(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

btw, change my nickname liao. No more batman. My boys' favourite cartoon is now Ben 10. So crazy over it. Xavier even knows some of the Ben10 charactors' names.

My elder son keep pestering me to buy Ben10 comics. Don't know read too much comics is good sign anot.

<font color="aa00aa">COngratulations TIgger!

rest well now!</font>
Hi mummies,

Long time nvr pop in leow.. Hope all of u are doing well..


Congras to u!!! Do rest well..


You take good care too..


How was ur ride to Genting?? I am also planning to drive up to Genting during Labour Day period bt cant find kakis ley.. ALSO have pbm booking hotel cos its full, i heard. Only open to Casino members nw..
Congrats!!!! Welcome baby K.

do tell me your trip hor. I'm going in mid May. Where to buy children clothes huh?
Hey mummies, Thanks all for your well wishes!
This delivery is tougher than I thought. Kaeus (pronounce as k-years) is at posterior position like Kayla. Already did all the exercise I could before delivery in hope for optimal position but still doesnt work.

Started mild contraction at 5am yesterday. Admitted by 8am, checked dilation at 5cm. Thought subsequent naturals birth would be much faster. Declined epidural, drip to speed up labour and the pethidine jab. Only rely on the laughing gas. Really "gei kiang".

Who knows dilation from 5cm to 10cm took a long time and doctor was telling me if cannot deliver by 3pm, must c-section liao.

The pain is really bad when I was trying to push him out. In the end need to use vaccum as his head is still quite high up due to his posterier position. Anyway, I am so glad it's over now. Kaeus is the lightest at birth (3.04kg) but the toughest to deliver.

My gynae was really stressed out during the whole delivery process. He commented that if I'm going for the 4th kid, make sure the head is facing correctly. haha.

<font color="0077aa">hoho,</font>
Congrats to you too! What's your boy's name?
congrats!! if i were u, i oso may not ask for epi since admit already 5cm dilated... rest well and we'll be eagerly waiting for kaeus fotos

rest well now... did u have a serious tear this time since vaccuum is used? Hope you have a speedy recovery. How's the 2 siblings taking to little Kaeus?
<font color="aa00aa">tigger:
at least that is over.

must have been rather traumatic to be in labour so long. rest and rest now.
Congrats! Btw, what is the full meaning of Kaeus? K &amp; A is standard. then EUS leh?

There's alot of wholesale kids clothes at Wu Fen Pu but some of them don't sell to public unless buy in bulk. But there's a few who does and abt NT100 per piece if i didn't remember wrong. Are u bringing S&amp;D along? cos' wu fen pu shopping area can go few hours but the kids will be dead bored and no place to seat. The other time i went, my hb was so tired carrying D and then give me black face. End up, i found a hotel and the hotel do offer 3 hourly rental. So we rent the place for 3 hrs for my hb, D and my dad to rest, while me and my mum go shop. Then they happily sleep and watch tv in the room while waiting for us. I think its only NT500 for 3-4hrs rental.
yeah S&amp;D will be going as well as my parents. What hotel is there? I should be staying in Ximending or the tapei main station...something like that. Wu Fen Pu is at which station? Walk there? NT100 equals how much?
<font color="ff6000">sweatcorn,</font>
Ya lor, that is what I thought also...already 5cm, just tahan lor..who knows it was so traumatic.

<font color="0077aa">San,</font>
Means K &amp; A Equates US.

<font color="aa00aa">krazy,</font>
Ya, at last it's over but hor..if I am going to have the 4th one...I may opt for c-sec...enough of natural..hahaha

<font color="ff0000">meow,</font>
Kaeus looks very muck like Keane at birth. But he has lesser hair than Keane.

He's so cute...chubby and innocent. How is wish Sheryl can also be like then. Now she's getting out of hand. Dunno one day if she'll end up in gals home or not.
<font color="0000ff">poohy,</font>
bad tear again.

<font color="ff6000">meow,</font>
our 4YO tods are not as "innocent" as compared to infants liao.
btw anyone have huggies ultra or pullup pant barcode to be given aways.. want to redeem for toy for my kids... do let me know if u have... cheers..

meow, u going to redeem this round???
kaeus so cute... see his pic makes me think of my k monster 4 yrs ago... those were the days - eat n sleep n cry of cos... but so peaceful compared to now...

mine same lah, monster oso lah... u scold him, he ask u 'mummy do u love me?'... his daddy scold him, he told his daddy 'daddy, can you dun scold me??'... faint...
sweatcorn, meow,

dunno why the 4 year old nowadays got very thick skin... scold also not scared. S can really drive me up the wall nowadays. Of course the newborn/infant is the best hehee.... eat,sleep,carry... but at least wont make us so "kek sim".


Kaeus is really chubby leh.... so cute! I like babies to be as chubby as possible but my Josh had lost alot of weight after being sick the last one month.
yeah lor...so terrible leh. Can jus throw tantrum for no reason one. Like yesterday ask her to get in car, daddy carry her in and she can jus run out to the pavement again. Then carry her back and give a black face. Accidentally poke my eyes also dun say sorry at all. How to educate her? Sometimes wonder if too smart is a problem also cos she can read and regconigse many words already.

maybe maybe not. Will depends. My code are still on the pack. Jus tat i might be going down to Kidzloft this sat so can go collect if i'm keen lah since nearby.

least yours will ask you. Initial she also ask can dun scold her but now is straight face turn black and cross her hands leh. Know what...Darryl also learn to cross his hands also lor and says hummpp

yeah lor now the kids are so hard to handle. I really tell her straight now if she still behaves like this she will grow up and put into jail lor. I know this is not good. But becoz she can understand alot of things hence i gotta use this way then she will think.

Anyone needs anything from Kidzloft? Got a friend got 50% this month.
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Tigger</font>
Congratulations! Cute baby Kaeus! I so envy and itch now liao la...... But must tahan. Can only plan next year onwards.

<font color="119911">Bubblicious</font>
So long never see you online.

The trip to Genting was so so so fun. Firstly, my 2 boys never fuss during the trip, even though I prepared nothing to keep them distracted. Secondly, they are so so so easy to take care when there. Never give me big problem. Listen to me and enjoyed themselves thoroughly.
Initially I booked the First World Hotel deluxe room. Non-view. But upon check-in, was so disappointed to see that the room was so small and it faces another room. Went to change to room to a room with view, but when we enquire more and more... was told Superior Deluxe room as well as world club room was much bigger and with view. After some enquiries, we eventually decided to stay at their World Club room. A decision that we'll never regret.
The World Club room cost us about $130 per night. But it was very big and spacious, with sofa. And with splendid view. Our breakfast was also special. We had our breakfast on 24th floor of tower 1, their World Club lounge. Continental breakfast. Nice!!!!
Joeson enjoyed his rides thoroughly. And much to my surprise, so does Anson. Heeee..... Definitely will bring my 2 darlings there again soon.
i agreed... now at the age of 4... alot of them are showing other side... don know whether are they starting to know how to act... the other day... gerald will misbehaviour at granny place... i'm so angry and scolded him... guess what.. he is throwing his tantrum, then go n hit his granny... i'm angry... ask him to stop.. then he run inside granny room... screaming and crying.. i don bother about him... playing with my gal... my bro in law follow and see... u know what... he told me.. he will cry and scream... then keep quiet... then look ard see anyone .. then saw my bro in law... start to cry and scream again.... haiz... so young know how to act already....
hi angel,
haha.... must wait for 1 more year than plan.... good for u... both ur boys enjoy themselves and listern to u... i think if i bring my boy... not the road... i might be considering going home already...
hi all,

your boy asked you "mummy, do you love me?". My boy also asked this as and when you like. But he will also add on "This morning you said you don't love me." which I never said b4. Faint...

Last Sunday, my mum was talking abt my relatives were being scolded by their daughter in law recently. Then I was thking, die la, I will hv 2 daughters in law in the future. By then, I must be been bullied &amp; treated like maid.
Sheryl is so smart, can recog many words.. Sheri is like a lazy pig.. Everytime i ask her to write a few words, less than 5 mins she will give me a very tired look and even asked me to help her to write!! When it comes to play, she can be so energetic for hours! Sigh..

Shania is also getting out of hand. Everytime she kena scolding from someone, she will make comments like "I tell my "daddy/mummy/ah ma/ah pek" to scold you har!" - depending on who is scolding her..

Good to hear tat u &amp; family enjoyed the stay. I have never been to their World Club Rm. Do you want to go again during Labour Day period?? If so, we can go tog.. Kekeke.. Can prob jio a few more families along??

My Sheri also very thick skin... As stubborn as bull also.. My hubby always flare up when he look after the 2 gals on his own.. Sigh.. I really miss the good old days when i have a domestic helper.. ;(
yes i miss the days when the 2 monsters are baby... sigh... now even shanice oso can make u me puke blood... u scold her, she look at u n smile... faint...

k will not get angry, he will juz say 'i dun wan daddy/mummy...' depending on who is scolding him... sigh...

x's mummy,
i oso scared leh... i'm the daughter-in-law from hell n hubby always say i'll hv 'bao ying' next time... so better move far away from them...
<font color="0000ff">Poshies</font>
Cannot have another now. No money + No time. Seriously, I'm up to my tonsils in regards to the monthly spending on family and the 2 little ones. Now that Anson also goes to school, which is much faster than Joeson, I really can kill myself. Planning to have another one is mainly becos wanna try for a girl. That's all. I wouldn't have wanted another one if I already have a boy and a girl.

<font color="119911">Bubblicious</font>
Hmmm.... how come no more helper? I don't think I can survive without one anymore. Say I lazy also can la... :p
Me and hubby has got plan to go on Labour Day, with only the 2 of us. But the, it's still at planning stage as I might have to fly to Taiwan anytime soon. Now only waiting for a phone call only. He cannot afford too many leave la.

<font color="aa00aa">SC</font>
K so cute. Won't get angry. Joeson is angry 90% of his awake time. Haiz.... need to buy an iron to iron out his brows. Frowning baby.

<font color="ff6000">X's mummy</font>
Tell me about it. You, me, my H buddy... all going to be MIL to 2 DILs. I really don't wanna imagine anymore. Just treat my MIL better now. Hopefully they will catch the cue and know how to 'teach' their Girlfriend.
<font color="aa00aa">angelneo,
1st story abt my aunt who is looking after her son's gal - While her gal is having the bath, her DIL wants the master bedroom's toilet door to be closed. Maybe her DIL scare her gal caught cold, so they don't let her DIL to know since she's away to work during daytime.

2nd story abt my godmother - scolded by her DIL in the 2nd mth after her DIL gave birth. I think the matter is related to bb.

3rd story abt my uncle's wife - last time she only liked boy instead of gal. So she never carried us when my mum gave birth to 3 gals. Her DIL gave birth last year July. Now her DIL said that she doesn't want my uncle's wife to carry the bb. Maybe retribution la.</font>

Me too. Now also treat my MIL better la. Otherwise next time will hv retribution.
wow.... u all so cute.. think so far aways...

hi angel,
yup lor so ex rite... hubby keen to have another bb but i told him.. he don help to take care... i'm not going to give him another one...
so many posts, wow. suddenly the thread is active again. :p

<font color="0000ff">Meow</font>
When is the deadline for Kidsloft order?
Btw wat's the website for kidsloft hah? I wanan look for those sleeping bag for bb, duno kidsloft have or not leh.

<font color="ff0000">Tigger</font>
I realize 1 thing for all your 3 Ks, ie all are very fair &amp; rosy &amp; chubby!
Cos most NBs are mostly tanned tanned, but urs are opposite. Seeing your Kaeus make me so eagered to see my baby now. Sighs, but too bad I cant C section early due to hb's work commitments currently, have to plan as original date. I just hope I won't have any contractions when I drive.
I'm now hoping my baby will b as guai as urs, stay PUT first.

<font color="ff6000">4 YO</font>
For me, i think Ashley is at this pleasing stage though. Trying to please me actually. But I dunno her attitude will change once her bro is out or not. She still has her tantrum moments but definitely lesser than 3 YO. It depends her mood when I scold her. Her reply can be "I dun want to fren you, I want daddy. I dun want you. I ask Daddy to beat u" Then she got those beating action. Or she can simply cries &amp; keep saying "I want Mummy to love me." then keep on want me to sayang her.

Besides these, I suspect she &amp; her frens keep talking abt 'marry', 'bf &amp; gf' in cc.
She can tell me who &amp; who are gf &amp; bf, &amp; she herself bf is who. She told me she jealous when tat so called bf of hers got her best fren as her gf. then she demo me on folding her arms &amp; hummppff them. *alamak* Then yday nite she told me she went to kiss this bf on the cheeks. OMG!!!!!!!!!!! I wanna faint lor. 4 YO not reach u noe. Really lost of innocence. They mature so damn fast. Then nowadays keep wanting me &amp; hb to kiss each other on the mouth &amp; pronounce us as "marry". *Faint*

S also will say "I dun want my mummy anymore" when I scold him too harshly. Anyway simply put, he is at an age which will drive me up the wall lah. I keep wondering what happened to my sweet nature boy.

J is also another one... plus her SID/arousal modulation problem...


S also lazy! Nowadays he will procrastinate and give excuse liao... ask him to do writing or practise violin, he will tell me "mummy, I practise tomorrow because I am tired/sick/busy" . He become diplomatic liao... dun even say "dun want" outright... he give excuse to procrastinate.
www.kidzloft.com i'm going down this saturday morning if nothing goes wrong. Yeah i think they have. Now even diaper bag they also have

Yeah she can read many words. I also dunno where she pick up. Either my dad teach her if not will be from shows lor. As i say, when she watch the show from thomas, she reads and sing along from the show lor.
<font color="0000ff">Tigger</font>
Congrats! Sorry didn't manage to congrat u earlier coz bz in office leh.. sigh.. tender liao still quite bz... just tt I try not to work late only lor.. if possible.

<font color="119911">4 YO</font>
Now Valerie can say more things, understand better, can reason better.. so her tantrums is reduced but then again.. she'll tell u "I'm not tired", "I'm not thirsty", "It's not tasty", "I'm not hungry"... and the list goes on.. so asking her to do something (e.g. eat, sleep, drink) can be a real challenge.

Yest HB got some event so came home quite late.. and she wants me to accompany her.. yet refuse to sleep ("I don want to sleep.. I not tired").. but it's 11+ and I need to pump so I left her in her room.. BIG MISTAKE.. she cry the hse down and I have to pick up my pump and move to her room to continue pumping..

Luckily we've already fed the boi.. otherwise if both cry at the same time I die..

But in general.. Valerie is still manageable. Just the bedtime is becoming later &amp; later..


U tendered liao??? to be a SAHM????

Re: Maid,
In a dilemma right now... I've been scolding my maid for the past 3 days. She always cannot wake up for night feeds... saying she's tired despite taking afternoon nap leh... so I got my agent to speak to her and at the same time keep a lookout for a new maid.

Yesterday, my agent reverted with a gd news that they found a gd match for me. Sent me the biodata and I have interview her over the phone too... sounds pleasant and her english is good too.

Wanted to take her but if i take her, then my current maid how? She has shown some improvement over last night. *sigh*... not fair to her if i change half-way... Headache leh

hi meow,

wana ask u been to the toyrus sale, hve u seen any little tikes table &amp; bench or any other kids table/chairs/bench??
