(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

the STAR will catch my attention
only after I saw the star then I realised y got star

hi valmom,
val is getting my gal like.... so sweet now, nigel is handsome too lah.....

aiya.. yesterday me sick... still havent manage to find mei mei photo
hi crystalmum,
yup lor... i hope so too... alot of pple say when young look like boy... will grew up pretty.... just keeping my finger cross for my gal....
hi twinklet...
i can't recall whether i wet myself at bed... but i remember i wet myself when in primary 1 in the class... haiz... so paisei lah..
hi krazy...
i will... once i let her wear... will post the pic... haha.....

btw why u getting the bill.... getting ready for no 2??? hee
Yes, he looked definitely diff from his birth.

Thks! Maybe he doesn't have any double eyelid. But he's getting more & more cheeky too.
<font color="aa00aa">poshies:
no lah... doing some research and comparing between bills of different hospitals. hee no no.. dun get ideas okay! hahahhaa

so please mummies, do let me know your bills.

Hi tsp,
I need to buy a gift for my friend's new born baby. You think this is very good? Most impt, it is safe for the baby to play. Can you reserve one for me? Thanks.
Saw my friend' kids on the jumperoo and they enjoyed themselves..trained their limbs as well. think a few mummies here own one too.
<font color="0000ff">Meow</font>
same here, i can't recognize SHeryl at first, I also find Sheryl looks v different compare to last time. She looks v pretty &amp; v girly now, I think partly she puts on weight liao, which I think is better.
Both ur kids got nice nose.
<font color="aa00aa">septvirgo:
did everything through the internet. from air fares to hotels booking.

so everything was d-i-y and "own time own target".
yeah she put on weight liao.. we cut her hair short so that might looks very diff. She has very bad scalp. It started from her back and spread till her head. No choice we got to cut her hair short. That pic was taken right aft she cut her hair. Now her scalp is so much better after using the appropriate lotion. So will let her continue to keep her hair long which she always wanted.

Thanks Twinklets,
nice nose? Hmm...i find Ashley is so girly now as compare to her younger day photos. To me she like nu da shi ba bian like that. See that last photo of Darryl. I took it at IKEA Alex. He so shiok like that lor, climb up the bed, switch off the lights and tuck in .... haha

Hey any gathering coming up or not ah? Anyone keeping the hello kitty that 7-11 is introducing? Sheryl wanted the singer and i keep getting others
BB update...
Saw gynae today.. She says my baby's head is engaged and I am only in my 35 weeks. She is worried that I might go into labour within these 2 weeks since this is my 3rd delivery.. and Hubby is only returning in 2 weeks time. I stil have things unprepared!!

Poohy, do you remember at which week did your 3rd baby's head engages ?
staying at my dad's pl in CCK. I am home alone in the day time. Have not fnish washing bb clothes and not packed hospital bag yet!
jus put necessary stuffs in first lah. The rest can wait. On and off jus wash some clothes lor. I think your dad will help you lah
trying to recall the necessary items and where they were... Activated bro and sister to go shopping with me, they were so glad that I am only back for a few mths cos they were kept so busy since day 1 that I am back.. ha ha

Have a feeling this is gonna be my first time to wait for labour to happen naturally cos the prev were induced!
<font color="0077aa">tsp,</font>
I read that usually for 1st time mummies, the babies will enagage early. For subsequent babies, usually will enagage later or even only during labour. Yours is very early. Better get your hospital bag ready asap just in case.

<font color="ff6000">meow,</font>
Sheryl has gained weight. She looks different from the last time I saw her.
Oh at least your bro and sis can help you too. Not bad...but they'll be very busy then..share with us the photo when BB is born. Thought of the name already?

yeah she put on weight once she started her pre-nursery last year. So far never shed away those fat lah. Anyway me and HB not thin also, so she fat also bo bian. I think a bit chubby is better than too skinny, my niece very thin leh. If you carry her its all bones. She's a picky eater also. Dun take lunch or dinner at all but jus milk and that's it. Oh yeah i cleared all my gain IQ already. If you have more receipts do keep leh. Pass me and i help you to redeem the pediasure, more worth it if i'm not wrong
<font color="0000ff">poshies</font>: mine the knob is loose. HB helped me bring to medela to try to repair it, but it'll cost me S$165 so I decided not to. It still works just need some technique in turning the knob..

Not bad ah.. this time u really pump for quite long. ALmost 1 year already? I just passed 5 months. Prob start to reduce when he reaches 9 mths bah..

the contact of the power and switch went loose... manage to get it repair at FOC since it is still within warranty...

hi valmom...
haha... yup.... mine already more than 10 month already... so need to be more careful when used lor....

hi mummies,
no more pic to share???
are you still keen to get the jumperoo? Let me know soon, can email me at [email protected]. Can't PM you as you do not accept PM.

yup, did some reading as well. So quite worried that bb comes out early. Been telling my gal to tong till next week.

finally gotta wash bb clothes already. Hospital bag also packed.. been staying at home these few days.. Hubby and Justyn are coming back tmrw, finally can see them after 1 mth.

yeah, this thread has been very very quiet...

Yup lor thread been very quiet though a lot of thing to do.. but once i finish an task come in n chat... still no posting... a bit bored now...
helo mummies,
would like to check how u gals discipline yr 4YO? Paige getting more daring, agure with me, purposely do things I told her not to do, chio seth to climb everywhere, fuss real bad when she can't get things she wans. Seth now climbs the gate all the way up, climbs the playhouse, climbs the play kitchen, all the vehicles, climb &amp; stand infront of the tv, climb to the top of anything, will call me to see how clever he is...the worse is Paige will also climb &amp; show-off' to didi she's higher &amp; faster.

I dun beat, just scold only...does anyone uses cane or others?? I dun wish to use cane.
<font color="aa00aa">elaine:
i used to use the cane on cheryl.

of course i warned her first and she continued her antics. i think she didn't think that i would really cane her. but before i struck her, i told her very sternly that if she didnt stop, i would hit her.

then i started counting my 1, 2, 3. once i got to "3" and she didn't stop, i hit her. at first she was shocked! but she continued then i went on to count "4" and hit her twice when she didnt stop. and so on.

after the entire episode, i explained to her why i did what i did and why i wanted her to listen.

every time she misbehaves, all i need to do is, look at her and warn her that i am going to start counting. i usually do not need to get pass "2" . </font>
i use cane on k too... like krazy i'll warn him first... if he still do what he does then i'll cane him... sometimes when he did something wrong/naughty, he'll immediately say 'i dun wan cane, i dun wan cane...' n start to cry... ahahaha... sounds very poor thing right??
I happened to cane my 4 years old girl last night. I told her many times to go bath around 9pm but she still purposely play with her toys in the toilet. I got really mad and shouted at her and cane her (very light cane). She cried and cried for about 1/2 hour. I didn't give in but i talked to her nicely and explain why i cane her. After that, she behaves very good and sleep very early. And this morning, she is back to her normal self again. I guess you need to have patience and love to handle your kids.
your patience so gd still yet to introduce paige the cane. The moment i bring out the cane, she starts to bend down and use both her hand to try cover up her leg and say "i don't want, i don't want". last nite just let her have 1 stroke as dessert. haha. after that my bro maid carry her and sayang her, then my niece faster take gel to apply on her leg etc. Sometimes outside no cane, the moment i 'pek chek', i just use my hand to whack her hand real hard a feel times. My finger prints mark will remain red on her hand for quite sometime. My temper is very bad nowadays.

re: Milk
btw, any tods here stop FM already? D since last week show rejection of FM. It is really hard to let her drink. even she drinks, only abt 150ml and takes very long. This morning she totally reject the milk and my mum told her if she doesn't want to drink, then will throw away the bottle and she still say ok. she luvs to suck the bottle and yet she agrees to throw it away. If dun take FM, drink what kind of milk? sunday i bought her the Magnolia Smoo Full cream milk to drink as I see her not drinking much milk this days. After drinking, she luvs it so much. Now everyday asking to drink 'moo moo cow milk'.
hullo Mummies,
ya the thread is so quiet now..

<font color="ff0000">Elaine</font>
ya agreed ur patience is very good &amp; you've yet intro the cane to Paige. For me, I intro 'hanger' haha.. cos I dun have a cane at my home. :p She is not scare of the cane at my mum's plc though. I only use the hanger afew times at my home when she makes me lose my cool. Most of the times when she is up to her notty acts, we just threaten her with the "hanger" word, &amp; she'll guai guai behave already. Nowadays I use alot of verbal threatening &amp; make sure she says sorry to me. Sometimes she sees my face very angry or unhappy, she'll auto come &amp; sayang me. I also dun want to get angry too often cos I can't raise up my voice too loud due to my cough, &amp; I also find it very taxing to always shout &amp; shout like mad.

yesterday daddy at home with her cos she got fever. She played my porcelain bowl &amp; broke it. Made Daddy very mad &amp; he shouted at her being Notty. She could argue back saying "Nai Nai also break the bowl that time. " My Hb was like "HUH???" I came back home &amp; she told me she wasn't careful &amp; it was an ACCIDENT. Wow kao.. dun play with the bowl then won't cause the accident mah.. wat a reason.. sighs.

<font color="0000ff">San</font>
Ashley is still taking her FM. She likes those packet milk too, but I dun let her drink too often. Usually is more like treats for her. Still will give her FM as I think FM is afterall better than those packet ones. Will only start giving those regularly after she auto wean herself off FM.
my method same as krazy. Norm i count to 2 they will stop. Or for D i will say dun listen i will take cane. Sometimes he stop sometimes he dun and i will count. D also like to climb and fell too but boys ah cant stop

<font color="aa00aa">i suppose there are many different methods of disciplining a child and as parents, we often have to do trial and error before finding the "right" method to handle our kids.

i would say, for c, this counting thing works because she knows the consequences if she doesnt listen. and as a result, i dont really have to shout at her when we are out. can save me a lot of embarrassment.

C still drinks her milk. in fact, it is quite difficult not to give it to her. there are times where she refuses solids and just wants her milk. but now she drinks like 150 ml 3 times daily. </font>
