(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

Hello, I was back home yesterday. Thanks all for your well wishes!

The episiotomy is no longer painful, just discomfort. The real pain now is engorgement.

Have been trying to latch as much as I could and also pump often. The mooing season is here again!

<font color="0000ff">twinklets,</font>
I think because all my kids dun hv much jaundice so they are quite fair. The fairest of all is Kayla.

So you're next!...getting excited? Hope you have gotten everything ready and rest more if you can. Once you pop, you will be very busy.


Kaeus looks like Kayla!! Look so tender...
Oh and he got lots of hair! My Josh has so little hair till now... and we din even shave him.
yeah i agree with the rest. Kaeus looks like Kayla wor. Very alike. Post Keane see if same or not leh

no little tikes bench or chairs, got a see saw. Also have the crayola easel store and sort one at $60 display set. Playhouse someone buy liao so dunno the space will fill up with wat. Wont be going again so cant help much. They have thomas cushion and puzzles lor. The kitchen set also sold out already. Only 4 sets. When i was there before they send email i saw, really was a good buy but because i dun need kitchen set so didn't buy
<font color="ff6000">SC,</font>
Yup, I was home since wed. Kaeus looks a lot more like Keane at birth. But Keane has more hair than his didi.

OK, will rest well. Thanks!
Oh yeah i forget to update what Sheryl got for her hamper when she took part in the smart baby contest. Here's her small hamper...2 400g Gain IQ kids, 2 brainy baby VCD and 1 Gain IQ kid bag and they say its worth more than $50...hmmm
you redeem the toy already? I went down today and took the guitar. Sheryl loves it very much. Darryl still dunno how to play

About the fair skin kenna jaundice not true.. My kids both like chocolate at birth also jaundice.. kkeekke.

Think could be breastmilk jaundice?? Cos no solid poo to pass out ba...
<font color="aa00aa">Buddy</font>
What change you going to go through???? When you able to MSN ah?

<font color="119911">Mummies</font>
Please sms me your number again. Haiz.... my phone went for servicing and found out that many of my contacts are not saved in SIM card. Wanna cry liao.
<font color="0000ff">angelneo</font>
U most champion liao lor...

<font color="ff6000">jaundice</font>
Think nothing about the fairness lah.. Valerie is dark, Nigel is fair, both have jaundice. Only diff is tt Nigel's jaundice lasted much shorter than Valerie's.

<font color="aa00aa">meow</font>
Wow.. congrats to Sheryl! So clever girl. Valerie ah.. still in the world of her own. Hahaha
<font color="0077aa">Hi Mummies,

We are back yesterday night. The bm went through the custom easily but they took 2 out of 3 Xavier's packet milk and dump all his water bottle water cos they say we carry too much liquid.

Iden was a darling on the way to Taipei, but on the way back not sure what happened (as he was with my mum at different row), he cried badly when taking off and became inconsolable. After the plane stabilised then the stewardess allowed me to go and carry him. He fussed on and off from then on until the last 2 hours of the flight. Lucky he didn't fuss on the way down.

Overall the trip was OK except for the tummy upset which almost everyone suffered from it and Xavier's whines whenever I carry didi or when we have to walk long distance. 2 babies is really handful. Lost 2 kg in 1 week becos of carrying them and lack of sleep. Definitely my hubby will not agree for holiday if just the 2 of us with the 2 kids.

Hi Tigger,

Saw your good news and photo. Keaus has some resemblance of both his jie jie and gor gor. Salute to you for no epi!

Hi Blurmom,

Wait for your posting next Tuesday when you are back.

Hi San,

I didn't go Qi Fen Pu this time but I went the last time. Didn't find many children wear but more fashion wear for ladies and men. That time already know preggy so didn't want to spend $$ on clothes that might be dated after I deliver.</font>
yeah lor...what change?

No lah she not smart lah...the contest is jus a photo contest with caption that's all. This was what i send in

Shark?! Where?! Don't be silly mommy, that is just a fish that I'm holding
Welcome back dewdrops. I'll be going to taipei on 13th May. Book my tickets on friday. Now the hotel is my headache. Ask for Rainbow and its fully book. Then opt for Royal castle also the same. East dragon chances are low and i've to take flowers(main)
anyone stay in that hotel before?
congratulations! You bravo leh, still can go for #4. I thought I can still go for another one but I decided to call it quits liao. Bringing kids up is indeed a big responsibility and heart wrenching too.

Congrats to Sheryl! She's a smart girl indeed.

Is your maid handling all housework and kids on her own? it could be true that it is a tiring job. Maybe you can manage the night feeds or reduce some housework? I feel that the character of a maid is more important. She can take more time to learn the robes and understand the likes and dislikes of the family slowly. rather than have a maid who is not willing to learn and has an attitude problem. Just my thoughts..

Update on the kids...
Brought the kids back to Oman when Symone was 5+weeks. She was very good during the flight, slept through apart from feeding times. Justyn is a good traveller, no problem handling him too.

Justyn is also a very good brother, dotes and adores his sister. When sister cries he would run to us and tell us that his sister is crying. At times, he would cover his ears when his sister is crying.

Justyn just had a bad fall on thursday. He was sitting on a low railing and the humpty dumpty incident happened. he fell over and hit the edge of concrete slab. He was bleeding at the back of the head so rushed him to hospital. In hte hospital, was so scared cos the nurse was very rough when handling him. felt like packing bag to head home to Singapore which I knew the medical care is much better. he had 3 stitches on his wound. Was beside him all the way... so heart wrenching when he was crying and calling out mummy. Can see that he was in much pain.. However, the moment we got him, he was jumping and swinging around like a monkey... Thank god, that was a sign of relief!

Symone is having a blocked nose now. She has been putting on weight eversince.. Was 2.4kg at birth but weighs 4.7kg today! She is a heavy drinker, makes me wonder if I can keep up producing enough supply for her. She is still a bit yellowish, yet to recover from jaundice.
hi tsp...
glad ur kids is good when on plane... i doubt.. my boy can be so well behaviour.... don worry too much on the jaundice... my gal have milk jaundice for whole 1 month.. .due to milk jaundice... as she is on bm so it is hardly for the jaundice to go down. but no need to worry....

hi meow...
haha the FM is ex mah.. that why it is worth 50 dollar... ya.. i have change.. i got the guitar and piano... my ger prefer the piano lor.... but i might be going down again... still short of 1 barcode... my boy want the mixer... now waiting for the mixer to arrival...

hi wen..
what major changes????

hi angelneo..
u got my sms on sat???? i had change my HP no on sat.... anyone don have????
<font color="0000ff">meowie</font>
Can recognise alot of words still not smart ah? Valerie hmm.. still very playful lor.. she can write a bit but not much. She knows her phonics but dunno how to apply them. But frankly, HB &amp; I don't really spend alot of time on her academics lor.. (lazy parents). Only in the car, trying to entertain her, i'll go like "b b b for balloon".. and then goes "b b b blue, so blue starts with??" Then she'll think and then goes "B!"

At least she is getting the hang of it lah..
<font color="119911">poshies</font>
U texted to ur new mobile.. u got receive?

<font color="aa00aa">tsp</font>
Valerie's jaundice lasted a good 10 weeks. I think hers is the longest here liao. Nigel is abt 3 weeks. So long as it's breastmilk jaundice and it's reciding.. it's fine bah.
<font color="0000ff">Hi TSP</font>
Sorry to read about Justyn's fall. And glad that he is ok now. Same like Joeson's fall, 7 stitches..... Don't worry however, kids recover super fast.

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Meow</font>
Congrats on Sheryl's win!!!
I'm going to Taiwan too. But I going to Taichung. Now deciding whether to go Taipei then travel down to Taichung as and when I need it. Anyway, their rail is super fast. Can reach Taichung within 45 mins.
I stayed at one of their budget hotel before. "Do Lang Ming Ge" hotel. The staff super friendly there and they have over 100 channels of goodies to watch! Inclusive of one 'Goodie' channel. Be careful not to let the kids press into that channel. Or else, alot of explaining to do!

<font color="119911">Poshies</font>
Got it! But I change phone again!!!! PAISAY.....
Sms me again ya? Heeeeee
<font color="0077aa">dewdrops,</font>
Were u the one who asked about Keane's cake? I ordered from aimummy http://aimummy.blogspot.com/

<font color="ff6000">wen,</font>
Hmm...dun keep us in suspense. What change are you talking about?

<font color="0000ff">tsp,</font>
I dun dare to think about #4 as of now. Maybe when Kaeus is older, then will consider again. 3 is a handfull now.

Hope Justyn's wound will recover asap. You must be very heartpain to see him crying and bleeding.

Symone is gaining weight very well. Have not seen any of her pics yet. Post some ok?
Thanks TSP,
Poor Justyn it must be very painful. Sayang him from me ok. Darryl having LS since last thursday(i was on duty), saw him on friday, his butt was as red as an apple. He cried and refuse pp to touch or wash his bum too. And when he walk, he walk with open legs too..funny boy lor and also a quick temper boy.

Yeah FM too ex and me going jobless liao so must work hard for FM wor else they wont be able to drink milk liao...haha

400g tin only cost $13+ lah so no that ex lor. Even the disc are suppose to be free from the bundle mah. Oh well its the FM i keen on. Wow you use so much diapers ah or got them from someone else? Me can only afford to exchange for 1 toy only. You might wanna buy the diapers from NTUC xtra and get the free tent. Hmm...maybe next year they will clear stocks on the toys too, who knows

ok lah, she is smart in that sense lah. Now she asking to read the leap pad books i bought for her lor, even Darryl also wanna play. But to writing she's bad lor. Maybe i should ask her to write her name and take a pic and show all. As she becomes smarter, she tends to be more naughty and bad temper leh.

i'm crossing my fingers hoping Flower will be good lor. Have already confirm the accomodation, now is the flight. Wah got those channels ah...you must be enjoying lah keke...when you going exact?
<font color="ff0000">Tigger</font>
Ya all the anticipation now.. Ya more or less things are prepared already, still short of afew stuffs only. Will ask hb to go buy himself. So amazing u are a Mummy of 3 already, still can recall those last few days that u were so anxious of #3 coming out.

<font color="0000ff">Tsp</font>
poor justyn, luckily he reverted bk to old self v fast, else will be so worrying.

Wow Symone must be v chubby now. Tat's consider quite alot of weight gain in 1 month. Right?

<font color="aa00aa">Dewdrop</font>
wow so fast u back from ur trip already.

<font color="ff6000">Meow</font>
Clever Sheryl, can auto read herself. She really looks so big gal in that pic. Ashley still not into reading, she told me N2 no need to read 1, go K1 then read. hahaha. piang.
which pic she look big? The one with prize? Her hair now short mah, so dun look young lor...keke. She's turning 4yrs le mah like all kiddos.
She depends mood one lah, but her fave is still drawing house, flower, sun and rainbow.

hi angeline,
got my sms this morning???

hi meow,
u don forget, my gal is only 1.... hahah...... my boy only used 1 pcss per day..... i got 14 of them.. got another 7 more from friends.... haha... i saw the promotion u saw (from u...) too bad... now have enough diaper.. i already got the tents....

really good to have kids who auto-learn hehee
you have a clever girl


unfortunately, S also not into studying mode yet and I wonder whether he ever will. He plays a lot. J's reading vocab is into the hundreds... but S's is much more limited. And he dun really like to read by himself very much.... J would be reading or looking at books by herself most of the time. I felt worried for him... he cant write very well too so far. His maindarin had some improvement after attending N2 this year and going JG edudrama... but conversational wise still not as good.... so I sent him to Berries liao. Wish he can be more auto like J...
<font color="0000ff">Poohy</font>
Don't worry about S's developement. It's already proven that boys are slower in terms of developement of speech than girls. I had listened to Pastor Prince's sermon before, regarding educating children.... Never pin too much hope on boys when they are still young. As it's proven in many childcare and many theory from Child Psychology experts, girls speak in sentences when they are 2 yrs onwards, but boys can make lots of whooshing and swishing sound, but always come out with one word.... Superman/Batman/Die/Fight/Hee-ak...... Heeeeee

<font color="119911">Poshies</font>
Got it liao! Saved! Thanks!

<font color="ff6000">Meow</font>
I going end of April. Exact date to be confirmed as I'm still busy preparing documents. Heee... not me enjoying those channels. My hubby is. Ahahahahaha.....
<font color="0000ff">Meow</font>
The 1 she holding pressie 1. Ya lor, turning 4 YO liao, all so grown up like big jie jie &amp; gor gor liao.

<font color="ff0000">Poohy</font>
My gal is very chee na now after attending CC. Everytime hear her sing China songs. -_- But nvm lor, after reading LKY's article on interacting in mandarin with kids more, I close my 1 eye now. I tell my Hb to speak more english with her now. My mum even more cute, she said Ash speaks with her in mandarin all the time now, I told her "Good mah, u also cant speak english." Then she replied saying "no mah, i can practise English with her." haha gee.. broken english lor..:p

the thing is S is considered pretty advanced in speech development. He can talk very well in English with pretty strong vocabulary. But that's about all he is good at academically.. hehee reading/spelling lagging behind J. J on the other hand has some speech delay because of her SID problem. She can pronounce words, read, spell and all but dun speak as well in conversation compared to S. But I guess boys generally does develop slower than girls in academic stuff.


same here.. ever since S went to JG edudrama, he sings mandarin nursery rhymes all the time. Hardly sing english ones anymore. But that's abt it cos he dun really communicate in mandarin. I urged my mum to speak to them in chinese though cos the english she speak all broken english... not good for their language development. I hope he gets up to speed in his mandarin 'cos the primary school we are likely to send him has higher chinese.... hopefully Berries does a good job in that.

actually I think its true that english is easier to master than chinese. So now, I speak much more chinese with Josh... hopefully he will be successfully billingual
<font color="0000ff">Angel,</font>
In terms of speech and motor skill development, Keane is much faster than Kayla. Kayla cannot speak in short sentences yet whereas Keane can do that way before 2YO.

But Keane is very lazy. Doesnt show much interest in academic stuff. Maybe he takes after his mummy. haha.
<font color="0000ff">Poohy</font>
oh i see.. if u intend to put him in a primary sch with higher chinese, then guess foundation shd be lay well.. For me, I guess I'm lucky that Ashley is exposed to mandarin since birth. So I guess for her to speak mandarin more once after her CC, she is more receptive to it. My sis whom residing in China now came back 1 holiday &amp; commented that her mandarin really improves &amp; to think she doesn't even noe her Chinese Name when she was 2 YO.

I hope she is bilingual now cos she can switch pretty fast in her languague. But I do wonder which language she is thinking in her brain?

I think for Motor skills development, the boys will develop much faster than the gals. Boys attention span are usually shorter than gals cos they are generally more active. So u dun worry too much ...
<font color="0000ff">Maternity Leave</font>
Anyone know the 3 mths Maternity leave is equivalent to how many days &amp; that 4th mth is only equivalent to 20 days? My gynea's ML system is so stupid, has to generate in days interm of weeks, so now I have to tell them how many days for 3 mths so he can prescribe 3 mths ML to me. Arrgh..
yeah Sheryl also use 1pc per day and i'm giving her MP lor. My ultra i did buy but big so put aside first lor

She ah...sometimes only lah. Not everyday wanna read. Maybe that day her mood is good.

Ok wah aft tat yr HB will join you mah.

Yeah that one looks older. She's 4yrs today liao mah
Later i agar help you cal the number of days bah.

Happy Birthday to Zavier.

Happy Birthday to Xavier in advance in case i'm busy at work and cant pop in

Here's Sheryl's cake that i design for her, a simple one but she loves it. Sorry about her messy hair :p
I remember back then when its so call 3mths maternity, it actually means 12weeks of ML not exactly 3tmhs. Reason cos a year has 52weeks which is 12months then some months have more days then the others hence count week is more accurate. So its 12weeks x 7days = 84days lah. And if its 4mths equivalent to 16weeks, will be 16x7 = 112days lor. Correct?
<font color="0000ff">Tigger</font>
Most likely is cos Keane is the first born. Parents spend alot of time speaking to the first born. Thus, in terms of speech developement, they will be faster. However, if kids are closer in age or twins of different sex, what I mentioned will be more evident. Like when I compare Joeson and my neighbour, born 2 days apart, the little girl is taking part in karaoke competition already.

<font color="119911">Meow</font>
Happy Birthday to Sheryl. Aiyo, the cake is always so so so sweet. Envy.

<font color="ff6000">Poohy</font>
Don't know why my hubby remembers you and Samuel very clearly. I always told him, I'm very sure samuel is going to be alot more advance in terms of speech and others than Joeson. Cos of a patient mummy like to guiding him along. Unlike me.... I only know how to have fun with Joeson. Ahahahahaha.....
<font color="0000ff">Meow</font>
Yes yes 16 wks = 112 days. For the 84 days, cos they got inclusive of our holidays &amp; wkends rite? Cos I'm taking 3 mths, then 4th mth is flexi 1 &amp; my HR told me is 20 days oni. cos due to 5 days x 4 weeks = 20 days. Sound logical or not hor hah?

The cake u bake urself again this time?? So thoughtful &amp; sweet of u to design a princess theme for her!

<font color="ff0000">Happy 4 YO to Sheryl &amp; Zavier!!</font>

Sorry, really short memory nowadays, cant seem to rem any kids birthdays

<font color="ff6000">Batman</font>
u working in HR rite? 84 days for 3 mths correct or not hah??
Happy birthday to Sheryl and Zavier!

<font color="0000ff">twinklets,</font>
For my company, the 1st 2 months are calculated based on months. Then the other 2 months that are govt paid are based on weeks. Is it the same for your company? Or just based on 4 x 4 weeks = 16 weeks?
Happy Birthday to Sheryl &amp; Zavier!!!

sheryl looks more n more like u leh... hehehe... the cake very pretty... very girl leh... i now waiting to see darryl's cake... hehehehe...

my company same as tigger, 1st 2 mths are gg by mth, so if edd is 15 apr then 1st 2 mths will end on 15 june then subsequent 2 mths will be on weeks... i.e. 8 weeks starting from 15 jun... so effectively it will be shorter than 4 full mth maternity leave... all inclusive of sat/sun/ph...
<font color="0000ff">Tigger</font>
Thanks for ur info. I guess my co. wont be so generous as in calculating the 1st 2 mths as months. I try to call MOM but no lines meant for maternity leave 1. I dun want to call my HR cos they are super blur 1. I guess I'll simply ask my Gynea side to prescribe 84 days then which sound logical to me.
You went to Joyce for photoshoot, isit?

Sheryl's cake so sweet. You bought the deco yrself?

By right, ML is 2 months following by 8 weeks. If you take 3 mths of ML, then it will be 2 mths plus 4 wks inclusive of Public holiday.

<font color="ff0000">Happy birthday to all the kiddos!</font>

yes i went to joyce... i was sweating when she took the goldfish out... i told her i dun wan to be the murderer if my kids spill the fishes!!! ahahahaha...

btw the maternity leave calculation is standard MOM's guideline isit? i.e. 2 mths + 8 weeks??
