(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

<font color="ff6000">twinklets,</font>
Yes, my maid is leaving this sunday. Will be away for 2 weeks. I hope I dun pop when she is still away. I have not prepare everything yet. Still have some stuff need to buy. Waiting for Taka baby fair in Mar.

Have not pack hospital bag also. Will try to complete everything by end Mar.

<font color="0077aa">meow,</font>
Did you bring him to the doctor? What did the doc say?

re: rainbow

I saw the rainbow on the way home... it looked so big, the colours so vibrant. In fact, I saw 2 at the same time. One beside the other and one is really very clear. But the other a bit further and faded. J was with me and she was surprised to see it.

When I reached home, I quickly asked S to go downstairs to look at it
So nice.
oh, me too saw the rainbow. seldom have such vivid rainbow seen in singapore. sometimes it just break.

re: WII
btw, can i check anybody owns a Wii console? I need to borrow a disc call The Zelda Twilight Princess jus for 1 day. Not to play but to do some hacking thing.
<font color="0000ff">meow</font>
thanks but i guess i'll leave this shopping list to hb to go get it. Hb also not into stocking stuffs, so i guess we'll buy abit abit abit..

Ok gals, enjoy ur wkends!! So happy finally is 530pm. HURRAY!
i ordered from natal essentials this confinement. not bad, the portion is quite big and taste ok. i'm not fussy eater tho. my mom tried the food and she also find the food ok - she is more particular abt food. i liked the soup. my mom din like the vege cos limpy limpy already, but tingkat food is like that i guess. i ordered 28 days lunch amd dinner.. you may want to consider 20 days package instead, cos by last week i eat till sian already :p
can find a cause for it. On wed i brought him to see a doc and before i went i measure it was 38.8deg. But waiting for the doc is long and i see him so tired and the queue is so slow. Ask the nurse to measure him and was 39.4deg and he was called in next. No infection and then he still have voice and very cheeky. Doc ask me if he have cough and he fake his cough to doc...cant stand him right? But for that day i didnt diligently give him his paracentamol every 4hrly but on and off as dependent on his temp. So next night it shot up to 39.5deg by 5am and find that there's phelgm when he breaths. Worry he gets bronchitis so bring him to doc again and by that day his voice still ok till aft then no voice. Could be we have to force him take his medicine and all the screaming made him voiceless. He was given anti-biotics but we decide not to give him but patiently give him paracentamol every 4hrs and stretch only when his fever is under control. Now he's cranky but very much better already. Thanks! Now my fear is if Sheryl will get infected only.

ok get HB work also good...haha. My HB was shock to see the crowd today. Even before we reach, the carpark is almost full. He was wondering why everyone not working wor. The Natas fair was terrible. Didnt go in at all. Look at queue will faint, go in also must queue. Wonder if its free admission too
Hi Mommies,

Thanks for all your well wishes…
Long due to update. It has been over a week since bb popped. Something happened during the early week and had been busy settling down. Got caught in rain twice and had to shower at near midnight on one of the days.. Body aching, not sure if it is due to the rain or lack of rest. Otherwise, still doing well.

I was induced on 19 Feb at 36+ weeks thru NVD without epi.

8+am: admitted into hospital. Cervix was only 2 cm dilated. Nurses started the drip.
10am: About 2.5 to 3cm dilated when gynae burst water bag
11am: contractions came at 2 to 2.5 min apart but the pain was still manageable, gynae reduced medication. Gynae asked me to use the gas mask to relieve the pain
1pm: only 5 cm dilated. Gynae up the medication to increase the dilation
From 2pm: Contractions increased and I was about 8cm dilate at 2.20pm. From then onwards, the contractions was very intense and bb starts to push her way out which gives me urge to push. Things began to happen in a giffy.

Farny thing is, I told hubby ‘ coming..’. He thought my contraction is coming and pass me mask… I shook my head and told him ‘ Baby… coming’. He quickly rushed out to get the gynae. Nurse came in and told me to breathe instead of pushing as gynae is not in the room yet.

By the time gynae got in, it took me 2 pushes and bb gal came out… Thereafter, I felt so sore down there that it was challenging for the gynae to try and stitch my tears… hee

The gas made me so goggy that I did not respond for a while, got hubby worried too.
wah...u so brave, induce without epi!! hope everything's ok now and u n your lil princess is doing well... we'll wait patiently to see your fotos ok?? take care and rest well...
<font color="0000ff">meow,</font>
Hope Darryl is ok by now. You must be very tired taking care of him.

Yesterday was the start of my 2 weeks of maidless day. This morning was busy preparing lunch, doing laundry etc..My back almost broke with all those standing. Sigh..wonder if I can tahan for the next 14 days.

<font color="ff6000">tsp,</font>
Why do you need to be induced at 36+ weeks? Try to rest as much as possible and have a good confinement.
<font color="aa00aa">Meow,</font>
Missed your post, didn't know Darryl wasn't feeling well. Hope he is ok now.

Hazel also had fever 2 Saturdays ago. Highest was 39.2 deg. She had a tooth extraction few days before that, we thought the wound was infected. But dentist checked the extraction site was ok. Later took her to GP who said could be viral. Fortunately her fever cleared off 3 days later.

<font color="ff6000">tigger,</font>
Your maid is on leave or you're changing a new one? So you'll be on leave for 14 days?
<font color="0077aa">zyp,</font>
My maid is on home leave so I will be on half day leave daily for these 2 weeks.

How did Hazel react when her tooth was being extracted? Hope she wasn't traumatized by it.
<font color="ff6000">tigger,</font>
Hazel is fine. I think she's more traumatized by the separation anxiety caused by CC more than the tooth extraction. Hubby and I havent had a night of uninterrupted sleep since the day she started school. Now still will be cranky now and then and wake up in the middle of the night and cry non-stop... but getting better already.
hi tigger...
it must be tiring to do housework with preggy and 2 young kids hor.... i don dare to think of no 3... since now i need to wake up at 4-5am.. when i finish my pump then do housework all the way till 7.30am then bring my son to cc then go straight to work.. plus my boy don sleep till 11pm...
<font color="0000ff">Tsp</font>
Rest well k. Do u have confinement lady to help u?

<font color="aa00aa">Tigger</font>
It is really not easy for u to be preggy &amp; take care of 2 small kids at same time. U take care too!

<font color="ff6000">Zyp</font>
Have been telling Ash abt Zavier &amp; Hazel gog to dentist too. Seem like she is more receptive of the idea to go now once she knows her frens also go visit dentist. Hehe. Likely will bring her only when she turns 4 YO. think during my maternity leave bah.

<font color="119911">Meow</font>
How's Darryl? Is he still having LS?
Wow, the V-Tevh Letter pad Looks good. Maybe will get it. For now thyler is writing on conventional books.. Here's a pic of his 1st A:


Why Hazel got to extract tooth? Is it shaky? Hope she's feeling better now.

Wah power leh girl, without epidural and also 2 push out.. Heheh. If pop wiithout gynae ard can dun pay him or not? Cos my fren pop and gynae not ard no need pay. then the bb is caught by nurse midwife. So in the end she pay for the delivery suite only.

NATAS fair,

Very cheap, Last trip my mom went 10 days guided tour ard china, HKG for 10 days with accomodation and internal flights is $800. cheap cheap. My sis tour quoter ask her book so no need Q...

CONGRATS!!!! Wow, just 2 pushes and your little gal is out!!!

I remember for my case, also induce without epi - 4 hrs labour, I needed more than 10 pushes... and my gynae got me worried for a while... can heard him talking to himself "baby in the wrong position... facing up" and followed by a big *SIGH*. So, in the end, vaccuum out my boy lor... then he mentioned, that he didn't know my boy is so big if not he would ask me to go for c-section liao... My gynae and i then had a good laugh... hahaha...
so you work half day in ofc or at home? Take care!

How come hazel so young need tooth extraction?

Hope all the kiddies quite recover.

Xavier is also having difficulty breathing in the morning for the past 2 weeks. Got the spray from the doc and I thk now abit better.
<font color="ff6000">zyp,</font>
I can imagine how traumatised Hazel will be due to the separation anxiety caused by CC. Kayla is also at this stage now so I will hold sending her to CC till she turns 2.

<font color="0077aa">Batman,</font>
I will be working from home for these 2 weeks. Tough to work from home. Feel so handicap without my files.

<font color="aa00aa">twinklets, poshies,</font>
Thanks for your concern! It's really back breaking to do even simple hsework at my stage now. My back is really aching like mad due to constant standing while preparing food and hanging laundry.

<font color="ff0000">Carla,</font>
Your boy is also facing upwards at birth? My gal is also the same and had to use vacuum. Hopefully for the next one, he will face the right direction. If not the labour pain will be very very bad.
<font color="0000ff">wen</font>
The last A is so funny! Zavier has homework from CC and last Friday took back 6 pieces of worksheets... English is 'b' and 'c', both capital and small letters and Mandarin is the chinese character 'er' and 'san'. Usually only 3 worksheets, dunno why last week doubled. So for these, I split into 2 days to coach him to complete. Almost vomit blood man! Tracing is always ok for first one or two characters... then he will start tracing wiggly lines liao. Writing free hand is worse. A stroke from right to left, he can make it become a stroke from left to right.

<font color="ff0000">twinklets</font>
Did you show Ash the videos and photos in my blog? I hope she likes the idea of letting the dentist clean her teeth. Else it's really v challenging to get our tods to lie properly on the dentist chair.

I realised I forgot to pass you shoes. Zavier has a few pairs that he only wore a few times and still v new. Will pass to you next time we meet up.

<font color="ff6000">tigger,</font>
If can wait, 2-3 yrs old is more ideal to start full day childcare. V heartpain to see Hazel keep crying lor. But hb and I think she is beginning to enjoy CC liao. And she's more cheerful nowadays and more chatty too. She's able to hold a conversation with us using simple words. Quite fun when she's not fussing.

Abt 1-2mths ago, we noticed that Hazel's front teeth look abit weird, like decayed along the gum... Read up and found out it's called baby bottle tooth decay. She always sleeps with milk bottle in her mouth lor... then suay suay recently she fell and injured her tooth. One of the front tooth was fractured. She seemed to be in pain after the fall and the injured tooth started to bleed on/off. So took her to dentist to check. Since it was painful and affecting her eating, had to remove that tooth. At the same time clean all the teeth and repaired the rest of the 3 decayed teeth. All these done under GA.

I guess no other kids here drink milk as slowly as Hazel. But taking a lesson from here, do let them rinse their mouths or at least drink plain water after each milk intake. And don't let them sleep with milk bottle in their mouths.

These are what kept me busy and stressed for the past few mths lor. Almost went crazy.
<font color="0000ff">Zyp</font>
havent show her the blog yet. Will show her soon. Hope she'll find it interesting... sighs.

Nvm next time, still a long way to wear shoes. hahaha..

The stressed period is over, at least now u see the 'rainbow after the rain'.

My boy is 3.71kg at birth. Gynae miscalculated... thought he is only 3.2 at mosy 3.4 leh hence can go for natural birth... but luckily he miscalculated... cos i don't want to go under the knife... very scare leh... hahaah... must thank the antique machine

Is facing upwards wrong??? heehee... pardon my ignorance... i thought so long as the baby's head is down, the position is correct already leh...
<font color="aa00aa">Mummies who have ordered the HONEY:

Orders will most likely be reaching our shoes next week. I will update again when I have news.

Can you please do me TT the woman directly for your payment?

1) ashmummy = 1 bottle = SGD$75
2) San = 1 bottle = SGD$75
3) poshies = 1 bottle = SGD$75
4) crystal mum = 2 bottles = SGD$150

This is her bank details:

Name: Vera Oh
Bank : 102 15461 4 - POSB Savings

Please remember to include the word "Honey" before your name so that she is in the know? Thank you so much!

I cant wait for the honey to get here.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">batman:
can i check how many bottles did you order?

will order from her again... cuz my other friends indicated they wanted after the orders are closed. </font>
<font color="aa00aa">batman:

i was wondering.. cuz i was just doing some counting of the number of bottles to the people who have ordered.

have! hehehe.. sorry ah..

can you tt vera oh directly? so sorry about the mix up.

In any case, if other mummies are interested,
I am ordering again for my other friends and colleagues.

please indicate your interest by emailing me at [email protected]</font>
<font color="ff6000">Carla,</font>
Here’s what I found from baby centre:
What's a posterior position?
Some babies go down into the pelvis with the back of their heads towards their mothers' spines. This is called a POSTERIOR position and it can lead to several things happening:

• your waters are more likely to break at the beginning of labour
• you have a lot of backache during and in between contractions
• labour is slower
• you may need forceps or ventouse (a suction device) to help you give birth to your baby

The position is not "wrong" but will make delivery more difficult. I had extreme backache during contractions. Thought my back was going to break anytime.

ya the anterior position is optimal for birth. To achieve that, I think there are some exercises which helps.... like going on all four and bending back/forth... I do that.

do take care... without a maid, I do all the housework like ironing, hanging clothes, bathing kids, washing toilet floors, packing storerooms when I was preggy with Josh also... back breaking... and got a pain all the way when I walk in the last trimester.

Thanks for the info... luckily i don't know abt this... if not i will definitely panick during labour... maybe, sometimes, ignorance is bliss.

BYTW, does facing upwards = head towards mother's spine? Facing downwards can also head towards mother's spine right???
<font color="0000ff">poohy,</font>
Oh, didnt know there is exercise to achieve the anterior position. Thanks for the info! I will search the net to find out more then. Dun wanna go thru the bad labour pain again.

<font color="ff6000">Carla,</font>
I also found out that my gal was facing upwards towards the end. When I was trying so hard to push and her head got stuck. My gynae then realised that she was facing upwards. He said try vacuum..if cannot, have to go for emergency c-sect. I almost freak out when I hear that. Heng the vacuum works.

actually facing upwards means the back of the head is facing mother's spine.
Confirmed - ignorance is bliss...

Don't think our mummies know so much about anterior or posterior position... yet they managed to give birth to us....
<font color="aa00aa">carla:
hahahha.. ya.. but they complain... back aches..

i also had terrible back aches when i had c. while doing my reading i found out abt this anterior and posterior thing.</font>
Thanks everyone for your concern on Darryl. Sorry didnt update on Darryl's sickness. After his fever shot up to 39.5deg on thurs. I ensure myself to give him his paracentomol every 4hrs be it got slight fever or very high fever. Finally his fever was pretty stabilize. But on that evening, i realise he started throwing out. I thought it was too much air he swallow when he drink soup with a soup spoon. But we realised that especially at night he will cough and throw out his milk(sigh...dirty our bed twice) and have very liquid and sticky stool. So last saturday morning we went back again to confirm if he had stomache flu(that's how i met twinklets that day) and was on isomil for the next day. As of now, his cough is still there....and my dad didn't diligently give him his cough syrup and has running nose of green...wonder if i should jus let it be or bring him to see doc again.

erm why Hazel needs to go for tooth extraction? Obstruct other growth??

ok mah, the first few A looks good. maybe the last one becomes jerky. Sheryl's writing also like his like that. But Sheryl likes to draw and colour. Didnt send her to any enrichment class thou but dunno why my dad says that a person with nice handwriting, their drawing is pretty good too. Dunno to believe him or not but quite true my HB drawing sucks and so is he handwriting. Sheryl writes her letter Y from bottom to top as if like drawing an attenna like that leh
Hey i jus type this to somewhere. Whomever needs please do cook hor
Dun forget my share ah....jus joking

Recipes to improve milk flow in lactation!!..

200g green papaya
a few pieces of fish head eg carp, snakehead, seabream, pomfret or Kurau
few slices of ginger.

Scale and clean fish. Simmer together with pieces of papaya and ginger for 4 hours or till soft. Remove bones before serving.

200g kidney, clean and sliced
20g dried lily flower(golden needles)
few slices of ginger
vegetable oil
dash of rice wine

Stir fry kidney slices in oil and ginger. Add lily flower and seasonings.

30g Ang cho residue
100g chicken stock
30g chicken meat
20ml hua diao wine

Add all of the above and simmer for 4 hours and serve piping hot

1 pair of pig's trotters
200g fresh ground nuts
1chinese spoonful of vinegar

Clean and split pig's trotter. Boil and simmer with groundnuts in water. Add a pinch of salt and vinegar. Cook til soft. Rice can be added to make rice porridge.
So happy...Sheryl jus won a hamper worth $50 for entering a livewell baby contest. Wonder what the hamper consist....hmm
<font color="119911">Meow,</font>
Congrats on Sheryl winning the hamper!

I think you should bring Darryl to the doc again. Like what krazy said, green mucus is no good.

yup... green mucus is not good... it is a sign of virus.... that my gp say.... coz gerald is also on sign of flu... so the gp told me if the mucus is not clear meaning either it have green or yellow than must bring to see gp if not no need...
<font color="0000ff">Krazy</font>
Thanks! Will transfer the $ to her by this Friday. Will update u the Transc# by then.

<font color="119911">Meow</font>
So his Stomach Flu is ok already? As for green mucus, Ash also had it during before CNY. That time this running nose lasted for 3 weeks i think. It was the longest period she ever had running nose so long, of cos accompanied with cough.
However her PD didn't prescribe her with Antibiotics, cant rem the reason though. Did u use 1 kind of long long thing to suck the mucus out? I duno wat's that term called. We used on Ashley, &amp; everytime lotsa muscus came out, v happy &amp; shiok to see so many coming out. heheehe! U shd try it if u haven't try on Darryl yet. Btw, just get urself prepared that this cough+runnning nose may not recovered so fast, k? *pat pat*

<font color="ff0000">Twinklets,</font>
yep the rainbow that I saw was a good sign!

<font color="0000ff">Meow</font>
I think u missed my earlier post.. scroll back to check la...

Btw, last time when Hazel had high fever (>39deg kind), her PD gave Brufen and paracetamol for us to give her concurrently. His instruction was to take Brufen when the temp is higher than 38.5deg. It really brings the temp down faster.

Green mucus means infection leh. You want to bring Darryl to see dr?
