(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB


That time my girl was also having green mucus... given antibiotics (Augmentin) and the mucus cleared within 2 days...

I caught the virus from my girl... then act hero by not taking antibiotics... in the end, it got worse... green mucus too... took antibiotics and cleared within a day...

Brufen has side effects... hence, remember no over-dose... no empty stomach

Oh dear...green mucus is infection ah? First time i got to know about that leh. Me now on course, cant bring them see doc le leh else i'll need to go for re-course again. HB tomorrow understudy his new duty which commence on monday so cant take leave too
The green mucus i saw was on tues, yesterday saw the dry one is yellow. Today havent inspect on him. Meaning if clear already i no need bring him see doc hor...not i wanna save money hor, but i cant find time to bring him go see..cos we only let him see this doc whom only works in the day shift on weekdays. Weekends hardly unless i check her schedule

ok read already. Darryl also drink his milk before he sleep. He take twice before sleep. Usually aft the first feed, he'll drink 210mls then i get him to brush his teeth. Then after a show he will drink another 100ml and sleep.

oh it was you whom send me the Dora disc ah. I was wondering whom leh. I thought you should pass me the wheel on the bus vol 2 disc instead??

yeah his stomache flu ok already. Now only left with cough and phlegm only. Sheryl started to cough this 2 days also. Think she caught it from Darryl. Oh yeah we have that sucker. Ever use it on Sheryl but not Darryl. Yesterday night saw some almost dry mucus(yellow) from him, took a cotton bud and wanna big out, he made a big fuss and refuse lor

Ok mummies, will update what i got in the hamper. It might be gain IQ kids FM since the contest was done by abbott lor.
i though green/yellow mucus is very common to adults? Me kanna many times liao. Oh i do think got side effects but cant remember what liao

i think the faster should be the pill that's insert direct into their anus. That's what Darryl had when his fever was as high as 39.4deg when waiting to see doc last wed. That's was the most scary thing that i've gone thru and was alone and he's so cranky
Heng pass that phase already else i pengz

btw anyone still using huggies ultra or pull up pants... collecting for redeemption for toys.....

hi meow...
btw did u get the full set of 7-11 hallo kitty??? i'm looking for magician or pirate or both... don know anyone selling.... but not too ex.... hahha...

hi krazy...
is the honey here already??? do let me know so i can plan a trip... then i can also collect the dvd from meow....

hi tigger...
i havnet collect the milkbag from u right... u need??? coz my supply drop... i might not need the bag already... do let me know if u still need me to buy from u....

<font color="aa00aa">poshies:
nope. not yet but should be arriving next week.
i will update so that you guys will know.
<font color="0077aa">Hi,

Any mummies want Desitin Creamy 4oz tubes (Expiry date Jan 2010)? I got 3 unopen tubes. Iden is not using them anymore. Letting go at $8 per tube. If taking all 3 tubes, normal postage will be FOC.</font>
Just a short note here.

Now that our kids are getting more and more active, and their actions more and more unpredictable, do really take note of all the sharp edges around your home. No where is too safe....

Joeson had gone for 7 stitches to his forehead at KKH yesterday night. Cos, he was running in from the living room and pounced on his mattress. Think the speed is too fast or something, a loud bang was heard. The next moment I know.... Blook is streaming down his face. He suffered a 3cm deep gash to his forehead, near his hairline.... Now waiting for our appointment with the plastic surgeon only.

What's happened can't be undone. Pain is felt deeply within my heart. Don't ever let this happen to your little one.
i havent play the disc yet. But written on the disc is Dora the explorer Fairytale adv vol 2 ??

i complete my kitty already. Now only looking for a maid for my colleage so i can swop with his singer. I got a pirate on hand(seal in box) and going to exchange it. Hopefully can get the maid. I now jus feel to see what's inside the box. Not wat i wan, will try to exchange on the spot. In general i think pp sell $5 for a kitty. Pirate a gal have but she stay TPY leh. You wan go there and buy from her?

Poor Joeson. What he knock on? Floor or sharp corner. Hopes he's better now
Joeson generally is ok. No after effect from the fall. Definitely is only a superficial injury. However..... The scar is very scary to look at.
And..... This cheeky fellow keep using this as an excuse for not going to school. Headache.

He knocked on a handle of a drawer. Even though I placed a pille over it.... but seriously don't know how he ran and flew onto it.
Hi mummies,
I sent my maid back to Indonesia on Fri. She started doing funny things after 11 mths. I gave her warnings and the final straw came on Fri. On thurs night, my parents saw a small container and when they smelt it, it's urine smell. So, my dad quickly transfer the content to another container and replace it with Chinese tea. on Fri morning, when I reached my parents place, my dad told me his findings. The container went missing shortly I reached the house. So, I did a search… and found an empty container after 10 mins.

I confronted my maid. She told me that it is her medicine. I asked her what's inside. She told me she dissolve a strepsil in the water and left it over night and she drank it once she's there.

So, I showed her the other container and told her that the urine has been swapped. She kept insisting that it is not urine. I got fed up, told her I would spend money to get it DNA tested. Told her to go to the living room and sit there. After 10 minutes, I confronted her again. still stubborn.

Then, 30 mins later, she confessed but still insisted that is her medicine and she will drink it if we want her to. She knew that I'm not going to keep her anymore… then requested to go back home.

I sent her to the agency. The ppl there scolded her. She sweared that she did not give the urine to my kids…

Now, so helpless without a maid. My boy kept looking for her. Had a hard time on Fri night. Gradually getting used to the night feeds… so tired now….

New maid will arrive in 2 weeks. Gotta start to re-train and will definitely be firmer with the new maid.
<font color="ff6000">Angel,</font>
Glad that Joeson dun have any after effect after the fall.

<font color="aa00aa">Carla,</font>
Oh dear, your maid is really too much. I would have made her drink the urine. Your dad is very clever to transfer the urine to another container and replaced it with Chinese tea.

Yes, we need to be very firm with maids especially when they just arrived. Too nice to them and they will slowly climb over your head.

Hope you can cope without the maid for the next 2 weeks. I survived one week...another 7 days to go and my maid will be back (hopefully she will come back and dun sabo me).
<font color="aa00aa">carla:
i have heard of this "urine" thing before. its actually a kind of a charm.. supposedly to make the children obedient and listen to the person . </font>
pSi &amp; tigger,

Hopefully my children didn't drink the urine... for i really dunno how long she has been collecting her own urine. It might not be the first time she is doing this.

Anyway, she's out of singapore. She still dare to ask me for photos of my children to bring back to Singapore. I told her no...

Coping without maid is tough... especially the first night. My boy kept looking for the maid. As for my girl, i told her that the maid is in the hospital on fri (my girl has been going to hospital cos my grandma is sick mah... so she wouldn't be too upset on the first night)... then second day, i told her that the maid is going home to look after her son... then told her a new maid coming soon...
<font color="aa00aa">carla:
yeah. hopefully. my sister who is a nurse said she had patients (toddlers) who were victims of this "urine" charm. so sad.

Mummies who wear size 6.5:
I have a brand new pair of Ferragamo. Any one interested?
They are originally priced at $649 but I am letting it go at $200.

pics of the shoes:
<font color="aa00aa">carla:
my sister's patients .. they had sores in their mouths.. could be like ulcers and then got infected. tests were given and they discovered that a particular virus was found in their mouths.

strange cuz it was usually found in waste materials. hence they suspected. a check with the parents confirmed that cuz they also found bottles of urine in the maid's cabinet.</font>
So far my girl and boy have been feeding well... no fever... my girl did not complaint she has "pain" in her mouth... my boy still young to talk...

Aiyoh... so worrying...
<font color="aa00aa">carla:
no la, dear.

dont worry yourself. i am sure your kids aren't that mischievous and naughty that she has to do such things to your kids.

she probably never got that far too since you discovered it. dun worry.</font>

hi angeline,
hope joeson is okie..... so scary.... the other day gerald is playing with my neighbour gal... he is inside the house while she standing at the door... i'm too tired to open the door for her to come in and actually i don like coz she will go instead to 1 of the bedroom... nearer to the dinning room.. those who come to my house before should know which one and play inside herself... even with light off... but i have alot of other thing inside that room... even my own stuff... no time to pack so sometime i just drop my purchase inside... so i don like pple going in there.......

so back to my boy... don know what they play.... suddenly my boy rush (run) back to the living... nearly trip over the mat and knock on my gal... luckily he manage not to fall... can't image if my boy running while my gal crawling on the floor....

hi carla,
oh dear.... luckily ur dad discover it..... now u can only hope for the next one to be better..

hi tigger..
wow coping well without maid har... though i want to get 1 (maid) myself for the housework... i'm not coping well... hubby insisted don want.... so with all these stories... i'm might just see how my housework become ...

hi meow..
not collecting the whole set lah... only have 3... haha... i like the magician and pirate one... but i think my boy is contented with what he want... i have maid, office lady and cowboy..

Go for part time maid to do housework... I think i will switch to part time maid once my boy is older.... Now, scare of maid... haha...

Maybe i have more horror stories to share after my new maid arrive.

My colleagues kindda disapprove me choosing an ex-SIN maid... saying that she might bully me... called agency... too late to change now... but since agency gave me 12 mths free replacement, will see how it goes... just that i might waste time training a maid who is here for "holiday"
glad joeson has no after effect from the accident. Hope he learns his mistake yeah...

scary leh...heng your father found the container else wont wanna think what will happen next

okie...but if you wan buy the figurines i know some are selling at $5 each lor. Me havent exchange my pirate, most places OOS for that liao
<font color="aa00aa">mummies who ordered the HONEY:

Can you let me know when you can collect?
Collection will be at woodlands, my parents' place. </font>
psi - can pm me the address..wish it is same block as me..haha..i see if too far then i get my hub to drive me this weekend if not too far i can collect today.
<font color="0000ff">Psi</font>
my bottle Crystalmum will help me collect as well. So pls pass mine to her when her hb comes. thanks!! :D
<font color="aa00aa">san, crystalmum:
sent you a pm with add.

i will be at a camp these few days so no access to email until late at night.

please do.
<font color="aa00aa">batman:
hey girl
thanks! ")
yeah, i realised that too. hee

btw, do remember to include the word "honey" infront of your name when you tt the money to vera.

yellow and green mucus means infection. Will need antibiotics liao. Better see doc before it gets worse.

scary to hear about your maid's urine incident. Have you choose a new maid?
<font color="aa00aa">septvirgo:
hmmm.. i dont think its possible. cuz the honey is at my mum's place. dun think my bro in law will be carrying the stuff around unless he knows there is a prior appt.

terribly sorry. how about mon? i will let him know.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">sept virgo:

my bro in law is a handsome fellow. you wont be able to miss him!

can you pm me your mobile? he will contact you directly.</font>
