(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB


no lah! haha.. I am also v lazy. S definitely do not have a love for reading. I had to try my best to read every night or on the car and try to get him involved. Other than that, its only when he is real bored before he will get a book to read on his own.

J has a natural love for reading ... so dun need me to cultivate. In fact, other than the last 1 month or so, I had never really read to them regularly.... too tired most of the time.

I decided to teach them phonics blend last month when I went back to work... cos felt maybe since they already know the letter sound so well already, its time. So I started trying with all the words ending with "AT", then I found they actually understand the concept of word blends. So I move on to expand to "AG", "AS" etc etc. Slowly we expand and expand .... and I let them build their sight word reading library by watching "Meet the sight words" DVDs.

That's how they became more confident and slowly start to read sentences I wrote for them on a card using the words I know they can read. Then every other day, I introduce a new sight word either from what we speak or a book that I am trying to get them to read. In addition, I introduce groups of word every other day like those ending with "AT", "OX", "IT" etc.

I also picked a few good books like "Green eggs and Ham", Ladybird readers to read to them very often or once every other day... and as I read, slowly I omit a few words, to let them read for me. Within one month, they can read simple books by themselves already.

But having interest in reading really helps. Thus even though I teach both of them together, J can read better than S. In fact J has a bigger reading vocabulary compared to S, even though S speaks better.

But their mandarin is still not at conversational stage yet... worrying. I am thinking of ways to rescue their chinese hehee

<font color="0000ff">poohy,</font>
If you considered yourself lazy, then I dunno what to say abt myself. :p

Just by reading what you have done on the word blending etc, it already takes up a lot of time and effort.

Keane's mandarin is even worse. He refused to speak even a word of it. My hubby thinks that mandarin is not important at all cos he is lousy at it.

I felt mandarin is important cos I myself have a love for the language and chinese culture and classics. And besides that we are chinese afterall. Definitely not becos of whatever economic reasons.

But my kids dunno how to speak mandarin cos ...well its my fault... I speak only english to them all these while. Now its very difficult to reverse cos when I tried to talk in mandarin, they answered in english or they dun understand at all. If I tried to read chinese story books... they run away even before I can finish a sentence.

Nowadays S's chinese improve a lot in terms of recognising words. Kudos to his school teacher. But I still feel its not there yet cos I expect at least that they can conduct a simple conversation. I intend to send him to Pei Hwa with higher chinese ....so I think I better make sure his mandarin is reasonable... else sure suffer in future. especially since he is not the studious type.

Realising my mistake, I speak 70% of the time in chinese to Joshua now
Easier to learn english.
yeah you did a lot already as compare to most of us. For me I'm pretty surprise that Sheryl can read some words despite i never teach nor read to her that often. Even recently i bought a disc on Thomas sing along, she reading from the lyrics and sing with the song. I was shock lor.
same here. I spoke english to them and even my parents. So now i try my best to speak chinese more too. Esp to Darryl. Hope with time they will have improvement
dun worry you're not alone. Sheryl cant speak proper chinese. Sure mix english in sentence and sound like ang mo
tigger, meow,

I bought the chinese nursery song dvd recently for them to watch and they started being able to sing many chinese nursery by themselves. Their chinese pronounciation are also less ang moh now. Just lack the ability to create proper sentence or conversation.
dewdrop: i'm also going taipei next week
with both girls.. so far all the flights that we have taken with Lisa, no problem with hot water at all. and the hot water provided in the plane is really hot so no worries.

reading: Lisa showed interest in reading, and she was progressing pretty well. but i sense that her progress is affected by the arrival of mei mei. partly because we are busier, partly i find that sometimes she behaved like a baby, insist that we read to her instead of reading herself. not just in the area of reading.. she also tend to cry more. maybe she saw that when mei mei cry, daddy or mummy will tend to her, so she is doing the same.. sigh.. tough..

any advise what i can do?

actually its ok to read to her. Point the words as you read and she will pick up the words. At least she want you all to read to her. I gotta pester S every nite to let me read for him! Sometimes he just run away half way and I just continue myself. I actually do enjoy reading especially those with ryhming words.. like Dr seuss.
<font color="0000ff">poohy,</font>
I also bought chinese nursery songs dvd for them. But they are more interested in dancing than singing. Haha.

<font color="ff6000">batman,</font>
I was on msn but appeared as offline just now. Are you still on leave? Sorry to read about your dad. Hope your mum is coping well. Take care!
Just came back from my checkup. Gynae did the cervix check and said NOT ready yet.

I was hoping to deliver today so that Keane and his baby brother can share the same birthday. Gotta see gynae again on next Mon. If no action by then, gotta discuss what to do next.
Hi meow,

Just saw yr posting...I din see these type of balloons selling but you can make it yrself, editable ones somemore...just use few single colored lollipops tie together in a bunch.

or you can use those candy balls...those hard ones, poke toothpick/flower wire into it can liao...or now supermarkets got nicely wrap easter choco eggs, poke toothpick/flower wire can pass of as balloons in a bunch liao

or if not use ready made fondant &amp; add yr own colors

same here for Josh.. I was hoping he will arrive on 25th Oct (me and my mum's birthday) but he came one week later.

u must be feeling so excited abt the coming birth
<font color="0000ff">poohy,</font>
Wow, so nice to share the same birthday as your mum.

I am excited but kind of tired of waiting. Can't wait to unload.

same feeling when I was carrying Josh. Excited and tired. And painful and I kenna infection and varicose veins quite easily during the last weeks. So it wasn't that easy. But the birth was great... and it was all worth it... Josh had been such an angel.
S &amp; J love him.
Back to work yesterday.
For my mum, deep in her heart of cos can't accept the reality. A person can just go like that. Life is so fragile. We definitely needs time to heal. Of course everyone cannot accept the reality of him leaving. Becos he's consider healthy, but few mths back, my mum said he complaint that his chest was pain. He did went to see doc and ate the medicine. Maybe it's time for him to go.

I always cries whenever i think of him.

So please treasure the moment when your love ones is still around.
<font color="0000ff">Batman</font>
sorry to hear abt that.. Your last statement awakens me..

<font color="ff0000">Tigger</font>
still here?
<font color="0077aa">batman,</font>
I guess it's too sudden, that's why it's really hard to accept. Take care ya.

<font color="ff6000">twinklets,</font>
I am still WAITING ah!
sorry to hear about your dad. Yes i agree it takes time to heal and when you think of it your emotion will flow in naturally. Be strong!

when's the EDD given?

you really have lots of ideas. Where to find those colourful hard candies? Wont it crack if i use those wire to poke? Lollypop i scare too heavy for the cake to hold them still I'm already using the lollypop sticks to make as banner so think that bunch will be too heavy and big but i like that idea.
Oops still no news ah...maybe like my boy lor...too comfy and overstay 2days inside till he poo lor then end up C sect
if you're keen:
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<font color="aa00aa">batman :


you need to be strong now.

hehe.. we can propose lah.. but god will dispose.

<font color="aa00aa">krazy,</font>
hehe, I will just wait for the right time.

Happy 4th Birthday to C! How was the celebration in her sch?
<font color="aa00aa">tigger:
thank you!

C's running a fever!
started yesterday and this morning, shot up.

my poor hub was rushing around, trying to take her to school on time, and collecting the cake. c was turned away cuz she wasnt well but her teachers allowed her in for the cake cutting and celebration during snack time.

poor girl.. but at least she had her little celebration.

i also bought her a cake for this evening with us. </font>
tigger, you popped already? Hope you have a smooth delivery!

Oh dear, C had fever. Hope she's better now. Zavier's teacher called me in mid day informing Zavier was running a fever and vomitted in school. Hope it's not gastric flu again.
Sheryl had high fever for her last birthday too. Me too order a cake for her in school to share with her classmates, but due to her fever, i didn't bring her to school. Ended up we finish the cake ourselves. Nevertheless, Happy Birthday to Cheryl!!

Sheryl in evening was having soft watery stool. I hope she didnt catch any stomach flu...keeping my fingers cross
<font color="aa00aa">zyp, meow:

ohh... hope that your kiddos did not catch anything.

the weather is terrible these days!!!! so hot and then will pour heavily the next minute! adults also cant take it, what more for children?

wow.. i was also thinking of calling it off but how to finish 20 cupcakes, and 1 14" cake ourselves? so i told my hub, even if they dint allow c in there, just give them the cake lor. else what do we do with them?

eat for the entire week man.. </font>
20 cupcakes indeed is hard to finish all in a day. Yeah giving the cakes to the kids is the only choice. I remember then i even prepare goody bags for her classmates, end up also cant distribute to them since it was a friday like yours. Is C better now? S since poo 3 times last night and this morn once also very soft stools but she dun look very sick except some flu and cough. Will get to monitor her. If she develops fever, then got to bring her to doc already
<font color="0077aa">Hi Carla and Tigger,

I think the problem with my maid is initiative. She really must kick then go. If don't kick, will slowly slack or do things differently (taking shortcuts) from the way that she was taught. Plus my hubby didn't like her since early early, (now she with us for almost a year), but because I told my hubby I too tired to train another new maid since I changed like every 2-3 months before her (The previous 2 maids were too young, demanding to talk to agent every now and then, cos they are not used to the pace of our household). So we had to keep on checking on her, tell her... very tiring. Give her notebook to jot also can do wrong. Even my mum, who comes to my place everyday to take care of Iden, cannot tahan her. Kept asking us to change. The only good thing is that she didn't do all the funny spells thingy or steal money and can play with the kids, things like that so we scold scold, but still keep her. Now she asked to leave herself so that's why we looking around.


That cake is special. From where?


Thanks for helping to check. I going next monday.


When are you going and coming back from Taipei?</font>
<font color="aa00aa">meow:
thanks for your concern.
c's fever has stayed away since last night although i still gave her the fever meds. will stop morrow.

c's b'day cake this year:
S still got LS leh. No idea what happen to her. Friday like that till now wor.
She can eat well but i try not to give her vege if she really have stomach flu. She's still taking her milk thou

Hi all,
Thks! Trying hard to coping with myself. 说很容易,做就难. My sisters and I are taking turns to stay overnight at her plc. We may also hire a maid as well.

tigger88, still there?
Need you to send me the maid's house rules.
