voice liao. No sound from him already. Neo garden used to provide confinement food. But i think because of poor response, they took the menu out liao. To confirm can call and check it out lor.

Thanks Tigger, his fever finally under control but really must give paracentomol every 4hrs else will shoot high up lor
